Viewers frustrated with smoking couple in Four Hands on one Belly

In ‘Four Hands on One Belly’ we get to know Sharona (19). She is pregnant byher boyfriend Arjen (38). Despite the age difference of 19 years, the coupleis pregnant after just a few weeks. All nice and nice, but the two still smokeheavily during the pregnancy. And that is of course not possible, according tothe viewers of the program.

“There is only 1 question: WHY?”

Arjen lives in an anti-squat house close to the railway. Sharona lives withhim, but is not registered with him, because no children are allowed to livein anti-squat.

It’s time for the famous parents to come over to get to know the couple. Thistime it is Özcan Akyol and his wife Anna van der Breemer. “Who are they?” thepregnant couple responds. Özcan and Anna are curious about the love story ofSharona and Arjen. Although it was not love at first sight, the couple ispregnant very quickly.

The couple smokes a lot; Arjen makes the cigarettes himself with a clickdevice. Anna asks how many cigarettes Sharona smokes. “I still smoke ten-fifteen a day.” Sharona explains that she is bored and then quickly reachesfor the cigarettes. So what does she do all day? “A little cleaning andNetflix.”

Also read:

Twitter praises 20-year-old mother Meli from Four Hands On One Belly

Anna takes the cows by the horns and asks the couple to the hospital. Here,experts explain the effect of smoking on pregnancy. And that is something toswallow. “It was scary to hear,” Sharona responds.

Viewers are shocked that Sharona smokes at all during her pregnancy. ’19 yearsage difference. 2 months relationship. Living in an anti-squat, smoking like aheretic during her pregnancy. There is only 1 question: WHY?’, writes aconcerned viewer. Another says: ‘I can cry about this. These people are justhaving a baby, smoking and all…’

(Text continues below the tweets.)

After the appointment at the hospital, they both want to stop now. But thefirst week the attempt fails immediately. A few days later, Sharona tries tostop again. Anna pays a visit to ask how things are going. “It was quitetough. But we have nothing left at home.”

A few weeks later, Sharona is induced because the baby’s heart rate is toohigh. Sharona has a very hard time during the delivery, but when the babyarrives, she holds her little one with happiness. “Fortunately, it was bornsafe and sound.” They name their baby Dexx. “I’m proud of myself,” Sharonasays after giving birth.


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Sisters get strict approach in Four hands on one belly

After a few weeks Sharona makes a vlog. She hates being alone for so manydays. That is why Özcan and Anna arrange a job for her in the hospitalityindustry. She’s a little bit nervous about going back to work. “I was unsureabout making a cappuccino again, because it was quite a long time ago.” It istherefore not always easy. “It’s pretty hard to scoop ice cream,” Sharonasays. Nevertheless, she is allowed to work at the lunchroom. She also hassomething for herself.

Four Hands on one Belly see you every Tuesday evening at 8.25 pm at BNNVARAon NPO 3. You can watch the episode back here.

Spiritual jazz prince with a penetrating sax sound

From one core motif, a ripple in the water, a majestic, serene Sunday morningtrip unfolded. The nine-part promises (2021) was a carefully constructedsoundscape of lofty lines, small bubbling sounds from harp to bells,complemented by the classical strings of the London Symphony Orchestra.Pharoah Sanders’ tenor sax was a thoughtful, earthly guideline for him.Sometimes simply bobbing along on sound waves, then freely improvising with atender or more abrasive tone.

The American saxophonist Pharoah Sanders, who died on Saturday at the age of81, signed for the jazz record of the year last year. promises was aninitiative of the British DJ and producer Floating Points and became a ratherunexpected success for the old spiritual jazz king with the white beard. Thealbum, at the top of many annual lists, was a growth brilliant – _promises_sounded stronger each time with a deeply magical and calming effect.

After theannouncementSaturday through his record label Luaka Bop, that Sanders passed away in thepresence of family and friends in Los Angeles, many jazz musicians paid theirlast respects. Floating Points (Sam Shepherd) also said „to have beenhappythat heknew Sanders. Their collaboration was an artistic comeback for thesaxophonist. There was new attention for his music. More gigs at other, notnecessarily jazz places. Online the value of his music on vinyl rose – likefirst pressings of old LPs like Pharoah (1977).


