Who will be The Voice 2022? These are the 5 finalists

Also in this eighth season ‘The Voice van Vlaanderen’ turned out to beanother viewing figure gun for VTM. The format is known, but by regularlymaking small changes and appointing new coaches, it remains a fresh show. Sodid the new coaches John Paternoster frontman of The Black Box Revelation,and Mathieu ‘Bazart’ Terrynfor an authentic and fun vibe in the program.

They also appear to have a well-developed nose for talent. Because with Yenteand Evert, Mathieu has two votes from his team in the grand final, while TeamJan with the young gospel singer Wesley is perhaps the goldcrest of thisedition.

In this final show, the five finalists will perform one new solo number and agroup number. The latter completely in theme of the holidays because the fivefinalists bring the song together ‘ Last Christmas’ in the version ofMiley Cyrus. Then the audience chooses to be three top finalists whoare allowed to go through to the final round, in which they bring a self-chosen best-of song from their Voice course. The person who then collects themost votes via SMS and vtm.be becomes the Voice of Flanders.

As a reminder, we introduce the remaining candidates to you again.

Wesley – 18 years old, from Stavele

The only candidate from Team Jan who survived the selection. This young gospelsinger owes that to his piercing baritone voice. It is especially the contrastwith his personality that makes Wesley so unique: a warm, friendly andsomewhat timid teenager who sings with the compassion of a tormented_bluesbrother_. So far he only sings in church – Wesley is very religious andwas raised by his grandmother, who also sang in church -, but thanks to hisparticipation in ‘The Voice’ he blossomed completely. In this final he willperform the song ‘Hey Brother’ by Aviici.

Our forecast is that he will end up in the last three -very youngcandidates often do well in ‘The Voice’, see Ibe of Grace, last year’swinner-, but his range a little too limited to the austere soul repertoireto win in the end. In the real pop songs, he appears to have some difficultystepping out of that comfort zone, despite his roguish dance moves.

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Louise – 24 years old, from Affligem

Louise also took part in this talent competition last year, and was alsoselected in the blind auditions , but had to give up early due to a veryunfortunate fracture of the jawbone. This year she’s back and stronger thanever! Paira Daiza’s press officer is a sympathetic, eloquent and charismaticappearance, which makes her popular with the general public anyway, but on topof that she also has a pleasant, steady voice with which she can handle a lot.Think Taylor Swift or Miley Cyrus. In the hands of coach Natalia, her talentcame to full fruition. She is on stage and can handle many genres, frompowerful outbursts to more subdued passages. In the final she will perform ‘IWill Survive’ by Gloria Gaynor, a daring choice, we wonder in which version:the exuberant or a surprisingly intimate one?

Our forecast is that given her radio-friendly voice, her looks, her socialmedia reach and her smooth talk, Louise will go a long way. A winner? Quitepossible.


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Evert – 29 years old, from Kalmthout

Kempenaar Evert is perhaps the absolute revelation of this edition. Andperhaps most of all for himself. After all, he had never sung in front of anaudience before, let alone stood on a stage. Although the technical draftsmanwas born with music, his father had his own band with which he roamed thecafes. Often with Evert as a loyal fan. His personal preference is for thebetter singer-songwriter work, whether or not accompanying himself on guitar,and nineties classics. In ‘The Voice’ he started strongly, although after afew rounds he was told by coach Mathieu that he should not lose hisspontaneity. Now that it’s all getting a bit more serious, Evert is getting abit stressed. Can he keep it under control in the final and be himself againon stage? It will not be his choice of solo song: ‘Half a Man’ by Dean Lewisis made for him.

Our forecast is that Evert, despite his baking talent, will lose out forthe last three. He performs just a bit too inconsistently for that, often verystrong (especially in the slower, melancholic songs), but sometimes also a bitdisappointing (as in his duet ‘Kronenburg Park’ with coach Mathieu, or hisversion of ‘Somebody to Love’ from Queen).


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Yente – 18 years old, from Erembodegem

Young, quirky and yet with a high cuddly factor. And above all: her dreamyvoice has something mysterious and special. As a result, this second candidatefrom Team Mathieu distinguishes herself more easily from the other candidates,just like her peer, Wesley. Yente can be seen as a newer, Belgian version ofBillie Eilish of London Grammar. In the final she will perform Billy Joel’s’Vienna’, a daring choice, because not really a song that is known to thegeneral public or offers opportunities to impress. Unless Yente surprises usagain?

Our forecast is that Yente will drop out in the selection to the threesuperfinalists. She goes a bit too often vocally for that, especially when shehas to bring more uptempo songs, and we think her song choice for the solonumber will also play tricks on her.


© DPG Media

Johan – 38 years old, from Leopoldsburg

The oldest candidate in the grand final comes from Limburg and exudes thecharacteristic tranquility and joie de vivre from that province. Johan,active in the Belgian army, received praise from the coaches several times forthe spontaneous and enthusiastic way in which he presents himself on stage.Stress seems like an unfamiliar word to him, which is certainly an advantagein such a much-discussed and much-watched TV programme. Moreover, Johan showshimself to be very humble, eager to learn and flexible. Which also makes himpopular with Jan met de Pet. His habitat is that of guitar rock, but Johanproved that he can also handle more pop-sensitive or slow songs. Perfectlycoached in this by the experienced Koen Wauters, a multi-winner in ‘TheVoice’. In the final Johan will perform ‘Beautiful Day’ by U2. An excellentchoice, because it suits his voice and is an enthusiastic song that caninspire the audience.

Our forecast is that Johan will finish in the last three. Peter Evrard,once winner of ‘Idol’ (the predecessor of ‘The Voice’, in which Natalia camesecond, by the way), proved that this kind of tough rocker profile certainlyhas a chance in popular song contests. The only disadvantage for Johan: he isnot on social media and can therefore reach few potential voters. But that didnot prevent him from continuing to the next round, so why stop now in thefinal?

