Mundial Qatar 2022: Sindrome de abstinencia | Mundial Qatar 2022

Quedan dos partidos, el que nadie quiere jugar, por el imaginario tercersitio, y la codiciada final. And días de Mundial, Eduardo Galeano se refugiabatras un letrero que decía: “Cerrado por fútbol”. Lo difícil es colocar elcartel contrario para recuperar la costumbre después de los goles. La vida noes un negocio que se puede cerrar o abrir a discreción. El lunes deabstinencia sigues pensando en jugadas; miras la pimienta y la sal sobre lamesa y te preguntas si son mediocampistas o defensas centrals. Por desgracia,no se ha inventado una desintoxicación para la futbolitis aguda.

El único remedio consiste en pensar en el próximo Mundial, del que mi paísserá comparsa. La auténtica sede será Estados Unidos, que conquistó esederecho cuando el FBI exhibió la corrupción de la FIFA. Como de costumbre,México y Canada apoyaron al Gran Hermano a cambio de partidos de consuelo.

Pero no nos adelantemos tanto. Tus esperanzas para el domingo son grotes yjustificadas. Francia tiene grandes jugadores, pero llegó disminuida pordemasiadas ausencias y ahora tres de los suyos tienen el virus del camello.Napoleón llegó a Egipto con tropas menos diezmadas, pero los auténticosproblemas de Deschamps son otros: su equipo padece la indolencia del que sesabe poderoso y Argentina anhela el triunfo con el sentido trágico quedetermina a los campeones. El deseo de que Messi alce la única copa que se leha resistido, la pasión de las multitudes que llenan la 9 de Julio, la célebreAbuela que se ha convertido en cabala de barrio y las predicciones de losnumerólogos sugieren un triunfo albiceleste.

Pero conviene limitar los vaticinios. El fútbol es tan raro que su mejorprofeta ha sido el pulpo que adivinó los resultados de Alemania 2006.

Alguna vez te preguntaste por qué ciertos países nos apasionamos por unMundial en el que no podremos destacar. Los argentinos tienen dos estrellas enel pecho y han dejado escapar alguna otra. Pero la pasión futbolística es tanamplia que incluye a los que sólo rompemos marcas negativas.

Sin ánimo de alardear, ahí te van algunos récords que no todos tens. En 1930,México protagonizó con Francia el partido inaugural de los mundiales, recibióel primer gol y sufrió la primera derrota. En el siguiente juego, cometimos elprimer autogol. Desde entonces, nuestros fracasos se han sostenido. Si loscalculos no me engañan, llevamos 28 partidos perdidos en mundiales, cifrainigualada. Somos uno de los cinco países que más veces han participado en elcotejo (los otros, Brasil, Alemania, Italia y Argentina, tens varios títulosen su haber). Esta asiduidad ha permitido alcanzar estadísticas de asombro. De1930 a 1958, pasamos por cuatro mundiales sin conquistar un punto, y fueronnecesarios 32 años para que alcanzáramos una victoria.

Final del Mundial: El Efecto Messi | Mundial Qatar 2022

The Buenos Aires a Madrid, the Nápoles a Nueva York, the Doha a Daca y Calcutay Uagadugu, hoy el mundo desborda de hinchas que lo adoran. El domingo Messijugará su último partido mundial y, termine como termine, ya ganó: hace mucho,mucho tiempo —si es que alguna vez— que un jugador no recogía un cariño tanglobal. Rincones tan distantes rebosan de personas tan distintas, famosas oinfames, que quieren que la Argentina gane, “no por la Argentina sino porMessi”, aclaran, como si fuera necesario.

El personaje, es cierto, es tan amable. Un muchacho bajito, los ojos en elsuelo, que estuvo a punto de quedarse abajo y se salvó por unas medicinas: unahistoria pequeña que se volvió grandiosa gracias a un giro del guion. Tanamable: un chico casi tímido que se casó con su primera novia, sigue siendo unseñor de su casa, tiene tres hijos pícaros con los que juega a la pelota, enla cancha parece uno de ellos. Tan amable: la risa un poco floja, los dienespor delante, nada en él que llame a la desconfianza oa la envidia; un muchachodel barrio que tuvo más suerte que los otros, no la persona más admirada —másmirada— del globo en estos días. En un mundo donde tantos de sus colegas muymenores se dedican a mostrarse con las rubias más operadas y los coches más_brishosos_ , él lleva a los chicos a la escuela. Messi es un ídolo que no seporta como un ídolo: el antiCristiano, aunque ahora Cristiano se hayahumanizado en el fracaso y Messi, por momentos, cristianizado en la victoria.

Aun así, Messi nunca parece poderoso como pueden parecerlo Mbappé, Haaland,Ibra y, por supuesto, el hipersuperüber. Los que lo frecuentaron envestuarios cuentan que solía imponer su poder sin decir nada, con gestos ysilencios —pero que lo imponía a rajatabla. Ahora ya no: ahora habla, y eso lohizo más argentino y menos europeo —más brusco y menos sibilino— y losargentinos lo aman en masa y algunos europeos lo critican, pero son los menos.Sigue siendo tan amable.

