Angelina Jolie details Brad Pitt abuse allegations for the 1st time

Angelina Jolie is detailing for the first time what allegedly went down on theinfamous 2016 plane flight that led to her divorce from Brad Pitt.

In court papers filed in Los Angeles on Tuesday, the actress claims “Pittchoked one of the children and struck another in the face.” Jolie alleges herex-husband “grabbed” her head and “shook her,” according to the documentobtained by the New York Times. At one point during the flight from Franceto California, the Oscar-winning actor supposedly dumped alcohol on her andthe kids. Pitt sources have long denied he was physically abusive toward Jolieor their six children.

Jolie’s cross complaint against Pitt is part of the former couple’s battleover their French winery, Château Miraval. Pitt claimed in court that Joliewas not entitled to sell her half of the company to liquor giant Stoli withoutoffering him first of right refusal. In Tuesday’s filing, lawyers for Jolieclaim negotiations with Pitt stalled over his request she sign a “anondisclosure agreement that would have contractually prohibited her fromspeaking outside of court about Pitt’s physical and emotional abuse of her andtheir children.”

Reps for Pitt did not respond to Yahoo Entertainment’s request for comment.

No one is disputing something went down on the private plane in 2016 — buteach star’s account appears to be wildly different. Although Pitt has notdirectly commented about the alleged incident, he got sober shortly afterJolie filed for divorce and spent a year and a half attending AlcoholicsAnonymous. The FBI and the Los Angeles County Department of Children andFamily Services launched an investigation as to what happened in the air andPitt, who cooperated with the investigation, was ultimately cleared of childabuse allegations.

The US Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles declined to comment and the FBI didnot immediately return Yahoo Entertainment’s request for comment.

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However, Jolie says in her new filing that the FBI agent who investigatedincident “concluded that the government had probable cause to charge Pitt witha federal crime for his conduct that day.” The agent apparently provided theUnited States Attorney’s Office copies of a probable cause statement. Aredacted FBI report that was leaked in August — which described the actress as”conflicted on whether or not to be supportive of charges” related to the case— detailed Jolie’s allegations that Pitt was physically and verbally assaultedtheir family. This is the first time anyone has heard it directly from theactress, though.

Puck News reported Jolie had been seeking information about the FBI’s case asan anonymous plaintiff in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. On Tuesday,journalist Matthew Bellonictweeted TeamJolie “has been debating for years about whether to go” public with the Pittaccusations. In the cross complaint, Jolie’s attorneys say her hand wasforced.

“She has gone to great lengths to try to shield their children from relivingthe pain Pitt inflicted on the family that day,” Jolie’s attorneys state. “Butwhen Pitt filed this lawsuit seeking to reasset control over Jolie’s financiallife and compel her to rejoin her ex-husband as a frozen-out business partner,Pitt forced Jolie to publicly defend herself on these issues for the firsttime.”

Jolie claims in the documents the 2016 fight between her and Pitt began whenhe accused her of being “too deferential” to their children. He allegedlybegan yelling at her in the bathroom.

“Pitt grabbed Jolie by the head and shook her, and then grabbed her shouldersand shook her again before pushing her into the bathroom wall,” the filingstates. “Pitt then punched the ceiling of the plane numerous times, promptingJolie to leave the bathroom.”

One of the children apparently came to Jolie’s defense and she claims Pittattacked the kid, so she grabbed Pitt from behind. Jolie alleges Pitt “choked”one of the kids and “struck another in the face.” The lawsuit claims “hepoured beer on Jolie” and at another point, “he poured beer and red wine onthe children.”

Jolie and Pitt were together for more than a decade. She filed for divorce andfull custody after the incident in 2016. They share six children: Maddox, now21, Pax, 18, Zahara, 17, Shiloh, 16, and 14-year-old twins Vivienne and Knox,14.

MORE: Brad Pitt reportedly moving on with Emily Ratajkowski

The series Rampvlucht, which was awarded a Golden Calf, succeeds excellently in increasing the tension

The best Dutch drama of the past year is emphatically concerned with the past.Take the three series that were nominated for Best Television Drama. DirtyLines (about the sexline industry of the 1980s), The Year of Fortuyn and_disaster flight_. And then we call the non-nominated The Spectacular (aboutthe IRA attacks in Limburg in the 1980s). disaster flight eventually won theGolden Calf. Thank you, but The Year of Fortuyn came off very poorly, ifonly because Ramsey Nasr and Fedja van Huêt were not even nominated. In allthese series about recent historical periods, a mirror to the present-dayNetherlands is held up; everything may have changed, but have we learned thehistorical lessons?

disaster flight is a penetrating five-part drama series about the Bijlmerdisaster; a disaster that continued for years after the cargo plane of theIsraeli company El Al crashed in the middle of the Amsterdam Bijlmermeer.Screenwriter Michael Leendertse bases his story on the work of twoinvestigative journalists, Pierre Heijboer of de Volkskrant (Yorick vanWageningen) and Vincent Dekker van Fidelity (Thomas Höppener), who saw theirprofessional suspicion about the course of events rewarded years later with aparliamentary inquiry. The third leading role is played by Joy Delima as AshaWillems, a veterinarian from the Bijlmer who makes it a mission to link themysterious diseases that plague the Bijlmer after the disaster with themismanagement of the Dutch authorities.

