Linde Schöne makes Dutch Christmas album: ‘It was the best shit ever’ | Music

Of all the Christmas songs that you are thrown to death with every year, is_Flappy_ actually the only Dutch-language classic. Linde Schöne is trying tochange that this year with a full Christmas album. “As an artist, DutchChristmas music is a gold mine, because little has been done before,” shetells

You don ‘t have to play Scrabble with my family. It’s all fine with me, butI don’t want to be alone this Christmas_Schöne sings on the song _You Don ‘tHave To Come To My Parents from the album Christmas Baby.

The song sounds like a familiar Christmas hit, complete with bells, blowersand a reference to the mistletoe (the well-known mistletoe from the English-language Christmas classics). With a nod to some typical Dutch Christmascustoms in the lyrics, the singer manages to capture ‘our’ Christmas spirit.

Schöne, who describes herself as a real Christmas lover, has been walkingaround for years with the idea of ​​a complete Christmas album. In recentyears, she has been writing several songs for the holidays in December.

Last December she decides to make a record of it. When the entertainmentindustry is still completely at a standstill due to the corona pandemic,Schöne crosses the country from studio to studio to record the songs withcolleagues such as Blanks, Jan Dulles and Alain Clark.

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‘From rapping to Christmas in Volendam’

“It was the best shit ever. Two years in a row, Christmas was pretty muchcanceled, so I had to express my love for it somewhere.” The singer, whoalways sings in Dutch, never thought about switching to English for herChristmas record.

“Precisely because there is relatively little Christmas music in Dutch,everything was still open. Of course you want to add something that has notbeen made before, so I could go in all directions. From traditional Christmassongs to rapping and Christmas in Volendam with Jan van de 3JS. “

According to Schöne, every artist is advised to make a Christmas carol. If itbecomes a hit, you can reap the financial benefits every year. But for thesinger this is not the reason to make the album. “I saw it more as a nicheproject than as an opportunity to score commercially, although a hit iswelcome, of course.”

An edit of Distant Christmas , the Christmas number of the infamous Tokkiefamily, just missed the record. “I wanted to make a version of that in thesultry style of Santa Baby. But in the end I didn’t think it was coolenough.” Schöne herself turns Mariah Carey’s Christmas album completely grayagain. All I Want for Christmas Is You It just feels like getting up andseeing snow everywhere.”

You can see this on TV at Christmas: cruise with the Meilandjes and All You Need | Media

Dutch television channels have a generous Christmas program every year. NU.nllists a number of them for you. With this year: the Christmas movie LoveActually , Christmas with the Meiland family , Christmas with the Gillisfamily and Christmas specials All You Need Is Love and All of Hollandbakes.

Saturday December 24 (Christmas Eve)

The Top 2000: The Opening – NPO3 at 10.41 pm Radio DJ Leo Blokhuis counts down to the moment the NPO Radio 2 Top 2000_begins. He discusses the biggest risers and fallers on the music list andtells which song is his favorite. The _Summit 2000 kicks off at midnight withthe number 2,000: Driver License by Olivia Rodrigo.

André Rieu celebrates Christmas in London – NPO1 at 8.29 pm Together with soloists and his Johann Strauss Orchestra, André Rieu willperform Christmas carols for an evening. Also songs like Hallelujah fromLeonard Cohen, The Holy City and the classic Concierto de Aranjuez pass inreview.

All You Need Is Love Christmas Special – RTL 4 at 8 p.m Robert ten Brink once again provides heartwarming reunions and romanticsurprises. The presenter tries to bring as many people together for Christmasand to move as many people as possible on the couch at home.

SBS6: Christmas with the Meiland family – SBS6 at 8:30 p.m The Meiland family will start this year Christmas with the Meiland family ona cruise ship in the Mediterranean. After they had done their Christmasshopping in Barcelona, ​​the Meilandjes have to hurry to catch the boat. Thisis how the family, known for Chateau Meiland even more Christmas adventuresat sea.

The Heel Holland Bakt team is also on TV during the holidays.

Photo: Elvin Boer/MAX

Sunday December 25 (Christmas Day)

Christmas speech by King Willem-Alexander – NPO1 at 1 p.m Last year, various current themes were discussed in King Willem-Alexander’sChristmas speech. That will probably also be the case this year, but itremains to be seen which subjects the king will discuss exactly. The kinggives the speech in the DNA Salon in Huis ten Bosch Palace.

All of Holland Bakes Christmas Special – NPO1 at 8.24 pm It’s also Christmas All of Holland bakes. The nine candidates make aChristmas trunk, chocolate kisses and a ‘wreath cake’. This Scandinavianbaking consists of eighteen layers of almond cake and icing, which are stackedalternately on top of each other.

The All-rounder VIPS – SBS6 at 8:30 p.m After last year’s crackling fire, which attracted an average of 281,000viewers, SBS6 is broadcasting a Christmas special this year from The All-rounder VIPS from. Well-known Dutch people compete for the title of ‘all-rounder’ by carrying out various assignments that seem deceptively simple.This time Patricia Paay and Dafne Schippers are participating.

Love Actually – Net5 at 8 p.m Director and screenwriter Richard Curtis ( Four Weddings and a Funeral ,Notting Hill ) made with Love Actually a romantic comedy full of loveadventures. The prime minister falls in love with his assistant, a young andambitious woman declares love for her colleague and a newlywed bride discoversthat her husband’s best friend is madly in love with her.

