Apple has a Will Smith problem of Oscar proportions

After the infamous limp by Will Smith, Apple has a problem. A $100 millionproblem. A problem that may well kill the best drama film of 2023.

Will Smith single-handedly saved the Oscars. After years of imploding viewingfigures, all eyes were suddenly on the ceremony again last March. Or, atleast, in a short but very juicy fragment.

Will Smith and the limp

Then of course we are talking about the moment when Smith killed his career.The all-rounder, the beloved rapper, actor and producer who recently publisheda book about his life. After Chris Rock made a spicy joke about his wife, thex-year-old actor stormed the stage to give the same comedian a bitchclap tosell a lot.

The rest is anything but history. Studio after studio scrapped plannedprojects with Will Smith, but the decision was not always that simple. afuture blockbuster deleting it is one thing, but what do you do when yourvery expensive project with the actor has already been filmed?

Apple’s 100 Million Problem

That’s exactly the problem Apple has right now. The tech giant has been tryingto build a reputation in Hollywood for several years through prestigiousprojects for the streaming service Apple TV+.

At the beginning of this year, the shooting was completed for such a type ofproject: Emancipation. An Apple historical thriller with a budget of 100million dollars.

The film is based on the true story of an escaped enslaved named Gordon.Photographs of his bare back, severely flogged by an overseer’s lashes, werepublished worldwide in 1863, giving the abolitionist movement evidence of thebrutality of American slavery.

Fans fall over striking detail of Will Smith apologyvideoWill Smith inhis apology video (Image: Will Smith @ YouTube)

Oscars candidate

So we’re not talking about a light-hearted superhero movie or other popcornmaterial. Emancipation is a momentous project with which Apple is alreadypreparing for an Oscar.

And who will receive that Oscar? Exactly, Will Smith. He is in fact the bigstar of the very expensive project, which incidentally is only the only filmthat is on his schedule. Apple even hoped for a second Best Actor -Oscar forSmith in a row with Emancipation until the same Smith threw a spanner in theworks during the Oscars.

So the big question is: what do you do then? We are now almost half a yearlater, and Will Smith has already apologized extensively in a controversialvideo on YouTube. Apologies that Chris Rock only seems to take it halfseriously.

Devil’s Dilemma

Can Smith get off the bench and Apple can rest assured starpower use topromote the film? Or is Smith off for good and can Apple Emancipation betterleave it on the shelf? That’s not really an option either. The New York Timeshas devoted an intriguing article to this diabolical dilemma.

The Hollywood Reporter journalist Stephen Galloway calls it a lose-losesituation : “If they delay the film, will that damage Apple’s reputation? Ifthey release it, will it damage their reputation? Hollywood loves a win-winsituation. This one is lose-lose.”

10 Famous Hotheads In Hollywood: Will Smith Is Not Unique

Bygone Opportunities

The initial controversy is bound to draw more attention to the film, butthat’s short-term. That Oscars hope? Apple can give that up, according toStephen Gilula, former president of Fox Searchlight:

“Regardless of the quality of the film, all the press, all the reviewers, allthe feature film writers and all the price predictors will look at it and talkabout the limp. There is a very high risk that the film will not be judgedon its own merits.”

It shouldn’t play a role, the Oscars are, of course, about the moviesthemselves. But the ceremony and process behind it are anything butscientific. Elderly judges who vote for an animated film because theirgrandson liked it, without having seen the film in question. That kind ofpractice.

On to 2023

For now, Apple still has some time to make a decision. Emancipation isscheduled for 2023. The tech giant has not been more specific than that, butat some point Tim Cook and Co. yet to hit the button.

To be continued without a doubt!

The return of zatte Rita, bridal bouquet for the Bomma and hot flames for Camille: this was ’30 Years of Family Celebration’ | showbiz

showbizOn Saturday, the fans of ‘Family’ gathered for an unusual soap party atthe Lotto Arena. There, ’30 years of Family Festivities’ was celebrated withthree live shows, good for about 15,000 party people. It turned out to be atwo-hour trip down memory lane with laughter, a tear and, above all, a lot ofmusical fireworks.

See also: this is how Zatte Rita made a one-time comeback: “It was great.”

“Are you looking forward to it?”, Kürt Rogiers (Lars) asked the enthusiasticaudience at the start of the show. Or, Kurt! After all, soap lovers had beenlooking forward to this evening for more than nine months, because it wasinitially planned at the beginning of January, but then had to be postponed bycorona. The show was dominated by the Bomma (Annie Geeraerts), who was allowedto sit on a stately throne. Her 96th birthday was celebrated. The materfamilias in the series has a birthday on December 30, so the timing of theparty seemed a bit strange, but the audience didn’t care. When ‘Long will shelive’ was launched and the fireworks and garlands provided special effects,the cast and the audience sang along without any problems. The tone wasimmediately set: it would be a festive evening.


All members of the current regular cast then popped up on the show. She tookturns to shine. Only Margot Hallemans (Hanne) and Werner De Smedt (Rudi) weremissing, because they had obligations at private parties. The alternating actsfollowed each other in quick succession and mainly created ambiance in theshack. There were the André Hazes medleys by Jef De Smedt (Jan) and RoelVanderstukken (Benny). And the live versions of the various opening lines ofthe series, which led to beautiful harmony vocals. Although there wascertainly room for a laugh. For example, the audience was presented with afunny montage of the nicest bloopers on the set and a lot went wrong with themagic trick of Zjef (Jan Van den Bosch) on the side of Kato (Alix Konadu). Thepublic was also promised a lot of nostalgia in advance and it was given in theform of films. Jo Hens sang Eric Clapton’s “Tears in Heaven” on a rundown ofthe series’ most significant deaths. It was remarkable that a loud applauseerupted at the statue of Peter (Gunther Levi). The character died in a housefire last season, but is clearly popular and not forgotten.