Delima does not play a historical figure, but is more a composite of activistand other inhabitants of the Bijlmer, who continued to fight to hear the truestory, in particular about the dangerous cargo of the cargo plane. Leendertseprobably looked closely at the HBO series Chernobyl , another disaster witha different aftermath, but there too an unlikely duo of men, based onhistorical figures and a ‘composite’ female character (Emily Watson) who doesmedical research. You can choke on such an example, but _disaster flight_succeeds excellently in increasing the tension for five episodes.

The disaster itself is modest but very effectively portrayed in a few images;a terrifying side view from a window as the plane lands, and a plume of smokein the distance, from Schiphol’s control tower. There are two journalists whosink their teeth deeper into the case than most of their colleagues. And inboth cases, their professional perseverance grows into an obsession that theeditors of the various newspapers no longer know what to do with. Someeditorial scenes feel a bit short sighted, but in general the series seems tohave captured the journalistic atmosphere of the nineties well.

Van Wageningen plays Heijboer as an old lion who once again seizes theopportunity to grab a big story, while the Vincent Dekker of the excellentThomas Höppener, a man with all kinds of nerdy knowledge about runways andflight routes, is precisely the young guy who finally want to prove. Withoutbeing helped by any diplomatic talent. In both cases, they also have somethingto prove on their own editorial board. After all, Asha Williams (Joy Delima)is the character who keeps drawing attention to the victims, behind thepolitical machinations. In a strong supporting role, Gijs Scholten van Asschatis the leader of the official investigation from the Rijksluchtvaartdienst; arole that here also represents administrative arrogance in the past and

‘Game of Thrones’ Fans Boycott George RR Martin’s Next Book, Accusing Coauthors of Racism

Bestselling fantasy author and “House of the Dragon” executive producer GeorgeRR Martin is caught in the crossfire of the heated battle over inclusivecasting — and some of his fans are calling for a boycott of his upcoming bookdue to comments by its coauthors.

Out Oct. 25, “The Rise of the Dragon: An Illustrated History of the TargaryenDynasty, Volume One” is being touted as a “deluxe reference book” for thoseitching to learn more about Westeros’ most powerful family. When Martinpublicized it on social media lastweek, thousandsof fans responded in outrage, many calling out the problematic behavior and“history of racism” of his coauthors, married couple Linda Antonsson and ElioM. García Jr. “I will not be buying anything with Linda and Elio attached toit,” one wrote, while others urged Martin to sever ties with the pair.

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Now the coauthors are fighting back, with Antonsson insisting to _variety_that she is not a racist and García saying he feels under attack for stickingto his views about Martin’s original works.

The “Game of Thrones” superfans have been collaborating with Martin sincebefore HBO’s hit adaptation of his “A Song of Ice and Fire” books. Soon afterAntonsson and García created online forum in 1999, Martinrecruited them as fact-checkers for his book “A Feast for Crows.” In 2014,they served as coauthors on “The World of Ice & Fire,” an illustratedcompanion book for the series of novels.

Critics have taken issue with Antonsson’s blog posts, some dating to more thana decade ago, in which she decries the casting of people of color in “Game ofThrones” to play characters that are white in Martin’s books. In one post fromMarch 2012, for example, Antonsson complained about Nonso Anozie, a Black man,getting cast in the role of Xaro Xhoan Daxos, who is described as pale in thebooks. Five months later, she celebrated the fact that white actor Ed Skreinwas cast to play Daario Naharis, despite a rumor claiming the network waslooking to fill the role with someone of another ethnicity.

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More recently, Antonsson wrote that the character of Corlys, portrayed bySteve Toussaint on “House of the Dragon,” was miscast. “There are no BlackValyrians and there should not be any in the show,” she said of the commonancestors of Velaryons and Targaryens.

Antonsson contends that upset fans are criticszing “cherry-picked statementsstripped of context.” She tells variety that it bothers her to be “labeled aracist, when my focus has been solely on the world building.” According to theauthor, she has no issue with inclusive casting, but she strongly believesthat “diversity should not trump story.”

“If George had indeed made the Valyrians Black instead of white, as he musedon his ‘Not a Blog’ in 2013, and this new show proposed to make the Velaryonsanything other than Black, we would have had the same issue with it and wouldhave shared the same opinion,” Antonsson says.

Inclusive casting in fantasy has become a hot-button issue recently, withBlack actors in “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” and “Obi-WanKenobi” facing racist comments online. Toussaint recently noted that some fanswho object to his playing a “rich Black guy” have no issue buying into theexistence of dragons.

But Antonsson dismisses Toussaint’s comments as a “false dichotomy whichcompletely misses the point of how secondary world fantasy functions.”Changing the ethnic makeup of characters “raises all sorts of logicalquestions,” she contends.

