Ana de Armas court case verdict leaves Hollywood walking on eggshells

An earthquake in Hollywood. Due to a major lawsuit involving Ana de Armas, theAmerican film industry is currently shaking to its foundations. Despite this,the star actress did not even act in it Yesterday the film that is at theroot of all the fuss.

In short, in Yesterday we follow the musical career of a man who suddenlyawakens in an alternate universe where no one has ever heard of The Beatles.He senses an opportunity and decides to make the numbers himself Fab Four onthe John Lennon-less world, under his own name, of course.

Look who gets serenaded around the second minute of the trailer above: Ana deArmas. Only the Cuban-Spanish Bond girl and Blonde actress ultimately does notappear in the final version of the film. And that was not to the liking of twoof her fans.

Lawsuit against Universal over cut scene

Small role or not, Ana de Armas’s star seems to be reaching greater andgreater heights. Two aggrieved fans of the actress couldn’t stomach the factthat Universal had finally decided to put her (only) serenade scene in_Yesterday_ to delete. The duo then filed a lawsuit against the Hollywoodstudio and a judge has now ruled in their favor. According to the court, thereis indeed misleading advertising.

“Universal is right that trailers involve some creativity and editorialdiscretion. But this creativity does not outweigh the commercial character ofa trailer. Essentially, a trailer is an advertisement intended to sell a movieby giving the consumer a preview,” the judge’s ruling clearly states.

ana de armas, bond girl, yesterday, universal,suedThe deleted scene (Image: Universal)

Lawyers for Universal argued that trailers are not commercial but artistic innature and that this lawsuit could spark a litany of lawsuits from disgruntledviewers. The judge was not convinced. He clarified that the court’s ruling islimited only to circumstances where a trailer advertises an actor whoultimately does not appear in the film. As in the case of Yesterday where itwas “likely” that Ana de Armas would play a role in the movie based on thetrailer.

Consequences of court case involving Ana de Armas

When the plaintiffs each paid $3.99 to Yesterday to rent on Amazon Prime,they were disappointed not to see Ana de Armas in the film despite thetrailer, unaware that the actress had been cut from the film. The two men aredemanding at least $5 million from Universal on behalf of themselves and otheraffected consumers. The court will decide on the size of the amount due at alater date. But in any case, the ruling puts a bomb under Hollywood.

Trailers are often assembled before the end product is ready. In the monthsbetween the trailer and release, filmmakers or studios may make new creativedecisions, including cutting roles and scenes. With this new regulation, thefilm industry will have to be extra careful with this.

Charlbi Dean’s Cause of Death Confirmed by Coroner After Her Sudden Death at 32

Charlbi Dean’s cause of death has been determined by a New York City MedicalExaminer.

The Triangle of Sadness actress –– whose full name is Charlbi Dean Kriek ––died from an unexpected and sudden illness in August. She was 32.

At the time, the illness was not revealed.

A spokesperson for the New York City Office of Chief Medical Examinerconfirmed to PEOPLE on Wednesday that she died of bacterial sepsis.

The sepsis “was a complication from asplenia (the absence of a spleen) due to”remote blunt trauma to her torso,” the spokesperson tells PEOPLE.

The South African actress’ death was ruled an accident.

CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 21: Charlbi Dean Kriek attends the screening of"Triangle Of Sadness"  during the 75th annual Cannes film festival at Palaisdes Festivals on May 21, 2022 in Cannes, France.  (Photo by Vittorio ZuninoCelotto/GettyImages)

CANNES, FRANCE – MAY 21: Charlbi Dean Kriek attends the screening of “TriangleOf Sadness” during the 75th annual Cannes film festival at Palais desFestivals on May 21, 2022 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Vittorio ZuninoCelotto/Getty Images)

Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty

Her bacterial sepsis was caused after she was infected with a bacteria knownas Capnocytophaga. While the infection is rare, there are different species ofCapnocytophaga that develop in the mouths of humans and which are also presentin the mouths of dogs and cats, according to the CDC. People with autoimmuneissues and without spleens are particularly susceptible.

It is not clear if an animal bite or lick was responsible for the model’sinfections as the medical examiner has not made her full autopsy public.

RELATED: ‘ Triangle of Sadness’ Director Calls Actress Charlbi Dean’sSudden Death at 32 a ‘Tragedy’


Charlie Dean

Lionel Hahn/Getty Charlie Dean

RELATED: Charlbi Dean ‘s Fiancé Luke Volker Speaks Out After Her SuddenDeath at 32

Days after she died, Dean’s brother Alex Jacobs told Rollingstone that hersudden death in New York City on Monday happened after she began experiencing”minor” symptoms and soon asked her fiancé, Luke Volker, to take her to anemergency room. She died just hours later.

“This happened literally within the span of a day: getting a headache, goingto sleep, waking up her boyfriend and saying please take me to the hospital,”Jacobs told Rollingstone.

