Fantastic Beasts star climbs bookmakers as new James Bond

Who will be the next James Bond after Daniel Craig? That discussion keepsTwitter, the British betting offices and us very busy. In addition to HenryCavill, a striking candidate also appears in the favorites lists: a FantasticBeasts star.

Daniel Craig already said na Spectre (2015) would rather slit his wriststhan do another James Bond film. Still, a big bag of money and the promiseknew that all loose ends are gone character arc tied together to convincehim to return as the iconic movie hero one more time.

Daniel Craig is ready

Precisely the fact that his films would have a dignified ending with No Timeto Die convinced the British. He would go through a deep physical valley onemore time in his fifties to close that chapter of his life.

We won’t give away any details, but the film’s ending makes that ending justthat: final. An end. Whether producer Barbara Broccoli comes with a reboot ornot, you should not expect Craig as Bond in the next film.

But then who? Because it is clear that the film franchise is not going tostop. It is not without reason that Amazon bought the iconic franchise formany millions.

James Bond ‘reinvented’ in first film after Daniel Craig

Daniel Craig gives spicy opinion about possible female JamesBondBondproducers Barbara Broccoli (L) and Michael G. Wilson (Image: AFP PHOTO / LEONNEAL)

Requirements for the new James Bond

Broccoli hasn’t released much about her plans, besides saying that the newJames Bond “should be a man, because it’s simply not appropriate for a womanto step into this role. In addition, he must be British. So that says nothingabout color or orientation,” she told The Hollywood Reporter earlier thisyear.

All nice and nice, but who will be the new 007? Speculation about that issuehas been going on ever since Spectre came out the internet and British_bookmakers_ in process.

Bookmakers go wild

Betting shops allow anyone to bet money on who will succeed Daniel Craig asJames Bond. The resulting rankings of the top contenders for the role aretreated almost like sports scores in the British media. Important stuff.

There is a good chance that Broccoli will eventually go for an unknown actor.Despite this, names such as Tom Hiddleston, Idris Elba and Henry Cavill havelong topped the favorites lists of bookmakers.

Since then, Elba has already unsubscribed, and Hiddleston is probably too oldfor the part. The producers behind the long-running franchise are probablylooking for a young talent, someone with whom you can really go for years.

Someone viewers only associate with James Bond, rather than a familiar face.Can you already picture Cavill? Then you immediately think of Superman or TheWitcher.

Who are the favorites now?

Anyway, in the meantime it has been almost a week since we took stock at thebetting offices. However, that was about the average of twenty betting shops.

LadBrokes’ top 9 is slightly different. And here we focus on (read: we hopefor) the most striking new name in the list, the 32-year-old actor CallumTurner. He has shot up quite a bit in the list of contenders. A name thatprobably means little to you, but chances are you’ve already seen it inaction.

New James Bond HarryPotterCallumTurner (right) as Theseus Scamander (Image: Warner Bros.)

Fantastic Beasts star

He plays in the Fantastic Beasts movies namely the brother of lead actorNewt, Theseus Scamandar. The best man was born in London and grew up inChelsea. For the producers behind James Bond, he is probably the perfectcombination of acting experience, skills and yet a face that is stillrelatively unknown.

The top 9 betting shops

Furthermore, the list of biggest contenders for the role still largelyconsists of the same names. We list them for you below:

  1. Henry Cavill (2/1) 2. Rege Jean Page (7/2) 3. Idris Elba (4/1) 4. Tom Hardy (5/1) 5. Chiwetel Ejiofor (13/2) 6. James Norton (10/1) 7. Aidan Turner (12/1) 8. Callum Turner (16/1) 9. Richard Madden (20/1)

no science

You already notice: what fans bet their money on is not necessarily what isactually realistic. Recently, Idris Elba already said he doesn’t see himselfas James Bond, and the Luther star is probably too old too.

Henry Cavill once had the chance to become James Bond, but it’s probably toolate for him too. Don’t take these rankings too seriously. It’s more of afascinating thermometer of what the general public is hoping for than ananalysis or Hollywood science.

Or can Cavill soon add another mega franchise to his resume? Who knows!

Multimillionaire Kris Jenner ‘forgets’ she owns a luxury apartment in Beverly Hills | show

Reality star Kris Jenner, the mother of the Kardashians, amazes viewers andher own daughter Khloe because she “actually forgot” that she still owns anapartment in Beverly Hills. You can see that in the first episode of the newseason of The Kardashians , which has been on Disney Plus since yesterday.She uses her’ condo ‘ barely.

