Bittersweet final message from Queen to grandson Harry finally revealed on his birthday

In recent years, since Prince Harry married Meghan Markle in 2018, hisrelationship with the rest of the British royal family has become quitestrained.

But the Prince has always maintained that his relationship with hisgrandmother, Queen Elizabeth, has never suffered!

Getty Images

The Duke of Sussex celebrated his 38th birthday a few days ago. But in thecurrent situation, there probably won’t be much celebration. The Duke, who wasin England on work-related matters, discovered his grandmother’s ill healthjust before performing at an awards ceremony with his wife Meghan Markle.

The young couple canceled their previous commitments, after which Harry flewto Scotland to see his grandmother for the last time. Unfortunately, PrinceHarry’s flight landed only a short time after the Queen’s death and he wasunable to have a final conversation with her.


While preparing for the Queen’s funeral, the family has little time tocelebrate the Duke’s 38th birthday.

Message from the Queen

On his birthday, the royal family’s official account on Twitter uploaded fourimages of the Duke from different times and events in his life, with abittersweet birthday message from the late Queen to him: “Happy Birthday tothe Duke of Sussex today! ”

It is an emotionally difficult time for the family as they recently took partin the Queen’s coffin procession from Buckingham Palace to Westminster. TheQueen’s son, King Charles III, led the procession, closely followed by hissons the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Sussex.


The family stood in a predetermined formation facing the coffin and thepurple-covered catafalque.

Prince Harry was seen wiping tears from his eyes during the ceremony,seemingly emotional as he said goodbye to his beloved grandmother.

Prince Edward and Sophie, the daughter of the Countess of Wessex, Lady LouiseWindsor, were also among the members of the royal family who got emotional andwiped their tears.


After it was the turn of the Sussexes to bow and bow to the queen’s chest,they held each other quite tightly. According to body language expert JudiJames, this was a good sign, she said: “Within the service, the women joinedtheir husbands, but again, the large spatial distances seemed intentional tocreate an air of formality.”

“As the couples walked away, they seemed to stick to this formation, apartfrom Harry and Meghan, who came closer and stretched their arms across the gapto hold hands in a mutual gesture to reconnect,” she continued. .

Building on her thoughts, she said: “They used their clasped hands as a methodof offering each other support, comfort and reassurance and, as they walkedbehind Prince William and Kate and presumably were about to talk, linked back.turned out to be extremely important to them.”


Harry is having a hard time with this loss. The Duke of Sussex paid a movingtribute to his late grandmother with some lovely words. He said: “As wecelebrate the life of my grandmother, Her Majesty the Queen – and in mourningher loss – we are all reminded of the guiding compass she was to so many inher dedication to service and duty.”

“Grandma, although this last goodbye brings us great sadness, I am forevergrateful for all our first encounters – from my earliest childhood memorieswith you, to the first time I met you as my commander in chief until thefirst moment you met my lovely wife and embraced your beloved great-grandchildren,” he finished.

The royal family has had some ups and downs in the recent past, buthopefully this loss will bring them closer together again.

Share this sweet message from the Queen for Prince Harry ‘s last birthdaywith your friends and family.

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Ezra Miller’s ‘Messiah’ complex detailed in disturbing new report

Ezra Miller is the subject of a new Vanity Fair __ exposé, which looks atthe 29-year-old actor’s “dark spiral” over the past few years. More than adozen people were interviewed for the lengthy report, some of whom claimMiller suffers from Messiah delusions.

Miller’s erratic behavior first spilled into the public while they were inIceland in 2020. The Flash star, whose pronouns are they/them, choked twostrangers with one incident going viral after it was caught on film. Aninsider who was with Miller around this time told Vanity Fair : “[They’d]talk about the metaverse and the medicine and how they’re the Messiah and what[their] work is here. They say their spiritual practice is to be among thepeople — which means party. So, when in Iceland, [they were] out nonstop.[Their] favorite were raves, where [they’d] go on benders for two or threedays at a time.”

Miller has been accused of cult-like behavior and grooming young women.Activist Tokata Iron Eyes is among those who has been traveling around withMiller in recent months. Tokata’s parents went public and accused the actor ofbrainwashing and assaulting their daughter. (Tokata has denied this ininterviews.) Tokata’s mother, Jumping Eagle, said she has heard about Miller’ssupposed Messiah complex.

