Cycling on TV October 16, 2022 | Full day of racing on various surfaces!

Sunday, October 16, 2022 promises to be a wonderful cycling day. In additionto three road races, the final day at the Track Cycling World Championship andthe Cyclo-cross World Cup in Fayetteville is also on the program! _In theleader ‘s jersey _tells where and what time you can switch on!

TV and times stage 6 Tour de Langkawi 2022

After the stage won by Lionel Taminiaux on Saturday, the ultra-short stage(120 kilometers) from George Town in the direction of Alor Setar is on themenu on Sunday. The sixth stage in the Tour de Langkawi stage again seemsright up the alley of the fast boys. The billiard-level course has less than50 vertical meters. Does Julius van den Berg know how to get back into thedebate and surprise or will the victory go to a pure sprinter like JakubMareczko or Max Kanter?

The extremely short sixth stage is in any case characterized by a very earlystart. The early birds can go on from 4.30 am Dutch time Eurosport Player towatch the match live.

TV and times Japan Cup 2022

The Japan Cup 2022 can be seen as the absolute final piece of the cyclingseason on the road. At the last edition in 2019, Bauke Mollema was able tocrown (and also close) his fantastic autumn with a victory in Japan. However,Mollema will not defend his title on Sunday, October 16, 2022. His teammateGiulio Ciccone and the EF Education-EasyPost duo Powless-Guerreiro are amongthe top favorites this edition.

The match will start at 3:00 AM Dutch time. Since the race is ‘only’ 144kilometers, the finish is expected around 6.40 am. Unfortunately, the JapanCup 2022 will not be broadcast live. _In the leader ‘s jersey _will inform youin the course of Sunday morning afterwards with the course of the competition.

TV and times Chrono des Nations 2022

In France, the cycling season on paved roads traditionally ends with theChrono des Nations. That will also be the case in 2022, so a nice time trialis planned for both the men and the women on Sunday 16 October. The men haveto cover 45 kilometers, the women 27. Altimeters are actually not included inboth courses: a time trial for real speed riders. World champions Tobias Fossand Ellen van Dijk will proudly show their rainbow jerseys!

Van Dijk does not have to count on too much competition in Les Herbiers, Foss,on the other hand, does. He can count on fierce competition, especially fromSwitzerland. Stefan Küng and Stefan Bissegger will make an appearance and areamong the top favorites. Unfortunately, the Chrono des Nations cannot be seenlive. _In the leader ‘s jersey _will be a verse

TV and times Veneto Classic 2022

The Veneto Classic 2022 is the last important road race on European territoryand can therefore be seen as an Italian dessert to conclude a great roadseason. The match will also be dominated by the farewell of Davide Rebellin,who finally knows how to stop at the age of 51. After this race he will hangup his racing bike after a professional cycling career of 30 years.

The Veneto Classic 2022 is a classic over 190 kilometers with Treviso as thestarting place and Bassano del Grappa as the finishing place. UAE Emirates isat the start with a large number of leaders and favorites. Matteo Trentin,Diego Ulissi and Davide Formolo can all be seen as major contenders. From 2.20pm on the Eurosport Player to see if the UAE riders live up to the highexpectations.

TV and times World Championship track cycling 2022

After four interesting days (with various Dutch and Belgian medal winners),the final day of the Track Cycling World Championships awaits on Sunday 16October. There are still countless medals to be awarded on the last day. Theprogram includes the Points Race final for women, the Keirin final for womenand the Elimination Race final for men. The king’s number, however, is thefinal of the Sprint for the men. Does Harrie Lavreysen manage to grab anothergold medal and become world Sprint champion for the fourth time in a row? From13.00 broadcasts Eurosport 1 live images as well as the digital EurosportPlayer.

TV and times Cyclo-cross World Cup Fayetteville 2022

Exactly one week after the World Cup in Waterloo, the second and final WorldCup in the United States is on the cyclocross menu. The crosstop heads towardsFayetteville, Arkansas: will Iserbyt and Van Empel strike again in America?

The women’s competition can be seen live from 19.20 Dutch time on Eurosport1 and the Eurosport Player. The men can be admired live at 20.50 pm, againon Eurosport 1 and the Eurosport Player.

