Varvaridades | Mundial Qatar 2022

No hay case. Llevo un rato intentándolo pero no lo logro. No consigo titular,como querría, Varvaridades. A ver si alguien me ayuda. Por ahora, mi máquiname dice que eso no existe, que el título, si acaso, debe ser Barbaridades yque no joda más, que ese palabro que quiero poner es un invento chino. Mimáquina se cree que sabe más que yo. Debe ser cierto: con sus megamilimillonesde chips y links y wikis no puedo competir. Pero me gustaba la idea de lasVarvaridades y, sobre todo, no me gusta la idea de que un complot de unos yceros se arrogue el derecho de decirme qué está bien y qué mal, qué debohacer.

Y no te creas que desvario, Tu Excelencia. Te lo digo porque, una vez más, teme has adelantado. Es lo que nos sucede desde hace solo trainta años, así queya me voy acostumbrando. En esta fue a propósito del VAR: decías, ayer, que elVAR es el intento de la FIFA de mostrar que es más buena que Lassie, honestacomo un pollo. La tentativa tiene, es cierto, todas las trazas de una maniobraFIFA: las mil y una maneras de escupir para arriba. Yo no sé cómo haces elamor ni cómo contestas el teléfono ni cómo te las arreglarías parasimultanear, pero sí sé que el VAR destruye el corazón del fútbol: la emocióninmediata, barata, arrolladora. Hemos dicho tantas veces que lo mejor delfútbol es el gol, ese estallido: el VAR lo vacuna, inocula, castra. Hastaaquí, cuando una pelota entraba en un arco y el lineman no había levantadola bandera, era el polvo y la llamada y todo lo demás al mismo tiempo, yagritar ya saltar ya saber que algo ¿importante? habia sucedido. Lo que veíasera lo que era –y eso es algo que no pasa en casi ningún ámbito, habituadoscomo estamos al engaño, al secreto, a la escondida. Con el VAR nada es lo quees: cuando entra la pelota se abre un período de deliberación, de nervios, deno saber qué hacer; si después te dicen que fue gol no es lo mismo ese gritodemorado –“recalentado”, dices – que el presente de la pelota entrando; si tedicen que no lo fue te sientes un idiota que se alegró por error, por unerror, por creer en tus ojos.

Eso es bastante malo para el futbol. Pero,además, el VAR es malo para lahumanidad –si me disculpas la grandilocuencia. El VAR es mi computadorcorrigiéndome palabras pero a lo bestia y sin vuelta atrás: gran triunfo delas dizque inteligencias artificiales sobre las naturales. Nadie podría habervisto el orsai de Lautaro contra Arabia; la maquina, si. La máquina impone susreglas contra la percepción de los humanos –y le creemos más a ella que anosotros. Después que digan que la Singularidad es un peligro.

And fin, que ya vale de VAR, que disfrutemos del fútbol mientras lo siganjugando personitas de carne –y no, por el momento, hologramas tanto másperfectos. Ya vendran; aquí, por ahora, perfecto no es ninguno. Se termina laphase de grupos y el único que se perfila como gran jugador es Mbappé, ytodavía nadie lo marcó de veras.

Mientras buscaba más candidatos escuchaba a Scaloni: el hombre tiene laventaja de no querer disertar en esdrújulas como Bielsa ni esculpir en mármolel lugar común como Bilardo ni posar de revolucionario tras trabajar para losdictadores como Menotti; Scaloni habla simple, sin vueltas, y el otro día,tras el partido con ustedes, dijo algo que de tan simple es complejísimo: queun partido de fútbol es solo un partido de fútbol, ​​que no puede ser que selo llene de tantos sentidos y tantas expectativas, que así se hace dificilhacer nada. Y pensé, siguiendo sus palabras, si el problema de la selecciónargentina no sería la Argentina. ¿No será ese país que se jacta de vivir elfútbol tan intensamente el que paraliza a sus supuestos representantes porqueson solo jugadores de fútbol y la argentinidad herida pretende convertirlos enSalvadores de la Patria?

“Se pierde, se gana y mañana sale el sol igual”, dijo Scaloni. Curiosamente,si nuestra selección pudiera entender eso, ganaría mucho más a menudo. Peroesos muchachos cargan sobre sus hombros el peso de la Patria. Y la Patria, túbien lo sabes, es un chicle de plomo.