“They say they are some kind of messiah, and they’re going to lead anIndigenous revolution,” Jumping Eagle told Vanity Fair. Miller is not NativeAmerican, but has frequently spoken out against people appropriating theculture.

“[Miller] professionals that [they walk] through this world with an Indigenoushumility and spiritual awareness,” one “Indigenous insider” alleged. “But,point of fact, [they don’t] at all. because [they don’t] care.”

Multiple sources claimed to the magazine that Miller was verbally andemotionally abusive while referring to themself as both Jesus and the devil.According to one insider, the actor invoked the superhero they play “claimingthat the Flash is the one who brings the multiverses together just likeJesus.”

Story continues

Another peculiar anecdote buried in the investigative report involves SusanSarandon. While describing the Miller’s Vermont farm, where weed, guns andFlash figurines are purportedly rampant, there is an altar they like to use.

“A lot of times [Miller] makes the women put their cellphones on the altarwhen they come in, and other offerings,” a longtime friend claims to themagazine. “Ezra freaked out recently… demanding that Susan Sarandon come paytribute to [their] altar because she didn’t invite Ezra to a dinner party.”

A rep for Miller countered to Vanity Fair that Sarandon and the actor “aredear friends” and that Miller “would probably call this [anecdote] totalbullshit if asked.” (A rep for Sarandon did not respond to YahooEntertainment’s request for comment.)

Miller’s former fiancée, Erin, participated in the story and said that Miller”wasn’t violent or physically abusive toward anyone” when they were together.The couple dated in 2016.

“For years [they] convinced me and all our friends that I was abusive…. Butlooking back, I would be calling out [their] disrespect and [they] wouldn’ttake responsibility and just call me abusive because of my reaction. I couldhave handled it better. I didn’t know the term gaslight back then. I wasemotionally f***ed up for years,” Erin shared. She added that Miller broke upwith her after a spiritual advisor told them that she was a parasite.

“I can make excuses for [them] all day, but I don’t want to anymore,” sheadded. “The illusions of grandeur need to be called out. I will love Ezraalways, and I don’t want [them] to continue down this dark road.”

Last month, after Miller’s most recent judgment, the actor announced theystarted “ongoing treatment” for “complex mental health issues.” According tothe magazine, the treatment just involves therapy.

“They are taking their therapy and treatment very seriously,” Miller’s repsaid.

The move was a last ditch effort to save next year’s blockbuster movie TheFlash , which will be Miller’s biggest movie yet. Warner Bros. is movingforward with the tentpole despite the mounting negative press about its star.

“The notion that The Flash was at risk was a wake-up call,” Miller’s repadded.

MORE: Ezra Miller ‘s seeks treatment ‘mental health issues’ — experts explainwhat that means

Parliamentary questions about abortion song by punk band Vulva

punk band Vulva

Parliamentary questions about abortion song by punk band Vulva

MPs from the ChristenUnie and SGP ask the Minister of Health (VWS) inparliamentary questions about the legal options for taking action against theRotterdam punk band Vulva. That band praises the freedom to have an abortion,and the way in which they do that repulses the MPs.

“Are there administrative or legal options to take action against this?” ChrisStoffer of the SGP and Mirjam Bikker of the governing party ChristenUnie askMinister Ernst Kuipers (VSW). They are mainly concerned with the song ‘Killthe Baby’, about abortion. Stoffer and Bikker find the way Vulva expresseshimself “about something as vulnerable as abortion” “downright shocking”.

Read also an interview with Kim Hoorweg: ‘I was driven into the professionway too early’

Consciously rude

The band Vulva organized a mini-festival in the Arminiuskerk in Rotterdam atthe end of August, in honor of the release of their first album, Woe to theWicked. Their music and lyrics are deliberately rude, said Kim Hoorweg of theband earlier in NRC : „It is playing hard and kicking against everything. Wewant to make a subject such as abortion, still in the penal code, open fordiscussion. (…) Find it difficult or ridiculous what we say. I feel thetension you feel now every day.”

Kill the baby / I ‘m not your mommy / just kill the baby / my uterus‘Hoorweg and fellow band member Nadya van Osnabrugge sing in ‘Kill the Baby’.In the music video accompanying the song, a plastic baby doll is set on fire,thrown out of a window, given to a dog to chew and then placed on an electricchair.