The episode shows the 66-year-old businesswoman – reportedly worth $175million – peeking into her Beverly Hills apartment, admitting that she onlyuses the place to wrap Christmas gifts and store them. of champagne. Jennerwas accompanied by her daughter Khloe Kardashian, 38, who mocked her motherfor being so rich she can’t remember her real estate portfolio.

“This is a cute little place, if I do say so myself,” Kris said inconversation with Khloe, in which she also confessed to only using the cottageto wrap gifts. “I kind of forgot I had this,” Kris says. “That soundsridiculous, doesn’t it?” Khloe is having a lot of fun with it. “I can’t waitto be rich enough to forget I have real estate somewhere,” Khloe says, addingin British accent: “Oh, I have an apartment in Beverly Hills! I forgot that!”When the two open the fridge door, it turns out that there are only bottles ofchampagne in it. “In case of emergency”, Kris jokes.


Kris later explains that she bought the property to have a base near hermother Mary Jo “MJ” Campbell and cousin Cici Bussey, who live in the area. Theaverage selling price for apartments in Beverly Hills is currently around $1.5million, which is why some viewers are quite surprised by Kris’ statement.

“I forgot I had a flat… that sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?” Yes, Chris. Thatsounds ridiculous,” said one on Twitter. Another: ‘It’s so ridiculous thatit’s good’. And another: “I want to be so rich.” Furthermore, many ‘wows’ andeven more wishes to have that much money.

Last year, Kris moved into a $20 million mansion in the Hidden Hills near LosAngeles, next to Khloe’s home. She also owns three apartments in Calabasas anda multi-million dollar mansion in La Quinta, California.

Also listen to the AD Media Podcast with this week ‘s new programming fromNPO, RTL and SBS, the return of Linda de Mol, Rob Kemps’ substitute job andEen jaar van je leven. Listen below or subscribe via Spotify or iTunes.

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Fans surprised: Helmut Lotti opens throat and takes off clothes for metal cover | show

with videoThe Flemish singer Helmut Lotti (52), known for his brave,classical-like repertoire, has done something that his fans probably didn’tsee coming. The tenor pulls out all the stops for a ripping cover of metalband Iron Maiden, while his neat clothes don’t stay on.

Leon van Wijk Sep 24. 2022

Latest update: 17:54

Starting next week, the Belgian radio station Willy will bring a top 1000 withthe best and ‘dirtiest’ rock records ever made. Listeners can now vote andHelmut Lotti, who broke through in 1989 with an Elvis Presley cover in theDutch Sounds mix show , has some advice. According to him _Run to the hills_by the British metal band Iron Maiden from 1982 in the first place. The singerhas special memories of the song.

,,My brother Johan is a hard rock fanatic and played the album The number ofthe beast Iron Maiden used to be flat,” he says. ,, Run to the hills was mypersonal favorite. One day I was singing that song when my father suddenlywalked in. He stood transfixed and said, “Wow, you can sing.” That was thefirst time I got a compliment from my father about my singing.”

Helmut Lotti unleashes the hard rocker in himself. © Willy

And he can still sing, according to the cover he recorded to reinforce hisadvice. It starts quite calmly, with Lotti in a neat suit with a bow. Firsthis jacket goes off and his cool leather bracelet comes out. When hiswaistcoat and shirt are also taken off, it turns out that he is wearing aT-shirt from the band.

Listeners do not know what they are experiencing. ‘Never thought I’d ever hearHelmut Lotti sing metal, but beautifully done’, it sounds under the video onYouTube. “He could be Iron Maiden’s new frontman,” wrote another. This is whatthe original sounds like:

It is not the first time that a singer with a completely different imagebrings out the rock star in himself. Do you have a moment for me – folksinger Frans Bauer once covered you hast from the German band Rammstein:

Although it is not rock, it is a similar outing: opera singer Maria Fiselierwas ahead of the best singers for a moment a rude rapper:

Also listen to the AD Media Podcast with this week ‘s nominations for theTelevizier ring, the clash between Angela de Jong and Johan Derksen, thestatement by Linda de Mol and the cancellation of Het Dorp. Listen below orsubscribe via Spotify or iTunes.

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Satirical video by Lubach about Russian referendum millions of views | show

updateArjen Lubach’s satirical item about the Russian referendum in Ukrainehas been viewed many millions of times within a day and a half. The video hasalso reached Russian viewers, partly thanks to a message on Twitter byjournalist Olaf Koens.

The item has been viewed 1.1 million times in Koens’ message alone. The videois also circulating in Russian Telegram groups. The referendum video isLubach’s biggest online success since he started with _The Evening Show_confirms producer Human Factor TV.