Watch the grand finale of ‘The Voice van Vlaanderen’ on Friday 23 Decemberfrom 8:40 pm on VTM, or wherever you are via Pickx.be or the Pickx app.

you have to see these movies at christmas

In the last week of the year, classics will be shown on TV again. Film criticBelinda van de Graaf compiled a top 10 from more than a hundred films. Bondactor Daniel Craig is on a roll in a new Knives Out adventure and MarilynMonroe sings the iconic Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.

Belinda van de GraafDecember 23, 202215:59

1) Marilyn Monroe

Those who dropped out of Blonde, the new film about the life of Marilyn Monroeon Netflix, can enjoy two Monroe classics on Christmas Day. In GentlemenPrefer Blondes (1953), showgirls Lorelei and Dorothy travel by boat from NewYork to Paris, pursued by a private detective. If this scintillating HowardHawks fifties musical is anything to go by, it’s a great film about a woman’sfriendship. Maybe it works so well because the protagonists Marilyn Monroe andJane Russell were good friends in real life as well.

In Some Like It Hot (1959) we find Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis as pennilessmusicians who become embroiled in a mob case in Chicago and have to flee.Dressed as women, they join a women’s orchestra traveling to Florida by train.Monroe plays the sultry singer and ukulele player Sugar Kane in thisdelightful Billy Wilder comedy. She almost seems to radiate light.

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes can be seen on Sunday December 25 at 4.10 pm. SomeLike It Hot follows at 5.40pm, BBC2.

2) Sissy and Sisi

The Austrian Empress Elisabeth, nicknamed Sisi, remains a fixture during theChristmas holidays. The familiar film trilogy from the fifties, starring RomySchneider, returns to the screen. But the old Sissi movies have company thesedays. A new series can be seen on Netflix under the title Die Kaiserin, withthe beautiful German-Turkish actress Devrim Lingnau as the young, bubbly Sisiwho quickly gasps for breath in the imperial corset.

The second season of Sisi will also start on Boxing Day, with 26-year-oldDominique Davenport in the title role. What is striking about the newportraits is that they depict Sisi much freer and more rebellious, as a rebelat the Viennese court.

The three Sissi films from the fifties can be seen on Sunday 25 December at3.45 pm and 5.30 pm and on Monday 26 December at 5.30 pm, ARD. The trilogywill be repeated on Sunday 1 January from 6 p.m. on RTL8. The second season ofSisi starts on Monday 26 December at 8.30 pm, NPO2.

3) The Karate Kids

Fans of The Karate Kid will get their money’s worth, because in addition tothe original martial arts film from 1984, the two sequels can also be seenduring the Christmas holidays. Rocky director John Avildsen achieved greatsuccess in the mid-1980s with The Karate Kid, in which a bullied schoolboytakes revenge on the rabble at his school through a karate tournament. Thefilm was so popular that two sequels appeared in 1986 and 1989 respectively.In 2010, another cast & crew did it all over again, this time set in China inthe presence of the Chinese martial artist Jackie Chan.

The Karate Kid trilogy from the eighties can be seen on Monday 26 Decemberfrom 13:30, RTL7. The Karate Kid with Jackie Chan follows on WednesdayDecember 28 at 8.30 pm, RTL7.

4) When Harry Met Sally

Engaging romantic comedy in which Harry and Sally take twelve years to declaretheir love for each other. From the first meeting at university in 1977 youknow they are meant for each other. Still, they will have to take a lot ofhurdles before they realize this themselves and admit it. With wonderful, fastdialogues by protagonists Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal, written by the acclaimedNora Ephron. Classic is the scene in which Meg Ryan gives a fake orgasm in arestaurant in Manhattan. The rom-com of rom-coms.

When Harry Met Sally (1989) is on Saturday 24 December at 10.45pm on Canvas,and Sunday 25 December at 1.05am on BBC1.

5) Mines

Festive Annie MG Schmidt film adaptation with Carice van Houten as cat Minoeswho changes into a high-heeled lady during the day. In her human form, Minoesgoes out with the shy journalist Tibbe, played surprisingly nicely by TheoMaassen. Together they set out to provide the Killendoorn newspaper with news.Also note the nice supporting roles of Hans Kesting as Harry de Haringman,Bianca Krijgsman as Gossip Aunt and Olga Zuiderhoek and Kees Hulst as Mr andMrs van Dam. Awarded the Golden Calf for the Best Film in 2002.

Minoes can be seen on Thursday 29 December at 4.55 pm on NPO3.

6) The Private Affairs of Bel Ami

Compelling drama based on the famous 19th century novel Bel-Ami by Guy deMaupassant. Georges Duroy, played by Georges Sanders, is a Parisian journalistand womanizer, an opportunist par excellence, who uses his charms to climb thesocial ladder.

Georges Duroy hooks up with a series of rich, powerful women only to dump themwhen he no longer needs them. Among them is the love-blinded Clotilde deMarelle, delicately played by the recently deceased Angela Lansbury. Nice toknow: Paul Verhoeven has been walking around for a while with the idea of​​re-filming De Maupassant’s novel about the womanizing villain.

The Private Affairs of Bel Ami (1947) is on Thursday 29 December at 10.20am,BBC2.

7) Goodfellas

Fascinating mafia film by Martin Scorsese. As a kind of sequel to MeanStreets, Scorsese, born in Little Italy (New York), records the mafiaenvironment of his hometown, from 1955 to 1980. The main character is theyoung Henry Hill (Ray Liotta), who has to make extra effort because of hisIrish-Italian background. do to be taken seriously in the Italian mafiafamily.

James Conway, played by Robert De Niro, is the mentor who teaches him the mostimportant mob rule: never betray your mates. By the way, Steven Spielbergrecently called Goodfellas his favorite Scorsese film, a masterclass in story,dialogue, music and food in film.

Goodfellas (1990) can be seen on Monday 26 December at 11.15pm on BBC2.