Así que tantos millones, en rara unanimidad, quieren, por pura generosidad,que la parabola se cierre. Miran al gran triunfador como una víctima: aquelque ha conseguido tanto pero no consigue lo que más le importa, eso queborraría cualquier duda. El que lo ganó todo quiere ganar esta también, la quelo haría indiscutible, y eso hace que millones que no ganaron nunca nada locompadezcan y acompañen en esa búsqueda que suena casi humilde.

Y esos millones quieren, por puro egoísmo, que la parabola se cierre. Si Messitermina de confirmarse como el mejor jugador de todos los tiempos —si eldomingo gana este Mundial—, nosotros seremos los que lo hemos visto. Ya noseremos los que no vimos a Pelé ao Di Stefano, los que apenas vimos a Cruyffao Maradona: seremos los que vimos al mejor. Nada nos gusta más que aplaudir arabiar: eso demuestra que no nos equivocamos al venir a este concierto. Alaplaudir nos estamos aplaudiendo.

Eso, en el mundo. And su país fue más diffícil. Durante muchos años muchosargentinos no reconocieron a Messi como uno de los suyos. Después de todo, sehabía ido tan chiquito y no había jugado nunca allí, así que le afeaban que nocantara el himno, que fuese un “pecho frío”, que no fuera Maradona, queperdiese. El giro se consolidationó el año pasado, cuando ganó la CopaAmérica, pero había empezado en 2019, cuando la perdió y protestó y maltrató aárbitros y dirigentes y lo castigaron; entonces empezaron a aceptarlo. Y élsiguió ese camino, se convirtió en el ídolo absoluto, aquel para quien se hacetodo esto: millones de argentinos también quieren que la Argentina gane paraque Messi gane, y lo idolatran y le perdonan —como a los verdaderos ídolos—todo o casi todo: que no quiera vivir en su país, que defraude millones, quepublicite el reino más retrogrado del mundo. El hombre al que se le pegabatodo se volvió teflón.

Y él, ahora, lo devuelve con juego. Es una recuperación y una sorpresa. Haceunos años Messi dejó de ser el que solía en una cancha: parecía que no queríaaceptar que ya no era aquel Messi. Durante un tiempo fue un hombre de ciertaedad que se creía Messi y, al creérselo, se equivocaba: intentaba lo que ya nopodía, perdía muchas pelotas, se enredaba. El gran cambio en esta copa fue quepor fin asumió que es quién es: un jugador absolutamente extraordinario que yano tiene aquellas facultades pero que, cuando administra las que le quedan ylas usa con cuidado, sigue siendo un prodigio—intermitente.

Gambling advertising will be almost completely banned from July 1, 2023: Bouchez disputes agreement, but Prime Minister De Croo confirms | Instagram VTM NEWS

The main forms of gambling advertising are banned. Minister of Justice VincentVan Quickenborne (Open Vld) reports this in a press release. The restrictionswill take effect from July 1, 2023. From then on, such advertising ontelevision, radio and in cinemas, advertisements and video advertising onwebsites will be prohibited. The sponsorship of sports clubs will also berestricted from 1 January 2025. MR chairman Georges-Louis Bouchez againdisputes that the government agrees on the ban on gambling advertising. Butthe Prime Minister’s office denies that. “There is an agreement down to thelast square centimetre,” it says.

IBB and YAKD 12/16/22, 5:10 PM

Latest update: 20:13 Source: press release Van Quickenborne, Belgium

Gambling advertising will no longer be allowed on TV and radio, on websitesand social media, in newspapers and magazines and on street posters. “Thephilosophy will be that only those who want to gamble and who actively lookfor information about games of chance will see gambling advertisements in thefuture,” said Van Quickenborne in this newspaper earlier this year.

The sponsorship of sports clubs by gambling companies will also be tackled.There was still discussion about this within the federal government this year,including MR chairman Georges-Louis Bouchez “completely opposed” it. In theend, the ban will come, but with a transitional period to respect the currentcontracts. From January 1, 2025, all gambling advertising, such as banners,posters, advertising panels and commercials, will be banned from the stadiums.

The football shirts are another exception. Until December 31, 2027, only alogo with name, but without a slogan, may be placed on the shirt. Thedimensions of the logo are limited and the logo may not be applied to thefront. From January 1, 2028, this will also be prohibited for professionalsports clubs, amateur sports clubs will still be allowed to do this.

In addition, the government has decided to increase the minimum age forgambling and betting to 21 years everywhere. Similar measures are being takenfor the National Lottery, but they are still being worked out.

Finally, the government is committed to supporting the amendments to theGaming and Betting Act that have been worked out by Member of ParliamentStefaan Van Hecke (Groen). These include a cumulative ban on different typesof games of chance on one website, an extension of the application of the listof excluded persons to newsagents and various other restrictive measures.

