Fierce criticism of Dutch nature production, cinema film would be ‘greenwashing’ | show

The new Dutch nature film Wild Port of Europe , an ode to the flora andfauna in the port area of ​​Rotterdam and Moerdijk, is causing a lot of angeramong environmental organizations. Greenpeace, Extinction Rebellion and DeJonge Climate Movement, among others, believe that the film, which will beshown in at least 90 cinemas throughout the country from Thursday, is’greenwashing’. The makers are biting off.

Willem Berents and his wife Melanie Kutzke have been working almost day andnight for the past four years Wild Port of Europe. Their mission: to showthat industry and nature are not necessarily mutually exclusive. “And thatpolecats, larks and hares that choose this terrain deserve to be seen,” saidKutzke. A large part of their time, they say, was spent approaching andgaining the trust of countless companies in the port area, so that they couldactually go everywhere with the camera.

The fact that oil companies are also included is not a good idea for 24environmental organizations that previously made a joint statement against thefilm on this website. ‘Nature flourishes under the smoke of the pollutingpetrochemical industry. That, in short, is the message of the documentary’,they say. ‘It will therefore come as no surprise to anyone who the proudsponsors of this film are: BP and Shell. Wild Port of Europe is thedefinition of greenwashing.’

Willem Berents is the director of Wild Port of Europe, which is set in theports of Rotterdam and Moerdijk. © Frank de Roo

Documentary maker Willem Berents thinks the fuss is unjustified. ,,Filmmakerslike us do not receive a cent from the Netherlands Film Fund for their firstmajor production. Then you have to look for municipalities, provinces, natureorganizations and companies to raise money. Because we wanted to film on theirsite, we also asked BP and Shell to participate. And yes, we got some fundsfrom that too. Without that help we would not have been able to give a face tonature in the port. By the way, they promised not to influence our work andthey kept that.” Berents emphasizes that institutions such as Staatsbosbeheerand the Dierenbescherming have also contributed to the film.

Climate issues

Don’t you run the risk of people saying that it is apparently not too bad withall the climate problems with a nature film that takes place in the port?Berents: ,,That could be, but first watch the film and then make your ownjudgment. Nature struggles to survive, while humans intrude everywhere. Youcan also read it that way. We try to seize something without prejudice.” Hiswife adds that probably not a cent is left with the film. “We even took out anextra mortgage on our house to complete the budget. We thought it was soimportant to make this current, relevant and nuanced film.”

Wild Port of Europe with a voice-over by Sacha de Boer and music by thewell-known trumpeter Eric Vloeimans, will also be the subject of debatetonight in De Balie in Amsterdam, where the makers and the protestingenvironmental organizations will talk to each other.

Immense criticism of new season ‘The Crown’: “That this hate campaign may be broadcast…” | TV

TVThe fifth season of ‘The Crown’ will be released on Netflix next month. Thepopular series, which depicts the life of the British royal family, has nowreached the 80s and 90s. The most painful period the monarchy has ever known,especially for King Charles. “That they dare to broadcast such a hate campaignjust now is outrageous”, say critics.

It hasn’t aired for a second, and yet the new season of ‘The Crown’ is alreadycontroversial. In season five we get to see how things go wrong between (then)Prince Charles and Princess Diana. Not only their divorce, but also Diana’smuch-discussed interview with the BBC, her depression and eating disorder andher tragic last hours, are drilled down to the bone. That they are just nowcoming up with this – now that ‘Prince Charles’ is trying to find his way as’Charles III’ – viewers and critics alike do not think it is very nice.

Elizabeth Debicki as Diana. © Netflix

“This odious series is deliberately hurtful,” said royalty biographer WilliamShawcross, who was already able to watch several episodes. “They are not closeto the facts yet. They also added a storyline in which Charles constantlytries to have his mother deposed in order to gain power himself. Completefiction! He has never done such a thing, because he knows better than anyonethat the monarchy doesn’t work like that. In addition, Charles had a lot oflove and respect for his mother. He would never – as he does in the series -yell at her that she “should be thrown in jail for being a bad mother.” Theyare just making up stories.”