(Read more below the photos.)

© Kristof Ghyselinck

KristofGhyselinck© Kristof Ghyselinck

KristofGhyselinck© Kristof Ghyselinck

Sat Rita

The fact that there are a lot of good singing voices among the current cast of’Family’ was proved throughout the entire performance. Especially AaronBlommaert (Raven), Roel Vanderstukken (Benny) and Jo Hens (Niko) excelled onthe vocal level, but Karen Damen (Vanessa), Maarten Cob (Jelle) and YanniBourguignon (Cédric) were certainly able to animate the audience. Thehighlight of the whole gang was public favorite Jacky Lafon, who first tookcare of ‘The Return of Zatte Rita’ during a comic sketch. The audienceresponded enthusiastically with warm applause. And then she still had to singher hit song ‘La Vie en Rose’. Afterwards Jacky said: “On stage I gotgoosebumps. I could barely sing from the emotions. I’m so happy I got to behere. This was such a blessing.” It is not clear whether the performance willcontinue with a comeback in the series. In any case, Jacky hopes so.

deep kiss

Camille provided a strong highlight with her live version of the latestopening song of ‘Family’. A medley of her hits followed. The song ‘Firework’got Amine Boujouh (Brahim) as an extra dance act and ended with hot flames andreal fireworks. Aaron Blommaert (Raven) and Charlotte Sieben (Louise)subsequently signed for a romantic moment. The actor sang the love song’Allemaal door jou’ by Bart Peeters, while a video of all kissing couples fromthe series passed on the large LED screens. When the two TV sweethearts alsokissed each other deeply after the song, it turned out once again that theyare the chouchous of the public at the moment.

Seven carnations

Although Willy Sommers was certainly not inferior to that. In ‘Family’ thesinger has been the absolute favorite artist of the Bomma for years and he wasallowed to rock things three season finals ago with a much-appreciated liveperformance during Benny’s benefit. Annie Geeraerts (Bomma) accepted thebeautiful bridal bouquet from ‘Seven carnations, seven roses’ and theaccompanying kisses from Willy. In ‘Let the Sun in Your Heart’, the entirecast appeared on stage to dance the polonaise. Hands in the air, flickeringcell phone lights, nothing but smiling faces: it turned out to be the perfectapotheosis of the soap party.

(Read more below the photos.)

KristofGhyselinck© Kristof Ghyselinck

KristofGhyselinck© Kristof Ghyselinck

Kristof Ghyselinck© Kristof Ghyselinck

Afterwards, the Bomma thanked the singer, but also the audience: “Thank youfor allowing me to be the Bomma of the largest family in the country. Icouldn’t wish for anything more beautiful. And thank you for letting us comeinto your living room every night.”

To conclude, the ‘Family’ cast present played the closing song ‘We are Family’by Sister Sledge. After which master of ceremonies Kürt Rogiers spoke one lasttime: “Thank you for the past 30 years and see you Monday on TV”. He clearlysent the soap lovers home satisfied. See you next time? Given the largeturnout, perhaps. But there is already good news for those who missed thisparty. ‘Family 30 Year Celebration’ was captured and will be broadcast laterthis year on VTM, although an exact broadcast date has not yet been set.

Using humor in presentations: ‘You don’t have to be a comedian to be funny’ | Work

A good relationship with colleagues, supervisors or customers not only makesyour working day more enjoyable, but also ensures that you get more done.Mirjam Wiersma, author of two books about business flirting, tells how to putyourself on the map and build beautiful relationships with others. This time:use humor in your presentations

Maybe you had your doubts when you saw what this article is about. Presenting– public speaking – is our second biggest fear right after the fear of death,according to research, and then I’m also going to ask you to be funny doingsomething so scary? Yes, because humor can help you put yourself on the map.The vast majority of executives find a sense of humor important to progress inyour career.

Humor also grabs the attention of your audience and can make you appear moresympathetic. That helps if you want to convince people of something. The goodnews: you don’t have to be a born comedian to successfully add humor to yourpresentations. How exactly?

The power of self-mockery

Self-mockery can be used by anyone. By telling about your own blunders andshortcomings, you make yourself vulnerable. That creates more empathy fromyour audience. For example, watch Terry Moore honestly confess in this TedTalk that he never knew how to properly tie your shoelaces. “Up to that point,I would have thought that if – at age 50 – I really understood one of life’sbasic skills, it would be tying my shoelaces. But no.” Then the audience hangson his every word when he tells in scents and colors about the correct way totie shoelaces (which I didn’t know myself either, I must admit).

Something to keep in mind with self-mockery: make sure that your audience doesnot doubt your expertise. Tim Urban tells in his Ted Talk ‘In the brain of amaster procrastinator’ with the necessary self-mockery how badly he suffersfrom procrastination. After that, however, he also comes with impressiveknowledge and valid ideas about the origin of this behavior. The candidexamples make him more human, but no less knowledgeable.

Do you really have no inspiration for a good joke or anecdote that will makeyou laugh? Then you can use humor from another source: show a funny video orstart your presentation with the results of a high-profile research. However,make sure there is a link between this funny part of your presentation andwhat you have to say. Showing a funny video ‘just like that’ before you starttalking doesn’t work.

Also read at intermediary: ‘The importance of humor in the workplace isunderestimated’

Own blunder

I like the use of self-mockery. A recent blunder I’ve dished up a few times inpresentations. It happened to me during a session Business Flirting , so apresentation in English. Clients often ask if I can also present in English.Not infrequently I end up somewhere and everyone turns out to speak Dutch andwe switch to Dutch after all. I always ask if English is really necessary.That would certainly be the case here, I was assured.

