Universal buys 49 percent of Belgian record company PIAS

PIAS – the abbreviation of Play It Again Sam – is one of the greatest successstories in Belgian music history. The company groups several independentlabels. In June, PIAS and Universal Music Group entered into a strategicpartnership. This now translates into a partial sale, the acquisition price ofwhich is unknown.

In a letter to their partners, which was obtained by the trade website MusicBusiness Worldwide, founders Kenny Gates and Michel Lambot explain theirreasons for working with the powerful mega label Universal. Today we competewith technology and financial giants who don’t appreciate the culturalimportance of the artists and labels we work so hard for. ‘They see music asan investment to exploit ruthlessly for a quick return.’

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‘Our Belgian music is even streamed in Afghanistan’

In that new reality, a powerful shareholder like Universal is an importantweapon. With a market share of 40 percent, this group is by far the largestplayer in an increasingly concentrated music market. That gives UMG a strongposition at the negotiating table with players like Spotify, Apple or Amazon,when those new dominant music players want to exploit their catalog.

“A partner like Universal Music Group gives us extra support to compete andgrow,” said Gates. “This decision secures the future of our brand, ouremployees and our partners, while holding our future in our own hands.”

Quirky success story

Kenny Gates and Michel Lambot founded PIAS 40 years ago in Brussels. In those4 decades, the duo worked on what grew into an idiosyncratic success story.Today 300 people work for PIAS, in sixty offices around the world. And that bystubbornly betting on underground artists with little chance of making it tothe charts.

‘Trading in music is not rocket science’, is how Gates described the process afew years ago in a conversation with De Tijd. ‘It is a combination of a numberof components: passion, perseverance, stubbornness, a good vision and hardwork.’

Today we compete with technology and financial giants who don’t appreciate thecultural importance of artists and labels we work so hard for. “

Kenny Gates and Michel Lambot

Founders of PIAS

Nevertheless, PIAS had to swim through some turbulent waters. The digitizationof the music industry turned the business model upside down, and thebreakthrough of streaming reshuffled the cards once again. Survival hung by athread several times.

But fifteen years ago, PIAS made the right choice in this rapidly changinglandscape when it decided to focus less on distribution for third parties andmore on its own catalogue. Today, it is mainly the catalogs of artists thatare streamed all over the world that make money in the music industry.


The fact that in that reality there is a need for a strong partner like UMGtoday will probably feel a bit strange for a label that has invariably rowedstubbornly against the current of commerce. But it underlines the point thatUniversal CEO Lucien Grainge also makes in the communication about theinvestment.

The battle is no longer raging between major and indie labels. Today there isa gap between those who are committed to the development of artists and thosewho are more interested in quantity than quality. A healthy musical ecosystemneeds companies like PIAS that are committed to the development of independentmusical talent.’

Irene Paredes: Un Mundial para reivindicar | Mundial Qatar 2022

A nivel extradeportivo no me gusta lo que este Mundial destila. Un eventodeportivo que se ha convertido en un evento reivindicativo. Día tras día quedareflejado que no era el lugar más apropiado para celebrar un Mundial con todolo que ello representa. Una vez más se demuestra que el fútbol trasciende aldeporte y se aprovecha para lanzar reivindicaciones sociales. Los grandeseventos no sólo sirven para que una selección salga ganadora, también se tratade transmitir todos los valores ejemplares que el deporte representa, yresulta que nos llevamos nuestro mejor escaparate a Qatar, donde no serespetan un buen puñado de derechos humanos. Estamos viendo como seleccionesque habitualmente portan el brazalete con el lema OneLove en cualquiera desus partidos llegan aquí y están obligadas a quitárselo si no quieren sersancionadas, y todo con la complicidad de FIFA. Puedo asegurar que sercapitana es un orgullo, por eso debe ser, como mínimo, incómodo no poderidentificarte cien por cien con un símbolo tan especial. No paro de ver cosasinadmisibles, que me produce rabia. Ha sido una elección bastante desacertada.