Dominic West as Charles, Olivia Williams as Camilla ParkerBowlesDominic West as Charles, Olivia Williams as Camilla Parker Bowles © Netflix

The fact that Diana’s last days and even hours are included in the fictionseries is not at all acceptable to him. “That is very disrespectful to herfamily,” it sounds. “Opening up such wounds again, by adding untruthful thingsto them, is really not what the country needs right now. Launching the seriesnow that Charles and Camilla have just become king and queen seems like a hatecampaign.” Because yes, the affair between Charles and Camilla is alsoextensively discussed, while Diana’s lovers (except for Dodi Fayed) have beencompletely removed from the script.

Imelda Staunton as Queen Elizabeth II, Jonathan Pryce as PrincePhilip.Imelda Staunton as Queen Elizabeth II, Jonathan Pryce as Prince Philip. ©Netflix

There is also plenty of speculation online about the new season, in whichImelda Staunton will take over the role of Queen Elizabeth. Earlier there wascriticism after it became known that ‘The Crown’ would also extensively filman alleged affair of Prince Philip. “This is very inappropriate, so soon afterElizabeth’s death … They just buried her next to Philip,” it sounds onTwitter. In the past, the series already had a direct influence on thepopularity of the royals, especially that of King Charles and Queen Camilla.

Netflix has clearly heard the complaints, and is trying to intervene inadvance. A disclaimer has just been added to the series, stating that theseries is “only about fiction, not about facts”.

rapper Elmer claims a place for female hip-hoppers

Merel Pauw (27), or rapper Elmer, is in a beige seventies suit, without asticky mustache, on the middle floor of Sexyland World. In a week’s time, akind of space decor will arise on the ground floor, between the pink bar andthe DJ set. And therein female rappers, non-binary hip-hoppers and mc’s willperform their music.

Party at Sexyland World

De Amsterdamse Pauw, actress (currently featured in ___Queer Planet_ ofcompany HNTjong) and rapper, has loved hip-hop since she was a child in thecar with her father listening to the Beastie Boys and Eminem at top volume.Her greatest musical love is MF Doom, she loves the Canadian electro goddessPeaches and the Belgian artist Charlotte Adigéry.

On Saturday 22 October during the Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) she organizesher first party. “Because I wanted an evening that I would like to go tomyself, and because there are so many cool female artists in the Netherlandsthat I secretly want to meet too.” She is a ‘super fan’ of everyone in thelineup, which features women and non-binary rappers and DJs like Babs,Mariposa, Suzooki Swift, Zulu Green and DJ OISHĪ. She thinks that artists arenot seen enough.

“It really pisses me off that they are so little known. I find it bizarre thatwe, as such a progressive country, as a large hip-hop country that also leadsa lot of Spotify top lists, pay so little attention to female artists.” It’s aman’s world, the rap, the hip-hop, still. Misogynistic too. Which, by the way,she herself hasn’t had much to do with until now. “I produce everythingmyself, rap myself. But I do hear from female artists that you have to workmuch harder. And there’s a lot of misogyny in hip-hop. Just in the lyrics.”

Hip-hop in theater, theater in hip-hop

But now she is among the greats at ADE with her party. And the artists sheadmires so much get the stage they deserve.

She herself has been working as a musician for a few years now. She played inbands at secondary school in Amsterdam, but since graduating from the TheaterSchool in Arnhem she has also been trying to get hip-hop into the theater withthe collective she founded with classmates: DIEHELEDING. “Rapping while you’replaying, faking is hard. It’s ten times faster than musical singing, but we’vegotten really good at it now.”