“The parliamentary questions show that the right to abortion must be removedfrom the penal code and protected as soon as possible,” says Hoorweg. “You seea relatively small but loud group taking political action and attemptingcensorship. This shows how easily we can end up in a similar situation toAmerica that now seems absurd.”

Anti-abortion protesters

The two band members have also been threatened since their album presentation,and at their concert in the dB’s hall in Utrecht, some anti-abortiondemonstrators handed out flyers and held a prayer circle. According to the_Reformation Newspaper_ __the protesters were pelted with tomatoes, apples anda stone.

It also disturbs the MPs of SGP and ChristenUnie that the AVA organization wasinvolved in the event in the Arminiuskerk. AVA, an initiative of the HumanistAssociation that provides information about contraception and abortion incollaboration with foundations such as Rutgers, FIOM, the Dutch Associationfor Obstetrics and Gynaecology (NVOG) and the Dutch Association of AbortionDoctors (NGvA), was invited by Vulva. The MPs ask the minister whether thismeans that AVA and its partners also support the message of ‘Kill the baby’.

And because Vpro website 3for12 published a piece about Vulva, the two MPsalso want to know whether there are limits for public media to report on”violent and offensive artistic expressions”.

Penny Lancaster Is ‘Very Grateful’ There Was No Trouble While Policing Queen’s Funeral

Shutterstock Penny Lancaster trained to become a special constable with theCity of London Police after appearing on the reality TV show Famous andFighting Crime

Penny Lancaster had a unique perspective during the world’s farewell to HerMajesty.

The British model and TV personality, 51, who is married to Rod Stewart,credited “great training and preparation” for a smooth day as she spoke to SkyNews about being part of the police detail on Monday for Queen Elizabeth II’sstate funeral.

“With all that planning going ahead, you can never quite predict how the crowdis [going to] react and the dangers that might lay ahead,” Lancaster said.”But we’ve had great training and preparation, and fortunately, everybody paidtheir respects in the proper manner and we didn’t have any incidents to speakof. So, I’m very grateful for that.”

She explained that Operation London Bridge “came into action immediately”after the Queen’s death, and they were alerted of duties via phone.

Lancaster, who is a special constable with the City of London Police, saidthat she’s “very proud to be able to serve” during such a “historic moment”for the country as she announced her state funeral duty last week on GoodMorning Britain.

RELATED: Rod Stewart ‘s Wife Penny Lancaster Will Work Queen Elizabeth’sFuneral as a Cop: ‘Very Proud’

The coffin of Queen Elizabeth II carried by pallbearers at the State Funeralof Queen Elizabeth II, held at Westminster Abbey, on September 19, 2022 inLondon, England.  Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor was born in Bruton Street,Mayfair, London on 21 April 1926. She married Prince Philip in 1947 andascended the throne of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth on 6 February 1952after the death of her Father, King George VI.  Queen Elizabeth II died atBalmoral Castle in Scotland on September 8, 2022, and is succeeded by hereldest son, King CharlesIII.Thecoffin of Queen Elizabeth II carried by pallbearers at the State Funeral ofQueen Elizabeth II, held at Westminster Abbey, on September 19, 2022 inLondon, England.  Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor was born in Bruton Street,Mayfair, London on 21 April 1926. She married Prince Philip in 1947 andascended the throne of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth on 6 February 1952after the death of her Father, King George VI.  Queen Elizabeth II died atBalmoral Castle in Scotland on September 8, 2022, and is succeeded by hereldest son, King CharlesIII.

The coffin of Queen Elizabeth II carried by pallbearers at the State Funeralof Queen Elizabeth II, held at Westminster Abbey, on September 19, 2022 inLondon, England. Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor was born in Bruton Street,Mayfair, London on 21 April 1926. She married Prince Philip in 1947 andascended the throne of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth on 6 February 1952after the death of her Father, King George VI. Queen Elizabeth II died atBalmoral Castle in Scotland on September 8, 2022, and is succeeded by hereldest son, King Charles III.

