Mathilde Wantenaar’s new violin concerto is already beautiful and will mature even further

In the NTR Saturday Matinee it went on Saturday afternoon First ViolinConcerto by Mathilde Wantenaar, written for and performed by violinist SimoneLamsma. Side note: Out of time constraints Wantenaar left the orchestration ofthe first and third movements to composer Tijmen van Tol.

Wantenaar’s music is beautiful and fairytale-like, with enough harps andglockenspiel to imagine yourself in a rosy world, but too little to becomekitschy. Low tones are so rare that they stand out when they sound equally.

The first part (lento, ‘slowly’) seems to be a musing on a beautiful past,with here the vague contours of a Gershwin-like New York, and there a fantasyabout one of the thousands and one nights. Conductor Karina Canellakis allowsbeautiful dynamic waves to pass through the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra,although the strings sometimes react somewhat tamely to so many beautifulmemories.

Conductor Mathilde Canellakis hardly doses in Bruckners Eighth. Not in> details, and not in general


Violinist Simone Lamsma, for whom the violin concerto was written, wanted tobe ‘put to work’ by Wantenaar. But Wantenaar doesn’t do that with manyvirtuoso passages with fast notes and complicated jumps. It was not. You couldcall most of it downright anti-virtuoso. Slow melodies should be played byLamsma; long lines, at the slowest point even one tone of nine slow strokeslong. Even in the cadence (the solo, flowing from Bach suite-like to EasternEuropean emotional) where Lamsma has to play so high that she almost touchesher stick, it still has to be done relatively slowly. That entails acompletely different level of difficulty: accurate intonation, colouring,building up and letting go of tension.

Lamsma is doing well, but you also notice that this anti-virtuosity isexciting territory. She is not quite sure what to do with it everywhere. Wouldyou like to join the orchestra or tell your own story? Sometimes she seems tolack her own conviction.

Fun stuff

The first two parts are the most exciting in their slowness. The third, morecheerfully fluttering part is less successful as a unit. It’s more of a motleycollection of ‘nice things’ that all take turns sounding. A few notes mutedtrumpet, contrabassoon, a bass drum, briefly some bells, a piece ofvibraphone, then suddenly a Russian-looking tutti; before you know it youforget to pay attention to the solo violinist, even now that part is a bitmore virtuoso.

The violin concerto is already beautiful, but the impression remains thatthere is still something to ripen that we will taste in subsequentperformances. Who knows, in a complete orchestration by Mathilde Wantenaarherself.

Canellakis’ is less convincing after that Eighth Symphony from Bruckner.There is nothing wrong with the string sound of the RadiFil, and the coppersound comes up to temperature just fine. But Canellakis hardly dose. Not indetails, and not in broad strokes. Bruckners Eighth is a hefty piece of longmaturing chords in which you irrevocably wander into your own thoughts, whichare unobtrusively but definitely colored by Bruckner, until he pulls you backto the real now with a sudden exciting passage. But Canellakis also tries tocharge those non-exciting parts electrically and push them jerkily forward.The result is that you are no longer shaken awake anywhere.

Prime Video added 6 new movies this week

Prime Video had a great week with new movies. Today we list the newadditions for you.

Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)

Direction : Dan Kwan, Daniel Scheinert | cast : Michelle Yeoh,Stephanie Hsu, Jonathan Ke Quan, James Hong

Evelyn (Michelle Yeoh) and her husband Waymond (Key Hun Quan) have anunsuccessful laundromat, a rebellious daughter and a tax return that justseems to never end. The very moment it all gets too much, the universe istearing into an infinite number of universes and Evelyn is no longer just alaundromat, but also an internationally renowned movie star, kung fu master,chef or perhaps the hero everyone has loved all along. needed. Ladies andGentlemen: The Rolling Stones (1973)

Direction: Rollin Binzer | cast : Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts, BillWyman

Ladies and Gentlemen: The Rolling Stones is a recording of a concert by TheRolling Stones, it was released in 1974. It was recorded during their 1972American Tour.