La Patria: cualquier patria. Hace unos días hablábamos de la tristeza de ver aMessi convertido en propagandista de la dictadura saudí por unos cuantosmillones. Hoy me encuentro con que Xavier Hernández hace el mismo trabajo parala qatarí: tu quoque, Xavi, me haces esto, si por tu calidad yo siempre dijeque Messi era el mejor jugador del mundo y el segundo mejor del Barcelona.Ahora este hombre, que vivió y jugó allí, que es amigo –dicen– de su familiareal, arguye que “hay un prejuicio muy grande y mucha crítica hacia la culturaárabe”. A mí me sigue gustando –¿a ti también?– learn a Omar Khayyam ya IbnBatuta ya Naguib Mafuz, o escuchar a Umm Kalsum; lo que no me gusta, estáclaro, es que estos reyezuelos discriminate y writs y mates. Ni que losmejores futbolistas los defiendan: ¿será el precio de jugar tan bien?

Mientras tanto, hoy se acabaron los primeros grupos. El querido Ecuador sequedó afuera a manos senegalas, Holanda pasó volando bajo como si fuera unpaís ídem y el más bajo de todos fue Qatar, ni un punto. En el otro grupo, losdos imperios –el actual y su madre– se impusieron: Inglaterra con autoridad,Estados Unidos sufriendo –como hace tanto– con Irán. Era raro: por momentos yoquería que ganara Irán y me preguntaba por qué alentar a un régimen brutal yno quería decirme que para que rebajaran a los americanos y me contestaba queera por esos jugadores que se habían callado su himno –pero volvieron acantarlo tras las amenazas– y así de seguido. Uno de estos días deberíamosdebatir por qué queremos que gane tal, que pierda cual: las razones suelen sersinrazones y caprichos, mentiritas menores. Mientras tanto, mañana tenemosfecha grande: se deciden los destinos de los nuestros y, por supuesto, te tocaa ti escribirla.

Mundial Qatar 2022: Inglaterra marca distancias | Mundial Qatar 2022

Al descanso, entre los galeses solo Allen sabría acertar el color de lacamiseta de Pickford, portero inglés. De hecho, ningún colega de Allen lohubiera adivinado antes del minuto 55. Para entonces, Inglaterra ya ganaba0-2. En el intermedio los datos eran abrumadores. Un 74% de posesión inglesa(64% already final), 365 pases de los de Gareth Southgate por apenas 131 delos de Rob Page, que contabilizaron un total de 330. No muchos menos se dan enlos rondos de un calentamiento. Para la versión británica de un Real Madrid-Rayo Vallecano, Gales no disimulaba su único destino: la resistencia.

Bélgica, bajo fuego amigo en el Mundial | Mundial Qatar 2022

En Qatar, Bélgica vive en un paraíso lejos de los murmullos de los hinchas quebuscan cervezas en los hoteles y en las fan zones de Doha, en un lujosocomplejo en la costa oeste, al borde del mar en Abu Sarma, el Hilton SalwaBeach : bungalows, jardines, caminos recorridos por cochecitos de golf que novan a jugar al golf y la costa saudí a golpe de vista al otro lado del agua.Pero el fútbol envenena paraísos, y el de Bélgica vive taciturno desde ladecepcionante victoria against Canada (1-0) y preocupado tras la derrotaagainst Marruecos (0-2). El lunes por la noche ardió. Y Hazard y Courtoissalieron este martes a echarle agua.

El dia habia sido placido. Después de la derrota del domingo, elseleccionador, Roberto Martínez, dio fiesta a sus jugadores, que estuvieroncon sus familias hasta las 21.30. Entonces, el chispazo que prendió la llama.L ‘Equipe publicó que al acabar el encuentro contra Marruecos, en elvestuario Hazard y De Bruyne habían mantenido una intensa disputa en la quemedió Lukaku.

Hazard y Courtois lo negaron todo. Primero el atacante, que llegó al barracónde prensa con el semblante grave y cuando alcanzó la mesa con el microfonoguiñó al tendido. “No discutí con Vertonghen en el vestuario después delpartido contra Marruecos. Alli no paso nada. Solo hablo Roberto Martinez. Nono peeamos. Y tampoco lo haría, porque Jan es más alto que yo”. Y se rio.

Cuando los jugadores se despidieron de sus familias el lunes, se juntarondurante una hora con Martínez para hablar del punto en el que se encontraban,en una reunión constructiva conducida por el seleccionador. Allí se decidióque en lugar de que comparecieran Carrasco y Theate, como estaba previsto, lohicieran Hazard y Vertonghen. La federación lo comunicó por mail a las 2.23 dela madrugada. Para cambiar de nuevo dos horas antes del acto: saldría Courtoisen lugar del defensa, por “problemas prácticos”.

Sin llegar al punto de rozar la pelea, el bajo nivel de juego ha provocadotensiones en el grupo. Después del estreno contra Canada, De Bruyne fue muycrítico con cómo habían jugado y con cómo lo había hecho él: “No sé por qué medan el trofeo [de mejor jugador]. No he jugado bien. Quiza me lo dan por minombre”.