Antonsson notes that her gripes with “House of the Dragon” aren’t limited toits casting choices: she takes issue with the specifics of one character’sdeath because it differs from Martin’s source material, as well as the lack ofrepercussions for Ser Criston Cole’s actions in Episode 5. García adds thatthe duo tried to “stir up a #FixASeahorse campaign” after the series changedthe Velaryon house sigil from an actual seahorse to a mythical half-horsehalf-fish, but they were “too late.” Still, Antonsson and García say they’reboth really enjoying “House of the Dragon” and credit showrunner Ryan Condalas “someone who clearly cares about the source material.”

As for Martin, who declined to speak with variety for this story, Antonssonsays he is “very much aware” of the arguments she and García have had onlinewith fans. She adds that while Martin “doesn’t see the point in engaging withpeople” on social media, “he has not suggested we should stop sharing ouropinions.”

Finally, Antonsson supports boycotting authors she doesn’t agree with — shejust wishes fans were doing it “because of our actual opinions rather thanthose they project on us.”

Ten Speed ​​Press, the publisher behind “Rise of the Dragon,” did not respondto variety ‘s request for comment.

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Loretta Lynn, coal miner’s daughter and country queen, dies

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Loretta Lynn, the Kentucky coal miner’s daughter whosefrank songs about life and love as a woman in Appalachia pulled her out ofpoverty and made her a pillar of country music, has died. she was 90.

In a statement provided to The Associated Press, Lynn’s family said she diedTuesday at her home in Hurricane Mills, Tennessee.

“Our precious mom, Loretta Lynn, passed away peacefully this morning, October4th, in her sleep at home in her beloved ranch in Hurricane Mills,” the familysaid in a statement. They asked for privacy as they grieve and said a memorialwill be announced later.

Lynn already had four children before launching her career in the early 1960s,and her songs reflected her pride in her rural Kentucky background.

As a songwriter, she crafted a persona of a defiantly tough woman, a contrastto the stereotypical image of most female country singers. The Country MusicHall of Famer wrote fearlessly about sex and love, cheating husbands, divorceand birth control and sometimes got in trouble with radio programmers formaterial from which even rock performers once shied away.

Her biggest hits came in the 1960s and ’70s, including “Coal Miner’sDaughter,” “You Ain’t Woman Enough,” “The Pill,” “Don’t Come Home a Drinkin'(With Lovin’ on Your Mind), “Rated X” and “You’re Looking at Country.” She wasknown for appearing in floor-length, wide gowns with elaborate embroidery orrhinestones, many created by her longtime personal assistant and designer TimCobb.

Her honesty and unique place in country music was rewarded. She was the firstwoman ever named entertainer of the year at the genre’s two major awardsshows, first by the Country Music Association in 1972 and then by the Academyof Country Music three years later.

“It was what I wanted to hear and what I knew other women wanted to hear,too,” Lynn told the AP in 2016. “I didn’t write for the men; I wrote for uswomen. And the men loved it, too.”

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In 1969, she released her autobiographical “Coal Miner’s Daughter,” whichhelped her reach her widest audience yet.

“We were poor but we had love/That’s the one thing Daddy made sure of/Heshoveled coal to make a poor man’s dollar,” she sang.

“Coal Miner’s Daughter,” also the title of her 1976 book, was made into a 1980movie of the same name. Sissy Spacek’s portrayal of Lynn won her an AcademyAward and the film was also nominated for best picture.

Long after her commercial peak, Lynn won two Grammys in 2005 for her album“Van Lear Rose,” which featured 13 songs she wrote, including “Portland,Oregon” about a drunken one-night stand. “Van Lear Rose” was a collaborationwith rocker Jack White, who produced the album and played the guitar parts.

Born Loretta Webb, the second of eight children, she claimed her birthplacewas Butcher Holler, near the coal mining company town of Van Lear in themountains of east Kentucky. There really wasn’t a Butcher Holler, however. Shelater told a reporter that she made up the name for the purposes of the songbased on the names of the families that lived there.

Her daddy played the banjo, her mama played the guitar and she grew up on thesongs of the Carter Family. Her younger sister, Crystal Gayle, is also aGrammy-winning country singer, scoring crossover hits with songs like “Don’tIt Make My Brown Eyes Blue” and “Half the Way.” Lynn’s daughter Patsy LynnRussell also was a songwriter and producer of some of her albums.

“I was singing when I was born, I think,” she told the AP in 2016. “Daddy usedto come out on the porch where I would be singing and rocking the babies tosleep. He’d say, ‘Loretta, shut that big mouth. People all over this hollercan hear you.’ And I said, ‘Daddy, what difference does it make? They are allmy cousins.’”

She wrote in her autobiography that she was 13 when she got married to Oliver“Mooney” Lynn, but the AP later discovered state records that showed she was15. Tommy Lee Jones played Mooney Lynn in the biopic.

Her husband, whom she called “Doo” or “Doolittle,” urged her to singprofessionally and helped promote her early career. With his help, she earneda recording contract with Decca Records, later MCA, and performed on the GrandOle Opry stage. Lynn wrote her first hit single, “I’m a Honky Tonk Girl,”released in 1960.