‘De Gillisjes’ record a Christmas clip for their holiday special.

Photo: BrunoPress

Monday December 26 (Boxing Day)

Top 2000 a gogo – NPO1 at 10.13 pm Herman van der Zandt makes his debut as a presenter in Top 2000 a gogo nextto Leo Blokhuis. Van der Zandt replaces Matthijs van Nieuwkerk, accused oftransgressive behaviour. As usual, the new duo provides backgrounds for the_Summit 2000_ with mini documentaries and interviews.

Wire steel Christmas special – NPO3 at 10:48 PM Jeroen van Koningsbrugge and Dennis van de Ven look back on an eventful year.Well-known characters such as Fred and Ria Onderbuik and Joop and Leon fromLeons Kipcorner make their appearance.

__Christmas with the Gillis family__ – SBS6 at 8:30 p.m Peter Gillis wants to make his last Christmas in the villa in Neerpeltunforgettable. He does this with huge fake trees, a snow machine, a horse-drawn sleigh and an ice rink in the front yard. He also wants to record aChristmas clip with the whole family.

Netflix stumbles with dreaded introduction ads

It is almost certain that Netflix will also introduce advertisements in theNetherlands next year. The new model has already been launched in the UnitedStates, but so far you cannot speak of a resounding success.

This year suddenly came to an end to the explosive growth of Netflix. After adecade of continuous growth, the streaming service suddenly had to disappointits shareholders in April: the number of subscribers had declined for thefirst time in the service’s history.

Netflix steps in

The share price fell, rounds of layoffs followed, and the newspapers were fullof the so-called ‘end of an era’. Still, Netflix quickly had two secretweapons ready. After years of tests and rumors, the company finally madeconcrete what consumers have feared for years: starting next year, Netflixwill tackle password sharing. You can read more about that in this article.

That’s secret weapon number one. The company expects significant growth as aresult of that drastic move. Friends, colleagues and family who share accountswill now suddenly have to take out their own subscription. Cash desk!

Fortunately, that hurts less financially for those individuals than you mightthink. Netflix has one more card to play: a cheaper plan with ads. The companypredicts it can tap into a new segment with a lower price, and initiallyexpected to rake in astronomical revenue from ad deals.

With these new secret codes you can watch all movies and series on Netflix

Subscription with advertisements

Initially yes. The cheaper subscription has already been rolled out in theUnited States, among others. Since the beginning of November they have beenpaying $ 6.99 per month for the brand new option. But yes, then your favoriteshow will be interrupted with commercials. The ad-free plans start at $9.99per month.

Netflix is ​​expected to roll out the cheaper subscription in the Netherlandsearly next year. So the streaming service expects a lot from an ad-filledfuture. After a month and a half, however, that picture of the future looks alot less rosy, if we are to believe research agency Antenna.

Netflix stumbles with dreaded introductionadsTheoptions consumers now have in the United States (Image: Netflix)

Disappointing numbers

The American agency reports that in November only nine percent of all newNetflix subscribers in the United States opted for the new subscription. WhenHBO Max, a major competitor, introduced a new subscription with advertisementin November 2021, fifteen percent of all new subscribers took the bait.

That is not the only sign that the results are disappointing. Digidayjournalists wrote a week ago that Netflix is ​​even transferring money back toadvertisers, because the promised viewing figures were not achieved. Sometimesthe gap is as much as twenty percent. The company gives large advertisersguarantees: for amount X you get Y number of subscribers who see your ads. Butyes, if no one subscribes, then there will not be enough eyeballs to show theads.

Too early?

Anyway, the new business model has only been running for a month. Somethingthat Netflix itself immediately emphasized in a response to The Wall StreetJournal: “It is still very early days for our ad-supported subscription and weare pleased with the launch and commitment as well as the eagerness ofadvertisers to partner with Netflix.”

Netflix also disputes the accuracy of the figures that Antenna shares, whichare also based on third-party data. Not data from the streaming serviceitself. Just as viewing figures in the Netherlands are based on cabinets ownedby a small number of consumers. Not on the actual totals.

Flexible long term

Moreover, the company emphatically focuses on the long term. “What we launchedwas built in the six months after we announced that we were going to do an ad-supported subscription at all,” Jeremi Gorman, advertising boss at Netflix,told Digiday. It’s just a start. He also emphasizes that the current offer is“not representative of our long-term ambitions.”

Ana de Armas court case verdict leaves Hollywood walking on eggshells

The competition scores

So patience is the keyword. Don’t write off the ads on Netflix, is the clearmessage. With this it is also clear that the new subscription is still ontrack is to also come to the Netherlands. The competitors show it can work:The Verge reports that three-quarters of all US Peacock subscribers have optedfor an advertising option. In the case of Hulu, we are talking about 57percent, and Discovery Plus 44 percent. But yes: they have not had therelatively long ad-free history of Netflix.

No, if we really want to judge the success of the new subscription, we have towait at least another year. The strategy clearly goes hand in hand withtackling account sharers, and that puzzle piece is simply not there yet. Onething is already clear: 2023 will be a defining year for the streaming market.