Mas informacion

Después de perder contra Marruecos, Martínez lamentó que estuvieran jugandocon miedo a perder, porque eso no les permitía tomar los riesgos necesariospara generar ocasiones de gol. Otro foco incómodo lo generó Hazard cuando dijoque sabían que suscentrales no eran los más rápidos, algo a lo que ayer quisoquitar hierro: “Jan [Vertonghen] me preguntó si había dicho eso. Le dijeriéndome que ya no es tan rápido. Y estuvo de acuerdo conmigo. Fue una broma”.

Jessie Jazz Vuijk withdraws: after miscarriage, father also dies | show

updateJessie Jazz Vuijk (27) withdraws for the time being. After announcing amiscarriage earlier today, she now shares the news that her father has passedaway. The former Miss Netherlands, who has a relationship with presenter KajGorgels (32), thanks everyone on Instagram for the sweet messages.

Marlies van Leeuwen, Mark den Blanken 11/28/22, 8:00 AM

Latest update: 28-11-22, 22:16

This morning Vuijk wrote about her lost child. This afternoon she shares aphoto with her father. ‘Dad you made me who I am now, you are no longer herebut closer than ever’. Ben Vuijk, who was a councilor in Vlaardingen, turned65 and had been ill for some time.

Vuijk described the miscarriage earlier today as ‘violent and sad’. Her bodythrew everything out in no time. She was surrounded by people with whom sheworks closely. “I have never felt so behaved and connected. (…) I had tovomit, defecate and bleed at the same time, but after an intense hour therewas peace, confidence, love.’

She wrote that she still feels ‘the soul’ close by. ‘Pregnancy is a completesurrender from moment one. It has already changed me. With tears in my eyesand a heart full of love and trust, I feel you close.’ The former MissNetherlands, who is now an influencer with more than 300,000 followers onInstagram, does not experience the miscarriage as ‘a failure’. ‘As if this hadto be done to make room in advance. And I can’t say anything else, it set alot in motion.’


Vuijk experiences a lot of support from her friend Kaj Gorgels, who was thepresenter of until this season Expedition Robinson. “There isn’t a man onearth man I’d rather go into this with. Not a man I’d rather see as the fatherof my child. I fell even more in love with you than I already was. Our babywill come, I’m 100 percent sure.’

The couple, who have been together since 2018, have been living in Ibiza sincelast year. It is not known how long Vuijk had been pregnant. She had alreadyshared the news with a number of people around her.

Joe Pesci reveals that he had sustained ‘serious burns’ while shooting ‘Home Alone 2’

Turns out that even Wet Bandits are susceptible to serious burns. In a newinterview with People magazine, Oscar-winning Goodfellas star Joe Pescishared details about some of the injuries he received during the making of theChristmastime classics, HomeAlone and Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. “Itwas a nice change of pace to do that particular type of slapstick comedy,” theactor said via email about the blockbuster sequel, which celebrates its 30thanniversary this year. “But the HomeAlone movies were a more physical typeof comedy, therefore, a little more demanding.”

Certainly, the cast and crew of Lost in New York — including returning starMacaulay Culkin and returning director, Chris Columbus — faced the demandingtask of ensuring that the second film would live up to the standards (and boxoffice grosses) of the previous installment. That meant that young KevinMcAllister’s rematch with bumbling burglars Harry (Pesci) and Marv (DanielStern) had to turn up the heat in terms of comedic stuntwork. In one memorablescene, Harry’s head is once again set on fire in a direct callback to thefirst HomeAlone. And Pesci says that scene left a mark on his skull.

“In addition to the expected bumps, bruises, and general pains that you wouldassociate with that particular type of physical humor, I did sustain seriousburns to the top of my head during the scene where Harry’s hat is set onfire,” Pesci told People , noting that he performed the stuntwork for theentirety of that scene. “I was fortunate enough to have professional stuntmendo the real heavy stunts,” he added.

Joe Pesci's bumbling burglar experiences a burning sensation on his head inHome Alone 2: Lost in New York.  (Photo: 20th CenturyFox/YouTube)Joe Pesci'sbumbling burglar experiences a burning sensation on his head in Home Alone 2:Lost in New York.  (Photo: 20th CenturyFox/YouTube)

Pesci’s bumbling burglar experiences a burning sensation on his head in HomeAlone 2: Lost in New York. (Photo: 20th Century Fox/YouTube)

When he wasn’t nursing a burned noggin, Pesci remembered having a great timeon set with his co-stars — although he deliberately avoided getting toofriendly with Culkin. “I intentionally limited my interactions with him topreserve the dynamic between his character, Kevin, and my character Harry,”the actor explained, while also calling the then-12-year-old star a “reallysweet kid.” And while sequels can sometimes feel like cash grabs, Pesci feltthat everyone involved was committed to making a great movie. “[ Lost in NewYork had] the same, if not more, energy and enthusiasm as the original.”