Del brazalete al aficionado. Como futbolista me gusta sentir a mi gente en lagrada, involucrándose igual que quienes estamos dentro. Mirar a la grada yreconcer a tu familia, tus amigos o seguidores, que se dejan la voz para dartefuerzas en un despeje, un sprint o una entrada decisiva. Al acabar el partido,sea cual sea el resultado, equipo y afición se unen para celebrar o llorar. Eneste caso han sido muy pocos los atrevidos o afortunados que han podidoviajar. Vemos que la mayoría de los fans son locales que se identifican conalguna selección, incluso hemos comprobado como los aficionados se iban delestadio al descanso o mucho antes del final por falta de interés. Será algocultural porque hacen lo mismo en el cine.

And lo deportivo, es habitual que haya sorpresas en la phase de grupos.Australia es la cara de una moneda en la que México ha puesto la cruz, tal ycomo vimos la manera por la que pasó Polonia: dejando a México fuera por ungol de diferencia. A veces poco importa el nombre de la selección ni laposición que ocupen en el ranking FIFA. Todas se juegan la vida en un Mundial,las humildes por dar la sorpresa, las potentes por evitar el fracaso. Asimilarlas derrotas es parte del juego, aunque no guste y sea duro. Siempre hay unanueva oportunidad de entrenar y volver a jugar para mejorar tu versión. Peorson las lesiones que te dejan fuera del Mundial. Para eso los jugadores noestamos preparados. Es el caso de futbolistas como Benzema, Mané o másrecientemente Neymar, quienesademás de jugadorazos son piezas clave en susequipos también a nivel mental. Son figuras en las que todo el mundo confía,independientemente del partido que estén haciendo, y pueden marcar lamentalidad de un equipo en el campo. En el momento que una pieza tanimportante se cae, el equipo se desestabiliza, incluso pudiendo crear un vacíoque tarde días en reconstruirse. Normalmente hay que cambiar mates del plan departido, y readaptar el juego a los nuevos futbolistas y sus características.

Cada persona recuerda los Mundiales por algo especial: un gol, una jugada, unpartido, una eliminatoria, algo que ocurre fuera del campo, etc. Este Mundial,separate de las cosas habituales, está repleto de otras tantas, muchas no tanbuenas. Lo que está claro es que este Mundial no va a dejar indiferente anadie para bien y para mal.

Fred Again.. was fantastic in the AB (and again and again and again)

Fred Gibson: He’s got a name for being in a rock band, and as a co-writer ofGeorge Ezra’s ‘Shotgun’ he kind of did, but still it’s with synthesizers andunder the pseudonym of Fred Again. seduces. In a year and a half he hasalready released three albums, and then he also scored three hits with singlesthat are not on those albums: ‘Strong’ with Romy from The XX, ‘Turn on thelights again’ with Swedish House Mafia and ‘ Marea (We lost dancing)’ withherself. That song, which was released during the miserable quarantine time,perfectly captured the zeitgeist and set it on the way to the major festivals(Rock Werchter will follow next summer) and halls in the post-corona era.

His concert in the AB was sold out long in advance and no less than 7,312people were still looking for a ticket on Ticketswap. In other words, theevening was already like this hot like a dogs and then the concert had yetto begin. I don’t know if anyone had a thermometer with them, but I wouldn’trule out the mercury blasting out of the glass like a bullet from a cannon.

Fred Again..: the dance floor ‘s new poster boy

But let’s start at the beginning. From backstage he had himself filmed and theimages projected on stage. Once he appeared in person, he was then filmed inthe audience by hundreds of phones, while his cameraman (who worked with aniPhone) filmed the audience. Welcome to the visual culture of 2022. And ohyes: the press photographers were not allowed access to the room.