She also teamed up with singer Conway Twitty to form one of the most popularduos in country music with hits such as “Louisiana Woman, Mississippi Man” and“After the Fire is Gone,” which earned them a Grammy Award. Their duets, andher single records, were always mainstream country and not crossover or pop-tinged.

And when she first started singing at the Grand Ole Opry, country star PatsyCline took Lynn under her wing and mentored her during her early career.

The Academy of Country Music chose her as the artist of the decade for the1970s, and she was elected to the Country Music Hall of Fame in 1988. She wonfour Grammy Awards, was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2008,was honored at the Kennedy Center Honors in 2003 and was awarded thePresidential Medal of Freedom in 2013.

In “Fist City,” Lynn threatens a hair-pulling fistfight if another woman won’tstay away from her man: “I’m here to tell you, gal, to lay off of my man/Ifyou don’t want to go to Fist City.” That strong-willed but traditional countrywoman reappears in other Lynn songs. In “The Pill,” a song about sex and birthcontrol, Lynn writes about how she’s sick of being trapped at home to takecare of babies: “The feelin’ good comes easy now/Since I’ve got the pill,” shesong.

She moved to Hurricane Mills, Tennessee, outside of Nashville, in the 1990s,where she set up a ranch complete with a replica of her childhood home and amuseum that is a popular roadside tourist stop. The dresses she was known forwearing are there, too.

Lynn knew that her songs were trailblazing, especially for country music, butshe was just writing the truth that so many rural women like her experienced.

“I could see that other women was goin’ through the same thing, ’cause Iworked the clubs. I wasn’t the only one that was livin’ that life and I’m notthe only one that’s gonna be livin’ today what I’m writin’,” she told The APin 1995.

Even into her later years, Lynn never seemed to stop writing, scoring a multi-album deal in 2014 with Legacy Records, a division of Sony MusicEntertainment. In 2017, she suffered a stroke that forced her to stop touring,but she released her 50th solo studio album, “Still Woman Enough” in 2021.

She and her husband were married nearly 50 years before he died in 1996. Theyhad six children: Betty, Jack, Ernest and Clara, and then twins Patsy andPeggy. She had 17 grandchildren and four step-grandchildren.

Dedee Pfeiffer says ‘being Michelle Pfeiffer’s sister’ was not the reason for addiction

Dedee Pfeiffer says being the younger sister of superstar Michelle Pfeiffer isabsolutely not to blame for her addiction struggles.

the Cybilli alum, who now appears in TVs Big Sky , opened up to Page Sixabout her 10-year hiatus from Hollywood, during which she was a high-functioning alcoholic before seeking treatment. She spoke about what heraddiction stemmed from – and what it did not.

“For me, it all revolved around my insecurity and then this undiagnosed traumaand addiction,” Dedee, 58, explained to the outlet. “I think people would loveto say that being Michelle Pfeiffer’s sister has anything to do with any of myissues, and — excuse me — I can tell you right now: no, no and no.”

WESTWOOD, CA - JULY 10: Actresses Michelle Pfeiffer and sister DedeePfeiffer arrive to the Los Angeles premiere of New Line CinemasWESTWOOD, CA -JULY 10: Actresses Michelle Pfeiffer and sister Dedee Pfeiffer arrive to theLos Angeles premiere of New Line Cinemas

“I think people would love to say that being Michelle Pfeiffer’s sister hasanything to do with any of my issues, and — excuse me — I can tell you rightnow: no, no and no,” DeDee, right, said. (Photo: Kevin Winter/Getty Images forNew Line Cinema)

She said of the The Fabulous Baker Boys, Married to the Mob and BatmanReturns star, who has long been hailed as one of the world’s most beautifulpeople, “She’s one of the most amazing, beautiful, smart, compassionate womenI know, and I’m lucky to say she’s my sister. Are you kidding me? That’s aplus, not a minus.”

DeDee said Michelle, 64, and their family actually played a key part of herrecovery. They approached her offering help. It led to DeDee’s admission thatshe knew she needed intervention but wasn’t sure where to start. She hadprivately considered anonymous helplines, but found herself “kneecapped withshame [and] embarrassment [and] failure because I couldn’t stop.”

She said, “I just didn’t know how to ask for help. I kept trying but Icouldn’t do it, which just makes you feel like s*** about yourself.” Once shegot it, “It saved my life.”

The single mother of two talked about the root of her addiction, saying thedisease runs in her family. She long struggled with it in different ways —first with addiction to food, then to love and then alcohol. While in in-patient rehab, she started digging into her untreated trauma. Part of herjourney was realizing she is worthy. Today, she has four years of sobriety.

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“I never felt comfortable in my own skin,” said DeDee, who followed her sisterinto showbiz in the ’80s. “I kept trying to fight for that seat at the tableuntil I realized somebody said, ‘If there’s no seat at the table, make yourown damn table.’ But when I was young, I was so busy trying to be whateverybody wanted me to be… And now I feel like I’m in a generation — at 58years old — [where] I finally can say, ‘This is who I am, and if you like it,great — if not, that’s OK, go sit at a different table,’ and I’m totally finewith that.”

She continued, “I decided, in this generation, I’m not going to die with mydisease. I’m going to show my boys and my family and my friends that you canchange. You can change a whole generation by stopping right now and makingthose decisions.”