8) Witness for the Prosecution

Gripping Agatha Christie film adaptation by Billy Wilder, in which a Britishlawyer delves into a murder case that reveals one surprise after another.Wilder knows how to forge a classic courtroom drama, in which a womantestifies against her own husband. With wonderful performances by CharlesLaughton as the bombastic criminal lawyer Sir Wilfrid Robarts and Tyrone Powerand Marlene Dietrich as the married couple.

Witness for the Prosecution (1957) can be seen on Friday 30 December at3.30pm on BBC2.

9)The Farewell

Great dry comedy drama in which the Chinese-American rapper Awkwafina plays aversion by director Lulu Wang. Her name is Billi and she is an aspiring writerin New York who one day learns that her dear grandmother Nai Nai has not longto live.

Once on location in China, a delightful culture clash ensues, and a storyabout family members who tell each other big and small lies for the better.The Farewell excels in wonderfully languid playing by Awkwafina who declareshimself an heir to Buster Keaton. The film was an unexpected hit in Americancinemas and was showered with awards.

The Farewell can be seen on Thursday 29 December at 23.05 on NPO2.

10) Knives Out & Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery

Bond actor Daniel Craig appeared in the mellow crime comedy Knives Out threeyears ago. As detective Benoit Blanc, he had to solve the murder of an oldmillionaire. Naturally, there was a whole series of suspicious heirs.

But now there is a successor, Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery, on Netflixfrom December 23. And yes, if the first movie was a profiterole, then thesecond is a cream pie. Again Daniel Craig stars as Benoit Blanc, a kind of mixbetween Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot. For a new case, he travels to anisland off the coast of Greece, owned by a tech billionaire.

Knives Out can be seen on Saturday, December 24 at 8 p.m., Veronica.Successor Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery can be seen on Netflix.

Grease quest jury member Jim Bakkum: ‘Orchestral pit always comes along’

Jim Bakkum belongs to many, but his name is certainly also connected to_grease_. The singer and actor played Danny Zuko, the legendary role of JohnTravolta in the 1978 movie classic, in the musical. It was a memorable tour inmany ways. Starting tonight, Bakkum is a jury member in the TV program_Seeking_ …

In live broadcasts, AVROTROS is looking for both ‘a new John Travolta andOlivia Newton John’ (the star who died in August starred in the film Sandy).Jim Bakkum looks at the candidates together with presenter, actress andmusical star Marlijn Weerdenburg and theater maker and musical connoisseurMaurice Wijnen with a (constructive) critical eye. Frits Sissing talks thingstogether traditionally. He also took on his familiar role in previous talentsearches for the leading roles of Evita, Joseph, Mary Poppins, Zorro and Maria( The Sound of Music ).

Jim Bakkum and talent shows

Subway said Jim Bakkum about Seeking… as the personification of grease_in the Netherlands. He played ‘Danny and Sandy’ in 2006 and 2007 with hiscurrent wife and mother of their children Bettina Holwerda. Another versionfollowed in 2015 and 2016 with a good Vajèn van den Bosch and a slightly lesssuccessful Tim Douwsma (thought _Subway anyway).

Jim, have you ever been on a talent show yourself?

Jim Bakkum sighs. And Jim Bakkum laughs.

That question is not serious, of course. In March it will be twenty (!) yearsago that Jim and the other final candidate Jamai experienced the most bizarrethings at the talent show of all talent shows, Idols. interviewed last year_Subway_ Jim Bakkum about his book The road to Bakkum. In it, the now35-year-old North Hollander took plenty of time to look back on that almostidiotic television period (millions of viewers, screaming teenagers on DamSquare in Amsterdam). Nevertheless, grease So. That’s what it’s all about onNPO 1 from tonight.

Is it nice to do live TV again with Looking for…?

Jim Bakkum: „Yes, I think we will have a nice winter. Since I played the roleof Danny Zuko myself, it makes sense that I get to sit in the jury’s chair.Not that I want to put myself above the candidates or anything, but I hope Ican at least give them something. Of course I’m in Seeking… with an opinionand I will not hide it. But I would like to convey my twenty years ofexperience and then in a normal way.”

By Grease world stars

Special that this time two leading roles are being sought…

“I think so too, but grease is of course not just one main role. Forexample, Sandy doesn’t have a bigger share than Danny, it’s really about thosetwo. John Travolta and Olivia Newton John both became world stars because ofthe film. It therefore feels logical that we are looking for two people in theprogram. We have never seen that before in the Netherlands. I think viewersare already going to make couples at home and see who fits together. Whicheventually happens, of course, because the participants also have to singtogether.”


Candidates for Grease

Jim Bakkum gets sixteen grease talents presented. Now they are still(relatively) unknown, but not anymore after the coming Friday evenings.

  • For the role of Sandy: Lya Luca, Dominique de Bont, Wendela van Sprundel, Magtel de Laat, Melissa Peters, Aimée de Pater, Imahni Tsolakis and Danique Graanoogst. * For the role of Danny: Victor Lammertijn, Paul Morris, Davy Reedijk, Dylan Meischke, Jarno Korf, Shay Lachman, Tristan van der Lingen and Jeffrey Zwaan.

Should the two also fit together? Or can the talents also play that they fitwell together?

“I rather go for two separate great people who can also play well. There mustbe some chemistry between the two, but they should at least be able to playthat they like each other. This applies to all musical roles in which you haveto pretend to be in love. I also didn’t really fall in love with all my co-stars, no matter how pretty and fun they often were.”

After one then…

“On one yes, Bettina of course. But not after that.”