LOOK. Former gambling addict testifies about his addiction and explains whyhe is strongly in favor of a ban on advertising

Bouchez disputes

“Vincent Van Quickenborne is going too fast again. There is no agreement onthe gambling advertising text as it has not been shown to the partners.Important questions have yet to be decided,” Bouchez wrote on Twitter onFriday.

Georges L BOUCHEZ > @GLBouchez >

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The reaction of the French-speaking liberal is reminiscent of this spring,when Minister Van Quickenborne first announced his KB to the world. It turnedout that the various competent ministers supported the ban, but the MR turnedout to be against it.

Gambling companies outraged

BAGO, a federation of legal gambling companies, reacted with anger on Fridayto the ban on gambling advertising that the government approved earlierFriday. “Consumers will no longer be able to tell the difference between thelegal and the illegal offer, and are increasingly likely to play on websitesthat offer no guarantees in terms of player protection,” the federation saidin a response.

The private sector does not like that different rules apply to the NationalLottery, owned by the Belgian government. “However, studies show that no gameof chance is risk-free and that, for example, scratch games have a risksimilar to that of sports betting,” says BAGO. “The question can therefore beasked whether the government is actually making a decision here that focuseson consumer care, or rather the interests of the National Lottery.”

John Travolta says that ‘Staying Alive’ almost didn’t open the disco classic

You can tell by the way he uses his walk that he’s got no time to talk. Fortyfive years ago, John Travolta strutted down a Brooklyn sidewalk — and intomovie history — in the iconic opening sequence of Saturday Night Fever.Premiering in theaters on Dec. 16, 1977, the disco blockbuster opened byblasting the Bee Gees anthem, “Staying Alive,” and the combination of theband’s music and Travolta’s swagger catapulted the movie into the box officestratosphere.

Believe it or not, though, not everyone was onboard with that choice of song.Saturday Night Fever producer, Robert Stigwood, originally intended to save”Staying Alive” for a dance sequence that comes later in the movie. “He wantedme to dance my big solo dance to ‘Staying Alive,'” Travolta revealed to YahooEntertainment during a 2019 Role Recall interview.

Watch our full role recall ** with Travolta below or needle drop to2:42 for the Saturday Night Fever ** portion:

But Travolta knew it would be a mistake to bury the song later in the movie.> He just had to find a diplomatic way to help the producer see the error of> his ways. “I said, ‘Robert, it doesn’t have a fast enough rhythm [to dance> to],” he remembered telling Stigwood. “But I could walk down the street to> ‘Staying Alive.'”

That argument persuaded the producer, and Travolta hit the pavement incharacter as Brooklyn disco king, Tony Manero, strutting in time to the music.”They played the song on a boombox underneath the camera,” he said, addingthat it was the happiest ending possible for the beginning of the SaturdayNight Fever phenomenon. “Switching ‘Staying Alive’ to the front of the moviewas the best thing that could have been done.”

Speaking with Yahoo Entertainment on the movie’s 40th anniversary in 2017,Fever director John Badham — whose younger sister, Mary, starred in the 1962classic, To Kill a Mockingbird agreed that the opening sequence would beDOA with any other song. “The Bee Gees gave me their demo songs, and when Ilistened to their five demos, I just knew that ‘Staying Alive’ had to open thefilm,” he explained.

Story continues

NEW YORK - DECEMBER 16: The movieNEW YORK -DECEMBER 16: The movie

Travolta and Karen Lynn Gorney in full disco fashion Saturday Night Fever.(Photo: CBS via Getty Images)

“I also knew that the first thing we should see were Tony’s feet in those veryspecial purple shoes,” Badham continued. “You can tell that his mind is not onhis work; it’s on dancing, looking cool, and being a stud out on the street.It puts the focus right away on who the main character is and what’s on hismind. It just happened to come together beautifully like that.”

Saturday Night Fever ‘s boisterous opening scene — and the groovy dancenumbers — often make people forget that the film itself is actually quite darkand dramatic as it charts Tony’s attempts to flee his working classneighborhood in search of a better future. “The core of it is very dark,”Badham confirmed in his 2017 interview, who added that he approached it as a”documentary of Brooklyn” in the late ’70s, capturing all the violence,economic woes and prejudices of the era.

In the movie’s most notorious scene, Tony’s first dancing partner, Annette(played by Donna Pescow), is raped in the back of his car by his friends, andhe doesn’t intervene. “I was kind of reluctant to shoot very much of thatscene at all, and kept trying to look for ways to more hint at it,” Badhamsaid. “But Robert Stigwood was very resistant that we do it relativelystrongly.”