The Informer (2019)

Direction: Andrea Di Stefano | cast : Ana de Armas, Rosamund Pike, Joel Kinnaman,Clive Owen

Former special agent Pete Koslow (Joel Kinnaman) is serving a prison sentenceafter trying to protect his wife (Ana de Armas) in a fight. He gets a shot atparole when he becomes an informant for the FBI (Rosamund Pike and Clive Owen)and helps them take down New York’s most powerful criminal: The General.Koslow is sent back to prison by The General to set up a drug deal. Whensomething goes horribly wrong, resulting in the death of an FBI undercoveragent, he loses their support too. Without being exposed, Koslow must devise aplan to stay out of the hands of the three largest New York organizations: theMafia, NYPD and the FBI…

mienteme (2022)

Direction: Sebastian Schindel | cast : Leonor Varela, Lucas Akoskin, BenjaminVicuna, Florencia Pena

Barbara has never had any luck with men. Eva and Matías, a married couple incrisis, introduce Barbara to Julián. The first meeting is a success, but thecouple discover that Julián is a scammer. Together they must investigate andunmask Julián’s true life. During their detective adventures, the couple findlove again, but at the same time they also discover their own lies.

payback (2006)

Direction: Winston W. Champ | cast : Christopher Atkins, Angie Everhart, TannerGill, Stan Glick

Police officer Sean Walker’s partner is killed in a raid on a drug house. Theperpetrator is a sadistic drug dealer with no sense of conscience. With greatdifficulty Sean manages to track down the perpetrator and bring him tojustice. After this, Sean decides to resign from the police force because hecannot cope with the loss of his colleague. Together with his wife anddaughter, he moves to an abandoned ranch near Las Vegas and starts a new lifethere. Little does he know that the drug dealer is doing everything he can toescape from prison. He wants to take revenge on the cop who put him behindbars for life.

Apache bleibt gleich (2022)

Direction: Nepomuk Fischer | cast : Apache 207, Hakan Yaman, Johannes Götz,Loredana Zefi

10 number 1 hits. Over 2 billion streams. But rapper Apache 207 remains amystery. Now he breaks the silence and allows a camera crew a peek into his

OOG Radio DJ continues after 23 years at Simone FM: “I think I’m a late bloomer”

Over the past 23 years he presented various programs on OOG Radio. From nowon, however, DJ Henri Haan can be heard at Simone FM.

Hi Henry! How did you end up with Simone? “I have always found Simone FM a very nice station. A while ago I took theplunge and started a conversation with Simone’s boss. I then let it be knownthat I thought it would be a good idea to make a program for it. It was saidthat is good. But first a four-week trial. Those four weeks are now over, andfrom now on I can be heard permanently on Saturdays. I am really very happy!”

Making radio. It ‘s always been in your DNA, hasn’t it? “Yes, it has always been there. I grew up in the Drenthe countryside. When Icame home after a day at school, I went to my room. I made radio programs withcassette tapes and a double-barrelled cassette deck. Just for myself. I didn’twant my parents to know about this. It was really my thing. In 1996 I entereda radio studio for the first time. That was Radio 101, which was the radiostation for Delfzijl and Appingedam at that time. Every Friday I traveled upand down to Delfzijl to work in the editorial office there.”

And then came EYE Radio… “That was in 1999. I think I was 24 years old then. I was then active for awhile for a radio program on Friday evenings. Mark Bakker, who currently worksfor RTV Oost, was a reporter for the program and went through the city with alive channel to make reports. I was allowed to go with him once. And that waswhen the reporter in me was born. It was a period when I learned a lot.”

What was the first program you presented on OOG Radio? “That was the Working Titles programme. I presented that for years. Gertjanvan Stralen presented that, and at a certain point I took over. First everyworking day between 09:00 and 12:00, later I presented only on Fridays. Afterthat I made and presented a lot of other programs, during which I made ‘Goingwith Haan’ in recent years.”

What ‘s so great about making radio? “First of all because of the music. To introduce people who listen to musicthat is cool. And it’s radio, so you don’t have a picture with it. You canstimulate the imagination in people. You can amaze listeners. You can actuallycompare it to a radio play. That you can really take someone into a world thatyou sketch. It’s very magical. I think that’s wonderful.”

Then you must have a problem with all those cameras that hang in radiostudios these days? “Haha no. I also just stay who I am. When music is played, I just sing anddance along. Also because music gives me a lot of energy. The presence ofcameras does not affect my behavior. Frankly, I also think it can be areinforcing factor. For example, on my radio program ‘Gaan met Haan’ I alwayshad a guest in the studio. It’s nice to see a guest, to see the interaction.So it doesn’t have to be bad. And after all, you are in charge of whether youare watching through the camera.”

And now after 23 years you leave OOG Radio… “Well, before people panic. I will remain connected to OOG Radio. OOG Radiois, and will always be, in my heart because it is a great broadcaster thatshows Groningen in a beautiful way like no other. That is why I also said tothe program manager of OOG Radio, if a special is made aroundEurosonic/Noorderslag or the Liberation Festival, I want to be there. There isno discussion about that.”

