El nuevo Mike Brown despierta a los Kings | Deportes

No obstante, de entre todas las cosas que veía nada confundía más a Brown quela rutina de Steve Kerr durante los partidos. Concretamente, la costumbre deno marcar jugadas y dejar a sus jugadores vuelo libre. “Pero, Steve, ¿no vas aordenar ninguna?”, apuntaba entonces con frecuencia el incrédulo Brown. “No,ahora no hace falta”, solía responder el técnico jefe.

And realidad, para Kerr casi nunca lo hacía. Pero su método también estabaprobado. “Los jugadores eran demasiado buenos. Y aprendí de Phil Jackson adejarles hacer. Me decía siempre que en esos casos debes respetar su ritmo departido, que solo hay que focalizar de verdad en lo trabajado en losentrenamientos”, contaba. Al final, en lo relativo al trato directo y lagestión de partido, Kerr había bebido directamente de dos elegidos: el citadoJackson y Gregg Popovich. Se movía en ese arte como pez en el agua.

Pop fue, en realidad, el hombre que unió los caminos de Brown y Kerr. Su nexovital, como el de muchos otros antes y después. Durante la parte final de sucarrera como jugador, el hoy técnico de los Warriors coincidió con Brown enSan Antonio. “Mike me ayudaba tras los entrenamientos, en aquella etapa yojugaba menos y conectamos muy bien”, admitía Kerr, que mantuvo un excelentetrato con Brown los años posteriores, aunque no coincidieron en ningún puestotécnico.

Sí lo harían en 2016, cuando durante el transcurso de las Finales entreWarriors y Cavs, Kerr se citó, en un día entre partidos, con Brown en un hotelde Cleveland. Queria sumarle para la causa en la Bahía. Previamente, eso sí,había hablado con Popovich, por si él estaba interesado en contratar a unBrown entonces sin equipo. “No nos moveremos. Pero me alegra que hayas pensadoen Mike, no podría recomendarte una opción mejor”, alumbró el maestro. No seequivocaba.Brown fue, desde la sombra, importante en los tres anillos deGolden State durante los seis años siguientes. Además, desde un planoindividual esa experiencia enriqueció hugemente su propio perfil. Añadió a lacapacidad analítica y conocimiento de la estrategia defensiva, sus rasgosdominantes, un aire de vanguardia en el juego ofensivo y una mayorflexibilidad en la gestión de grupos, dentro y fuera de pista. El resultadosalta ahora a la vista.

Brown ha transformado la frustración de los Kings, la franquicia con la rachamás longeva de la historia de la NBA sin pisar las eliminatorias (16 campañasseguidas, pues no las disputan desde 2006), en un entorno donde sobresale lailusión. Uno donde se atisba la luz natural al final del túnel.

Los Kings vuelan sobre la pista (entre los cinco ritmos más rápidos de laNBA), mueven con huge velocidad y frecuencia el balón (cuarto equipo que máspases da por encuentro) y abren la pista hasta el límite imaginable (sextomayor volumen de triples intentados, sobre el total de tiros). Todos ellosingredientes de una receta de sobra conocida: la de la última dinastía deGolden State.

Pau Gasol: “Es increíble la cantidad de triples que se tiran en la NBA” | Deportes

R . Al principio, como jugador, entiendes la Navidad como algo familiar,un día tranquilo y de disfrute. Se te hace raro. Pero luego entiendes queestás en un gran equipo y que la gente te quiere ver. ¡Y qué día más especialque en el día de Navidad! Eso sí, si pierdes, te funde el día y no estás demuy buen humour. Y con el tiempo, cuando ya no juegas ese día, lo echas demenos porque te das cuenta de que ya no estás en ese grupo selecto.

P. ¿Cree que el juego está evolucionando hacia algún lado?

R . La evolution sucede. Sin duda, el juego va cambiando. Si es hacia ladirección correcta lo dictamina la demanda y el seguidor, el consumidor. A míno me encanta porque me gustaría ver más equilibrio, pero soy de otrageneración y no es lo que yo viví. Lo diferente cuesta un poco más, pero elcambio es inevitable y hay que ver lo que el aficionado quiere e irproporcionándolo de la mejor manera posible. Ahora, en comparación con mitiempo, es un juego más dinámico, con posesiones más cortas, con tiros máslejanos. Si te cuentan hace diez años la cantidad de triples que se tira ahorate volverías loco. Pero este juego hace logra que varios jugadores puedanmostrar todo su talento y este dinamismo lo permite porque te lleva a másacciones individuales.

P. Entre ellos destacan Doncic y Jokic, ¿no?

R . Desde luego. Es difícil de asimilar el nivel de juego que estánmostrando y todo lo que están haciendo. El baloncesto no es un juego denúmeros, pero alucinas con el dominio que están demostrando junto aAntetokoumpo, Embiid y otros no europeos como Anthony Davies o Tatum. A elloseste estilo de juego les favorece, el incremento de posesiones, de tiros… Peromás allá de eso, me encantan porque son referentes y ejemplos que inspiran amuchos jóvenes.