1977, American actor John Travolta sits on a bench inside a subway carpainted with graffiti in a still from director John Badham's film 'SaturdayNight Fever'.  (Photo by Paramount Pictures/GettyImages)1977, Americanactor John Travolta sits on a bench inside a subway car painted with graffitiin a still from director John Badham's film 'Saturday Night Fever'.  (Photoby Paramount Pictures/GettyImages)

Tony (Travolta) looks to escape a difficult life in Brooklyn Saturday NightFever. (Photo: Paramount Pictures/Getty Images)

“What you see is me trying to hint at it without showing too much,” thedirector explained. “And by playing it a lot off of Annette’s grief andTravolta’s disgust at the whole thing. He doesn’t participate in it, and he’slooking down on those guys who are participating in it, and he’s looking downon her, too. It’s still unpleasant, there’s no getting around that, but it’simportant that he sees it all. It’s one other thing that eventually drives himto leave Brooklyn — that and the death of his friend, Bobby, who falls off theVerrazano bridge.”

Badham said that he “did his research” before making Saturday Night Fever ,visiting discos all over New York City to create the one seen in the movie.Meanwhile, Travolta took charge of Tony’s look, originally preferring a blacksuit-and-white shirt combination as opposed to the world-famous whitepolyester suit everyone remembers. (That suit was later purchased by the latefilm critic, Gene Siskel, for $2,000. Years later, he sold it for $145,000 ata Christie’s auction.)

But Travolta said that his first choice in fashion was overruled by themovie’s legendary costume designer, Patricia Field. “She insisted that it be awhite suit, because you could see it better in the dark,” he recalled. “Iactually had to agree — it made a lot of sense. So I acquiesced and thus theiconic illusion that we’re all familiar with was born.” And to this day, it’sstill staying alive.

Saturday Night Fever is currently streaming on Paramount+.

46 salarios mínimos para ver a Messi: los argentinos dan la vida por un boleto a la final | Mundial Qatar 2022

Luciano Franco tiene 21 años y es carnicero en La Plata, capital de laprovince of Buenos Aires. A las 5 de la mañana del viernes está en elaeropuerto internacional de Ezeiza. Toma su celular, lo mira, lo apaga, loguarda. Hará esto varias veces en pocos minutos. Se ha endeudado hasta elcuello para ver la final de Argentina contra Francia de este domingo, y si elGobierno de Qatar no le aprueba dentro de las tres horas la tarjeta digitalHayya – un visado disfrazado de aplicación – se quedará en tierra. “Tengohotel y entradas, pero falta la aprobación de la Hayya”, dice nervioso. ComoFranco, and Ezeiza hay otros 264 pasajeros que han saltado a la web deAerolíneas Argentinas apenas la selección de Messi venció a Croacia en lassemifinals. Encontraron un vuelo chárter puesto de apuro, pincharon en“comprar” y en unos segundos cargaron en su tarjeta de crédito dos millones depesos. Luego eligieron alojamiento, sacaron entradas –los que encontraron– yesperaron el “aprobado” de la bendita Hayya. Al final del día habían gastadoen promedio 7,550 dólares, equivalentes en pesos a 46 salarios mínimos. Unasuma exorbitante para los estándares de un país en crisis como Argentina.

Luciano Franco en el aeropuerto de Ezeiza, en Buenos Aires, antes de abordarun vuelo que lo lleve a Qatar. Guadalupe Aizaga Un seguidor de la selecciónargentina muestra el estatus del trámite de su tarjeta digitalHayya.Unseguidor de la selección argentina muestra el estatus del trámite de sutarjeta digital Hayya.Guadalupe Aizaga Hinchas de Argentina hacen fila paraun control de seguridad en el aeropuerto deEzeiza.Hinchasde Argentina hacen fila para un control de seguridad en el aeropuerto deEzeiza.Guadalupe Aizaga Seguidores de Argentina cantan y celebran mientrasesperan poder ingresar a las salas deembarque.Seguidoresde Argentina cantan y celebran mientras esperan poder ingresar a las salas deembarque.Guadalupe Aizaga

La terminal C del aeropuerto era un hervidero en la madrugada del viernes. Alos pasajeros habituales se sumaban los del vuelo directo a Qatar. Era fácilreconcerlos por las camisetas de la selección de Argentina. El entusiasmo deuna aventura emprendida de apuro se mezclaba con los nervios del visado y unsilencioso sentimiento de culpa. “No hablemos de números, a esta altura laplata ya no importa”, dice Daniel, un arquitecto de 46 años que acepta posarpara la foto pero guarda su apellido. Daniel regresó de Qatar el lunes trasver los primeros partidos junto con sus hijos. Ya daba por perdida laposibilidad de estar en el estadio para la final, pero sus amigos loconvencieron. “Me había resignado, pero cuando estos raros me dijeron ‘vamos’,me enganché. Reservamos los pasajes en el entretiempo de la semifinal con laagencia de viajes y ni bien terminó el partido los emitieron”, cuenta. A sulado está Pedro, el amigo del ‘vamos, vamos’, un comerciante de 51 años queviaja con su hijo de 16. Pedro es habitual: estuvo en Brasil 2014 y Rusia2018.