Together with an extra keyboard player he stood on stage, he on the right, hiscompanion on the left and the projection screen in the middle. All guestsingers were projected onto it, so that they were absent but still feltpresent. Sometimes he also projected his binding texts there.

The duo started quietly, but by the fourth song (‘Kammy (Like I do)’) the seaof ​​people was just as enthusiastic as the supporters who were a hundredmeters away celebrating Morocco’s qualification. Fire arrows were not fired,Fred Again.. took care of that himself with his songs that cracked like thewhip of a ringmaster. Soon he also crossed the hall to continue playing behindthe mixing desk. He willingly allowed himself to be hugged and touched on hisjourney, as if to make amends for what he so regretted with ‘Marea’: ‘ We’velost the hugs with friends and people that we loved’.

  He played part of the set among the audience.    Photo: fvo

During concerts, Fred Again.. makes his music partly live by hammering on asample pad to create rhythms. At those moments, his show is somewhatreminiscent of Marc Rebillet. House, jungle, tribal, grime, electro and evensoul: Fred Again.. put it all through the blender and suppose he had come tothe edge of the stage with cookies, the audience would have eaten them rightout of his hand – even if they had fallen to the ground first. The peoplebumped and clashed and protested and suddenly and yes, I know those verbsdon’t exist, but you know what I mean: the atmosphere was one to catch in abox and take home.

High Jump Championship

Halfway through the show, technical problems slowed things down a bit, but assoon as Fred Again.. started again, the floor turned into lava. Or was a highjump championship? And when he also asked to make as much light as possiblewith telephones, the room became a swarm of raised bare arms. It looked like ascene from Spencer Tunick – it was completely unclear that everyone was stillwearing their clothes.

The final half hour was nothing short of fantastic, including ‘Angie (I’vebeen lost)’ and ‘Delilah (Pull me out of this)’, often flying back and forthbetween danceable and melancholic. When ‘Marea’ finally came and the audiencewent completely loco, I started to cry with emotion at the sight of so manyhappy, exuberant, relieved, enthusiastic people. The closing song wastraditionally “Billie (Loving arms)” and we left the room with hundreds ofpeople still waiting long after the music had stopped. ‘ Put your loving armsaround me’ kept singing. This concert was not only hot, but also warmlyhuman. And if Fred Again.. hadn’t put two periods after his name to make itclear that a point is really a point, I would have asked him to start all overagain. And again and again and again..

Fred Again.., seen in the AB in Brussels on 1/12.

Un ‘Tornado’ en Uruguay | Mundial Qatar 2022

Semifinalista en 2010, octavos en 2014 y cuartos en 2018, el duelo contra laGhana de Iñaki Williams no admite grises en el bando charrúa. Necesita ganar yque Corea del Sur no venza a Portugal por una diferencia de goles que superela suya. Los africanos, con tres puntos, también se la juegan. Incluso unempate les podría valer. El choque,además, ofrece cuitas pasadas entre ambos.En los cuartos de 2010, Uruguay eliminó a su rival en los penaltis con unfinal para rebobinar: Suárez despejó con las manos sobre la raya un golcantando en el último minuto de la prórroga con 1-1, se quedó sin semifinal,pero Asamoah Gyan la estampó en el larguero desde los 11 metros. La mismadistancia desde la que unos minutos más tarde terminó de morir su equipo en latanda decisiva. Un drama nacional que este jueves no dejó de recordarse. “Yono tengo que pedir perdón por aquello. Yo no fallé el penalti”, zanjó eluruguayo, apremiado más por el presente que por el pasado.

Alemania rescata a España | Mundial Qatar 2022

Visto el devenir del encuentro, nadie hubiera invertido en el desenlace. Deinicio, no fingio Japón. Sin camuflaje, su única intención era jugar a queEspaña no jugara; que solo trasteara con la pelota. Hasta un 83% de posesiónle concedió el equipo nipón en el primer periodo. Un dominio abrumador, perono categorico.