Story continues

Lost in New York was also the final bow for the original trio of Culkin,Stern and Pesci, even as the HomeAlone franchise continued on for fouradditional sequels and spin-offs — most recently 2021’s Home Sweet HomeAlone. Meanwhile, Pesci took an extended break from the big screen for muchof the 2000s, and only just returned for his first major movie role in MartinScorsese’s 2019 drama, The Irishman. He’s currently set to star oppositePete Davidson in the upcoming Peacock comedy, Bupkus.

TOLUCA LAKE, CALIFORNIA - OCTOBER 04: Actor Joe Pesci attends the GeorgeLopez 14th Annual Celebrity Golf Classic Tournament on October 04, 2021 inToluca Lake, California.  (Photo by Paul Archuleta/GettyImages)TOLUCA LAKE,CALIFORNIA - OCTOBER 04: Actor Joe Pesci attends the George Lopez 14th AnnualCelebrity Golf Classic Tournament on October 04, 2021 in Toluca Lake,California.  (Photo by Paul Archuleta/GettyImages)

Joe Pesci attends the George Lopez 14th Annual Celebrity Golf ClassicTournament in October 2021. (Photo: Paul Archuleta/Getty Images)

Asked whether he’d consider making a grand return to the HomeAlone series,Pesci sounds like he’s not interested in getting another hot scalp treatment.

“While you never say never, I think that it would be difficult to replicatenot only the success but also the overall innocence of the originals,” theactor told People. “It’s a different time now; attitudes and priorities havechanged in 30 years.”

Here’s another sign of the changing times: 30 years ago, Donald Trump’ssurprise Lost in New York cameo made audiences laugh. But three decades —and one controversial presidential administration later — HomeAlone fans arenow finding ways to edit him out of the movie. Speaking with YahooEntertainment in 2020, Columbus said that Trump essentially forced his wayinto the film.

“We wanted to shoot in the Plaza Hotel,” the director said, referring to thefamous property that Trump owned at the time. “We got wind back that the onlyway we could get into the Plaza Hotel was if Donald Trump had a cameo in themovie. I was like, ‘Are you kidding me?'” [The manager] said, ‘No, he wants acameo. He wants a line.’ So we devise this thing cause we needed to shoot inthe Plaza. My producers were like, ‘You can cut it. We’ll shoot it. And we’llcut it later where this is the only way we get in the Plaza.'”

“We previewed the movie for the first time in Chicago,” Columbus continued.”And when that moment came up, it [got] the loudest laughter and cheers. Thatwas literally a high point for the audience. I mean, no one had a crystalball. They couldn’t know what was going to happen today.”

HomeAlone and ** Home Alone 2: Lost in New York are bothstreaming on Disney+**

Hilarie Burton and Sophia Bush claim they were threatened into doing Maxim shoot

One Tree Hill stars Hilarie Burton and Sophia Bush claim they were pressuredinto doing their 2006 Maxim magazine photo shoot. Burton, Bush and co-starBethany Joy Lenz revealed what went on behind the scenes years ago whilerecapping an old OTH episode on them Drama Queens __ podcast. Lenz claimedshe was left out of the Maxim cover spread as she was deemed to be “toofat.”

The actresses began by explaining how the Maxim storyline was written intothe fourth season as the network wanted to attract more male viewers.

“I was specifically pulled aside and told that our male numbers in viewershipskyrocketed when [my character] Peyton got her ass kicked by Derek. So whatyou’ll see, there’s a pattern on our show, where, either violence towardswomen or super sexualized situations, there’s gonna be an uptick in thatbecause they were really hot to capture the male audience,” Burton claimed.”That was really frightening to me, but I had to be a good sport about it …They were trying to get the dudes for sure. They couldn’t do it withbasketball, so we’ll punch a girl in the face.”

Bush added, ”I know they weren’t trying to solicit basement bullies on theinternet, but they saw that a lot of young men were drawn to a violent assaultof women and they went, ‘We should do more of that.’ Not, ‘Uh-oh.’ They werelike, ‘Maybe we should do more! Maybe we should make the girls do Maxim andtell them they’ll get fired if they don’t!'”

In the show, Bush’s character, Brooke, takes photos of Rachel (played byDanneel Ackles) for Maxim ‘s “Hometown Hotties” issue. The episode aired inOctober 2006, one month before Bush, Burton and Ackles appeared on the cover.

“We really did try to make it the best version of it we could, but ya, we gottold we had to do it,” Bush declared.

“Because Brooke had been so sexualized on the show, and the whole idea of​​this ‘Hometown Hottie’ was Rachel’s storyline, I was like, ‘Look, if thegirls want to do it, that’s great. I don’t. I have gone to battle trying tomake Brooke less of this thing that you guys tried to force me into. I don’twant to do it,'” Bush continued. “I literally got told, ‘If you do not go andshoot this cover with your co-stars, we will guarantee you that you will neverbe let out for a press day, a movie, an event, any of your charities. We willkeep you here forever.'”