In her 10 years away from Hollywood, Dedee also went back to school, earning amaster’s degree in social work from UCLA. Part of it saw her working withunhoused people via **** the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health,which she was challenging but a good reality check.

Dedee said she’s currently in a period of “rebirth,” sober and starring in herbrother-in-law David E. Kelley’s ABC series since 2020.

“When you’re active in your disease, you’re the identified problem,” she said.”The minute you go into recovery … the day you say I want to change, youbecome the identified possibility.”

The Nits lost everything after a fire. ‘The smell of smoke makes me sad’

They worked there for at least forty years. Rehearsing, recording, encounters,memories. On May 16 of this year, the studio of the Nits burned to the ground.Instruments, equipment, archives, videotapes and concert recordings from theband’s nearly fifty years of existence: all gone.

The fire in the Werfstudio started outside, probably due to a spreading fire,started by an unknown passer-by. Four months later, only a bare plain and afew pieces of wall remain on the spot near Amsterdam-Sloterdijk station.Singer Henk Hofstede received a message that Monday from drummer Rob Kloet,who was on site after the first reports of a plume of smoke from the building.

“The flames were already out when he arrived. I immediately cycled there. Theidea played into my head that we should order a truck right away, pull stuffout and dispose of it as quickly as possible. But it was too late, there wasnothing left to save.”


All of the band’s master tapes were lost, including the original 24-tracktapes. Guitars were buried under the rubble. Hofstede is fairly level-headedabout it, he admits.

„I am not someone from the school of fanatic guitar collectors, like HennyVrienten was. I had one guitar at home. Another, my Fender Jazzmaster, haslanded again in a very special way. We were no longer allowed to enter thesite because of asbestos and the danger of collapse. Thieves apparently stillsnooped around at night, and took things with them. And a few weeks after thefire I was told to come to the police station because they had something forme. My guitar, barely damaged! Stolen from the flight case, along with adulcimer and another guitar that I also got back. They were not allowed to saywhere they found it.”

Henk Hofstede with a charred fragment of the LP In The Dutch Mountains(originally from 1987, this is the 2017 repress on red/gold marbled vinyl).The photographer found the LP during the photo session on the spot where theNits Werf studio was located until May 16, 2022. Photo Andreas Terlaak

Remains of a poster for the Nits album Malpensa from 2012, with from leftto right Rob Kloet, Henk Hofstede, Robert-Jan Stips. Photo Andreas Terlaak

Cover of the album ‘Urk’ by the Nits.

Keyboardist Robert-Jan Stips always took his stuff home with him, includingthe old Moog synthesizer he’s been playing on since his time with GoldenEarring (1974-1976). Drummer Rob Kloet lost almost everything. Only the bigdrum, pictured on the cover of the live album Urk (1989), was found underthe rubble. “We were allowed to enter the site for one day,” Hofstede says.“Then we were busy with a shovel and we found all kinds of things. In thechests of drawers where we kept the unique tapes of live recordings from thepast decades, we found only heaps of ashes. I have some rescued items in mybasement. I don’t like going there, because the smell of smoke makes me a bitsad.”


A crowdfunding campaign from the fans allowed the Nits to continue theirscheduled performances with replacement equipment. Fortunately, the new albumwas released NEON was already done. „The CDs and LPs had not yet returnedfrom the factory, because then they would also have been in the yard. Thatmight have been the most bitter, if our new album had gone up in smoke. But wewere able to continue with our tour and the album release. We have neverdoubted the survival of the Nits.”

The Werf studio was just under 45 minutes by bike from his home in EastAmsterdam, says Hofstede. “When I cycled away from home, I was alreadythinking about the things we were going to make that day. We now have atemporary rehearsal room, close to the old studio. For me, the creativeprocess involved quite a bit of cycling. That’s good, because I don’t go tothe gym and that way I still stay fit.”

Starting out as a Beatles-inspired guitar group in the New Wave era, De Nitsdeveloped into an impressionistic pop trio that continues to innovate. _NEON_sounds more electronic than the band has ever sounded, although Hofstedepoints out that the influence of Kraftwerk has always been there.

The 24th Nits album, NEON is part of a trilogy that started with Fear(2017) and Knot (2019). “The similarity between the three is that the musicwas created by improvisation. There is no plan, there are no texts in advance,no mutual agreements. In the past I sometimes had the demo version of a recordready and we would translate that into the band sound. Today we allow eachother maximum freedom. Everyone should see for themselves what they are doing.That process only works if you’ve played with each other a lot. During thoseimprovisations I just sing some sounds. In the distance it resembles English,a kind of secret language. Only later do I mold the final lyrics from there.”


NEON , named after a dear old cafe in Athens, satisfies the unwritten rulethat a Nits album title usually consists of four letters. “That is useful forthe design,” Henk says. But it is not an iron law. See In The DutchMountains or Urk. Rob [Kloet] drew my attention to the chemical fact thatneon, as a noble gas, does not combine with other elements. The Nits havealways occupied a special place in the pop landscape. We find it difficult tomix with the zeitgeist or with other artists. Personally, I prefer to listento music that I cannot and do not want to make myself. I think Kae Tempest isfantastic. But I’m not a rapper and I could never do something like thatmyself.”