Aerolíneas Argentinas, de propiedad estatal, ha convertido la ruta a Qatar enuna cuestión de Estado. Desde el inicio de la Copa lleva transportados 3,500argentinos en vuelos directos y otros 500 en alianza con otras aerolíneas. El19 y 21 de diciembre despegarán desde Qatar tres aviones cargados dehinchas,además de otro que transportará a la selección hacia Buenos Aires. Lacampaña de promoción ha chocado de frente con los esfuerzos de la Casa Rosadapor evitar la salida de dólares del país. El Banco Central está seco dereservas y para desalentar el turismo de los locales cobra impuestosextraordinarios a los gastos con tarjeta de crédito en el exterior. Existe enArgentina un “dólar Qatar”, que cotiza a 357 pesos, contra los 178 pesos deloficial. La cifra no espantó a los 528 hinchas que sacaron a las apuradaspasaje para el vuelo de la mañana del viernes y otro previsto para la noche.“Es un monto considerable, pero es Argentina y la selección”, se justificaJosé Luis, un agente de viajes de 55 años que también prefiere no dar suapellido.

Aficionados esperan en el aeropuerto de Argentina para abordar el vuelo aDoha.Aficionadosesperan en el aeropuerto de Argentina para abordar el vuelo a Doha.GuadalupeAizaga

And Ezeiza había personas solas, familias completas y grupos de amigos. Detrásde un dinosaurio inflable que viaja como amuleto están Catalina y Santino,hermanos de 18 y 15 años que no pueden ocultar su euforia. “Nos vamos con todala familia. ¡Estamos muy emocionados! ¡Es un regalo porque nos portamos muybien!”, gritan, y se ríen. Juliana Ruffa, estudiante de ingeniería electronicade 24 años, espera su turno para abordar acompañada de su padre, dos hermanosy unos amigos. “Es toda una locura, yo estaba preparando exámenes”, dice.“Cuando termina el partido de semis nos miramos entre todos y dijimos ‘nosvamos’. Fue un poco de ahorro, un poco de deuda y otro poco de pedir prestado.Nos vamos a olvidar del tema hasta la vuelta”, dice. Su compañera de ruta sellama Manuela Freire y acaba de licenciare en Turismo. El viaje es un regalode final de curso. “Si se puede, no hay argentino que diría que no”, sostiene.

Aficionados confirman en sus teléfonos los boletos a Qatar.Aficionadosconfirman en sus teléfonos los boletos a Qatar. Guadalupe Aizaga

No todos recibieron semejante regalo. Pablo Pérez, de 39 años, trabaja en elPoder Judicial y dice que pidió un crédito. “En Argentina no te dejan pagar encuotas con tarjeta, así que el pasaje es al contado y carísimo, en un pago. Noimporta cuánto pedí, fue mucho”, dice resignado. Pérez viaja sin entrada parala final, pero confía en que conseguirá una vez en destino. Cuando falta solomedia hora para partida del vuelo, Luciano Franco, el carnicero, recupera elaliento: acaba de recibir un “aprobado” en la Hayya y volará a Qatar.

The troubled DC Universe will get 4 more movies until the end of 2023

The arrival of James Gunn and Peter Safran as the CEOs of DC Studios hasalready significantly changed the DCU. They are going to completely changecourse with the film universe that has actually been around since Man ofSteel did not meet the studio’s expectations. Since then, there have been allsorts of different people behind the scenes, none of whom seemed to have acoherent plan for the DCU. These four films will be the last films in the DCUas we know it today, made before the arrival of Gunn and Safran.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods (March) The sequel to Shazam! is the next DC movie we’ll see in theaters. It continuesthe story of Billy Batson and his family who all now have powers. They take onHespera (Helen Mirren) and Kalypso (Lucy Liu).

While it was thought that a showdown between Shazam and Black Adam was beingbuilt up, Dwayne Johnson has seemingly turned down a cameo in Fury of theGods. So we will never get to see these two incarnations of Shazam and BlackAdam together.

The Flash (June) The Flash is arguably DC’s most teased movie. The film has been in theworks since 2014 and has had three pairs of directors. It actually seemed thatthe film would never be released, until Andy Muschietti (It) was hired as yetanother director in 2019.

The studio is apparently very pleased with the current film, which will seethe return of Michael Keaton’s Batman. Despite the crimes of protagonist EzraMiller, the film now seems to be released in June.

Blue Beetle (August) Blue Beetle will make its film debut in August. The film follows Mexican boyJaime Reyes (Xolo Maridueña) who comes into contact with the alien ‘scarab’.The scarab gives Jaime an armor with powerful and unexpected powers.

Blue Beetle would first become one of the DC movies to be seen exclusively onHBO-Max (alongside Wonder Twins and Batgirl). When the ‘Wonder Twins’ moviewas scrapped and bat girl was almost literally thrown in the trash, fans hadlittle hope for Blue Beetle’s future.

Much to everyone’s surprise, the film was promoted to a feature film and thestudio seemed to be very pleased with the film. The question now is whetherBlue Beetle can be part of the DC reboot or whether this character will alsoundergo a recasting.