Jim Bakkum, Bettina and the drama

We are then immediately at a miserable evening, at the end of February 2007.In the theater of Almere, the musical grease with Jim Bakkum and BettinaHolwerda. Evening after evening they drive onto the stage in a flashy car, butthat one time it goes wrong. The carriage does not stop and plunges off thestage and into the orchestra pit. The John Travolta and Olivia Newton John ofthat time are injured and are forced to stop their part in the musical for afew months. Bettina suffered a hand fracture, Jim a severe concussion and ashoulder blade injury. Luck in an accident: Jim Bakkum and Bettina Holwerdaget into a relationship that has lasted for almost sixteen years now.

That night at Grease ‘s will forever be with you.

Jim Bakkum: „Somehow that fall in the orchestra pit comes across as it_grease_ always goes back. Bettina also had a hand injury during rehearsals.It came in the door, so it wasn’t the season of the hand. The fall happened inthe middle of the tour, so that was bad. Coincidentally, I was in that theaterin Almere again last week to watch a performance. Then I have to think aboutit myself. That’s still difficult, because I can’t remember anything about theaccident. So it’s not trauma or anything. You only know it happened in thatplace and it’s a big thing in our life anyway. People often start talkingabout it, which I don’t mind. And it still came into it at the time _NOS News_also. Everyone seems to still know. Very strange, especially since I don’tknow anything about it myself. I’m especially glad it didn’t turn out evenworse. There could have been deaths if the orchestra had been set up in adifferent way.”

“Don’t judge by appearance anymore in this day and age”

“It was also in the NOS Journaal at the time. Everyone seems to still know.”

Back to Looking For… Does the one who will play Danny Zuko always focus onthat 1978 John Travolta?

“As a jury member, I am more likely to look at the Danny Zuko type. JohnTravolta put it first, that’s true. But you play Danny, not John. In any case,I think that in this day and age you should no longer judge someone by theirappearance. You don’t necessarily have to be a tall guy with dark hair to playhim. You just have to attitude have. Danny is macho, but you don’t have tobe a handsome man. A character that girls go to. That sounds superficial, butthat is Danny Zuko. We can’t get around that. The hearts of the women must gofaster because of his radiance. Sandy is a blonde girl in the movie. On_Seeking…_ girls from different backgrounds also participate. We are makinggood progress in that regard.”

Jim Bakkum LookingForAll participants in Looking for… withpresenter Frits Sissing in the middle. Photo: Ruud Baan

Jim Bakkum does not want to hear school singing

Do you prefer to be blown away in Looking for… or do you also look with abusinesslike eye at those who could carry the musical Grease for a season?

“Both. I hope I get blown away because that makes me really happy. But most ofall I hope I’m blown away by authenticity instead of doing something rightwith schooly mannerisms. I’d rather hear something sung that comes out oftheir toes than something neat and tidy. I want to hear them, not what theylearned in school. And this Jim Bakkum can sit back and enjoy all the peoplefighting for a role. All I have to do is try to give the candidates somethingto say and advise the public who they should vote for. After all, the peopleat home decide who Danny and Sandy will be.”

Searching for… can be seen from tonight on Friday at 8.34 pm at AVROTROS onNPO 1. More information can be found on the AVROTROS website. The musicalGrease will go through the country with the new Danny and Sandy from April.Jim Bakkum is currently touring the country with the Frank Sinatra big bandshow Under His Skin until mid-January.

Classics, the ultimate underdog and the best Christmas film of all time: these are our viewing tips for the Christmas weekend

When a local bookstore in New York goes up against the big, new bookstore nextdoor, a battle ensues that seems doomed to lose to the former. Kathleen ventsto an online pen pal, unaware that she’s talking to Joe, the annoying owner ofthat new store. The sequel can already be guessed, but the duo Tom Hanks andMeg Ryan make up for it.

Santa’s Wild Home, Canvas, 8 p.m

We find the real winter wonderland in the High North, in Lapland. It is therewhere Santa Claus lives, but even more so it is the wilderness that enchants.Both in the harsh winter and in the summer, when the sun does not set. All ofthis can be seen on Christmas Eve in this documentary.

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We find the real winter wonderland in ‘Santa’s wild home’. — © EPA-EFE

Home alone, VTM, 8.30 pm

There is no need to list Home alone to think, but for the sake ofcompleteness: VTM brings the comic classic on Christmas Eve. Those who aretired of grandma’s chatter or need some inspiration to make life difficult forburglars will find entertainment with eight-year-old Kevin, who is left aloneat home while his family is on vacation. Completely informative: actorMacaulay Culkin is now 42 years old.

Peace on Earth, One, 8:20 p.m

Sven de Leijer looks back on 2022 with a number of special guests. OnChristmas Eve they are Metejoor, Maaike Cafmeyer and Peter Van de Veire. Thenew jury consists of Jan Peumans, Jeroen Meus, Gloria Monserez, Erik Van Looy,Fatma Taspinar, Aster Nzeyimana, Ann Wauters, Jelle De Beule and HanneloreKnuts.


Your film of the year, VTM, 9.40 pm

Freek Braeckman brings an overview of the most dramatic and moving moments ofthe past year. He also talks to people who made the news: Frank – Zillion -Verstraeten, Camille and Remco Evenepoel.

Thirties Christmas Special, One, 10:30 p.m

The group of friends Thirties come together one last time to celebrateChristmas. They do that in Finnish Lapland. Read: keeping snow, reindeer andrelationships afloat.

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The group of friends from 'Dertigers' comes together one last time tocelebrate Christmas

The group of friends from ‘Dertigers’ comes together one last time tocelebrate Christmas — © © VRT


Falling for Christmas

Lindsay Lohan’s comeback. Unbearably soggy according to our in-house expert,but with the mind at zero and a mulled wine in hand, great relaxation. Thestory can be summarized as follows: an heiress who suffers from amnesia aftera skiing accident falls under the care of the owner of a ski lodge.

The Claus family 3

With more than 20 million streams, the final piece of De Familie Claus is wellon its way to becoming the most watched Flemish film ever, far beyond thenational borders. Even in the Arab world, where they don’t celebrateChristmas, the film starring Jan Decleir as Santa Claus is a hit.