Lubach responded with the item, which was posted on Wednesday evening TheEvening Show on Russian President Putin’s decision to hold a referendum onaffiliation with Russia in parts of Ukraine. Lubach argues that a referendumshould also be held on Russia joining the Netherlands, because of the longhistorical ties between the two countries.

Text continues after the tweet.

Olaf Koens > @obk >

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winter games

“Our King Willem IV is also your king”, the video claims. “Because in 1816Anna Pavlovna, the daughter of Tsar Paul I, married Willem II, the ancestor ofWillem IV.” The photo is shown below of Willem-Alexander and Máxima who dranka beer with President Putin in 2014, during the Winter Games in Sochi.

Lubach also argues in his video that Maria, Putin’s daughter, lived inVoorschoten for a long time. “Because believe me, you don’t live there forfun, but for your real motherland!”

The success of the satirical item is also noticeable abroad. Belgian, Italian,American and German media are already reporting it. In the past, Lubach, whoat the time still had the program Sunday with Lubach made a big hit with it_America First, Netherlands Second_ movie. The video, with which Lubachintroduces our country to the then-new American President Donald Trump, wasthe most viewed YouTube video of 2017 with 10.7 million views.

React can be found at the bottom of this article. Only comments with afull name will be posted. We do that because we want a debate with people whostand for what they say, and who put their name on it. If you still need toenter your name, you can do so by clicking ‘Login’ at the top right of oursite.

Also listen to the AD Media Podcast with this week ‘s nominations for theTelevizier ring, the clash between Angela de Jong and Johan Derksen, thestatement by Linda de Mol and the cancellation of Het Dorp. Listen below orsubscribe via Spotify or iTunes.

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Tonight on TV: Junior Songfestival national final and Ik Departure XL | show

The first kiss at the campsite or the first STI in Salou; holiday loves, whodidn’t grow up with it? But is it useful to leave that holiday turtle behindwhere you found it or is there secretly more in the love barrel? In Love inParadise, four couples whose love fire burned briefly during a vacation, areflown to a tropical island to discover whether there is a future in the summerfling.

Face to Face

After Detective Bjørn Rasmussen derailed in his search for his daughter’skiller and ended up behind bars himself, his wife Susanne is on her own. Inorder not to go completely crazy, she decides to pick up her work as apsychologist again. One of her clients is John, who has sought her help toquit smoking. But when Susanne hypnotizes him, John unexpectedly confesses tothe most heinous crimes.

The many faces of Tineke Schouten

From Lenie from Takkestraat and Bep Lachebek to Grandma Oortjes and AndreaRiool; in more than 40 years Tineke Schouten has made more than twenty theatershows with countless characters and sketches. In The many faces of TinekeSchouten we follow the theater diva when making her 25th performance Dubbel.How does she deal with the setbacks that the corona crisis brings? And howdoes she manage to find a balance between her work and her busy family life?

The many faces of Tineke Schouten. © BNNVARA

Junior Song Contest national final

Before the participants travel to the Armenian capital Yerevan at thebeginning of December for the international final, HIGH5, Infinity, Luna andMixed Up first have to fight among themselves from a packed full of RotterdamAhoy which of them deserves the national title. The presentation is in thehands of experts Stefania and Matheu.

I ‘m leaving XL

It was just as exciting on Bonaire, as could be seen in the previous episodeof I ‘m leaving XL. Rinse and Francine saw the bottom of their savingsaccount coming into view, which had consequences for the construction and fortheir relationship with Oscar and Vanessa. But now the sun is shining over theCaribbean island again, because son Jan leaves the Netherlands to emigrate toBonaire and everyone is happy with that. It is an exciting step, also becausehis girlfriend Fabienne is not going with him. The two consider this theultimate relationship test. And even more emigration news: after a lot ofhassle about the property, Hans and Marja are now going to live permanently inthe Italian Friuli. The two look to the future with confidence. However, theirdream is shattered when Hans falls.

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Ultimate autumn drink: this is how you make Pumpkin Spice Latte | Food and drink

Pumpkin Spice Latte |…

Ultimate autumn drink: this is how you make Pumpkin Spice Latte | Food anddrink

22 sep 2022 om 21:31

According to lovers of the drink, autumn really starts when the Pumpkin SpiceLatte is available again. What kind of drink is it, where do you buy it andhow do you make it yourself?

By Anne van Asseldonk

The popularity of the Pumpin Spice Latte (PSL) is clearly visible on socialmedia. There are tons of videos about this fall drink on TikTok alone. In thefall, Starbucks customers worldwide use the hashtag #PSL on average in morethan 3,000 tweets a day, the coffee chain calculated.