Robert ten Brink: ‘There will come a time when it has been great with All You Need Is Love’

You Need Is Love’

admin/ “View allposts by admin”)

That is what Robert ten Brink tells RTL Nieuws. Of course, even though it wasthe thirtieth time, he enjoyed the recordings of this year’s program. “Yes, itis really a very nice program to make. Now I also think: this is wonderful andfantastic. But maybe I will think differently about it in a few months, andthere will come a time when I say: it was great .”

It is therefore not certain how long All You Need can be seen on television.”I don’t know if I want to continue with All You Need for years to come,that’s uncertain. But what is certain in life?”

‘Weird and wonderful moments’

Well, that tonight All You Need Is Love is still on television, a Christmashit that has been good for millions of viewers for years. “The joke is thatpeople ask me every year: what are you going to do this year? Then I say: Yes,just the same as last year. It’s not surprising, it’s always the fixed values​​​​of love and family happiness that come back, allowing us to experience themost bizarre and wonderful moments.”

And they ensure that hundreds of thousands of Dutch people shed a tear on thecouch every year. Also in the Ten Brink house. Because although not everyonewould expect it, the family – and therefore Robert himself – watches All YouNeed every Christmas Eve. “The last edits were on Thursday, then we quickly dothe last shopping on Friday and the family comes together on Saturday. Everyyear we eat the same thing: stew. And in the first commercial block of All YouNeed we grab the tarte tatin.”

‘Daughters don’t want to know anything in advance’

“And yes, I sometimes shout to the television that it could have been edited alittle better, very annoying. But it is especially nice to watch the completepicture on the couch with the family. My daughters never want to know inadvance what’s in the episode. They really want to let loose in the ‘ugly crymoment’.”

That moment is guaranteed tonight, says Ten Brink. And yet you never see thepresenter himself with a tear in the picture. “No, I don’t want that. I don’tmatter at that moment, so I shouldn’t stand there crying. But of course I’vehad to swallow hard in recent years. Not only me, also the camera crew,production and editors. Then you think: Jesus, this was so intense again. Orhow beautiful, how special.”

Whether Ten Brink can remember anything special from his very first episode?”Well, not really. I only remember that we had a table full of bachelors. Wereally thought of them as a special kind of breed and gave them hot soup forcomfort. But in general everything was different back then than it is now.Just look how we all looked: so clumsy and goofy with shoulder pads.”

The work on the program was also very different then, Ten Brink looks back.”We had no mobile phones, no mobile internet. On the way we always hadquarters with us to call the editors at a gas pump, how things had gone withshooting. And everyone was still smoking, everywhere. It was a completelydifferent world.”

‘Whole surprises were made’

In addition, the editors received bags full of mail, with people making thecraziest things just to get noticed. “We have received tens of thousands ofletters in the past thirty years. But we also received crafts, whole surpriseswere made in the hope of being selected. Now we receive e-mails all yearround, but it is still difficult to choose who should be in the episode comes.We always keep in mind that we are not an emergency service, but anentertainment program.”

And although Ten Brink also works on other programs every year, most stillrecognize him as Doctor Love. “Sometimes I get a bit tired of that nickname.Then I think: yes, now we know. Only take two love tablets a day, I oftenrespond standard.”

“Fortunately, most of them just call Robert to me on the street. And thatalways increases during this Christmas period, then people look at me inamazement when I cycle through Amsterdam. But hey: I also live somewhere.”

In the meantime – no doubt – many marriages have been concluded through theintervention of Ten Brink and babies born by All You Need Is Love. But itdoesn’t always go well. Because after 30 years, Ten Brink is still faced withsurprises during recordings. “But that’s not necessarily wrong, becausesomething only goes wrong if you’ve figured out how it should go in advance.And we don’t. So if someone says ‘no’ to a love request, that’s what it is.

After 30 years, that is also my greatest lesson from the All You Need life:everything always goes differently than you have planned in advance.”

The 30th Christmas special of All You Need is Love can be seen on RTL4tonight from 8 p.m.

El futbol no es solo futbol | Deportes

Uno. Es increíble como este juego de equipo no sabe vivir sin el culto alindividuo. Solo cuando un hombre le pone título, definimos a un campeonatocomo exitoso, incluso incomparable. El Mundial de Pelé en el 70; el deMaradona and el 86; el de Messi ahora. Tengo de aquel Pelé una imagen que meremite a la perfección y soy devotamente maradoniano por razones obvias, peroquiero a este Messi como si fuera el fútbol mismo. La tendencia siempre tienerazón y no se me escapa que se viene el tiempo de ejemplares arrolladores comoMbappé o Haaland. Bienvenidos y gracias por traernos otra manera dedesequilibrar y hacer atractivo al juego. Pero Messi, and este Mundial, hizoun repaso del fútbol de todos los tiempos. Fue como entrar en un museofutbolístico y disfrutar de todas las épocas. Desde cuando se podía jugarcaminando hasta este juego que exige una velocidad mental, técnica y física(en ese orden) vertiginosa.