READ ALSO. Nobody wanted it, now ‘The Claus family’ is the most watchedFlemish film ever (+)

The holidays

You can already see it on VTM 3 on December 23, and on Netflix until the endof this year. Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet star as American businesswomanAmanda and British, somewhat dreamy Iris. When they decide to swap homes for awhile, they both run into a man who may be the one. For a while there wasspeculation about a sequel to this wildly popular romcom, but Winslet anddirector Nancy Meyers dashed those hopes.


It is not the first time that a Norwegian Christmas-themed series has scoredon Netflix. Previously there were the two seasons of Hey til Julnow there isJulesstorm. The miniseries is about travelers who get stuck at Oslo airportjust before Christmas. Cause for panic, but for some this coincidence of fatecomes at just the right time.


Has to be inferior to its Flemish brother The Claus family, but still worthwatching for being the first animated movie on Netflix. The animation figuresare very classically drawn and therefore seem almost old-fashioned.Nevertheless, it is a wonderful story for the whole family, the film wasnominated for an Oscar in 2019.

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With more than 20 million streams, 'The Claus family' is well on its way tobecoming the most watched Flemish film ever

With more than 20 million streams, ‘The Claus family’ is well on its way tobecoming the most watched Flemish film ever


That hard

The same discussion has been raging in the film world for years: is That harda Christmas movie or not? The decision has been made here: yes. Bruce Willistakes on a group of German criminals, so an action movie, but one with aChristmas decor. Includes Christmas music. Good for the title of ultimateunderdog in this list. It will continue to look for a warm Christmas messagefor the time being.

A Christmas Carol

No Christmas without a tight-fisted Ebenezer Scrooge. The Christmas Carol hascountless reworks, but one of the favorites we find on Disney +, played by JimCarrey. The actor crawls into no less than eight different characters.Attention for those who plan to watch with young children: the film can bequite scary.

The Nightmare Before Christmas

This Tim Burton classic is popular during two festive seasons: Christmas andHalloween. When pumpkin king Jack Skellington gets tired of Halloween, hewants to get busy with Christmas. Only: his plans endanger Santa Claus andgive children nightmares. A rag doll needs to save the day.

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This Tim Burton classic is popular during two festive seasons: Christmas andHalloween

This Tim Burton classic is popular during two festive seasons: Christmas andHalloween


Bake off Flanders Christmas specialon GoPlay

In Bake Off Flanders, the Christmas edition, four well-known Flemish peoplecompete against each other in the baking competition: Serine Ayari, ViktorVerhulst, Jonas Geirnaert and Petra De Sutter.

READ ALSO. Petra De Sutter barefoot in Christmas special ‘Bake off’: “Ah, youfilmed that. Damn” (+)

It’s a wonderful lifeon Prime Video, Google Play, AppleTV and Sooner

Old but gold. And described by many cinephiles as “the best Christmas film ofall time”. In this 1946 film by director Frank Capra, we follow George Bailey,who lives in sleepy Bedford Falls and has spent his life doing good to othersat his own expense. On Christmas Eve, despair sets in, but a special angelalso descends.

Carolon AppleTV and Google Play.

Not a Christmas Carol, but normal Carol. This 2015 film is about the buddinglove between two women in 1950s New York and is set during the holiday season.The complex relationship is difficult to maintain, with all its consequences.The film was nominated for six Oscars, including Best Actress (Cate Blanchett)and Best Supporting Actor (Rooney Mara).

Love actuallyPrime Video

Love Actually will be twenty years old. Reason to reunite the star cast of theromantic comedy in a TV special from the American channel ABC. Or to justwatch the movie again.

Netflix hits 2023 with a wonderful list full of new top films and series

Netflix is ​​starting the new year off right. Here are all the movies, seriesand documentaries you can expect in January 2023. From That ’90s Show (yes,a reboot) to the docu Pamela, a love story.

2022 was a good series and film year for Netflix, with Wednesday as anabsolute highlight. But we’re probably looking ahead to 2023.

New in January 2023 on Netflix

We highlight a few big titles and welcome surprises. Below you will find thecomplete list of new films, series and documentaries per category.

Rogue Agent

Promising cast and an interesting plot. The con artist Robert Freegard (JamesNorton) pretends to be a member of the British secret service MI5. He managesto convince his victims to go into hiding because of the risk of murder by theIRA. He supposedly sells cars to victim Alice Archer (Gemma Arterton). The twoonly get along very well and agree. Based on a true story.

Rogue Agent will be streaming on Netflix from January 5, 2023.

Vikings: Valhalla season 2

The Vikings spin-off was absolutely as good as the original. No wonder thereis a new season.

Vikings: Valhalla Season 2 will be streaming on Netflix from January 12,2023.

That ’90s Show

The sitcom That ’70s Show will get a 90s reboot with some of the originalcast anyway. Red and Kitty are taking in a new generation of stoners, so it’sgoing to be a laugh.

That ’90s Show will be streaming on Netflix from January 19, 2023.

Pamela, a love story

The absolute heroine from our teenage years comes with her own documentary andwe are of course talking about Pamela Anderson. In Pamela, a love story doyou walk with the Baywatch actress through her entire life story. At thetime of writing, there is no trailer yet.

new on netflix, january 2023, movies, series, documentaries,pamelaPamela Anderson in ‘Pamela, alove story’ (Image: Netflix)

Pamela, a love story will be streaming on Netflix from January 31, 2023.

All new documentaries, films and series

Scroll through the full overview of all new documentaries, films and seriesthat will appear on Netflix in January 2023.

