The Analogues turn farewell into a new acquaintance in Ziggo Dome

Originally, the two concerts in the Ziggo Dome were supposed to be farewellconcerts of this super group (which The Analogues rightly are, given thefootsteps that the members have set separately in Nederpop). Since 2014, theyhave played Beatles albums in full that the Fab Four themselves never playedlive in the 1960s. The Beatles’ studio experiments were not yet possible toperform live at the time. 50 years later, The Analogues made that liveexperience possible with the albums ‘Sgt. Pepper’, ‘Magical Mystery Tour’,’The White Album’ and ‘Abbey Road’ can be reproduced in detail with exactlythe same instruments. It turned out to be so successful that, in addition totheaters, the Ziggo Dome could also be filled four times, and performancesabroad were also organised.

Between 2014 and 2020, they followed exactly the 50th anniversary of TheBeatles’ albums. Since these had split up in 1970, 50 years later, TheAnalogues would also have a point. Until the corona pandemic came and theirentire theater tour and these two Ziggo Dome shows had to be moved.Surprisingly, during the pandemic, The Analogues had the same idea as PaulMcCartney; it inspired them to make an album of self-written songs entitled’Introducing The Analogues Sideshow’. A side project separate from theirBeatles project. Because during these postponed shows in the Ziggo Dome, themusic of The Beatles would of course be central again.

Unlike the previous times at their concerts in the Ziggo Dome, this eveningthere was a support act. A very clever choice was made for a Beatles coverband that plays the material from before 1965, while The Analogues do the workof the studio years after that. The Beatbox hails from Italy and was dressedup as their great examples. Something The Analogues never do on purpose. Earlyclassics such as ‘She Loves You’, ‘Please Please Me’, ‘All My Loving’, ‘RollOver Beethoven’ and ‘Twist & Shout’ (just like The Beatles used to be playedlast) came along at a brisk pace. . Played soon, but to hear those classicswith a light Italian accent is a bit remarkable. As well as that the ‘GeorgeHarrison’ of this formation actually looked more like Ringo Starr.

Striking about the concert of the main act was that they started with a songthat you would expect as an encore: ‘All You Need Is Love’. It all seemed tobe picking up steam for a while. Jac Bico’s guitar solo went a bit wrong andthe sound didn’t seem to be properly tuned yet. That would eventually pick up.For a moment it looked like they started with blocks of all the full albumsthey’ve played in recent years. First up is a block of ‘Magical Mystery Tour’.Just before the ‘Sgt. Pepper’ block, four random songs were played, the mostsurprising of which were ‘Day Tripper’ and ‘In My Life’. Since theannouncement stated that the period 1966-1970 would be played, and both songswere from 1965. Musically there was nothing to criticize, because especially’In My Life’ caused goosebumps when Diederik Nomden played George Martin’spiano solo.

It wouldn’t be the only surprise. Despite playing a cross section of allprevious theatrical programs of the band with accompanying graphics in thebackground. But that’s how the illustrated video at ‘Piggies’ was adapted bymaking a statement with Putin’s head at the end. Previously, ‘Back In TheUSSR’ was already featured, while Paul McCartney no longer plays that songlive since the war in Ukraine.

But where at McCartney’s concerts the ‘Abbey Road’ medley of ‘GoldenSlumbers’, ‘Carry That Weight’ and ‘The End’ is really the final chord, fourencores are added to The Analogues. Founder and drummer Fred Gehringemphasized at the time that ‘Hello, Goodbye’ had been chosen as the title songas a farewell, but that they decided to continue with it due to the coronapandemic, and that they now see ‘Hello, Goodbye’ as a restart. “As long as youkeep coming, we’ll keep going,” he said. Given the full Ziggo Dome (and theevening after as well), that audience will be there for a long time to come.

It was to their credit that they really focus on the Beatles material thisevening, and that nothing came up to promote their own album, although thatwould probably also attract enough audience. Since they will continue anyway,it might be an idea to also do some club shows with their own material? Thename is now established, and it could easily be used as a ‘sideshow’ next totheir Beatles shows.

Sheryl Lee Ralph received flowers from Beyonce after Emmy win

the Abbott Elementary star, 65, who won an Emmy last week for her role asno-nonsense kindergarten teacher Barbara Howard on the hit ABC comedy, wasoverjoyed to receive a stunning white floral arrangement from Beyoncé. Themoment was captured in a video by Ralph’s son, Etienne Maurice, and set to thetheme song from dream girls for which Ralph won a Tony Award in 1981.

“To the original Dreamgirl, sending you a beautiful congratulations,”wroteBeyoncé, who took over Ralph’s role as Deena Jones in the 2006 film version of_dream girls_. “All my love, Beyonce.”

In the video, Ralph can be seen opening the card in her dining room as herfamily watches. Visibly shocked, she places her hands on her head inamazement.

“Wonderful,” she tells the camera, her voice scratchy. “I don’t have a voice,but it’s wonderful.”

In a touching caption, Ralph shared how much the moment meant to her.

“Every one has their own special dream and all your dreams can come true. Justlook in the mirror and love what’s in front of you,” the TV star captioned thevideo. “Thank you @beyonce don’t forget to dream girls!”