P. Lo que sí le chocará es la poca incidencia de Willy Hernángomez, que hapasado de ser el mejor en el anterior Europeo a ser un actor secundario en losPelicans…

R . Sorpren. Lo puedo medio entender, pero me disgusta la situación comoamigo, hermano mayor suyo que soy. Sí, me disgusta no verle poder seguirdemostrando y creciendo como jugador, aprovechando ese momento tan dulce quetuvo en el Eurobasket con España. Me hubiese gustado que tuviera más minutos,contribución… Pero está trabajando y sé que va a tener esa mentalidad deseguir persiguiendo la oportunidad de tener un rol más consistente yprotagonista.

P. Ese role que usted tuvo en los Lakers, que en marzo retirarán sucamiseta junto a la de Magic, Saquille, Chamberlaint, Abdul-Jabar y Kobe entreotros… ¿Qué siente?

R . Es un reconocimiento huge y un honor tremendo muy difícil de asimilartodavía a día de hoy. El momento se va acerando y todavía no he escritoninguna palabra del discurso… Tengo muchas ganas de disfrutarlo y compartirlo.Más que nada porque los Lakers han sido muy generosos en cuanto a número deentradas que me han dado para el acto, pues me han pedido cientos de personaspoder estar ahí conmigo.

Noah Centineo runs his way to the top

Harry & Meghan failed again. The hype surrounding the documentary was againgreat, but the storm died down to such an extent that the first place was notconquered. Wednesday may have fallen from the podium, but it has been takenover by another young hero.

New batch

Jenna Ortega represents the new generation of actors and actresses, which alsoincludes Noah Centineo. With the series The Recruit he has the full leadingrole for the first time and that turns out to be a success. The action seriesimmediately takes first place, so Harry & Meghan have to make do with secondplace.

Christmas coming up

Christmas is of course approaching and that is also noticeable in the list ofthe most popular titles on Netflix. There are already five Christmas films andseries in the top 20, which will probably increase further in the coming days.The makers of Hjem Til Jul have delivered another success series withJulestorm, the Norwegian series is in fifth place. Only I Believe in Santa ishigher up the Christmas ladder for now.

Buzz around titles

Every Tuesday we bring you the 20 most popular titles of the week. We admitright away, the list below is no rocket science. Just like lists are of coursealways subject to discussion. Due to the search behavior of visitors to oursite, the buzz surrounding titles on social media, the attention that titlesgenerate in the media, the daily top 10 that Netflix displays and the (amountof) figures that are handed out on rating sites such as IMDb, a very goodpicture.

In addition, Netflix now provides a daily top 10. This list fluctuatesextremely, because it only gives a very global picture. This is because itonly concerns two minutes of each title, which only reflects the number ofviewers and not so much the popularity. Still, it is an extra shred ofinformation for an accurate list.

The 20 most popular titles at the moment:

  1. The Recruit (new) * A young CIA lawyer is thrust headlong into the dangerous world of international espionage when a former asset threatens to reveal secrets to the agency. 2. Harry & Meghan (-) * This six-part documentary series shows the fragile side of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s relationship, from their first crush to the day they decided to leave the British royal family. The series features interviews with friends and family, and historians and journalists who explain the media’s role in it all. 3. Wednesday (-2) * Wednesday Addams is smart, sarcastic and a little dead inside. She investigates an already murdered while making new friends at Nevermore Academy. 4. I Believe in Santa (new) * After five happy months with Tom, Lisa is shocked to find that he is obsessed with her least favorite holiday. Can she give Christmas one more chance? 5. Jule storm (new) * Destinies cross when travelers and employees become trapped in an airport and forced to spend the final hours before Christmas together. 6. Too Hot to Handle (+1) * Handsome bachelors meet on the shores of paradise. But to win the grand prize of $100,000, they’ll have to give up sex. These are the contestants of Season 4! 7. The Blacklist (-4) * A brilliant fugitive offers to help the FBI catch other bad guys, but only if new profiler Elizabeth works closely with him. Of course he works with a double agenda… 8. Guillermo del Toro ‘s Pinocchio (-4) * In this stunning musical stop-motion film, Oscar winner Guillermo del Toro delivers a modern take on the classic tale of a wooden puppet brought to life. 9. Firefly Lane (-4) * Forty-something Tully and Kate are best friends who have supported each other through thick and thin since their teenage years. They don’t let anything or anyone come between them. 10. The Volcano: Rescue from Whakaari (new) * Based on the stories of survivors and rescuers, this gripping documentary follows New Zealand’s deadly 2019 volcanic eruption minute by minute. 11. The Big Four (new) * Four passionate killers spring back into action when they encounter a straightforward cop determined to track down an elusive killer. 12. A Christmas Miracle for Daisy (-4) * Interior designer Whitney gets a surprise for Christmas: her new client turns out to be her ex. His daughter has a mother on her wish list. 13. Los Renglones Torcidos de Dios (-1) * A private investigator claiming to be paranoid goes to a mental hospital to investigate the mysterious death of another patient. 14. Sonic Prime (new) * When an explosive battle with Dr. Eggman shatters the universe, Sonic races through parallel dimensions to find his friends and save the world together. 15. The Crown (-6) * The Crown is now in its fifth season. The 1990s have arrived, in which the British royal family is coming under increasing pressure. Especially when the crown prince is also going to divorce Princess Diana. 16. Troll (-10) * When an explosion in the Norwegian mountains awakens an ancient troll, a brave paleontologist is assigned to stop the troll from wreaking deadly havoc. 17. The Noel Diary (-1) * An author has to clear out his childhood home and meets a woman who is looking for her biological mother. An old diary may open the door to the past. And to their hearts. 18. 1899 (-8) * A migrant ship on its way to New York has to change course in 1899 after mysterious incidents. The bewildered passengers are faced with an incomprehensible riddle. 19. Manifesto (-6) * When a plane makes a mysterious landing years after takeoff, the passengers enter a world that has changed completely and contains strange new realities. 20. Dead to Me (-6) * In this dark comedy series, a close friendship blossoms between an uptight widow and a free-spirited woman with a shocking secret.