Netflix Original Series in January 2023

The Ultimatum: France Season 1 Part 2 12/30/2022 1/6/2023 Kaleidoscope 1/1/23 Lady Voyeur 1/1/23 The Lying Life of Adults 4/1/23 Ginny & Georgia season 5/1/23 Woman of the Dead 5/1/23 CopenhagenCowboy 5/1/23 Pressure Cooker 6/1/23 Trolley 9/1/23 Sexify Season 2 11/1/23 The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House 12/1/23 Vikings: Valhalla Season 2 12/1/23 Sky Rojo season 3 13/1/23 Şahmaran 1/20/23 That ’90s Show 1/19/23 Fauda: Season 4 1/20/23 Bake Squad: Season 2 1/20/23 Bling Empire: New York 1/20/23 Represent 1/20/23 Shanty Town 1/20/23 Against the Ropes 1/25/23 Lockwood & Co. 1/27/23 Kings of Jo’Burg Season 2 1/27/23 The Snow Girl 1/27/23 Cunk On Earth 1/31/23 Physical: 100 (date to follow)

Netflix Original Movies in January 2023

How I Became a Gangster 4/1/23 Rogue Agent 5/1/23 The Pale Blue Eye 6/1/23 Noise 11/1/23 Dog Gone 13/1/23 Khallat+ 1/19/23 Mission Majnu 20/1/23 You People 1/27/23 JUNG_E (date to follow)

Netflix Original Documentaries in January 2023

MADOFF: The Monster of Wall Street 4/1/23 Mumbai Mafia: Police vs The Underworld 6/1/23 The Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker 10/1/23 Break Point 13/1/23 Pamela, a love story 31/1/23 Suzan & Freek (date to follow)

Netflix Anime in January 2023

The Way of the Househusband season 2 1/1/23 Junji Ito Maniac: Japanese Tales of the Macabre 19/1/23 Record of Ragnarok: Season 2 1/26/23

Movies purchased in January 2023

Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax 1/1/23 Fifty Shades Darker 1/1/23 Divergent 1/1/23 Power Rangers Dino Fury: Season 2 1/1/23 Dreamland 13/1/23 Sausage Party 1/1/23

Netflix Kids & Family in January 2023

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight season 2 12/1/23 Daniel Spellbound Season 2 1/26/23 Princess Power 1/30/23

Netflix Originals Comedy Specials

Andrew Santino: Cheeseburger 10/1/23

Also see which films and series were added in December 2022. You probablyhaven’t seen them all yet.

The 5 best movies to hit Prime Video this year

Prime Video has treated its subscribers to a lot of great films and seriesthis year. FilmTotaal has today listed the five best films that have appearedon Amazon ‘s streaming service this year.

These are films that were added to the platform in 2022 and are still there.The list does not necessarily concern films that were released this year oronly own productions.

Bizarre viewing experience With a stellar starring role for Michelle Yeoh finally getting the recognitionshe deserves, Everything Everywhere All at Once is the headliner of theupcoming awards season. Her character goes on a bizarre adventure acrossdifferent universes.

Another bizarre, but very good film is Men. This one revolves aroundprocessing a traumatic experience. This gives filmmaker Alex Garland ( Exmachine ) the space to deceive and overwhelm the viewer in all sorts of ways.

Varied offer Superhero fans could indulge themselves this year with Samaritan, in whichnone other than Sylvester Stallone plays a retired vigilante. An extremelyentertaining film with hard action.

After Yang was added quite recently. In this sci-fi drama, Colin Farrell playsa father trying to bond with his adopted daughter. The last film in this listis My Policeman, a moving and important queer film starring Harry Styles.

The 5 best new movies on Prime Video

Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)

Direction: Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert | cast: Michelle Yeoh, KeHuy Quan, Jamie Lee Curtis, and others | Look directly

The burnt-out Evelyn in her fifties, who runs a launderette with her husbandWaymond, is dreading the tax return. She cannot go through a door with herdaughter Joy. Exactly when it all becomes too much for her, the universe tearsapart into an infinite number of universes. This is how Evelyn learns what herlife would have been like if she had made different choices.

Men (2022)

Direction:Alex Garland | cast: Jessie Buckley, Rory Kinnear, Paapa Essiedu, et al |Look directly

After her husband’s traumatic suicide, Harper leaves for a remote mansion tocome to terms with his death. However, she does not find peace there, becauseshe soon gets the feeling that something or someone is stalking her. Whatbegins as a lingering threat turns into a full-blown nightmare as she findsherself haunted by the demons from her past.

Samaritan (2022)

Direction:Julius Avery | cast: Sylvester Stallone, Javon Walton, Pilou Asbæk, et al| Look directly

Twenty-five years after vigilante Samaritan’s death, thirteen-year-old Sambegins to suspect that the hero is still alive. In fact, he is convinced thathis mysterious neighbor Mr. Smith is none other than Samaritan. With crimerising in the city, Sam tries to convince him to get back into action. Andthat turns out to be quite a difficult job.

After Yang (2021)

Direction:Kogonada | cast: Colin Farrell, Malea Emma Tjandrawidjaja, Jodie Turner-Smith, et al | Look directly

Mika adores her android Yang. She got this from Jake and Kyra, the people whoadopted her, to tell her about her Chinese background. When Yang malfunctionsone day, Jake looks for a way to fix it. In the process, he discovers thatlife has passed him by and he has drifted away from his family.

My Policeman (2022)

Direction:Michael Grandage | cast: Harry Styles, Emma Corrin, Rupert Everett, et al| Look directly

Brighton, 1957. Policeman Tom has a relationship with teacher Marion. However,Tom carries a secret: he likes men, but homosexuality is strictly forbidden.When he enters into an affair with museum curator Patrick, he takes a bigrisk. When someone also reports them to the authorities for their secretrelationship, the drama is complete.

The reveal of ‘The Voice’, the gay detective in Daniel Craig and the best film of 2017

Because your sitting hole also needs to be maintained, Humo guides you everyday through the range on the small and medium-sized screen.