Pharoah Sanders, born in 1940 as Farrell Sanders in Little Rock, Arkansas,made an unforgettable impression as an idiosyncratic tenor with a penetratingsound, exceptionally fast solos and a virtuoso technique. After the death oflike-minded people like Ornette Coleman, Don Cherry and Sun Ra, he was one ofthe last living greats of the free jazz sixties. His musical life revolvedaround spiritual jazz.

In the mid-1960s, he stood side by side with John Coltrane, the influentialinnovator in jazz history. Together they played away from the flow withdissonant, screaming solos. Where to go free jazz records like Ascension(1965) and meditations (1965) no one knew.

After Coltrane’s untimely death (liver cancer), Sanders continued on thatmusical free path with influences from Eastern religion and non-Westerninstruments, both as leader and sideman. Albums were released with Coltrane’swife, pianist and harpist Alice Coltrane. His records for the Impulse labelwere strong, mindful and meaningful. The song ‘The Creator Has a Master Plan’from the album Karma (1969) became his own optimistic magnum opus, with thesung mantra: “ the creator has a master plan, peace and happiness for everyman. He played it at every concert.

African rhythms

In the 1970s, Sanders (his first name Pharoah was given to him by Sun Ra)started investigating how he could mix African rhythms, various layers ofpercussion and vocals, with jazz. His interest in free jazz waned. From theeighties, even more mainstream came into his playing, with styles he hadpreviously ignored: modal jazz and hard bop. His playing became less robustand turbulent, but his tone remained sharp.

He continued to perform frequently. North Sea Jazz could count on him. Theheavy tenor saxophone around his neck twisted his body a little more and more.In recent years he has also performed at progressive Dutch music festivalssuch as Rockit, Dekmantel and Le Guess Who. He seemed more and more like askate-grandfather – caps on the side, baggy clothes, sneakers. Although thefirst impression was sometimes a bit slow: dozing on a chair. Only to shuffleforward, hesitating to produce some lazy first notes and then to find thattruly clear deep sound with lots of overtones. Cheers from everyone who wasthere, including himself.

6 new features of the new Chromecast with Google TV (HD)

Google introduced a lighter version of the Chromecast with Google TV inSeptember. The new HD version can stream with 1080p resolution and is cheaperwith its price of 39.99 euros. We discuss 6 novelties of the new Chromecast(HD), but there are also disadvantages.

1. More storage

A pain point of the Chromecast with Google TV (4K) has always been the limitedstorage you can use to install apps. That problem isn’t completely gone withthe Chromecast (HD), though you get an extra 300MB to use for apps. TheChromecast with Google TV (HD) comes with 4.7 GB compared to the 4.4 GB withthe 4K version.

300 GB does make a difference when you install apps in the Play Store, becausein practice you will be able to use three to four extra apps. Also payattention when setting up the Chromecast (HD), because for the first time thestreaming stick wants to install TikTok by default. If you don’t want that,you can prevent that during installation and save extra space.

2. Microphone Indicator

The Chromecast with Google TV (HD) works with Android TV 12, while the 4Kvariant has appeared with the older Android TV 10. That brings a number ofadvantages that Google describes. In Google TV, for example, you can see anindicator appear at the top right when an app uses the microphone in theremote. If that happens at an undesirable moment, you can revoke thepermission to use the microphone. This privacy feature is also known from theAndroid 12 update for phones.

3. Scale Text

Not everyone has an equally good view, and thanks to Android TV 12 it ispossible to adjust the size of letters. You can scale letters up to 130percent of the original, and there’s also the option of making lettersslightly smaller than standard – 85 percent – to fit more information on thescreen. So you don’t have to go looking for glasses if you want to see thetext in the interface of Google TV.

4. Adjust frame rate to the content

With the newer software of the Chromecast with Google TV (HD), it is possiblein the settings to adjust the frame rate in which an app is displayed on yourTV to the frame rate requested by the app. For example, you can choose to onlyinherit the app’s framerate if that works seamlessly, and this option isactive by default in Google TV.

Another option is to use an app’s framerate even when it doesn’t workseamlessly – basically forcing it – which can cause problems. You will thenbriefly see a black screen every time you play a video. With a final option,you choose never to take over the requested frame rate of an app.