Marc Gasol: “No hay que ser conformista, sino salirse de la norma” | Deportes

El repicar de los balones sobre el suelo hace eco en el pabellón Fontajau deGirona. El equipo se está entrenando y con ellos Marc Gasol, pívot que hacelas veces de presidente. “Te he preparado la bici estática”, le dice unempleado al acabar la sesión. Marc aprueba, pero se disculpa porque tiene unaentrevista con EL PAÍS y después una comida con unos empresarios. Siempre vacon el tiempo limitado, a la carrera, pero con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja.No mira al reloj, no pone limits y con un discurso pausado y equilibrado, hacehonor a sus años en la NBA, pues el trato es exquisito.

Pregunta. ¿La importancia de Marc Gasol y su proyecto se puede explicarcon el gesto de la ACB de anular el artículo que impedía compaginar lapresidencia con la licencia federativa de jugador?

Respuesta. Creo que se valoró la aplicación de la norma, si tenía sentidoo no. Al traducirla a la situación actual, no lo tenía. Imagino que era paraantes, cuando presidentes o directivos que no eran jugadores querían vestirsepara jugar un finde… No sé. Pero comparto con la asamblea de la ACB que esteproyecto era beneficioso para todas partes.

P. ¿De niño jugaba al PC Basket?

R . Si, teniamos el 4.5. Pero no se parece mucho, ¿eh? Sí que hay unaparte, la deportiva, de gestión de jugadores y confección, que podría valer.Pero la gestión del club, que es lo más empresarial y social, que es lo quemás me estimula, no se aprende con esa realidad. Eso se aprende poco a poco,estudiando, proponiendo con liderazgo de equipos de trabajo, escuchando yhasta diciendo cosas que no son del agrado de alguien.

P. Pero tambien es el pivot del equipo. ¿Hay dos Marcs?

R . Se puede decir así. Como jugador todo es mucho más visceral, pero comopresidente debes tomar las decisiones con otras pulsaciones. La diferenciaentre el jugador y el presidente, interna, es muy grande. Fuera tengo muchapaciencia. Pero en la pista no tengo ese tiempo. Fuera, racional; dentro,passional.

Marc Gasol, presidente y jugador del equipo de Baloncesto Basquet-Girona de laLiga ACB.MASSIMILIANO MINOCRI

P. ¿Sus compañeros y técnico le ven como jugador o presidente?

R . Depending on the context. Aquí los limites se entiden con naturalidad.Yo nunca hablo con mis compañeros o con el mister como presidente. Cuandoestamos en otro contexto, entonces sí que el uso es el de la cadena de mando.Pero siempre somos muchos tomando decisiones, se concilia, se debate. Y si nohay una línea clara, pues entonces sí entro más porque lo tengo claro. Perocon el tiempo he visto que cuando alguien cree en el camino y encaja con loque yo pienso, aunque no sea exactamente igual, puede mejorar tu visión y elresultado.

P. ¿Quería tener un plan de vida al retirarse?

R . Me gusta moverme por etapas, por retos. Y está claro que la vidadeportiva tiene un final. El cuándo lo elige el jugador, porque uno se puederetirar en categorías bajas. Eso va ligado a la inversión de tiempo que lededicas, a la disciplina que pones… Si eso baja, no puedes esperar que el finde semana todo salga bien. Yeses es mi barometro. Cuando veo que lunes, martesy miércoles me motiva más la gestión del club, ya me voy dando cuenta de queesto va llegando a su fin. Pero tengo claro que cuando empiezas algo, lavaloración se hace al final y no durante el proceso.

P. ¿Por qué se animó a seguir?

R . Llega un momento en el que no tienes claro nada. Has vivido grandescosas y ya no es como cuando eras joven. Ahora hay cosas muy importantes comomis hijos, la dirección del club… Pero la parte de jugar, por el compromisoque tengo con estos compañeros, me ilusiona. Y acompañar al equipo a haceresta transición a la ACB un poco más estable.

P. Pero, ¿se siente más presidente o jugador?

R . Presidente, sin ninguna duda. Por la responsabilidad absoluta de todolo que pasa en el club. Y aquí pasan muchas cosas y muy deprisa. Es uncontexto nuevo y son muchos los proyectos sociales, ambientales, deportivos…

P. ¿Quiere importar el modelo NBA?

R . Se debe arender de los que lo hacen muy bien. Aunque allí tienen unacapacidad económica que aquí no existe, acaso en el fútbol por los derechos detelevisión. Por lo que no se puede copiar, sino adaptar a tus capacidades. Hayque ilusionar y enganchar no solo al fanático sino al fan casual, que le gustael deporte aunque le da igual ganar o perder de 20, ese que quiere verespectáculo y no solo baloncesto. Por eso traemos un equipo de patinaje de lazona, de baile o música, Dj… Además de ofrecer una buena oferta gastronómicaen el pabellón. Eso es importante como también lo es no limitar el contacto delos jugadores. Hay que reeducarlos y hacerles entender que son parte de lacomunidad en la que juegan. Tenemos programas de colegios en los que van a darcharlas. O acciones sociales que deben elegir. Les damos opciones: sociales,medioambientales como recoger plástico en el río o mar… No solo vienen aGirona a jugar ya vivir muy bien. Tienen que implicarse.

P. También se ha metido de lleno en los eSports…

R . Nuestro partner es DUX, un referente en eSports. Es una compañía quese sale de lo normal y eso me gusta. Tenían ganas de hacer algo en el basketcomo también se hace en fútbol con el FIFA. Espero aprender y entender eseecosistema, cuáles son los objetivos empresariales, como funciona y seguircreciendo. Queremos tener presencia y de paso motivar a otros clubes paramirar más allá de lo que siempre se ha hecho. No hay que ser conformista sinosalirse de la norma.