It was the American company that developed the drink in 2003. Four yearslater, PSL was on the map in the Netherlands. According to a spokesperson forthe chain, it was an immediate success there. “Fans worldwide are countingdown until the PSL is sold again. It really marks the change of the season formany.”

The pumpkin harvest time starts in September, says Betina Oostveen, founder offood blog Betty’s Kitchen. Hence, pumpkins are widely available around thistime and symbolize autumn for many. “For me, Pumpkin Spice Latte is theultimate autumn coffee drink. When I smell biscuit and gingerbread spices, Iimmediately think of a crackling fire and falling leaves. Those herbs areautumn in a jar to me.”

A classic version consists of steamed milk, coffee, pumpkin puree, sugar(syrup) and pumpkin spice herbs. There is often a dollop of whipped cream ontop. “I add vanilla extract myself. Or you can take a little fresh marrow froma vanilla pod,” Oostveen tips. You can also add slices of fresh ginger,cinnamon sticks, or cardamom. Or allspice grains and cloves. With a teainfuser or herb strainer you prevent pieces from remaining in your drink.

Zie ookKoken met pompoen: ‘Flespompoen kan met schil en al in de soep’

Personalize your PSL

You can also make your PSL vegan or diet friendly to make. Oostveen: “I amlactose intolerant, so I take vegetable milk. I prefer to use vegetable milkthat foams well, for example a barista version. I use this to make cappuccinofoam in the frother. That way you don’t even need whipped cream.”

For the pumpkin puree, roast cubes of pumpkin flesh for twenty to thirtyminutes in the oven (180 degrees, 165 degrees hot air). If you have leftoverpumpkin puree, you can freeze it in an ice cube tray. You use those blocks foryour next PSL. The ice cubes thaw automatically in the milk duringpreparation.

This is what you need for Pumpkin Spice Latte

  • 200 milliliters (vegetable) milk * 1-2 tbsp pumpkin puree * 1 tablespoon sugar * ½ teaspoon pumpkin spice herbs (or gingerbread spices) * 1 teaspoon vanilla extract * 1 freshly brewed (espresso) coffee (about 60 milliliters)

That’s how you make it

the sudden drop in viewing figures causes panic among the television channels

Traditional viewing figures that suddenly lose their appeal, barely programsthat reach a million viewers and a sharp increase in postponed viewing. Thestart of the new television season is causing chaos in the viewing figures.

Pieter DumonSaturday September 24, 202210:51

It was a bit of a shock at the Medialaan when the viewing figures fell intothe mailbox on Tuesday 6 September. The night before, they had officiallykicked off the new television season at VTM, with ratings hit ‘Blind married’as the absolute spearhead. The program was given a makeover and seemed poisedto become one of the mainstays of the channel, just like in previous years.But the viewers apparently thought otherwise. The first episode of the TVversion of Tinder could only captivate 393,000 viewers. By comparison, thefirst episode of the previous season was still good for more than 800,000viewers.

A one-time miscalculation, you may think. With a program that, without thebroadcasters even noticing, has passed its expiration date. But also in thedays that follow, the bizarre viewing figures continue to roll in. Forexample, the first episode of ‘De Schaal van Pascale’, which the channelexpected a lot from, has to manage with 180,000 viewers. ‘Dear viewers’remains at 210,000 viewers and ‘Lego Masters’, which is already due for thesecond episode on Saturday September 10, can only tempt 170,000 viewers. Thata new program like that of Pascale Naessens doesn’t work, you can always.But that just about every title sees its viewers halve is unprecedented.

It is not only at VTM that people look at the figures with increasingastonishment. At SBS, the company above the Play channels, they are throwing’The smartest person in the world’ into the fray this fall. With 732,000viewers, the first episode – on Monday 5 September – does a lot better thancompetitor ‘Blind married’, the program remains well below the level of lastyear. Then the first episode was good for just over a million viewers. Thefirst episode of the Sunday evening program ‘Klopjacht’ was good for 262,000live viewers. Just under a year ago, there were 474,000 before the kick-off ofthe first season.

At the VRT, the damage still appears to be minor. With the fiction series’Chantal’, the public broadcaster has the only program that can appeal to morethan a million viewers live. However, the figures on Reyerslaan are also lowerthan normal. The daily soap opera ‘Thuis’, for example, which in normal timesvery regularly reaches the milestone of 1 million live viewers, failed to doso this autumn. The crowd puller ‘Down the Road’, good for an average of1,604,000 viewers last season, also reached the million mark in recent weeks.* live viewers * not.