In the comments, Quinta Brunson, who stars in and created the beloved comedyseries about a group of Philadelphia elementary school teachers, commentedwith a teary-eyed emoji. Several other Hollywood stars chimed in withcongratulations for her Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series win,ranging from Lena Waithe and Sharon Stone to Billy Porter and Naomi Campbell.Ralph’s son Etienne also commented, riffing on Beyoncé’s hit song by writing”Giving ‘Break My Soul’ a whole new meaning.”

On his own page, Ralph’s son reposted the video, sharing a sweet message insupport of his mother. He also shared that his mom received flowers fromrapper Kid Cudi.

“Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think one of my favorite artists of alltime would be sending flowers to my mom. I know this is about my Mom, but@kidcudi, my mother wouldn’t know who you were if I wasn ‘t blasting yourmusic on my way to school ever morning or her buying tickets to see you for myhigh school graduation,” he captioned the video. “I am your fan from DAY 1 brobro. Thank you for showing love to moms. You are loved my g.”

Story continues

Ralph brought down the house at last week’s Emmy Awards when she took thestage to receive her statue. As she reached the microphone, Ralph began tosing Dianne Reeves’s “Endangered Species.” It has been 35 years since a Blackwoman won in the category, Yahoo Entertainment previously reported.

“To anyone who has ever, ever had a dream and thought your dream wasn’t,wouldn’t, couldn’t come true. I am here to tell you that this is whatbelieving looks like. This is what strving looks like. And don’t you ever,ever give up on you,” she declared on stage, as she received a standingovation from the crowd.

On Wednesday of last week, Ralph shared that she was not pleased with JimmyKimmel for lying on the stage near the podium while her friend and co-starBrunson delivered her acceptance speech for Outstanding Writing in a ComedySeries. Brunson is the second Black woman to ever win in that category.

“I was absolutely confused,” Ralph said during a virtual panel of theTelevision Critics Association’s summer press tour, according to reports. “Ididn’t know what was going on. I was like, ‘I wish that man would just get upoff of the ground.’ And then I realized it was Jimmy Kimmel, and I was like,’Ooh, the disrespect, Jimmy!’ But that’s just me.”

Ralph went on to share that she told Kimmel she didn’t like the stunt to hisface.

“I told him, too! To his face!” she said. “And he understood.”

De Volkskrant TV selection for Saturday 17 September

(Fantasy, Steven Spielberg, 2016) The King of the blockbusters turned RoaldDahl’s famous children’s book The BFG ( The BFG ) from 1982, a gentle,fairytale-like film. The Spielberg-Dahl tandem is correct: both know how tomake ordinary people, in whom the viewer can easily move, come into their ownin exciting situations. With one difference: where Dahl dares to make childrenshudder more, Spielberg wants to make them feel. Orphan girl Sophie catchesthe Big Friendly Giant literally breathing dreams into children, and whatfollows is history.

Ruby Barnhill in Steven Spielberg's The BFG Image

Ruby Barnhill in Steven Spielberg’s The BFG

The Tourist

NPO 3, 8.22 pm

In the latest double episode of The Tourist The amnesiac protagonist (JamieDornan) hopes to finally get answers to all questions about his identity.There is still a lot to do before that happens. Helen (Danielle Macdonald)receives new information and sets out to investigate, risking her own life.Meanwhile, the protagonist has an unpleasant encounter with an oldacquaintance. The whimsical thriller series The Tourist was a huge successfor the BBC. Season two is on order, but the cast is yet to be announced.

Along the coast

NPO 2, 8.45 pm

In order to continue their journey along the Dutch coast in Friesland, HuubStapel and Martin Hendriksma first have to cross the 32 kilometer longAfsluitdijk. That turns out to be quite a task for the gentlemen, whofortunately get a lift from a number of eel fishermen. These tell about theconsequences of the construction of the Afsluitdijk for local fisheries. Whenthe salty Zuiderzee became the sweet IJsselmeer, the fish stock changeddrastically. Johan Pollema shows his large collection of photos, maps andprints of the Afsluitdijk in Zurich, Friesland.

Being the Queen

National Geographic, 10 p.m.

National Geographic made the beautiful biography two years ago Being theQueen about the recently deceased Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. In thefilm, director Tom Jennings combines never-before-seen interviews and footageof the Queen with testimonies from dozens of people who knew her personally,including Prince Philip’s private secretary. The documentary highlightsrelationships within the royal family, reflecting on the most difficultmoments and decisions from Elizabeth II’s long reign.

My father is a plane

NPO 3, 22.27 o’clock

(Drama, Antoinette Beumer, 2021) The bunch of roses brought along fallsdramatically to the ground when Eva, on a visit to a psychiatric institution,is confronted with her father’s blank stare. With a penchant for grandgestures, Beumer filmed her well-received debut novel My father is a plane(2018), about a busy woman who peels off a family trauma layer by layer. EliseSchaap plays a convincing Eva, who slowly succumbs to the pressure of anambitious modern life, navigating between motherhood, an extensive advertisingjob and an extramarital affair. Then her mother suddenly drops dead and Evacollapses. The imagination of Eva’s estrangement is sometimes powerful, PierreBokma is strong like Eva’s father.

2Doc: Human Nature

NPO 2, 11.49 pm

With a technique called Crispr, scientists can quickly and effectively makechanges to genetic material. In the documentary Human Nature researchersexplain how the technique works and what the possibilities are, such as thecure for serious hereditary diseases and the treatment of cancer. It is alsopossible to intervene in the germline with Crispr, with which hereditaryproperties are passed on to the offspring. In this way, diseases can beeradicated for good, which naturally also raises ethical questions.