Story continues

Burton remembered getting pulled into a production office when she was given a”soft pitch” by higher-ups: “Look, all the other shows have been on the coverof every single magazine and no one wants you guys. No one wants you. And youfinally have someone that wants you and you’re really gonna turn your nose upat that?”

“It was very much a, ‘No one else wants you, the studio wants to cancel yourshow, if you don’t start to generate some buzz and attract these male numbers,we’re dead and all your friends are going to lose their jobs,'” Burton added.

Bush said she pushed back as she didn’t want to do the shoot, but “was told Ihad to.”

“It was such a profound threat and a threat to being able to — honestly, evento have the ability to escape for a weekend, a place that at this stage, thisseason, I was leaving every chance I got. I would come into work and do my joband I wanted out,” Bush shared. “I wanted to go home, I wanted to be with myfamily. I wanted to be with my friends. I did not want to be on our set, itwas not a safe place for me. This was such a threat to safety. “

Burton, Bush and Lenz accused OTH creator Mark Schwahn of sexual harassmentin 2017. Burton and Bush claimed on Sunday’s podcast that Schwahn showed up onset of the Maxim shoot and made them feel “uncomfortable”

“We were all pitted against each other and here’s a great example,” Lenz said,revealing she was told her co-stars were shooting Maxim and had “replaced”her with Ackles.

“They told me that they didn’t come to me because I was too fat and I justwasn’t a hot girl on the show anymore,” Lenz recalled.

Burton and Bush were shocked to hear their friend’s version of the events.

“They go, ‘Well she said no, so you have to say yes. She said no first,'” Bushclaimed. “They scapegoated you to tell the three of us we couldn’t say no… Weweren’t mad at you but we were pissed about it.”

Lenz insinuated Schwahn was upset when she got married in 2005. She laterremembered getting a script in which her character, Haley, was called “a fatgirl with a little head.”

“I remember reading that on paper and just being like, ‘What? It’s so random.That actually must be what he thinks of me,'” Lenz explained. “Sometimessomeone will say something to you and you’re like, ‘I never, ever saw myselfthat way.’ Now suddenly, every time I look in the mirror, I’m like, ‘Am I fat?I guess I do have a little head? Is that bad? Is that unattractive?’ It’s sodumb, but it really followed me around for a long time in my brain”

Lenz added, “From that point forward, I started getting treated like, ‘Justput Joy in the category of middle-age mom. We’re gonna do the sexy stuff witheverybody else. There’s nothing interesting about Joy anymore because she’smarried’ and apparently, they thought I was fat and boring. That was it. Ijust got kind of replaced with Danneel, who I love … It was just so weird.”

Martijn Krabbé has difficulty with Anouk’s ‘corrupt gang’ statement

Even before the ANGRY episode left The Voice of Holland appeared, singerAnouk resigned as a coach and spoke of a “corrupt gang”. A statement that wentdown the wrong way with presenter Martijn Krabbé. “How do you think we allfelt?” he responded to the statement last night Island of Beau.

It is clear that Martijn Krabbé is touched by the words of his formercolleague.

Anouk lifted The Voice of Holland to ‘unprecedented level’

“After the first few years, Anouk has raised that program to an unprecedentedlevel, because of who she is, because of her reputation,” says Krabbé. “Shewas a godsend to the program.”

Although the program benefited from Anouk as a new jury member, she did notalways make it easy for the makers. “She didn’t like the way the program wasput together at all. She thought it was a shitty format. She said, “I’m happyto coach one, but next round you want me to have eight. Do I then have tochoose seven more bruises who can lose weight later?’ Yes, you have to,because that is the format.” Krabbé could laugh about it himself. “But it tookus a lot of effort as a production to keep her a little cheerful.”

Anouk’s statement touches Krabbé

However, Krabbé could not laugh at the statement made by the singer from TheHague in January. Anouk stepped, even before the ANGRY episode left TheVoice of Holland appeared as a coach and called the program a “corrupt gang”in a video message. “How do you think we all felt there?” Krabbé responds.“We’ve laid out the damn red carpet for you for the past six years. What willwe get now? Corrupt gang? Sorry?”

It is the first time that Krabbé reacts to Anouk’s statement. However, henever discussed it one-on-one with Anouk. “That is of no use. And what good isit? She nuanced it a month later, then I think: well, fine.”