P. ¿Valoran ser SA?

R . Si. Dejar entrar a otros inversores en el proyecto supondría queentrara gente con la que compartes valores y visión de club para que aportenen lo económico y para mejorar la entidad. Es necesario abrir ventanas y dejarcorrer aire fresco porque eso mejorará la casa.

P. ¿Qué valores debe transmitir su club?

R . Metodología, esfuerzo y compromise. Esos son los pilares desde elprincipio. Pero hemos crecido tanto…Antes era un proyecto personal, de MarcGasol. Ahora se identifica conmigo, pero mi imagen se irá difuminando y elclub estará por encima porque ya no solo es mi proyecto vital sino de muchaspersonas. A mí, por otro lado, me apasiona ver a los niños con la sudadera delGirona, verlos jugando, aprendiendo, compartiendo… Más que jugar en el Palau oen otro gran escenario, me enorgullece la base, formar entrenadores y romperla baraja.

P. ¿Y cómo hulls la baraja?

R . Con la metodología y lo que necesitan las nuevas generaciones. Antes,la corrección era por autoridad, porque lo digo yo, chillar, correr… Lonormalizamos y yo venía de esa educación, siempre enfadados y obsesionados conel juego. Ahora, hay que motivarles de otra manera, convencerles de que lesgusta, de que se lo pueden pasar muy bien. El padre debate al entrenador, aveces para bien o para mal, pero hay que escuchar. O los padres se mete con elárbitro, con su hijo, y esto hay que mejorarlo. Así que un día pusimos a lospadres a jugar con los niños en la grada, diciéndoles cosas. Así vieron que seescucha todo, que el niño está pendiente del padre constantmente. Unchasquido, un reproche… Lo oyen. Debemos olvidar el error y vamos a ver cuáles el objetivo como padre, que no es otro que dar confianza. Yo no te corrijo,has fallado, buen tiro y no pasa nada. Por eso hacemos talleres con los padrestécnico-tácticos, sobre alimentación, descanso… Es darles herramientas paraque entiendan como pueden formar parte positiva de todo esto.

Jeremy Clarkson’s ‘Deeply Misogynist’ Article About Meghan Markle Is Taken Down with Apology

LONDON, ENGLAND – AUGUST 30: Jeremy Clarkson attends the ITV AutumnEntertainment Launch at White City House on August 30, 2022 in London,England. (Photo by Nick England/Getty Images); Meghan, Duchess of Sussex isseen during The State Funeral Of Queen Elizabeth II at Westminster Abbey onSeptember 19, 2022 in London, England. Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor wasborn in Bruton Street, Mayfair, London on 21 April 1926. She married PrincePhilip in 1947 and ascended the throne of the United Kingdom and Commonwealthon 6 February 1952 after the death of her Father, King George VI. QueenElizabeth II died at Balmoral Castle in Scotland on September 8, 2022, and wassucceeded by her eldest son, King Charles III. (Photo by Chris Jackson/GettyImages)

Nick England/Getty; Chris Jackson/Getty

An article written by media personality Jeremy Clarkson about Meghan Markleand branded “deeply misogynist” has been pulled from both the website andarchives of The Sun.

On Friday, one week after the Top Gear host wrote that he hated the Duchessof Sussex “on a cellular level,” the outlet said it was “sincerely sorry.”

“It provoked a strong response and led to a large number of complaints toIPSO, the independent press regulator,” The Sun noted in a new statementreleased Friday.

The article was taken down from The Sun ‘s website on Monday with an initialmessage that read: “In light of Jeremy Clarkson’s tweet he has asked us totake last week’s column down.”

RELATED: ‘Top Gear’ Host Jeremy Clarkson Condemned for ‘Deeply Misogynist’Comments About Meghan Markle

In his article, Clarkson referenced a famous scene from Game of Thrones ,writing: “At night, I’m unable to sleep as I lie there, grinding my teeth anddreaming of the day when she is made to parade naked through the streets ofevery town in Britain while the crowds chant, ‘Shame!’ and throw lumps ofexcrement at her.”

In a tweet published following the article’s release, Clarkson called it “aclumsy reference to a scene in Game of Thrones ,” acknowledging that it “hasgone down badly with a great many people.”

“I’m horrified to have caused so much hurt and I shall be more careful infuture,” Clarkson added.

In its own statement on Friday, The Sun said: “Columnists’ opinions aretheir own, but as a publisher, we realize that with free expression comesresponsibility. We at The Sun regret the publication of this article and weare sincerely sorry.”

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Clarkson’s article came amid the release of Meghan and Prince Harry’s Netflixdocuseries, in which the couple opened up about the social media threatsthey’ve received in recent years. In one poignant moment, Meghan spoke abouthaving seen a tweet that said: “Meghan just needs to die. Someone needs tokill her. Maybe it should be me.”

Story continues

“And I was just like, ‘Okay.’ That’s, like, what’s actually out in the worldbecause of people creating hate,” Meghan said in the docuseries.