5. Connect the WiFi with QR code

Connecting your Chromecast (HD) to a Wi-Fi network can now be done fasterwithout typing a password. That works with ‘Quick connect. If you choose thisoption in the connection menu, a QR code will appear on the screen of yourtelevision. If you then scan it with your phone, your Chromecast (HD) willimmediately connect to the network to which you are connected on yoursmartphone.

6 new features of the new Chromecast with Google TV(HD)

6. Turn off surround sound

The new Chromecast gives users more control over the sound of their TV, thespeakers or soundbar connected to it. You may not always want to blastsurround sound effects through your living room, for example when your partneror children are sleeping.

By default, Google TV uses all audio formats supported by your TV’s internalor external sound source. In addition, you now have the option in the settingsto always switch off surround sound, or to manually choose the allowed soundtechniques.

Less powerful hardware

We have now discussed six advantages with the Chromecast with Google TV (HD)compared to the 4K variant, but the stick also comes with one disadvantage.The HD version may perform slower when browsing the interface and apps. It hasa less fast chipset on board, a quad-core ‘Amlogic S805X2’ processor. Inaddition, it can also use less RAM: 1.5 GB of RAM instead of 2 GB.

We expect that the benefits of Android TV 12 will also reach the Chromecast(4K) via an update later, but when that will come is not known. Have youalready bought a Chromecast with Google TV (HD)? Let us know in the comments.

Buy Chromecast with Google TV

You can buy the Chromecast With Google TV 2K HD in a white color. It costs

Constance Wu reveals she was sexually assaulted in her 20s

Constance Wu reveals in her new book that she was sexually assaulted in her20s.

In an excerpt of Making a Scene published by Vanity Fair , the FreshOff the Boat actress, 40, opens up about the encounter with an “aspiringnovelist” named Ty on their second date 20 years ago.

In the book, out Oct. 4, Wu wrote that she had a wonderful first date with Ty,a New Yorker in his mid-30s, who appeared to be a gentleman and with whom sheshared sparks. On their second date, they had dinner and he invited her up tohis apartment after to give her something he had written for her. They kissedand it led to more, but when he went to get a condom — “an obvious signal forsex, which I did not want” — she stated more than once that she was “notready to have sex” with him.

“But he merely smiled, as if he knew better … than the words coming out of mymouth,” she wrote. “Hey…did it anyway.”

Wu wrote that she “didn’t fight back. I just … gave up” as it happened. Shetold herself that, “Cool girls didn’t freak out. Plus … he wasn’t violent. Hejust didn’t listen to me.” Plus, “if I fought him there was a risk that hecould become angry or violent. Could I really fight someone twice my size anda decade older than me? In his apartment?” Plus, “I was already soembarrassed… I didn’t want to make a scene.”

She recalled that she “wasn’t even upset” when she left. “I just felt … weird.Maybe because there had been no physical force… I didn’t feel attacked orassaulted or coerced and I certainly didn’t feel raped. _He just didn ‘tlisten to me_I thought.”

Wu buried the story deep below the surface long before she became a TV star,which gave her “a front-row seat to Hollywood’s latent sexism and misogyny.”Her fame from Fresh Off the Boat “gave me a public platform, I used it toadvocate for equality, pointing out systemic gender biases, and calling forpublic acknowledgment of and ending to rape culture… All the while thinkinghow fortunate it was that I had never been raped.”

Story continues

It changed one day on a plane from Singapore after filming 2018’s hit CrazyRich Asians.

“I’d just woken up from a nap when the realization hit me like a flood,” shewrote. “Ty raped me. He raped me, and I hadn’t done anything about it.”

She had a hard time referring to it as “rape” initially (“I couldn’t even saythe become “), _but was able to process it with her therapist. “She said it_used to be rape and that the lack of violence didn’t change that,” sherecalled.

Wu spent a lot of time wondering why it took 10 years to surface that she wassexually assaulted. She now knows, “I did not consent to sex. Maybe it wasn’tviolent, but it was rape. Period.”