Exclusive pre-publication. TV and radio presenter Rani De Coninck shares 3 recipes from her cookbook: “Make the spaghetti pie a day in advance” | To eat

Instead of ‘What are we eating today?’, TV presenter Rani De Coninck (52) asksherself the question ‘What are we eating this week?’ It brought about adifferent dynamic in her family and in her pantry. Thanks to meal prepping,everything goes according to plan and there is never a lack of food on thetable. She shares 3 recipes from her book ‘Rani’s Goed Plan’ to successfullymeal prep herself this week.

Together with food stylist Elise Van de Poele, Rani De Coninck made a cookbookfull of recipes that will easily get you through the week. She has alreadyshown Flanders in an episode of ‘Over Eten’ about how healthy fish is, andthat she carefully thinks out what she is going to eat and is already makingthe necessary preparations for it. Now she bundles some handy recipes in’Rani’s good plan’ to make it work herself.

Okonomiyaki: Japanese pancakes with cabbage

Okonomiyaki from Rani’s Good Plan © Wout Hendrickx

Preparation time: 20 minutes _ _For 4 persons


For the pancakes

• 350 g green cabbage • 1 thick carrot • 3 spring onions • 1 clove of garlic • 150 g flour • 3 eggs • 150ml water • sunflower oil • pepper and salt

For the dressing

• 4 tbsp soy sauce • 1 tbsp walnut oil • 1⁄2 tsp chili flakes • 1 lime

That’s how you make it

First make the dressing: mix the soy sauce with the walnut oil, the chiliflakes and the juice of 1 lime with 2 tablespoons of water.

Chop the green cabbage very finely.

Peel the carrot and coarsely grate. Cut the spring onions into fine rings.Peel and crush the garlic. Mix the flour with the eggs, water and 2tablespoons of sunflower oil. Stir the vegetables through this mixture andseason with plenty of salt and pepper. Heat a dash of sunflower oil in afrying pan and spoon a ladle of the mixture into the pan. Spread the mixtureinto a pancake.

Fry over a low heat until golden brown on one side, turn over and let it cookslowly for a few minutes again. Bake all the pancakes, cut into pieces andserve with the dipping sauce.

Can be eaten warm, lukewarm or cold.

Tip from Rani : These pancakes are the perfect lunch, a refreshingafternoon snack or a surprising snack!

Oven tray with carrot, couscous, halloumi

Oven tray with carrot, couscous and halloumi from Rani's GoedPlanOven tray with carrot, couscous and halloumi from Rani’s Goed Plan © WoutHendrickx

Preparation time: 20 minutes Oven time: 35 minutes For 4 persons


• 1 sweet onion • 800 g carrots • 2 cloves of garlic • 1 tsp garam masala or baharat • 1⁄2 tsp chili flakes • 1 tsp curry powder • 1 handful of raisins • 350 g couscous • 500 ml vegetable stock • 1 Berloumi or halloumi • handful of flat-leaf parsley • olive oil • pepper and salt

That’s how you make it

Preheat the oven to 185°C.

Peel the onion and cut into strips. Peel the carrots and cut into strips.Halve the longest ones lengthwise.

Peel and crush the garlic. Mix the onion, garlic and carrots with 4tablespoons of olive oil, the garam masala, chili flakes, curry powder and apinch of salt. Place in a large baking dish and place in the preheated oven at185 °C for 25-30 minutes, until the carrots are tender and lightly goldenbrown. Remove the baking dish from the oven. Scoop everything out and setaside.

Pour the raisins, couscous and stock into the baking dish. Stir well and putin the oven for 5 minutes. Remove from the oven, mix the carrots and onionwell with the couscous and let everything rest covered for 5 minutes.

Heat a dash of olive oil and fry the Berloumi or halloumi in slices briefly.Serve the couscous with the Berloumi and coarsely chopped parsley.

Tip from Rani : Try replacing the carrots with sweet potato, parsnip orkohlrabi, whichever is best.

Spaghetti pie

Spaghetti cake from Rani's GoedPlanSpaghetti cake from Rani’s Goed Plan © Wout Hendrickx

Preparation time: 15 minutes Oven time: 35 minutes For 4 persons


• 250 g chestnut mushrooms (or regular) • olive oil • 100 g smoked bacon cubes • 500 ml ready-to-use tomato sauce of your choice (ThinkTomato, arrabbiatasauce…) • 350 g spaghetti •1 chicken stock cube • 3 eggs • 120 g ricotta or fresh cream cheese • 150 g ground mozzarella • nutmeg • pepper and salt

That’s how you make it

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Cut the mushrooms into fine cubes. Heat a dash ofolive oil and fry the bacon cubes and mushrooms until golden brown.