Jusqu’a la garde

Canvas, 12:05 a.m.

(Xavier Legrand, 2017) Julien (12) and Joséphine (17) want nothing more to dowith their abusive father, their mother claims. Nonsense, protests her soon-to-be ex; he would never harm them. How do you determine, as a judge, what isbest for the children? By letting the viewer watch with the judge in theopening scene, debutant Legrand forces you to think about such matters. Thenthe judge disappears forever from the plot: only we get the far-reachingconsequences of her sentence in this cinematic stranglehold.

Beatrix, Willem-Alexander and Máxima at the front all day at Elizabeth’s funeral | Funeral Elizabeth II

UpdateEarlier today, King Willem-Alexander, Queen Máxima and Princess Beatrixwere seated at the front of Westminster Abbey during the state funeral ofQueen Elizabeth. They sat in the front, a few yards from the coffin anddirectly across from the British Royal Family. At the end of the afternoon,the trio will also attend the ceremony in St. George’s Chapel at WindsorCastle.

Unlike many other countries, the Netherlands was allowed to delegate more thantwo people. It is logical that the royal couple and the former queen attendthe state funeral. Beatrix and Willem-Alexander are both members of the Orderof the Garter, the highest knighthood in the United Kingdom.

“I already came to Buckingham Palace for my mother’s inauguration,” the kingrevealed in 2018, when he paid a state visit to the country. ,,And in June wewent to Windsor,’ he added at the time, referring to an unofficial visit.Windsor Castle, just outside London, was regarded as Queen Elizabeth’s much-used country retreat. It is also the place where she is driven past for herfuneral.

Follow today ‘s ceremonies in our live blog.

Beatrix also regularly visited the Queen in private, for example when she wasin London to visit her son Prince Friso and/or his family members.

Text continues below the photo.

Princess Beatrix, Queen Máxima and King Willem-Alexander are seated at thefront of Queen Elizabeth’s coffin. © via Reuters

Windsor Castle

The Dutch trio were present earlier today in Westminster Abbey and at the endof the afternoon also at the ceremony in St. George’s Chapel at WindsorCastle.

A short service with family members, members of the royal household and asmaller number of dignitaries will follow in the chapel from approximately 5p.m. At the conclusion of the service, the crown, scepter and orb are removedfrom the coffin and Elizabeth descends to the royal tomb below the chapel,where she is reunited with Prince Philip a year and a half after her husband’sdeath. The two bodies are then transferred to their final resting place: theKing George VI Memorial Chapel at Windsor Castle. Elizabeth’s parents andsister are also there. The ceremony there, Monday evening, is private andstrictly reserved for members of the royal family.

_Many world leaders attended the service at Westminster Abbey: _


Also listen to our new royalty podcast Van Oranje:

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Roxeanne Hazes also breaks with Holland, Hazes sings: ‘Looked forward to it every year’ | show

Roxeanne Hazes will not be present at the Holland sings Hazes concerts. Thesinger announced this via Instagram. The folk singer’s daughter has adifficult relationship with her mother, who organizes the festival. Last monthRachel Hazes lashed out at Roxeanne.

“There were already some rumors going around, but before I wanted to make thisdecision, I gave myself some time to think,” Roxeanne writes in her InstagramStories. ‘I have decided that I will not participate in next year Hollandsings Hazes.’

The statement of the Hazes scion does not come as a complete surprise. Lastmonth she told in best singers about a nasty form of homesickness that shesays she suffered from a ‘trauma from her childhood’. For example, Roxeannesaid that ‘the biggest blow’ came when her mother Rachel wrote a book afterher father’s death. “Then I didn’t have my mother with me for nine months.Just when you need her so much to mourn.” Roxeanne says she had a ‘huge blow’because her mother would have abandoned her. “You damage someone with that forthe rest of their life. I am a grown woman, but I find it difficult to sleepalone.”

‘Rich fantasy’

Her mother then decided via RTL Boulevard to make a statement out into theworld. “Let’s just say it’s mainly the rich fantasy of a young girl at thetime,” she said. The relationship between mother and daughter Hazes has beenbad for a long time. Rachel tries to get her daughter to testify in a lawsuitshe has filed against two former business partners.

Roxeanne writes: ‘I used to sing my father’s songs once a year. This had beensomething I looked forward to every year for ten years, a special event tohonor my father. The audience is fantastic. You make sure it’s always a party.Thanks for that. For now I’m going to focus on other beautiful things I’mworking on in the near future. Lots of fun! And who knows until another time.’

During the performances with Holland sings Hazes her brother André is makinghis comeback on stage. After a long time in which he completely withdrew fromthe spotlight, he will perform there again for the first time. André alsolashed out at his sister after her comments in Dear singers. He said helooked with ‘vicarious shame’.

The statement of Roxeanne Hazes. © Instagram Stories Roxeanne Hazes

Also listen to the AD Media Podcast with this week ‘s Evening Show by ArjenLubach, the row around B&B full of love, the mediocre scores of RTL and themany talk shows. Listen below or subscribe via Spotify or iTunes.