The excerpt ended with her writing, “Some people might say that I should havefought back against Ty. But if I could go back in time, I wouldn’t change howI reacted that night. Because when I think about the girl I was back then, Iunderstand what she was going through. She wasn’t yet ready to bear theinsults and derision that follow when women make scenes. I wouldn’t make herdo something before she was ready.”

Wu has been making headlines about the last few months for her candidrevelations. Just last week, she said she was sexually harassed during herearly years on Fresh Off the Boat which aired from 2015 to 2020. She playedJessica Huang, the mother in a Taiwanese-American family living in Orlando,Fla., on the hit sitcom set in the late-’90s.

She told the ___New York Times_ an __ unidentified “senior member of theproduction team … controlled her,” including “demanding that she run all herbusiness matters past him and telling her what to wear” during her first yearon the show. She also claimed the man had once put his hand on her thigh andgrazed her crotch. By Season 2, she felt empowered to say no to the man. Sheand her alleged harasser stopped speaking completely after she refused toattend a film festival with him.

Fresh Off the Boat was my first-ever TV show,” Wu told the outlet. “I wasthrown into this world. I don’t have parents in the industry. And because Iwas 30, people thought I knew what I was doing. It made me paranoid andembarrassed.”

Wu said that harassment was behind her tweeting in 2019 that she was ready for_Fresh Off the Boat_ to end. Her tweets prompted backlash and she apologizesfor being “dramatic.” However, off-line, she felt like a disgrace to the AsianAmerican community for seeming ungrateful for her job, leading to herattempting suicide. She publicly shared about the attempted suicide in July ofthis year when she returned to social media for the first time in three years.

If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, help is available.RAINN ‘s National Sexual Assault Hotline is here for survivors 24/7 with free,anonymous help. 800.656.HOPE (4673) and ** .**

‘Chicago Med’ Star Marlyne Barrett Reveals She Has Uterine and Ovarian Cancer: ‘I’m Holding Onto Faith’

fans of Chicago Med ‘s Marlyne Barrett will recall emotional scenes theactress filmed in 2019 when her character, charge nurse Maggie Lockwood, wasbattling breast cancer. Yet what the star hasn’t revealed until now is thatshe has been quietly facing cancer herself, ever since doctors discovered afootball-sized tumor on her uterus and left ovary in July.

“I’m an extremely private person, but I felt a responsibility to tell mystory,” says Barrett, 44, who has 11-month-old twins Joshuah-Jireh andAhnne-N’Urya with her husband, pastor Gavin Barrett. “When my character wentthrough breast cancer, I had a sea of ​​people reach out to me through socialmedia. They brought me courage, and so I felt a sense of inevitability to meettheir hearts where they met me.”

Barrett, who is also known for her role on The Wire , says she also hopes toinspire others to share their own painful or uncomfortable truths. “We ashuman beings are so scared to face the mortality of life, or to even pronouncethe word cancer,” she says. “But we have so much more strength inside of usthan we think.”


Marlyne Barrett

George Burns Jr./NBC

Barrett’s arduous cancer journey began two months ago when, following a herniarepair in April, she started feeling off. “I had this accumulation of fluid[in my abdomen] that I couldn’t shake,” she says. “I looked like I was ninemonths pregnant. And I also had shortness of breath, but no pain, which wasinteresting.”

RELATED: Jane Fonda, 84, Diagnosed with ‘Very Treatable’ Cancer and IsUndergoing Chemo: ‘I Feel Very Lucky’

On July 18, doctors informed Barrett that she had a mass on her ovary anduterus; the actress was stunned by the news. “The initial experience was ashock, a shock to my womanhood,” says Barrett, who has no family history ofeither uterine or ovarian cancers. “I didn’t believe them, but when theyshowed me the CT scan, I went, ‘Oh my word.’ The first questions were, ‘Am Igoing to live?’ I just fell into my husband’s arms. It still takes my breathaway when I think about it.”

Story continues

Despite her fears, Barrett jumped into defense mode as doctors informed hershe’d need “aggressive” chemotherapy before an eventual hysterectomy. “Thebest way I could experience was to meet it,” she says. “There’s no runningfrom it because it’s my life. And eventually you just surrender because it’sso much bigger than anything you’ve ever faced. I found this courage and Ijust hunkered down and said, ‘I’m going to face this. ‘ “

When it came to the inevitability that she’d lose her hair, “I didn’t want togive the power to chemo,” says Barrett. “My hair has always been an essence ofbeauty. But I took my own razor and I shaved my head. I did it in front of mybabies so they’d see it was still Mommy. I wept, I wept, I wept. But it was abeautiful experience to do it in front of them.”