Krabbé is ashamed of the abuses in The Voice

It is clear to see that it is difficult for Krabbé to talk about The Voice.“I don’t know what to say. Because everything can go wrong and because I amvery ashamed of it,” he says. In retrospect, Krabbé thinks he should have seenthe abuses. “I could have asked if everyone was ‘safe’. But I had noindication that it wasn’t.” Still, the presenter feels responsible for whathappened. “Apparently it happened on my watch. And if only 1 percent of whatis being said is true, then it is already really disastrous, and very bad andwrong and terrible.”

Krabbé had hoped to say goodbye to TV with a few last words The Voice But hedoesn’t see that happening any time soon. “It is difficult, because there aremany sides to the issue,” he says. “About 200 people worked there. And as faras I can estimate, at least 197 of them are free of any blame. It was theircareer too, their profession, their pride. All of us spent thirteen years inthe trenches, because that’s what it feels like when you have to work reallyhard on something.”

Island of Beau viewers responded well to Krabbé’s interview. “Martijn isvery frank; seems to have reflected heavily on his life and career,” oneviewer tweeted. Another viewer thinks that Krabbe should not be ashamed atall. “It employs 200 people The Voice Think of a large company, you don’tknow everything that is going on there. And you don’t have to.”

Martijn is very frank; seems to have reflected heavily on his life and> career> #isoladibeau>> — Tweetma’s (@tweetma’s) November 27,> 2022

#isoladibeau> Martin has nothing to be ashamed of in my opinion. 200 people work at The> Voice, think of a large company, you don’t know everything that’s going on> there either. And you don’t have to.>> — Floor Janssen (@janssensnuf) November 27,> 2022

Oh @krabbetv, you really> have nothing to be ashamed of. 💗 The possible perpetrators, they should be> ashamed of themselves> #isoladibeau>> — Lianne van Veen (@Liedje87) November 27,> 2022

Monica and Martin…. Beautiful episode again and two beautiful, nice people> ❤️> #IsolaDiBeau>> — Romy⚽️🤘🏼 (@missxromy2) November 27,> 2022

Isola di Beau can be seen every Sunday at 8 p.m. on RTL 4.

IN PICTURE. ‘Zons Van Van As: De Cross’ premieres at Kinepolis: “A film brimming with emotions” (Antwerp)

The Zillionmadness has not yet subsided when another Flemish film premiered atKinepolis Antwerp on Monday evening. Sons Of Van As: The Cross is the finalpart of the television series that captivated many a VTM viewer for fiveseasons. The film will also be shown to the general public from December 7.

No purple red carpet, semi-erotic dancers or pumping beats like with Zillion,but a yellow cloth, crush barriers with X2O advertising and gigantic rubberducks. The club atmosphere made way for the folksy cyclocross atmosphere, andthe fans who were present really appreciated that.

Following cyclo-cross heroes such as Niels Albert, Erwin Vervecken and BartWellens, Jaak Van Assche, Carry Goossens, Peter Van den Eede and other membersof the cast climbed the stairs towards the cinema complex. Inside they weremet by hordes of fans trying to catch a glimpse of the actors on the gallerywall. Just before 8 pm, the enthusiastic cinemagoers flocked to the fivedifferent (full) halls in which the film was shown for the first time.

Typical Flemish atmosphere

Céline (22) and Kjenta (22) from Sint-Niklaas were on hot coals. “We bothwatched the program. The typical Flemish atmosphere is the programme’s secretweapon, which we hope will be reflected in the film. In any case, we expect afilm full of emotions, both in a positive and negative sense”, laughs Céline.“We just want to turn our minds off and forget all our worries. There itseemed Sons Of Van As ideal for us”, adds Kjenta.

“I have seen all seasons from the first to the last minute. It is one of thebest series of recent years, so the film promises to be just as good,” saysJelle (18). He brought along his comrade Dennis (17), who had never been toSons Of Van As watched. “And yet I am curious. He explained things to me andshowed me some pictures. Besides, we like the same movies. After The Championsit’s our second premiere. We are very curious”, says Jelle.

© Jan Van der Perre

“Everyone is great”

And while the duo rushes to the hall, Kyra (16) from Bree hopes to catch aglimpse of Maaike Cafmeyer. “She is one of the reasons we are here. But reallyeveryone is great. The television program was great. Hopefully the movie willnot disappoint. We are happy to be able to attend a premiere sometime. Youkeep staring at your eyes. It’s very special. On to a great movie now,”concludes her mother Kathleen.

“You get what you expect Sons Of Van As”, hear the guests in room eight. Itsounded like music to the ears of those present. The light went out. BenSegers, Peter Thyssen and Tania Kloek appeared on the silver screen. Thetrain, or rather the excavator, had left.

© Jan Van der Perre

© Jan Van der Perre

© Jan Van der Perre

© Jan Van der Perre

© Jan Van der Perre

© Jan Van der Perre

© Jan Van der Perre

© Jan Van der Perre

© Jan Van der Perre

© Jan Van der Perre

© Jan Van der Perre

© Jan Van der Perre

© Jan Van der Perre


Sons of Van As: De Cross can be seen by the general public from 7 December.