“We still aren’t entirely sure [what happened],” Jacobs added at the time.”There’s an autopsy being done which we know might take quite a while. Butwhat we have heard [that] there was a viral infection in her lungs.”

Story continues

Jacobs told Rollingstone that Dean was involved in a “very, very bad caraccident” around 2009, after which doctors removed her spleen. She alsosuffered broken ribs and a broken back in the accident, according to herbrother.

“[The spleen is] involved in fighting off infections, and that could have hadsomething to do with what happened,” Jacobs said. “Her spleen not being therejust added on to the reason why she perhaps couldn’t fight it off.”

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Volker also mourned the death of his fiancé on Instagram in a brief video toshow appreciation for the messages he received after the news.

“Hi, everyone. I wanted to just post a picture of Charlbi, but it’s a bithard,” began Volker, 26. “And just wanted to let you know I see all yourmessages, all the love, and I appreciate it. I really do. It’s just I can’treally reply to them right now. But thank you, guys. I appreciate it. I loveyou.”

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Triangle of Sadness writer/director Ruben Östlund grieved Dean in anInstagram post as well, saying it was “an honor to have gotten to know andwork with her” before the “tragedy.”

He added, “Charlbi had a care and sensitivity that lifted her colleagues andthe entire film crew. The thought that she will not be by our side in thefuture makes me very sad. At this difficult time, my thoughts go out to herloved ones, her family and her fiancé Luke.”

How Whitney Houston biopic ‘Dance With Somebody’ brings late singer’s same-sex relationship to the forefront

Naomi Ackie was little-known in the US when she was tapped for a role asJannah in JJ Abrams’s 2019 saga capper Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

But the pressure and intense fanfare that comes with joining the Star Wars_universe could only partly prepare the 30-year-old London native for herlatest high profile role: playing the beloved late pop star Whitney Houston inthe new biopic _I Wanna Dance With Somebody .

“In some ways [it did], knowing that you are entering into something that alot of people have a sense of ownership about and a huge love for.Absolutely,” Ackie tells Yahoo Entertainment in a recent interview. “But italso felt very different… It felt like quite a solitary journey at times, eventhough I had a huge amount of help from everyone.”

Ackie, who has also appeared in Doctor Who and The End of the FkingWorld was no doubt daunted by the role, which required her to sing live onset, even if her vocals were eventually replaced by Houston’s recordings.

“It’s a journey,” she says. “And I think when I got the part and knew I wasstarting a portion of my life and dedicating a portion of my life to Whitney,I just had to hold onto faith that if I worked hard and I chipped away at thethings I know I needed to do to tell this story, that the end result would besomething that people would enjoy and be touched by.”

Directed by Kasi Lemmons ( Eve ‘s Bayou, Harriet) and written by AnthonyMcCarten ( Bohemian Rhapsody ), the film follows Houston from her discoveryby Clive Davis (Stanley Tucci) at her mother’s lounge show in Newark, NJ toher ascent to global superstardom to her tumultuous relationship with husbandBobby Brown (Ashton Sanders) to her battles with drugs and ultimately hertragic death in 2012 at the age of only 48.

But one aspect of her story — and throughline in I Wanna Dance With Somebody— that’s certain to get renewed attention with the release of the film isHouston’s relationship with her best friend, longtime assistant, and at onepoint, lover, Robyn Crawford (Nafessa Williams).

Story continues

Whitney and Robyn meet-cute at a park in the film’s opening minutes, move intogether and are in a romantic relationship until the newly-signed singer’scareer starts to take off and her father-manager (Clarke Peters) insists sheonly see men.

Naomi Ackie as Whitney Houston in 'I Wanna Dance With Somebody'(Sony)Naomi Ackie asWhitney Houston in 'I Wanna Dance With Somebody'(Sony)

Naomi Ackie as Whitney Houston I Wanna Dance With Somebody. (Photo: Sony)

While in real life Houston never publicly discussed the same-sex relationshipwhen she was alive, Crawford revealed intimate details surrounding it in her2019 memoir A Song for You: My Life With Whitney Houston. Brown has alsoconfirmed it in more recent years. But gossip about the nature of Houston andCrawford’s relationship, especially earlier in their lives, circulated fordecades.

“It’s something that I gotta say as a young actor in New York City and kind ofin the Black showbiz circuit, we all knew about,” says Lemmons, who appearedin movies like School Daza (1988) and candy man (1992) before pursuingfilmmaking herself. “We didn’t know because we weren’t inside the room, but weall speculated about Robyn. In her life she was obviously somebody who wasvery close to her.

“But in talking to people that knew her [for the film], it was obvious thatthis was actually a very significant relationship. It was a friendship thatwent on for decades. And we had to find a way to honor it and to be truthfulto it. Honestly, I think it’s important because there was a lot of pressure[on Houston] from the outside world to conform to expectations. I think thatput pressure on their relationship and you have to ask yourself, what itwould’ve been like if they didn’t have that pressure? What would’ve happenedto them?”