Throughout the journey, Barrett has also found endless comfort in Gavin, whomshe wed in 2009. “I’m married to the most incredible man,” she says. “I getpins and needles in my limbs from the chemo and he’ll drop everything to giveme food and hand massages. He’s dropped everything just to give me love.”

CHICAGO MED -- "How Do You Begin to Count the Losses"  Episode 801 --Pictured: (lr) Marlyne Barrett as Maggie Lockwood, Nick Gehlfuss as WillHalsteadCHICAGOMED -- "How Do You Begin to Count the Losses"  Episode 801 -- Pictured: (lr)Marlyne Barrett as Maggie Lockwood, Nick Gehlfuss as WillHalstead

CHICAGO MED — “How Do You Begin to Count the Losses” Episode 801 — Pictured:(lr) Marlyne Barrett as Maggie Lockwood, Nick Gehlfuss as Will Halstead

George Burns Jr./NBC

Throughout her physical discomfort, Barrett has worked steadily, leaning onher Chicago Med cast and crew for extra support when needed. “I’ve hadpeople shave their heads on set to support me,” she says, fighting tears.

RELATED: ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ Star Kornbread Reveals Cancer Diagnosis:’Absolutely Curable’

In order to keep working, “I start an hour earlier to get my bearings before Istart my day,” says the actress, who also takes naps and occasional days offto keep up her energy.

In addition, “because of the mass, my mid-range is a different size, so thecostume department does an incredible job,” says Barrett. “Interestinglyenough, my character on the show already wears a wig!” And ultimately, “workbrings me a lot of joy right now,” she says. “It brings me a lot of reprieveto think about something other than, ‘When is my next chemo shift?’ and ‘Howam I going to hug my children?'”

Now, as she prepares for her third round of chemotherapy at City of Hope inLos Angeles, Barrett says she’s taking it “one day at a time.”

“I have a wave of emotion that comes,” she admits. “But it’s okay not to haveit all together. You can’t tangibly hold onto fear. But I’m holding ontofaith.”

Continues Barrett: “I find new strength to carry on every day because of [mychildren]. I want to see them get married one day. And I will.”

Chicago Med airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on NBC.

Three stars for Andor: anomalous hero in the Star Wars chronology | On our Playlist

ReviewIn our playlist we guide you through the current range of on-demandfilms, series, albums and podcasts. What must you (not) have seen or listenedto and why? Today the science fiction series Andoro.


    • Star rating * Star rating * Star rating * Star rating * Star rating

Science Fiction (Disney+)

Every corner of the Star Wars universe is now so eagerly grazed by Disney+that it is waiting for a series in which one of the many droll robots gets alife story in serial form. The franchise from creator George Lucas will oneday go down in Hollywood history as the most exploited business model.Competitor Star Trek despite all the spin-offs is currently behind.

In the Star Wars deluge are now spotlighting characters who actually hadminor roles in the movies. The last example concerns Cassian Andor who isknown from the cinema film Rogue One Not really a hit from the movie series.

Once again, actor Diego Luna can take on the role of this rebel with whom – asthe fans know – things don’t end well in the film. The series with his lastname Andoro is thus a precursor to these events. Andor is followed in hisearly years as he breaks the law, steals parts from spaceships and doesn’teven shy away from murder when he is harassed by two law enforcement officers.

The first three episodes are a lead up to what Andor is really good at;espionage. Fans know that five years after this series he is in _Rogue One_becomes involved in the attack on the Death Star space station.

Text continues below the photo.

Andoro © Disney+

But before that happens, Andor is hunted by wild animals who keep themselvesalive with shady practices. The viewer learns about his background and hisorigins from an unknown planet where he was part of an Inca-like communitythat is accidentally pulled out of isolation by a crashing spaceship.