The Analogues turn farewell into a new acquaintance in Ziggo Dome

Originally, the two concerts in the Ziggo Dome were supposed to be farewellconcerts of this super group (which The Analogues rightly are, given thefootsteps that the members have set separately in Nederpop). Since 2014, theyhave played Beatles albums in full that the Fab Four themselves never playedlive in the 1960s. The Beatles’ studio experiments were not yet possible toperform live at the time. 50 years later, The Analogues made that liveexperience possible with the albums ‘Sgt. Pepper’, ‘Magical Mystery Tour’,’The White Album’ and ‘Abbey Road’ can be reproduced in detail with exactlythe same instruments. It turned out to be so successful that, in addition totheaters, the Ziggo Dome could also be filled four times, and performancesabroad were also organised.

Between 2014 and 2020, they followed exactly the 50th anniversary of TheBeatles’ albums. Since these had split up in 1970, 50 years later, TheAnalogues would also have a point. Until the corona pandemic came and theirentire theater tour and these two Ziggo Dome shows had to be moved.Surprisingly, during the pandemic, The Analogues had the same idea as PaulMcCartney; it inspired them to make an album of self-written songs entitled’Introducing The Analogues Sideshow’. A side project separate from theirBeatles project. Because during these postponed shows in the Ziggo Dome, themusic of The Beatles would of course be central again.

Unlike the previous times at their concerts in the Ziggo Dome, this eveningthere was a support act. A very clever choice was made for a Beatles coverband that plays the material from before 1965, while The Analogues do the workof the studio years after that. The Beatbox hails from Italy and was dressedup as their great examples. Something The Analogues never do on purpose. Earlyclassics such as ‘She Loves You’, ‘Please Please Me’, ‘All My Loving’, ‘RollOver Beethoven’ and ‘Twist & Shout’ (just like The Beatles used to be playedlast) came along at a brisk pace. . Played soon, but to hear those classicswith a light Italian accent is a bit remarkable. As well as that the ‘GeorgeHarrison’ of this formation actually looked more like Ringo Starr.

Striking about the concert of the main act was that they started with a songthat you would expect as an encore: ‘All You Need Is Love’. It all seemed tobe picking up steam for a while. Jac Bico’s guitar solo went a bit wrong andthe sound didn’t seem to be properly tuned yet. That would eventually pick up.For a moment it looked like they started with blocks of all the full albumsthey’ve played in recent years. First up is a block of ‘Magical Mystery Tour’.Just before the ‘Sgt. Pepper’ block, four random songs were played, the mostsurprising of which were ‘Day Tripper’ and ‘In My Life’. Since theannouncement stated that the period 1966-1970 would be played, and both songswere from 1965. Musically there was nothing to criticize, because especially’In My Life’ caused goosebumps when Diederik Nomden played George Martin’spiano solo.

It wouldn’t be the only surprise. Despite playing a cross section of allprevious theatrical programs of the band with accompanying graphics in thebackground. But that’s how the illustrated video at ‘Piggies’ was adapted bymaking a statement with Putin’s head at the end. Previously, ‘Back In TheUSSR’ was already featured, while Paul McCartney no longer plays that songlive since the war in Ukraine.

But where at McCartney’s concerts the ‘Abbey Road’ medley of ‘GoldenSlumbers’, ‘Carry That Weight’ and ‘The End’ is really the final chord, fourencores are added to The Analogues. Founder and drummer Fred Gehringemphasized at the time that ‘Hello, Goodbye’ had been chosen as the title songas a farewell, but that they decided to continue with it due to the coronapandemic, and that they now see ‘Hello, Goodbye’ as a restart. “As long as youkeep coming, we’ll keep going,” he said. Given the full Ziggo Dome (and theevening after as well), that audience will be there for a long time to come.

It was to their credit that they really focus on the Beatles material thisevening, and that nothing came up to promote their own album, although thatwould probably also attract enough audience. Since they will continue anyway,it might be an idea to also do some club shows with their own material? Thename is now established, and it could easily be used as a ‘sideshow’ next totheir Beatles shows.

And again it’s pretty busy with new movies on HBO Max

Every Saturday we dive into HBO Max ‘s offerings, which grow by more thanten films every Saturday. So today too. We’ll sort it all out!

My Girl 2 (1994)

Direction : Howard Zieff | cast : Dan Aykroyd, Jamie Lee Curtis, AnnaChlumsky, Austin O’Brien

The 13-year-old Vada is gradually starting to see the world with differenteyes. She decides to write about her late mother for a school assignment andgoes to her uncle Phil in Los Angeles for research. Together with Nick, anemployee of Phil, she follows the trail of incoherent tips that lead to hermother’s identity. Brave New Voices 2010 (2010)

cast: Common, Rosario Dawson, Mayda Del Valle, Penn Jillette

The excitement and poetry of the Brave New Voices 2010 National Slam TeamChampionship are captured in this special.

Nova Zemlya (2011)

Direction: Reinout Oerlemans | cast : Robert de Hoog, Victor Reinier, Jan Decleir,Juda Goslinga

Reinout Oerlemans’ second film is about Willem Barentsz and Jacob vanHeemskerk who traveled to the Russian archipelago in the sixteenth century.The film describes the last voyage of discovery of Willem Barentsz and Jacobvan Heemskerck, during which they were stranded with their crew on the islandof Nova Zembla and had to spend the winter here in Het Behoudt Huys. The storyis experienced through the eyes of Gerrit de Veer and is based on the diary hekept at the time.