The first episode of ‘I Can See Your Voice’ had to make do with 382,000 liveviewers.Image DPG Media

World Cup football

The search for an explanation for the bizarre figures leads strangely enoughto the World Cup. An event that will only be launched on November 20, butalready has an influence on the viewing figures of the past few weeks. That’show it is. Normally such a World Cup is played in the summer, at a time whentelevision channels invest less in their broadcasting schedules anyway. Afterall, not only are fewer people in front of the television, advertisers also donot roll out major campaigns during the summer months. The fact that thechannel that is allowed to broadcast the World Cup attracts the majority ofviewers during that limited television period is therefore no problem for theassembled competition.

Now that’s something different. November and December are important televisionmonths in which channels traditionally show off their large viewing figures.But they are in danger of being blown away this year by the football violence.So the broadcasters started puzzling. At Play4, this led to the decision todrop ‘The smartest person in the world’ in the schedule at the beginning ofSeptember. A lot earlier than in previous years, when the program only came onthe screen in mid-October. In this way, the winner is already known the momentthe World Cup erupts.

Because the other channels also use the same logic, there is an oversupply.Monday evening is the best example of this. “There you have three programswith the potential to hit the million mark with ‘The Smartest Man’, ‘MarriedBlindly’ and ‘Down the Road’,” he said. Lotte Vermeir , net manager of Oneand Canvas. ‘The result is an enormous fragmentation of the viewing audienceand figures for each of those programs are lower than we are used to.’Annick Bongers , program director at the Play channels sees anothereffect. ‘The programs that do hold up are all great titles. Only so-calledmust-see television remains. Smaller programs are irrevocably excluded.’

This oversupply also encourages delayed viewing. A phenomenon that has neverbeen completely gone this fall. ‘Delayed viewing has of course been on therise for some time’, says Maarten Janssen , channel manager at the VTMchannels. ‘But corona has put that growth on hold for two years.’ The globalpandemic and the accompanying lockdowns gave traditional television viewing amajor boost: because there was hardly anything else to do, people sat quietlyin front of the TV at night. Now that that is gone, viewers seem to beconsuming their favorite programs more than ever before.

Down the Road.  Image ©VRT

Down the Road.Image © VRT

The numbers say it all. For example, the most-watched episode of ‘Down theRoad’ was good for 967,000 viewers. Those are people who either watched theprogram live, or caught up with it at a later time that same evening. If youlook at the numbers for that same episode seven days later, you come up *1,257,000 viewers out. 290,000 fans of *Dieter Coppens hisprogram was therefore postponed. The same calculation exercise also revivesthe figures for ‘Blind Married’. The 393,000 viewers who were in the viewingfigures after the first episode have now become 660,000. If you also add theviewers who watched the program via the online platform VTM GO, you arrive at717,000 viewers. And then there’s ‘The smartest person’. Although no episodehas more than 1 million viewers live, the program is now tapping an average of1,090,000 viewers per episode.

Climate change

And we haven’t even talked about the weather yet. Climate change also affectsthe traditional channels at the start of the television season, as it turnsout. ‘The weather has been very good for a long time,’ says Janssen. ‘Thenpeople are simply less inclined to sit in front of the TV in the evening.’ Ifyou then – as this year – immediately throw in almost all major titles at thebeginning of September, it is logical that the figures they achieve are lower.But with autumn finally approaching, that problem will solve itself, Janssenthinks. ‘You can already notice that in the viewing volumes. The first episodeof ‘I Can See Your Voice’, for example, had to make do with 382,000 liveviewers. Last Friday there were already 575,000.’

According to the Center for Information on the Media (CIM), it is not only thelong, warm summer that is playing tricks on the channels. “It is a challengefor broadcasters every year to reconnect with their viewership after thesummer,” says Sofie Rutgeerts. ‘With a growing range of channels andstreaming services, that challenge is only getting bigger.’

'The smartest person in the world'.  ImageSBS

‘The smartest person in the world’.Image SBS

They don’t seem to worry much about the erratic viewing figures at thosechannels. Just about everyone points out that when you take the delayedviewing into account, the figures are in line with expectations. ‘We are alsodoing well in terms of market share,’ adds Janssen. ‘We are currently at 26percent for this autumn, which is barely a fraction less than last year.’ Thisdoes not mean that there is overall satisfaction with the live figures. Theylike to see all broadcasters like to be jacked up a bit. ‘You want to have theprogram in your schedule that will be discussed the next day,’ says Janssen.’A title like ‘The Masked Singer’, for example, only works because Flanderslooks at it en masse at the same time and guesses the identity of the singers.Spread those viewers out over a whole week and the effect of such a program ismuch less.’