People might think you ‘re a late bloomer… “I am 47 years old. I’ve seen everything that can be bought in life. And nowI’m throwing myself to the lions. Do you know. At OOG Radio I see 18-year-oldboys who are very busy with talent, with further growth. I don’t have all thatanymore. I just want to do what I like. In a way that suits me. Behind themixing console or with microphone on location. Simone gave me a chance, andI’m going to really enjoy it.”

Now a lot is said and written in the Netherlands. About 3FM for example andtheir new programming. Now that you work at a larger station, do you worryabout that too? “No, not a second. You are indeed right, a lot is said in this country. Peopletype about someone they don’t know. It’s also so easy to tear something down.I am a positive person. I think it would be very good if we all started toapproach it a bit more positively, and not immediately look at something withnegative glasses.”

What do you hope to achieve in the near future? “I hope to be able to make radio with great pleasure, and that people willenjoy listening to the radio. That listeners have a nice Saturday afternoon.And what I might also find important is to show that with 47 years old you canstill take steps. It’s never too late to take on a new challenge in your life.That should be on everyone’s mind. We all lead our own lives. One is a bitfaster than the other. But it is never too late to chase a dream.”

Henri’s radio program can be heard every Saturday afternoon between 3 and 6 pm

These 14 top movies are brand new on HBO Max

HBO Max made it a fun week! For this time on Sunday and not on Saturday theoverview. All the news below.

Take Down (2016)

Direction : Jim Gillespie | cast : Phoebe Tonkin, Dominic Sherwood, EdWestwick, Jeremy Sumpter

The students of a school for adolescent rich children take matters into theirown hands when the campus is attacked by a group of criminals. Wonder Woman1984 (2020)

Direction: Patty Jenkins | cast : Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig, Pedro Pascal

The 80s. Diana Prince faces the Cold War and is on her way to the SovietUnion. There she will have to face Barbara Ann Minerva, better known as thelife-threatening ‘Cheetah’. Barbara was a British anthropologist who was givenspecial powers through the plant god Urtzkartaga.

Those Who Wish Me Dead (2021)

Direction: Taylor Sheridan | cast : Angelina Jolie, Jon Bernthal, Nicholas Hoult,Aidan Gillen

A young teenager witnesses the murder of his father near a large nationalforest. Pursued by assassins who want to silence him, he soon encounters anexperienced firefighter and survivalist in the wilderness who shelters him inher watchtower. When the assassins set the forest on fire to cover theirtracks, the pair must survive a deadly fire that threatens to consume them andoutsmart the killers.

The Little Things (2021)

Direction: John Lee Hancock | cast : Denzel Washington, Rami Malek, Jared Leto,Chris Bauer

In director John Lee Hancock’s thriller “The Little Things,” known for filmssuch as Highwaymen and The Founder, Kern County Deputy Sheriff Joe “Deke”Deacon (Washington) is sent to Los Angeles to collect evidence. It should havebeen a routine job, but he becomes involved in the search for a serial killerwho is haunting the city. The investigation is led by Sergeant Jim Baxter(Malek) of the LA Sheriff’s Department. Impressed by Deke’s qualities, heunofficially enlists his help. But what Baxter doesn’t realize is that theinvestigation into the killer is retrieving certain things from Deke’s past.Disturbing secrets are revealed that don’t just jeopardize the case.

Paper & Glue (2021)

Direction: Jr. | cast : Jr., Ladj Ly

An exploration of the work of the legendary French artist JR, whose large-scale photographs have covered structures around the world for nearly twodecades. The documentary uses his projects as a bridge to bridge our manycultural divides and explores the great ability of art to challengeperspectives and unite communities.

Fissa (2016)

Direction: Bobby Boermans | cast : Yannick van de Velde, Alex Hendrickx, AbbeyHoes, Anneke Blok

The two old friends, the popular Max and the nerdy Ruben, meet again aftergrowing apart for a while. One helps the other with his graduation and theother helps organize a crazy graduation party. The roof comes off and Max andRuben are dependent on each other.

Escape from Kabul (2022)

Direction: Jamie Roberts |

Through never-before-seen footage and interviews with Afghan soldiers, Talibanand Afghan refugees, the story of the largest airlift in United States historyis told.

Wuthering Heights (2009)

Direction: Coky Giedroyc | cast : Tom Hardy, Charlotte Riley, Andrew Lincoln, SarahLancashire

Heathcliff is still haunted by memories of his great love Cathy, whom he metas an orphaned boy on Wuthering Heights. As an adult she chose a life ofsecurity and comfort.