Broeklin wants to bring the Brussels Philharmonic to Machelen

At Broeklin, the successor to the Uplace shopping centre, nerves are tense.The entrepreneur Bart Verhaeghe, known as chairman of Club Brugge, has wantedto realize a major real estate project in Machelen for years. After thefailure of the planned shopping center Uplace, city planner Alexander D’Hoogheproposed an alternative for the circular economy in 2020 with the ‘work-shopdistrict’ Broeklin. But the city of Vilvoorde and two other parties appealedlast year against the environmental permit that Broeklin received from theFlemish government. Very soon the Council for Licensing Disputes will decideon the future of the project.

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Design image of the Broeklin project in Machelen. ©ORG

The nervousness about Broeklin can be felt all the way to Place Flagey inIxelles. Since 2005, the headquarters of the non-profit organization BrusselsPhilharmonic, which includes both the former orchestra and the radio choir ofthe VRT, have been located there since 2005. The orchestra rehearses andperforms in the Flagey building. But intendant Gunther Broucke feels inhibitedin his ambitions there. ‘The plans for the future of the Brussels Philharmonicand the Vlaams Radiokoor have grown enormously in the past 15 years,’ saysBroucke. ‘Activities at Flagey have also exploded. That puts a lot of pressureon the infrastructure.’

House for the Arts

The Brussels Philharmonic has therefore been performing in other halls, suchas Bozar, for some time now. But the non-profit organization is looking atanother location: Broeklin. In addition to tailor-made shops and productionspace, the complex in Machelen will include a flexible House for the Arts. Atthe performance, Broucke showed himself as a great advocate of Broeklin.Brussels Philharmonic would use the Center for the Arts ‘for productions andperformances that require an atypical set-up and that require flexiblerehearsal space’.

Broeklin dreams of bringing the Brussels Philharmonic to Machelen. Accordingto Broucke, Verhaeghe made a ‘sporting’ proposal to the Flemish governmentsome time ago. Broeklin wants to pay for the construction of the House for theArts in full itself in exchange for a very long rental guarantee from theFlemish government. Brussels Philharmonic is just one of the potential tenantsof the House for the Arts, Broeklin says. ‘We are absolutely not asking theBrussels Philharmonic to leave Flagey,’ emphasizes Uplace CEO Jan Van Lancker.’We endorse the vision that the orchestra remains in Flagey, but rents extraspace from Broeklin.’

The file is on the table of Flemish Prime Minister Jan Jambon (N-VA). AsMinister of Culture, he must decide on the housing of the BrusselsPhilharmonic, one of the seven Flemish art institutions. Jambon is looking atthe options, he says through his spokesperson. ‘Obviously it isn’t. Broeklinis very expensive. Two positions at the same time seems unrealistic to me.’

Broeklin is very expensive. Two positions at the same time seems unrealisticto me. “

In the Flemish Parliament, Jambon recently called the continuation of theBrussels Philharmonic in Flagey ‘the most feasible option (…) provided thatthe necessary infrastructural adjustments are made’. The building is in urgentneed of renovations. The non-profit organization Flagey, which operates thebuilding, is negotiating about this with NV Omroepgebouw Flagey, the owner ofthe building. Entrepreneurs Michel Moortgat (Brewery Duvel-Moortgat) andHubert Bonnet jointly bought 70 percent of that NV in 2017. But thenegotiations between the two parties about the division of the investmentsover the next 27 years, amounting to tens of millions of euros, are going veryslowly.

Politically sensitive

Jambon said in the Flemish Parliament that the Brussels Philharmonic would geta different home base ‘not impossible in theory’, although that would breakthe long relationship with Flagey and mortgage the anchorage in Brussels.Those involved point out that it is politically very sensitive to remove aFlemish institution, which bears Brussels in its name, from the capital.

The fact that all possible authorities are in the Flagey pool makes thediscussion even more complex. This year, the Flemish Community will grantFlagey an operating grant of 750,000 euros. The French Community and theBrussels Region pay a similar amount, the municipality of Ixelles a third.Flanders gives another 526,000 euros for the accommodation of the BrusselsPhilharmonic. The federal (FPIM), the Flemish (PMV) and the Brussels(Finance& public investment companies each own 9 percent ofthe NV.

While the Brussels Philharmonic awaits a political decision, Flagey increasesthe pressure on the orchestra. The non-profit organization Flagey will soonhave to conclude a new management agreement with its subsidizing authorities.At the end of October, Gilles Ledure, the director of the non-profitorganization Flagey, demanded in a letter that the Brussels Philharmonicindicate its plans for the future. “If the orchestra wants to move, that isits right,” Ledure told De Tijd. ‘But I need to know. I can’t conclude amanagement agreement if the orchestra doesn’t speak a clear language.’