Add the sauce and season with salt and pepper if necessary. Boil the spaghettiwith the stock cube until al dente, drain and let drain.

Beat the eggs with the ricotta or fresh cream cheese and half of themozzarella. Season with nutmeg, salt and pepper. Mix the spaghetti with thetomato sauce and pour everything into a greased oven dish. Pour over the egg-cheese mixture and sprinkle with the remaining mozzarella. Place in thepreheated oven for 30-35 minutes.

5 delicious horror movies on Netflix for Halloween 2022

The last day of October is approaching and with it the American horrorfestival Halloween that is increasingly gaining a foothold in our country. Wepresent you five delicious horror movies on Netflix to get you completely intothe Halloween spirit.

Okay, trick or treating and children who go door-to-door in mass costumesare (fortunately) not yet a habit in the Netherlands. Nevertheless, theatmosphere of the Halloween does appeal and more and more themed parties aregiven. And why not? Delightfully dressed unrecognizably as an iconic ghoulterrify your friends; that is nothing less than pure enjoyment. Anyway, to getin the mood, here are five horror films on Netflix for Halloween 2022.

Delicious horror movies on Netflix for Halloween 2022

All horror films from this list were added to Netflix’s Dutch offer at thebeginning of October 2022.

1. The Shining (1980)

We’re kicking off the Halloween list with the timeless classic The Shining ,a nerve-wracking horror film based on the book by the ultimate horror writerStephen King. The lead role is played by Jack Nicholson, who in his heydaydelivers a masterful performance as a writer who slowly goes bonkers in anabandoned mountain hotel with a dark history.

2. Friday the 13th (1980)

Superstition nonsense? Tell the unfortunate campers in Friday the 13 th.This delightful slasher film is ideally suited for viewers who do not shy awayfrom the necessary chopping and cutting. Twisted Mind Jason Voorhees takesrevenge on anyone who crosses his path. Due to the inattention of the campleaders, he is said to have drowned as a small boy during a camping trip atCamp Crystal Lake. However, the man in the scary mask is very much alive andsows death and destruction.

3. Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988)

We’ve got a taste for it, so we’ll stick with the slasher movies for a while.Halloween 4 is another iconic horror film from the genre. Central to theHalloween movies is Michael Myers, the serial killer who also has such aniconic mask. This is also the case in part 4 in which he returns, as the titlesubtly suggests.

4. Scary Movie 1, 2, 3 and 4 (from 2000)

If you’re looking for a touch of comedy to counterbalance all the chopping andcutting, you’ll be in the right place during Halloween on Netflix. ScaryMovie. This 2000 blockbuster also stars a young Carmen Electra. No more candyneeded during Halloween. We will then happily continue with scary movie 2.After the success of the first film, a sequel was inevitable. Once again AnnaFaris and Marlon Wayans play the lead roles.

And then came Scary Movie 3. The cast was given a major makeover andexpanded with Charlie Sheen and Pamela Anderson. Enough material for a realScary Movie marathon on Netflix during Halloween 2022. And yes, part 4 is alsoon it.

5. Insidious (2010)

Those who want to experience Halloween with a good dose of supernatural horrorcan enjoy themselves completely with Insidious. Nerves of steel are a must,especially for parents. Children who are possessed by devilish powers alwaysdo well in movies, just think the horror classic The Exorcist.

‘Killer camp is a mixture of Expedition Robinson, The traitors and a horror film’ | show

interviewOn Prime Video is killer camp started, a horror reality program inwhich eleven influencers participate. Call it a mix of Expedition Robinson,The Traitors and an eighties horror film”, says comedian Ruud Smulders,presenter annex ‘camp leader’. “But it is above all something completelyunique.”

It’s called ‘Camp Water Joy’. A summer camp in a forest by a lake. Elevenyoungsters play games, laugh, talk and sit by the campfire in the evenings.Yet there is enormous tension, because here in the forest there is also a’murderer’. And the leadership is in the hands of a creepy camp leader,Smulders.

killer camp what kind of program is this?

Smulders: ,,Well, it almost feels like a parody of all those whodunit realityprograms. This is Expedition Robinson meets The traitors meets an eightieshorror film. Like Halloween or Friday the thirteenth.”