“How long does it take/ weaver of my life/ to make a tapestry?” Henk Hofstede(71) sings in the closing song ‘The Weaver’. Is it ever finished, thattapestry of life? “As a metaphor it is of course on the verge of kitsch,” helaughs. “But the Family group did it too, in ‘The Weaver’s Answer’. And CaroleKing with her album tapestry. I myself am not ready yet. The Nits have tolook for another location to make new music together. I can well imagine thatwe no longer choose a permanent place for that.”

There is already an invitation to do something in the small hall of the Opérain Lyon next summer, if it will be empty there for a few weeks. Rehearse,maybe record something. Richard Robert, director of the alternative department’Opera Undergrond’ is an old friend of Hofstede, from when he was still ajournalist for the music magazine Les Inrockuptibles.

Hofstede: “And so we have plenty of plans for the future. The Nits certainlyhave a few good years in them.”

NEON of the Nits is out on YARD Records. Theater tour from 7 Oct. Inl:

Not understood David (13) steals with dance act show in Holland’s Got Talent: ‘It is a beautiful guy’

David (13) has concentration problems at his practical school in Zwolle.He does not always feel understood by his teachers and prefers to dance ratherthan count. To express his feelings, he made a dance number, arranged for theZwolle rapper Rico for supporting lyrics and signed up for the talent showprogram Holland ‘s Got Talent. The performance was shown on TV on Friday.The audience gave them a standing ovation. Rico: “I think he’s a great guy, Ilove him.”

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Since Friday September 30, a large part of the Netherlands has known who13-year-old David is, when he was seen in an audition round on RTL 4 in theevening. Holland ‘s Got Talent. David came up with a song in which he dancesand Ricardo McDougal, better known as Rico of the rap formation Opgezwolle,the spoken word part did.

‘I immediately thought of Rico’

David approached the rapper from Zwolle himself at De Fakkelteit, a breedingground at Poppodium Hedon where young people between the ages of 13 and 23 canget to work with hip-hop and rap. Rico can often be found there as well. “Iimmediately thought of him, if old school rapper,” says David. “Then I wentto him, maybe he’ll come up with something cool.”

And Rico came up with something ‘cool’. He came up with the lyrics for David’sdance number, which is mainly about his misunderstood school days. As icing onthe cake, Rico David surprises just before the performance in Holland ‘s GotTalent _with a video message. “You must have thought I forgot you had anaudition today. I know you can do it, you got it _skills in your. That’sokay.” Then the rapper from Zwolle tells that he has another surprise. “Wouldyou like to turn around?” There’s Rico. “Didn’t expect it, did you?”

‘There’s more I can do’

Then the time has come: David can perform. As he begins to dance, Rico entersthe stage. The rapper from Zwolle translates David’s feelings about his schooldays into lyrics. He raps: “This is not ordinary. I am only thirteen years oldand this is already my fourth school. There’s more I can do. What you see is aboy with a learning disability. Concentration problems, too high energy. Youwon’t believe it when I earn my living like this. Look into my eyes, it’scharacter what you see. That’s why I’m in the front, David is my name.Thankful that my mother understands me. Good times, bad times, she is therefor me.”

Text continues below the Instagram post.

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Standing ovation

After the performance, David gets a standing ovation from the audience. Healso receives praise from the four jury members. Dan Karaty is especiallycurious about how David met Rico. “I have a kind of meeting space in Zwolle,De Fakkelteit, where young people can work on rap music. In the same roomthere is also a dance hall, where I see David dancing every Wednesday,”explains Rico. “I think he’s a beautiful guy, I love him.”

Four yeses

The jury gives David a ‘yes’ four times. He is through to the next round. Thewhole episode of Holland ‘s Got Talent can be viewed here.

‘The Big Bang Theory’ actors Kaley Cuoco and Johnny Galecki on their former relationship: “We were already in love during the first season” | showbiz

CELEBRATIONSKaley Cuoco (36) and Johnny Galecki (47) Weren’t Alone in ‘The BigBang Theory’ lovers , but also in real life the two had a relationship. Inan interview with ‘Vanity Fair’, the actors candidly talk about their timetogether. “I was so nervous before our first kiss,” Cuoco said.

“I had a crush on Johnny from the start,” Cuoco admits. “At that time we wereboth in a relationship, but I was only interested in him. When I realized itwas mutual, I thought, ‘Uh-oh, this is going to cause trouble.’” But Galeckiwas initially unaware of Cuoco’s feelings. “I have a healthy ego, but when youflirt with me you have to make it abundantly clear. Otherwise I don’t realizeit,” he says. “And that was the case with Kaley. I had no idea she was in lovewith me until we started dating.”

The attraction between their characters Penny and Leonard was undeniable, evenbefore the two coupled up in real life. “When filming the scenes, it quicklybecame clear that there was chemistry between us. We were in love with eachother during the first season, and that was before we were even in arelationship.” Galecki and Cuoco were very nervous about their first kiss,both on screen and off. “I was very nervous for both. I mean, I was kissinghim like Penny before we were dating. It’s weird when you’re in love withsomeone and you have to kiss that person as an actor,” Cuoco said.