when two girlfriends want to cheat and cover for each other…

Ah, how hopeless can it be. Two friends who want to cheat and arrange aweekend away in such a way that they will cover for each other. In the movie_Faithfully Yours_ with Bracha van Doesburgh and Elise Schaap, we will seethat in the cinema from tomorrow. Subway looked on, shaking his head (alsoin admiration).

Handy, keeping each other out of the wind if you want to put the van-buttflowers outside? Well, if you really want that as friends separately from eachother and organize it down to the last detail. Not if the cheating goes likethis Faithfully Yours. Because we are dealing here with another genuineDutch thriller, is Faithfully Yours Subway ‘s Movie Review of the Week.

Beautiful cast Faithfully Yours

Actually, with this exciting film, it is already a feast in advance, if youread the four protagonists. Bracha van Doesburgh, Elise Schaap (who also madea name for herself last month in Stromboli ), Nsardin Dchar and Gijs Naber:what could possibly go wrong? The story, of course… In addition to the four,we also see Hannah Hoekstra as the somewhat blunt and vague sister of VanDoesburgh’s character and the Belgian Matteo Simoni as a somewhat slipperyprofessor who gives lectures about lying.

Lying, that’s true Faithfully Yours actually about. And (no) trust. Bodil(Van Doesburgh) and Isabel (Schaap) occasionally take an escape from theirbusy daily lives by going away together for a weekend to the Belgian coast.During these weekends, the girlfriends are each other’s alibis, because thatrelaxing weekend is mainly about cheating. Purely for the voltage and thedischarge. They carefully work out all the details so that their husbandsnever find out. For example, Bodil has both smartphones to keep an eye on,since Isabel’s husband and writer Luuk can use that thing to keep an eye onwhere his sweetheart is hanging out. Dchar plays Milan, a doctor and husbandof Bodil. He seems thoughtful and concerned, but oh woe…

Cheating creates a web of lies

The end point of the train journey, Ostend station, is also the last pointwhere the best friends see each other that weekend. They can loose and cheatall they want. When Isabel suddenly goes missing and there is a lot of bloodinvolved, everything seems to point to a crime. That blood is still in Bodil’sweekend shelter, too. As the police launch an investigation and the husbandscome to Belgium, Bodil becomes increasingly entangled in the web of lies thathas been carefully constructed by her and Isabel.

Faithfully-Yours EliseSheepElise Schaap as Isabel in a place no one isallowed to know. Photo: Studio ISA

Faithfully Yours begins with a statement by the British-Irish writer GeorgeBernard Shaw (1856-1950): ‘The punishment of the liar is not that he is notbelieved, but that he cannot believe anyone else.’ Apparently Shaw knew that acentury later people in the Netherlands would come up with a thriller thatdoes his invention quite justice. It just became a she instead of a he.


Not even a book

If a thriller is ever made into a film in the Netherlands, then they usuallycome from the hand of those talented writers in our country. Esther Verhoef,Saskia Noort, Suzanne Vermeer, Simone van der Vlugt, names like that.Faithfully Yours however, is a totally new story. Paul Jan Nelissen,Elisabeth Lodeizen and André van Duren (also director) wrote the scriptespecially to make a film.

Cheating, lying: what a cool story

We can handle a lot of words Faithfully Yours ‘to get dirty’, but we areundoubtedly giving away too much. If thrillers are your thing, then we promise– in the opinion of the Subway reporter then – a very cool story. It’s alldamn well put together. There is constant tension, which is just as oftenremoved, only to get something even worse before your eyes. Yes folks,cheating and thinking you’ve got it all right, it’s not always a good idea.Bee Faithfully Yours in any case you fall from one surprise to another.