Pauw also plays with gender in her performances. As Elmer she looks boyish, asMerel on stage she can put on a super feminine dress, even if it is mainly anact. “It almost feels like drag.” She identifies herself as a woman, bisexual,but doesn’t care much for girlishness. “If there had been more words for it inmy adolescence, non-binary and pansexual, I might have called myself that. NowI mainly say queer, but I like all pronouns.”

Rewrite the rules

She has secretly dreamed of becoming a pop star all her life. During the firstlockdown, she produced a first EP as rapper Elmer. Before that she made songslike About Touring , in which she sings about sex from a male and femaleexperience, united in one person: ‘my skin is coming apart at the seams’. Butalso the number Your father, to which she gets shocked reactions. She raps”I’ll fuck your father without a condom.” “It scares men in particularsometimes. While I think: do you know how many gross lyrics male rappersmake?!”

She doesn’t want to make concessions. “As a woman, do you want to change thecurrent norm in the hip-hop scene by infiltrating the mainstream? Or do youcreate your own world with its own rules that becomes so big that themainstream can no longer ignore you? I want to do the latter. The mainstreamshould go to Lil ‘Kleine, I think she’s really bad. I don’t have to convincethem.”

She doesn’t want the number either Your father is seen as a response to themany motherfucker – or your mother -songs that are full of hip-hop. “Ijust like filth, I felt like making that song, I had a lot of fun with it.When you do things as a woman, it quickly becomes a political statement. Ilong for the day when it’s not a political statement, but I can just make itwithout being shocked.”

Promised land , ADE, Saturday, October 22, Sexyland World. Two moresingles from Elmer will be released on October 28.

‘The Real Housewives of New York City’ Reboot Cast Revealed

Bravo has unveiled the brand-new cast of its rebooted “Real Housewives of NewYork City” franchise.

Sai De Silva, Ubah Hassan, Erin Lichy, Jenna Lyons, Lizzy Savetsky, JesselTaank and Brynn Whitfield will all be joining for Season 14. The news wasrevealed at a “Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen” taping on Sunday nightduring BravoCon , when the ladies surprised fans by walking on stage. AndyCohen said he wanted the new cast to better reflect New York City, and indeedit does. Lyons identifies as gay, and Taank will be the first IndianHousewife.

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Production is set to begin this fall and the highly-anticipated show willpremiere in 2023. According to its official logline, Season 14 will follow “anall-new group of seven dynamic women who run in the same social circles,thriving in one of the most diverse and electric cities in the world. Fromfashion and real estate, to philanthropy and social influence, these womenhave made their mark in NYC and will now share their lives as they jugglecareers, family life and jam-packed social calendars in the city that neversleeps.”

variety hears that the legacy version of “Real Housewives of New York City”is essentially fully cast, and deals are in the process of closing. One sourcesays that Dorinda Medley and Sonja Morgan will be part of the cast. During an“Ultimate Girls Trip” panel at BravoCon, variety ‘s Elizabeth Wagmeisterasked producers about the legacy show, and while they didn’t reveal too much,executive producer Lisa Shannon suggested that the show is well on its way.

When asked by variety __ at BravoCon about the possibility of joining the“Legacy” cast, Medley played coy. “I swear to you, you know as much as we do.I promise you,” she said. “I’ve heard more about the new girls [on therebooted ‘RHONY’] than I have about ‘Legacy.’ Listen, if you hear something,call me! I’ll be at Blue Stone Manor waiting, decorating for Halloween.”

Story continues

Sunday night’s “Watch What Happens Live” taping included 28 surprise guests,such as Teresa Giudice, Whitney Rose, Heather Gay, Meredith Marks, AshleyDarby, Wendy Osefo, Taylor Armstrong, Eva Marcille, Jill Zarin, Kyle Richardsand Dorit Kemsley. As the new “RHONY” cast members exited the stage afterbeing introduced, Hassan said to the audience: “Be nice to us, give us achance!”

“RHONY” is produced by Shed Media with Shannon, Lauren Volonakis and GlendaCox serving as executive producers. Cohen also executive produces.

Read Bravo’s official “RHONY” cast descriptions below.