_Jack Hill – WPA Pool/Getty _ Queen Elizabeth II died at age 96 on Thursday,Sept. 8 and her state funeral was held Monday at Westminster Abbey before shewas laid to rest at Windsor Castle

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“It was a great privilege to work at the Queen’s memorial service at St.Paul’s Cathedral on Friday,” she said. “I signed the oath of Office ofConstable to Her Majesty the Queen just over a year ago, April last year, andjust as the seamless tie between Her Majesty and King Charles III, my oathwill now be with the King.”

Story continues

Stewart, 77, detailed his wife’s eight-month journey toward becoming a cop toPEOPLE last year after she was inspired by her appearance on Famous andFighting Crime a reality show in which celebrities ride along with realofficers.

“She got absolutely absorbed by it and loved it,” he recalled in November.”She said, ‘I’m going to do this. I’m going to do all the training, all theexams.’ The nicest quote she said [is]’I want to give something back, fine,but I want to look after the city that I love, which is London.'”

Penny Lancaster and Rod Stewart attend the Upstart Crow press night at theGielgud Theater on February 17, 2020 in London,EnglandPennyLancaster and Rod Stewart attend the Upstart Crow press night at the GielgudTheater on February 17, 2020 in London,England

Penny Lancaster and Rod Stewart attend the Upstart Crow press night at theGielgud Theater on February 17, 2020 in London, England

Dave J Hogan/Getty Rod Stewart has been married to Penny Lancaster since2007 and they share two children

“She’s a part-timer, she works one day a week and patrols the Tower Bridgearound London. She makes arrests, and she’ll go out in front… She’s tough.She’s 6′ 2″. [You] can’t argue with a big blonde,” Stewart added.

Queen Elizabeth died at age 96 on Thursday, Sept. 8. Her death follows herhusband of 73 years, Prince Philip, who died at age 99 in April 2021. She issucceeded immediately by her eldest son, King Charles III, 73, who is now themonarch.

RELATED VIDEO: Meghan Markle Wears Black Version of Her Dress from Queen ‘sBirthday Celebration to Monarch’s Funeral

The Queen’s coffin traveled to Westminster Hall in a solemn procession onWednesday, and it has since been lying in state for mourners to pay theirrespects.

More than 2,000 people from around the world gathered Monday at WestminsterAbbey for the Queen’s funeral, before she was laid to rest at Windsor Castle.

Acting against a broadcaster that crosses the line is not that easy. What options does the NPO have with Ongehoord Nederland?

What rules may ON have broken?

The NPO is emphatically not about the content of the members’ programs and theeditorial freedom therefore extends far. However, there are certainly limits.For example, the broadcasters must adhere to the journalistic code of the NPOand the media law. The programs must apply the right to be heard and must notsimply leave incorrect information uncontested. Among other things, the medialaw states that programs may not incite violence or hatred against a group ormember of a group.’

According to the NPO, broadcaster ON has reached the limit of the permissiblewith the broadcast on Thursday afternoon. The program Unheard of News showeda compilation of footage of black men beating white men. According topresenter Arlette Adriani, they showed ‘the less exposed side of racism’. Co-presenter Raisa Blommestijn commented: ‘Whites being beaten up by negroes’.pointer journalist Marieke Kuypers later examined the images and came to theconclusion that there was no evidence of ‘anti-white’ racism in any case.

NPO chairman Frederieke Leeflang wrote in a statement that the publicbroadcaster attaches great importance to editorial freedom, but that there isa limit with regard to ‘racist or discriminatory statements’. That was alsothe view of all other broadcasters, who strongly criticized ON in a jointstatement. They spoke out against the broadcaster’s ‘false, racist message’,which they said was not only ‘unjournalistic’ but also goes against the corevalues ​​of the NPO. “Unworthy of public broadcasting,” was the overallverdict.

It has never happened before that broadcasters speak out so strongly against afellow broadcaster. At the same time, it is not important for any actionagainst ON what the other broadcasters think of a broadcast.

How can the NPO act against ON?

The NPO cannot simply proceed with a sanction against ON. The broadcastersmust be able to operate independently, both from the NPO and from The Hague.Therefore, some safeguards are built into the system. The public broadcastermust first await advice from the ombudsman of the NPO and the Media Authority.