Con Japón encapotada con un 5-4-1 y la retaguardia muy adelantada, el recintodel estadio Khalifa quedó tan ceñido que por el medio campo no corría el aire.No había forma de ventilar la trinchera asiática, ni con las alas de Dani Olmoy Nico Williams.

No es fácil ajustar el fútbol cuando el adversario te fuerza a un duelo debalonmano, al juego horizontal. Sin desmarques de los volantes y atornilladoslos extremos, el equipo de Luis Enrique resultaba demasiado retórico enalgunas phases. El duelo exigía temple y perseverancia, y ambas cosas tuvoEspaña. Pero también requería intrepidez, la osadía propia de una seleccióncon 25,3 años de media (28,7 la japonesa). Pero un Mundial puede resultardemasiado solemne hasta para el más descarado. El partido,además de unapaciencia infinita, reclamaba el ojo de Gavi y Pedri. De una mesa redonda delos dos cadetes con Busquets, su tutor.

Tras un par de amagos de Morata, tras dar muchas, muchas vueltas al juego, laRoja cantó gol con un cabezazo de su ariete a centro de Azpilicueta. Por unavez, la zaga nipona estaba de merienda. Morata, con 30 goles, convertido en elquinto máximo goleador español tras Villa (59), Raúl (44), Torres (38) y Silva(35). And stage finals de Eurocopas y Mundiales solo Villa ha sido másproductivo (13 del asturiano por nueve de Morata y Torres).

El gol aún no alteró a Japón, tan refugiada en las cuerdas como al principio.Por entonces, en el rancho de Unai Simón los sobresaltos, no muchos, eranasunto español. Vetada cualquier brusquedad con la pelota llegan lossoponcios. Algunas llamaradas por una tenaza rival sobre Busquets, por lacachaza de Unai…

Nada hacía prever el volantazo del segundo periodo, de no ser por la ventoleraque sufrió Alemania en su fallido estreno con los asiáticos. De repente, endos minutos, en Doha se desató un equipo torrencial para España. De lacontemplativa Japón a una Japón en estampida hacia la meta de Unai. And unchasquido, la Roja en la lona. Doan, recien llegado por Kubo, clavó un golazode zurda tras un quite a Balde. Doan, otra vez Doan, puso la directa, desaliñóa la zaga española y Tanaka dio la puntilla. Un gol por un milímetro, lo queverificó el VAR al constatar que la pelota no había salido por la línea de

Mundial Qatar 2022: Luis Enrique: “Entramos en colapso” | Mundial Qatar 2022

“En el fútbol no hay caminos fáciles”, dijo el preparador Gijones sobre lasegunda plaza que evita un hipotético cruce en cuartos con Brasil; “haymerecimientos, y hoy no estoy nada contento. Nos hemos clasificado, pero yoquería ser primero y haber ganado este partido”, se lamentaba Luis Enrique,inflamado cada vez que recordaba el desconcierto de España en el segundotiempo. Japón ha tenido cinco minutos, nos han hecho dos goles y en diez noshan desarbolado. Si hubieran necesitado dos goles más también nos los hubieranmetido”. El preparador Gijonés solo parecía calmar su fuego interno con elanálisis de la primera parte. “Empezamos con el control del partido y con ungol rápido. Luego defendimos con el balón, nos sufrimos y tratamos de cerrarel partido, pero no pudo ser”, volvía a lamentarse el técnico español antes dedar su diagnóstico de la entrada en barrena del equipo en el inicio delsegundo tiempo.

Hemos entrado en modo colapso. Este es un deporte inexplicable y ahora explicaque has dominado durante 80 minutos, y que has perdido”, comentó. Al técnicoespañol pareció irritarle sobremanera el vuelco que le dio Japón al choqueporque había avisado a sus futbolistas. “En el descanso les dije queestuvieran atentos porque ellos se iban a venir arriba porque estabaneliminados, pero entramos en modo colapso y repito, no tengo nada quecelebrar”, abundó.