Sai De Silva is an Afro-Latina, born and raised in New York. She is thecreative director of Scout the City, which originated as a passion projectblog and quickly evolved into an online lifestyle destination. Scout the Citychronicles Sai’s adventures of chic parenting from her home in Brooklyn whereshe resides with husband David Craig and their two children, London and Rio.

Sai DeSilvaSaiDeSilva

Sai De Silva

Ubah Hassan is a Somalian model and philanthropist who moved to New Yorkand made it her home. At a young age, Ubah fled to Kenya with her dad andbrother, but later moved to Canada where she was spotted by a photographer andwas subsequently signed by a modeling agency. Ubah is also an entrepreneur andthe founder of UBAHHOT, a hot sauce company she built from scratch.


Ubah hassan

Erin Dana Lichy is a funny, confident and candid New Yorker, raised inManhattan as one of five children in a close-knit Israeli family. A born go-getter, Erin became a real estate agent at 19 and owns her own home renovationand design firm, Homegirl. Erin’s husband is an attorney and owner of LichyLaw. The couple share three children together and live in Tribeca. Erin issuper sociable, loves being around others and is always up for a good time.

Jenna Lyons is the former president and executive creative director ofJ.Crew Group, where she was widely recognized as the creative force behind theAmerican retail chain’s phenomenal rise from floundering catalog chain to oneof the most coveted fashion brands in the US Jenna is now co- founder and CEOof direct-to-consumer beauty brand, LoveSeen, and resides in New York Citywith her son Beckett.


Jenna Lyons

Lizzy Savetsky is a digital influencer, activist, mom of three and wife toplastic surgeon Dr. Ira Savetsky. Originally from Fort Worth, Texas, Savetskymoved to New York for college and, after a brief stint back in her home state,returned to the Big Apple. Lizzy uses her platform to express her style,educate others on her deep-rooted beliefs and hosts Instagram show “Bashert,”where she is setting out to help Jewish singles find love.


Lizzy Savetsky

Jessel Taank is an outgoing and unreserved fashion publicist and brandconsultant, known for thinking outside the box. Jessel, who is of British-Indian descent, with her husband, financier Pavit Randhawa, after they wereintroduced by a friend at a bar on the Lower East Side. Romance didn’t sparkimmediately and they remained close friends for years before they began todate. The two married in Mexico in 2014 and have twin boys.

Brynn Whitfield is a brand marketing and communications professional. Acheeky “trophy wife in training,” Brynn has a penchant for interior design,fashion and hosting dinner parties from her (small but mighty) West Villageapartment. Originally from a small town in the Midwest, Brynn was raised byher grandmother who taught her invaluable lessons about navigating life,owning her narrative as a biracial woman and the true meaning of hard work.

Elizabeth Wagmeister contributed to this report.

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Excited is the keyword at Froukje in AFAS Live

Her spring concert in Paradiso and this summer’s festival shows already showedthis: singer Froukje is going to take a leap. When the time comes, 6,000people in the AFAS Live, she is silent for a while because of the size.Laughing, slightly dazed: “There are so many of you. I don’t really know whatto do with it.”

For a moment there is the memory of the period when Froukje Veenstra fromNieuwkoop could not imagine her audience at all. The breakthrough cameunexpectedly, in the first corona year 2020. ‘Greater Than Me’, a danceable,fresh-realistic song about climate unrest. With ‘Ik Wil Dansen’ she draggedyoung people through a concertless vacuum.

As the timid opening act of the test event ‘Back to Life’, Froukje sang livefor the first time in 2021. With her striking sobriety and the beautiful penwith which she captured her insecurities in songs, she then made her waythrough the pop landscape. There were video clips, awards, two EPs. And moreand more performances.

And so the contrast can – only a year and a half later! – no bigger. A self-confident pop woman now shines on a wide stage with a large video wall and anelevation for her four-piece band. One that dares more, that puts on a showwith speed, based on electropop. The music production: solid, well thoughtout, with fresh modern lighting. Tonight 21-year-old Froukje in a white outfitseals her year of success.