Acting against a broadcaster is also very politically sensitive; the NPO willtherefore want to do everything by the book. The fact that this situation hasnever occurred before does not make it any easier: when ON was fined 93thousand euros earlier this year for ‘systematic violation of the journalisticcode’, it was the first fine ever for that reason.

Leeflang has asked both the Ombudsman and the Office of the Commission toexpress their views on the matter. The ombudsman looks into complaints aboutthe broadcast. On Sunday, the counter stood at a record number of nearly 1,700complaints filed, almost twice the total number received over the whole oflast year. At the same time, the Commissariaat assesses whether ON hasviolated the media law.

If the ombudsman and the Media Authority indeed judge that ON has violated theNPO code and media law, the broadcaster can expect a fine. This can amount to540 thousand euros, 15 percent of the total annual budget of 3.6 million thatthe ON has received. The fact that ON was previously fined makes the chance ofa new monetary penalty a lot greater.

Is there also a chance that ON will disappear from the transmitter?

To start with, after a second negative judgment, the NPO can decide to cancelthe broadcasts of Unheard of News to put. In an interview with deVolkskrant NPO chairman Leeflang said about the previous complaints procedurethat the program can be taken off the air if there is no ‘improvement’.

If a broadcaster is fined a second time, the NPO will notify the government.Then it is up to Gunay Uslu, State Secretary for Culture and Media (D66), totake further steps. She cannot convert the five-year aspiring membership of ONinto a full membership, suspend the broadcaster or even decide to remove ONcompletely from the system.

Movie car from The Fast and the Furious is sold for charity: only 6,000 km on the clock and worth a few million euros | car

A car dealership from Munich offers a Japanese coupé with a rich history. Itconcerns the Nissan GT-R of the late Paul Walker from the film series TheFast and the Furious which will be auctioned later this year.

During the shooting of the nine-part film series of _The Fast and the Furious_about 2,500 cars were destroyed. Converted, it would be about one crashed carevery 49 seconds in the movies. Fortunately for the hardcore fans of themovies, one specific car was not among the victims.

Unique copy

It is the blue Nissan R34 Skyline, from part four of the series, which hasbeen preserved. This Nissan already had a cult following with sports carenthusiasts before it debuted on the movie screen, but the film series hasmade the sports car an outright legend.

The film GT-R is a unique example that was specially composed by KaizoIndustries for the shooting and with the collaboration of lead actor PaulWalker, who was killed in a car accident in 2013. For example, on Walker’sinstructions, the car has no nameplates or stickers because he didn’t want todrive a ‘sticker bomber’.

Text continues below the photo

The super fast Nissan from the film series The Fast and the Furious. © GTA

‘Bayside Blue’

The ‘Bayside Blue’ color looks like the car came out of the showroom yesterdayand it kind of is, because the Nissan has only driven 6,000 kilometers. Thetwin-turbo 2.6-liter six-cylinder in the front is no less than 550 hp strong.The car features Nismo sports suspension, sports exhaust, body kit, roll cage,Alcantara interior and the on-board computer installed for the film, includinga custom head-up display.

If you consider that standard promotional vehicles from the The Fast and TheFurious movies have already changed hands for more than 800,000 euros, theestimated sales price of five million euros for this very special Japanesefilm car is not surprising. The seller wants to donate a large part of theproceeds to the Paul Walker ‘Reach out worldwide’ foundation. The car alsocomes with a large amount of movie memorabilia. It is not known when the carwill be auctioned exactly.

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Energy bill down already this year | Instagram

Citizens’ energy bills are already going down this year. Government officialsare still working on plans until late in the evening to make this happen.

There will be a so-called price ceiling in the energy bill. An agreement hasbeen reached on this with the various energy companies. This means that ahousehold that uses an average amount of gas and electricity will never losemore than a maximum amount. In any case, the ceiling will come into effect onJanuary 1.

It is still being investigated whether it is possible to introduce the ceilingas of 1 November, but this may lead to technical problems at some companies.If that fails, the airlines are already trying to reduce the advance they asktheir customers for the last months of this year. It is still beinginvestigated whether this is possible with every energy provider. Butaccording to an insider ‘it will just be arranged’.

Energy tax

Today, the cabinet and the group leaders of coalition parties VVD, D66, CDAand ChristenUnie have been discussing a way to curb the rising energy costs ofcitizens and businesses. On Monday afternoon, the leaders of oppositionparties PvdA and GroenLinks were also invited for a meeting with MinisterSigrid Kaag (Finance). Their support is needed to get the government’s budgetplans through the Senate.

The government will compensate energy companies if the price of gas andelectricity is higher than the agreed maximum amount that they can chargecitizens. It is not yet possible to say how many billions of euros that willcost. That depends on how high the gas price will be next winter. It has beenagreed in the coalition that the proposed reduction in energy tax for nextyear will then no longer be necessary.


It is not yet clear exactly how high the ceiling will be. In The Hague,bandwidths circulate between 1200 to 1500 cubic meters of gas and 2500 to 3000kilowatt hours of electricity per year. Until that limit is reached, peoplewill then pay the rate that applied to the invasion of Ukraine at thebeginning of this year. Anything above that must be settled at the highermarket rate. In this way, the cabinet wants to ‘incentivize’ everyone to useenergy economically.

In addition, the cabinet is working on an emergency fund that can help peoplewho can no longer pay their energy bills. In this way, it should be preventedthat defaulters are closed next winter.

Prince’s Day

The plans for an energy ceiling cannot yet be fully worked out before BudgetDay. The cabinet will send a separate letter to the House of Representativeson Tuesday, together with all budget plans made earlier for next year, withthe plan. It is still unclear at what rate the gas and electricity prices willbe fixed. More time is needed to determine that.

The cabinet’s last minute action is highly unusual. The plans for Prinsjesdagwere already ready. The Budget Memorandum has already been printed. More than16 billion euros in measures are being taken to support the purchasing powerof citizens. But at the last minute the cabinet and coalition parties decidedthat more needs to be done.

Kate Middleton Wears Queen Elizabeth’s Signature Pearl Necklace at Buckingham Palace Lunch

LONDON, ENGLAND – SEPTEMBER 17: Prince William, Prince of Wales and Catherine,Princess of Wales during a lunch held for governors-general of theCommonwealth nations at Buckingham Palace on September 17, 2022 in London,England. Foreign dignitaries, heads of state and other VIPs are among thethousands who have visited Westminster Hall to view Queen Elizabeth II lyingin state prior to her funeral on Monday. The 96-year-old monarch died atBalmoral Castle in Scotland on September 8, 2022, and is succeeded by hereldest son, King Charles III. (Photo by Stefan Rousseau – WPA Pool/GettyImages); MAIDENHEAD, ENGLAND – JULY 15: Queen Elizabeth II smiles during avisit to officially open the new building at Thames Hospice on July 15, 2022in Maidenhead, England. (Photo by Kirsty O’Connor-WPA Pool/Getty Images)

_Stefan Rousseau – WPA Pool/Getty; Kirsty O’Connor – WPA Pool/Getty _

Kate Middleton is walking in Queen Elizabeth’s fashion footsteps.

The Princess of Wales joined Prince William, King Charles, Queen Camilla andmore members of the royal family on Saturday for a lunch reception atBuckingham Palace. They hosted governors-general of the Commonwealth nationswho traveled to London for the late monarch’s state funeral on Monday.

Kate, 40, paid homage to Queen Elizabeth in her jewelry choices. She wore athree-strand pearl necklace that belonged to the Queen, Buckingham Palaceconfirms. The necklace was a go-to piece for the record-breaking monarch.

In PEOPLE’s latest issue, the Queen’s former assistant private secretary, SamCohen, explained of the monarch: “She wasn’t interested in material things atall. She wore the same pearl necklace every day.”

Kate also wore a pair of pearl and diamond earrings that previously belongedto the Queen — in fact, it was the fourth time since the monarch’s death thatKate was spotted sporting the pieces.

RELATED: Why Kate Middleton Didn ‘t Travel to See Queen Elizabeth inScotland with Other Royals

Queen Elizabeth II smiles during a visit to officially open the new buildingat ThamesHospiceQueenElizabeth II smiles during a visit to officially open the new building atThamesHospice

Queen Elizabeth II smiles during a visit to officially open the new buildingat Thames Hospice

_Kirsty O ‘Connor – WPA Pool/Getty Images _ Queen Elizabeth II Visits ThamesHospice – July 2022

Kate first borrowed the earrings from the Queen when she went to theNetherlands for her first solo foreign trip in October 2016, according toLauren Kiehna, writer & editor of The Court Jeweller. The Queen wore theearrings to her Silver Jubilee in 1977, the outlet reports.

Princess Kate wore the earrings when she joined the royals to receive theQueen’s coffin at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday, to view tributes inSandringham on Thursday and to greet Commonwealth troops on Friday.

LONDON, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 17: Britain's King Charles III and Catherine,Princess of Wales during a lunch held for governors-general of theCommonwealth nations at Buckingham Palace on September 17, 2022 in London,England.  Foreign dignitaries, heads of state and other VIPs are among thethousands who have visited Westminster Hall to view Queen Elizabeth II lyingin state prior to her funeral on Monday.  The 96-year-old monarch died atBalmoral Castle in Scotland on September 8, 2022, and is succeeded by hereldest son, King Charles III.  (Photo by Stefan Rousseau - WPA Pool/GettyImages)LONDON,ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 17: Britain's King Charles III and Catherine, Princess ofWales during a lunch held for governors-general of the Commonwealth nations atBuckingham Palace on September 17, 2022 in London, England.  Foreigndignitaries, heads of state and other VIPs are among the thousands who havevisited Westminster Hall to view Queen Elizabeth II lying in state prior toher funeral on Monday.  The 96-year-old monarch died at Balmoral Castle inScotland on September 8, 2022, and is succeeded by her eldest son, KingCharles III.  (Photo by Stefan Rousseau - WPA Pool/GettyImages)

LONDON, ENGLAND – SEPTEMBER 17: Britain’s King Charles III and Catherine,Princess of Wales during a lunch held for governors-general of theCommonwealth nations at Buckingham Palace on September 17, 2022 in London,England. Foreign dignitaries, heads of state and other VIPs are among thethousands who have visited Westminster Hall to view Queen Elizabeth II lyingin state prior to her funeral on Monday. The 96-year-old monarch died atBalmoral Castle in Scotland on September 8, 2022, and is succeeded by hereldest son, King Charles III. (Photo by Stefan Rousseau – WPA Pool/GettyImages)

_Stefan Rousseau – WPA Pool/Getty _

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In another tribute, Kate wore a brooch previously owned by the late monarch onWednesday for a service at Westminster Hall. As shown in a photo shared by TheCourt Jeweler, the Queen wore the diamond and pearl leaf brooch in Seoul onApril 21, 1999, affixed to a yellow ensemble with a white print.

Story continues

LONDON, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 17: Camilla, Queen Consort and Catherine,Princess of Wales during a lunch held for governors-general of theCommonwealth nations at Buckingham Palace on September 17, 2022 in London,England.  Foreign dignitaries, heads of state and other VIPs are among thethousands who have visited Westminster Hall to view Queen Elizabeth II lyingin state prior to her funeral on Monday.  The 96-year-old monarch died atBalmoral Castle in Scotland on September 8, 2022, and is succeeded by hereldest son, King Charles III.  (Photo by Stefan Rousseau - WPA Pool/GettyImages)LONDON,ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 17: Camilla, Queen Consort and Catherine, Princess ofWales during a lunch held for governors-general of the Commonwealth nations atBuckingham Palace on September 17, 2022 in London, England.  Foreigndignitaries, heads of state and other VIPs are among the thousands who havevisited Westminster Hall to view Queen Elizabeth II lying in state prior toher funeral on Monday.  The 96-year-old monarch died at Balmoral Castle inScotland on September 8, 2022, and is succeeded by her eldest son, KingCharles III.  (Photo by Stefan Rousseau - WPA Pool/GettyImages)

LONDON, ENGLAND – SEPTEMBER 17: Camilla, Queen Consort and Catherine, Princessof Wales during a lunch held for governors-general of the Commonwealth nationsat Buckingham Palace on September 17, 2022 in London, England. Foreigndignitaries, heads of state and other VIPs are among the thousands who havevisited Westminster Hall to view Queen Elizabeth II lying in state prior toher funeral on Monday. The 96-year-old monarch died at Balmoral Castle inScotland on September 8, 2022, and is succeeded by her eldest son, KingCharles III. (Photo by Stefan Rousseau – WPA Pool/Getty Images)

_Stefan Rousseau – WPA Pool/Getty _ Queen Camilla and Kate Middleton

In addition to Saturday’s event, King Charles and Queen Camilla will hostanother reception at Buckingham Palace on Sunday to welcome heads of state andofficial overseas guests.