Andor is a slightly deviant hero in the Star Wars -chronology. He is goodand not. Diego Luna had a more rewarding assignment in that regard than EwanMcGregor, among others, who recently appeared in the series _Obi-Wan Kenobi_despite a promising start had significantly less exciting material at itsdisposal.

Oh yeah, Andor also has an inevitable sidekick in the form of a robot thatlooks like a red rotary vacuum cleaner. The character goes by the name B2EMO.As the Star Wars exploiters are ever in need of a spin-off idea, this couldbe an option. Or not.

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Lil Kleine is back in public circles, hugging several celebrities

Last February, images leaked out showing the rapper abusing his thengirlfriend Jaimie Vaes. The months after, Jorik, as Kleine is really called,decides to stay away from public events for a while. With his visit to thepremiere of Tino’s theater show, he seems to feel comfortable enough to minglewith the stars again. Those present let RTL Boulevard know that Jorik had agreat time. In addition to appearing good-humored and relaxed and greetingeveryone around him, the rapper is well received by the artists andcelebrities present. Photos and videos are circulating online showing Jorikbeing welcomed with a hug by celebrities such as Samantha Steenwijk and EdwinSmulders. Kleine also shares some of these in his Instagram Stories (see laterin the article).

Kleine, together with two friends, would have been in the vicinity of KrisKross Amsterdam and Rachel Hazes. The concert is also very popular, becauseaccording to the same insiders, he goes crazy like the rest of the audience,especially when Tino sings the song ‘Gabber’. He is also said to be dancinghappily with his friends at the afterparty.

These sources also report that the rapper tries to stay away from all thepress as much as possible. He does give one interview to a magazine. Thishappens off camera.

Although Kleine does not want to appear in front of the camera during thepremiere, he informs RTL Boulevard that he is doing well. He also says that hefinds it a pity how things are sometimes ‘taken out of context’ and that he’cannot say anything about it because everything gets twisted anyway’. He alsosays that he finds it difficult to keep seeing or hearing things about himselfon the juice channels. He can ‘almost no longer enter a club like Air’ orstories appear that he says he cannot defend himself against. His fathertherefore advises him that he better not go to such a club so that he nolonger has a problem.

He also returns to a video that appeared on the Instagram channel of his exJaimie Vaes earlier this week. It shows that son Lio is hugged and kissed byher new flame. Jorik says about this that he has not followed Jaimie for sometime, but that he does receive these kinds of videos from his environment. Andthat’s not very nice, he says, because he loves his son very much and this isdifficult to see.

Lil ‘s stories:

Tino Martin himself says he is happy with the arrival of his big littlefriend. “Great, isn’t it! It’s coming too. So in that respect, friends,colleagues, everything was here tonight. I don’t have to add that much,” saysthe singer. Show news. Earlier this year Tino called Jorik another ‘dick’ inQmusic morning program _Mattie & Marieke_This in response to the leaked imagesof the assault. Due to the incident, the rapper was also no longer welcomeduring Tino Martin’s concert series in the Ziggo Dome. The singer seems tohave forgiven his ‘gabber’ for his misstep.

‘Why Wear a Fat Suit?’

Daniel Franzese

Amanda Edwards/Getty Daniel Franzese

Daniel Franzese says he “and the other big queer guys” are overlooked forroles — like the one played by Brendan Fraser in The Whale.

“I love Brendan Fraser, [so] I’m very conflicted,” the mean girls actor, 44,tells PEOPLE of Fraser’s role as a gay 600-lb. reclusive writing instructorwho is struggling to reconnect with his teenage daughter ( _Stranger Things_star Sadie Sink). “Seeing him get up so modest in Venice and have that moment,I was very happy for him. He’s a lovely man. And it’s great. But why? Why goup there and wear a fat suit to play a 400-lb. queer man?”

Franzese goes on to say that “actors like me and my colleagues” would “jumpat” the opportunity to star a movie like The Whale which has awards buzz forFraser’s acclaimed performance.

“To finally have a chance to be in a prestige film that might be award-nominated, where stories about people who look like us are being told? That’sthe dream,” Franzese continues. “So when they go time and time again and castsomeone like Brendan Fraser, me and the other big queer guys, we’re like,’What the…?’ We can’t take it!”