EditorialFriday December 23, 202212:00

‘The Voice of Flanders’ (final)

After a search that seemed to last longer than the Echternach procession – orthe average speech of Mia Doornaert in ‘De Afspraak’, if you will – wefinally know tonight who will be Flanders’ most Vocalist. Five more singerscompete for the coveted title, only to be forgotten later or picked up afterfive years as a broadcast for the Eurovision Song Contest. The future shines!

At 20.40 on VTM

‘Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery’

The entertaining ‘Knives Out’ was one of the most striking blockbusters of2019: not a movie about superheroes or spaceships, but an old-fashioned,Agatha Christie – tributary whodunit about a colorful detective who mustinvestigate the mysterious death of a wealthy patriarch. At the end, thekiller is exposed, but director Ryan Johnson got the chance from Netflixand a bomb of money to shoot a sequel, this time set in sun-drenched Greece.Daniel Craig again takes on the role of Benoit Blanc: ‘Sincerely evenbetter than the first film.’

Now on Netflix


Christopher Nolan followed his intellectual blockbusters ‘Inception’ and’Interstellar’ with an overwhelming war epic about the 300,000 Allied soldierstrapped on the beaches of Dunkirk in 1940, like rats in a trap. ‘Hell onearth’, ‘As if you were there yourself’, ‘The film of 2017’ (★★★★★), wrote ourreviewer.

At 8:35 p.m. on Play4

‘La Belle Epoque’

Victor ( Daniel Auteuil ) has a hard time in the French tragicomedy ‘LaBelle Époque’ – for the first time on TV with us – nothing manages tofascinate him after sixty long years on this planet, not even his wifeMarianne. However, he comes into contact with a company that, for a hefty sumof money, recreates a moment from the past on a film set. Based on photos andmemories, Victor has the Parisian café La Belle Époque rebuilt, so that he canrelive May 16, 1974: the glorious day on which he met Marianne for the firsttime. Consider this funny, dreamy and nostalgic movie from Nicholas Bedosfeel free as the little brother of ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’.

At 21.30 on Canvas

‘The Night Before’

Seth Rogen , Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Anthony ‘Falcon’ Mackie setout in New York in search of the Holy Grail of Christmas in this stoner comedydisguised as a Christmas movie. Expect: harsh humor, bro friendship and gueststarring from Nathan Fielder and Miley Cyrus. For all those who neverreally wanted to grow up.

At 23.00 on VTM3

‘Strange World’

‘Really striking how much the razor-sharp visual beauty contrasts with thedullness of the story’, Onze not really enthusiastic Man wrote a few weeks agoabout the new Disney cartoon ‘Strange World’. But the little ones willprobably be less bothered by the predictability of the plot about a family ofexplorers who make their way through the mysterious land of Avalonia and havemore of an eye for the beautiful animation or enjoy the funny secondarycharacters, including a three-legged dog and a rebellious blob.

Now on Disney+

‘De Kijk van Koolhoven’ (final)

Closing of the third season of ‘De Kijk van Koolhoven’, in which filmmakerMartin Kohlhoven you teach the noble art of cinematography. This episodeexplores all kinds of madness: the maddening war in “The Deer Hunter,” thebrilliant psychopath serial killer Hannibal Lecter in “The Silence of theLambs,” and the society-crazed maniac in “The Joker.” .

Muere Txetxu Rojo, un futbolista fiel al Athletic | Deportes

A pesar de su fama de rebelde, Rojo era un futbolista muy disciplinado: “Mecuidaba mucho, me gustaba estar bien, y si jugaba mal era por otros motivos.Cuidaba la comida, me acostaba pronto… Me gustaba correr y llegaba a lapretemporada con una base”, apuntaba en una entrevista. Apenas tuvo lesiones,pese a la dureza del fútbol de su tiempo y el estado de los terrenos de juego,de ahí su dilatada carrera.

Reality can just ruin a perfect picture. Tourists for example.

Quite a sit, the finale of The perfect picture (RTL4). Interrupted bycommercials, it took an hour and 36 minutes for the winner to win. It was notyet announced whether twitterers shouted that they thought from episode 1 thatthe jury would go for Linda Hakeboom. I actually thought very little. At mostI had some trouble with the decor.

The last two remaining participants (out of eight) completed their finalassignments in Iceland. Geysers, waterfalls, black beaches, the northernlights. I’m so afraid that if you ever see all that in person again, you’llthink: the pictures were better. When will you see something you’ve never seenbefore on screen? Reality can just ruin the picture. Tourists, for example,who all want to (re)create a perfect picture.

You can now see the northern lights constantly passing by in a Christmascommercial. Son picks up his not very old father from the old people’s home(they don’t even exist anymore), lies to him that he has won the State Lotteryand takes him on his last big, expensive trip. Snow plains, dog sled ride,northern lights. When he delivers his father back to his home, he confesses toa caretaker that he still has to win that prize.

Don’t wait for luck to happen to you, the State Lottery wants to say with thecommercial. “Don’t delay your happiness.” Aha, and luck is spending a fortunethat you don’t have (yet) and most likely won’t win either. The thirty millioneuro prize money in the year-end lottery, says the director of the advertisingagency Adformation , ‘is the second best prize’. Luck is not winning thegrand prize, winning the grand prize is luck?

The winner of The perfect picture received a 10 for one of her photos, whichis the first time. The jury got goosebumps at Linda Hakeboom’s fashion photo.They thought it was a dream, art, pure perfection. But Geraldine Kemper’s 10min was also breathtaking, extremely strong, a shot from a fairy tale. Perhapsnot very original superlatives, but flowerier than ‘fat’, that word I haveheard countless times. Fat waterfall, fat gorge and fat was also the photo ofthe northern lights from Hakeboom. Do me perfect then.

Godson of Queen Elizabeth

Later that evening, reality caught up again. I looked at Highclere Castle:Real life in the setting of the English series. The castle in which theseries Downton Abbey has been recorded, really exists and a real Lord andLady live there. The estate has been owned by the Carnarvon family since 1679.The eighth Duke’s name is George, and he was the page of honor and goddaughterof Queen Elizabeth. His castle looks exactly like it does in the series, butin the five episodes that all air this week, we see how hard he has to workfor it.