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Her vulnerability, gloomy themes in an eloquent package on beats, touches onall sides. “I don’t remember who I was before it all started. I also don’tknow what I am now except young, brash,” she sings. Her songs have been pumpedup and expanded through remixes: they last longer, sometimes distort her voiceand make the audience jump even harder.

Outrageous is the keyword – after her latest EP. The hall sways and with asense of drama, Froukje kneels in white light. At ‘Between Light and Dark’ theaudience eagerly lets the telephone lights shine.

But it can also be small. And moving. Very professionally she urges theaudience to form a path, she wants to go to the mini stage in the middle ofthe hall. There awaits her father (“with whom I have shared a passion formusic all my life. Without him I would never have been here.”) with guitar fora duet: a fragile ‘A Sign’. Solo then a new song ‘Ik Ben Bang’, a beautifulgem, almost cabaret.

Speaking of contrasts, quite astonishing is the hellfire she later ignites.Screaming guitars against flames in the thumping ‘Is This Really?’ Cliché, buthey, is that bad? This is brand new for her target audience. As on the duetafter, ‘Zonder Face’ with the equally popular S10, now every concert can becounted. Froukje has mastered the show finesse. Curious what her debut album,now finally in sight, will bring.

Loes Luca gets a place in Van Dale thanks to old energy spots | show

The expression ‘bringing a solid bridge’ will soon be included in the DikkeVan Dale. Editor-in-chief Ton den Boon reported this in the radio program_follow spot_. The term, originating from an environmental campaign launchedby the Energy Company in the 1990s, has become established in Dutch languageuse after almost three decades.

In the campaign, Luca played a woman who was given energy advice in varioussituations. She commented on the advice with pleasantly ambiguous remarks. Thesentence ‘I still have plenty of energy, I still play a solid bridge gameevery night’ follows the advice of the man from the Energy Company that thelady can save a lot of energy with energy-saving light bulbs.

“It is remarkable how much impression those commercials have made,” said DenBoon in Volgspot. “Especially because they were only broadcast for arelatively short period of time. Many people immediately think of Loes Luca’sintonation.” The term ‘bridging bridge’ is still to be found in mainly localmedia. “People are easily tempted to use this expression when it comes tobridge. When a bridge afternoon is announced in the local dupe, it is oftendescribed as such, with a nod to those old commercials.”

Sturdy tail man

There are more expressions from the campaign that survived in Dutch languageuse. For example, there was a commercial in which Loes Luca goes to a whitegoods store where she flirts with an employee who explains to her what energylabels are. She addresses the young man as ‘strong tail man’. “We haveencountered that formulation for some time in columns and comments, especiallywith that erotic connotation,” says Den Boon. “But nowadays it’s not reallypossible anymore. It was also used as an insulting term for the Chinese,because of the traditional Chinese hairstyle.”

A phrase from the campaign that is still used is ‘put on some warmers’. Thisis the energy advice the Energy Company man gives when Luca receives him in anegligee for his environmental tips. Because the lady already has draftstrips, double glazing and roof insulation, this is the only advice he cangive. “You can still find that expression in reviews or critiques ofperformances or programs in which scantily clad characters appear that thejournalist in question has experienced as too naked,” says Den Boon.

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In his First Symphony, Joey Roukens reaches a new milestone

On the surface, there were similarities between the two premieres presented bythe Rotterdam Philharmonic and conductor André de Ridder. The American MasonBates wrote a Piano Concerto (2021) for world star Daniil Trifonov that washeard for the first time in the Netherlands; Joey Roukens composed his FirstSymphony. Both composers have been influenced by pop, dance and film music intheir orchestration, but the difference in quality was almost embarrassing.Roukens turned out to be in a class of its own.