The Wretched (2019)

Direction: Brett Pierce, Drew T. Pierce | cast : John-Paul Howard, Piper Curda,Jamison Jones, Asia Tesfaic

The Wretched revolves around the rebellious teenager Ben. When his parentsdivorce, he has to work with his father for a summer. During his stay, hediscovers a terrible secret. An evil forest spirit has the village in itsgrip. This one is after children and as soon as she takes them, all trace oftheir existence disappears. No one believes Ben, so it’s up to him to stop theevil.

Lunatic, crazy! (2014)

Direction: Johan Timmers | cast : Karin van Holst Pellekaan, Martin vanWaardenberg, John Buijsman, Dick van den Toorn

The psychiatric patients were forced to return to society after the’Zonnedael’ clinic was closed. Sister Ten Hoeven misses her beloved patientsand without them she has no purpose in her life. When the ‘crazy’ learn thatthe sister has been kidnapped, they embark on a risky and pleasantly derangedquest led by the Major.

Live! (2005)

Direction: Willem van de Sande Bakhuyzen, Jean van de Velde | cast : MonicHendrickx, Peter Blok, Sarah Jonker, Sophie van Winden

Live! tells the story of Anna (Monic Hendrickx), a lively woman in her earlyforties, who carefully picks up the pen that she had hung up on the willows 25years earlier. As she writes her story, she has to face events from the pastthat have always held her back from living fully. She also has to free herselffrom the worries of today, her role in the family, the relationship with hermother, in order to become the woman she had been for a long time, but did notdare to be.

Little Ice Age (2017)

Direction: Paula van der Oest | cast : Johan Heldenbergh, Hannah Hoekstra, MonicHendrickx, Anniek Pheifer

A group of friends, (former) musicians and their followers gather in an old,once squatted house in the countryside to scatter the ashes of their friendand hero Kas. They are invited by Kas’s very pregnant friend Sallie, toremember their inspiration in a memorable way.

chewboy (2012)

Direction: Boudewijn Koole | cast : Rick Lens, Loek Peters, Cahit Ölmez, SusanRadder

Ten-year-old Jojo takes home a young jackdaw one day. He keeps it hidden fromhis father Ronald, because he does not want animals in the house. Fearing hisaggressive moods, Jojo finds himself caught between caring for the jackdaw andloyalty to his father. Until the bomb explodes. Because of the specialfriendship that Jojo has with the Jackdaw, he is able to solve the problemswith his father.

I See You (2019)

Direction: Adam Randall | cast : Helen Hunt, Jon Tenney, Judah Lewis, Owen Teague

When a boy goes missing, Chief Inspector Greg Harper (Jon Tenney) must balancethe investigation and the problems he faces at home with his wife Jackie(Helen Hunt). Her grip on reality begins to diminish drastically due to arecent affair with Greg. When something evil shows up in their home and theirson Connor (Judah Lewis) finds himself in a life-threatening situation, theharsh truth about the Harper household is finally revealed.

Evert and Allard have already posted thousands of reviews on Google that you have probably used

A situation that everyone is familiar with: you want to visit a restaurant,but you don’t know which one. There is a good chance that you will then pickup the reviews, for example on Google Maps. But who make them? Allard andEvert have already written thousands of them.

Google Maps is teeming with reviews for restaurants, sights, museums and otherplaces. While some people like to share the experience, especially after avery nice – or very unpleasant – experience, others see it as a dailyactivity.

Never been

For example, Allard Bijlsma from Ede has already written about 1,800 reviewson Google Maps. “I eat out a lot, for example with my daughter who lives inGroningen. She can always choose the restaurant, provided it is one I’ve neverbeen to. Then I can write a review.”

Allard doesn’t just leave reviews on Google Maps at restaurants. He often alsocomments on shops or places of interest. He also includes a self-made photo.”As a visual aid.”

Quality reviews

With the photos he wants to show what something looks like. Handy for users,he says. But the users are by no means the only reason why he is such a bigcontributor to Google Maps.

He thinks that the quality of the reviews is often lacking. “Most, especiallyfor restaurants, are vulgar. A bit along the lines of: ‘The food was jerky’.That is not useful for the people who want to learn more about it, but alsonot fun for the business itself. “

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Did you really not like something? Then he often leaves a review of 3 stars.”But then I do have the necessary comments in the text. I just don’t want toparticipate in that vulgar. I want to support the entrepreneurs.”