Kaley Cuoco and Johnny Galecki in 2015. © Getty Images

secret relationship

It was not until the fourteenth episode of the first season that the actorsfinally dared to admit their feelings for each other. During the scene whereLeonard rescues Penny in an elevator, the spark flew. “It all started withthat. At that point, we both knew we had feelings for each other. We couldn’tignore it any longer. That would be an even bigger distraction from our work,”says Galecki. After the scene, he asked her out on a date and their first datewas an instant hit. “We had a glass of wine in a cafe. And then we kissed.Cuoco recalls. “The next day I wanted to let everyone know about ‘The Big BangTheory.’ But Johnny said, ‘We can’t tell anyone!’ So we kept our relationshipquiet.”

Or so they thought, because it wasn’t long before the two were caught. “Oneday we were caught by ‘The Big Bang Theory’ creator Chuck Lorre. After thefilming, Kaley and I were in the parking lot. When we saw Chuck, weimmediately hid behind a car. But Chuck saw us through. Fortunately, hehandled it well and did not pass it on. We just didn’t want anyone to worryabout us.” The couple kept it professional on set. “We never even had sex inour lodges,” Cuoco laughs.

Their romance lasted for two years, from 2008 to 2010. But the breakup didn’tstop them from maintaining a great working relationship. The actors are veryhappy with how their real-life dynamics positively influenced their on-screenappeal. “I think Leonard and Penny worked so well because of my relationshipwith Johnny in real life,” Cuoco explains. “They always had a laugh with eachother. Johnny and I have a similar relationship – which makes sense afteryears of working together. We’ve always supported each other, and that’s whatmade Leonard and Penny’s relationship so funny and endearing.”

See also: ‘The Big Bang Theory’ ends after 12 seasons

The Try Guys ‘deeply hurt’ following Ned Fulmer scandal, exit: ‘We’re losing a friend’

The Try Guys are “incredibly shocked and deeply hurt” over the way Ned Fulmerexited the group.

In a video published Monday, three-fourths of The Try Guys — Eugene Lee Yang,Keith Habersberger and Zach Kornfield — spoke out on camera for the first timesince Fulmer exited the YouTube channel following an internal review of whathe said was a “consensual workplace relationship.”

“As a result of a thorough internal review, we do not see a path forwardtogether,” read a Sept. 27 statement posted to the official @tryguys Instagramaccount. “We thank you for your support as we navigate this change.”

Yang, Habersberger and Kornfield “wanted to give (fans) a timeline on what’stranspired and some transparency into our decision making.” Kornfield addedthat throughout the YouTube video posted Monday, “there will be things that wewant to say or go into further” but there are “some legal issues we have toconsider as we go through everything.”

dig deeper: Adam Levine, Ned Fulmer and the expectations in mainstream vs.internet celebrity culture

Habersberger said “multiple fans alerted” them on Labor Day weekend thatFulmer had been spotted with an employee “engaging in public romanticbehavior.” He added Fulmer “confirmed the reports” and also confirmed “thatthis had been going on for some time.”

He continued: “We had no idea this was going on.”

The channel’s statement issued in September did not elaborate on what> sparked their internal review or what the review detailed, though Fulmer and> his wife spoke out in separate social media statements shortly after the Try> Guys’ announcement at the time.

“Family should have always been my priority, but I lost focus and had aconsensual workplace relationship,” Fulmer wrote. “I’m sorry for any pain thatmy actions may have caused to the guys and the fans but most of all to Ariel.The only thing that matters right now is my marriage and my children, andthat’s where I am going to focus attention .”

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Ned and Ariel have been married since 2012 and share two sons.

From the beginning: YouTuber Ned Fulmer ‘no longer working’ with The TryGuys after ‘consensual workplace relationship’

“And thus began a three-week process of engaging with employment lawyers,corporate lawyers, HR, PR and more, in order to make sure we were taking allthe necessary steps from the jump,” Yang said in the video Monday, adding theytook “this very seriously.”

“We refused to sweep things under the back,” he continued. “That’s not who weare and is not what we stand for.”

From left to right, YouTube stars Zach Kornfeld, Ned Fulmer and KeithHabersberger visit USA TODAY in 2019 while promoting theirbook.

From left to right, YouTube stars Zach Kornfeld, Ned Fulmer and KeithHabersberger visit USA TODAY in 2019 while promoting their book.

According to the group, Fulmer was “immediately” removed from work activities.They also opted to remove Fulmer from new video releases pending the resultsof the internal review.

Additionally, “there are several videos that we’ve deemed as fullyunreleasable, you will never see them and that is due to his involvement. Andthat’s a decision that has cost us lots of money. We will not be able torecoup that money but it’s a decision we stand by proudly,” Habersberger said.

Kornfield added the group cannot talk about the details of the review, but”sufficiency to say we found that Ned had engaged in conduct unbecoming of ourteam and we knew that we could not move forward with him.”

Yang said the group was “incredibly shocked and deeply hurt by all of this.”