Bates, also a DJ, proved to be a musician of grand gestures. The opening partwas intriguing enough, with fairytale Efteling tunes, ominously shiftingbasses, clattering castanets, a pumping beat and a somewhat haphazard brassfanfare. In the meantime Trifonov conjured up somewhat trivial, but layeredquasi-pop from the keyboard. Then things went terribly wrong. The middlesection, constructed from pathetic piano clichés, was so kitschy that itbecame absurd: muscular, overly oiled nothingness. The propulsive final inseven beats was so clumsy that even the Rotterdam Philharmonic couldn’t makeanything of it.

Joey Roukens and the Rotterdam Philharmonic. Edward Lee

Quirky ingenuity

No, then Roukens. He has been excelling in idiosyncratic orchestral music foryears and at the age of forty he thought it was time for a real ‘symphony’ infour movements, which he himself nicknamed ‘Kaleidoscopic’. Rouken’s music hasalways been eclectic and multicolored, but here he reaches a new milestone interms of technical ingenuity and sense of form. This piece deserves to beplayed very often, so that music lovers can hear for themselves how compellingit is – even without the expense of a disappointing support act.

With Roukens, of course, no traditional allegro as the first part. Celesta andharp repeated an orphaned note, cinematic strings swelled: the music unfoldedpatiently, far from storming heaven. Only after a smooth zappaesque dance anda threatening near-climax with pulsating copper did the carefully builttension reach a thunderous discharge. It had John Adams-esque allure, as theentire history of music condensed into a sparking, barely controllable forcefield. The ghost code after that was beautiful.

An endless melody formed the core of the slow second movement, ‘Ayre’, with anethereal twist that didn’t quite pan out. But Roukens’ atmosphere managementturned out to be flawless: part three, ‘Scherzo’, rubbed Bates under the nosehow you do write exciting notes in a driving seven-count measure. The Scherzoturned out to be full-blooded finale music with a fantastic ending, a bold andvirtuoso nod to bombastic nineteenth-century climaxes. It created space for areturn to the stillness of the beginning, but then more grim and wiser, forthe final movement, an imposing blooming, purifying Adagio.

More Roukens is coming: be Bosch Requiem will premiere on 3 November inAmsterdam and can then be heard during November Music (Den Bosch) and inEnschede.

_Second movement from Roukens ‘ ‘Rising Phenix’ (2014) for choir and

Danielle Brooks Tests Positive for COVID, Will Sit Out of Broadway’s The Piano Lesson for a Week

Danielle Brooks is stepping away from the piano for a week.

The actress, 33, announced on Saturday that she’ll be taking a break from herrole as Berniece in Broadway’s The Piano Lesson after testing positive forCOVID-19, or as she called it, having a run-in with the “COVID sample.”

She started in the production, which is directed by Tony nominee LaTanyaRichardson Jackson and comes from the mind of playwright August Wilson, onThursday during opening night.

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“My body has spoken and has forced me to Go Lay Down,” Brooks wrote Saturdayon Instagram after missing Friday’s performance. “Yes the Covid Monster gotme. Even though masks are not required in theaters I would encourage you tostill take precautions and wear your mask. Can’t wait to return stronger andbetter than ever.”

While Brooks is set to be out for a week, the role of Berniece will be takenover by understudy Shirine Babb, who has previously performed in Harry Potterand the Cursed Child and Macbeth.

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Brooks share the news with a photo of herself standing side-by-side withcostars Samuel L. Jackson and John David Washington, calling that particularmoment “one of the highlights of my career.” Using the hashtag”#understudiesrock,” Brooks wrote that the role is a “daily confirmation thatI am in my purpose.” But sometimes, as she explained, “your purpose isn’tabout you.”

“I am so happy for [Babb] making her debut as Berniece until Oct. 23rd,”Brooks wrote.

In her own Instagram clip reacting to the news of her taking on the role ofBerniece, Babb wrote “OMG!! I’M On TONIGHT.” Babb revealed in the clip, whichwas filmed as she walked around New York City, that she had just gotten thecall.