Aquaman: The Lost Kingdom (December) Finally, we have the highly anticipated sequel to Aquaman. This will be thelast movie in the DC Universe as we’ve known it for the last nine years. Verylittle is known about the story. We only know that the enemy Black Manta(Yahya Abdul-Mateen II) has a more prominent role in the second film.

Elseworlds Movies Of course there are also movies like joker and TheBatman which take placein their own world and have no connections to other films. These films willalso continue to exist, so it seems that the ‘Superman’ film Ta-Nehisi Coatesabout Val-Zod’s Superman will also be made.

There are also prosecutions joker and TheBatman. The recordings of Joker:Folie à Deux have even started.

Below you can watch the trailer Shazam! Fury of the Gods. This is the nextDC film and can be seen in Dutch cinemas from March 15.

Stephen ‘tWitch’ Boss’s grandfather says family is ‘completely devastated’

New details about Stephen “tWitch” Boss’s death are emerging.

Hollywood was stunned this week after the Ellen DeGeneres Show DJ and SoYou Think You Can Dance judge/contestant was found dead in an Encino, Calif.,motel room. The coronar ruled the 40-year-old’s death, on Tuesday, a suicide.

“We had no indication that anything was out of the ordinary,” his grandfatherEddy Boss, who last spoke to tWitch over the weekend, told Daily Mail.

Eddy shared the final text he got from his grandson, which said, “I love youDad-Dad.” The choreographer and pro dancer also posted a photo tribute to hisgrandfather on Instagram on Dec. 9 for the 88-year-old’s birthday.

The senior Boss described the family — including wife Allison Holker Boss andthe couple’s three children — as “completely devastated. Our question is why?Where did it come from?”

As the family tries to make sense of the tragedy, TMZ claims in a new reportthat Boss left a note behind, per law enforcement sources. He also reportedlytook an Uber from his home to the motel, which is less than a mile away, onMonday morning. His wife, Allison Holker Boss, went to an LAPD station thenext day, saying she couldn’t locate her husband. Police briefly listed Bossas a “critical missing person” and searched near the couple’s home, but soonhe was found at the motel when he missed his checkout time.

Boss and his wife, who met through SYTYCD and lit up Instagram with theirfun dance videos, were looking ahead to 2023. They had “multiple shows, branddeals and projects in pre-production for the upcoming year,” a source told_People_. “He was so excited about all of the projects he had coming up andwas very involved day to day.”

A potential project was potentially another season as judge on SYTYCD wherehe first danced onto the scene as a contestant 2008. He was runner-up thatseason of the show, returned as an All-Star (along with his future wife), andthen was tapped as a judge for the season that aired earlier this year.

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His judging gig on SYTYCD kicked off just as his long-time run as the EllenDeGeneres Show DJ and producer came to an end in May when the talk show endedits 19-year run. He also appeared in the movies Magic Mike XXL and Step Up3D.

A separate report from TMZ denied that Boss was in financial trouble at thetime of his death, citing sources with direct knowledge.

In a statement confirming her husband’s death on Wednesday, Holker Boss, whohosted Disney+’s Disney ‘s Fairy Tale Weddings with her husband, he said”lit up every room he stepped into. He valued family, friends and communityabove all else and leading with love and light was everything to him.”

She continued, “He was the backbone of our family, the best husband andfather, and an inspiration to his fans. To say he left a legacy would be anunderstatement, and his positive impact will continue to be felt. I am certainthere won’t be a day that goes by that we won’t honor his memory.”

In a tribute, DeGeneres said she was “heartbroken” over the death of tWitch,who was family. They met when he taught her the choreography for a dance andshe brought him on as DJ for her show in 2014. On Thursday, she posted asecond tribute — a video she made for tWitch as the show ended. She showed iton air and he teared up watching it. His mother was in the audience.

“Right now what I want to do is remember all the love and laughter I had withtWitch,” DeGeneres wrote Thursday. “He brought so much joy to my life. I knowhe brought joy to yours too. I’m going to be sharing some of my favoritemoments with him.”

If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, call 911, orcall the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or 1-800-273-8255 or textHOME to the Crisis Text Line at 741741.

Who is Meghan Markle’s friend Abigail Spencer? ‘Suits’ co-star and long-time friend defend her in ‘Harry & Meghan’

Abigail Spencer, Meghan Markle’s suits co-star and longtime friend, was oneof the members of her inner circle providing commentary during the Harry &Megan Netflix doc, which saw the remaining three episodes drop Thursday.

Spencer recalled Markle first telling her that she was secretly dating theBritish prince over champagne at Bergdorf Goodman in NYC. The actress attendedthe 2018 royal wedding and helped throw Markle’s baby shower ahead of Archie’sbirth. She also watched her friend be inundated with negative and racistpress.

“It was almost like — from the wedding and everything I saw — that they werebuilding her up,” Spencer said in the doc. “Then there was a shift and theystarted to tear her down. I don’t understand what happened.”

Abigail Spencer (Photo:Netflix)Abigail Spencer(Photo:Netflix)

Abigail Spencer, a member of Markle’s inner circle, appeared in Harry &Megan. (Photo: Netflix)

Spencer revealed that she was instrumental in the February 2019 _People_magazine cover story in which Markle’s friends told positive stories about herto counterbalance the narrative in the UK tabloids. A month later is whenMarkle told Harry she was experiencing suicidal thoughts.

“I was very scared” Spencer said of her friend during that period. “That was areally dark time. And I didn’t know what to do. That’s the thing — they are inthis complex organism that I don’t know anything about or how to help or whatto do and I’m not allowed to say anything. I was not allowed to say anything.”

The couple ultimately left England in early 2020, stepping down as seniorroyals. Spencer was among the few to visit them at their temporary home inCanada. She was also there the day they moved into their permanent home inMontecito, Calif. Sadly that day, Markle, who was pregnant and stressed from alawsuit with a UK tabloid, miscarried. Spencer recalled that Markle “fell tothe ground” in pain.

The bond between the two women began long before Markle was a duchess. Spencertold Entertainment tonight in 2018 that they met over a decade earlier at anaudition.

“I saw her and was like, ‘Who is this gorgeous girl?'” she recalled. “She wasjust so stunning and there was just something about her, and that’s how wemet… [Markle is] a trusted friend and one of the most glorious people I haveever met.”

Story continues

The friendship solidified when they appeared on suits, which ran from 2011to 2019. Markle played Rachel Elizabeth Zane and Spencer had a recurring roleas Dana Scott.


Meghan Markle as Rachel Zane, Abigail Spencer as Dana Scott on suits.(Photo: Shane Mahood/USA Network/NBCU Photo Bank/NBCUniversal via GettyImages)

In a story on Markle’s former website The Tig she said that they bonded oversharing the same birthday and year — August 4, 1981. She said they callthemselves “birthday soul sisters.”

“Somehow in the cosmos of things happening for a reason and stars coming intoalignment, we met and became great friends,” Markle wrote. “I’m all aboutpracticalities and pragmatism, and yet it’s these sort of ‘coincidences,’these improbable realities, that bring out the hippie dippie in me. We do calleach other ‘birthday soul sisters’ after all, and happened to show up atdinner (having not seen each other for a year) wearing matching leatherjackets with rose gold hardware, the same thin gold ring on the same slightfinger, and craving the same glass of Viognier.It’s something in our tastesand tastebuds — or it’s just something in our stars.”

In the same post, she described the Florida-born Spencer as “an absolute forceto be reckoned with” on suits but also previously on Mad Men as DonDraper’s mistress Suzanne Farrell. Spencer has also been on Grey ‘s Anatomy,__Hawthorne and rectify. She got her start on the soap opera All MyChildren.

WINDSOR, UNITED KINGDOM - MAY 19: (EMBARGOED FOR PUBLICATION IN UKNEWSPAPERS UNTIL 24 HOURS AFTER CREATE DATE AND TIME) Abigail Spencer andPriyanka Chopra attend the wedding of Prince Harry to Ms Meghan Markle at StGeorge's Chapel, Windsor Castle on May 19, 2018 in Windsor, England.  PrinceHenry Charles Albert David of Wales marries Ms.  Meghan Markle at a service atSt George's Chapel inside the grounds of Windsor Castle.  Among the guestswere 2200 members of the public, the royal family and Ms.  Markle's MotherDoria Ragland.  (Photo by Max Mumby/Indigo/GettyImages)WINDSOR, UNITED KINGDOM- MAY 19: (EMBARGOED FOR PUBLICATION IN UK NEWSPAPERS UNTIL 24 HOURS AFTERCREATE DATE AND TIME) Abigail Spencer and Priyanka Chopra attend the weddingof Prince Harry to Ms Meghan Markle at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle onMay 19, 2018 in Windsor, England.  Prince Henry Charles Albert David of Walesmarries Ms.  Meghan Markle at a service at St George's Chapel inside thegrounds of Windsor Castle.  Among the guests were 2200 members of the public,the royal family and Ms.  Markle's Mother Doria Ragland.  (Photo by MaxMumby/Indigo/GettyImages)

Abigail Spencer, alongside Priyanka Chopra, arriving at Prince Harry andMeghan Markle’s wedding on May 19, 2018. (Photo: Max Mumby/Indigo/GettyImages)

When Markle left suits after her relationship with Harry got serious,Spencer told Parade her friend left “a big giant Meghan hole that can’t befilled.”

Spencer said in the doc that she was behind the People magazine story withMarkle’s friends defending her. She also defended her on social media. In aMarch 2021 Instagram post, she wrote about a 2015 meetup they had in Austin.