And medio de la vorágine japonesa, Luis Enrique ni siquiera fue consciente delos tres minutos en los que España estuvo eliminada porque Costa Rica se pusoen ventaja (2-1) ante Alemania. “¿Como que eliminados, tres minutoseliminados, por qué? ¿Hemos estado eliminados en algún momento?”, lepreguntaba Luis Enrique asombrado al director de comunicación de lafederación, Pablo García Cuervo. O no se enteró porque estaba en la parte dela zona técnica más alejada del banquillo, donde los suplentes gritaban a losque estaban jugando que Costa Rica iba ganando. “No me había enterado, esodemuestra que mi discurso es sincero, no íbamos a especular. Eso sí, menos malque el colapso se da una vez cada cuatro años, porque si no, al nene [por él]le da un infarto”.

No pareció estar muy de acuerdo Luis Enrique con la concesión del segundo gola Japón. “He visto una fotografía, pero debe estar manipulada”, ironizó, comosi no diera crédito a que la pelota no hubiera rebasado por completo la líneade fondo. La jugada va a traer cola porque no se reprodujo en tresdimensionses en los videomarcadores y la prensa alemana cuestionaba latecnología aplicada.

“Han sido 10-12 minutos que estábamos fuera, una sensación de agobio tremenda.Tenemos otra oportunidad y tenemos que ir con todo”, resoplaba Pedri en lazona mixta. “El partido de Alemania lo iban poniendo en el marcador. Nosenteramos que estábamos fuera, así que nos pusimos a animar a los compañerospara intentar meter un gol. No ha llegado, pero hemos tenido la suerte de queha ganado Alemania”, prosiguió el volante azulgrana. “Nos ha faltado ritmo debalón, moverlo rápido”, se quejó Pedri, que defendió que España no especularapara ser segunda de grupo, como finalmente ha sido: “No mirábamos los cruces,solo ganar todos los partidos y salir reforzados de la phase the group”.

Glen Powell says he’s on Tom Cruise’s holiday gift list — and throws a party when the famous coconut cake arrives

Getting Tom Cruise’s famous holiday gift cake is such a celebration that his_Top Gun: Maverick_ co-star Glen Powell throws a party when it arrives.

Yes, the celebrity-hyped and Yahoo taste-tasted white chocolate coconut bundtcake — made by Doan’s Bakery in Woodland Hills, Calif., and shipped toCruise’s VIP list — is back as a talking point for the stars as the holidayseason commences. Powell, a breakout star from the blockbuster movie, was aguest on Wednesday’s Jennifer Hudson Show and endorsed the culinaryconcoction as “the most delicious cake you’ve ever had.”

“Tom Cruise has this amazing tradition every holiday — he sends the ‘TomCruise Cake,'” Powell, 34, explained. “The ‘Cruise Cake’ is a very famousthing. If you worked with Tom Cruise or [have] done a Tom Cruise movie, youget this Tom Cruise cake. Over the course of time, it’s turned into thisglobal operation where every Christmas he’ll send out I don’t know how many —it could be thousands [of cakes]…”

As for his review, “It is the most delicious cake you’ve ever had,” the> Austin, Texas, native said. “My friends who have tried it, they love it so> much that they hit me up right around December 1. ‘Hey, has it arrived yet?’> So now I have a party at my house where I’ll have the Cruise cake. It’s my> ‘Cruise Cake Party.’ And I’ll invite people over to try a bite or two.”

Hudson was curious, asking, “It’s a party for the cake?” Powell replied yes,but added that there is only one cake so guests “can’t get greedy. I reallyhave to limit people. I can’t let them come back for seconds.” He said it’s”demolished” by the end of the night. Hudson, who isn’t yet on the listapparently, asked Powell to send her a piece, clearly intrigued by the wholething.