Clarkson’s article sparked near-immediate backlash from Brits, with more than6,000 complaints being made to press regulator IPSO about the piece, accordingto the BBC.

First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon, who was also named in the articleas someone that Clarkson “hates,” called the piece “deeply misogynist.”

“I think what he said about Meghan Markle was deeply misogynist and justdownright awful and horrible,” she said, according to The Times. “Myoverwhelming emotion about guys like Jeremy Clarkson is pity. I mean, what isit that makes somebody so distorted by hate that they end up writing thesethings? I think that possibly gives an insight into Jeremy Clarkson and thekind of person he is So maybe he just needs to take a step back from thingsand just think about life a bit more.”

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan took to Twitter to offer his own condemnation ofClarksonwriting:”As Jeremy Clarkson should well know – words have consequences. The words inhis piece are no joke – they’re dangerous and inexcusable. We are in anepidemic of violence against women and girls and men with powerful voices mustdo better than this.”

‘I Thought God Was Taking Me Home’

Tamar Braxton attends the 2022 BET Awards at Microsoft Theater on June 26,2022 in Los Angeles, California.(Photo by Prince Williams/ Getty Images) tamarbraxton Verified This isn’t anattention post… this is an ATTENTION post.. literally I was with my bestfriends @normankgyamfi and @wardellmalloy shopping and doing Christmas fun shtand the VERY NEXT DAY I had to be taken to the hospital by AMBULANCE, neededoxygen cause I thought God was taking me home cause I couldn’t breathe and mychest was on FIRE!! I was taken to @northsidehosp and was met by the BESTnurses and doctors including @therealdrjackie to find out what’s wrong… yall,I have the FLU ����‍♀️ and let me tell u it’s worse than COVID in my opinion…I ‘m on 5 different medications ��..please be careful.. I wasn’t around a lotpeople and have NO IDEA where it came from.. enjoy y’all holiday AT HOME.. udon’t want this�� ��‍♀️ .. oh yeah I’m completely isolated cause it’s hellacontagious �� I love y’all for real ❤️ Edited · 13h

Prince Williams/Getty; Tamar Estine/Instagram

Tamar Braxton is opening up about a health-related emergency she experiencedamid the holiday season.

On Friday, the TV personality shared an update on Instagram, telling herfollowers that she was rushed to the hospital after spending some time withher friends ahead of Christmas.

“This isn’t an attention post… this is an ATTENTION post,” she wrote.”Literally I was with my best friends @normankgyamfi and @wardellmalloyshopping and doing Christmas fun s– and the VERY NEXT DAY I had to be takento the hospital by AMBULANCE, needed oxygen cause I thought God was taking mehome cause I couldn’t breathe and my chest was on FIRE!!”

RELATED: Tamar Braxton Celebrates Late Sister Traci ‘s Birthday: ‘OurSisterly Bond Is Unbreakable’

Braxton, 45, continued, “I was taken to @northsidehosp and was met by the BESTnurses and doctors including @therealdrjackie to find out what’s wrong.”

“Yall, I have the FLU 🤦🏽‍♀️ and let me tell you it’s worse than COVID in myopinion,” she explained. “I’m on 5 different medications 😩..please becareful.. I wasn’t around a lot people and have NO IDEA where it came from..enjoy y’all holiday AT HOME.. u don’t want this🤦 🏽‍♀️ .. oh yeah I’mcompletely isolated cause it’s hella contagious 😷 I love y’all for real ❤️.”

One clip from the post shows Braxton laughing while hanging out with herfriends seemingly prior to the health scare. In another selfie, Braxton can beseen wearing her mask while sitting in a hospital bed.

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Her mother Evelyn Braxton, 74, responded to the post by commenting, “Love you.Get well soon Tamar. ❤️.”

In 2020, Tamar was hospitalized after being found unresponsive in her room atthe Ritz-Carlton hotel in downtown Los Angeles, according to multiple reports.She later revealed in a lengthy and raw statement on Instagram that she hadattempted suicide after suffering “pain” for the past years while working inthe entertainment industry as a reality star.

Story continues

This year, Tamar returned to reality TV after joining The Surreal Life onVH1, count E! Online in October, “Here we are introducing to the world Tamar2.0 and I think that you’re really going to enjoy this one.”

RELATED VIDEO: Tamar Braxton on the “Work” She’s Doing to Heal from Trauma:”I Chose to Change My Life”

“On Braxton Family Values and all of those dramatic shows, it was anotherside of me,” she reflected on her past TV appearances. “It was me being theunsolicited advice sister who always did that. And it was the more emotionalexecutive wife who wanted attention.”

Noting that she is now “mature, healthy and ready to conquer the world,” Tamaradded, “I’m happy in every sense of the word.”

“I’m happy in my career. I’m happy with me and my child. I’m happy with myfamily,” said Tamar, who shares 9-year-old son Logan with ex-husband VinceHerbert, 49. ” I do things that feed my soul and extend that safe, happy placethat I fought so hard to be in and nothing can knock me off.”

Tory Lanez Found Guilty in Megan Thee Stallion Shooting Trial

Rapper Tory Lanez was found guilty in the trial over the 2020 roadsideshooting of Megan Thee Stallion, a Los Angeles jury announced Friday.