But is it real or is it acting?

,,Eleven candidates are at a camp, where they have to do all kinds ofactivities to earn money for a pot. One of them directs a killer – handymanBoris – who springs into action at night and brutally kills a candidate.”

But not really…

“It’s part reality, they really have to play those games and they really don’tknow who gets killed at night. But the candidate who comes to his end does actin a spectacular final scene. A small part in that slasher horror movie.scream 4 say. I’m presenting it, but if I had been a candidate, I would havewanted to die in the fattest murder.”

You play the role of a creepy camp leader in red tracksuit with scarystories by the campfire.

“Candidates hung on my every word at the campfire. Also because of course theywere very curious: who is being killed? As the days went by, it got more andmore exciting. At campfire four you really felt it. Like: oh yeah, we’re stillmaking a program, but we find this all so exciting and intense. Deep in thewoods, another scary story and who is that killer?”

Scene from Killer camp. © Amazon Prime

You could even have been that killer, even if you look dubious as apresenter…

“I believe I was cast for that. Skyhigh TV, the producer, remembered me fromthe program scum test. The editor-in-chief called and said, “I’ve got theperfect part for you. A kind of schizophrenic presenter who is above all morescary than fun’. From asshole test they knew: there is something wrong withthat boy. Haha, can’t help but lead a camp where teenagers are slaughtered.This is a role made for me. Unreliable, crazy, then you seem to come to me.And who knows, during the episodes it may turn out that I have something to dowith the killer, but of course I can’t say anything about that.”

Don’t you regret that killer camp is broadcast on Prime Video and not onlinear TV, for example at the NPO, RTL or SBS 6?

“I think linear TV would never have dared to take these risks. They wouldnever have gone for such a new cast (see the photo below, ed.). Never for suchradical endings every time. And to be quite honest, they might never have gonefor me either. Linear TV is a household name pool thing after all.”

You are a comedian, what are your plans for the coming period?

,,I am writing and trying out for a new show that I will be touring fromSeptember next year. What I’m working on now is a satirical podcast withAndries Tunru and Stefan Hendrikx. If you men from the radio know, this is’Guys of the Podcast’. New generation, same ridiculousness. Three improvisingcomedians performing a skit. A daily comedy snack of three to seven minutes.”

Teresa Giudice Responds to Vicki Gunvalson Calling Her the Most ‘Overrated’ Housewife

Teresa Giudice is speaking out after Vicki Gunvalson picked her as the mostoverrated Real Housewives star.

At BravoCon 2022 on Saturday, the Real Housewives of New Jersey star, 50,told PEOPLE exclusively that she thinks the Bravo franchise stars should besupportive of each other.

“My response [to Vicki’s comment] is we’re all Housewives,” she said. “And weshould all be lifting each other up and not saying anything negative abouteach other.”

BRAVOCON -- Right the Relationship Panel from the Javits Center in New YorkCity on Friday, October 14, 2022 -- Pictured: (lr) Austen Kroll, VickiGunvalson, Heather Gay -- (Photo by: Heidi Gutman/Bravo via Getty Images)BRAVOCON-- Right the Relationship Panel from the Javits Center in New York City onFriday, October 14, 2022 -- Pictured: (lr) Austen Kroll, Vicki Gunvalson,Heather Gay -- (Photo by: Heidi Gutman/Bravo via Getty Images)

BRAVOCON — Right the Relationship Panel from the Javits Center in New YorkCity on Friday, October 14, 2022 — Pictured: (lr) Austen Kroll, VickiGunvalson, Heather Gay — (Photo by: Heidi Gutman/Bravo via Getty Images )

Heidi Gutman/Bravo/Getty

RELATED: Vicki Gunvalson Says Teresa Giudice Is the Most OverratedHousewife: ‘I Don’t Get It’

The reality star added that she won’t allow any negativity to break herpositive mindset.

“If someone’s trying to put a black cloud over you, you need to chew it awayand make the sun come out…I’m not about that,” she added.

During the “Right the Relationship” panel at BravoCon 2022 on Friday, TheReal Housewives of Orange County alum, 60, responded to a fan who asked whichcast member from the hit Bravo franchise was the most overrated.

“I’m going to say Teresa [Giudice],” Vicki said. “It’s not that I don’t likeTeresa, I just think, you do a bad thing and you go to jail and you stillcarry on a TV show? I just can’t believe it.”