Celebrities have been raving about this cake for years. Rosie O’Donnell hasposted photos of it on Instagram. Kirsten Dunst has said she invites herfamily over to devour it. Jimmy Fallon called it “unbelievable,” Henry Cavillcalled it “decadent” while Renée Zellweger, Angela Bassett, James Corden,Cobie Smulders and Graham Norton have also all raved about it. Barbara Waltersand The View co-hosts once ate it on air. Last year, there was a report thatCruise, 60, shipped 300 of the coconut cakes from the LA bakery to London for_Mission: Impossible_ crew members.

Story continues

Cruise — who was introduced to the cake by then-wife Katie Holmes who learnedabout it from Diane Keaton (it’s a good story) — said in 2018 that he sendsthe cakes to everyone “and I wait for the calls,” from recipients contactinghim to say how good it is.


The “Cruise Cake” — which the Woodland Hills, Calif., bakery simply calls its”White Chocolate Coconut Cake” — can be ordered online and shipped. (Photo:Goldbelly.com)

Yahoo previously spoke to Eric Doan, who runs the small, family-owned bakerystarted by his 80-year-old mother Karen, for the scoop on the cake, which acoconut bundt cake base with sweet white chocolate chunks, layers of cheesefrosting and toasted coconut flakes. He was casually discussing the celebrity-touted treat, saying, “It’s just a unique cake that we dreamed up 25 yearsago.” Though he did add that it’s “made with a lot of love.”

Each year, Cruise’s Odin Productions company places a huge order. Doan getsboxes from Cruise’s team and when the cakes are ready they are taken to asecondary location where they are spruced up extra special with pretty holidaywrapping for Cruise’s gift list. Cruise’s team then ships them to his VIPsaround the world.

Rosie O ‘Donnell has shared photos of cake box, grandly decorated by Cruise’steam and flowed around the globe:

“There were years they kept us in business,” Doan said of Cruise’s annualorder.

On the bakery website, you’d have no idea that they are the home of the Cruisecake — it’s merely listed as White Chocolate Coconut Cake on the cake page.However, they do ship through GoldBelly, which has been known to drop Cruise’sname in promoting the cake. If you want to have the experience but save somemoney, a Yahoo writer also came up with a DIY Cruise cake option.

Powell worked with Cruise in megahit Top Gun: Maverick, which came out inMay and became one of the highest-grossing film ever at the domestic boxoffice. Fellow star Miles Teller has said Cruise reached out to him about apossible Top Gun 3.

Andrew Shue Deletes Instagram Pics of Amy Robach After News of Her Relationship with GMA Co-Anchor TJ Holmes

Andrew Shue has been quiet about the recent news that estranged wife AmyRobach is in a relationship with her Good Morning America co-anchor TJHolmes, but his decision to remove photos of her from his Instagram speaks foritself.

The Melrose Place alum, 55, removed all images of Robach, 49, on Wednesdayafter news broke that her on-air rapport with Holmes, 45, had turned romanticbehind the scenes.

RELATED: Amy Robach and TJ Holmes Were ‘Dating in the Open’ AfterSeparating from Spouses in August: Source

Prior to wiping Robach from his social media account, Shue had posted selectsweet moments with wife — whom he married in 2010 — including the pair sharinga kiss in Nantucket, Massachusetts in 2020. He wrote, “Incredible weather andview with my baby – take nothing for granted.”

Amy Robach and Andrew Shue Relationship Timeline run:https://www.instagram.com/p/CHAmguwgQHA/?hl=en    Costume:https://www.instagram.com/p/CHEn7igp4vI/?hl=en   Kiss:https://www.instagram.com/p/CHTstDCpm4T/?hl=en 

Amy Robach and Andrew Shue Relationship Timeline run:https://www.instagram.com/p/CHAmguwgQHA/?hl=en Costume:https://www.instagram.com/p/CHEn7igp4vI/?hl=en Kiss: https://www.instagram.com/p/CHTstDCpm4T/?hl=en

Andrew Shue/instagram

Shue also shared a photo of the pair seemingly after a run with the caption,”Through rain – by the river – a run to celebrate life – Amy shows us all howto live – everyday – We are the luckiest.”