Mothers of the Revolution (2021)

Direction: Briar March | cast : Georgie Oulton, Amelia Reynolds, Jacque Drew,Jocelyn Christian

In 1981, a group of women from Wales known as the Women for Life on Earthbegan a large-scale protest in Berkshire. At Green Common Air Force Base, 96US nuclear missiles are said to be stored. Because a march alone wouldn’t beenough to make their point, the women decided to camp outside the base andprotest – an action that lasted almost 20 years. This documentary tells thelarge-scale story and reveals how it changed the world.

Like.Share.Follow. (2017)

Direction: Glenn Gers | cast : Keiynan Lonsdale, Ema Horvath, Abraham Benrubi,Michael Boatman

Garrett is a successful YouTuber with over two million followers. He shareshis life with them online several times a day. He also tries to keep as muchdistance from his fans as possible. One day, Garrett collects a large amountof fan mail. He comes into contact with Shell, a sweet young woman who is afan of his. However, Garrett discovers that Shell is not as innocent as sheappears to be. She is obsessed with Garrett and starts stalking him.

La mala educacion (2004)

Direction: Pedro Almodovar | cast : Gael Garcia Bernal, Fele Martínez, DanielGimenez Cacho, Lluis Homar

In the early 1960s, two boys, Ignacio and Enrique, discover love, movies andfear at a Christian school. Father Manolo, the head of the school and teacherof literature, witnesses these discoveries, but also participates in them. Thethree characters face each other twice, in the late 1970s and 1980s. Theseencounters change the life and death of some of them.

Les vacances du petit Nicolas (2014)

Direction: Laurent Tirard | cast : Valérie Lemercier, Kad Merad, DominiqueLavanant, François-Xavier Demaison

Summer vacation has finally started! Nicolas, his parents and grandmotherdrive towards the sea and take up residence in the Beau-Rivage hotel. Nicolasmakes new friends on the beach. In the midst of the beach, hotel and forest,Nicolas experienced a holiday he will never forget.

Floris (2004)

Direction: Jean van de Velde | cast : Michiel Huisman, Victor Löw, Daan Schuurmans,Linda van Dyck

Floris Jr. wants to prove to his father that he too can be a hero by makingsure that the sacred relic with miraculous powers never ends up in the wronghands. Together with Pi, Floris jr. takes on the Duchess of Gelre, Van Rossumjr., Kleine Pier and Sergeant jr.

wild things (1998)

Direction: John McNaughton | cast : Matt Dillon, Kevin Bacon, Neve Campbell,Theresa Russell

Sam Lombardo is the most popular teacher at his school. Kelly is one of hisstudents. One day she invades his house and tries to seduce him. The next dayshe is upset that Sam has raped her. A few days later, another girl, SuzieToller, confesses that she had been raped by him before. Needing help to provehis innocence, he hires attorney Ken Bowden.

The Disappearance of Nora (1993)

Direction: Joyce Chopra | cast : Veronica Hamel, Stephen Collins, Dennis Farina,Stan Ivar

When Nora Fremont regains consciousness in a deserted desert, she has lost hermemory. She can’t even remember her name. Nora gets a lift and ends up in Renowhere she catches the attention of Denton, who works in hotel security. Hetakes care of her and slowly but surely Nora starts to remember things.However, her flashbacks are very confusing and Nora begins to believe that shekilled someone, possibly her own husband.

Playing for Keeps (2012)

Direction: Gabriele Muccino | cast : Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel, Noah Lomax,Dennis Quaid

The retired Scottish professional player George Dryer would have everything inorder if it weren’t for the fact that almost everyone has forgotten about himand he has moved to the United States to be closer to his son. George alsoaspires to a job as a sports reporter, but these plans do not really gosmoothly either. That could well change when he is asked to coach son Lewis’ailing squad. Not only does the job have a magnetic effect on the females, italso seems to bring him closer to his ex Stacie.

John Jansen (2016)

Direction: Jay Oliveira | cast : John Jansen

For the first time, former criminal John Jansen tells about his criminal past.He was once the head of the Juliët gang and responsible for the production ofecstasy, hashish trafficking, kidnapping, extortion and a series of bankrobberies. For the latter he was arrested and went to jail. When he was free,John decided to improve his life and started working for the well-being ofhomeless young people.

The dinner (2013)

Direction: Menno Meyjes | cast : Thekla Reuten, Daan Schuurmans, Kim van Kooten,Jonas Smulders

Serge, a politician running for premiership, and Paul, a failed historyteacher but now a homemaker, are brothers. They go out to dinner with theirwives, Babette and Claire. There is talk of small talk, but there is a cleartension. They have come together to talk about one subject, but avoid it atall costs: their children. Because how far should you go to protect your childas a parent?

Dick Trom (2010)

Direction: Arne Toonen | cast : Eva van der Gucht, Thijs Römer, Marcel Musters,Loes Haverkort

Dik Trom is a cheerful, honest, slightly chubby boy. He lives with his parentsin cozy Dikkedam, where everyone is just as fat and exuberant as he is. Dik’shappy life changes when the family moves to Dunhoven, where no one isexuberant or fat. People are only concerned with appearance, health and sport.They are therefore not at all waiting for that fat family Trom and theirrestaurant full of calories. Not only the restaurant has a difficult start,Dik is also having trouble adapting. For the first time in his life he becomesaware of his size. Especially when he falls in love with Lieve, the thinnestgirl in all of Dunhoven. Lieve’s mother is a dietician and she weighs herdaughter every day. Dik is not the only one who has his eye on the beautifulLieve. Viktor, the cheeky son of gym owner Dolf, also competes for her hand.The battle between the two ruffs will be settled during the local summercompetition.