Vicki Gunvalson

Astrid Stawiarz/Bravo/NBCU Photo Bank/Getty

RELATED: Teresa Giudice Believes She Was ‘Used as an Example’ for FraudCharge Jail Time: ‘Most Devastating Thing’

Vicki revealed that she especially has struggled to understand Teresa’spopularity amid the Real Housewives of New Jersey star’s legal issues.

“I mean, she just keeps making more money and more money and more money, andit’s hard for me to understand. I like her, but I don’t get it,” she shared.”I actually did vote for her on Dancing with the Stars because I’m a_Housewives_ supporter. I like her, I just think she’s overrated. It’s a lot.”

Teresa also opened up to PEOPLE about what fans can expect from the upcomingseason of RHONJ.

“It was a sad season for me,” she said. “It’s heartbreaking but it ends with ahappy ending.”

Story continues

“This season a lot of things open my eyes, like really wide open,” she added.”So I wanna focus on my children and my husband, and that’s what’s importantto me.”

RELATED: The 10 Most Shocking Revelations from Teresa Giudice ‘s PrisonMemoir

While appearing on a separate panel at BravoCon on Friday, Teresa recountedher 11-month jail sentence for fraud charges relating to her ex-husband, JoeGiudice’s bankruptcy fraud.

Teresa — who has maintained that she didn’t know about Joe’s fraud — sharedher thoughts on her jail time, and why she thinks things would’ve played outdifferently if she wasn’t on the Bravo show.

“I got used as an example. What’s the saying? The good comes with the bad.Meaning, like, because I was on TV — if I was just a regular housewife, Iprobably wouldn’t have went to jail,” said Teresa .

The reality star noted that she didn’t expect to be found complicit. “Joe wastelling them, ‘She has nothing to do with it.’ He told me, ‘Damn, they wantyou more than they want me!’ And he was the one who did it.”

Teresa and her now-ex-husband Joe, 50, finalized their divorce in 2020 after20 years of marriage. Joe now lives in the Bahamas, as the Italian native wasdeported from America following his fraud sentence. They share four daughters:Audriana, 13, Milania, 16, Gabriella, 18, and Gia, 21. In August 2022, Teresagot remarried to Luis Ruelas.

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BravoCon 2022 is taking place through Sunday at the Jacob Javits Center in New

BV 24/7. Christophe and Nick from ‘Blind Marriage’ have something to celebrate and who owns this cute tattoo? | showbiz

BV The show must go on, because the showbiz world never stands still. Findout what your favorite BVs have been up to in the last 24 hours here in ournews stream.

candice from ‘Blind Married’ and Amy from ‘K2 is looking for K3’ areabroad together.

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Christophe and Nick from ‘Blind Married’ celebrate their ‘weddinganniversary’. “Special date and date. October 12 is and remains the weddinganniversary, even though we are divorced of course (and Nick is happy withanother man and Christophe is looking for another man). Always nice to seeeach other again, it was really too long ago…but on this day we have to maketime of course.”

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Kate Bollen enjoyed her walk. “Since the beginning of September I startthe day with an hour of walking. Wonderful: exercise, nature and a nicepodcast in my ears.”

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Bieke Ilegems wishes her followers a fantastic day.

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Marie Verhulst counting down to the holidays.

© Instagram: marieverhulst

‘Wings’, the new clip from K3 has been viewed more than 500,000 times.

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Fabrizio ‘The Bachelor’ Tzinaridis was in front of the class againyesterday. “How nice to be able to set foot in this nice school again aftertwelve years and to be able to stand in front of the class this time. Thistime, too, I was able to expose my heart and soul with the aim of inspiring.”

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Carol Burnett Recalls Fighting for The Carol Burnett Show and Being Told Variety Was ‘a Man’s Game’

Carol Burnett

Jon Kopaloff/Getty Carol Burnett

Carol Burnett is reminiscing about the uphill battle she endured to start herown comedy variety show.

On the latest episode of the Dear Multi-Hyphenate podcast, Burnett, 89,recalled the moment she first pitched what would go on to be her legendarycomedy variety show, The Carol Burnett Show to a CBS vice president at thetime.