“This is someone who we’ve built a brand and a company with for eight years(and) we feel saddened not just personally but on behalf of our staff and ourfans who believed in us,” Yang added.

“I don’t know that we’ll ever be able to fully articulate the pain we feel atthis moment,” Habersberger said. “We’re losing a friend.”

Kornfield added their “primary focus right now” is making sure the rest oftheir staff feels “comfortable and proud coming to work.”

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Following the Fulmer scandal, The Try Guys also changed its logo on socialmedia platforms – in place of its signature blue, green, pink and purplequadrants with cartoon renderings of each of the four members, is now anoutlined image of a triceratops with an orange background.

The Try Guys, which boasts more than 7.8 million YouTube subscribers, began asa BuzzFeed webseries in 2014 that chronicled founders Kornfeld, Habersberger,Yang and Fulmer’s zany exploits in trying new things – experiencing labor painsimulation, baking without a recipe, taste-testing everything on a fast foodchain’s menu and driving while intoxicated (under professional supervision),to name a few.

In 2018, the four left BuzzFeed and founded their own production company tocontinue the Try Guys brand. They have since expanded to hire multipleemployees and feature spinoff video series, a documentary, a tour and podcastsfeaturing other team members as well as spouses and partners of the Try Guys –including Fulmer’s wife, who he has frequently collaborated withprofessionally and identifies himself as her husband in his social media bios.

Read more from USA TODAY ‘s Try Guys interview: The Try Guys try becomingauthors with new ‘self-deprecating self-help’ book

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: The Try Guys speak outfollowing Ned Fulmer drama, will edit him out

6 Bodies Have Been Recovered a Month After Plane Crash That Killed 10, Including Megan Hilty’s Family Members

Officials say six bodies have been recovered from the Puget Sound after aplane crashed in Washington nearly a month ago, killing all 10 people aboard.

The small float plane crashed into Mutiny Bay west of Whidbey Island on Sept.4, the United States Coast Guard said in a previous news release.

On Friday, Island County Emergency Management said the bodies of six of thevictims had been located, according to NBC affiliate KING-TV, the SeattleTimes and CNN.

Five of those victims have been identified, including Gabby Hanna, 29, whosebody was recovered by a good Samaritan at the crash site in September, KING-TVreported.

RELATED: Authorities Find Wreckage of the Plane That Crashed KillingMegan Hilty ‘s Family Members

Deputy director Eric Brooks said the coroner would meet with victims’families, per the times.

Island County Emergency Management and Island County Coroner Robert Bishop didnot immediately respond to PEOPLE’s requests for comment.

NTSB and @USNavy continuous recovery operations for the Sept.  4 crash of aDHC-3 Turbine Otter off Whidbey Island,WANTSBand @USNavy continuous recovery operations for the Sept.  4 crash of a DHC-3Turbine Otter off Whidbey Island,WA

NTSB and @USNavy continuous recovery operations for the Sept. 4 crash of aDHC-3 Turbine Otter off Whidbey Island, WA

National Transportation Safety Board Twitter

Among those who were on board the plane were Lauren Hilty, the sister of_smash_ actress Megan Hilty, as well as her husband, Ross Mickel, and theirson Remy.

The couple’s family said “words cannot adequately convey the depth of ourgrief” in a statement to KING-TV on Thursday.

“The past three weeks have been absolute torture as we continue to anxiouslyawait the retrieval of the plane and, more importantly, our loved ones,” thestatement says. “Our hope is this retrieval process is successful, but we knowthis is just the first step on our long, painful road ahead.”

RELATED: Civil Rights Activist Among 10 Victims Aboard Seaplane ThatCrashed in Waters Near Seattle: ‘Devastated’

Addressing their unexpected deaths last month, Megan wrote in a statement that”to make the news even more devastating, my sister was eight months pregnantand we were expecting to welcome baby boy Luca into the world next month.”

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“There are truly no words to appropriately convey the depth of our grief,” shewrote, noting that the couple were survived by their daughter, who was not onthe plane.

“The outpouring of love and support has meant so much to everyone in ourfamily,” she added. “It has been so comforting to know just how loved Lauren,Ross, Remy and Luca truly are.”

Also killed were pilot Jason Winters, passenger Joanne Mera, civil rightsactivist Sandra Williams and her partner retired teacher Patt Hicks, andmarried couple Luke and Rebecca Ludwig.

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About 80% of the aircraft’s wreckage has been recovered since crews began thejob last Tuesday, National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Chair JenniferHomendy said Thursday, per KING-TV.

The plane was located off Whidbey Island in mid-September, approximately 190feet down on the Puget Sound sea floor, according to the NTSB.

in a social mediapost onThursday, the NTSB shared images showing the aircraft’s engine after it wasrecovered, as well as the equipment officials are using to assist withrecovery operations.

RELATED: Midair Plane Crash Leaves 3 Dead in Colorado

Search crews are still attempting to locate one of the plane’s wings, aportion of its horizontal stabilizer, two elevators, and the ailerons,according to KING-TV.

It could take one to two years for investigators to determine an officialcause of the crash, the outlet reported.