Cloaca (2003)

Direction: Willem van de Sande Bakhuyzen | cast : Peter Blok, Pierre Bokma, GijsScholten van Aschat, Jaap Spijkers

Joep, Tom, Pieter and Maarten each have their own problems. In a surge ofsolidarity, they decide to help each other out. But when it turns out that theprecarious balance that they each have found in their lives is threatened as aresult, they drop each other and choose for their own skin. The old friendshipand their former hopes prove unable to withstand the test of time and theirown selfish ambitions.

Humberto Tan does not understand the fuss of Ungehoord Nederland: ‘Why?’

Humberto Tan. Source: Humberto

Humberto Tan lashed out at broadcaster in his own talk show last night_Unheard of Netherlands_. In the broadcast, he stated that he did not fullyunderstand the fuss surrounding the statements about ‘anti-white racism’ andthe images shown in the broadcast. Because everyone could have seen thiscoming. “They are doing exactly what they promised when they started thebroadcaster.”

Last Thursday sun Unheard of Netherlands in an item about racism, acompilation of internet videos in which people of color beat up white people.According to presenter Raïsa Blommestijn, the program wanted to show “a lessexposed aspect of racism on social media”. She spoke of “whites being beatenup by negroes.”

Much criticism of the item soon followed. For example, the NPO and allbroadcasters spoke out against the fragment. Unheard of Netherlands has beenunder fire this summer. Watch the clip below.

Uncut racist item on the @npo> ; produced with tax money, legitimized by, among others, a professor of the> @UniLeiden. It really> is a shame.>> — Max den Blanken (@maxdenblanken) September 15,> 2022

Humberto Tan: ‘Why so much fuss?’

Humberto Tan also picked up on the issue last night. “Last week there was alot of fuss about the statements of Unheard of Netherlands. But I wondered:why? Unheard does exactly what they promised when they started their ownbroadcaster.”

He points out the key points of the broadcaster. “You can just find it on thewebsite. They constantly point out the adverse effects of mass immigration andthe preservation of Dutch traditions and culture.”

‘We can do a lot of cheating to others who have a different skin color’

In his statement, he cites statements by the well-known writer Yuval NoahHarari. He has written in one of his books that people are not such sweetanimals at all. “We can be very false to others because they have a differentskin color, speak a different language, or have a different religion.”

There is Unheard of Netherlands according to him proof of this. Humberto Tanalso doesn’t seem to understand why there is so much criticism of people whoresist that falsehood: the woke culture. “People who ask for equal rights orjust ask for more consideration for each other are even dismissed as a threatto the rule of law.”

We humans are not such sweet animals at all> #Humberto>>> — Humberto (@HumbertoRTL) September 17,> 2022

Humberto Tan: ‘I don’t think virtues are wrong at all’

According to Humberto Tan, it sometimes goes so far that in the eyes of somepeople woke-ism and virtue are even ‘undesirable and actually a kind ofsuspicious’. “Well, I don’t think virtue is a bad word at all. On thecontrary.”

Finally, he points to the – in his eyes – woke videos of children of color whofinally see a main character in Disney film who is also in color, namely themermaid. “That’s why I say this,” said Humberto Tan. “This video is good fromall sides and shows how important it is to be seen. The woke discussion hasfueled this and it has this result.”

Prince William, Prince Harry Walk Side-By-Side For Queen Elizabeth’s Funeral Procession

Prince William and Prince Harry reunited once again for the state funeral oftheir grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, at Westminster Abbey on Monday.

The brothers walked side-by-side during the processional behind QueenElizabeth’s coffin on the way to the Abbey, with their cousin, Peter Phillips,to Harry’s left. At Prince Philip’s funeral last year, Peter notably walkedbetween the two brothers.

The brothers later followed the queen’s coffin into the Abbey itself, wherethey were joined by other members of the royal family.

Prince William and Prince Harry arrive at Westminster Abbey in London onSept.  19. (Photo: MARCO BERTORELLO via GettyImages)

Prince William and Prince Harry arrive at Westminster Abbey in London on Sept.19. (Photo: MARCO BERTORELLO via Getty Images)

Prince William and Prince Harry arrive at Westminster Abbey in London on Sept.19. (Photo: MARCO BERTORELLO via Getty Images)

Prince William and Prince Harry watch as the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II isplaced on a gun carriage ahead of the state funeral.  (Photo: WPA Pool viaGettyImages)PrinceWilliam and Prince Harry watch as the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II is placedon a gun carriage ahead of the state funeral.  (Photo: WPA Pool via GettyImages)

Prince William and Prince Harry watch as the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II isplaced on a gun carriage ahead of the state funeral. (Photo: WPA Pool viaGetty Images)

Prince William and Prince Harry watch as the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II isplaced on a gun carriage ahead of the state funeral. (Photo: WPA Pool viaGetty Images)

The Prince and Princess of Wales then walked in front of the Duke and Duchessof Sussex, with their two children, 9-year-old Prince George and 7-year-oldPrincess Charlotte, walking alongside their parents.

Both William and Harry participated in a vigil for the queen on Saturdaynight, where they kept watched over the monarch’s coffin alongside Elizabeth’ssix other grandchildren: Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie; Lady Louise Windsor;James, Viscount Severn; Peter Phillips and Zara Tindall.

Queen Elizabeth II's grandchildren (LR) Prince Harry and Prince Williamarrive to hold a vigil around the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II, at WestminsterHall on Sep.  17. (Photo: AARON CHOWN via GettyImages)QueenElizabeth II's grandchildren (LR) Prince Harry and Prince William arrive tohold a vigil around the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II, at Westminster Hall onSep.  17. (Photo: AARON CHOWN via GettyImages)

Queen Elizabeth II’s grandchildren (LR) Prince Harry and Prince William arriveto hold a vigil around the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II, at Westminster Hallon Sep. 17. (Photo: AARON CHOWN via Getty Images)

Queen Elizabeth II’s grandchildren (LR) Prince Harry and Prince William arriveto hold a vigil around the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II, at Westminster Hallon Sep. 17. (Photo: AARON CHOWN via Getty Images)

To see more photos from today’s funeral, see below:

HANNAH MCKAY via Getty Images

The Duke of Sussex stands next to King Charles III, Princess Anne and PrinceWilliam as they salute.

Christopher Furlong via Getty Images

Yeoman of the Guard at Westminster Abbey ahead of the State Funeral of QueenElizabeth II.

WPA Pool via Getty Images

Guests arrive for the State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II at Westminster Abbey

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ADAM GERRARD via Getty Images

Spain’s King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia arrive at Westminster Abbey inLondon.

GEOFF PUGH via Getty Images

Carole Middleton and Michael Middleton, parents of Kate Middleton, thePrincess of Wales, arrive at Westminster Abbey.

Chip Somodevilla via Getty Images

Coldstream Guards ahead of the state funeral Queen Elizabeth II on Sep. 19.

Peter Byrne – PA Images via Getty Images

Invited guests arriving at the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.

OLI SCARFF via Getty Images

President Joe Biden arrives at Westminster Abbey.

Gareth Cattermole via Getty Images

President Joe Biden and Jill Biden at Westminster Abbey.


A marching band performs ahead of the funeral service for Queen Elizabeth II.

Chris Jackson via Getty Images

Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern arrives.

JAMES MANNING via Getty Images

French President Emmanuel Macron and First Lady Brigitte Macron arrive at thestate funeral.

Christopher Furlong via Getty Images

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Liz Truss, and Hugh O’Leary arrive atWestminster Abbey.

Christopher Furlong via Getty Images

Former Prime Ministers Gordon Brown and Tony Blair arrive at WestminsterAbbey.

HANNAH MCKAY via Getty Images

King Charles III and Princess Anne, Princess Royal attend the state funeralfor their mother, Queen Elizabeth II.


King Charles III arrives with Princess Anne, Prince William, and Prince Harryfor the funeral.


Prince William and Prince Harry walked side-by-side at Queen Elizabeth’sfuneral procession to Westminster Abbey, alongside their cousin, PeterPhillips.

Samir Hussein via Getty Images

LONDON, ENGLAND – SEPTEMBER 19: (LR) Prince George of Wales, Camilla, QueenConsort and Catherine, Princess of Wales during the State Funeral of QueenElizabeth II at Westminster Abbey on September 19, 2022 in London, England.Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor was born in Bruton Street, Mayfair, London on21 April 1926. She married Prince Philip in 1947 and ascended the throne ofthe United Kingdom and Commonwealth on 6 February 1952 after the death of herFather, King George VI. Queen Elizabeth II died at Balmoral Castle in Scotlandon September 8, 2022, and is succeeded by her eldest son, King Charles III.(Photo by Samir Hussein/WireImage)

Chris Jackson via Getty Images

Princess Charlotte of Wales arrives at Westminster Abbey.

Christopher Furlong via Getty Images

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex arrives at Westminster Abbey for the state funeralof Queen Elizabeth II.

BEN STANSALL via Getty Images

Gentlemen at Arms, the Queen’s bodyguard takes part in the state funeralservice.

WPA Pool via Getty Images

The Princess of Wales, the Duchess of Sussex, Prince George and PrincessCharlotte arrive at the funeral.

PHIL NOBLE via Getty Images

The Princess of Wales, Princess Charlotte and Prince George arrive.

Tristan Fewings via Getty Images

The coffin of Queen Elizabeth II with the Imperial State Crown resting on topis carried into Westminster Abbey.

Samir Hussein via Getty Images

The coffin of Queen Elizabeth II during the State Funeral of Queen ElizabethII at Westminster Abbey.

BEN STANSALL via Getty Images

The Prince and Princess of Wales, Prince George of Wales, Peter Phillips, andZara and Mike Tindall attend the state funeral service.

WPA Pool via Getty Images

Members of the royal family walk behind the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II asthey leave the state funeral.

WPA Pool via Getty Images

The Wales family and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex follow the coffin of QueenElizabeth II as it is carried out of Westminster Abbey.

WPA Pool via Getty Images

The coffin of Queen Elizabeth II carried by pallbearers at the state funeralof Queen Elizabeth II, held at Westminster Abbey.

OLI SCARFF via Getty Images

The Prince of Wales follows the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II, draped in aRoyal Standard and adorned with the Imperial State Crown and the Sovereign’sorb and sceptre.

Samir Hussein via Getty Images

Prince William and Prince Harry during the State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth IIat Westminster Abbey on Sep.19

TIM MERRY via Getty Images

The Duchess of Sussex, Camilla, Queen Consort, Prince George, the Princess ofWales and Princess Charlotte look at the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II, drapedin a Royal Standard and adorned with the Imperial State Crown and theSovereign’s orb and sceptre.

Neil Mockford via Getty Images

Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice of York are driven behind theprocession of the coffin towards Buckingham Palace following the State Funeralof Queen Elizabeth II.

DANIEL LEAL via Getty Images

King Charles, Camilla, Queen Consort, the Princess of Wales, PrincessCharlotte, Prince George and Prince William look at members of the BearerParty transferring the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II.

WPA Pool via Getty Images

Princess Charlotte of Wales cries next to the Princess of Wales, Prince Georgeand Camilla, Queen Consort at Wellington Arch after the State Funeral of QueenElizabeth II.

Chip Somodevilla via Getty Images

The Queen’s funeral cortege borne on the State Gun Carriage of the Royal Navytravels along The Mall.

DANIEL LEAL via Getty Images

Royal Navy sailors escort the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II, draped in theRoyal Standard, on the State Gun Carriage of the Royal Navy, at WellingtonArch in London.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.

Prince George, 9, and Princess Charlotte, 7, Join Royal Family Procession at Queen Elizabeth’s Funeral

Prince George and Princess Charlotte joined their parents in honoring theirgreat-grandmother Queen Elizabeth at the late monarch’s state funeral onMonday.

George, 9, and Charlotte, 7, took part in the royal family procession behindthe Queen’s coffin alongside Prince William and Kate Middleton as the familymade their way down the aisle of Westminster Abbey. Kate, 40, escorted thelittle ones into the service, though William, 40, arrived earlier alongsideKing Charles III.

Kate Middleton Arrives with Prince George and Princess Charlotte to Queen'sFuneral at WestminsterAbbey

Kate Middleton Arrives with Prince George and Princess Charlotte to Queen’sFuneral at Westminster Abbey

Prince George, Kate Middleton, Princess Charlotte and Meghan Markle

William and Kate spent last week carefully considering whether to includetheir eldest two children in the procession and service, PEOPLE understands.With the eyes of the world on them, their parents kept in mind the fact thatGeorge and Charlotte were at Westminster Abbey for Prince Philip’s memorialservice in March.

RELATED: A Guide to All the Notable Names at Queen Elizabeth II ‘s Funeral

George and Charlotte are several years younger than William was when heattended his mother Princess Diana’s funeral in 1997 at the age of 15. PrinceLouis, 4, was likely deemed too young to join the rest of the family forMonday’s funeral.

Kate Middleton MeghanMarkleKateMiddleton MeghanMarkle

Kate Middleton Meghan Markle

BBC Royal family processional

William revealed that the ceremonial procession of Queen Elizabeth’s coffinfrom Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall last week reminded him of the sameritual following the death of his mother.

“He said how difficult it was yesterday and how it reminded him of his mum’sfuneral,” said mourner Jane Wells, The Telegraph reported. “Catherine saidit’s just been such a difficult time for all of them, for the whole family.”

Last week, Charles, 73, addressed the United Kingdom for the first time afterthe Queen died at the age of 96. Among the changes announced, Charles sharedthat Prince William and Kate, both 40, had inherited the titles of Prince andPrincess of Wales.


kate middleton

PHIL NOBLE/POOL/AFP via Getty Prince George, Princess Charlotte and KateMiddleton

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RELATED: Kate Middleton Shares Prince Louis ‘ Heartbreaking Words: ‘GrannieIs With Great-Grandpa Now’

Their three children — who are now the second, third, and fourth in line tothe throne — go from being Princes and Princess of Cambridge to being Princesand Princess of Wales. Therefore, they are now Prince George of Wales,Princess Charlotte of Wales and Prince Louis of Wales.

At a 40-minute walkabout outside Windsor Castle on September 10, the newPrince of Wales opened up to one well-wisher in the crowd about his family.Elaine Gee, 58, a teacher from Wokingham, spoke to William about thedifficulty in explaining the Queen’s death to her primary school pupils.

prince william katemiddletonprincewilliam katemiddleton

prince william kate middleton

BBC Prince William, Prince George and Kate Middleton

“I told him how I work at a school and how it’s been a strange yearcelebrating the Jubilee and now it’s all changed and we are talking aboutthis,” Gee told PEOPLE. “He spoke about George, Charlotte and Louis, sayingthat they were trying to keep some sense of continuity for them at school andkeep things as normal as possible.”


kate middleton

Samir Hussein/WireImage Kate Middleton, Princess Charlotte and Prince George

Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis were photographed going toa preview day of classes at their new school, Lambrook, just one day beforethe Queen’s death.

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Kate told another well-wisher outside Windsor Castle that Prince Louis had asweet reaction to the news of Queen Elizabeth’s death, saying, “At leastGrannie is with Great-Grandpa now,” according to The Sunday Times royals