Faithfully-Yours Bracha van Doesburgh NasrdinDcharNasrdin Dchar and Bracha van Doesburgh.Photo: Studio ISA

And besides that statement by George Bernard Shaw, there are still a fewsentences left to think about. ‘There is far too much pressure on alwayshaving to be honest’, is one of them. But perhaps even more strongly, when itcomes to thinking about it: “We lie because sometimes reality is sounbearable.” And: ‘The truth lies.’

Rating out 5: 4

Subways you can read the film review of the week every Wednesday around 6p.m. New titles always appear in Dutch cinemas on Thursdays, such as_Faithfully Yours_ (sometimes also on Wednesdays). Reporter Erik Jonk choosesone every week. Next week the last of 2022, the British drama Living.

Leonie ter Braak fiercely on table guest who lashes out at politics and media

It became a somewhat fierce discussion about current politics at the table_HLF8_. Table guest John van Zweden did not mince words that he thinks it is amess in The Hague and that the Dutch are being silenced. Partly because ofpolitics and the media. But when presenter Leonie ter Braak hears him saythat, she corrects him.

Former State Secretary Mona Keijzer, who was fired in the House ofRepresentatives for her criticism of corona policy, talks about the newpandemic law at the table. The polls are also discussed, based on the figuresof One today. Parties like D66 and VVD lose a lot of seats and parties likeBBB, Ja21 and PVV are doing a lot better.

Pieter Omtzigt high in polls Maurice de Hond

Opinion pollster Maurice de Hond concluded that if Pieter Omtzigt participatedin the poll (which he did not), he would end up with thirty seats in theHouse. Mona Keijzer tells at the table HLF8 that confidence in the media andpolitics has plummeted in recent times.

Football director John van Zweden is involved in the discussion. He emphasizesthat Maurice de Hond’s poll receives little attention, even in this case.“They don’t want to have new people in it,” he says. Van Zweden finds itstrange that Pieter Omtzigt scores thirty seats in one poll and does notparticipate in another poll. “What do I mean by that? You are just trying tosilence the Dutch people. Throw in that poll by Maurice de Hond and everyonebecomes a bit optimistic again.”

Leonie ter Braak corrects table guest John van Zweden

Presenter Leonie ter Braak joins in and declares that Pieter Omtzigt is notparticipating in the poll One today because he was not yet in the previouselections. Something that Van Zweden describes as “not correct”, because it isnot the current polls.

Ter Braak says at the table that it is now De Hond who does and that “everyonehas also paid attention to it”. After which she emphasizes that the mediadoes. “I’m calling it now anyway.” Where Van Zweden adds that Ter Braak now”lists it very briefly”. Ter Braak sticks to the fact that she HLF8 and alsoin other media attention was paid to the high polls of Omtzigt. “You cannotsay that the media denies that news,” said Ter Braak.

Mona Keijzer explains polls

Van Zweden: “Well let me put it this way, it is not really thrown forward.” Heis convinced that someone like Pieter Omtzigt can put the Netherlands back onthe map. “Because everyone agrees that the country is going downhill in allsorts of ways.” Van Zweden thinks it is hopeful that ‘an Omtzigt’ currentlyscores high.

Keijzer later emphasized once again that parties such as PVV, BBB and JA21 arecurrently in demand. “Be aware that outside the big cities and the Randstadthere is a very large Netherlands that does not feel heard,” said the formerState Secretary.

New presenters HLF8

Incidentally, it was announced today who the new presenters of HLF8 turninto. Subway s previously wrote about the sounds that sounded about this andthey turn out to be partly correct. Heart of the Netherlands reporter SamHagens and Hélène Hendriks are going to get the job done together. Hendrikspreviously acted as a ‘substitute’ presenter, but will therefore keep herpresenting chair. Ter Braak will leave the talk show and switch to RTL. Thenew presentation duo can be seen on television from 2 January. Hendriks andHagens alternately present the talk show.

You look back at HLF8 via KIJK.

‘The Eight Mountains’ feels like a meditative mountain hike

Pietro meets Bruno during one of his family holidays to the Alpine-surroundedValle d’Aosto (Aosta Valley). As a matter of course they become friends, ifonly because there is no one else for Pietro to play with. Their deep-feltfriendship is temporarily interrupted by both parents, but as adults they meetagain and things go back to normal, even though they sometimes don’t see eachother for ages.

Despite their differences, both have an absent father. Bruno’s works elsewhereand is therefore physically absent, and although Pietro goes on mountain walkswith his father, later Bruno is also allowed to come along, they are neververy close. His father is mentally absent: sooner or later he always has toreturn to Turin, “the stinking city” where he works. That he does turn out tobe a father figure for Bruno stings Pietro, but the two nevertheless maintaina warm relationship. Because a little quarrel or disagreement never harms theclose relationship between taciturn, bearded men who consider themselvesfriends for life, come what may.