Story continues

“Alright people, I’m on tonight,” she told her followers. “So I don’t know ifyou can get a ticket, but your girl’s going to do it.”

Guests at Friday night’s performance were given a slip alerting them to thecasting change, along with their Playbills. Babb’s Instagram Story thefollowing day was filled with friends who seemed equally excited for herspecial moment.

According to a plot summary on the play’s website, The Piano Lesson followsa “battle brewing in the Charles household. At the center lies the family’sprized heirloom piano. On one side, a brother plans to build the familyfortune by selling it. On the other, a sister will go to any length to keep itand preserve the family history. Only their uncle stands in between. But evenhe can’t hold back the ghosts of the past.”

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Back in August, Brooks and her costars could be seen in exclusive first-lookphotos from The Piano Lesson ‘s first day of rehearsals, held at the New42nd Street Studios in Times Square. One shot in particular showed Brookssnapping a selfie with both Washington and Samuel.

“I thank god for this day,” LaTanya, 72, said, addressing the group in a videofrom August. “Finally. All of you who have been on this journey, waiting,waiting, putting your businesses to the side, I can’t thank you enough. I amready, you are ready, and we’re going to throw down.”

As information about the coronavirus pandemic rapidly changes, PEOPLE iscommitted to providing the most recent data in our coverage. Some of theinformation in this story may have changed after publication. For the lateston COVID-19, readers are encouraged to use online resources from the CDC__, WHO and local public health departments . __

New England Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Marries Dana Blumberg During Surprise NYC Wedding

Robert Kraft and Dana Blumberg are married, a source confirms to PEOPLE.

The New England Patriots owner, 81, and his doctor bride, 47, wed in front ofover 200 guests during a surprise wedding ceremony on Friday night at the Halldes Lumières in New York City.

According to Page Six, Kraft invited a slew of star-studded guests to a”Kickoff and a Touchdown” party, though he did not reveal he and Blumbergwould be tying the knot during the event.

A source who attended the event told PEOPLE most guests were completely takenby surprise. “Most of the people didn’t know it was a wedding celebration. Wethought it was a party and then when we went upstairs — and [a] screen openedand Robert and Dana came out. She was in a wedding dress, and Elton Johnannounced them as ‘husband and wife.’ Then Meek Mill wrote a song for them —which he sang with Ed Sheeran as backup,” the source detailed.

The source also noted there was an amazing spread, including caviar, Rubens,pigs in a blanket and knishes.

Citing sources, Page Six said that the couple shared a 10-minute video withguests, before NFL commentator Al Michaels introduced them to the crowd ashusband and wife. It is unclear, however, when exactly Kraft and Blumbergofficially said “I do” to one another.

A representative for the Hall des Lumières did not immediately respond toPEOPLE’s request for comment, while a rep for Kraft did not provide comment.

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Robert Kraft Marries Dana Blumberg. DrewBledsoe/InstagramRobertKraft Marries Dana Blumberg.

Robert Kraft Marries Dana Blumberg. Drew Bledsoe/Instagram

Drew Bledsoe/Instagram

RELATED: Who Is Robert Kraft ‘s Fiancee? All About Dana Blumberg

During Kraft and Blumberg’s special evening, they were joined by a series ofstars, including Tom Brady, Jon Bon Jovi, Kenny Chesney, NFL CommissionerRoger Goodell and NBA Commissioner Adam Silver, among others, Page Sixreported.

Brady, 45, seemingly attended the event solo amid marriage troubles with hiswife, Gisele Bündchen.

Story continues

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The PEOPLE source said John’s appearance at the event was arranged weeks backwhen the newlyweds were backstage at one of his concerts. “They are very goodfriends,” the source said of Kraft and John.

Mill, 35, shared a photo from the evening on Instagram, posing beside John,75, and Sheeran, 31. “Sounds forever 💎💎💎 @teddysphotos @eltonjohn ☝🏾,” hecaptioned his post.