His children think he is crazy, he says. “They find it all too burdensome,writing all those reviews. They are too busy for it. But I really enjoy doingit.”

Little time

And it takes him little extra time. “I often do it in between. At commercialbreaks when I watch TV, for example.” Then he receives a notification fromGoogle where he has been that day, asking if he wants to let you know what hethought of it. That’s because he has the ‘location service’ option turned onon his phone.

Not only Google knows where to find him, the entrepreneurs in the neighborhoodalso know him by now. “I once left a nice review at a restaurant. Then I got acall that a bottle of wine was waiting for me.”

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He already had this urge to write in his youth. “I wrote diaries until I was18. Through the photos I take and the reviews I leave, I can see exactly whereI’ve been up to 11 years ago. A kind of visual diary, that’s what I do itfor.”

But it also makes him reflect on the day, he says. “It makes me think: whatdid I really think of it? That’s nice.”

Thinking back to the day

Evert Niemeijer is just as fanatical as Allard with writing reviews. He hasalready left more than 1,200 on Google Maps. He also likes to go through theday like this. “It’s nice to think back to the day and how you experiencedit.”

Evert is involved in the export of agricultural machinery and thereforetravels a lot. “That means I come to many places where I can write reviews.”He often does this when he is waiting for his flight or when he is in hishotel in the evening.

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Positive reviews

Like Allard, Evert mainly writes positive reviews. “Or it must have beenreally terrible. But I think above all: those entrepreneurs are doing theirbest. Let me give them something positive.”

He calls it his sense of responsibility, not only to entrepreneurs, but alsoto Google Maps users who want to know what something is like. “My wife doestoo, she reads the reviews, but doesn’t write any. While it’s so easy to leavesomething behind. Although she says I’m crazy that I spend so much time onit.”

Interaction with entrepreneurs

Evert does it all voluntarily, but he does get something in return.Interaction with the entrepreneurs, for example. “Last year I wrote somethingabout a hotel of nothing. Then I received a very detailed explanation from theowner why the service was not satisfactory. That is nice.”

A good review, on the other hand, helps entrepreneurs to get more visitors, heknows. “Recently I was in such a great hotel, with very enthusiasticentrepreneurs. I give them a nice review.”

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By chance

It sometimes happens to him that people in his environment accidentally comeacross his reviews. “2 years ago I wrote something about a restaurant in the_middle of nowhere_ in Sweden. Turned out 3 weeks ago my niece had been there.She had read my review. I think it’s funny to hear that.”

Allard sometimes experiences something like this. “A friend was recently onZakynthos and was looking for a restaurant there. He suddenly came acrossreviews from me, because I’ve been there before.”

Nostalgic moment

Allard is a historian and geographer and has not only posted hundreds ofreviews in recent years, but also put tens of thousands of photos at thelocations on Google Maps. “Sometimes a point of interest doesn’t even existyet. Then I create it right away.”

In this way he contributes to the archive location that Google Maps is. Andthat is appreciated by users. All of his submitted photos have been viewedmore than 100 million times. “I like it best for the Dutch who have emigrated,looking back on Google Maps at a nostalgic moment and then coming across mycontributions.”

usProat: Listening –

Listening carefully is an art. At home I sometimes get thrown around theears that I can hear well but listen very poorly. And frankly, that ‘s true. Ido get almost everything with me, but do something with it, oh well. Then mymind is on something else. It’s not malicious, it just happens.

**You can also listen to music. In the last six months we have been able tocelebrate the necessary parties with pleasure. Drinking, singing, dancing andcatching up until the wee hours. Well, catch up? You better call it screaming.It may have to do with my age, I won ‘t deny. But it strikes me that the musicis simply loud. I then have to listen carefully to get some more from aconversation. You really have to chatter in each other’s ear to make yourselfunderstood. As a result, a few days later my voice is still not fully back.For my environment nice and quiet of course. **

Take the Maarkels Feest, for example. Very pleasant but not good for thevoice. Even if you are on the bar shift, it is impossible to immediatelyunderstand what is being ordered. After a few times you think you know. Youput the order down. Turns out no rosé beer was ordered but rosé wine. Stillnot well understood.

Now there is a limit to the sound of 103 decibels, but that is still veryloud. Fortunately, they want to do something about it. Namely, making itmandatory that earplugs are present at a party or concert. And then it is thevisitors ‘ own responsibility to use those caps. That’s the world upside down.So it is admitted that the sound is too loud but the volume knob is not turnedback. Do you still get it?