The eight mountains , based on Paolo Cognetti’s bestseller, is a transversebook adaptation, and that speaks for the film by Felix van Groeningen andCharlotte Vandermeersch. Their edit is full of striking style choices. Thatstarts with the image format, almost square. With a film about mountains youwould rather expect wide views and panoramic shots.

Also read one interview with Felix van Groeningen and CharlotteVandermeersch about ‘The eight mountains’

But in terms of content this is narrowly correct (and) the image format. Itrefers to Bruno’s self-imposed limitations. He cannot see beyond themountains, considers himself a true mountain dweller. Broadening his horizons,as Pietro does on all his travels, is not for him, he prefers to live alone inharmony with the – sometimes rough – nature. Nor does he see nature assomething abstract, which he accuses Pietro’s urban friends when they come tovisit. Beautifully photographed by Ruben Impens The eight mountains lastsalmost two and a half hours and contains little explicit drama – everythinghappens in the heads of Bruno and Felix. Finding the pastoral paceobjectionable is unjustified, Van Groeningen and Vandermeersch’s adaptationshould rather be seen as a meditative mountain hike. You should not rush it,sometimes you have to look around you or rest to gain insight. Storender arethe songs of the Swedish singer-songwriter Daniel Norgren with which thesoundtrack is overcrowded, a symphonic score would have been more appropriate.But you can also say that it nicely underlines the transverseness of thisoperation.


The eight mountains (Le otto montagne)

Director: Felix van Groeningen and Charlotte Vandermeersch. Starring:Alessandro Borghi, Luca Marinelli, Filippo Timi, Gualtiero Burzi. Length: 147mins.


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A version of this article also appeared in the December 21, 2022 newspaper

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Fernando Gaviria pasa página y se compromete a volver a ser grande en elMovistar | Deportes

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Fernando Gaviria pasa página y se compromete a volver a ser grande en el Movistar | Deportes

“Completament. El primer año sí que temí que el coronavirus. Lo tuve un mes yme hacía muchas pruebas. Y pensé que sí, que me dejaba tocado, pero luego, enel diciembre de 2020 me hice un chequeo total en Colombia, me revise corazón,pulmones, todo, y al final no había como mucha marca en los órganos afectados,no había nada que hiciera la diferencia. Eso me dio mucha tranquilidad. Eraimpensable que me pudiera afectar más”, dice Gaviria, nacido el 19 de agostode 1994 en La Ceja, en el oriente antioqueño, cerca de Medellín, en Colombia.“Los últimos tres años han sido difíciles en lo personal, lo profesional, enlo humano. Anos complicados, complejos. Pero hemos pasado la page. Estamos enun equipo nuevo. Estar en Movistar es una motivation extra para mí. Me gustacomo me tratan, me gusta como hemos estado hasta este momento, como he vividocada momento. Motivation extra. Si que se puede”.

Mas informacion

El equipo de Cavendish, el Quick Step, siempre rápido e impulsivo, con losojos cerrados fichó inmediatamente a Gaviria, al fenómeno, y despidió aCavendish, el derrotado. Cuando llegó al WorldTour sus sprints en Europa eranun boom, una belleza. No era un sprinter clásico, que necesitara un tren y unadisciplina. Su alma melancólica, su cierta poesía, la soledad del sprinter enel marasmo, y los meses que pasó comiendo adoquines y aprendiendo inglés enFlandes, en casa de Tim Harris un ciclista inglés alocado que alquilaba sillaspara banquetes, le prestaron aires de clasicómano, y se decía que no solo laMilán-San Remo sería su clásica, que también podría con el Tour de Flandes,nada menos. Mientras crecía y se acercaba a la madurez de las clásicas,ganaba. A los 21 años ponía a su rueda a los más grandes, a Sagan, a Viviani,a Caleb Ewan.

A los 22 reinventa el sprint en la Avenida de Grammont, el kilómetro final dela París-Tours, la catedral del sprint entonces, donde salta a más de 600metros, incontenible, y deja a Démare, el ganador del San Remo, con la bocaabierta, sin hipo. “Cierto que esa victoria fue tremenda”, dice Gaviria. “Perola primera victoria en el Tour de Francia no la cambio. Lo que conllevaba eso,muchos meses de concentración, mucho tiempo fuera de casa sin ver a mifamilia, mucho trabajo, Yllegar y cumplir el objetivo y vestirme de amarillo.No cambio esa victoria por ninguna. Vestir de amarillo es unico. Y no todoslos años se empieza con un sprint. Esa camiseta es algo muy especial”.

Un año antes de debutar en el Tour de 2018, a los 23 años, y ganar la primeraetapa, ya había triunfado en el Giro, cuatro etapas y maglia ciclamen a los22. Suyo era el futuro.