Some people who knew the “How Will I Know” and “I Will Always Love You”hitmaker, like one of her longtime songwriters, Diane Warren, have said thatthey believe Houston would still be alive today had she continued herrelationship with Crawford.

“I was really young, so I remember hearing whispers, but not even really oldenough to really understand what people were whispering about,” says Williams( Black Lightning ), who plays Crawford in the film but has not yet met her.“So I think to now know the truth and it now being exposed or discovered orshared in this film, I just was really excited for Robyn to be able to live inher truth and be able to do it out loud.

“They meant a lot to each other, and it was a touchy, sensitive area. She losta friend, and I believe they were soulmates and still are. So I just wanted toapproach it really carefully and represent Robyn in the best light that Icould.”

For Ackie, it was important to her that Houston’s estate was involved in theproject.

“When I read the script, I was so happy to see that Robyn was included,because it’s a huge part of her life,” Ackie says. “You can’t tell WhitneyHouston’s story without Robyn Crawford. They were friends and more, and what Ithink is so beautiful about their relationship is they morph from one thing toanother, and they never put a label on it. And so, in a sense, we can’t reallyput a label on it. But what they did have was a deep love for each other. Andto show that love, that she was loved in that way by Robyn is a beautifulthing to show.”

Review overview Comedy Queen: ‘Warm-blooded’ and a ‘bit unruly’ | Movies & Series

The youth movie Comedy Queen , which has been shown in Dutch cinemas sincethis week, is about thirteen-year-old Sasha, who lost her mother to suicide.Since then she lives by four rules of survival: cut your hair, don’t readbooks, never care for anything living and become a comedian. The teenager doeseverything in her power to make her father laugh again.

de Volkskrant – four stars

“Birthday after birthday, Sasha asked for a dog. Now, at thirteen, it’sfinally here. Dad and grandma watch with glee as she opens the box with thepuppy’s photo. Then they don’t understand it when Sasha is having dinner.becomes terribly angry, precisely because of that one birthday present.”

“One of the many achievements of Comedy Queen (…) is that as a spectator youdo understand why Sasha (Sigrid Johnson) is acting this way. And that at thesame time you feel how painful it must be for dad Abbe (Oscar Töringe) not tobe able to get through to his daughter, just now that they need each othermore than ever.”

“Incredibly clever, how protagonist Johnson (…) drags you into Sasha’ssurvival strategy, while desperation is lurking. And how she continues toshine despite everything, just like the whole film: not a moment is lost_Comedy Queen_ his glowing, sweet look on the characters, even if the sadnesscan’t go away for a long time.”

Read the full review here

Het Parool – no stars

Based on the book of the same name by Jenny Jägerfeld Comedy Queen is a filmabout mourning, about not being able to laugh or not being able to cry. Sashahasn’t seen her father (beautifully subdued played by Oscar Töringe) smilesince her mother’s death. She saw and heard him cry. On the floor in thehallway, in the bathroom with the door closed. And crying is exactly whatSasha hasn’t done yet. Don’t want to do. Because mom often cried too.”

“The Swedish director Sanna Lenken knows how to weave the heavy theme throughthis film in a credible way by consistently choosing the experience of thechild. Just as humor is a weapon against pain for Sasha, the film alsoregularly chooses a light-hearted tone, which seriousness seldom undermines.”

Read the full review here

Fidelity – five stars

“Lenken takes the time to let us take a look at this creative process: findinginspiration in human existence, looking for words, working towards a punchline. And looking for boundaries: are you allowed to laugh at the expense ofothers? It is precisely those artistic steps that the young to help a teenagerin a complicated emotional process. Mourning is not just sadness. In a spokenletter to her mother, anger is also released. And guilt. There comes a momentwhen Sasha is screaming under a magnolia tree.”

“With her fine group of actors and with sharply written dialogues, Lenkenmanages to find an admirable balance between seriousness and lightness,poignant memories and cheerfulness. Chronic depression is a theme, but teenagegiggles are also allowed. People can jump out of their skin, but withcelebrating your birthday is also important.”

Read the full review here

NRC – four stars

Just like in her debut My Skinny Sister , about the eating disorder of ayoung top athlete, Lenken effortlessly carries the audience along while hermain character tries to give space to the emptiness. “The best jokes are aboutthe pain inside yourself,” a professional stand-up comedian advises the girl.Comedy Queen fits in a rich tradition of Scandinavian youth films that don’tshy away from struggles in life or make heavy themes more beautiful than theyare.”

Leading actor Sigrid Johnson is remarkable as Sasha, who, behind her grimsmile and provocative look, is weighed down by a tsunami of emotions: fromanger to uncertainty, from sadness to success. The film transcends thepredicate ‘youth film’: it is a sincere, warm-blooded drama from which viewersof all ages can draw hope, comfort and lessons.”

Read the full review here

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Pedro Elias hosts ‘Before the Bomb Drops’, a huge ratings hit in Australia for years

A quiz about the past year with fragments? It is involuntarily reminiscentViewer of the year once a regular spot at the VRT. But rest assured; Beforethe bomb falls contains a different concept. At that time it was only aboutfragments from TV programs, now the candidates are presented with questionsfrom all the small and big news that made it to the TV screen. Guaranteedsuccess? We list why this quiz might catch on.

Australia’s ratings gun

This formula was not invented in Flanders. The quiz is an adaptation of Haveyou been paying attention, a format that saw the light in Down Under in 2013.After a hesitant start, the quiz became a major viewing hit that also receivedrave reviews. 264 episodes have already been broadcast in Australia. So itcan’t be the basic concept.

The right time

While in the original format everything revolves around the news facts of thepast week, the Flemish makers take it a bit more broadly. In a period thatoverwhelms us with end-of-year lists and overviews, all questions and videoshere also have to do with the past year. The Christmas period is always theideal time to look back. Divided over several rounds, the highs, lows,interesting, remarkable, funny and sad events of 2022 pass in review.

The presenter

You can’t ignore him this week, but at the same time you never get tired ofPedro Elias. The man with the high cuddliness factor, predisposition tohypochondria, compulsive neuroses and Catalan blood has Control Pedro, TheIdiots and The container cup already enough kilometers on the counter not tofall through the basket as a host and at the same time not to derail the quiz.Which can sometimes happen if you get opposition from Maaike Cafmeyer and AlexAgnew, among others.


A common complaint in BV games is that you always see the same faces, but noteveryone is in the right place in a quiz. Just think of Paul D’Hoore or actorBert Haelvoet recently Equally good friends. Also Before the bomb falls wantsto come out original. Athlete Jean-Marc Mwema, once a candidate in Thesmartest person, is cohost tonight. Next week it will be actress Isabelle VanHecke, aka the pinnacle Carine in the success series Uncles. But althoughannounced as a cohost, their share in the program is very small.

Well-known people participate

Often an advantage: if well-known Flemish people participate in quizzes, theviewing figures are usually a lot higher. Just think about Switch or Thesmartest person. A conscious choice has been made for familiar faces who knowhow to add panache to a game. In the first episode Pedro gets the help ofcomedian Alex Agnew, actor Rik Verheye, comedienne Amelie Albrecht, the onlycop who ever won Humo’s Comedy Cup Vincent Voeten and director Erik Van Looy.

Our prognosis?

Happy sitting Before the bomb falls not on VTM, because their track record hasbeen with recently The upside down world, Just as good friends, The positivosand Pop quiz quite negative. Still, the Flemish love (good) quizzes. Manycompatriots hit The smartest person apparently never tired of it, and lastmonth was the quiz in response to 25 years Canvas another gem in the quizgenre. Before the bomb falls is well put together, the difficulty level is nottoo high (and compared to Blocks also not too low). This may sometimes work.

From a signed Camille book to the very best LPs: these are the must-haves for every type of music fan | MyGuide

HLN ShopWhether it’s classical or heavy metal, Flemish schlager or techno:music binds and connects. HLN Shop therefore gathered 6 musical must-haves.Perfect for treating a loved one – or yourself – during the holiday season.

By Joni Horemans, in collaboration with HLN Shop 20-12-22, 12:01

Latest update: 14:43 Source: HLN Shop

The very best LPs

Spotify and co have not yet managed to get the album small, and thanks to itscharm and authentic sound, that will not happen soon. On the contrary: vinylis still gaining popularity, also among young people, especially when it comesto immortal classics.

Does pop drive you crazy or are you a rock lover? Or are the cult heroes moreyour thing? We have put together the best packages so that you can enjoy themusic of ‘the good old days’!

Tip: View the packages below at discount prices via the HLN Shop.

The LP packages: cult heroes, pop and rock. © HLN Shop

Decorative retro design

You can also pay tribute to the vinyl record in another way: namely with a setof original coasters. Replicas of old singles on which you can put your drink,immediately give a retro touch to your interior, even if you don’t have arecord player in the living room.

These washable gadgets with an anti-slip bottom do not only look nice, theyare also very functional in their fight against unsightly circles on your(coffee) table.

Convinced? You can buy these coasters here.

Vinyl Elpee coasters (set of6).Vinyl Elpee coasters (set of 6). © Radbag

Play together

Board games are part of Christmas, and you will also find them tailored tomusic freaks. For example, there is the board game ‘Maestro Ensemble &Symphony’, which turns you into a real conductor. After all, you are the firstto try to compose a piece of music that you can listen to via a QR code.’Ensemble’ is also suitable for beginning musicians and children from the ageof 7.

Fancy a musical evening with the whole family? Then visit this website.

Maestro Ensemble & Symphony musical boardgame.Maestro Ensemble & Symphony musical board game. © Bax Shop

Signed book by Camille

Are you dealing with a Camille fan? Then the friends book with the singer’ssigned poster book is a gift full of ‘fireworks’. Camille was the first tofill in the friend book herself, so that your offspring can learn some nicethings about her, while waiting for the answers from their friends. A quiz andbirthday calendar add to the fun.

Surprise your child with this unique gift? You can order a friend bookfrom Camille via the HLN Shop. Please note: stock is limited.

Turn and poke

Looking for a little gift? A nice gift is a music box that plays the favoritesong of the person you want to surprise. You will find the lovely miniaturebarrel organs in numerous editions, with classics from ‘Imagine’ and ‘Stairwayto Heaven’ to ‘La Vie en Rose’, ‘Für Elise’ and ‘Jingle Bells’.

If your favorite hit is not included, then you just get to work yourself.After all, there is also a DIY version that allows you to make your own musicsound. By poking holes in the blank paper strips, you create a highly personalmelody for your music box.

Does it sound like music to you? You can buy this music box here.

Kikkerland nostalgic musicbox.Kikkerland nostalgic music box. ©

Music everywhere

Earbuds are a gift that is guaranteed to score points. These wirelessearphones work via Bluetooth and increase the ease of use. They make itpossible to take music with you wherever you go, so that your surprising musiclover will never have to do without his songs for long.

They died in 2022: from Piet Paulusma to Olivia Newton John and Queen Elizabeth

One person lived more than 100 years, the youngest in this list died at theage of 34. The celebrities below all deserve a spot on this page for differentreasons. For example, because of their role in world history, their commitmentto society or because of their influence on the music, TV or art world.

January 6: Sidney Poitier (94)

Sidney Poitier was the first actor of color to win an Oscar for Best LeadActor in 1963 for the drama Lilies of the Field. In 2009, he received theMedal of Freedom from President Obama, the highest US civilian honor. Readmore.

January 20: Meat Loaf (74)

The American singer, whose real name is Michael Lee Aday, made the album BatOut of Hell (1977), with hits such as Paradise By The Dashboard Light and YouTook the Words Right Out of My Mouth. Read more.

January 25: Wim Jansen (75)

As a football player, he won the European Cup 1 and the World Cup for clubswith Feyenoord in 1970. Jansen played 65 international matches for the Dutchnational team and lost the World Cup finals in 1974 and 1978. Read more.

January 27: Max Moszkowicz Sr. (95)

As a lawyer, Moskowicz represented, among others, the Heineken kidnappers Corvan Hout and Willem Holleeder. He survived the German extermination camps inWorld War II, his parents, brother and sister did not. Read more.

March 13: William Hurt (71)

The actor won an Oscar for his role in the film Kiss of the Spider Woman(1985) and received Oscar nominations for his roles in the satire BroadcastNews (1987), Children of a Lesser God (1986) and A History of Violence (2005).. Read more.

March 20: Piet Paulusma (65)

The weatherman invariably concluded his contribution with: ‘oant moarn’ (‘seeyou tomorrow’). He made Piets Weer at SBS for 23 years, always from adifferent location in the country, since 2020 at Omroep MAX. Read more.

March 23: Madeleine Albright (84)

Albright was the first female United States Secretary of State (1997-2001)under President Bill Clinton. She was born in what was then Czechoslovakia andfled the country during World War II. Read more.

April 8: Mimi Reinhardt (107)

Reinhardt drew up lists of names of Jews who could work in the factory ofGerman industrialist Oskar Schindler so that they would not be deported duringthe Holocaust. The story has been filmed as Schindler’s List. Read more.

April 14: Alex Brenninkmeijer (70)

Brenninkmeijer was the national ombudsman from 2005 to 2014. He dealt withcomplaints from citizens about government agencies for almost ten years andconducted research into Q fever, among other things. In 2014 he became amember of the European Court of Auditors.

The singer, composer and writer has translated lyrics from musicals such asJersey Boys, Tommy and Hello, Dolly!. He played in the musical Doe Maar! andalso wrote books and songs. His farewell album IPV Cards was released shortlybefore his death. Rot died of metastatic colon cancer. Read more.

April 25: Henny Vrienten (73)

The singer, composer, guitarist became known as the frontman of the popularband Doe Maar, which had hits such as Is dit alles, De bom, Pa and Doris Day.Vrienten wrote music for films and TV series such as Left Luggage, Abeltje,Het Klokhuis, Sesamstraat. Read more.

April 30: Mino Raiola (54)

The professional football player’s agent was involved in transfers of well-known players such as Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Paul Pogba, Erling Haaland andMatthijs de Ligt. He was born in Italy and grew up in Haarlem. Read more.

May 4: Mary ‘Sis’ van Rossem (77)

The art historian and sister of historian Maarten discussed the culturalheritage of a city with her brothers Maarten and Vincent in the popular TVprogram Here are the Van Rossems. Read more.

May 11: Jeroen Brouwers (82)

The writer made his debut in 1964 with the short story collection Het mes opde keel, and also wrote the book Bezonken Rood about the conditions in aJapanese camp. In 2021 he won the Libris Literature Prize for his latest bookClient E. Busken. Read more.

May 15: Mient Jan Faber (81)

Mient Jan Faber was a well-known peace activist and one of the creators of theslogan: ‘Get nuclear weapons out of the world, starting with the Netherlands’.He organized large demonstrations against nuclear weapons in the 1980s. He wasalso a mathematician. Read more.

May 26: Willibrord Frequin (80)

Frequin became known as a presenter who did not shy away from confrontation.Especially in the program De week van Willibrord he worked like this. Hepreviously worked for the KRO program Brandpunt. In 1976 he was the onlyjournalist to ask Prince Bernhard about the Lockheed affair, the briberyscandal in which the prince was involved. Read more.

June 23: Stien Kaiser (84)

Kaiser was Olympic and World Speed ​​Skating Champion. In 1967 she was thefirst Dutch skater to become world all-round champion. She won gold in the 3kilometers at the Olympic Games in Sapporo (1972). Read more.

July 4: Remco Campert (92)

The writer became famous with the book Life is vurrukkulluk, for which hereceived the PC Hooft Prize. He wrote more than a hundred novels, collectionsof short stories and collections of poems. He was the son of poet Jan Campert.Read more.

Abe was Japan’s longest-serving prime minister, leading the country in 2006and 2007 and from 2012-2020. Both times he resigned for health reasons. He wasshot while campaigning for a fellow party member. Read more.

July 30: Nichelle Nichols (89)

The actress played Lieutenant Nyota Uhura in the Star Trek series. Her kisswith colleague William Shatner (Captain Kirk) is known as one of the firstkiss scenes between a black actress and a white actor on American television.Read more.

August 8: Olivia Newton John (73)

The singer and actress played the role of Sandy in the film Grease (1978)opposite John Travolta. She has hits to her name such as You’re The One That IWant and Hopelessly Devoted To You. Read more.

August 20: Bram Peper (82)

The PvdA was mayor of Rotterdam for sixteen years (from 1982 to 1998) duringwhich, among other things, the Erasmus Bridge was built and the plans for theKop van Zuid district were developed. Peper was also Minister of the Interior(1998-2000). He was discredited by the so-called receipt affair. Read more.

August 30: Mikhail Gorbachev (91)

Gorbachev was leader of the Soviet Union (1985-1991). His reforms ended theCold War, the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the fall of the Berlin Walland the Russian concepts of glasnost (openness) and perestroika (reform)became known worldwide. Read more.

September 7: Piet Schrijvers (75)

Schrijvers was goalkeeper for Ajax (nicknamed De Beer van de Meer because ofhis impressive appearance), PEC Zwolle and FC Twente. He defended the goal 46times in the Dutch national team. A few years ago it was announced thatSchrijvers had Alzheimer’s disease. Read more.

September 8: Queen Elizabeth II (96)

Queen Elizabeth was the longest reigning monarch in British history. Shebecame queen in 1952 at the age of 25 after the death of her father KingGeorge VI and remained so for seventy years, until her death. Her husbandPrince Philip (99) died in 2021. Read more.

September 28: Coolio (59)

Rapper Coolio, his real name was Artis Leon Ivey Jr., scored hits with songslike Gangsta’s Paradise and Fantastic Voyage. He won a Grammy for best soloperformance in 1996 with Gangsta’s Paradise. Read more.

October 3: Leonie Sazias (65)

Sazias was a TV presenter and former Member of Parliament for 50PLUS. Shestarted her career as a broadcaster with Veronica, and also made programs forAVRO (talk show Ruud en Leonie with Ruud ter Weijden) and TROS (Animal mannerswith Martin Gaus). Read more.

October 14: Robbie Coltrane (72)

The actor who played the giant Hagrid in the Harry Potter film series hasacted in more than fifty films. He also appeared in the James Bond filmsGolden Eye (1995) and The World is Not Enough (1999). Read more.

Nov. 5: Aaron Carter (34)

Aaron Carter was the younger brother of Backstreet Boys known Nick Carter.Aaron himself also scored hits with songs like ‘Crush On You’ and ‘CrazyLittle Party Girl’. Aaron has had relationships with Hilary Duff and laterLindsay Lohan. The singer was found dead at his home in Lancaster, California.Read more.

November 8: Pierre Kartner (87)

Kartner’s stage name was Father Abraham. He had hits such as Het Smurfenlied,Het Kleine Café aan de Haven and Vader Abraham had seven sons. He also wrotesongs for others such as Crying is too late for you from Corry and the Rekels.Read more.

November 13: Rudi Hemmes (99)

Hemmes escaped to England in 1943 and returned with the Princess Irene Brigadeto liberate the Netherlands. He told young people about freedom until a veryold age. He did not consider himself a hero, but in 2019 King Willem-Alexanderpraised him for his courage. Read more.

November 25: Irene Cara (63)

The singer and actress became world famous for her role as Coco Hernandez inthe musical film Fame. She also sang the title song What A Feeling for themovie Flashdance. Read more.

Nov. 30: Christine McVie (79)

The British singer and composer was part of pop group Fleetwood Mac for manyyears, wrote hits such as Little Lies, Everywhere, Don’t Stop, Say You Love Meand Songbird. Read more.

December 5: Kirstie Alley (71)

Alley was an American actress. She starred in TV series like Cheers and Northand South. She co-starred with John Travolta in the Look Who’s Talkingtrilogy. Read more.

December 13: Han Peekel (75)

Peekel was a television producer of programs such as TV Monument and the comicstrip program Krijg Vervolgd (1982 to 1997). In it, children imitated thevoice of their favorite cartoon character: ‘I’m 7 years old and I’m imitatingDonald Duck’, it sounded. Peekel died in Bali. Read more.

December 15: Joop Dikmans (92)

Joop Dikmans was known as the hearing-impaired crook B2 from Bassie enAdriaan. He played the role of B2 in The Secret of the Treasure (1987), TheLost Crown (1988) and The Sunken City (1989). Dikmans also performed as clownHandy Fool for decades. He suffered from dementia in the months before hisdeath and passed away in his sleep. Read more.

5 new Christmas movies in 2022 that are already being massively streamed

Netflix, HBO Max, Disney + and other streaming services will also release anarsenal of Christmas films in 2022. They shoot with buckshot, and there’salways a hit left. These five future classics are the most streamed to date.

The question is always: what is a Christmas movie? Is that a movie with a veryclear Christmas theme in it, like The Grinch? Or also count classics as DieHard along, which grew into Christmas movies but are not really? Of course,the streaming services focus on the first category, because the secondcategory arises by chance.

New Christmas movies in 2022 on the streaming services

A while ago it was announced which new Christmas films Disney +, HBO Max andNetflix have made for 2022. Based on the figures from film data websiteFlixPatrol, we highlight the biggest (read: best viewed) successes to date.

1. Falling for Christmas – Netflix

Starting with Lindsay Lohan’s comeback as an actress. In the Christmas movieFalling for Christmas, she plays Sierra Belmont/Sarah, a spoiled heiress wholoses her memory in a skiing accident. By chance she ends up with a poorwidower and his daughter during Christmas. Come up with a better recipe for aromantic comedy. Read more about the movie here.

Falling for Christmas can be streamed on Netflix.

2. The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special – Disney+

Not only widely viewed long before Christmas, but according to Rotten Tomatoesalso the absolute gem among the Christmas films of 2022. The Marvel filmscores 93% among the normally sour reviewers. It’s a short Christmas specialfeaturing the superheroes The Guardians of the Galaxy. A must see for allMarvel fans. Read more about the short film here.

The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special can be streamed on Disney+.

3. Holiday Harmony – HBO Max

Holiday Harmony has been in the top 10 most watched movies on HBO Max for awhile now. The new 2022 Christmas movie is about singer-songwriter Gail. Sheis on the verge of breaking through, but on her way to an event that couldmake or break her career, she ends up with car trouble. Then she meetshandyman Jeremy and you can largely fill in the rest yourself.

Holiday Harmony can be streamed on HBO Max.

4. Disenchanted – Disney+

Also a number of sequels to classic Christmas movies this year, including_Disenchanted_ the highly anticipated sequel to Enchanted. Amy Adams is backas Giselle in this somewhat trite new Christmas flick. But that’s nice duringChristmas. She accidentally turns the whole town into a fairy tale, and mustundo it again. Read more about the movie here.

Disenchanted can be streamed on Disney+.

5. Your Christmas Or Mine?

We close with Asa Butterfield, the British actor who broke through as a childactor in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (2008) and achieved world fame withhis leading role in Sex Education. Now he has a hit with the Christmas movie_Your Christmas Or Mine?. He plays college student James Hughes, who has abudding relationship with college student Hayley Taylor (Cora Kirk, _Prey forthe Devil ). They coincidentally try to surprise each other in the same wayduring Christmas, forcing them to spend Christmas without each other, but withtheir unknown in-laws. Read more about the movie here.

Your Christmas Or Mine? can be streamed on Netflix.

Also check out these top 10 classic Christmas movies that have been spreadacross various streaming services in 2022.

‘I now know exactly what it is’

Maarten van Rossem who has liked something since he was a child? It exists.No, we are not talking about a fun family game and celebrating carnival. VanRossem loves dinosaurs. He will now show that on Videoland with Gijs Rademaker_Maarten and Gijs on a Dino hunt_.

Maarten van Rossem is of course very busy as a member of the Subway panel.Last week, the professor and historian spoke out about whether King Willem-Alexander should apologize on behalf of the Netherlands for our slavery past.And then he is also a one-headed jury member of TV hit The smartest person ,which begins its trillionth season on Boxing Day. Still, Van Rossem found away to travel to North America with Gijs Rademaker. They went looking for…dinosaurs.

Maarten van Rossem on Videoland

Maarten and Gijs on a Dino hunt can be streamed on Videoland from today. Allfour episodes are available immediately. Subway already got a dino tip ofthe veil. With our opinion canon Maarten van Rossem within the ranks, we areof course curious about it Look at the Tube. In this Subway section, ErikJonk discusses new and striking programs from regular broadcasters andstreaming services. Last week we followed Jesus, this time Maarten van Rossem.An essential difference, although Van Rossem will gladly put that intoperspective or contradict it (you can almost hear him say: “I read an obviousmistake here”).

The reporter of Look at the Tube sometimes wakes up wondering who the hellcame up with trampling on a dark brown bean, pouring hot water over it andthinking ‘ha, coffee!’. Or even worse: reading that the universe is infiniteand then wondering what is behind that ‘infinite’. Everyone’s thing. Forexample, Maarten van Rossem and Gijs Rademaker have been fascinated bydinosaurs since childhood. Or dinosaurs, as we always say these days. Dinofans, the two even call themselves.

Gijs Rademaker’s first RTL job

Nice job for pollster and TV presenter Gijs Rademaker. In September heannounced that he would switch from regular broadcasting to commercial RTL /Videoland. His employment officially started on December 1. Not a bad start totravel to the United States with Maarten van Rossem to see if you can stillfind some dinosaurs from millions of years ago. “66 million years ago the lastdied out,” they say. The two met when Rademaker was a participant of Thesmartest person used to be. “We became dinosaur friends there.”



Maarten van Rossem and Gijs Rademaker also have a podcast: Dinocast. In it,the two give ‘a new image of dinosaurs’. Every week, as they call it, newdinosaurs are excavated and more quickly becomes known about these animals. In_Dinocast_ Maarten and Gijs visit the largest dinosaur museums and dinosaurexperts in the Netherlands and Belgium and ask them all the questions they canthink of.

Maarten van Rossem thinks Schiphol is ‘insane’

Gijs Rademaker speaks Maarten and Gijs on a Dino hunt an interestingsentence. “No human has ever seen a dinosaur.” As logical as a contraryopinion of Maarten van Rossem of course, but it is something you honestlynever think about. All those drawings of dinosaurs, all those photos: we’vealways had to make do with those bones from the ground. Or those very, very,very big and long bones of course. Van Rossem and Rademaker are thereforelooking for those remains, although our professor must first defy Schiphol todo so: “What an insane institution. That this is accepted in a prosperouscountry like the Netherlands.”

Fortunately, Maarten van Rossem, who travels with five clean underpants andbusiness class (Gijs not), has a lot of great things to look forward to. Hisbeloved America, dinosaurs, beautiful car rides with a cap on the head andcake for the road. Lots of cake. That the TV duo start in Hollywood becausethe dino movie Jurassic Park by Steven Spielberg and the necessarysuccessors such as Jurassic World Dominion have been made, he will acceptthat. Although he calls the well-known tourist things “poor”. However, thefirst night is only real horror. Maarten van Rossem sleeps in a bed in whichJames Dean also lain. But: “This room is dangerous for the elderly.”

Dino hunt Maarten van RossemVideoland

Rattlesnakes, grumbling and enjoying

No, he would much rather look forward to the final destination of the roadtrip Maarten and Gijs on a Dino hunt: walk with the team that is busy withthe excavation a real long-necked dino. That happens in the barren wastelandof the state of Wyoming. On this journey, the greatest dino experts show theirlatest discoveries and treasure hunters take the duo into the wilderness tofind and excavate dino bones. The fact that Maarten and Gijs rarely agree onanything and that there are also rattlesnakes does not always make their tripeasy. “And oh yes”, Maarten asks, “is there still a nice stroopwafel?”

This series is educational, but above all a lot of fun. For Gijs Rademakereven a boyhood dream: “I am very grateful that I can experience it withMaarten van Rossem.” Van Rossem himself has a conclusion that only he canpronounce after four parts: “I have learned a lot from this journey. I nowknow exactly what it is about those dinosaurs.” Well great. Countlessscientists have been doing this for years…

A question suddenly pops up in the head of the reporter: did dinosaursactually walk in the Netherlands? Quick googling. Those questions about whocame up with coffee and how on earth the universe can be infinite, I can’tfigure it out.

Number of cans: 3.5 out of 5

El Mundial acaba, el fútbol no para | Deportes

Por suerte, somos animales de costumbres. En unos meses viviremos colgados dela Liga de Campeones como si no hubiesen existido Amrabat, Harry Souttar oGuardameta Gonda, como rebautizó Juan Carlos Rivero al portero japonés. Denuevo abrazaremos el himno universal, las retransmisiones trufadas con lospróximos estrenos de cada canal y la discusión, casi diaria, sobre si la UEFAnos roba o somos nosotros los que robamos a la UEFA: eso dependerá delresultado final. Nos queda la constant de Messi para agarrarnos a lo conocido,eso sí. Y por ahí debería comenzar cualquier intento de desintoxicaciónmundialista, a no ser que, en estos días de celebración, se le caiga un pibedescontrolado en la cabeza y entonces ya me dirán ustedes de qué habrá servidotodo lo vivido o lo que todavía nos queda por vivir.