Reps for Fraser and the movie’s director, Darren Aronofsky, did notimmediately respond to PEOPLE’s request for comment Monday.

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Brendan Fraser in TheWhaleBrendanFraser in TheWhale

Brendan Fraser in The Whale

Courtesy of A24 Brendan Fraser in The Whale (2022)

RELATED: The Special Way Daniel Franzese Honored His Mother on RuPaul ‘sSecret Celebrity Drag Race

Franzese tells PEOPLE that Aronofsky “is one of [his] favorite directors,” butsays, “I would have loved to have read for this. I mean, who knows more aboutbeing an obese queer man than an obese queer man?”

Story continues

“But I guess you can go ahead and wear a fat suit and do what you got to doand get your Oscar. We’ll just sit here, waiting,” Franzese says.

According to the RuPaul ‘s Secret Celebrity Drag Race star, “The biggestproblem we have right now in our industry is that people like me and mycolleagues can’t really sell movies overseas if we are actually queer becausethe world is homophobic.”

“Even if America is ready for a gay person in the lead like that, they have ahard time selling the movie overseas, so they get scared,” Franzese says. “Butit’s going to take risk-takers and real trailblazers to let us cut our teethin these roles as actors so we, too, can have a shot at a full career inHollywood.”

RELATED VIDEO: The Whale Star Brendan Fraser Felt “Sense of Vertigo”Removing 600 Ibs.-Man Prosthetic Suit

Aronofsky, 53, told Vanity Fair in an interview published last month thatFraser carried between 50 and 300 extra pounds during filming, depending onthe scene. The movie takes place entirely within his character Charlie’s homeover the course of less than a week.

“I became accustomed to wearing Charlie’s body pretty quickly,” Fraser toldthe PEOPLE and EW video studio during an interview at the 2022 TorontoInternational Film Festival earlier this month, according to EntertainmentWeekly. “I discovered that, once I took it off, I could still feel thesensation of wearing it, almost like an undulation.”

The Mummy star added, “At the same time, once I took all the applicationsoff at the end of the day, I felt a deepening sense of respect for people wholive in that corporal being, because I could remove it like clothing andwardrobe and makeup , and their challenge to do that with their own body isnot as sudden.”

The actor, who reportedly worked with the Obesity Action Coalition forresearch, said his experience in The Whale “gave me an appreciation for theincredible courage they have to possess themself with for their very survival,and it takes an incredibly strong-willed and physically strong person to liveinside a body that is, in Charlie’s case, hundreds and hundreds of pounds. “

Honoree Brendan Fraser accepts the TIFF Tribute Award for Performancepresented by IMDbPro for 'The Whale'  onstage at the TIFF Tribute Awards Galaduring the 2022 Toronto International Film Festival at The Fairmont Royal YorkHotel on September 11, 2022 in Toronto,Ontario.HonoreeBrendan Fraser accepts the TIFF Tribute Award for Performance presented byIMDbPro for 'The Whale'  onstage at the TIFF Tribute Awards Gala during the2022 Toronto International Film Festival at The Fairmont Royal York Hotel onSeptember 11, 2022 in Toronto,Ontario.

Honoree Brendan Fraser accepts the TIFF Tribute Award for Performancepresented by IMDbPro for ‘The Whale’ onstage at the TIFF Tribute Awards Galaduring the 2022 Toronto International Film Festival at The Fairmont Royal YorkHotel on September 11, 2022 in Toronto, Ontario.

Tommaso Boddi/Getty Brendan Fraser

RELATED: A Timeline of Brendan Fraser’s Career and Comeback

“In my mind, it looked like it belonged in the Tate Modern gallery,” Fraseradded of the mold that was created for him from digital scans of his body. “Itwas that striking to behold. I say this because it’s important to have respectfor those who do have that corporal being.”

“I learned almost in a way, poetically, that you need to have incrediblystrong will of spirit and body to inhabit a body the size of Charlie’s, andthat’s an appreciation that I grew to respect more and more each day,” hesaid.

The Whale marks Fraser’s first leading role since 2013’s breakout_according to _variety . He had a role in last year’s No Sudden Move plusrecent TV stints on shows like Doom Patrol , The Affair and Trust.Fraser was expected to play the villain in the HBO Max batgirl movie beforeit was reported in August that the film was shelved indefinitely.