Commercial break

Their market model will also not be under pressure due to the lower livefigures, according to the commercial channels. After all, with delayedviewing, it is impossible to fast-forward through commercial breaks, whichensures that – unlike in the past – those viewers also get to see thecommercial breaks. ‘There is indeed no problem for those who watch delayedprograms on the TV screen’, confirms Bernard Cools chief intelligenceofficer at Space media agency, which sells advertising space.

‘But when those viewers make the switch to online platforms such as VTM GO,VRT Max or Go Play, it becomes a different story. Viewers will also seeadvertising there, but the online measurement methods are completely differentfrom those for television, which makes it very difficult for advertisers toknow exactly how many people they have reached with their campaign.’ Moreover,the Flemish commercial channels have to deal with international competitorsonline. Cools: ‘You come up against a platform like YouTube. And streamingservices such as Netflix or Disney+ are also working on an advertising model.That will only make it more difficult.’

Luc Suykens , CEO of the Union of Belgian Advertisers (UBA), sees yetanother problem. ‘Advertisers aim for reach, they want as many people aspossible to see their commercials. Television is the ideal medium for this. Itoffers a large range at a relatively low cost. But when there are fewer peoplein front of the screen, that model comes under pressure.’ Simply put, with aprogram with a million viewers you only need one spot to reach them all. Ifonly 250,000 viewers are watching, you need four spots for that same reach.Only the advertising space is limited. ‘That ensures that the price for thosespots skyrockets’, says Suykens. “Certainly in times of economic crisis, thiscan lead to advertisers looking for alternatives.”

It won’t get that far, if we are to believe broadcasters. “Due to acombination of circumstances, we are now seeing exceptional figures,” saysVermeir. “But this is not the new normal. In December and January, when thedays are shorter and darker, there will be more people watching anyway.”Janssen is also convinced of this. ‘Due to the shifts in broadcastingschedules and the large supply, people don’t know what to watch first. Butthis is certainly not how we will watch TV from now on. Soon the viewer willfind his way back to those pleasant moments together in front of the TV.’

Singer Björk: ‘I find songs a more natural companion than people’

Singer Björk talks cheerfully and at length. Eleven years ago we met inManchester where Björk presented a musical project about nature. Now theconversation takes place via Zoom. Björk is more accessible. Maybe because wecan’t see each other (“my camera is broken”) or because she’s at home inReykjavik and the sun is shining (“unusual”). Or because Björk Guðmundsdóttir(1965, Reykjavik) has had a “rooting period” that she says has done her good.

Rooting has been more or less forced over the past two years. After decades oftouring and coming up with new music, she stopped her activities at thebeginning of 2020 due to corona, in the middle of a European tour. Theelaborate show with orchestra members and moving projection screens was closedand Björk started a different way of life.

A life with time for friends and family, walking every day and listening topodcasts – especially about psychiatrist Carl Jung – meeting the only tenpeople in her ‘bubble’.

And there was an opportunity to sharpen the album fossora , a next phase inBjörk’s search for new musical possibilities. That search started when she wastwelve, when she recorded her first album with covers. After that she becameradical punk and then opted for an exuberant pop style, as the singer of theband Sugarcubes.

Her solo career began in 1993, with the album debut. Björk largely came upwith the music herself, incorporating her love for dance and movement intostuttering beats and angular melodies. In the wake of the house movement, shefollowed the need for sophisticated dance music.

But Björk worked according to her own ideas: her performances were carefullystaged, she designed stylized sets and stood on stage in bulbous colorfulcostumes.

She became an example to others, and not just musicians. Because Björk showedthat you can make your own music with contrarian rhythms and an emphaticIcelandic accent and get recognition too. In 2000 she played the lead role inthe movie Dancer In The Dark by the Danish director Lars von Trier, forwhich she received the Best Actress Award at Cannes. Björk was everywhere.

In the new century her music became more avant-garde. As a producer she worksaccording to strict concepts, forging elements from classical music withgabber and electronics. Björk is no longer a pop singer, she is a soundarchitect.

Like being in a cave

The fanatical love for music and its possibilities stems from her childhood,she says. Her parents always played records, they had no books or TV at home.Over the past few years, she felt the importance of music even more intensely.“For me, songs are a natural companionship, more than people,” she laughs fora moment. “I find the confrontation with a room full of people with whom youhave to have a conversation astonishing. A song is a more naturalenvironment.”

A song can feel like a cave, an excavated space in the ground. And that is thesecurity she seeks. That’s why she named the album fossora a self-inventedfeminine form of the Latin ‘fossor’, graver.

“The beats and rhythms I programmed were supposed to make you feel like you’rein a cave,” she says. “Deep away, where the ground trembles and rumbles.”

