‘Mexican Week’ on ‘Great British Baking Show’ Comes Under Fire for Stereotypes and Pronunciation Disasters

Sombreros, serapes and maracas, horrible pronunciations, jokes about Mexicanstand-offs, and really strange-looking tacos — did the “Mexican Week” episodeof “The Great British Baking Show” leave any stereotypical stone unturned?After a similar debacle with Season 11’s “Japanese Week,” the internationallybeloved competition series — which streams on Netflix in the US — apparentlydecided not to learn from its mistakes, and dove headlong into Mexican food.And since the competition is largely to determine who can create the bestbaked goods, many observers wondered, why were they attempting tacos, anyway?

Just before the episode dropped on Oct. 7, the promos featuring sombrero-wearing hosts Noel Fielding and Matt Lucas came under fire from social mediacommenters — largely from the US, where finding a good taco is not asdifficult as in the UK — who were quick to weigh in on the show’s utterfailure to try to understand more than the most obvious characteristics ofMexican food and culture. Even the English-language plural of the word cactuseluded one of the contestants — not to mention the woman whose absolutelywretched try at guacamole sounded more like “glakeemolo.”

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Pronunciation snafus, aside, many viewers found the episode frankly offensiveand racist. “Nobody gave a fuck about Mexican culture, putting that showtogether. The poncho and the sombrero, talking about a Mexican standoff — itwas a racist show,” said Bill Esparza, author of the book “LA Mexicano.”

“The real problem here is the lack of respect for the people. They have nobusiness doing cultural weeks of any kind,” Esparza continued.

After the Japanese Week outcry, “the fact they would get some criticism and doit again — it seems like they’re ok about it,” Esparza said.

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“It’s not hard to learn to pronounce words correctly, even for a living muppetof a host,” wrote José Ralat, the Taco Editor of Texas Monthly magazine.

“Tacos, new one on me,” says one contestant, as they are given the assignmentfor the technical challenge of making tortillas from canned “yellow fieldcorn” and adding steak, spicy refried beans, guacamole and pico de gallo tomake some sort or gloppy pile of taco topped with rare meat. The differencebetween tacos and “torteellas” perplexes one chef while the other predictablyworries, “I just hope my chili is not too hot!”

“The food was beyond absurd, because the people who were directing them tomake it didn’t know what they were doing,” said Esparza, “The episode goesbeyond the awful food. It almost seems like it’s offensive on purpose.”

Austin, Texas-based journalist Kate Sánchez tried to put the furor intoperspective, noting “Don’t get me wrong it’s definitely racist but also DACAwas deemed illegal and my community is being actively harmed by forces not onmy TV so glocklymolo and ominous maraca shaking is at least the stuff I canlaugh at.” However, she did admit that peeling an avocado like a potatoconstituted “an act of physical violence against my people.”

“Absolutely haunted by this week’s #GBBO, I will never get the image of Carolepeeling an avocado like a potato out of my head,” agreed Twitter user@IWillLeaveNow.

“Bracing ourselves for a whole lot of cringe,” wrote German-based historianand teacher Daniel Salina Córdova, who also shared a bingo card featuring allthe stereotypically Mexican tropes used on the show.

“Mexican week on the #GBBO is so cringingly racially and culturallyinsensitive I have to ask how it was approved,” wrote @kcrusher on Twitter.

Did the show decide it might be better to apologize for stereotypes that havecreated harmful images of Mexican people for years? No, it didn’t, it made asilly taco joke. Netflix did not respond to a request for comment.

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Real estate agent Béa will not be seen in new season ‘Blind bought’: “I have to put my health first” | TV

TVBad luck for the fans of ‘Blind Bought’. Béa Vandendael, the red-haired realestate agent, is taking a break and will therefore not be seen in the newseason. She made this known via social media.

“After 4 seasons, 33 episodes and 29 exciting house purchases, I have decided,with a lot of pain in my heart, to take a ‘Blind bought’ break”, BéaVandendael said on social media. “The past few years have been very tough andcertainly the past two years I had to go very deep in the search for the idealdream homes. The housing market was overheated due to the corona pandemic andthe combination of lower budgets, higher prices and higher expectations didnot make it any easier. Combining ‘blindly bought’ with my busy job at ERAIMMPULS, where I strive full-time for successful purchases and sales of realestate, has become too much. I had to decide to take a little less hay on thefork. That’s a really hard decision, but it’s just important to put my healthfirst for now, no matter how much effort it takes me.”

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However, it will not be a final goodbye. “I’ve had a lot of fun, cursing,crying and laughing during our adventures. That’s something I cherish, andthis decision won’t change that. But now I just have to think about myself,that’s a priority right now. And we’ll see what the future brings.” It is notyet clear who will replace Béa.


In ‘De Morgen’, Béa already talked about the challenges associated with herjob. “Real estate prices have risen in recent years, but does that make my jobmore difficult? It has become especially more difficult for the buyer. Peoplewant a ready-to-move-in house,” it sounded. “While: if they were satisfiedwith a house that they could adapt to their dream home over the course offifteen years, they could spread their budget. Then there are more options.Yes, that’s easy to say. But what if you miss out on your dream home becauseno one pointed out the opportunities to you? That’s the worst thing that couldhappen to you.”

“It is up to me to point this out to people,” she continued. “I don’t spinaround the pot. You have to challenge people, dare to question their wishes,to make them so happy. That’s also why I didn’t hesitate to participate in’Blind Bought’: people who participate in it are really distraught. And Ibelieve that everyone has the right to a happy home. I want to help thosepeople. And I wanted to show Flanders that there is a right house foreveryone, there is a lid for every pot. You just have to find it and want tosee it. Does that sound like a missionary? I am not a saint, however.”

Beyoncé Hits Back at Right Said Fred for Their ‘Disparaging’ Claim She Didn’t Seek Permission for ‘Sexy’ Interpolation

Right Said Fred has officially stirred not just the Beyhive but the Bey.Beyoncé herself, who rarely comments on such matters publicly, has issued astatement vehemently taking issue with the duo’s reported claim that her campnever sought permission to use “I’m Too Sexy” as a part of her recent “AlienSuperstar” track.

Right Said Fred’s allegations, as reported in the UK newspaper the Sun, are“erroneous and incredibly disparaging,” Beyoncé said in a statement issued toE! entertainment news.

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Beyoncé pointed out that her track technically does not actually sampletheirs, as the duo was quoted as contending, but is an interpolation in which“I’m Too Sexy” is essentially paraphrased through a re-recording of theelements used. Thus, she says, permission only needed to be sought from thesongwriting publisher, not the holders of the original “Sexy” recording — andit was asked for and granted.

“Permission was not only granted for its use, but they publicly spoke of theirgratitude for being on the album,” Beyoncé said in the statement she issuedFriday to E!. “For their song, there was no sound recording use, only thecomposition was utilized. Permission was asked of their publisher on May 11,2022 and the publisher approved the use on June 15, 2022. They were paid forthe usage in August, 2022.”

Furthermore, she added, Fred and Richard Fairbrass, the brothers who make upRight Said Fred, properly received co-writer credit as well as being paid forthe use of their song.

Yet the duo claimed the use of their composition came as complete news to themwhen the “Renaissance” album came out in July, suggesting that, if Beyonce’svery specific account of how things went down is accurate, the brothers maywant to set up better lines of communication with their publisher. (A lapse insuch communications would not be the first time this has happened — otherartists have also claimed to have been surprised to learn their publishersigned off on some form of licensing.)

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Right Said Fred blamed Beyoncé for not knowing about the usage, however.“Normally the artist approaches us, but Beyoncé didn’t because she is such anarrogant person,” they were quoted as saying in __ the Sun four days ago. “Shejust had probably thought, ‘Come and get me,’ so we heard about it after thefact when you did. But everyone else, Drake and Taylor Swift [who alsointerpolated the song into their work]they came to us.”

While the duo didn’t exactly deny that they had been given co-writer credit,they said money coming in would be negligible considering the huge number ofcredited writers splitting the pie with Beyonce. “To use our melody, they needour permission so they send us the demo and we approve it and if so, we get aco-write credit,” they told the Sun. “With this Beyoncé thing, there are 22writers. It’s ridiculous, so we would get about 40 [pounds].”

Yet Beyoncé refutes that in her statement to E!., claiming that Right SaidFred is set to get a substantial portion of the song’s royalties, collectivelymore than even she is getting.

“Furthermore, the copyright percentage of the Right Said Fred writers withrespect to the use of ‘I’m Too Sexy’ is a substantial portion of thecomposition,” she said in her statement. Collectively the Right Said Fredwriters own more than any other singular writer and have co-writer credit.This accusation is false.”

Said the brothers in their Sun interview: “We can’t stop it. There’s nothingwe can do. It is shit… “You are going to get into a conversation with someonewho has a lot more presence and power and money than we do. And that won’t gowell. It’s best to let it go. If you’re not careful you spend your lifelooking back. We keep looking forward the whole time.”

This marks the second time an interpolated artist has complained of notknowing about the usage of a song prior to it showing up on “Renaissance.”Kelis’ 2003 hit “Milkshake” had a very minor — and properly credited —interpolation on the album, but after the singer complained, Beyoncé reissueda version of the track that eliminated any trace of the Kelis song. Beyoncédid not respond publicly to that complaint.

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Angela de Jong: ‘I always just call it: common sense’

She is not yet on the garden terrace when she is already recognized. “CiaoAngela!” shouts a voice from the kitchen. At the Sicilian neighborhoodrestaurant in North Rotterdam, they don’t know her from television. Angela deJong lives nearby and has been coming here for fifteen years. Inside, thereare red checkered rugs on the table and team photos hang on the wall. Outsidewe sit under a lush pergola with grapes.

She seems slightly out of breath. Her widely read TV column for the GeneralNewspaper (‘Angela watches TV’) just finished, on the late side. She writesto him in the morning, five times a week, and then sits in front of the TV allevening.

She wants to keep up with what’s going on in ratings hits like All of HollandBakt , Farmer seeks wife or Chateau Meiland. She wants to watcheverything that is live and everything on NPO1, RTL4 and SBS6. She prefers tosee the programs at the moment they are broadcast. If that really doesn’t work– because of a parents’ evening, for example, her children are sixteen,fourteen and nine – she watches a broadcast. Streaming services like Netflixignore them. “Television is something you’ve all been watching. Even thoughpeople have turned on a series, they have also caught a talk show. After all,that is what the coffee machine is mainly about. Television will notdisappear.”

“Order?” asks the waiter. She looks at the panini. “Oh, but I see they havesalads too.” Her husband usually cooks at home, he is editor-in-chief at theAD. “Often vegetables with potatoes, rice, pasta and usually also meat. Irecently proposed to become vegetarian now and then, but the kids didn’tappreciate that.”

Linda de Mol

Five years ago, TV critic Angela de Jong made the crossing to the other sideof the screen. She won the quiz The smartest person and appeared in herelement in front of the camera. The editor-in-chief of the AD asked whethershe would like to accept the invitations from talk shows, which she alwaysdeclined, to join the conversation on television as a poster for thenewspaper. Since then she has regularly appeared on programs such as On 1 ,Jinek , Beau , good morning Netherlands , Today Inside. Quick-wittedand never shy about an opinion, often wrapped in sentences behind which youcan almost see the exclamation mark.

What turned out? She also does well at the coffee machine herself. Half of theNetherlands regularly falls over her on social media. Marcel van Roosmalenspoke at the end of last year in his NRC -column of “an oracle that justkeeps on rattling”. The satirical TV show Promenade introduced an Angela deJong gong in the summer of 2020, with a photo of her face, which was beatenwhen someone quoted something she had said. She shrugs. “How do you say that?It’s better for them to ramble on your bike than ride on your dick. ApparentlyI matter.”

Dutch celebrities whom she fillets in her columns also hit back through themedia. At the beginning of this year, Linda de Mol spoke on her website of”the sad, intensely false Angela de Jong” – after a column about the abusescandal at talent show The Voice of Holland. Angela de Jong was surprisedthat Linda had not told her brother John about two women who joined themagazine in 2020 Linda. reported accusations against coach Ali B. (the womenthemselves did not want that, according to Linda de Mol in her statement). “Somuch for the image of the ‘close’ family De Mol”, wrote Angela de Jong. „[…]Or was Linda lying when she wrote down how close they were because the fairytale sold so well to her readers?”

The waiter brings two huge deep plates full of crisp greens.

Why have lunch here?

Angela de Jong opted for lunch at La Salute:

“I’m not so fond of going out for lunch. But when we go get sandwiches, ninetimes out of ten we get them here. The sandwiches are very tasty. They arealso very nice people. And I think Italy is a fantastic holiday destination.If I eat a sandwich from here, I’m back in Italy for half an hour.”

John de Mol

As it goes with celebrities, Angela de Jong could easily have been ontelevision much more often. She did not accept invitations to participate in_The Masked Singer_ , Expedition Robinson and Comedy Central Roast. Evenan offer from John de Mol for his own late evening program, or as a co-presenter of 6Inside counterpart of show program RTL Boulevard she let go.She would earn almost three hundred thousand a year. “I have never seriouslyconsidered for one minute surrendering myself wholeheartedly to John de Mol.If it’s not a success, you’re standing House hunting present to serve yourcontract. And then it’s over with Angela de Jong.”

Television is not her world, her world is watching television on the couch.She grew up in Ouderkerk aan den IJssel (between Gouda and Rotterdam) in astrict Christian environment. At her high school, the girls wore skirts belowthe knee and homosexuality was frowned upon, but her parents weren’t so strictabout it. They read the AD instead of a Christian newspaper (“My father likessports very much”) and watched television. Although her mother stopped workingwhen Angela was born, she received the same upbringing as her two youngerbrothers. “My parents always said to all three of us: learn, learn, learn.That was the only way to make your money a little easier than my father. Wewere fine at home but that was because he often worked between sixty andeighty hours.” He was a truck driver, collecting milk from farmers andbringing it to the factory. Her mother was first a doctor’s assistant, later akindergarten teacher. Angela de Jong went to study in Utrecht (general arts,specialization in film and television studies). She did an internship at_coffee time_ , but enjoyed pieces she wrote for the door-to-door paper more,because her name was above them. She continued to live at home until she was24. “We had a very nice time. I have never felt the need to sit in a lonelystudent room.”

Johan Derksen

Nest scent and fidelity keep Angela de Jong on her apparently unflappablecourse. She attaches great importance to winter sports holidays with the wholefamily. She cannot imagine that she will ever live anywhere other thanRotterdam, or work anywhere other than at the AD, where she received her TVcolumn in 2010. When she describes “the prototype AD reader” who has toidentify with her pieces, it is also about her parents. “People who have acertain amount of wealth, who like cycling, going out for dinner, takingvacations once or twice a year, and celebrating their birthday in a circle oftoast.”

On television she stands up for people who have trouble saying goodbye toZwarte Piet, for villages that resist the arrival of an asylum seekers’center. Sometimes she sounds like a front woman with a following. Thatstarted, she thinks, with Brexit and the rise of Trump. “Panic in Hilversum,it had to be different, they also had to reach the common man.” It gave heropinions a political edge, she has been called the populist among TV critics.She thinks she is a bit more right-wing than the average journalist, she votesVVD. “But absolutely no FVD and no PVV. And I also regularly get to my headthat I am a leftist whore. So is it really that big of a deal? I always justcall it: common sense.”

A wasp begins to annoy her. “Go and play outside,” she tells him. She missesthe electronic fly swatter she has at home. “Then it will be flambéed.”

A recurring point of criticism is its independence. Can you write objectivelyabout talk shows where you are a regular at home? Nonsense, she thinks.Political commentators also walk around the Binnenhof, sports commentators arealso along the line. „And then I would be so complete with Eva Jinek_starstruck_ that I can never write critically about her again.” Some programsreimburse their guests. In the beginning she sometimes took it, now shedoesn’t. „ Today Inside pays 1,000 euros at a time. Quite a nice amount. ButI have a good salary at the AD. So I’ll have them donate that to charity,recently Giro555” (for disaster relief).

She appreciates Johan Derksen, “someone who is straightforward and who daresto go against the grain”. Which doesn’t mean she always spares him. Last monththey collided in Today Inside about John de Mol, about whom she is much toocritical according to Derksen and he is much too positive according to her.After the broadcast last spring in which Derksen confessed as a youthful sinto have once shoved a candle between the legs of a drowsy woman – or put itdown, in its revised version – her column read: ‘Never thought that Derksencould sink so low’.

Two days later she was sitting next to him again on the program. She held theadmonishing tone. When Derksen starts talking about “the cancel and wokeculture that is against us”, she says that he plays too much in the victimrole. A little later: “And I do not belong to the woke culture, nor to thecancel family.”

About that woke culture. In 2017, Zwarte Piet was still black for you. How isthat now?

“Well, I’ve grown with it. I have seen from my children that they don’t give adamn whether or not they recognize Filemon Wesselink in a soot wipe.”

For now, she wants to continue as a TV critic. She can’t imagine anythingnicer. Zapping, she sits in front of the TV and waits to be surprised. Thathappens about once a week. “Every day is impossible, I’m sure of that.”

Surprisingly, she found a contestant in the final season of the reality series_au pairs_ on NPO3. „Very cheerful, spontaneous, not the kind of millennialwho puts her breasts in the window in a crop top. She was a welder, came fromTholen, loved DJing and fishing. And yet it turned out that there was a lotgoing on in that head. She likes women and didn’t dare say that at home.” Thattouched her. “On the outside, I hadn’t seen her struggle with that sort ofthing.” It became a column. Why? “Maybe readers have a child or grandchild whofeels that way. Or if only that ten more people are going to watch thatprogram, that that girl is seen. I give her that too.”

Steenrijk, Street poor viewers surprised about ‘Temptation couple’

Viewers of the program Rich, Poor were quite surprised last night at thebehavior of the ‘rich’ couple Jaimy and Mira. Besides the fact that theirstatements and lifestyle raised an eyebrow here and there, some also wonderwhether the couple really moves into the richer segment.

Jaimy and his girlfriend Mira, who you may know from the reality show_Temptation Island,_ swap with the life of single mother Lianne. The mothersupports her three daughters Lizzy, Isabella and Soraya with a weekly budgetof 50 euros. Due to health problems, she and her family are dependent onbenefits.

Surprised about rich Steenrijk, Street poor couple

Opposite this is the ‘seducer’ couple Jaimy and Mira, who claim to live on1750 euros a week. The couple lives in Marbella, Spain. After his realitycareer, Jaimy now appears to act as a real estate agent and his Mira helps himwith the administration and other activities surrounding his company.

The rich couple goes to Enschede for a week to experience what it is like tohave a small wallet. And Jaimy and Mira make quite a few notable statements.For example, Mira explains that if “we have twenty grand in the account, wemay not have it tomorrow. And don’t ask us what we spent it on.” In addition,the couple is shocked by the fact that an attic can function as a bedroom andthey have both never boarded a bus. Where Mira tells that “time is also money”when she is waiting for the bus.

Viewers see influencers more often than rich entrepreneurs

Viewers also have their suspicions and wonder whether the duo actually belongsto the ‘richer’ segment. In addition, some believe that the program waspreviously mostly known for the wealthy entrepreneurs who often really wantedto help a family and now many influencers pass by.

That Jaimy was still behind the bar in Amsterdam in his shorts a few years> ago … very rich 😂> #steenrijkstreetarm>> — Marc (@MarsPurmerend) October 5,> 2022

Are there really no other candidates for the ‘rich’ couple> #steenrijkstreetarm> except influencers?>> — Vincent G. de Vlugt (@Vincentgdevlugt) October 5,> 2022

I don’t like this episode much, do you? There are probably nicer ‘rich’> people for this program..> #steenrijkstreetarm>> — Arantxa 🩺 (@VIG_Arantxa) October 5,> 2022

Still a pity; during the first seasons, entrepreneurs who had built up a> nice business and wanted to continue to help the families after that week> also took part. Now it’s influencer before and influencer after 😬> #steenrijkstreetarm>> — Bianca Bodde (@biancabodde) October 5,> 2022

I really only hear wails from this wealthy family; they just don’t seem to> take things seriously and usually argue with each other.> #Steenrijkstreetarm>> — Roy King (@Noedotweets) October 5,> 2022

He used to call his father to ask for a few hundred euros because he wanted> to go into town?!>> If I had called my parents about this, I could have guessed the reaction> 😂#steenrijkstreetarm>> — Linds (@zegmaarLinds) October 5,> 2022

You look back Steenrijk, Straatarm via KIJK.

Batgirl fiasco was ‘trauma’ for Rebel directors: ‘We are more careful now’ | Movies & Series

Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah are happy that the public their new film_Rebel_ can see. That is not obvious: Warner Bros. brought their greatproduction batgirl never out. The Belgian directors suffered “a minortrauma”, they say in conversation with NU.nl.

By Esther Villerius

“We wrote world history, in a weird way,” Fallah says of that painfulannouncement last summer.

The filmmakers broke through in Hollywood in 2020 with their action film BadBoys for Life , starring Will Smith. And more beautiful things were coming,because they were allowed batgirl directing. The blow was big when they weretold that batgirl was suddenly deleted. “We couldn’t believe it.” Therecordings were already well underway.

Canceling batgirl was a unique event in Hollywood. Never before has such agreat film been shelved so suddenly. The reason? “Money,” says the directorduo. The new management of Warner Bros. wanted to cut costs, because theystill had a debt of three billion euros.

batgirl needed more financial investment to make enough money. Or the filmhad to be written off so that a significant amount could be reclaimed. WarnerBros. chose the latter.

Rebel gaat over radicalisering los van religie

  • Rebel opent met een liquidatiefilmpje van Islamitische Staat. Naar dit filmpje kijkt de dertienjarige Nassim (gespeeld door Amir El Arbi, het broertje van regisseur Adil). In de video is Kamal (Aboubakr Bensaihi), de grote broer van Nassim, een van de beulen. * De broers komen uit de Belgische wijk Molenbeek. Deze wijk staat bekend als broeiplaats voor islamitisch extremisme. Maar de film gaat niet over de islam. Het verhaal stelt vooral de radicalisering centraal. Want hoe is Kamal, die in eerste instantie met goede intenties besloot oorlogsslachtoffers in Syrië te helpen, in hemelsnaam in die video beland?

No self-doubt, but ‘a minor trauma’

The 34-year-old El Arbi and the 36-year-old Fallah have never doubted that_Rebel_ would come true. But they do experience the release more strongly.Fallah: “How lucky are we with the release of Rebel?”

So the directors are not completely unscathed from the batgirl dramaarrived. The whole event resulted in “a minor trauma”. El Arbi: “It was a verypainful experience. We are now more careful and strict.”

The duo is therefore less likely to take on new projects, but not because theydoubt their qualities as filmmakers. because batgirl according to them, wasfar from finished: the film already failed during the editing of the firstversion. “For comparison: Bad Boys had eleven versions. So it couldn’t evenbe about our qualities,” explains Fallah.

Bilall Fallah (left) and Adil El Arbi (right) on the set of Rebel.

Major Hollywood directors also got involved in the discussion

Their self-confidence has not been dented. Was the cancellation perhaps due tothe production companies? El Arbi and Fallah don’t think so. They shrug. “Youalso have to earn money back, that’s the studio system. We just keep makingHollywood productions.”

According to the duo, it seems that Hollywood blames itself for something. Bignames voiced their concerns. Filmmakers Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead )and James Gunn ( The Suicide Squad )sent statementsof support to El Arbi and Fallah. And the directors’ union in America startedtalking about the incident.

El Arbi: “It was actually a huge shock for every director. A verbal agreementfor the release of a film must at least come now.” For now, nothing is onpaper.

If God wants it

But anything is possible, they know that now. “We therefore often say’inshallah’ (God willing, ed.). Shall we make a film? Inshallah. Will the filmbe shown? Inshallah.”

“The word is really starting to make sense for us. And it’s being called outmore in Hollywood, too, when it comes to the release date, for example.”Laughing: “You have to say ‘inshallah’, we say.”

El Arbi and Fallah have one hard requirement these days if they are going tomake a new film. Loud: “May the film be seen! We put a lot of effort into ourwork, then it must be shown to the public, please.” There is with Rebel met.The film premiered on Monday and can be seen in Dutch cinemas since this week.”Inshallah.”

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Televizier explains why Henny Vrienten was not commemorated at the gala: ‘Really thought about it’ | show

After the 57th Gouden Televizier-Ring Gala, comedian Richard Groenendijkraised a question among the audience: why was Henny Vrienten not commemoratedin the tribute to the fallen? The organization explains.

On Thursday evening, during the Gouden Televizier-Ring Gala in Carré, therewas an impressive tribute to the actors and presenters who have left us in thepast television year. The guests in the room and the viewers were shown avideo of Jaap Reesema and Nielson playing the song on the roof of Carré.Gray sang.

The names and images of the deceased passed on the screen. The audience wasmoved, but that same evening, comedian Richard Groenendijk lashed out at theorganization. ‘Well, yo. Henny Vrienten forgot at the In Memoriam of theTelevizier-Ring gala,” he wrote on Instagram. ‘Has composed a lot for ao_sesame street_ and Clock house if i do have it. This is downrightembarrassing.’

Henny Vrienten, the frontman of the popular band Doe Maar, passed away lastApril after an illness. He was indeed a composer of television programs suchas The core and sesame street and also wrote a lot of film music. Inaddition, he was also seen in bit parts in the films Abel and crumb.Groenendijk received a lot of support on social media. This immediately raisesthe question: what are the criteria?

Well Jan Rot

The organization of the Televizier-Ring says that ‘henny Vrienten has reallybeen thought about’. “Of course, I understand where the comments are comingfrom, but we make a choice with actors and presenters in front of the screen.Rik van de Westelaken clearly stated this in his text for the In Memoriam,”said a spokesperson.

This also explains why Jan Rot, best known as a musician, composer andcolumnist, was commemorated. Rot, who also died in April of this year,presented the program in the 90s Dear guys everyone at RTL.

The following actors and presenters were commemorated at the GoudenTelevizier-Ring Gala: Sien Diels, Eric van den Donk, Truus Dekker, PietPaulusma, Jan Rot, Sis van Rossem, Eric Schneider, Gijs de Lange, WillibrordFrequin, Luuk Dresen, Cas All done, Leontien Ceulemans and Léonie Sazias.

Among them were a number of names that did not immediately set a light on forthe younger viewer in particular. Would it be an idea to provide moreinformation about the names for a next edition of the gala? The programs theypresented, the series and/or films in which they played? The years?

“That is certainly an idea,” said a spokesperson for AvroTros. “I’m going topass that on to the editors to discuss it. On the other hand, it may also feela bit crazy if you, for example with Mies Bouwman, put ‘known from’, becausethat is already so clear. But we will take it with us.”

Also listen to the AD Media Podcast with this week Angela de Jong ‘s reactionto the much-discussed scene in Five Live, the panel disagrees about Wietze deJager’s parental leave and Rampvlucht is discussed. Listen below or subscribevia Spotify or iTunes.

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Gabriels is just going to get really big and Shygirl has hit power too

Hi Robert. Which album should we not miss this week?

Angels & Queens Part I (★★★★☆, 7 songs) the first real album by themusician trio Gabriels. Actually it is half of an album (the second part willbe released in March next year), but what a first half. Gabriels has recentlyappeared at a number of festivals, including Le Guess Who in Utrecht. Thethree men made quite an impression there. Singer Jacob Lusk’s voice soundedlike a resounding brass bell, at times almost like an operatic voice. Veryintrusive.

As a child Lusk sang in gospel choirs in church and in 2016 he participated inthe talent show American Idol. That turned out to be terrible: a lot wasscripted and Lusk was supposed to play a stereotypical role, he told the BBC.This is not for me at all, he thought after that adventure, and he continuedas choirmaster.

‘Until classically trained producers Ari Balouzian and Ryan Hope ended up withLusk’s choir for a commercial soundtrack. It clicked and Balouzian and Hopewere so eager to make their own song with Lusk that they came to his churchwith a mobile studio. Lusk rediscovered the joy in making his own music, withthe provisional end result of this record. The album cover on which he ischristened should be seen as his musical rebirth, he said.

‘ Angels & Queens Part I can best be described as modern soul, as reviewerGijsbert Kamer also writes, with a lot of electronics. Lusk mainly uses hisfalsetto voice, you have to love that a bit, with a nice vibrato in it. Themusic is quite intense and quite dramatic, but there is still a lot of air inthe arrangements. It is not completely lubricated. For example, listen to TheBlind. Beautiful. I read somewhere in a review that that song sounds likeMarvin Gaye is working with Portishead: classic soul combined with slowed downtrip hop beats. Also To the Moon and Mack is a very nice number. I thinkGabriels is just going to get really big.

What else is recommended this week?

Like Gabriels, British musician Shygirl is pushing music genres. She mixeship-hop with pop and dance, but also with avant-garde beats. She floats a bitin between everywhere. Music journalists have coined an irritating term forthis so that no one really knows what it is anymore: hyperpop. Pop withdifficult beats, it mainly means. Yet her debut album ___nymph_ (★★★★☆, 12songs) not a complicated record: DJs can record almost any song in their set.

in the number poison she combines a harmonica with pure house. A veryspecific sound, with a very catchy text. on shlut , also such a beautifultrack, you hear the same principle but with an acoustic guitar. That’s kind ofa weird instrument in that environment, but it sounds great. Very nicelyarranged and set to music. And even though she works with so many greatproducers: on Nymph Shygirl is in charge. Almost every song has hit power.’

And this is also worth listening to this week:

The only 24-year-old Frisian pop phenomenon Joost Klein is already ready forhis eighth album, Friesland (★★★★☆, 14 songs). It is by far his best, writesreviewer Gijsbert Kamer: Joost expresses and expresses his feelings in abrilliant way.

The record series The Bootleg Series are full of previously unreleased MilesDavis recordings. On the seventh album in this series , The Bootleg Series,Vol. 7: That ‘s What Happened (★★★★☆, 28 songs), you can hear Davis in bloodform during a concert in 1983.

Frank van der Lende starts at Veronica: ‘It feels like a rebel club at Talpa’ Media

Frank van der Lende embarks on something new: making radio for a commercialstation. After NPO3FM stopped its afternoon show on the public channel, Vander Lende was brought to Radio Veronica. The DJ will get there, among otherthings, a show with live artists on Friday evening. “I find Roxeanne Hazesexciting for Radio Veronica.”

By Maarten Hafkamp

3FM announced this summer that it would take a different approach and Van derLende and his colleague Sander Hoogendoorn lost their regular time. The publicchannel gave both DJs a new place, but they decided to leave. For Van derLende the end of 13.5 years at 3FM.

The radio DJ compares radio to football. “You have to have a good, wideselection. You need strikers and hard workers in midfield who play records.But then a new coach comes and puts someone else in the forefront. Maybe thatis Barend van Deelen (the one from Radio 538 made the switch to 3FM, ed.) andthat works out very well. Only because of all those changes and a lessprogressive musical approach it no longer felt like my 3FM.”

The radio DJ started as a ‘broekie’ at a very popular station. “Big names suchas Coen & Sander, Giel Beelen, Michiel Veenstra and Domien Verschuuren werestill there. The sky was the limit. Then Coen and Sander left and I wasallowed to make the afternoon show when I was 26.”

In the meantime, the market share of 3FM has decreased considerably. Yet Vander Lende did not hesitate when he got the second chance to present theafternoon show in 2020. Together with Eva Koreman, he went into it with fullconviction. “We had a plan to let 3FM fly again. The program management wentalong with it. Two years later there was a different program management andthey had a different idea. I told the new broadcaster manager of 3FM, Menno deBoer, that I felt that the station and I have grown apart.”

‘Sander and Sander are both good friends and good radio makers’

It was Rob Stenders who brought him to 3FM in 2008. And now to Veronica: thecircle is complete. “What also played a role is that both Sander Lantinga andSander Hoogendoorn went to Radio Veronica. Apart from the fact that they aregood friends of mine, I also think they are great radio makers.”

Van der Lende calls the current Radio Veronica an interesting station. “It isprogressive, but does not shy away from the classics that I love so much. Ifyou compare it with public broadcasting, it is actually a kind of Radio 2.5(between Radio 2 and 3FM, ed). And it still feels a bit like a rebel club atTalpa.”

The departure of Hoogendoorn and Van der Lende was announced at the same time,but the two DJs have not decided to leave 3FM together. Their schedule atRadio Veronica also looks different. Where Hoogendoorn can be heard four daysa week since Monday, Van der Lende makes a program on Friday evenings and theweekend. He also regularly fills in on the channel. He will also be doingother things as a freelancer. This is how he makes podcasts and regularly sitsat the table at talk show Khalid & Sophie.

‘A pub, live music and radio come together’

Van der Lende will present the live music program from this Friday from 19.00to 23.00 Soundz Live. “It will be a show full of live music. That is one ofthe reasons why I wanted to go to Radio Veronica. I have had the program on3FM for a long time That ‘s live produced and later presented. Threefavorite things came together there: a pub, live music and radio. I can nowalmost do the same, only in the studio in Hilversum.”

“I have a fairly broad taste in music and I may be quite an old fart. So now Ican just invite Frank Boeijen or Rowwen Hèze without having to bend overbackwards. But also newer bands such as Son Mieux, which I already At the topof my wish list is Roxeanne Hazes. I think that is an exciting artist forRadio Veronica,” said the DJ.

He has missed making radio tremendously in recent months. The advantage of hisdeparture from 3FM was that he could spend a lot of time with his son Koos,who was born in June. “I grant everyone as long parental leave as I do. Butnow I’m eager to start again.”

Real estate agent Béa Vandendael stops with ‘Blind bought’

She was there from the first season, but the upcoming fifth series of ‘Blindbought’ will have to do without broker Béa Vandendael. She has announced thatshe is taking a break: “The past few years have been very tough. Combining’blindly bought’ with my busy job has become too much.”

“After four seasons, 33 episodes and 29 exciting home purchases, it is with aheavy heart that I decided to Bought blind- take a break,” Vandendael says onsocial media.

“The past few years have been very tough and certainly the past two years Ihad to go very deep in the search for the ideal dream homes. The housingmarket was overheated due to the corona pandemic and the combination of lowerbudgets, higher prices and higher expectations did not make it any easier.Bought blind combine with my busy job at ERA IMMPULS (the real estate agencyfor which she works full-time, ed.), has become too much. I’ve had to decideto take it a bit less. That’s a really hard decision, but it’s just importantto put my health first. No matter how much effort that takes me.”

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Who will absorb the absence of Béa in the fifth season – which is currentlybeing filmed – will be announced later. The goodbye is not final, though. “Theprogram and the team have a very special place in my heart. I had a lot offun, cursing, crying and laughing during my adventures with Bart, Kelly, Jani,Dina, Kobe and the production team. I cherish that. We’ll see what the futurebrings.”

“Unfortunate, but understandable”

Interior architects Bart Appeltans and Kelly Claessens are going to miss theircolleague. “And not just me”, says Claessens. “But all of Flanders: she is ourfavorite redhead. I thought it was fantastic to work with her. She immediatelyput me at ease when I joined in season three. I can’t imagine a season withouther, so I hope we can work together again in the future.”

READ ALSO. Real estate agent Béa sees her task in ‘Blind bought’ becoming moredifficult every year: “Even my own colleagues said it was unfeasible” (+)

“It is a pity that we will have to miss Béa this year,” Appeltans also says.“We started this adventure together a few years ago, had a lot of fun and madepeople happy. It was great to do that with her. Of course I understand thatshe needs some rest. We all have times in our lives when we need to slow down.So take good care and see you soon.”

READ ALSO. ‘Blind bought’ broker Béa Vandendael about her special livingsituation and her work: “Everything that is affordable nowadays lacks basiccomfort” (+)

Vandendael is also highly regarded at Play4. “Béa has been one of the faces ofBought blind. And not just any one,” says program director Annick Bongers.“She has proven more than once in the past four seasons that she was the realestate woman in the right place. No matter how hopeless the situation looked,she always managed to surprise her. That she will not be seen in the fifthseason is of course a pity for the channel, the program and her colleagues.But health always comes first. A big thank you, and no doubt see you soon!”