Lanez, whose legal name is Daystar Peterson, was found guilty of all threefelony firearm counts over an incident in which fellow rapper Megan TheeStallion, whose real name is Megan Pete, alleged he shot her in the feet afterthey left a Hollywood Hills party at Kylie Jenner’s home in 2020.

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Prosecutors charged Peterson with one felony count each of assault with asemiautomatic firearm, negligent discharge of a firearm and carrying a loaded,unregistered firearm in a vehicle. The Canadian rapper pleaded not guilty inNovember 2020 and faces up to 22 years in prison along with subsequentdeportation.

Pete suffered wounds to her feet that she described to police at the scene asthe result of broken glass, but later claimed were caused by gunshots fromPeterson. A surgeon who operated on Pete after the altercation took the standto confirm he had removed bullet fragments from her feet.

Peterson repeatedly denied that he was the one who shot at Pete on July 12,2020. The trial began Dec. 12 with testimony from Pete herself, who claimedPeterson had shot her in an emotional retelling of the roadside assault. Shetold the jury: “I wish [Peterson] just shot and killed me.” The defense wenton to argue that this was a case about jealousy between Pete and KelseyHarris, her former friend and ex-assistant, who both allegedly had intimaterelationships with Peterson.

Harris was described as a key witness for the prosecution, but on the standshe claimed she either didn’t see or couldn’t remember the circumstances ofthe shooting due to consumption of alcohol that night and because she wasdealing with anxiety and postpartum depression . She was not able todefinitively confirm that Peterson had shot the gun.

Story continues

Harris also told the court that her estranged friend Pete had “painted thepicture that I betrayed her.” Harris testified, “She’s painted the picturethat I’m this bad person, bad friend, that I took hush money. There are manylies.” She also vehemently denied the claim that she was the one who shot Peteamid speculation implied by Peterson’s defense team, who argued their client’sDNA was not found on the weapon.

Moreover, Harris denied ever hearing Peterson say the now-infamous line —“Dance, bitch” — as he allegedly shot at Pete’s feet, which the Houston-bornrapper has repeatedly claimed since she first accused Peterson of the crime in2020.

During closing arguments, Deputy District Attorney Alexander Bott reminded thejury that the case was about Pete. He displayed a photo of the rapper as hequoted her testimony. “It feels like every man with a position of power in themusic industry, even people who are not even rappers, they never even caredabout what my side of the story was,” Pete said.

Peterson’s attorney, George Mgdesyan, told the jury “this case is about sexualrelationships,” and contended that the events of those nights had occurredbecause Pete and Harris had a heated and drunken dispute about disloyalty,since they were both allegedly sleeping with Peterson. To this, DeputyDistrict Attorney Kathy Ta arguedthecase was about the shooting — not sex. She, like Bott, pointed to Pete’soriginal testimony where she said: “This whole story has not been about theshooting. It’s only been about who is Tory having sex with.”

The trial has consumed the hip-hop industry and its media coverage since itbegan, much like the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial from earlier this yearenveloped the entertainment world, albeit on a smaller scale. On his recentalbum “Her Loss,” Drake made a reference to Pete, saying “this bitch lie ’boutgetting shots but she still a stallion.” Pete responded to Drake on Twitter,hitting back and writing, “Stop using my shooting for clout bitch ass n—–!Since when [the fuck] is it cool to joke about abt women getting shot! You n—–especially RAP N—– ARE LAME! Ready to boycott bout shoes and clothes but dogpile on a Black woman when she say one of y’all homeboys abused her.”

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to ‘ABBA Voyage’ in London

The Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, Kanye West and Beyoncé are quite worldfamous, but none of them have what ABBA has: Voyage , a show in whichavatars perform daily in their own venue in London. Forty years after thesplit in 1982, the cash register continues to ring, while the band members ofABBA sit quietly at home in Sweden and don’t have to shed a drop of sweat. Thespectacle has been running non-stop since May 27, an unprecedented multimediamotion capture phenomenon that tops the list of the most expensive live musicof all time in terms of production costs. The proof is in the Christmaspudding: Humo went to determine with my own ears and eyes whether it isworth a detour.

Serge SimonartDecember 22, 20223:00 PM

When booking you have to choose: a ticket for the dance floor or a seat or, ifyou are part of a company outing, a kind of sky box with a private dancefloor. I chose the dance floor – you’re either a dancing queen or you’re not.Incidentally, an estimated 30 percent of the audience consists of a differentkind of queens. I’m instantly adopted by a group of gay Australians who’vestayed in London after the Pride march, showing up here in T-shirts withambiguous inscriptions like ‘Voulez-vous’, ‘Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man AfterMidnight)’ and ‘Take a Chance on Me’. They know, as it turns out, all ABBAlyrics by heart. One of them is a brain surgeon, or so he claims, and saysthere’s ‘no better way to combat stress than singing loudly with Abba’. “Ourblood group is not A or B, but ABBA.”

Incidentally, no opportunity to be kitschy has been missed – neon lights instark colours, tacky souvenirs (an ABBA debar door, anyone or ABBA socks?) –but the room, made of black steel, looks stylish.

For years, ABBA was synonymous with a lack of cool, the group was seen as aseparator from sugary mainstream pop. But the tide has turned: the Sex Pistolsconfessed at an unguarded moment that their ‘Pretty Vacant’ is based on ‘SOS’,and U2 and Nirvana also came out as big fans. And when cover band Björn Again,as one of the first tribute bands worldwide, attracted full houses, thebusinessman in Björn Ulvaeus woke up.