Arriving at the location in Amsterdam, I only wait in the hall when I see thefirst participant. A woman with long blond hair. You see, I do meet a fellowcountryman, I think. I address her in Dutch; she doesn’t understand me andturns out to be Turkish. The second contestant who enters is a man with anIndian appearance and a turban. I also address him, now in English. To whichhe replies in neat ABN that he grew up in ‘t Gooi. oops. Both candidatesmisjudged and let this session focus on learning to read the other better…

Olivia Wilde and ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ cast walk the red carpet

The cast of Don ‘t Worry Darling — well, most of the cast — glammed upMonday night for a screening and to talk up the much-buzzed-about movie with aQ&A before it arrives in theaters on Sept. 23.

Director and star star Olivia Wilde, as well as actors Harry Styles, GemmaChan, Nick Kroll, Sydney Chandler, Kate Berlant, Asif Ali, Douglas Smith andDita Von Teese appeared at AMC Lincoln Square 13 in New York City at an eventthat was broadcast at theaters throughout the country. Though actors FlorencePugh and Chris Pine were not expected to attend, many locations sold out.

Pugh, who’s rumored to have feuded with Wilde, has previously skipped pressevents. Wilde has explained that Pugh is busy working on the upcoming _dune_sequel, but Pugh has publicly criticized how the film is being marketed,fueling rumors of a feud.

Harry Styles

Harry Styles attends theHarry Stylesattends the

Harry Styles attends the “Don’t Worry Darling” event at AMC Lincoln Square 13on Sept. 19 in New York City. (Photo: Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images)

Gemma Chan

Gemma Chan attends theGemma Chanattends the

Gemma Chan attends the “Don’t Worry Darling” event at AMC Lincoln Square 13 onSept. 19 in New York City. (Photo: Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images)

Dita Von Teese

Dita Von Teese attends theDita Von Teeseattends the

Dita Von Teese attends the “Don’t Worry Darling” event at AMC Lincoln Square13 on Sept. 19 in New York City. (Photo: Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images)

Sydney Chandler

Sydney Chandler attends theSydney Chandlerattends the

Sydney Chandler attends the “Don’t Worry Darling” event at AMC Lincoln Square13 on Sept. 19 in New York City. (Photo: Kevin Mazur/WireImage)

Kate Berlant

Kate Berlant attends theKate Berlantattends the

Kate Berlant attends the “Don’t Worry Darling” event at AMC Lincoln Square 13on Sept. 19 in New York City. (Photo: Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images)

Asif Ali

Asif Ali attends theAsif Aliattends the

Asif Ali attends the “Don’t Worry Darling” event at AMC Lincoln Square 13 onSept. 19 in New York City. (Photo: Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images)

Douglas Smith

Douglas Smith attends theDouglas Smithattends the

Douglas Smith attends the “Don’t Worry Darling” event at AMC Lincoln Square 13on Sept. 19 in New York City. (Photo: Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images)

Nick Kroll

Nick Kroll attends theNick Krollattends the

Nick Kroll attends the “Don’t Worry Darling” event at AMC Lincoln Square 13 onSept. 19 in New York City. (Photo: Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images)

For whatever reason, Pugh and other cast members were not part of Friday’spremiere of the movie at the 70th San Sebastian International Film Festival,where Wilde wore a dazzling, backless emerald gown from Valentino. So the_booksmart_ director was the sole representative from the movie there.

The entire cast did join Wilde when _Don ‘t Worry Darling _was screened atthe Venice Film Festival on Sept. 5. However, Pugh was not part of a pressconference or photo call beforehand, and the women stayed apart on the redcarpet.

Wilde commented then on stories about unrest on the set.

“As for all the endless tabloid gossip and all the noise out there, I mean,the internet feeds itself,” she said. “I don’t feel the need to contribute. Ithink it’s sufficiently well-nourished.” For what it’s worth, Wilde ravedabout the “ferociously talented” Pugh in a magazine interview earlier thismonth.

While the movie received a five-minute standing ovation in Venice, even thatevent was accompanied by drama, after footage of Styles appearing to spit onPine went viral. Both Styles and Pine denied that spirting is what hadhappened.

according to Rolling Stone , two sources from the production said problemsbegan between the women around the same time that Wilde and Styles begandating in 2020. Two other sources told the magazine that the rumors wereunfounded. “Do I think her and Flo hate each other? Absolutely not. Was it funand enjoyable on set? Absolutely.” a source said. “Were [Wilde and Stylesovertly] romantic, or did she favor him? Nope. She was very professional.”

The movie opens everywhere on Friday.

Anne Heche estate battle begins as ex James Tupper claims he was left in charge, not her ‘estranged’ 20-year-old son

In the wake of the Six Days Seven Nights actress’ Aug. 11 death, her familyis sorting out everything that she left behind, and there’s already a heateddispute over who should be in charge and get what.

Heche left behind two sons from two relationships — her 20-year-old son HomerLaffoon, with ex-husband Coley Laffoon, and 13-year-old Atlas Tupper, from herrelationship with her Men in Trees co-star James Tupper. While Homerrequested to serve as special administrator of Heche’s estate late last month,with it noted Heche didn’t have a will, James, on behalf of his minor sonAtlas, is now contesting Homer’s appointment.

WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - NOVEMBER 19: Anne Heche and Homer Laffoonattend the celebration launch of Christian Siriano's new book 'Dresses toDream About' at The London West Hollywood at Beverly Hills on November 19,2021 in West Hollywood, California.  (Photo by Rachel Murray/Getty Images forChristianSiriano)

Anne Heche with son Homer Laffoon on Nov. 19, 2021. Laffoon, now 20, is fromHeche and Coley Laffoon’s marriage, which lasted from 2001 to 2007. (Photo:Rachel Murray/Getty Images for Christian Siriano)

Yahoo Entertainment has obtained the court document filed by James on Thursdayobjecting to Homer as special administrator. In it, James claims Heche senthim a will on Jan. 25, 2011, when they were still a couple, and asked him tooversee her estate “in case I die tomorrow.” He also outlines numerous reasonswhy he feels Homer is not equipped for the job, including that he lacksexpertise, is unemployed and was estranged from Heche when she died.

In the filing is an email James said was sent from Heche’s email to himself aswell as entertainment attorney Kevin Yorn and his executive assistant. It hadthe subject “Will” and in it she asked it to serve as her word until finalpapers were drawn up. She requested should she die, her assets go to Jameswith the intent for him to raise the boys on her behalf, dividing her assetsamong them equally. She noted each get control of their portion of the moneyat age 25, and at that time could sell her real estate and split the money.(Heche seemingly never filed an actual will. She and Tupper split in 2018after 10 years, but continued to share a home for the next year along with thetwo boys.)

(Screenshot: LAcourtdocuments)(Screenshot:LAcourtdocuments)

A copy of Heche’s email was in the court documents. (Screenshot: LAcourtdocuments)

In the filing, James’s lawyer says that James should have “priority ofappointment as administrator” because Heche “makes her intent clear by writingthat, ‘My wishes are that all of my assets go to the control of Mr. JamesTupper to be used to raise my children and then given to the children.'”

Story continues

James’s legal team argues there’s “no urgent need to appoint a specialadministrator at this time” in the first place as Homer’s filing was trying tospeed up the process. Instead, they should wait for the appointment of anexecutor or administrator under a general probate petition. He then outlines,bluntly, why he claims Homer is “not suitable for appointment as personalrepresentative of this estate,” a job he says should go to someone with”experience and sophistication.”

BEVERLY HILLS, CA - JANUARY 14: (LR) Actress Anne Heche, Homer Laffoon,and James Tupper attend the HBO Luxury Lounge Featuring L'Oreal Paris And NewEra Cap - Day 1 at Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles on January 14, 2012 inBeverly Hills, California.  (Photo by MichaelKovac/WireImage)BEVERLY HILLS,CA - JANUARY 14: (LR) Actress Anne Heche, Homer Laffoon, and James Tupperattend the HBO Luxury Lounge Featuring L'Oreal Paris And New Era Cap - Day 1at Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles on January 14, 2012 in Beverly Hills,California.  (Photo by MichaelKovac/WireImage)

Anne Heche with son Homer Laffoon and then-partner James Tupper in 2012. Sheand Tupper, who went on to have their own son, Atlas, split in 2018. (Photo:Michael Kovac/WireImage)

“He is only 20 years of age and is unemployed, and was estranged from [Heche]at the time of her death due to his dropping out of university studies and notworking to support himself,” James’s filing states.

James goes on to claim that Homer changed the locks on Heche’s apartment,where Atlas resided with his mother, and “refused entry” to his half-brother.He says Homer “has not responded to Atlas’s request for his clothing andcomputer” at Heche’s home. He also questions Homer listing Heche’s residenceas “vacant” in his court filing, saying it was “concerning” because theactress’s home “was full of her furnishings, jewelry, valuables, files andrecords, and their removal was in no way authorized by this Court of the law.”

James Tupper says Heche's 20-year-old son Homer isJames Tuppersays Heche's 20-year-old son Homer is

James Tupper says Heche’s 20-year-old son Homer is “not suitable” to head herestate because, “He is only 20 years of age and is unemployed, and wasestranged from” Heche when she died. (Screenshot: LA Courts)

He also says Homer agreed to go to grief counseling with Atlas but was a no-show. He also says Homer was a no-show at a scheduled dinner with Atlaswaiting around for 1.5 hours.

“This is particularly upsetting given that Atlas is 13 years old, was with hismother on the day of her death, and he has reached out to Homer repeatedly,”the filing states. “In fact, since their mother’s death, Homer has not seenhis brother, nor had contact with him.” As a result, James is concerned Homer”will not act in his brother’s best interest.”

James also denies Homer’s court claim that James sent him “negativecommunications.” He says, “Both [James] and Atlas have only communicatedmessages of support and love and grieving to Homer. At this time they boththink the presence of an older brother would be an enormously helpfulrelationship for both Atlas and Homer.”

LOS ANGELES, CA - DECEMBER 11: (LR) Actress Anne Heche, son Atlas, and sonHomer attend Disney On Ice Presents Let's Celebrate!  Presented By StonyfieldYoKids Organic Yogurt Celebrity Premiere &  Skating Party at Staples Center onDecember 11, 2014 in Los Angeles, California.  (Photo by Ari Perilstein/GettyImages for FeldEntertainment)LOS ANGELES, CA- DECEMBER 11: (LR) Actress Anne Heche, son Atlas, and son Homer attendDisney On Ice Presents Let's Celebrate!  Presented By Stonyfield YoKidsOrganic Yogurt Celebrity Premiere &  Skating Party at Staples Center onDecember 11, 2014 in Los Angeles, California.  (Photo by Ari Perilstein/GettyImages for FeldEntertainment)

Anne Heche with both of her sons — Atlas Tupper and Homer Laffoon — in 2014.(Photo: Ari Perilstein/Getty Images for Feld Entertainment)

Earlier this month it was reported Homer requested control of the estatebecause Heche died without a will and she has pending projects, including thepublication of her book, call me Anne, next year. Homer’s attorney clarifiedat the time that Homer was in the process of “having a third party appointed’guardian ad litm’ for his younger brother, Atlas, to represent Atlas’sinterests in the probate proceedings.”