RELATED: Amy Robach and Andrew Shue ‘s Relationship Timeline

Amy Robach and Andrew Shue RelationshipTimelineAmyRobach and Andrew Shue RelationshipTimeline

Amy Robach and Andrew Shue Relationship Timeline

The actor also posted snaps of him and Robach dressed as Top Gun charactersfor Halloween in 2020 and him, Robach and Michael Strahan backstage at _GMA_in 2021.

Shue’s decision to remove his wife from his Instagram page comes after photos,originally published by the Daily Mail surfaced of Robach and Holmes holdinghands in a car and cozying up at a bar in New York.

RELATED: ** GMA ‘ s Amy Robach and TJ Holmes Shut Down Instagrams asSource Notes ‘Mutual Affection’ and Romance ‘Rumors’**

A source previously told PEOPLE that there was no overlap between the GoodMorning America co-anchors’ romance and their respective marriages.

“This was two consenting adults who were each separated. They both broke upwith their spouses in August within weeks of each other,” the insider said ofRobach and Holmes, who has been married to attorney Marilee Fiebig since 2010.”The relationship didn ‘t start until after that.”

Story continues

The insider said that Robach has “got nothing to hide,” adding, “They wereboth separated so they felt very comfortable dating in the open after that.Their spouses had moved out, even! So they were not hiding anything.”

Amy Robach and TJHolmesAmyRobach and TJHolmes

Amy Robach and TJ Holmes

Dia Dipasupil/Getty

RELATED: Amy Robach and Husband Andrew Shue on How Their Blended FamilyInspired Kid ‘s Book Better Together

Another source previously told PEOPLE that Holmes and Robach’s _GMA_colleagues were somewhat surprised to see the new photos, though the pair’schemistry had been on display in the newsroom for a while.

“There were rumors they were having an affair about a year ago,” that sourcesaid. “A lot of people believed there might have been some truth to it,because you can see there’s a mutual affection there. But everyone ultimatelychalked it up to friendship because they always said they were both happilymarried.”

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Holmes joined the GMA team in 2014 and immediately struck up a closeconnection with Robach. She previously told PEOPLE about their friendship.”[They] said, ‘Hey, we want to bring on a co-anchor. What do you think of TJHolmes?’ And I almost fell out of my chair,” she said.

“My God. You couldn’t have picked a better person to ask me what I thought of,because we’ve been trying to figure out a way to work together for literallythe last five years.”

Robach also told PEOPLE about their double dates with Shue and Fiebig. “Themoment he started at ABC, I think we just clicked. We’ve gone on tons ofdouble dates with our spouses and my daughters babysit his daughters.”

BV 24/7. Dimitri Vegas and Like Mike support the Red Devils and Jamie-Lee Six enjoys Paris | Showbiz

BV The show must go on , because the showbiz world never stands still. Findout what your favorite BVs have been up to in the last 24 hours here in ournews stream.

JOVS 1 Dec. 2022

Latest update: 16:03 Source: Instagram

Dimitri Vegas and Like Mike (left) and Jamie-Lee Six (right). © InstagramDimitri Vegas and Like Mike @dimitrivegasandlikemike and Instagram Jamie-LeeSix @jamieleesix

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Jamie Lee Six enjoy her trip to Paris.

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Singer Loic Nottet enjoy a few days off. “There are many great things tocome. I can’t wait to share it all with you.”

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Pascal Naessens welcomes December. “Time to make it nice and cozy.”

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Dimitri Vegas and Like Mike are in Qatar to support the Red Devils.