After deciding to leave The Garry Moore Show where she gained enoughpopularity “to do other things,” Burnett told the podcast host Michael Kushnerthat “CBS offered me a contract to stay with them for 10 years where I wouldbe obligated to do one special a year — an hour-long special a year and twoguest appearances on some of their sitcoms.”

Adding that she had “a great agent” at the time, she explained the contractalso included a stipulation, stating “within the first five years if I, Carol,wanted to do a comedy variety show, CBS would have to put it on the air for 30shows, fair play, that if I ‘push that button’ they would have to put it onwhether they wanted to or not.”


Carol Burnett

NBCU Photo Bank

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When the right time finally came, which was the last week of her fifth year onthe agreement, she said she called the CBS vice president in New York and toldhim she wanted to “push that button” — but the executive did not remember theclause.

“And he said, ‘what button?’ and I said, ‘You know where I get to do 30 comedyvariety shows.’ He said, ‘Well, let me get back to you,'” she continued. “Hecalled me back the next day and said, ‘Comedy variety is a man’s game…it’s notfor you, girl.'”

Burnett noted that the network vice president listed the names of the men whohad done comedy variety shows, such as Sid Cesar, Milton Burle, JackieGleeson, and Dean Martin, before pitching her a different proposal, saying,”And we got this great little sitcom we would love you to do called Here ‘sAgnes.”

Story continues

Reflecting on the moment, the Golden Globe winner said, “Oh, my, God. Couldyou imagine?”

In response, Burnett told the executive, “I don’t want to be Agnes every week,I want to have an hourlong show… I want to guest stars, I want music, I wantdancers, I want singers, I want sketch comedy on and on and on,’ And Michaelthey had to put us on the air.”

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Noting that “they did not have faith in this,” she added, “…I remember justbefore the first taping we got all together in a “Kumbaya” moment, and I justsaid, ‘You know what, we don’t know what’s going to happen, but we know wehave 30 shows so let’s just go out there and have fun!’ Well, 276 shows later,that’s exactly what we did.”

Scoring 25 Primetime Emmy Awards, the show ran from 1967 to 1978. In 2013, theseries was ranked number 17 on TV Guide ‘s 60 Greatest Shows of All Time andfeatured on the list of time Magazine’s 100 Best TV Shows of All Time in2007.

During the chat, Burnett also shared a never-been-told story about her latedaughter Carrie Hamilton, who died in 2002 of lung cancer, experiencing herpresence when she opened their play Hollywood Arms.

RELATED: A Comedy Trailblazer! Carol Burnett Will Receive Very Own GoldenGlobe in Her Name

Carrie died from pneumonia, a complication of lung cancer that spread to herbrain. Burnett previously spoke about her daughter in a 2018 interview withPEOPLE, saying, “I think of her every day.”

“She never leaves me,” the comedian said at the time. “I just feel her.”

REALITY CHECK. Dragqueen Shangela provides a scoop and reality stars prey on the crown of Miss Belgium | REALITY CHECK

TV’Temptation’, ‘Ex On The Beach’ or ‘Love Island’: these are pleasures thatwe don’t feel guilty about at all. And because we suspect you of the same, wewill keep you informed every Friday about the ins and outs of the realityworld. New loves, quarrels or other antics of (former) TV characters: you willfind out all here.

Ingeborg, is that you?

Kelly took part in the first season of ‘Love Island’. © RV

The Dutch Kelly became known for her participation in the first season of’Love Island’. But those who want to catch a glimpse of her these days shouldhead to Ibiza. The reality star moved to the Spanish island a while back, andhas built a life there in the meantime. As the local Ingeborg, it turns out.For a while now, Kelly – who describes herself on Instagram as a holisticpsychologist for the sake of convenience – has been teaching ‘Mindset RetreatCeremonies’. On request you can undergo such a ceremony in Ibiza, theNetherlands and Belgium. According to Kelly, it’s all about a ‘healing’experience. Your heart, feelings and intuition are central to this.

“I have learned so much from inspiring people over the past year and a half,”it sounds. “Now I am ready to share these valuable lessons and experienceswith others. I want to guide people to reach their full potential and becomethe best possible version of themselves. That way they can achieve things theynever thought possible before.”

For those wondering: a session with Kelly lasts about two hours, and costsfifty euros. For that money you can probably also go to a real psychologist,just saying.

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A reality star as the most beautiful in the country?

Reality stars Kunza andEsmee.Reality stars Kunza and Esmee. © Instagram

It just might. After all, both ‘Temptation Island’ temptress Kunza and ‘DeBachelor’ candidate Esmée advanced to the next round of Miss Belgium. Theformer received a so-called ‘crown card’ for this. This means that theorganization believes in Kunza, and does not want to say goodbye to her yet.Whereupon the girlfriend of ‘Big Brother’ finalist Nick exhausts herself inwords of thanks. You could for less, right?

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Entertainer Darius Jeremy Pierce asShangela.Entertainer Darius Jeremy Pierce as Shangela. © Photo News

She was one of the most popular drag queens ever seen on ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’,and afterwards Shangela – nom de plume by Darius Jeremy Pierce – got togetherwith fellow artists Bob The Drag Queen and Eureka O’Hara with ‘We’re Here ownreality series. As if that weren’t enough accolades, ‘Shangie’ now also has afirst. She is the first drag queen to participate in the American version of’Dancing with the Stars’. Together with dance partner Gleb Savchenko, Shangelaturns out to be a formidable competitor, and she has been dancing to the topof the scoreboard for several weeks. “I hope we can show that it’s about theheart and soul of a person,” said the entertainer. “It doesn’t matter if it’stwo men dancing or a man and a drag performer. It’s about fun, and theopportunity to understand each other better.”

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‘Bling Empire’ goes to Dubai

The cast of 'DubaiBling'.The cast of ‘Dubai Bling’. © Netflix

Fans of the reality series ‘Bling Empire’ will soon be able to enjoy a new gemon Netflix. After all, the streaming service will launch ‘Dubai Bling’ fromOctober 27. It follows ten millionaires who live their dream lives in the oilstate. Go ahead: in addition to their life full of luxury, we can also expectthe necessary drama – judging by the trailer. Just what the doctor ordered,right?

Puff poof paf, it’s done

'Teen Mom' star Leah Messer is singleagain.‘Teen Mom’ star Leah Messer is single again. © RV

Sad message for fans of ‘Teen Mom’ star Leah Messer. After an engagement ofjust two months, the mother of three broke up with Private Jaylan Mobley.”While the past year has been a lot of fun for both of us, we have realizedthat it’s best that we break up,” it said in a joint statement. The two aresaid to remain friends.

One day you’re in, the next day…

'Love Island UK' gets a different presenter: Laura Whitmore is replaced byMayaJama.‘Love Island UK’ gets a different presenter: Laura Whitmore is replaced byMaya Jama. © Getty

… You’re out! Because yes, there is a changing of the guard on the Britishversion of ‘Love Island’. There, presenter Laura Whitmore (37) – who took careof several seasons of the program after the death of Caroline Flack – wasreplaced by presenter Maya Yama (28). She has already said that she is veryenthusiastic about this assignment, which starts early next year in SouthAfrica. “I’m a huge fan of the show myself,” it sounds. “I can’t wait to enterthe villa and the islanders to meet.”

‘Love Island’ Pamper Account

Boxer Tommy Fury and model/influencer Molly-MaeHague.Boxer Tommy Fury and model/influencer Molly-Mae Hague. © Getty Images

We close with great news from the United Kingdom. There, ‘Love Island’ coupleMolly-Mae Hague and Tommy Fury – who participated in the fifth season of thelove show – are expecting their first child. Provided a video on their socialmedia channels, the couple also announced that they were expecting a girl.

why Belgian rappers score better with our northern neighbors

A new generation of Belgian rappers is conquering the Netherlands with catchy,light-hearted tracks that found their way to the top via TikTok. But why is itthat artists like Katnuf, Jinho 9 and Brysa are less successful in their owncountry? ‘Flanders is lagging behind.’

Jasper Van LoyOctober 15, 202217:08

“Who is Anas ‘Katnuf’ Kasmi, creator of the 2022 summer hit?” headlined deVolkskrant end of August. The answer: Kasmi is the man behind ‘Be Van mij’, alight-hearted and danceable love song that is still in the top five of theDutch charts on Spotify today with 15 million streams. In Belgium, ‘Beingmine’ has not yet reached 37th place in the Ultratop. However, Katnuf has beenliving in our country since he was 6 years old and does not consider hishometown Amsterdam, but Roeselare as his real home.

Katnuf is not the only Belgian who is doing better in the Netherlands thanwith us. Among the new songs by David Guetta and Sam Smith you will also findthe Ninoof rapper Jinho 9 in the Dutch charts, who collected three millionstreams in one week with the sultry club track ‘Blind opzoek (Trapagas)’. TheMechelen rapper Makar is a bit further down the list with ‘Mood’, but has themost success in the rest of the world: thanks to top twenty quotations inSwitzerland and Germany – for a Dutch song – the song has 33 million streams.

There is no real Belgian scene in the Netherlands, but the stories of thesuccessful rappers are similar. For example, Jinho 9 and Katnuf are bestfriends. “As a child I already watched Junior Eurovision Song Contest and_The Voice Kids_ , but I kept my music to myself for a long time,” saysKatnuf. “It was only during the lockdown in 2020 that I found the courage toput a few songs online. Jinho thought those tracks were ‘hard’ and sent me amessage. A while later we were back in the studio messing around. When Jinhowas on the toilet, I randomly clicked a file on his PC.”

That file eventually became ‘Interesting’, a song for which the twocollaborated with another Belgian, Jiriel Thunder. The track instantly wentviral: about 60,000 TikTok users used it as a soundtrack for their own videos.“I already had conversations with labels before that, but they hardly saw mebecause I didn’t have a viral hit yet,” says Jinho 9. “That’s how it goesthese days: you have to have developed your own revenue model before they signyou.” After ‘Interesting’ Sony jumped on the bandwagon.

78 percent

Makar neither knows Katnuf nor Jinho personally, but his story is much thesame. Originally he wanted to be an actor and with funny videos on Facebook hegot his first audience together. A parody of mumble rappers was so popularthat his best friend, who is now his manager, convinced him to start makingmusic himself. A week before the release of ‘Mood’, he already gave the chorusaway on TikTok, so that it almost became a hit before the full song came out.

No one can properly explain why the Belgians are just now coming to theNetherlands, not even Bryan Mg. However, the Ghent rapper has been scoringmore streams above than below the Belgian-Dutch border for years. “The onlything I can say is that I have always aimed for the Netherlands. The urbanscene is simply much more visible there. Just look at FunX.” Bryan refers tothe radio station that only plays genres such as hip-hop, R&B and dancehalland is especially popular with young people in the big cities.

Jinho 9 already played a session there two years ago, for his big hits. “TheDutch are hyenas,” says Makar. “Once they see your talent, they try to bringyou in.” Katnuf knows by heart that 78 percent of his listeners come from theNetherlands. “I love Belgium, but for my career, the Netherlands is better.The urban scene in our country is lagging behind what is happening there.Almost all producers are there and you have a studio on every street, so tospeak.”

Historical backlog

That backlog is historic. Spotify was available in the Netherlands a yearearlier than in Belgium and our northern neighbors responded much faster tothe worldwide rise of hip-hop. The big milestone is the New Wave project:under that name, some twenty rappers and producers went into hiding atSchiermonnikoog in 2015 to come out with a joint record, which included ‘Drinken drugs’ by Ronnie Flex and Lil ‘Kleine.

Flanders still has a hard time with that kind of accessible Dutch-languagerap, and not just because there are three times as many Dutch people asFlemish. The rappers who are successful with us sing in their own regionallanguage (Brihang, Tourist LeMC) or distance themselves from the mainstream(Dvtch Norris, Zwangere Guy).

Not that the Belgians are not welcome in the Netherlands: the popular rapvideo platform 101Barz regularly welcomes compatriots, while rappers such asZwangere Guy and Freddie Konings also collaborate with their Dutch colleagues,but a hit as big as ‘Van mij zijn’ delivered that until recently. not on. Rarestreaming guns such as Bryan Mg and Soufiane Eddyani received less attentionin the Belgian media.

“Something is happening,” Makar thinks. At the beginning of this year, rapperBrysa from Kessel scored a number one hit in the Netherlands alongsideCristian D and Ashafar with ‘Amsterdam . Wawa, the Aalst native whorecently appeared in the VRT MAX documentary Plan A was allowed to taste thesuccess two years ago when he collected 18 million streams for ‘Entrepreneur’together with Dutchman Kempi.

Will the great Flemish wave of streaming rap start via the Netherlands afterall? Everyone expresses great ambitions, Makar has even signed with UniversalGermany and is now learning Goethe’s language at a rapid pace. Bryan Mg hasone more advice for the new generation. “Now it comes down to not sticking to

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