Beatrix, Willem-Alexander and Máxima at the front all day at Elizabeth’s funeral | Queen Elizabeth II

UpdateEarlier today, King Willem-Alexander, Queen Máxima and Princess Beatrixwere seated at the front of Westminster Abbey during the state funeral ofQueen Elizabeth. They sat in the front, a few yards from the coffin anddirectly across from the British Royal Family. At the end of the afternoon,the trio will also attend the ceremony in St. George’s Chapel at WindsorCastle.

Unlike many other countries, the Netherlands was allowed to delegate more thantwo people. It is logical that the royal couple and the former queen attendthe state funeral. Beatrix and Willem-Alexander are both members of the Orderof the Garter, the highest knighthood in the United Kingdom.

“I already came to Buckingham Palace for my mother’s inauguration,” the kingrevealed in 2018, when he paid a state visit to the country. ,,And in June wewent to Windsor,’ he added at the time, referring to an unofficial visit.Windsor Castle, just outside London, was regarded as Queen Elizabeth’s much-used country retreat. It is also the place where she is driven past for herfuneral.

Follow today ‘s ceremonies in our live blog.

Beatrix also regularly visited the Queen in private, for example when she wasin London to visit her son Prince Friso and/or his family members.

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Princess Beatrix, Queen Máxima and King Willem-Alexander are seated at thefront of Queen Elizabeth’s coffin. © via Reuters

Windsor Castle

The Dutch trio were present earlier today in Westminster Abbey and at the endof the afternoon also at the ceremony in St. George’s Chapel at WindsorCastle.

A short service with family members, members of the royal household and asmaller number of dignitaries will follow in the chapel from approximately 5p.m. At the conclusion of the service, the crown, scepter and orb are removedfrom the coffin and Elizabeth descends to the royal tomb below the chapel,where she is reunited with Prince Philip a year and a half after her husband’sdeath. The two bodies are then transferred to their final resting place: theKing George VI Memorial Chapel at Windsor Castle. Elizabeth’s parents andsister are also there. The ceremony there, Monday evening, is private andstrictly reserved for members of the royal family.

_Many world leaders attended the service at Westminster Abbey: _


Also listen to our new royalty podcast Van Oranje:

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Dominique Persoone and son Julius awarded Flemish Chocolatier of the Year 2023 by Gault&Millau | Instagram VTM NEWS

Dominique Persoone and his son Julius have won the title of ‘Chocolatier ofthe Year Flanders’ for 2023 with their shop The Chocolate Line. Gault & Millauannounced this today. “It makes me quiet, and I don’t have that often,”Dominique said after the announcement.

“I can’t imagine a better gift for 30 years of The Chocolate Line!”, writesPersoone on his Instagram account when he announces the news. “We were onlyable to achieve this thanks to the commitment of our team! During the firstcorona wave there was a lot of uncertainty, our production team almostcompletely left. I then gave my son Julius the opportunity to create a wholenew group as head of the studio and look: almost two years later at theresult, world class! My respect for their motivation is great, what arecognition. It makes me quiet and I don’t have that often.”

Gault&Millau is a big fan of the work of Dominique and Julius. The lattertherefore seems to be following in his father’s footsteps. “Dominique Persoonemade the craft sexy,” according to the organization. A word he often useshimself to emphasize that chocolate can be hip, cool and even seductive. Andto show that in addition to being professional, his relationship withchocolate is above all passionate, and appeals to the chocolate freak wholikes to return to the roots with him.

Persone takes those roots literally. Among other things, he works with theproceeds of his own cocoa plantations in Mexico and is one of the pioneers ofthe bean-to-bar idea in our country. For this he works with local farmers. Aportion of the proceeds will go back to local animal care in Mexico.

“I buy directly from the farmers, I make sure they receive training and I paya fair price. I also support the social chocolate factory in Virunga in Congo,together with the Prince de Merode. The reason behind it is the same: to givefarmers a chance to earn something from the wonderful product they grow, Ireally want to make a difference in that,” Persoone said in an interview withHLN.

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