And it costs me money. Ten thousand pounds, per day (more than 11,000 euros).A handful of people to do all the work. Two to dust the 200 rooms every day.One driver, who is also a receptionist and Easter bunny. One chef. There is abutler, but he also sells sausage rolls in a food truck at events and I’veseen Lady Carnarvon slide off a blow-up castle.

Buses full of tourists park on the castle grounds, for £27.50 visitors can geta guided tour. The castle has become a company, the owners managers in the_hospitality._ The 2,000 hectares of land are used for livestock andagriculture.

When the lambing starts on the sheep farm, the giving birth ewe has to wait awhile before giving birth to her second lamb. The Lady sits down next to herin the straw, the assistant focuses the camera. The lamb is pulled from itsmother by two legs. And then another one. A triplets. Click, click, click.Perfect. That goes straight to Instagram.

REALITY CHECK. Achieving good intentions with ‘Love Island’ contestant Lotte and love reigns supreme at ‘Temptation Island’ | REALITY CHECK

Showbiz’Temptation’, ‘Ex On The Beach’ or ‘Love Island’: these are pleasuresthat we don’t feel guilty about at all. And because we suspect you of thesame, we will keep you informed every Friday about the ins and outs of thereality world. New loves, quarrels or other antics of (former) TV characters:you will find out all about it here.

We were (not) waiting for that?

‘Ex on the Beach: Double Dutch’ contestant Hugo. © MTV

Last season – with 19 springs – he was the youngest participant in ‘Ex on theBeach: Double Dutch’, but that did not prevent Hugo from making an impression.He washed up as Lesley’s ex, and immediately enjoyed the attention he receivedin the reality series.

The Dutchman wants to continue surfing on that momentum, so he released asingle. His – ahem – gem is called ‘Onderweg Voor Jou’, and can be listened tofrom now on. Whether you should do that too? Let’s just say it’s at your ownrisk…

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Have a healthy start to the new year thanks to Lotte

'Love Island' contestantLotte.‘Love Island’ contestant Lotte. © SBS

She was featured in the first year of ‘Love Island’, and since then Lotte hasnever missed an opportunity to highlight sportsmanship. The Dutch formertennis player has recently also developed a passion for running, which shealso wants to share with others. If she recently released the e-book ‘Walkingwith Lott’, she now has a sequel ready, which will be released on 2 January.To make it not too difficult, she titled her piece ‘Walking with Lott 2’.

“Is running a half marathon in 2023 your good intention?”, it sounds in theaccompanying promotional speech. “Or has it always been a dream of yours, butyou have no idea how to train for it? Then ‘Walking with Lott 2’ willdefinitely help you! By means of useful information, tips and accompanyingtraining schedules, you will be optimally prepared for the start of your firsthalf marathon within 15 weeks, and you will be able to finish it properlywithout interruption.”

Fair? If Lotte can achieve that, we will immediately order ten copies …

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Jill knows what she wants!

Jill was one of the singles in the first season of 'Temptation Island2.0'.Jill was one of the singles in the first season of ‘Temptation Island 2.0’. ©SBS

“I’m Jill and I always get what I want.” The quote that introduced Flanders tothe red-haired seductress from ‘Temptation Island 2016’ is still etched in thecollective memory. And even afterwards, Jill was still regularly speaking. Forexample, she fought a public quarrel with Dutchman Regilio (Jill claimed thathe had touched her breasts – which he denied, ed.), and posed naked for acalendar of porn king Dennis Black Magic.

That period is now – fortunately – behind her. For example, Jill is stillactive as a beautician in Piu Bella (her own salon in Laakdal, ed.), and shealso teaches yoga. And things have also changed in the field of love: Jillhonked for years that she did not want to commit, then that changed a whileago. After all, the reality star lost her heart to Flor Bartholomeus, who runshis own company that specializes in gardening.

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Saartje has found her prince…

Saartje became known when she participated in 'Temptation Island' as aseductress.Saartje became known when she participated in ‘Temptation Island’ as aseductress. © SBS

Not only Jill is happy in love these days. Her colleague Saartje – who turnedHerbert’s head a year later – is also no longer single. On Instagram, theBelgian beauty – who works as an animator in Mallorca for a large part of theyear – says that Cupido hit the mark. Saartje’s conquest goes by the name ofMiguel, and he’s clearly just as delighted with his partner as the realitystar. “I feel so happy,” he captioned the photo below. “My dear, we havefinally found each other.”

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… And Laetitia too (for a while)

Laetitia was seen in 2018 as a temptress in 'TemptationIsland'.Laetitia was seen in 2018 as a temptress in ‘Temptation Island’. © JohanMartens

Someone who – without us knowing, shame on us – has been off the street fortwo years: Laetitia, who took part in ‘the ultimate relationship test’ in 2018as a temptress. The DJ shared a series of snaps with her boyfriend, Yones, onher Instagram page. He is also active as a record player and has his own radioprogram on Q Downtown.

Married and mom

Bo was one of the temptresses in 'Temptation Island', in2017.Bo was one of the temptresses in ‘Temptation Island’, in 2017. © SBS

Not only Saartje has found love since her passage on ‘Temptation Island 2017’.Her fellow seductress Bo is also no longer one single lady. The Belgianbeauty got married on July 30 with a certain Steven Depaepe, with whom shealso shares son Alex (1).

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A girl for Kelly

Reality star Kelly MiLi.Reality star Kelly Mi Li. © Getty Images for MTV/ViacomCBS

We conclude this week with entrepreneur Kelly Mi Li, known for her passage inthe Netflix series ‘Bling Empire’. She told me a month ago that she ispregnant with her first child, and now also revealed the gender of her futureUK – a daughter – in a video on Instagram.