Samuel D. Hunter wrote the screenplay based on his play of the same name. The2012 production debuted off-Broadway to acclaim from The New York Times andit won a Drama Desk Award, the Lucille Lortel Award for outstanding play and aGLAAD Media Award.

Megan Thee Stallion Launches Website With Mental Health Resources

Megan Thee Stallion is encouraging her fans to check in on their mentalhealth.

The 27-year-old musician appeared to confirm she recently launched a mentalhealth resources website. On Sept. 25, she shared atweet from a fannamed Shea Jordan Smith, a senior digital political strategist, who revealedthe website is titled “Bad B—s Have Bad Days Too.”

The name is a reference to her current single called “Anxiety” from her secondalbum, “Traumazine.”

“Megan @theestallion created a websitethat compiles a list of diverse mental health resources and is sending it outto her fans and followers,” Smith wrote, including the link to the website.

in the TwitterthreadSmithincluded photos of the website as well as what appeared to be a message pennedby the “Body” rapper.

“Hottie! You know how much mental wellness means to me, so I created a hubwith resources that can help when you might need a hand,” the tweet said.“Head to now and check it out. Love y’all so much— @theestallion.”

The website features links to free therapy organizations and other mentalhealth resources like helplines. Further down, fans can find resourcedirectories for different organizations that specifically support Black womenand members of the LGBTQ+ community.

At the bottom of the website, there is a link to help fans find a therapistand sign up for updates for new resources.

Throughout her career, Megan has been open about her mental health struggles.

In her song “Anxiety,” she raps, “They keep sayin’ I should get help/ But Idon’t even know what I need/ They keep sayin’ speak your truth/ And at thesame time say they don’t believe .”

Last month, she sat down with Apple Music’s Ebro Darden and Nadeska Alexis todiscuss how “Traumazine” allowed her to be more vulnerable.

“I could be sad and I’ll write a song like ‘Body,’” she said. “Or I could bepissed off and I’ll write a song like ‘Freak Nasty.’ I don’t write songs abouthow I feel, I write songs about how I want to feel.”

Story continues

She continued, “So I feel like, on this album, it’s probably the first time Ifigured out how to talk about what I want to say, like, express myself alittle bit more.”

Megan shared that in the past she was taught not to discuss her personalbusiness with other people.

“I feel like it’s been so easy for people to tell my story for me, speak on mybehalf because I’m a nonchalant person,” she added. “But, like, I see now thatit can get out of control. So I feel like I wanted to just take control of mynarrative, take control of my own story. Tell it my way. Tell it from me.”

In 2021, Megan spoke about going to therapy to seek help after the death ofher parents.

Mom Holly Thomas died in March 2019 after battling brain cancer and her fatherdied when she was a teenager, People reports.

During Season Two of the Facebook Watch series “Peace of Mind with Taraji”last year, Megan said, “I’ve lost both of my parents. Now, I’m like, ‘Oh mygosh, who do I talk to? What do I do?’ And I just started learning that it’sOK to ask for help. And it’s OK to want to go get therapy.”

She told host Taraji P. Henson that she had previously thought seeing atherapist would make her “weak.”

“As a Black person, and when you think of therapy you think of, ‘Oh my gosh,I’m weak.’ You think of medication and you just think the worst,” she said inthe episode titled “Slaying Adversity with Megan Thee Stallion.” “That’s kindof what you see on TV too. Like, therapy wasn’t even presented in the media assomething that was good. Now, it’s becoming safe to say, ‘Alright now, there’sa little too much going on. Somebody help me.’”

This article was originally published on

Netflix comes with Dutch title, Apple TV + hands out beer

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We are really spoiled with all streaming services these days. More than ever,we get a whole mountain of new series and movies every week that we can watchright away in our living room. WANT editor Jeroen Kraak makes a list of thebiggest releases at the beginning of each week. So you know what to lookforward to on Netflix, Apple TV+, HBO Max and all other services.

Netflix, Apple TV+ and Amazon Prime Video

Also this week there are quite a few new titles coming up. Dive into amysterious murder case, or just enjoy a beer. It all happens on Netflix andthe other streaming services.

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