I can’t wait for my voice to get even lower>> Björk

This is how she stepped from the enchanting high sounds of the previous album_Utopia_ (2017), moving on to a deep earthiness. ‘Low’ was created by the useof bass clarinets. Six, no less. She had to plan and adjust for a long time tomake sure the bass tones wouldn’t get in each other’s way.

“That’s why it was good that we had the time. We rehearsed and recorded in mycabin in the mountains. There we all slept, cooked, got stuck with the car inthe snow and through trial and error we found the way to use six basses atonce. That is the advantage of Iceland. In studios in European cities you haveto come in with a ready-made score and you have one hour to record.”

Her voice is also lower these days. “After fifty years of singing my voice haschanged, I have lost a bit in height, but I can get more bass notes. Awesome,can’t wait for it to get even lower. About like this!” She bursts into hoarsesinging, like a female Tom Waits.

First dance, then talk

In the new songs, her vocals wander between the sounds of drum, clarinet andelectronics, which seem to slide like large blocks and sometimes clash withthe dance rhythms of Gabber Modus Operandi, an Indonesian electronic duo knownfor their radical version of Dutch ‘gabber’.

In her home in Reykjavik, she has hosted parties with friends in recent years,says Björk. “We ate together in a restaurant and then went home to listen tomusic on my large speakers. First quiet, then dance music, and finally we puton Gabber Modus Operandi, jumping up and down like in a catharsis, for aboutfifteen minutes.

“At eleven o’clock everyone left except the one who had a problem, with loveor something. We put on some sad music and talked for a while. I thought thatwas a great order. Before Covid, you talked first and danced at three in themorning. But then I’m too tired, I’d rather turn it around, dance first, thentalk.”

That’s what the new album is about, she says, about your home as a dancefloor, as a psychiatrist, as a space for the love of music. on fossora Thereare also songs about Björk’s mother Hildur Rúna, the environmental activistwho once went on a hunger strike to stop the construction of a dam in Iceland.Rúna passed away in 2018. In ‘Sorrowful Soil’ her daughter lovingly names herlife force, in ‘Ancestress’ she sings about the still present influence: “You see with your own eyes, but hear with your mother’s”.

Björk recommends listening to this album on the largest possible speakers, andnot on headphones. “Sit in your easy chair in front of the box, turn up thevolume and let yourself be surrounded by a sea of ​​​​sound.”

That’s especially true for “Victimhood,” she says. The idea for this song camefrom the podcast about Jung. As a result, Björk delved into his ideas aboutpsychological archetypes, especially those of the ‘victim’. “There are aboutfifty types of victims, according to Jung. People who are captivated byconspiracy theories is one, they think they are being chased. I wanted to behonest about it, when do I feel like a victim?”

First she was honest in her diary, then in the lyrics. “My victimhood arisesin my work, when people come together, or in my family and group of friends.Sometimes there is no harmony between people. Then I do my best to bring backthe harmony. I sacrifice my own wishes and interests for the benefit of thegroup, resulting in self-pity.”

The moaning clarinets here express self-pity (“I hate that emotion. In myselfand in others”). Björk arranged them in twisting loops to evoke the sensationof quicksand. “You sink, sink, sink, and don’t get out because you thinkyou’re so pathetic.” That she wants to deal with this feeling is apparent fromthe words: ” Out of victimhood, here I go now.”

After walking in Icelandic nature in sweatpants, it is now time for majorproductions and performances, in venues from Paris to Chile. At the moment,Björk is preparing for the release of her album, making videos and devisingsets for the tour that will start soon. She still loves the extravagant style.In the enchanting ‘underwater’ clip accompanying the new single ‘Atopos’ shedances on a homemade coral reef, dressed as a soft green anemone.

But today she doesn’t have to think about anything. „I am looking forward tothis afternoon, when I go to my house for a few days, outside with my family.It’s ten degrees. We call that warm here.”

How are the Golden Calf nominations determined? | Movies & Series

After movies like black book , Banker of the resistance and Thecondemnation the Golden Calves will soon have a new winner. The nominationsfor the film awards will be announced on Saturday evening. How are theyactually determined?

By Fabian Melchers

The Golden Calf Gala, invariably the highlight of the Netherlands FilmFestival, certainly does not happen overnight. The organization needs threemonths to come up with the list of contenders. That voting process will startat the end of June with a pre-selection.

Between 1981 and 2015, a jury awarded the film prizes, but nowadays everythingruns through the Dutch Academy For Film. That organization consists of 625professionals from various branches of the film industry. They are firstassigned fifteen titles per person to determine a pre-selection. That way,members don’t have to watch an impossible amount of movies in a short time.