In the Kösterskoele we had a DJ on the last evening this year. He wasspinning in the farm. And that was tough! He was asked a few times to turn themusic down a bit. But he didn ‘t listen to anything. Probably too much hearingdamage. According to him, it had to be this volume otherwise the musicwouldn’t come through properly. As a result, half of the people went outsideto be able to talk a little more. I don’t think that’s the point of such aparty.

The people who are supposed to run our country have certainly sufferedhearing damage at some point. Because they can ‘t or don’t want to listen. Alot has been promised on Budget Day, but confidence in this cabinet is stilldeclining. They receive a historically low score because they do not listen topractice. When I used to come home with a 4, the advice was: better watch out!That is exactly what the ladies and gentlemen in government should do. Go intothe country once. Gauge the mood of your voters. Listen to your supporters.And do something with it!

And if that all gets too complicated, I do have some free advice for thiscabinet: pack your things, get out. In that regard, they have alreadypracticed well this week by walking away en masse from a debate. If they don’t want to listen to anything I would say: please go do something else. Thejobs are up for grabs. Everyone deserves a second chance, but how many secondchances do you want? How nice it would be if they would listen to this simpleMaarkelse columnist.

This is what it feels like when your parents can’t take care of you

It’s the world upside down. When the alarm goes off, 11-year-old Nikki kneelsnext to her mother’s bed to tell her to get up. If she sleeps undisturbed,she’ll probably make her a cup of coffee, let the dog out and leave forschool.

While Master Mark’s 8th grade Nikki draws a grim chalk drawing of her father’sloss (see video below), her mother sits in the living room in a dressing gowntaking her medication.

Mother Karin has a personality disorder (borderline) and often has a hard timewith herself. The groceries, the laundry, dinner, it often comes down toNikki.

Her father leads a nomadic life, does not keep visiting appointments, but thensuddenly stands in the schoolyard with a sweet card or enters Nikki’s house asa burglar with a package full of gift vouchers.


It’s all very complicated for the young girl: who should she choose, herparents or herself? Master Mark is Nikki’s great support, but when she goes toseventh grade it falls away and things go wrong.

‘I’m releasing something personal’

It is ‘intense and unreal’ to see yourself on a screen, says Nikki, who hasjust grown up, about the documentary. “All scenes with or about my fatherremain painful. But actually everyone should have a documentary aboutthemselves. It gives you a lot of insight. I can understand myself betternow.”

She finds it exciting how people will react. “I don’t know what to expect. Iagree that the documentary has been made, but it is something very personalthat I release. I will no longer have a choice about what I do and don’t tellpeople about my childhood.”

Damaged Families

It was six years ago that her mother gave permission for documentary makerMonique Nolte to let her camera into their house.

“With the pure intention to help children from damaged families”, mother Karinnow says about it. “I want those children to be seen, especially at school.Such a child must be able to feel safe there. That is not possible at home.”

Karin also found it intense to see the documentary, she says. Thanks tointensive therapy, she is doing much better now than at the time of theshooting.

“It’s strange to see that I was so in survival mode those years. I realize theimpact of it on Nikki. Now it touches me very deeply and I think: God bless, Ihad so many people from healthcare institutions around me. Why does no onehave really helped me? I missed guidance.”

“Jesus, what have I done to her?”

The most painful moment for Karin is a short scene at the end, in which Nikkiand a friend talk about the memories that come up during therapy while dyeingtheir hair red and blue. ‘Things like my father tried to kill my mother andstuff’, Nikki gives as an example.

“I was so upset about that,” says Karin. “The way she says it shocked me. Asif it is actually quite normal. Jesus, what have I done to her, I thoughtthen.”

Over half a million Nikki’s

The documentary, which can be seen on Videoland from 6 p.m. Monday, isdedicated to ‘the millions of Nikki’s in the world’. And in particular to theapproximately 577,500 children in the Netherlands who grow up with parents whosuffer from psychological or addiction problems. “65 percent of these childrenalso develop a mental disorder or addiction,” reads the warning at the end.

Although Nikki is also on the medication in the film, just like her mother,she has been off the medication for over a year now, she says proudly. Shewill soon start training as a social worker, and wants to study neurology viaHBO to university.

“I’m working hard not to end up like my parents. It’s hard because it’s veryhard to get up from the bottom of society, but I’m confident I’ll get there.”