Stockholm has at least four beautiful museums, now they attract fewer peoplethan the ABBA museum there. Then came the ABBA musical and the ‘Mamma Mia’films, which together accounted for more than 5 billion (!) dollars inrevenue. And then Simon Fuller (van Pop Idol and the Spice Girls) abrilliant idea: ABBA live, without ABBA. It became a technological feat of thestudio, which at the time was the visual language of the equally revolutionary_Star Wars_ – and developed Marvel movies.

300 Euro

The public is warned in advance: photography is absolutely forbidden, becauseif images leaked on social media, it would ruin the mystique of the show. Oh,irony: artists of flesh and blood are allowed, holograms are not. That’s likesomeone forbidding you to take a picture of a TV screen.

Meanwhile, a Swedish snow-covered forest is shown on a gigantic, hall-widescreen, and if you look closely, you will occasionally see a nymph or a fairyslip by. Screams echo from three thousand throats around me, even though theshow is only fifty minutes away. When the time comes, Benny Andersson’s ABBAtar says: ‘ To be or not to be is no longer the question!’ As a word ofwelcome from the mouth of a hologram, that is a statement that can count.Freely translated: we are here, but we are not there either. This spectacle isa game changer, so leave all expectations and prejudices in the cloakroom. Anavatar is already bizarre, an avatar that ventures into metaphysical bindingtexts is doubly bizarre.

First observation: the sound is perfect. That is by no means self-evident at aconcert. And this room is so perfect acoustically that you don’t hear any echoor metallic overtones. During some songs you only see the four on stage,during others a full backing band emerges, of which even I can only say withcertainty after a few minutes that those musicians are also holograms. Ofcourse the avatars are fake: it’s not live, but a kind of playback squared.When artists introduced the sound mix thirty years ago – singing live withaccompaniment on tape – it was considered a scam. Now everyone here pays up to300 euros for a relatively short appearance of holograms. But at festivals andstadium concerts, half of the audience is forced to watch screens more oftenthan the tiny performers.

The ABBA tars look staggeringly real, much more real than a wax figure inMadame Tussauds – they look as if holograms, 3D and CGI have combined to makechildren. The technique behind the show is truly phenomenal. The only momentswhen you notice it’s not real is when the cheers or applause are a littleshorter than the makers had thought, so that the ABBA tar is swaying aimlesslybefore he or she speaks. Only, the avatars are like precision bombing. Thefirst seconds you think: wow, this is unbelievable, is the technology reallythat advanced? But humans are blasé and we are programmed to take for grantedeverything that seemed unimaginable soon after. Even a hologram gets boringquickly.

ABBA VoyageSculpture Johan Persson


There are jokes (‘On the way to the Eurovision Song Contest Björn had to standon the bus, because his pants were so tight that they would rip if he satdown’). There are impressive moments, but there is also farm trickery. This ishow a cartoon is projected – made especially for this event, okay, but still:just a cartoon. The clip of ‘Waterloo’ is also shown, with which ABBA won the1974 Eurovision Song Contest. Nice, but everyone has already seen it onYouTube. And this is a pilgrimage after all, because the hall is located atthe Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, a long way outside the center of London.

The holograms of Agnetha, Benny, Björn and Anni-Frid are (age) timeless: youngand streamlined (the ladies’ derrières are a size slimmer than in reality) andfree of wrinkles and sweat (that would probably cause a short circuit). Thereal ABBA has played only a hundred performances at the time, one of which wasin the Arenahal in, of all places Doorne.

The ABBA tars play two gigs a day without complaint, are not members of aunion and never complain. This is the hardest working band in show business– James Brown is turning in his grave. Other advantages of ABBA tars: theystill hit all the high notes and they don’t have to interrupt the concert dueto prostate problems. At the end of the show, the old, ‘real’ group membersbriefly appear on stage, but they too are holograms.


The setlist is simple: they play all the hits, from ‘Mamma Mia’, ‘SOS’ and’Does Your Mother Know’ to ‘Gimme Gimme Gimme’, the soggy sing-along’Fernando’ and the miserable ‘Chiquitita’ to the irresistible bouncer ‘Dancing Queen’. Every one of those songs, even the gooey ones, is amasterclass in writing hits. And each of those hits contains one word orphrase of which a level-headed intellectual says, “It doesn’t add anything, ithits like pliers on a pig.” But what would “Mamma Mia” be without “Mamma mia,”or “Knowing Me, Knowing You” without “Aha”?

This one Voyage is in any case a milestone and a turning point in thehistory of pop music. The show can be booked until mid-2027. Will it continueto sell out, year in, year out? Maybe not as a concert, but certainly as anight out, such as renting a bowling alley for a birthday or bachelor party.In any case, anyone who needs this will love it.

Voyage felt like virtual sex to the ears. I got a brilliant idea during this’concert’: from now on I’ll have my avatar write this kind of nonsense, whileI’m sipping an Old Fashioned by the pool of my penthouse in Monte Carlo andlooking down at the head of my zealous Swedish mistress .

‘ ABBA Voyage’, until spring 2027 at the ABBA Arena in London. Info andtickets: