Comedians sue about drug search program at Atlanta airport

Comedians Eric André and Clayton English are challenging a police program atthe Atlanta airport they say violates the constitutional rights of airlinepassengers, particularly Black passengers, through racial profiling andcoercive searches just as they are about to board their flights.

Lawyers for the two men filed a lawsuit Tuesday in federal court in Atlantaalleging that they were racially profiled and illegally stopped by ClaytonCounty police at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.

The two men, well known comedians and actors, say officers singled them outduring separate stops roughly six months apart because they are Black andgrilled them about drugs as other passengers watched.

“People were gawking at me and I looked suspicious when I had done nothingwrong,” André said in an interview, calling the experience “dehumanizing anddemoralizing.”

While the stated purpose of the program is to fight drug trafficking, thelawsuit says, drugs are rarely found, criminal charges seldom result, andseized cash provides a financial windfall for the police department.

Clayton County police officers and investigators from the county districtattorney’s office selectively stop passengers in the narrow jet bridges usedto access planes, the lawsuit says. The officers take the passengers’ boardingpasses and identification and interrogate them, sometimes searching theirbags, before they board their flights, the lawyers say in the lawsuit.

The police department calls the stops “consensual encounters” and says theyare “random,” but in reality the stops “rely on coercion, and targets areselected disproportionately based on their race,” the lawyers argue.

The Clayton County Police Department did not immediately respond Tuesday to anemail seeking comment.

Police records show that from Aug. 30, 2020, to April 30, 2021, there were 402jet bridge stops, and the passenger’s race was listed for 378 of those stops.Of those 378 passengers, 211, or 56%, were Black, and people of coloraccounted for 258 total stops, or 68%, the lawsuit says.

Story continues

Those 402 stops resulted in three reported drug seizures: about 10 grams ofdrugs from one passenger, 26 grams of “suspected THC gummies” from another,and six prescription pills without a prescription from a third, the lawsuitsays. Only the first and third person were charged.

Those 402 stops also yielded more than $1 million in cash and money ordersfrom a total of 25 passengers. All but one were allowed to continue theirtravels, and only two — the ones who also had drugs — were charged, thelawsuit says. Eight of the 25 challenged the seizures, and Clayton Countypolice settled each case, returning much of the seized money, the lawsuitsays.

Carrying large quantities of cash doesn’t mean someone is involved in illegaldrug activity, the lawyers argue in the lawsuit, noting that people of colorare less likely to have bank accounts and are more likely to carry large sumswhen they travel.

English was stopped while flying from Atlanta, where he lives, to Los Angelesfor work on Oct. 30, 2020, the lawsuit says. André had finished a shoot forHBO’s “The Righteous Gemstones” and was traveling from Charleston, SouthCarolina, to his home in Los Angeles on April 21, 2020, when he was stoppedafter a layover in Atlanta.

Clayton English, Eric André, Allegra Lawrence-Hardy outside the federalcourthouse in Atlanta (Kate Brumback /AP)

Clayton English, Eric André, Allegra Lawrence-Hardy outside the federalcourthouse in Atlanta (Kate Brumback / AP)

Officers blocked them as they entered the jet bridge and asked if they werecarrying illegal drugs, the lawsuit says. Both were asked to hand about theirboarding passes and identification. An officer said he wanted to searchEnglish’s bag, and English agreed, not believing he had a choice.

“I felt completely powerless. I felt violated. I felt cornered,” English saidat a news conference outside the federal courthouse in Atlanta. “I felt like Ihad to comply if I wanted everything to go smoothly.”

André complained about his stop right after it happened. Clayton County policesaid at the time that it was “consensual.”

“Mr. Andre chose to speak with investigators during the initial encounter,”the department said in a statement posted on Facebook. “During the encounter,Mr. Andre voluntarily provided the investigators information as to his travelplans. mr. Andre also voluntarily consented to a search of his luggage but theinvestigators chose not to do so.”

André said he felt a “moral calling” to bring the lawsuit “so these practicescan stop and these cops can be held accountable for this because it’sunethical.”

“I have the resources to bring national attention and international attentionto this incident. It’s not an isolated incident,” he said. “If Black peopledon’t speak up for each other, who will?”

One of the lawyers who filed the lawsuit, NYU School of Law Policing Projectco-founder Barry Friedman, encouraged anyone else who has had similarexperiences to get in touch.

The lawsuit names Clayton County and the police chief, as well as four policeofficers and a district attorney’s office investigator. It alleges violationsof the constitutional rights that protect against unreasonable seizures andseizures and against racial discrimination.

The comedians seek a jury trial and ask that the Clayton County police jetbridge interdiction program be declared unconstitutional. They also seekcompensatory and punitive damages, as well as legal costs.

This story first appeared on

This article was originally published on

King Charles’ Coronation Date Announced by Buckingham Palace — and It’s Earlier Than Speculated!

Buckingham Palace revealed the date of the crowning ceremony for the new Kingon Tuesday, announcing that the event will take place Saturday, May 6, 2023,at Westminster Abbey in London, where British monarchs have been crowned forthe last 900 years.

The date is earlier than widely speculated — many believed that King Charleswould pick June 2 as a tribute to the day when Queen Elizabeth had hercoronation in 1953.

Following nearly a thousand years of tradition, the service will be conductedby the Archbishop of Canterbury. The palace also confirmed that Charles, 73,will be crowned alongside his wife, Queen Camilla.

“The Coronation will reflect the monarch’s role today and look towards thefuture, while being rooted in longstanding traditions and pageantry,”Buckingham Palace said.

RELATED: Is King Charles Planning a Scaled-Back Coronation? How It MayDiffer from Queen Elizabeth’s Ceremony

King Charles III and Camilla, Queen Consort take part in an address inWestminsterHallKingCharles III and Camilla, Queen Consort take part in an address in WestminsterHall

King Charles III and Camilla, Queen Consort take part in an address inWestminster Hall

Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

The update comes one month after the death of Queen Elizabeth, who died”peacefully” at age 96 on Sept. 8. Though Charles succeeded his mother asmonarch immediately upon her death and was formally proclaimed King by theAccession Council on Sept. 9, his coronation did not take place immediately torespect a period of mourning as well as to allow time for preparations for theceremony.

“Charles became King Charles the moment his mother died, but the coronation isto do with the job and being the monarch in the eyes of all the people,” royalhistorian Robert Lacey tells PEOPLE of the upcoming service.

King Charles’ coronation will be shorter and simpler than the late Queen’sceremony of 1953, PEOPLE understands.

While 8,000 people packed into stands for Queen Elizabeth’s three-hourcoronation in 1953, her son will reportedly trim the guest list to WestminsterAbbey’s actual capacity of 2,000 for an hour-long ceremony.

Story continues

Interior of Westminster Abbey (UNESCO World Heritage List, 1987), London,England, UnitedKingdom.Interiorof Westminster Abbey (UNESCO World Heritage List, 1987), London, England,UnitedKingdom.

Interior of Westminster Abbey (UNESCO World Heritage List, 1987), London,England, United Kingdom.

De Agostini via Getty

Though Charles has allegedly nixed some ancient rituals to meet the modernworld, Lacey expects that the new sovereign will still emphasize the religioussignificance of the coronation ritual, which is, at heart, a spiritualservice.

“I would imagine the coronation ceremony will have much more interfaithquality to it,” the historian adds, pointing to the King’s deep interest ininterfaith relations.

Though Elizabeth became Queen following her father’s death on Feb. 6, 1952,her coronation was not held until 16 months later. On June 3, 1953, QueenElizabeth was formally crowned at Westminster Abbey in a grand ceremony thatdrew 27 million television viewers — understandably so, as the firstcoronation ever to be broadcast. Her husband, Prince Philip, was instrumentalin organizing the investiture as chair of the Coronation Committee and pushedfor it to be televised as a way to bring the monarchy to the masses.

RELATED: Everything to Know About King Charles III’s Accession to theThrone


The Coronation

Fox Photos/Getty Images Prince Philip bows to his wife, Queen Elizabeth, ather Coronation

The young Queen, then 27, traveled to the medieval church in fairytale style,and three million people packed the streets to see her go by in a goldenhorse-drawn carriage. She arrived at Westminster in a white duchess satindress stitched with symbolism by Sir Norman Hartnell, who designed her weddinggown six years before.

The three-hour ceremony commenced before guests including then-Prime MinisterWinston Churchill, representatives from 129 countries, members of other royalfamilies and the future King. Charles, who was just 4 at the time, watched ashis mother solemnly took the Coronation Oath, making him the first heirapparent of a Queen to attend a coronation.


Coronation Boredom

Topical Press Agency/Getty Images The Queen Mother, Prince Charles andPrincess Margaret

The Archbishop of Canterbury bequeathed the new Queen with St. Edward’s Crown.Other pieces of the Coronation Regalia were also used during the ritual,including the Sovereign’s Scepter with Cross, the Sovereign’s Orb and theCoronation Spoon.

Unlike previous coronations, Queen Elizabeth was the only person crowned.Prince Philip, then 31, was not a King Consort like the Queen Mother had beena Queen Consort — instead, the proper title for the husband of a rulingmonarch is “Prince Consort.” However, following the Archbishop of Canterbury,Philip was the first person to pay homage to the new monarch.

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Coronation Coach

Fox Photos/Getty Images Queen Elizabeth in her Coronation carriage

Departing Westminster Abbey, the Queen swapped the nearly 5-lb. St. Edward’sCrown for the Imperial State Crown, lighter at 3 lb. Her gilded carriage tooka winding route from the Abbey to Buckingham Palace, allowing for the maximumamount of people to get a glimpse of the new monarch.

During the radio broadcast of her coronation speech, the Queen pledged herlifelong devotion to the people of the Commonwealth.

“The ceremonies you have seen today are ancient, and some of their origins areveiled in the mists of the past,” Elizabeth said. “But their spirit and theirmeaning shine through the ages never, perhaps, more brightly than now. I havein sincerity pledged myself to your service, as so many of you are pledged tomine. Throughout all my life and with all my heart I shall strive to be worthyof your trust.”

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip wave from BuckinghamPalace.QueenElizabeth II and Prince Phillip wave from BuckinghamPalace.

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip wave from Buckingham Palace.

Universal History Archive/UIG via Getty

The exciting day ended with the traditional appearance of the royal family onthe balcony of Buckingham Palace. A Royal Air Force flypast flew over theMall, despite rain clouds.

After the sun went down, fireworks lit up the London sky over the Thames.

ADE: so much money is involved in the world of dance music

This is evident from the annual IMS Business Report for Electronic DanceMusic. If we look at the numbers since 2012 and exclude corona, it seems thatthe EDM as a scene has matured. After years of growth, the sector peaked in2016 at 7.4 billion dollars (7.6 billion euros) and fluctuated between 7.2 and7.3 billion dollars (7.4 and 7.5 billion euros) in the following years.

Clubs & Festivals

In 2021, there were five pillars under the financial success of the EDM, forthe sake of convenience we compare with 2019, the last pre-corona year. Clubs& Festivals brought in 2.5 billion dollars (2.6 billion euros) last year,compared to 4.4 billion dollars (4.5 billion euros) in 2019.

“An explainable difference, since not all festivals were able to continue dueto corona,” says lawyer Radboud Ribbert of the international law firmGreenberg Traurig. Ribbert specializes in entertainment and intellectualproperty law and counts some top DJs among his clientele.

Music sales & streaming

The income from Music sales & streaming rose last year to 1.4 billiondollars (1.45 billion euros), 0.3 billion more than in 2019. “Streaming isclearly on the rise and you can see that in the figures of the DJs,” saysRibbert.

Software & Hardware

Software & Hardware last year also filled the wallet more than in 2019: 1.2billion dollars (1.22 billion euros) compared to 1 billion. Ribbert: “EDM ismade with computers, so the software and hardware continue to develop.”

Due to the influence of corona, we see that live streaming and the softwarefor it have developed in 2021 and brought more money to the companies in theEDM industry that provide this.

Income for artists

We don’t have to feel sorry for the EDM DJs who travel the world, yet theystill felt corona well last year. Revenues for artists and DJs topped lastyear at 0.7 billion dollars (0.72 billion euros). By way of comparison, in2019 they jointly raked in 1.1 billion dollars (1.13 billion euros).


A new branch of the EDM money tree is Training, good for 0.2 billion dollars(0.21 billion euros) in 2021. “Think of DJ training and other education. Agood development, especially for the Dutch scene, which produces fewer andfewer young top DJs,” explains Ribbert.

Dutch share

The Netherlands and EDM are often mentioned in the same breath. ‘Our’ top DJstraditionally score well in the annual DJ Mag Top 100 and the Dutch dancelabel Spinnin was bought by big brother Warner in 2017 for 100 million euros.

How is the Dutch scene doing financially? Figures for 2021 are not yetavailable, because Buma Cultuur will only announce the musical export value atthe beginning of January during ESNS.

However, we have seen the Dutch share slowly decline since 2016. BumaCultuur’s figures relate to income from performances and via dance labels,equivalent to DJs & artists income and Sell ​​music & streaming from theglobal IMS Business Report.

Huge achievement

Dutch DJs accounted for 143 million, 158 million and 154 million euros in2017, 2018 and 2019 respectively. If we correct this for the dollar exchangerate at the time, we arrive at a market share of 10 percent in 2017, 9 in 2019and 8.5 percent in 2019.

“It is in itself annoying that the Dutch market share is falling, but withglobal growth and with it the emergence of talent from other countries, asmaller market share is logical,” says Richard Zijlma, director of theAmsterdam Dance Event from 2000 to 2018. “The fact that we are doing so wellis already a huge achievement for the Netherlands.”

Talent development

Like Radboud Ribbert, Zijlma signals that the breakthrough of Dutch top DJs isstagnating, something that can also be seen in the DJ Mag Top 100, where noyoung compatriot has been featured in the top 10 since Martin Garrix’sbreakthrough in 2014.

“The share of Dutch DJs is slowly decreasing. The industry now really needs todevelop talent legacy to care. If the current top DJs stop, there must be anew generation to take over,” says Zijlma.

Ribbert agrees with Zijlma’s words. “Our current top DJs Tiesto, Armin vanBuuren, Afrojack and Martin Garrix have the quality to continue to scoreworldwide. Only there is too little growth of new talent. The Dutch industrywould do well to focus on that in the coming period. It went without sayingfor years, now gas has to be added.”

Today Inside men lash out at Baudet after interview

It has not completely escaped the Netherlands’ attention yesterday that aninterview with Thierry Baudet has appeared on the YouTube channel of Forum forDemocracy. “It’s fantastic that Putin exists,” was one of the quotes from theForum party leader. the gentlemen of Today Inside briefly discussed theBaudet last night.

The opinions in the talk show on SBS6 were not tender. That also applied tothe reactions people posted on Twitter.

47,000 viewers for interview

Thierry Baudet indicated his interview of almost 55 minutes OperationPeople. Forum for Democracy about this on YouTube: “In an interview, thevision of FVD is explained and Thierry Baudet tells how we can win the battlefor the survival of our civilization. To look!” Quite a few people did that,but compared to TV programs – at the time of writing – an audience of 47,000is nothing. For comparison: Today Inside last night attracted 800,000 peoplemore than the Baudet interview. Despite this, there has been a lot of talk andposting about it.

The politician said, among other things: “Putin is fighting back. I’m gladabout that, because a front is finally being formed. A front against theglobalists. I hope Russia wins. It’s fantastic that such a person like Putinexists. That’s one of the most hopeful things in the world.” And: “The bestthing would be if NATO falls apart, the EU falls apart and the American empirefalls apart.”

For those who are curious:

Johan Derksen: ‘Baudet is crazy’

“Thierry Baudet is crazy”, was the first reaction of Johan Derksen. “It isincalculable. It is actually wrong to pay attention to it.” Wilfred Genee:”Actually, we shouldn’t show it at all?” Lawyer Job Knoester is right: “I donot completely agree with that. A lot of people say that.” Johan Derksen witha smile and a shaking hand: “This was your last time.”

Knoester explains it anyway: “There are many people who still vote for thatparty. They have to see what kind of beast is at the top of that party.”Derksen in response: “People who still vote for him now, that’s a category wedon’t have to worry about.” Job Knoester again: “You have to name what isthere.” Derksen: „Okay, you shouldn’t avoid it either, but we do Baudet agreat favor that we show it here and talk about it. He’s coming home.”

Study trip to North Korea

Table leader Genee: “It is someone who is just sitting in the House ofRepresentatives, isn’t it?” Job Knoester: “That’s the whole point.” Aftershowing the images, the lawyer spoke again: “I think Baudet is just apatient.” Pieter Cobelens, former head of the Military Intelligence andSecurity Service from the Today Inside : “I would offer him a study trip toNorth Korea for a few years.” Johan Derksen again: “If I tell an innocentstory about a candle, the whole of the Netherlands is turned upside down.” JobKnoester concluded the item: “Calling this remarkable is really a euphemism.It’s completely deranged. The fact that Baudet is in the House ofRepresentatives… The Netherlands should think about what we should do withit.”

Kees van der Spek unmasks scams for Spoorloos reunifications Colombia: ‘It> turned out not to be a family’

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KRO-NCRV investigates 16 Spoorloos cases, confirms 2 ‘mismatches’ after revelations Kees van der Spek | show

updateKRO-NCRV is investigating sixteen cases from the program without atrace involving a Colombian fixer whose integrity is in question overtonight’s episode of Scammers Tackled by crime journalist Kees van der Spek.The broadcaster can now confirm two ‘mismatches’ of Dutch people who are notlinked to the correct biological parents in Colombia.

Two other matches have since been confirmed by DNA testing. “We will againexamine the other twelve cases and, if desired and possible, offer thoseinvolved a DNA test. We have been doing a DNA test as standard in all oursearches since 2019,” KRO-NCRV said in a statement last night.

Kees van der Spek gave a talk show yesterday Jinek that in any case three,but possibly even five people have been linked to wrong biological parents viathe program. __ The journalist doesn’t really think it’s a good idea tocriticize another program that does a good job. ,,You have to assume that_without a trace_ simply acting in good faith. They want to do good things andreunite people and then you discover this. I came into contact with Barbara,who started a search agency herself and discovered that a number of thingswere not right. It is something so essential for adoptees: what is youridentity? And if that is not true, you have to dive into it as a journalist.”

Biological mother

Barbara Quee participated in 2005 Without a trace. It stated that herbiological mother had been found. The woman said she had gotten into troubleand asked not to contact her again. ,,I immediately started to doubt it abit,” said Quee at Jinek. “I also immediately say: what a different story.Very crazy that without a trace your mother has found, but she has no fixedabode. And you can’t meet her.”

Barbara and Kristian. © RTL/Jinek

There were also no pictures of her mother. ,,I have been in contact with_without trace,_ because that is something tangible. What I was looking for.”It was then stated that no photos had been taken because her mother would havebeen too scared. In 2018, a friend expressed her doubts about Barbara. She sawcertain details that weren’t right and that didn’t match the adoption papers.

She also had contact with a boy who was to be reunited with his sister, butthat turned out not to be his sister at all. That was confirmed by a DNA test.That wasn’t through without a trace , but through another organization. Thefixer, the man who arranges everything on the spot, turned out to be the sameman in his search as in Barbara’s: Edwin Vela.


,,That is someone who does the research off-screen,’ said Van der Spek.“That’s how many programs work abroad, they use fixers to figure things out.He is someone you can trust blindly. But he turned out to be someone youshouldn’t rely on.” The crime journalist indicated that Vela was involved insixteen cases of without a trace has cooperated.

Kristian van der Mark was linked to his half-brother through the program. Hewas also told that his mother had no permanent residence. He wanted to dosomething good for his half brother and paid his school fees. ,,Everythingwent well through Edwin Vela. If I wanted to keep in touch with him from theNetherlands, it went through him. And if my half-brother had to go to theinternet cafe, he needed money for that.”

Quote >>> All the years I could have found her, I’ve missed her>> Kristian van der Mark

Contact with his half-brother faded. Kristian started to have doubts becausehe couldn’t get in touch with him normally. In 2019 he went again without atrace gone. ,,They only gave me Edwin Vela’s e-mail address. I then emailedhim a few times. When I wanted to go to Colombia and visit my half-brotherwith him, he turned it down. “Then find someone else,” he replied.

Biological mother

In the end Kristian was helped by Barbara and she did track down his realbiological mother. That turned out to be a completely different woman than by_without a trace_ found earlier. Together with Van der Spek, they went toColombia for a DNA test. “All those years that I could have found her, Imissed her,” says Kristian after the positive result in the Van der Spekbroadcast.

The so-called half-brother he had contact with turned out not to be his half-brother. ,,I’ll take without a trace too bad they didn’t check if everythingwas correct. They also did not answer. I already indicated at the time thatthings were not right, but they never answered me.”

Van der Spek indicates that without a trace has used the services of Velauntil 2010. From 2017, his help was occasionally requested again. “But I thinkit’s over now.”

Barbara contacted several times Without a trace. “They said we’ll call youback. We will look for your file and you will hear from us. Actually, Ihaven’t heard from them since the broadcast.” Following the episode of Van derSpek’s program, the makers of without a trace do contact her. “Even thenthey were still under the impression that I did receive my file. So far Idon’t know anything about my search and they don’t answer.”

The broadcast of Kees van der Spek: Scammers tackled can be seen tonight at8.30 pm on RTL 5.

Response KRO-NCRV

The broadcaster KRO-NCRV says after the broadcast of Jinek , in which Vander Spek already explained what he encountered when making his program, thathe was ‘shocked’ by the findings. We’ve been making for over 30 years withouta trace and know better than anyone how important it is to know where youcome from,” the statement said.

Published last summer without a trace on his website the story of daughterIsabel and mother Maria (names fictitious on request) about a match thatturned out not to be a match sixteen years later.

‘Aria’ presents talents in lavish decoration, in ‘I’m breaking down’ they have to get the right thing out of themselves

Talent hunts have their regular broadcast evenings. Friday night is for thebig fishing net of Holland ‘s got talent. Whatever talent you think youhave, get on stage, entertain us, and then we’ll see who we throw back, or whowe give a brief moment of fame and then throw back. No, then Sunday evening.Then we look for talent for culture. Opera. Cabaret. This search is carriedout with a slightly finer sieve on which ten candidates with the same talentare placed. In Aria is looking for opera singers, in _I ‘m going to break_to comedians.

Two talent shows on the same night, and yet they don’t look alike at all. Ifonly because Aria just started the second episode and I ‘m going to break_been working towards last night’s final for weeks. But there is moredifference. Where the future comedians only had themselves, their voice, thefloor and at most a guitar at their disposal, the _Aria candidates pulledeverything out of the wings. A forty-piece youth orchestra with conductor,sets, lighting, make-up, beautiful costumes and a room full of audience. Iwill.

Tenor Pim, in a bright blue suit, sang the Italian ‘Mamma’. No, not an aria,explained presenter Dionne Stax, but a tearjerker that requires operaticsinging technique. Soprano Iryna, who fled from Ukraine, sang an aria LaBoheme and said how happy she was in a ” big show ” to stand. Portuguesesoprano Sylvia was so engrossed in her role of Tosca that she seemed todespair for a moment. The viewer had already seen that she was a cleanerduring the day at holiday parks to pay for her dream. The jury (two operasingers and one professional enthusiast) judged meekly and matter-of-factly,packaging criticism as an exhortation, and in the end an unknown persondecided. secret judge who had to leave and who stayed. The eventual winnerwins a course at the Dutch National Opera.

Opera talents do not have to worry about material, most of the repertoire hasbeen there for centuries. The comedians, on the other hand, had to sniff outevery word, every sentence, every joke and then perform it cleverly in frontof a three-member jury (one stand-up comedian, one comedian and one theaterdirector). They received advice and criticism for weeks. No hunting, more jokedensity, less nerves. Guest lecturers instructed them to stay close tothemselves, or to stretch the boundaries as far as possible. And through itall, presenter Stefano Keizer, himself a comedian, bounced from candidate tocandidate to comfort them, encourage them or just give them a hug because hewas getting too angry.

Losing just hurts

Set, lighting and audience were only there at the final, last night. Thedefenitive line up was not yet known. Of the four semi-finalists, one stillhad to drop out. That was Joel Gideon. So disappointed, angry, sad, or allthree, that he strode off stage, out of the studio. Also nice sometimes.Normally you only see cheerful dropouts in talent shows. But sometimes losingjust hurts. Three acts in the final. Maya van As and Brigitte van Bakel sangtheir cock song as Vlamousse. Farbod Moghaddam won the painful laugh with hisamazement at paintball. “An armed conflict for fun”. Gavin Reijnders, whowanted to make his father proud and make everyone in the room laugh once at ajoke, won. He gets a director to make a full evening performance.

The prize for encouragement goes from me to the jury. The laugh of Soundos ElAhmadi that boomed through the hall. The tranquility and ratio of Jörgen Tjona Fong. And Thomas van Luyn, who in the final episode all three timesswallowed his emotion because of what the candidates had made and that they

King Lamar’s magnetic pull keeps his show together

There he is, almost at the end of his concert. The king sovereign and calm inhis transparent cube, towering over his fans. Praise is waved with illuminatedtelephone screens and a full Ziggo Dome chants Ken-Drick, Ken-Drick.

Kendrick Lamar has earned that position. With albums that have all beencertified platinum, fourteen Grammys, and even a Pulitzer Prize, he confirmedhis status earlier this year with a fifth album. mr. Morale & the BigSteppers was called brilliant. A record in which the conscience of hip-hopputs itself on the rack and raps and sings from a hyperpersonal perspectiveabout issues such as racism, social deprivation and cancel culture.

It’s also a record of sudden twists and turns, and monologues fired in thedark by a troubled mind. He was also called difficult. But then ‘difficult’ asan advance on the possible future assessment ‘masterpiece’. Mr Morale issuch an album that you suspect, no hope, that it will reveal its beauty infull width and convince after several listens.

The question was also how Lamar was going to translate those difficult newsongs into a live performance. United in Grief for example sounds like highspeed spoken-word poetry, fired by a clattering snare drum. Not an obviousconcert opener. But a giant white cube steps out of a gigantic white cube, agold-covered Lamar, in all black and with a belt buckle only seen on boxingchampions. A ventriloquist dummy raps along and both demand attention indramatic close-ups on the screens.

Where a superstar like Kanye West offers all the visual effects you canimagine, Lamar looks for it in simple drama that is magnified on the screens.That big white cube, reminiscent of a negative of the Kaaba, and dancersdressed in black and white. It is visually impressive minimalism. Remarkable:there is no longer even the appearance that music is being made on the spot,as with many hip-hop concerts. Nothing that could indicate that is visible onthe stage.

And after the admired stylization of United follows N95 with his hissingtrap hi-hats. Lamar advises, in a fast tempo and compelling dance rhythm, tothrow off all the superficial fashion phenomena of our modern society. Thatcycle of admiration and excitement repeats itself throughout the concert.

In Father Time raps an agitated Lamar about his daddy issues on a mellowsoul background that seems to want to calm him down. On the side screens, seethe human Lamar, casually on a chair, serving as the psychiatrist’s couch. Onthe main screen a black and white animation of a dreamed youth. Then you as aspectator are hunted again like the older mAd City is deployed. A wave ofrecognition floods the room. Everyone loudly sings the rhythmic ‘Yawk! Yawk!Yawk! Yawk!’ along, only to end up en masse in a dark stair trance.

There seems to be a natural division of roles for Lamar’s songs. The oldersongs mostly function as party tracks, while the new ones are morecontemplative. But the abrupt alternation between the two breaks up theconcert a bit. A chronic ailment of hip-hop concerts also applies here: songsare cut short just when you are in danger of losing yourself in them. Thistakes the momentum out of the concert and prevents tension from developing. Asa result, you experience almost every song individually, not as part of alarger, glorious whole.

It’s King Lamar’s magnetic pull that holds it all together. He doesn’t pop onstage, he strides through his oeuvre. Here a dance step, there a get-togetherwith the audience; the sympathetic but solitary prince of hip-hop does notindulge in nonsense. Not necessarily distant, but a little distant. Masterful,but also a bit difficult.

Kendrick Lamar brings sizzling total spectacle in Ziggo Dome

And indeed. Kendrick Lamar has always been a razor-sharp rapper on stage whotries to create something new on stage, and with this tour he surpasseshimself. This is a great show, probably the biggest production for a hip-hopshow the Netherlands has ever seen, a stylized performance that has no equal.The attendance alone: ​​a handful of modern dancers solemnly walk onto thestage from the catwalk. There they freeze, while Kendrick plays the intro to’United In Grief’ from behind the piano. In the same song, he grabs a mini-Kendrick in his hand, a weird ventriloquist doll that he lets his verse say, abarrage of words over a lightning-fast drum roll. A gigantic champion belthangs from his waist, and on his hand is a diamond-encrusted white glove thatmust be a nod to Michael Jackson. After that, the Ziggo Dome explodescompletely for banger ‘N95′. We see how silhouettes are played with on thelarge curtains, how luminous ceilings float down, how he uses bone cracker’HUMBLE.’ introduces himself solo at the piano before letting the violenceerupt, how ‘Father Time’ is introspectively brought to a chair as if he’ssuddenly plunged into a therapy session, how he is blinded by a terrifyingflashlight choreography, how he plays for ‘Alright’ in a transparent plasticquarantine box is isolated and has to take a corona test with four guests inchemical-resistant work clothes. wow. Really, almost every song gets an imagethat will stick with you afterwards.

In order to convey those images as well as possible, Lamar has built up asomewhat schizophrenic tension in his set: no longer blocks of adrenalinehits, but every time after such a tune that screams for a mosh pit (‘N95′,’HUMBLE.’, ‘mAAd city’, ‘DNA.’, ‘Alright’) is another track where you can holdyour breath and listen to what Kendrick wants to convey. Yes, he plays almostall of his biggest hits (except ‘All The Stars’ with SZA), but the focus is onthat relatively complicated last album _mr. Morale & The BigSteppers_including abstract freeform raps like ‘Worldwide Steppers’ and wackytap dance interludes.

And he has no problem putting his little cousin Baby Keem in the spotlight aswell. Keem co-produced and wrote mr. morale , he was already able to unpackin the support act with sharply connecting visuals and CO2 cannons and he alsogets a very nice block in the show from Kendrick himself. Kendrick is still onthe b-stage when Keem takes the big stage for ‘guy’, ‘range brothers’ withthat almost Dada hook, and hit ‘family ties’, a hulking banger that surpassesanything in energy from mr. Morale & The Big Steppers. Keem made quite ageneric trap in 2019, but now he has grown into a quirky, sharp rapper who hasundoubtedly studied the performance of Kendrick Lamar. At Keem, too, everymove has been considered, every step conscious.

But Keem can’t match his big cousin Kendrick yet, the king of hip-hop who nowfeels how heavy that crown is pressing on his skull and wonders if he canhandle that pressure. ‘Heavy is the head that chose to wear the crown’, hesighs towards the end. “And I can’t please everybody.” To finally perform astrange wooden dance during the hook of ‘Savior’, like the ventriloquist dummythat was holding his hand earlier. “Are you happy for me?” it sounds asKendrick puts on his best fake smile. For example, every track has a doublebottom, a hidden message that you can only unravel if you zoom in on thedetails. Masterful show.

Nikki Finke, Deadline Founder and Iconoclastic Journalist, Dies at 68

Nikki Finke, a tenacious journalist who revolutionized entertainment reportingwith what became the Hollywood trade website Deadline, died Sunday morning inBoca Raton, Fla. after a prolonged illness. she was 68.

Finke’s death was confirmed by Deadline. Jay Penske, founder, chairman and CEOof Penske Media Corporation, which acquired Finke’s blog in 2009, shared astatement honoring Finke.

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“At her best, Nikki Finke embodied the spirit of journalism, and was neverafraid to tell the hard truths with an incisive style and an enigmatic spark,”said Penske. “She was brash and true. It was never easy with Nikki, but shewill always remain one of the most memorable people in my life.”

After spending the beginning of her career reporting on everything from Moscow(for the Associated Press) to Washington, DC (for Newsweek), in 2002, Finkestarted a column for LA Weekly called Deadline Hollywood, which she tookonline in March 2006 as Deadline Hollywood Daily in an effort to better coverup-to-the-minute news. Rather than focus on celebrity or content, Finke placeda singularly unforgiving spotlight on the studio executives and high-poweredagents who make the industry run. She was unafraid to call out what shebelieved to be ill-conceived or substandard decision-making in the bluntestpossible terms, and her take-no-prisoners approach made her site a must-readin a media ecosystem Finke saw as excessively fawning and credulous.

Finke’s relentless coverage of the writers’ strike in 2007 and 2008 cementedDeadline Hollywood Daily as the central media organ of the industry. Herearly, innate understanding of the unsparingly fast and aggressive metabolismof digital journalism — she would post at all hours, update stories on the flyand occasionally even quietly change facts when her original scoops did notpan out — upended a century of dominance by traditional trade publications_variety_ and the Hollywood Reporter. Her stories would often start withFinke’s trademark “TOLDJA” screaming from the headline, a reminder to readersthat an official announcement or confirmation had first been reported by her.

Story continues

Although she often protested that she did leave her apartment, her total lackof a public presence in Hollywood — she never attending private screenings ormet her sources in person, and only two known photos of her exist — gave Finkethe aura of a mythical recluse who still managed to keep every top executiveon speed dial. In 2011, HBO even produced a half-hour comedy about Finkecalled “Tilda,” starring Diane Keaton as the pot-smoking journalist TildaWatski who covers Hollywood through her website the Daily Circus. It didn’tget past the pilot stage.

Finke grew up in “Great Gatsby” territory, on the North Shore of Long Islandin New York. She attended finishing school at Miss Hewitt’s Classes (latercalled the Hewitt School), and even made her debut at the InternationalDebutante Ball. After graduating from Wellesley College, she married in 1980and divorced two years later, pouring herself instead into a peripateticjournalism career. Along with the AP and Newsweek, she wrote for the LosAngeles Times, the New York Observer, New York magazine and the New York Post.When the Post fired her in 2002 following unflattering articles she wroteabout Disney’s litigation over Winnie the Pooh, she sued the Post, NewsCorporation and the Walt Disney Company for wrongful termination for $10million. The suit was reportedly settled.