Stephen King: dominant in the horror genre for fifty years (and quitting is not an option) | Book & Culture

Stephen King turned 75 this week, but he’s not going to sit behind thegeraniums for a while. The king of horror recently published his 65th noveland the next one is already in the works. King is one of the world’s mostsuccessful writers and continues to be a major influence on the horror genreand the next generation of authors.

By Hasna Elbaamranic

“I own all his books, but actually they own me. After Shakespeare, King’scultural influence is the greatest,” says author Benjamin Percy ( The NinthMetal , The Unfamiliar Garden ) about the work of Stephen King. Accordingto author Tom Perrotta ( Election , Little Children ) King is more thanthe main horror author. “He is a language artist and a master storyteller.”

King started writing short stories as a teenager, which he sold to magazines.When he started teaching at a high school in 1971, he continued to write inthe evenings and weekends. His first novel, career published in 1974. Thebook is about a teenage girl who has telekinetic powers that she uses againstthe classmates who systematically bully her.

The book became a great success, but not before King’s perseverance was put tothe test: the manuscript was rejected no less than thirty times by publishers.

After career follow 64 novels, hundreds of short stories and dozens of filmadaptations. His work is loved by horror fans, but also for people who havenothing to do with the genre, titles such as The Shining , it , misery ,The Green Mile , Pet Sematary and The Stand. Much of King’s stories havebeen filmed, sometimes multiple times.

Stephen King at a performance of It in Portland, Maine, USA. Portland isKing’s hometown and the setting for many of his films.

Loved, but also criticized

King is the unbeatable bestseller in the horror genre. No other author hassold as many books as he has: over 350 million copies worldwide. According tothe fans, the writer’s success lies in his writing style and in dynamiccharacters that the reader can identify with.

Yet he has always been criticized by fellow authors. According to critics,King’s work has no artistic or literary value. He is dismissed as a ‘genrewriter’, someone who only writes horror. That is not true; the author’s bodyof work includes science fiction, fantasy, thriller, and historical fiction.King’s response to the criticism has always been the same: he continues towrite.

Getting a lot of strength from King’s work

Author Lauren Groff ( Fates and Furies , Matrix ) said in an interviewearlier that she was greatly inspired by King’s enjoyment of writing and thegratitude he radiates. “I see in other authors that they see their work mainlyas a source of pain and that they are full of self-pity.”

“When the Losers Club (a group of teenagers from it who is the target ofbullying, ed.) If I could conquer bullies and a monstrous clown, I couldcertainly survive my high school years,” says author Robin Wasserman (Chasing Yesterday , Seven Deadly Sins ), who got a lot of strength fromreading the book.

According to experts, this typifies King’s work. He does not shy away fromsocial themes and writes in his books not only about bullying, but also aboutreligious fanaticism and the drinking and drug problem.

King launched Dutch author’s career

King is also loved by authors from the Netherlands. The American authorcontributed to the writing ambition of Thomas Olde Heuvelt ( HEX ,November ), Olde Heuvelt tells “I was about eleven when I read myfirst book by Stephen King. My mother thought I was too young for that, butafter a lot of nagging I was allowed to pick out a few books. The book PetSemetary had a special meaning to me. The story is about loss and I lost myfather at a young age. King’s books are like a mirror to real life.”

Decades later, Olde Heuvelt was in turn hailed by King: HEX was read by the75-year-old author and a message followed on Twitter. King described OldeHeuvelt’s book as “brilliant and completely original”. That short tweetlaunched Olde Heuvelt’s career, who until then was unknown to the generalpublic.

King’s last book Fairy Tale , came out on September 6 this year. He recentlyannounced in a podcast that the next book, called holly , ready. For now,King is not thinking about quitting yet: “I write because it makes me happyand because it makes others happy.”

‘Mama walked in the winter in slippers’

Between 670,000 and 1.2 million households may find it difficult to pay thenecessary bills with persistently high prices, according to the CPB. Due tothe rising prices in life articles, gas and energy, the hashtag#Ikredhetnietmeer has been created. BNNVARA is making a series about it, withthe story of Rotterdam Nashrin Nasibdar in yesterday’s episode.

For more than twenty years, Nasibdar has been dealing with financial problems.Her ex-husband caused the first problems in the family. “He did things thatare not allowed,” says the Rotterdam mother. “We were fined after fine, forexample for fare evasion. We went to borrow money from the bank, but of coursethere is interest on that and we could not pay that. Then I lost my job. Youcannot get rid of those debts.”

Financial concerns in #Ikredhetnietmeer of BNNVARA

Financial concerns were growing. “At some point you have to see where you aregoing to get it. Who are you going to turn to again? If you’ve knocked onsomeone’s door many times before, you’re like, ‘Here I come again.” Because ofthis situation, the eldest daughter of the family, Mia Nasibdar, learns froman early age to watch her money. “You could already see it in very smallthings. If I asked Mom for soup or something, there was no money for it. Sheeven wore slippers in the winter, because there was simply no money to buywinter stuff. Then she gave us the right stuff.”

With the rising prices, it is only more difficult for the family to make endsmeet. But with the help of a budget coach, they manage to make it. “He wasable to remove some money from every pot and gave me fifty euros living money.Normally I have a hundred euros. For people with five people in a household,that is really very little,” says the mother of the family. But the budgetcoach made this decision for a reason. “We don’t even have a spare jar foryou. If there is a bill, how are we going to pay it?”

Offer help

Buying a present for her son’s birthday is not an option in the near future.“That’s what he says: hey, we just have a good time together, don’t we? Butfor me as a mother, it’s hard for him to turn every dime to see how we’regoing to survive.”

In this crisis there are plenty of stories to tell from people who can no> longer make it, but luckily there are also a lot of great initiatives by> Dutch people who help each other. For example, Henk Asbraken is in the> kitchen of neighborhood restaurant Filah in Amsterdam-West, where people can> eat for three euros. “There has been more growth lately. That really has to> do with more expensive groceries and rising prices,” explains the volunteer.

‘Together, Minister Kaag also says, but she already has a full stomach’

When the bellies are filled, it’s time for a poem. She was still able to writeit in the kitchen. The poem reads: “Together, together, together. And we, thepeople, have to agree. Together the king also says, but yes, he already has ahouse. Minister Kaag also says together, but with a full stomach. Where theprofit is, that’s where it has to come from. And then we can really dream!”

Makers Temptation Island did not know about reports Mores reporting point

Producer SimpelZodiak and broadcaster RTL were not aware of reports oftransgressive behavior made by former participants of the ‘Temptation Island:Love or Leave’ program to the Mores hotline. The media companies say this inresponse to an item from ‘Show news’ in which it was stated on Friday eveningthat several candidates had reported the aforementioned behavior during therecording of the program.

“We take that very seriously”

“We are somewhat positive that the candidates concerned are able to find hotline”, says SimpelZodiak. is the joint hotlinefor undesirable behavior in the performing arts, film and television sector.”At the same time, we strive to ensure that candidates feel safe enough tocontact us. We will always enter into discussions to clarify the situation andsolve the problem together, so that we can also learn from specificsituations.”

RTL also says that it was not aware of the reports to Mores, but just like theproducer would like participants to report if they experience undesirablebehavior during recordings. “Together with the producer, we naturally doeverything we can to make the recording period go smoothly for all involved.If something does happen, we would of course prefer that participants feelsafe enough to start a conversation with the producer or with us. , or withthe confidential advisers. Then we can find a solution together. That alwaysapplies, even after the recordings and broadcasts.”

Also read:

There is a new season of Temptation Island: Love or Leave

From the item of Show news it was not clear what exactly would have happenedduring the shooting of Temptation Island: Love or Leave. It was also notstated over which period the reports were made. This is in connection with theprivacy of the reporters and because of their fear of also does not want and cannot confirm that the reports have beenmade due to confidentiality.

Lawyer and Show news expert Natascha Harlequin told the desk on Friday morebroadly about what would have happened. For example, candidates were said tofeel ‘manipulated’ and ‘feel pressured’, ‘their well-being was not takenseriously’ and ‘the participants were urged to drink alcohol’.

The candidates would also be afraid of fines, because they had to sign aconfidentiality obligation for their participation. It does state that thisdoes not apply to reports of undesirable behaviour, but because explicitreference is made to the producer and the broadcaster, it is not clear to thecandidates whether this is also allowed with an external party such as Mores.

RTL and SimpelZodiak are clear about this in their responses. “We encourageeveryone to report undesirable behavior, the penalty clause absolutely doesnot apply to this,” says SimpelZodiak. RTL agrees. “Let’s be very clear:participants will never be fined for making a report or for discussingsomething. We take that very seriously.”


Also read:

Today Inside should have stayed from MORES

Both media parties also state that they are already doing a lot to preventtransgressive behavior during recordings. “We have a clear protocol for ourreality and dating programs. This is actively discussed with our producers andregularly evaluated and refined. This stipulates, for example, that acandidate supervisor, confidential counselor and psychologist must always beavailable for participants and other involved parties.” says a spokesperson