But that does have consequences. Several popular movies, such as Moroccanwedding and Pregnant & Co, did not make it to the pre-selection and willtherefore not be mentioned on Saturday evening. There is an exception for thethree most visited films. Everything on the table , Bon Bini Holland 3 and_costa!!_ still have a chance to win the Audience Award. You can vote onlineuntil September 26.

Voorselectie speelfilms Gouden Kalveren (en hoe je ze buiten het NFF kuntzien)

  • Along the Way (NPO Start) * ANNE+ (Netflix, Pathé Thuis, NLZIET) * Bo (vanaf 29 september in de bioscoop) * Captain Nova (Netflix, Pathé Thuis, Picl) * Do Not Hesitate (Pathé Thuis, Picl) * Femi (vanaf 29 september in de bioscoop) * Forever Rich (Netflix) * Knor (nu in de bioscoop) * Met Mes (Prime Video, Pathé Thuis, Picl) * Mijn beste vriendin Anne Frank (Netflix, Pathé Thuis) * Moloch (Pathé Thuis, Ziggo) * Narcosis (vanaf 14 oktober in de bioscoop) * Nr. 10 (HBO Max, Pathé Thuis) * Pink Moon (nu in de bioscoop) * Splendid Isolation (vanaf 5 oktober op Picl) * Strijder (nu in de bioscoop) * The Last Ride of the Wolves (Prime Video, Pathé Thuis) * White Berry (Picl)

Nominations only within own field

At the beginning of September, Academy members were allowed to vote for thenominations, but only within their own field. So actors determine the actingnominations, directors choose directors, and so on. Anyone can participate inthe Best Film category. Other major film awards, such as the American Oscarsand the German Lola’s, operate on a similar system.

The result will therefore become clear on Saturday evening, and then a newround of voting will immediately start. Academy members can choose from allnominees until September 28. The climax follows two days later in the UtrechtCity Theater.

If you want to follow the ceremony live, you can do so on Friday evening viathe official website of the Netherlands Film Festival. Tickets for the programwill also be sold there from Sunday morning Nominated! on September 27 and28. All contenders for Best Film and Best Long Documentary can then be seen in

Amazon celebrates James Bond birthday with two big surprises

It’s the 60th anniversary of the James Bond movies. That should be celebrated,and so will Amazon Prime Video. And how!

Daniel Craig has finally been freed from James Bond. The British actor had alove-hate relationship with the role, mainly because of the physical agonythat the shooting of especially skyfall were for him.

The Great James Bond Quest

Now he can take it easy, for example by playing a detective in Netflix’s newmega franchise. Meanwhile speculate bookmakers pressure off. Who will be thenew Bond?

Is it Henry Cavill, Idris Elba, or the recently emerged favorite from_Fantastic Beasts_? We have listed the most promising candidates according toBritish betting offices in this article.

However, the reality is that we will probably still be surprised by the finalchoice of producer Barbara Broccoli. She recently let go of the fact that itcould just take another two years before they even start working on the next007 film.

She did want to reveal that the new Bond will be a man. Can we put alldiscussions about the gender of the new 007 behind us. Happy.

Bond Day

Fortunately, fans don’t have to get bored in the meantime. Amazon, the brandnew owner of the film studio behind the Bond franchise, has two nice surprisesplanned.

Apparently October 5 is Bond Day. In addition, this year also marks thesixtieth anniversary of the film franchise, which the tech giant willcelebrate on the streaming service Prime Video.

Prime Videos The Sound of 007

The streaming service has dropped a brand new trailer for The Sound of 007.A documentary that delves into the iconic music of the James Bond films. Thedirection is in the hands of Mat Whitecross, who you may know from themagnificent Oasis documentary supersonic.

The documentary delves into the “remarkable history of six decades of JamesBond music, taking viewers on a journey through Sean Connery’s Dr No untilDaniel Craig’s last appearance in No Time to Die.

The music is explained by Barbara Broccoli, the producer behind the filmfranchise. “The adrenaline, the tension, the joy, the fear. You hear the Bondtheme and it gives you that shot, Broccoli said in the trailer.

Concert for charity

The documentary can be streamed on Amazon Prime Video from October 5, but itdoesn’t stop there! On October 4, the famed Royal Albert Hall will also host aspecial charity concert to commemorate the film franchise’s 60th anniversary.

Then we’re talking about The Sound of 007 in Concert. A long list of artistswill perform the iconic music from the films together with the RoyalPhilharmonic Concert Orchestra.

Don’t worry: you don’t have to book a return ticket to London. A registrationof the concert will also be coming to Amazon Prime Video later this year.Unfortunately, no release date has yet been announced. Ah, you can’t have