“She’s modeled nothing but generous professionalism on sets and an even moregenerous friendship in private,” Spencer wrote. “I’ve learned so much fromMeg. The power of a handwritten note. The loveliness of surprise flowers. Thatshe has a perpetual rolodex in her brain of recommendations for the heart,soul, & body… She’s been there for me – and physically held me — in my darkesthours: After my dad died. After a gut wrenching break up she brought me intoher home & nursed me back to health. Soup & salad waiting in the kitchen,just, if I needed it. She’s taken my son in as her own. I can’t tell you thevalue of having another working mother I can lean on when with the pressuresof visibility & child-rearing woes become overwhelming. She’s always been asafe harbor for me, someone I can fall apart in front of… and with. And Ihave.”

Spencer —who has a son Roman with her ex-husband Andrew Pruett, whom shedivorced in 2012 — told E! News in 2019 that Markle would be a great mother.”I think it goes without saying, she’s incredible. She’s incredible and thatbaby is so lucky to have them as their parents.”

In the 2017 Vanity Fair cover star about Markle, Spencer said, “When you’retalking to her, you feel like you’re the only person on the planet. And it’sjust wonderful to see her so in love.”

Spencer got her start on All My Children. Here ‘s a clip of her in a scenewith Josh Duhamel:

And maybe the connection between them runs even deeper? Spencer was asked by> Parade if she is related to the British Spencers — like Harry’s mother,> the late Princess Diana. “That’s so funny — my grandmother swears [we> are]but I’ve never done any digging,” she replied. “I did meet a lot of> Spencers [in England] and I am a Spencer, so who knows?”

Spencer is one of several Markle friends to go on the record in the doc. Theyalso include Lindsay Jill Roth (a producer/author), Lucy Fraser (publicist),Silver Tree (producer) and tennis legend Serena Williams.

One friend who was notably absent was Jessica Mulroney. While she was includedin clips and a text exchange of theirs was shown on-camera, that relationshipis reportedly done, but neither has addressed it publicly.

If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, call 911, orcall the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or 1-800-273-8255 or textHOME to the Crisis Text Line at 741741.

Bernd Reichart, CEO de la Superliga, tras el varapalo del abogado de la UE: “El proyecto está muy, muy vivo” | Deportes

The discourse of Reichart, broadly speaking , ha intentado lanzar el mensajede que la conclusión del abogado general de la Unión Europea, el griegoAthanasios Rantos, en el caso que enfrenta a las federaciones internacionalesde fútbol con el Real Madrid, el Barcelona y la Juventus supone un pasoadelante para la competition y no un varapalo. Sin embargo, el dictamen deRantos —que no tiene por qué ser igual al fallo que emitirá el TJUE la próximaprimavera, aunque suele coincidir en un 80% de las veces— dio ayer la razón ala UEFA cuando vetó el nacimiento de la Superliga y amenazó a losparticipantses con expulsarlos de sus competiciones. Con todo, Reichart hadicho que sigue trabajando para que la competición llegue a ser una realidad:“En las últimas semanas, hemos podido tener conversaciones con 30 clubes enmás de 10 países en Europa, y comparten el diagnóstico que hacemos sobre losproblemas actuales del futbol, ​​independientemente del país o del tamaño delclub. Saben que los cambios son absolutamente necesarios”.

Gianni Infantino confirma que habrá Mundial de clubes en 2025 con 32 equipos; la cita será cada cuatro años | Mundial Qatar 2022

Habló también del que cree que es el legado que deja este Mundial, un legadoque va más allá del fútbol. Celebró que no haya habido incidentes entreaficiones y que la gente, dijo, haya vivido en armonía durante este mes. “Ellegado transformador de este Mundial es en el hecho de que mucha gente de todoel mundo ha venido a Qatar y ha descubierto el mundo árabe, que no conocía oque conocía solo por cómo se lo habían contado. Al mismo tiempo, los cataríesse han preparado para dar la bienvenida a todo el mundo de todos esos lugares.Todos han descubierto que lo que se decía y se pensaba, no es cierto, que sepuede pasar bien, que se puede conocer los unos y los otros”.

E insistió: “Una de nuestras principales inquietudes antes de que empezara eltorneo estaba relacionada con la seguridad. No estábamos seguros de comoreaccionaria la gente, los aficionados, de si iba a haber peleas o no. Hemosvisto que los seres humanos son seres fundamentalmente positivos y buenos. Lagente se ha unido, cuanta más dimensión internacional mejor”.

Una periodista sueca le hizo notar que repetía una y otra vez palabras deunión y legado, pero que la FIFA decidió prohibir que los capitanes lucieranlos brazaletes de OneLove en apoyo al colectivo LGTBI. ¿Por que? Así contestóInfantino. “Como FIFA debemos encargarnos de todos, no tenemos que discriminara nadie porque somos una organización global con 211 federaciones, tenemos queir todos a una. Cuando hablamos de reglamentos o prohibición, no se trata deprohibir o no, sino de respetar los reglamentos: en un campo de fútbol sejuega al fútbol. En el terreno de juego hay que respetar el fútbol, ​​por esoestán ahí esos reglamentos. Fuera del terreno, todo el mundo puede expresar loque considere. Pero dentro, hablemos solo de futbol”.