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First ‘Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny’ trailer reveals de-aged Harrison Ford

Harrison Ford

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Looks like Harrison Ford has a date with destiny… the Dial of Destiny, to beprecise. The first trailer for the fifth — and final — Indiana Jonesadventure, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny just dropped, and based onthis action-packed teaser, it doesn’t look like incoming director, JamesMangold, nuked the fridge. Due in theaters on June 30, the film features the80-year-old Ford back once again picking up his alter ego’s trademark fedoraand whip for a farewell that’s gonna feature a few familiar faces and places.(Watch the trailer above.)

First off, it’s worth noting the two familiar faces who aren’t in this firstpeek at The Dial of Destiny : Indy’s wife, Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen),and their son, Mutt (Shia LaBeouf), who both played big roles in the divisivefourth installment, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Thatmovie proved to be director Steven Spielberg’s farewell to the franchise hecreated with George Lucas, as the filmmaker opted to make The Fablemans_instead of returning for one last _Last Crusade. (Spielberg and Lucas areboth executive producers on the fifth film.)

But one face that is back is Indy’s younger face: Ford recently revealed inan interview with Empire magazine that he was given the de-aging treatmentfor a flashback sequence that takes place in 1944, eight years removed fromthe events of the franchise-launching, industry-changing Raiders of the LostArk. Mangold doesn’t keep the actor’s newly youthful appearance under wraps,including footage from that sequence that apparently sets up the movie’scentral plot.

Ford was given the de-aging treatment for a flashback scene in Indiana Jonesand the Dial of Destiny.  (Photo: Lucasfilm/Walt Disney Studios)

Harrison Ford was given the de-aging treatment for a flashback scene in_Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny_. (Photo: Lucasfilm/Walt DisneyStudios)

The rest of the story plays out in the then-present day of the late ’60s, whenIndy is living and teaching in New York City, long removed from finding lostmystical objects and punching Nazis in the face. Enter his old friend, Sallah(John Rhys-Davies) who tries to coax him back into the game. “Those days havecome and gone,” Dr. Jones insists. “Perhaps,” Sallah responds with maximumportent. “Perhaps not.”

Story continues

While we don’t learn what the “Dial of Destiny” is in this first glimpse, wedo see some of the other people searching for it — including ex-Nazi aerospaceenthusiast, Voller (Mads Mikkelsen), his gun-toting sidekick, Klaber (BoydHolbrook), and Helena (Phoebe Waller-Bridge) who appears to have a personalconnection to Indiana. “I’m her godfather,” he tells a curious crook, whileHelena offers an unenthusiastic “He’s partly related” remark.

Mangold has prior experience helming the final adventures of popular heroes.In 2017, he oversaw Hugh Jackman’s final outing as Wolverine in the fanfavorite Logan — although the actor recently picked up the claws again touse on frenemy Ryan Reynolds in dead pool 3. But Ford seems well and trulydone with Indiana Jones, shutting down discussion of another sequel… or areboot.

Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) rides again in Indiana Jones and the Dial ofDestiny.  (Photo: Lucasfilm Ltd./Walt DisneyStudios)Indiana Jones(Harrison Ford) rides again in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.(Photo: Lucasfilm Ltd./Walt DisneyStudios)

Indiana Jones (Ford) rides in again Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.(Photo: Lucasfilm Ltd./Walt Disney Studios)

“Don’t you get it? I’m Indiana Jones,” Ford remarked on Today in 2019. “WhenI’m gone, he’s gone. It’s easy.” Lucasfilm head, Kathleen Kennedy, echoed thatsentiment when she spoke with Yahoo Entertainment at Star Wars Celebration inMay. “His energy is amazing, he is the Bionic Man,” Kennedy enthused. “I mean,Harrison in real life, and as Indiana Jones. He’s just remarkable. We had anabsolute blast. And he worked almost every day of the shoot. It wasremarkable.”

On Twitter, Indy fans are willing to believe that age ain’t nothing but anumber if Mangold delivers the action goods as this trailer suggests.

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny premieres June 30, 2023.