That same year, Finke started her column at LA Weekly, built on over adecade’s worth of research she’d done for a book about Hollywood agents. Whilethe book was never published, it brought Finke inside a world that appearedboth to fascinate and repulse her in equal measure, and ignited herpugnacious, anti-authority instincts to speak brutal truth to power. At herheight, Finke was feared by most, loathed by some and impossible to ignore.She was unapologetic about how savage her copy could be. In 2006, she toldMarketWatch, “If there’s an open wound, I’m going to pour salt in it.” In2007, she told Elle, “All moguls are morons.” In 2009, she told the New YorkTimes, “I’m not mean, I just write mean,” the Los Angeles Times, “Sometimes,the truth hurts,” and the New Yorker, “I can’t help it! It’s like meannesspours out of my fingers!”

Those latter interviews came on the heels of Finke selling Deadline HollywoodDaily for a reported low seven-figure sum in June 2009 to MediaCorporation — later Penske Media Corporation, which acquired variety in2012. Rechristened Deadline, the site, still managed by Finke, took on moreemployees, starting with veteran entertainment reporters Mike Fleming(covering film) and Nellie Andreeva (covering TV). What had been anuninhibited expression of Finke’s distinctive voice began to operate much morelike a traditional trade outlet.

Despite Deadline’s continued success, for Finke, the fit ultimately didn’twork. In November 2013, she parted ways with PMC, launching, and thenshuttering, her own entertainment news site,, then pivoting in2015 to a site for short fiction about the industry called Hollywood Dementia,which last published in 2019. She returned to PMC as a consultant in 2017.

Finke’s final post on Deadline was in 2016, to celebrate the 10th anniversaryof the site. “It gives me great pleasure to see that, while Deadline is verydifferent from what I created, it’s thriving as an integral part of theentertainment establishment,” she wrote.

Back in 2006, when DHD had just launched, Finke mentioned that she’d love tobe buried in the Pierce Brothers cemetery in Westwood, the final resting placefor Hollywood luminaries like Marilyn Monroe, Merv Griffin and RodneyDangerfield.

“On my tombstone,” Finke said, “it could say: ‘She told the truth aboutHollywood.’”

Finke is survived by her sister, Terry Finke Dreyfus; her brother-in-law,James; and her nieces, Sarah Greenhill and Diana Leighton.

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Emmy (3) was the only child to survive drama in Thailand: ‘She thought her boyfriends were asleep’ | Abroad

with VideoThree-year-old Emmy was sleeping peacefully next to her best friendwhen 34-year-old former cop Pany Kamrab came in with a knife and gun onThursday. The man killed the teachers and all the classmates. Except Emma. Shemiraculously survived the drama. “She thought her friends were still asleep.”

Foreign editors Oct 8 2022

Latest update: 09:40

The class, with children around three years old, is busy making drawings inthe morning. Proud parents receive a photo with smiling faces, reports the_BBC_ who recorded the children’s story.

Grieving relatives after the attack on the nursery. 24 children died. © GettyImages

First the teachers, then the sleeping children

Around noon, when the kids are taking a nap, Panya Khamrap storms in. Outsidehe kills a father with a son. Witnesses see how he then climbs through awindow pane of a door and shoots the supervisors of the daycare. Among them isa teacher who is eight months pregnant. Then he enters the three classrooms.All the children are murdered, except for 3-year-old Emmy. In total, Kamrabkilled 37 people, including 24 children. Among the victims are his wife andstepson.

It is unclear exactly how Emmy survives the horrific drama. The unsub probablythinks she’s already dead. Officers later find her under a blanket. Awake andcurled up around the bodies of her classmates. She has no idea what happened,the girl’s grandfather later tells the BBC. “She thought her friends werestill asleep.”

This is partly due to the clever conduct of a police officer. He puts ablanket over her face before carrying her out of the bloody room. On thesecond floor of the building, she can recover from the terrible events below.

Boxes with the teachers andchildren.Boxes with the teachers and children. © ANP / EPA

Mom can’t believe it

Her grandfather is very grateful that his little girl is still there. “I heldher tight when I first saw her,” he says. Emmy’s 35-year-old mother does notbelieve for a long time that her daughter survived the drama. She is in thecapital Bangkok for her work and initially receives too much money. hearingthat all the children have been killed, it is only when she can video call hergirl that she believes in the miracle.

Emmy’s grandparents have since told her that her boyfriends have passed away.The 3-year-old girl just can’t understand. She keeps asking about her bestfriend. “She just wants to go to school every day. We have to keep telling herit’s closed. She’s too young to understand death,” her mother said.

Meanwhile, the village of Uhai Sawan in northeastern Thailand has sunk intodeep mourning. The bodies of the victims have been taken to temples, wherethey are handed over to their families. The rest of the country is alsosympathetic. Flags are flown at half mast at all government buildings.