Homer also spoke out on behalf of himself and his sibling after Heche, who wasbrain dead, was taken off life support.

“My brother Atlas and I lost our Mom,” he said in a statement. “After six daysof almost unbelievable emotional swings, I am left with a deep, wordlesssadness. Hopefully my mom is free from pain and beginning to explore what Ilike to imagine as her eternal freedom. Over those six days, thousands offriends, family, and fans made their hearts known to me. I am grateful fortheir love, as I am for the support of my Dad, Coley, and my stepmom Alexi whocontinue to be my rock during this time. love you, Homer.”

Caution tape is seen at the site where US actress Anne Heche crashed into atwo-story home in Mar Vista, California on August 8, 2022. - US actress AnneHeche has been hospitalized in critical condition after crashing her car intoa Los Angeles home , US media reported on August 5, 2022. The 53-year-oldactress initially crashed into an apartment building garage before drivingoff, according to images collected by TMZ.  (Photo by Chris Delmas / AFP)(Photo by CHRIS DELMAS/AFP via GettyImages)Caution tape isseen at the site where US actress Anne Heche crashed into a two-story home inMar Vista, California on August 8, 2022. - US actress Anne Heche has beenhospitalized in critical condition after crashing her car into a Los Angeleshome , US media reported on August 5, 2022. The 53-year-old actress initiallycrashed into an apartment building garage before driving off, according toimages collected by TMZ.  (Photo by Chris Delmas / AFP) (Photo by CHRISDELMAS/AFP via GettyImages)

Caution tape is seen at the site where actress Anne Heche crashed into a two-story home in Mar Vista, Calif. (Photo: Chris Delmas / AFP)

On Aug. 5, Heche crashed her car into a house in the Mar Vista neighborhood ofLos Angeles — a fire erupted and she was critically injured. Blood testsshowed the 53-year-old had narcotics in her system. Six days later, she wasremoved from life support after being declared brain dead. She died ofinhalation, thermal injuries and a sternal fracture due to blunt trauma,according to the medical examiner’s official report.

After Heche’s most famous relationship — with Ellen DeGeneres — ended in 2000,she started dating Laffoon, a cameraman she met making a documentary aboutDeGeneres. They married in 2001, had Homer in 2002, and split in 2007. Hechewent on to embark on a romance with her co-star James. They had Atlas in 2009and remained together until 2018, sharing a home for a year after their splitwith her sons.

Sarah Michelle Gellar says she’s ‘had my fair share of experiences’ as a young woman in Hollywood

Sarah Michelle Gellar says being a young woman in the entertainment industry”was not easy,” but “victim blaming and shaming” keeps her from opening upabout those stories publicly.

the Buffy the Vampire Slayer alum, 45, has resumed acting after a multi-yearbreak in the wake of The Crazy Ones co-star Robin Williams’s death to bepresent for her family with Freddie Prinze Jr. She has a role playing aheadmaster in the high school dark comedy Do Revenge, out now on Netflix,and is in production acting in and executive producing Teen Wolf spin-off_wolf pack_ for Paramount+. She tells the New York Times she feels she’s nowin her “adult career” — and it’s worlds away from where she started.

As for where she started — and what she experienced along the way — it’s beena journey. Asked by the outlet if she had generally good experiences as a teenand young woman in the industry, Gellar — who won a Daytime Emmy at age 18 for_All My Children_ — replied, “No. It was really hard. There weren’t greatfemale roles when I came up. It was the girlfriend role, the wife role. That’swhy Buffy was so spectacular, because she really had something to do, and thenwe had I Know What You Did , where it was the women figuring things out.That was all a new turn of events.”

That was just one part. The other was inappropriate behavior behind thescenes, which she spoke about but made clear she wasn’t going to detail.

“There’s the other side of being a young girl in the business,” she continued.”Growing up in New York, I had a little bit of street sense going into it,which is helpful. But no, it was not easy. And I’ve had my fair share ofexperiences, I have just chosen not — I don ‘t win by telling my stories,emotionally, for me. I look at people that tell their stories, and I’m soimpressed. in here.”

Actress Sarah Michelle Gellar attends the 22nd Annual Daytime Emmy Awards onMay 19, 1995 at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in New YorkCity.

Sarah Michelle Gellar was just 18 when she won a Daytime Emmy for her role onAll My Children in 1995. (Photo: Getty Images)

Of course, while buffy – which ran from 1997 to 2003 — was spectacular asfar as her role, we now know that some of the women on the set felt threatenedby show creator and EP Joss Whedon. Whedon was accused of on-set misconduct byalums Charisma Carpenter, Michelle Trachtenberg and Amber Benson in 2021.Gellar stood with the victims at the time saying she was “proud of them forspeaking out.”

Story continues

Whedon broke his silence about the buffy set claims — and other misconductallegations — earlier this year. Two days later, Gellar shared a social mediapost that said, “I can’t take back the past, but I can fight for the future.”in her NYT interview, she was asked if she wanted to elaborate and she spokeabout her efforts to create “a safe space” for young performers on the setsshe is on in the wake of what she’s learned and experienced.

“Especially now, I go into my projects as an executive producer,” she said. “wolf pack , for example. I have these two young girls and two young boys[acting] on it. I have made it very clear from Day 1 that if there are thingsthe production wants to talk to them about, I want them to go through me.Because I’ve been there. And I want [the performers] to always have a safespace.”

Gellar also spoke about marriage to Prinze with the couple recently markingtheir 20th wedding anniversary.

“I think we live in a very disposable world right now,” she said. “When I wasa kid, if your TV broke, you carried it to the repair shop and got your TVfixed. Now, if your TV breaks, you go get a new one. I think sometimes we lookat relationships like that. You have to be willing to put in the work. That’ssomething we’ve always been willing to do. You have ups and downs, but youdon’t walk away.”

HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - SEPTEMBER 14: (LR) Sarah Michelle Gellar andCharlotte Grace Prinze attend the Do Revenge LA Special Screening postreception at the Hollywood Roosevelt on September 14, 2022 in Hollywood,California.  (Photo by Phillip Faraone/Getty Images forNetflix)HOLLYWOOD,CALIFORNIA - SEPTEMBER 14: (LR) Sarah Michelle Gellar and Charlotte GracePrinze attend the Do Revenge LA Special Screening post reception at theHollywood Roosevelt on September 14, 2022 in Hollywood, California.  (Photoby Phillip Faraone/Getty Images forNetflix)

Sarah Michelle Gellar brought her rarely seen daughter, Charlotte GracePrinze, 12, to an LA screening of Netlfix’s Do Revenge on Sept. 14, 2022.(Photo: Phillip Faraone/Getty Images for Netflix)

Gellar also talked about her role in Do Revenge and how her character in thecomedy film is modeled after her famous Cruel Intentions character, KathrynMerteuil. While she was the young star in so many aughts projects, she’s theadvice-giving headmaster for the teens played by stars including Camila Mendesand Maya Hawke.

“I wouldn’t want to be 17 again for anything,” Gellar said. “Thirty two maybe,but not 17.”

This week, Gellar brought her 12-year-old daughter Charlotte Prinze with herto a Hollywood screening of the film. The couple’s children — also includingson Rocky, 10 — are rarely seen, with Gellar typically hiding their faces whenshe posts photos of them on social media.

Body language expert explains how royals really felt today

Looks can kill and pictures are worth a thousand words. Body language expertand psychologist Denise Dechamps van Body Language Academy know that like noother. Previously, she analyzed Meghan and Harry’s interview with OprahWinfrey – where it quickly became clear that “they haven’t processed theiremotions yet.” During Queen Elizabeth’s funeral, Denise also noticed a lotabout the expressions on the faces of the British royals.

This is why Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are behind Kate Middleton andPrince William >

Emotions royals

There is more to read from an image that appeared last week than from all theimages on this day, Denise Dechamps says when we call her. ‘We can clearly seehere that Kate and William raise their left eyebrows, which often has to dowith disbelief and sarcasm. Meghan and Harry also have a certain expression ontheir faces; in Meghan we see especially sadness. I’m curious what happenedhere.’ On the other hand, there is less to conclude from today’s images. Andthat can be for several reasons, explains Denise. ‘A day like this is full ofprotocols and rules; it is understandable if the members of the royal familyare more focused on this than on their grief. Besides, they have been mourningfor ten days. The hats and veils don’t make it any easier either.’ Inaddition, there was recently rumored that Kate Middleton would have done babybotox. Kensington Palace immediately disproved the suspicion, as is always thecase with this kind of ‘news’. ‘If Kate did do Botox, it would have a bigeffect on how we can read her emotions. Every muscle in your face produces itsown micro-expression. If you paralyze it, which you do with botox, expressionsare harder to read.’

Camilla and Charles seem opposites

What stood out this morning was the smile on Camilla’s face. ‘That smile isfeigned, it comes from courtesy. It’s clearly not a genuine smile of joy.’King Charles twitched his mouth a number of times today, a micro-expressionwith great meaning: ‘This movement may indicate that he feels superior. Itcould also be related to certain pride as we saw the expression several timestoday. In addition, he is clearly emotional in other images, which can be readfrom the position of his face.’

Chris JacksonGetty Images

the state funeral of queen elizabethii

WPA PoolGetty Images

Emotional Harry

One thing is clear: Prince Harry is very emotional today. ‘With Harry you cansee a clear ‘inverted U-shape’ between his eyebrows. When you are sad or haveto cry, this is the last muscle you can keep in the fold. Your mouth is easierto influence. So pure emotion emerges from this look.’

the state funeral of queen elizabethii

WPA PoolGetty Images

William holds emotions

Prince William also shows emotion, but keeps it clearly. ‘In several photosyou can see that he is actively opening his nostrils and even clenching hisjaw. In addition, at times I saw the “inverted U-shape” with him, just likewith Harry. Based on the images, there is a good chance that William isholding back his tears and doing everything he can to control his emotions.’

Botox or no botox, and protocols or not, it remains a sad affair. Let’s justhope that the royals can give their emotions free space behind closed doors.

Roxeanne Hazes also breaks with Holland, Hazes sings: ‘Looked forward to it every year’ | show

Roxeanne Hazes will not be present at the Holland sings Hazes concerts. Thesinger announced this via Instagram. The folk singer’s daughter has adifficult relationship with her mother, who organizes the festival. Last monthRachel Hazes lashed out at Roxeanne.

“There have been some rumors going around, but before I wanted to make thisdecision, I gave myself some time to think,” Roxeanne writes in her InstagramStories. ‘I have decided that I will not participate in next year Hollandsings Hazes.’

The statement of the Hazes scion does not come as a complete surprise. Lastmonth she told in best singers about a nasty form of homesickness that shesays she suffered from a ‘trauma from her childhood’. For example, Roxeannesaid that ‘the biggest blow’ came when her mother Rachel wrote a book afterher father’s death. “Then I didn’t have my mother with me for nine months.Just when you need her so much to mourn.” Roxeanne says she had a ‘huge blow’because her mother would have abandoned her. “You damage someone with that forthe rest of their life. I am a grown woman, but I find it difficult to sleepalone.”

‘Rich fantasy’

Her mother then decided via RTL Boulevard to make a statement out into theworld. “Let’s just say it’s mainly the rich fantasy of a young girl at thetime,” she said. The relationship between mother and daughter Hazes has beenbad for a long time. Rachel tries to get her daughter to testify in a lawsuitshe has filed against two former business partners.

Roxeanne writes: ‘I used to sing my father’s songs once a year. This had beensomething I looked forward to every year for ten years, a special event tohonor my father. The audience is fantastic. You make sure it’s always a party.Thanks for that. For now I’m going to focus on other beautiful things I’mworking on in the near future. Lots of fun! And who knows until another time.’

During the performances with Holland sings Hazes her brother André is makinghis comeback on stage. After a long time in which he completely withdrew fromthe spotlight, he will perform there again for the first time. André alsolashed out at his sister after her comments in Dear singers. He said helooked with ‘vicarious shame’.

The statement of Roxeanne Hazes. © Instagram Stories Roxeanne Hazes

Also listen to the AD Media Podcast with this week ‘s Evening Show by ArjenLubach, the row around B&B full of love, the mediocre scores of RTL and themany talk shows. Listen below or subscribe via Spotify or iTunes.

Henry Silva, Distinctive Actor in ‘Ocean’s Eleven,’ ‘Manchurian Candidate,’ Dies at 95

Henry Silva, an actor with a striking look who often played villains and hadcredits in hundreds of films including “Ocean’s Eleven” and “The ManchurianCandidate,” died of natural causes Wednesday at the Motion Picture Picture andTelevision Country House and Hospital in Woodland Hills, Calif., his son Scottconfirmed. He was 95.

One of Silva’s most memorable roles came in John Frankenheimer’s classicthriller “The Manchurian Candidate” (1962), in which he played Chunjin, theKorean houseboy for Laurence Harvey’s Raymond Shaw — and an agent for theCommunists — who engages in a thrilling, well -choreographed martial artsbattle with Frank Sinatra’s Major Bennett Marco at Shaw’s New York apartment.

Silva appeared in a number of other movies with Sinatra, including theoriginal, Rat Pack-populated “Ocean’s Eleven” (1960) with Dean Martin andSammy Davis Jr., where he was one of the 11 thieves, and 1962 Western“Sergeants 3 .”

His death was first reported by Dean Martin’s daughter Deana Martin, who wroteon Twitter,“Our hearts are broken at the loss of our dear friend Henry Silva, one of thenicest, kindest and most talented men I’ve had the pleasure of calling myfriend. He was the last surviving star of the original Oceans 11 Movie. Welove you Henry, you will be missed.”

In later years, he appeared in Burt Reynolds vehicle “Sharky’s Machine”(1981), the Chuck Norris movie “Code of Silence” (1985), Steven Seagal movie“Above the Law” (1988), Warren Beatty’s “Dick Tracy” ( 1990) and JimJarmusch’s “Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai” (1999); Silva’s final screenappearance was a cameo in the “Ocean’s Eleven” remake in 2001.

A 1985 article by Knight-Ridder journalist Diane Haithman headlined “HenrySilva: The Actor You Love to Hate” began this way: “His face looms on screen.A face with sharp, high cheekbones and a blunt, tiny nose, a face that lookslike it was cut out of steel and always is behind a gun. And eyes that seeonly the next victim. cold eye. The eyes of a psychopath. He doesn’t have tosay a thing before you know you hate him. … Silva has made a lifelong careerwith that face (which, by the way, looks fatherly off-camera).”

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Silva told Haithman that growing up in Spanish Harlem helped prepare him forthe kinds of roles he would later play in movies. “’I saw a lot of things inHarlem,’ he recalled in an accent rich with his New York origins. ‘It was thekind of place where if you lived on one block and you wanted to go a fewblocks away, you had to take a couple of guys with you, or else you would getyour ass kicked.’ “

Speaking of his career, the actor told the journalist, ” ‘I think the reasonthat I haven’t disappeared (as a popular “heavy”) is that the heavies I playare all leaders. I never play a wishy-washy anything. They’re interestingroles, because when you leave the theater, you remember these kinds of guys.’”

Silva first made an impression as the henchman to Richard Boone’s villain inBudd Boetticher’s 1957 Western “The Tall T,” starring Randolph Scott. He alsoappeared in Westerns including “The Law and Jake Wade” (he played Rennie, oneof the Confederate ruffians led by Richard Widmark) and “The Bravados.”

In Fred Zinnemann’s “A Hatful of Rain” (1957), starring Don Murray and EvaMarie Saint, he played Mother, the supplier to Murray’s piteous morphineaddict; Silva had created the role of Mother in 1955-56 in the originalBroadway production of the play upon which the movie was based in which BenGazzara and Shelley Winters starred.

In Audrey Hepburn-Anthony Perkins vehicle “Greens Mansions” (1959), he playedthe evil son of the chief of a primitive tribe in the Venezuelan jungle; healso played a Native American in “Five Savage Men” (1970) and “Sergeants 3”(1962).

Silva starred as the title character in the 1963 crime drama “Johnny Cool,” inwhich his character assassinates Mafia bosses in order to gain control of anempire of his own. He also portrayed the title character, a Japanese secretagent earlier played by Peter Lorre, in 1965’s “The Return of Mr. Motorcycle.”

According to an article on the website Cool Ass Cinema, Silva’s “talents as aleading man weren’t fully appreciated till he went to Europe, where Italianfilmmakers put his wild eyed, intense face to good use after a fiery, scene-stealing performance in Carlo Lizzani’s exciting ‘The Hills Run Red’ (1966).“Silva really found his calling in European action thrillers as evidenced inEmilio Miraglia’s taut political thriller ‘Assassination’ (1967),” where he isreborn with a new identity, Chandler, trained as a political assassin and usedto defeat an international crime syndicate . The actor starred the next yearfor Miraglia in “The Falling Man,” in which he played a cop framed for killinga police informer.

Silva got even busier in the 1970s, playing tough customers on both sides ofthe law in movies made in Europe. He had prominent roles, said Cool AssCinema, “in two of Fernando Di Leo’s most accomplished works — ‘Manhunt'(1972) and ‘The Boss’ (1973) — the second and third of his Mafia trilogy thatbegan with the superb genre classic ‘Milan Caliber 9’ (1972).” In ‘Manhunt,’Silva and Woody Strode played American assassins out to silence a pimp who’swrongfully blamed for the disappearance of a shipment of heroin; ‘The Boss’saw one of Silva’s best performances, playing a hitman working for a Mafioso.“His role here,” said Cool Ass Cinema, “defined the signature Silva persona asan infallible, near indestructible presence bearing a cool and calculatingdemeanor.”

Other European credits during the ’70s include Andrea Bianchi’s brutal crimedrama “Cry of a Prostitute,” Umberto Lenzi’s “Almost Human,” “Manhunt in theCity” and “Free Hand for a Tough Cop,” “Weapons of Death” and finally 1979’s”Crimebusters.” “Manhunt in the City” showed a somewhat more vulnerable sideof Silva as an ordinary man driven to seek vengeance when the law fails topunish the killers of his daughter.

In the 1980s he sometimes showed a humorous side as he appeared in rolesparodying his earlier work, such as in “Cannonball Run 2.”

Silva was born in Brooklyn and grew up in Spanish Harlem. According to thebook “Hispanics in Hollywood,” his parents were Italian and Puerto Rican. Hequit school when he 13 and began to take drama classes while supportinghimself as a dishwasher and eventually a waiter. Silva auditioned for theActors Studio in 1955; he was one of five students accepted from a field of2,500 applicants.

He’d made his television debut on “Armstrong Circle Theater” in 1950 and hisbig-screen debut, uncredited, in Elia Kazan’s 1952 film “Viva Zapata!”starring Marlon Brando.

Silva was married twice in the 1950s; his third marriage, to Ruth Earl, lastedfrom 1966 until their divorce in 1987.

He survived by two sons, Michael and Scott. Scott Silva asked that fansremember his father by commenting on his social accounts: Instagram:henrysilvaofficial; Twitter: @MrHenrySilva and Henry Silva official onFacebook.

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Cheryl Burke is ‘choosing not to date’ amid divorce

Unapologetically is a Yahoo Life series in which people get the chance toshare how they live their best life — out loud and in color, without fear orregret — looking back at the past with a smile and embracing the future withexcited anticipation.

Cheryl Burke is stepping into a new phase of life. the Dancing With theStars pro, 38, recently split from her husband Matthew Lawrence. Now, she islearning how to feel comfortable in her own company after “grieving” the endof her marriage. For now, she’s “choosing not to date,” she says.

“It’s just me and my Frenchie,” she tells Yahoo Life. “I’ve been sober now forfour years, and with that comes self-reflecting. I’m like a sponge and I’mjust learning to love myself and really learning to be alone instead oflonely. I think it’s very important for me to establish that relationship withmyself so that I don’t continue on that same pattern of men andrelationships.”

When the time comes for the Dance Moms alum to date, she says she’s shunningthe dating apps in favor of a more old school approach to meeting someone.

“I’m all about matchmakers,” she says. “I know statistics show that they havea high rate. It’s not just about swiping left to see who looks good and whatoccupation they do — it’s deeper than that.”

The relationship she’s most focused on at the moment, however, is the one withherself. Burke, who previously opened up about her past with sexual abuse, hasa self care routine that includes meditation and therapy. One important thingshe has learned through both practices was the idea that “we are not ourthoughts,” but rather “observers” of our thoughts.

“It’s not trying to define yourself by outside sources,” she notes. “So yourjob, your friends, your family, your name … it’s developing this foundationwithin yourself and knowing your self worth without all of that.”

That includes shutting down people-pleasing tendencies she’s relied on in thepast.

“I used to put everybody else in front of me and my needs, and I realize thatthat I’m doing myself a disservice,” she explains. “I think it’s veryimportant to just take a breath and be kind to yourself because this is noteasy.”

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Burke, who struggles with body dysmorphia, says that what she sees in themirror “isn’t necessarily what everybody else sees.” While she is trying tochange the “vocabulary” around her self-criticism, her body is something shethinks about often.

“I think it’s really hard for women to accept who they are today,” she muses.”Especially if you’re in a business like I am in the entertainment industry …comparison is the devil.”

“I hope one day my body dysmorphia goes away,” she adds. “But I also have to …give it grace, and same thing with age. It’s like, you gotta accept it forwhat it is and just know that you’re working to be better…And I think the moreyou own it internally, the more you’ll see it externally.”

When it comes to feeling sexy, Burke says, “What makes me feel sexy every dayis loving myself, is really giving back to me and putting me first.”

She has also spoken out recently about never having had an orgasm throughsexual intercourse — a story, she says, that has been “misinterpreted” a bitby the press.

“I’ve had an orgasm before through sexual acts,” she explained. “But when itcomes to me being molested, when I was a little girl, [there are] sexual actsthat I don’t want to necessarily be performed on me, because it’s a triggeringthing when it comes to my mental health. I know a few women who have gonethrough something similar who also feel the same, or you just completelydisconnect and sex just becomes the act, and there’s nothing meaningful behindit.”

Now, Burke says she is “most unapologetic” about sharing her “life story” —even when some people complain she is “oversharing.”

The reason, she says, is b because of the “amount of feedback and emails andcomments I get from people saying, ‘Thank you. I know I’m not alone.’”

“That to me… means the world,” she shares. “It takes away any shame, even justspeaking it, because I’m hopefully leading by example.”

—Video produced by Olivia Schneider.

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