We will not be Machelen Philharmonic. “

Gunther Brooke

Intendant Brussels Philharmonic

Officially, the Brussels Philharmonic does not want to leave Brussels. ‘We arevery happy in Flagey’, says Broucke. ‘We will not be Machelen Philharmonic. Wewill continue to give concerts in Flagey, but we could also rent the hall.’

Ledure does not fear the departure of its main tenant. ‘When the orchestra isgone, something else will come in Flagey. Artistically, I would find that ashame, because the Brussels Philharmonic is an added value for Flagey. Butthere are still orchestras.’

Brussels Philharmonic

Brussels Philharmonic is the continuation of the symphony orchestra that theBelgian public broadcaster (NIR) founded in 1935 and became independent in1998. The non-profit organization Brussels Philharmonic today includes asymphony orchestra, a chamber choir (Flemish Radio Choir) and a youthorchestra. Since 2005, the Brussels Philharmonic has been based in the Flageybuilding in Ixelles. It is one of seven Flemish art institutions, alongsidethe Antwerp Symphony Orchestra, Opera Ballet Vlaanderen and the AncienneBelgique, among others. From 2023, the Brussels Philharmonic will receive anannual Flemish subsidy of 9.7 million euros.


Flagey is a culture house on Place Flagey in Ixelles. The non-profitorganization, which operates the former Broadcasting Centre, receivessubsidies from the Flemish and French Communities, the Brussels Region and theMunicipality of Ixelles. The building, an Art Deco-style packet boat, is ownedby NV Omroepgebouw Flagey. Michel Moortgat, the CEO of the Duvel-Moortgatbrewery, bought 46 percent of that company in 2017. The art collector HubertBonnet then acquired 25 percent of the shares. The federal (FPIM), the Flemish(PMV) and the Brussels (Finance& public investment companieseach own 9 percent. The remaining 2 percent is held by the bank BNP Paribas

‘Bijltjesdag’ at VRT: reporter Annick Ruyts fired on birthday, Phara de Aguirre sees colleagues crying in the hallway | TV

TVThe 67 employees that the VRT wants to fire are gradually getting a face.Reporter Annick Ruyts, for example, shares on her Facebook page that thepublic broadcaster has kicked her out, notably on her birthday. Phara deAguirre (61) describes on Twitter that the excitement among colleagues isgreat.

Last week it was announced that the public broadcaster will lay off 67employees. This measure is part of the transformation plan approved by theboard of directors of VRT. One and Canvas are the hardest hit, several tradeunionists say. Those who lose their job received an invitation for aninterview with HR at the beginning of this week. “Bijltjesdag at VRT”, writesDe Aguirre about it. “In one corridor tears for colleagues who have received ameeting request, in the other corridor relief for colleagues who have notreceived it. The number 67 gets faces. Many faces of nice colleagues.”

Annick Ruyts, among others, announced on social media that she was fired:“Nice birthday present from the VRT. After 33 years…” Ruyts made the reportseries ‘Boundless Love’ and ‘We are from Belgium’ for the public broadcaster.Her last position at the VRT was that of editor-in-chief for the Canvasprogram ‘Only Elvis continues to exist’.

Phara de Aguirre (VRT) > @PharaVrt >

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Yesterday and today, the management of the VRT sent e-mails to the peopleinvolved with an invitation to discuss their dismissal, Carlos Van Hoeymissenof ACV and Wies Descheemaeker of ACOD confirm. The talks will take place thenext day, so on Tuesday and Wednesday, they say. Both also admit that One andCanvas are the hardest hit in proportion.

“We are in the process of implementing the transformation plan,” confirms VRTspokesman Bob Vermeir. In that context, talks are being held with theemployees who are forced to leave. The spokesperson emphasizes that there is“a wide package of support measures”, such as outplacement, guidance and, ifnecessary, psychological support. “But of course it remains a difficultmessage” for those involved.


ACOD member Descheemaeker speaks of “one of the darkest days in the history ofthe VRT. The public broadcaster is affected in the heart and soul by thedismissal of colleagues,” says the trade unionist. According to him, theunions are still considering whether further actions will follow.

The public broadcaster has to cut costs from the Flemish government. In thecourse of the 2020-2025 management agreement, the broadcaster muststructurally use 25.1 million euros less public funds. CEO Frederik Delaplacepresented a first version of the transformation plan in April, which wasapproved by the board of directors last week after adjustments. In addition tothe forced redundancies, it also includes not replacing fifty natural outflowsand outsourcing the production of ‘Thuis’. The soap will be produced byproduction house Eyeworks from the beginning of next year.

LOOK. Explained in two minutes what the transformation plan exactly