And 2019 fichó a lo grande por el UAE. And 2020, la pandemia. Antes del 20,había conseguido 42 victorias en cinco años; en los tres últimos han sidoseis, y ninguna ante los mejores del mundo del sprint, que ya no son los de suépoca, sino jovencillos, los nuevos gavirias como Jakobsen, Philipsen,Kooij, De Lie…

“Cuando andas fuerte todo el mundo te quiere, te sigue, pero cuando no estáscomo siempre empiezan a hablar, empiezan los rumores, pero nadie sabe lo quepasa por dentro de cada uno, lo que afecta a cada corredor”, dice Gaviria. “Nollego con rabia, no, sino con deseo de hacer las cosas bien para un equipo queapostó por mí cuando no estaba en mis mejores años. Pero confin y confio”.

El debut en enero

Habla y no para en alabanzas del Movistar, de la gran tradición de grandescorredores, de lo que significa estar en el equipo que fue de Indurain, deDelgado, de Gorospe, de Olano, de Valverde, de Nairo… Un equipo que siempre hapensado en las clasificaciones generales y nunca ha mamado la cultura delsprint. “No me preocupa. El equipo ha evolutionado. Tenemos todas las opcionesa disposición de nosotros. Ya no solo piensan en la general. Cuentan conmigo”,dice Gaviria, que debutará en enero en la Vuelta a San Juan, en Argentina,donde ya ha ganado ocho etapas en cuatro participaciones, más cuatro máscuando la carrera argentina se corría en San Luis. “Está claro que un tren escomplicado porque no se tiene la experiencia en este equipo, pero haycorredores de calidad para subirme en los últimos kilómetros, para colocarmeen finales complicados. Estoy contento con eso, con lo que tiene el equipo,corredores muy fuertes para ese trabajo”.

‘The Whitney Houston Movie’ is more of a fairy tale than a tragedy

Whitney fans, of course, have long seen him, the unauthorized documentary_Whitney: Can I Be Me_ which Nick Broomfield made in 2017. They may have foundit honest, perhaps a little too raw, and above all not enough about the music,although that was not entirely true. Broomfield had access to unique backstagefootage from the 1999 world tour. As a result, that film tour inevitablybecame a pivot in Whitney Houston’s tragic life, which ended in 2012 in hernever-quite-explained death. Broomfield was quite nuanced and discreet, butwas not afraid to show that Houston’s life was marked by complicated familyrelationships that led to her drug use, unhappy marriage to R&B bad boy BobbyBrown, and the financial house of cards that eventually loomed over her. tocollapse.

At the same time, his film was also an ode to the energy and originality of asinger who scored successes with number one hits such as ‘I Wanna Dance WithSomebody (Who Loves Me)’ (1987) and ‘I Will Always Love You’ (1992). whichhave not been equaled since. What the documentary also made clear was: thatvoice! You can endlessly try to describe the secret of Houston’s octaves thatsometimes rolled like autumn storms and sometimes light like wind chimes, butit’s better to listen to it. And you don’t even have to be a fan for that.

Dream away film

Unlike in Bloomfield’s documentary, her life is romanticized quite a bit inthe new film: I Wanna Dance: The Whitney Houston Movie. The best moments inthe fictional biography of Houston’s life (1963-2012) are those in which sheselects songs with her discoverer, music producer Clive Davis, which she thenbends to her will within a fraction of a second. And: A Hit Is Born! Davis wasalso involved as an executive producer The Whitney Houston Movie and forhim, putting her music in the spotlight was the main goal of this film.

Of course, it’s all there: the jealous mother, the clapping father, theforbidden love for Robyn Crawford, who had to go through life as her ‘personalassistant’. The drug use has largely been kept out of the picture, there aresome mysterious dealings with someone posing as an autograph hunter, there issome cocaine on a mirror. But actually it has become a dream movie. Bigsurprise: the lead role of Naomi Ackie. Not a doppelgänger, not a stand-in,but an actress who adds everything to the scenario in small cans that is notspoken. Maybe Houston sang so well because her life echoed in her songs. Aboutthings like that I Wanna Dance: The Whitney Houston Movie hardly. It’s Ackiewho calls this out for us.

A touch of glamour, strong fiction and a royal documentary: these are the 10 VRT programs to look forward to in 2023

For the first time since 2016, the year Laura Tesoro was chosen to representus in Stockholm with what’s the pressure, the public broadcaster organizespreselections for the Eurovision Song Contest. Peter Van de Veire, misterEurosong himselfwill present it.

Last week, the seven candidates – Ameerah, Chérine, Gala Dragot, Gustaph,Hunter Falls, Loredana and The Starlings – released the first fragments fromtheir songs. The preselections will be broadcast from Monday 9 January toFriday 13 January, followed by the grand finale on Saturday 14 January. Duringa live show, the viewers decide who will represent us in Liverpool next year.

The greatest dancer of Flanders (One)

Niels Destadsbader is allowed to coach new dance talent in 'The greatestdancer of Flanders'.

Niels Destadsbader is allowed to coach new dance talent in ‘The greatestdancer of Flanders’.

Niels Destadsbader can show up in his first shiny floor show on a. Not as apresenter, but as a coach. In The greatest dancer of Flanders he, togetherwith the Belgian-Colombian Annabelle Lopez Ochoa and choreographer and dancerLaurien Decibel, goes in search of…well, the best dancer in Flanders.

Siska Schoeters and Aster Nzeyimana present the competition, which will beshown every Saturday on One from 4 February.

Days Without Brother (One)

Jeroen Meus creates a personal program with 'Days without a brother'.

Jeroen Meus creates a personal program with ‘Days without a brother’. — © ©VRT

Last year, Jeroen Meus had to say goodbye to Wim, his brother and soulmate. Hecarefully kept all the letters and cards of sympathy he received. Now he islooking for the people who helped him through a difficult year, to talk tothem about his and their own experiences. Days without brother promises to bea warm and beautiful program. Fundenes Fressen for production house TheChinese, that too Radio Gaga and The Kemping has on his resume.

A Year at Sea (One)

In 'A year at sea' Wim Lybaert exchanges his bus for a boat.

In ‘A year at sea’ Wim Lybaert exchanges his bus for a boat. — © © VRT

Like he did last week The House told, Wim Lybaert exchanges his (Colum) busfor a boat. In his new program he goes in search of the soul of our fishermenfrom Zeebrugge, Ostend and Nieuwpoort. He embarks to taste the fishing life, alife he already dreamed of when he spent his summers on the beach of Zeebruggeas a child.

Among Us (Canvas)

In 'OnderOns' Thomas Vanderveken draws the line of 'Only Elvis continues toexist'.

In ‘OnderOns’ Thomas Vanderveken draws the line of ‘Only Elvis continues toexist’.

In Only Elvis survives if he received Stephen Fry last year, for his new talkshow Among us – do you have it? – Thomas Vanderveken expands thatinternational guest list a bit. Gastronomy author Yotam Ottolenghi, singer-songwriter Suzanne Vega and photographer Anton Corbijn, among others, sit downwith him to talk about everything that concerns them. From Saturday 7 Januaryon Canvas.

Our house/new house (One)

In 2023 you will not be able to escape real estate programs on the VRTeither.

In 2023 you will not be able to escape real estate programs on the VRT either.

Even in 2023 you cannot escape real estate programs. VTM has Home madePlay4has Blind boughtOne has soon Our house/new house. Interior architect Ken andreal estate agent Kristien compete against each other and visit eight Flemishcouples who do not live in the house of their dreams.

Ken tries to convince them by renovating the houses with his contractor team,Kristien starts looking for new houses according to their couples’requirements. East stays west, home is best? Or will the couples opt for newhorizons? Later this spring on One.

Arcadia (One)

'Arcadia' promises to be a great fiction series.

‘Arcadia’ promises to be a great fiction series. — © © VRT

The VRT has confidence in it Arcadia, that much is clear. With a budget ofmore than a million euros per episode, it is one of the most expensive Flemishseries ever. The concept already sounds promising. You will recognize Lynn VanRoyen, Gene Bervoets and Natali Broods, among others, in a dystopian Belgiumthat is governed by a points system. Later this spring on One.

Our nature, the series (Canvas)

After the successful cinema release, 'Our nature' will be on television nextyear.

After the successful cinema release, ‘Our nature’ will be on television nextyear.

Our nature is currently a success in cinemas, but from Wednesday 18 January anextended version of the documentary will be shown on Canvas. In sevenepisodes, Belgian nature is shown on the basis of six elements: water, earth,air, fire, wood and stone. In the seven episodes, scientists and filmmakersshed light on the role we as humans can play in nature.

A downside for fans of Matteo Simoni: the actor, who voices the film, isreplaced in the series by Wim Opbrouck.

1985 (One)

'1985', which premiered earlier this year at the Canneséries festival, willbe the new One fiction series on Sunday evenings next year.

‘1985’, which premiered earlier this year at the Canneséries festival, will bethe new One fiction series on Sunday evenings next year. — © © VRT – ThomasNolf

Another fiction series to look forward to, and one that has long been honkedabout. 1985 tells the story of three young people who move to Brussels tostudy and become gendarmes. But then they unwittingly become involved in thecase of the Gang of Nijvel, which held our country under the spell in theturbulent 1980s.

The cast consists of a mix of young talent – ​​Tijmen Govaerts, Aimé Claeysand Mona Mina Leon play the leading roles – and old hands – Peter Van denBegin, Barbara Sarafian, Josse De Pauw… The series is a collaboration betweenVRT and RTBF and can be seen every Sunday evening on One from 22 January.

Laurent of Belgium (Canvas)

After King Filip, Prince Laurent is now also getting his own documentary.

After King Filip, Prince Laurent is now also getting his own documentary.

After the documentary about King Philippe, it is now his brother’s turn. Laterthis spring, Canvas will release a four-part documentary with the promisingworking title Laurent of Belgium: the calimero of the Coburgs. Prince Laurenthas always been the maverick of the royal family. This series exploressimilarities between him and other members of the Coburg family and dynasty.In a respectful way, but without mincing words.

The most expensive series ever and the only goth series that made an impression: the 22 best streaming series of 2022 (part 1) | Viewing guide

TVIf 2020 was the year in which productions were paused and disinfected, then2022 was the year in which you were buried under an unprecedented load ofpostponed top entertainment. The dragons from ‘Game of Thrones’ made theircomeback, as did Tolkien’s rings. Adil and Bilall brought a new twist to theMarvel Universe, and Ben Stiller blasted your way into an ominous sci-fithriller about work-life balance. Didn’t you get any of that but dug intoyourself hoping that you would catch up once someone put the best series in atotally biased year-end overview? Then you’re in luck. Today: part one of the22 best international series of 2022.

22. ‘Our Flag Means Death’ (Streamz)

Inspired by the true story of Stede Bonnet, an unadventurous aristocrat whoovernight decides to become a pirate and gets involved with the most fearedcorsair of all: Blackbeard. In this madcap HBO series, David Jenkins quicklyditches historical accuracy and trades it for mischievous, boundary-pushingfeel-good starring Taika Waititi as Blackbeard.

21. ‘Queer as Folk’ (TV Vlaanderen)

Unfortunately already canceled after one season, this reboot of thegroundbreaking British series from 1999, which already got an American remakein 2000, already started a promising third round. All the more so as theseries shifted focus from the gay scene to the much wider LGBTQ+ community andfocused on the devastating consequences of a hate crime in a queer nightclub.A fiction that is still too often reality.

20. ‘The Sandman’ (Netflix)

Forget Tim Burton’s ‘Wednesday’, the only goth series that made an impressionthis year was ‘The Sandman’. This dark fantasy drama based on the DC comics ofthe same name by Neil Gaiman left even most of the Marvel shows this yeardreaming of multiple sequel seasons starring Tom Sturridge as the deep-voicedDream.

19. ‘Night Sky’ (Prime Video)

An elderly couple who can apparently travel to a ‘galaxy far, far away’ via asecret passage in their garden house? This Amazon Original is not devoid ofsome miraculous, endearing moments and starring Sissy Spacek and JK Simmons isthe ultimate proof that a TV series starring two cracking oldies can be justas captivating as shows dominated by young violence.

18. ‘Mrs. Marvel’ (Disney+)

Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah had to make a cross this year about their film’Batgirl’, with ‘Ms. Marvel’ they were still able to leave their mark on thesuperhero genre. Although opinions about Kamala Khan’s elastic fists – or lackthereof – are divided, the two have conjured up an authentic superhero storyfor which the not always original Disney can thank them.

17. ‘Pam & Tommy’ (Disney+)

It was from 1996 that there was still so much to do about the sex tape ofPamela Anderson and Tommy Lee. And while it’s not exactly proper to hang aseries on what we would label “revenge porn” these days, we can’t help butnotice that actress Lily James went through an amazing metamorphosis and givesthe “Baywatch” star a realness. which is beyond her living Barbie doll image.

16. ‘Chloe’ (Prime Video)

What if your social media obsession with a recently deceased old acquaintancegoes so far that one day you take over her entire life? ‘Chloe’ draws you intoa voyeuristic thriller in which ‘The Crown’ actress Erin Doherty assumes a newidentity to investigate the death of her recently deceased acquaintance whilereaping the benefits of her perfect life.

15. ‘The Bear’ (Disney+)

Fans of fine cuisine who want to sharpen all their senses and don’t mindraising their blood pressure, have come to the right place at ‘The Bear’. Inthis series, a young master chef descends on barren Chicago to revive hisfamily’s loss-making sandwich bar. Colorful characters who bump into eachother ‘The Sopranos’-wise, but also share victories together? Check!

14. ‘Tokyo Vice’ (Streamz)

Based on the memoir of the same name by American journalist Jake Adelstein,this HBO Max thriller series stars actor Ansel Elgort as a budding crimereporter as he traverses neon-hued Tokyo to uncover police corruption. Grayand mind-stimulatingly good. The first episode will be directed by executiveproducer Michael Mann himself.

13. ‘The Rings of Power’ (Prime Video)

It was nail-biting to see what Amazon would do with JRR Tolkien’s belovedsaga, but the most expensive series ever made (nearly $500 million, please)didn’t disappoint. Despite the fact that the makers – with the permission ofthe heirs – took a lot of creative liberties with the source material, thewhole thing looks phenomenal and we can only hope that the rest of the seriesmaintains the same level.

12. ‘Irma Vep’ (Streamz)

In 1996 Olivier Assayas made a satirical film that poked fun at the difficultshooting period of the French cult film series ‘Les Vampires’ from 1916.Twenty-six years later, the director is back with a remake of that remake inthe form of an eight-part tragicomic HBO series that takes a new look behindthe scenes of today’s entertainment industry and French filmmakers on theverge of a nervous breakdown.