RELATED: Tommy Hilfiger Reveals That Robert Kraft Is Engaged toGirlfriend Dana Blumberg

Robert Kraft and Dr.  Dana Blumberg attends 'HOMECOMING WEEKEND' Hosted ByThe h.wood Group &  REVOLVE, Presented By PLACES.CO and, Produced ByUncommon Entertainment on February 11, 2022 in Los Angeles,California.RobertKraft and Dr.  Dana Blumberg attends 'HOMECOMING WEEKEND' Hosted By The h.woodGroup &  REVOLVE, Presented By PLACES.CO and, Produced By UncommonEntertainment on February 11, 2022 in Los Angeles,California.

Robert Kraft and Dr. Dana Blumberg attends ‘HOMECOMING WEEKEND’ Hosted By Theh.wood Group & REVOLVE, Presented By PLACES.CO and, Produced ByUncommon Entertainment on February 11, 2022 in Los Angeles, California.

Vivien Killilea/Getty

Kraft and Blumberg reportedly began dating in 2019. In June of that year, theymade their public debut as a couple at the French Open, and later appeared atseveral other events over the summer.

It is unknown how or when the couple first met, but they were first seentogether in 2017 at an Elton John AIDS Foundation event, where Blumberg posedwith one of Kraft’s Super Bowl rings.

Designer Tommy Hilfiger later broke the pair’s proposal news at the inauguralamfAR Gala Palm Beach event in March 2022, telling the audience that Kraft andBlumberg had recently gotten engaged.

At the time, a representative for Kraft declined PEOPLE’s request for furthercomment.

Kraft was previously married to Myra Kraft until 2011, when she died of cancer

Tonight on TV: College Tour and Track Cycling: World Championship | show

A special nature event can be seen in the capital today. Early in the morninga trek starts there, in which thousands of Amsterdammers leave the ring forthe first time this year. The participants can be recognized by their shortsand sporty outfits. Don’t go on the track, but encourage by clapping andyelling. Read more about the marathon here.

Track Cycling: World Championship

The Track Cycling World Championships in Yvelines and Saint Quentin, France,have been underway for a few days. The Netherlands will undoubtedly also scorehighly on this final day, because driving laps is apparently in our genes,whether it is on skates or on a bicycle. Terms like Keirin, Omnium, Scratchand Madison are making the rounds today! Read here about Harrie Lavreysen whobecame world champion on the keirin for the third time in a row.

Roy Eefting with his bronze medal in the men’s scratch event during the secondday of the UCI Track Cycling World Championships. © ANP

Design Secrets

Designing a beautiful interior starts on the drawing board, but it doesn’tstop there. Designers Jeroen van Zwetselaar, Eric Kant and Linda Lagrand takeviewers to beautiful projects at home and abroad, events and network drinks.The passionate interior designers also tell what they like about theprofession, where they get their inspiration from and they advise viewersabout the latest trends.

The Great Renovation – start season 5

Presenter Kevin McCloud has seen many special homes pass by, but this time hecan’t believe his eyes. He is in South Devon with Joe and Clare, a couple whohave turned their home into a complete work of art. Although the question iswhether you can still call it a house. It is a large sculpture, which isinspired by the Devon landscape. The gigantic structure is 70 meters long andhas 34 huge oblique shards that jut out in all directions.

Ice Road Rescue – Starts Season 7

National Geographic – 20.00

Those who get stuck with the truck in the icy mountains of Norway can count ontow heroes Thord Paulsen and his crew in Odda and the quirky Bjørn Lægreid inEidfjord. When a truck threatens to crash down a steep slope into a largelake, the men spring into action, but the rescue is grueling and takes no lessthan 16 hours. They have to risk their own lives to get this job done.

An image from Season 7 of Ice RoadRescue.An image from Season 7 of Ice Road Rescue. © NGC

College Tour – start season 15

A program like College Tour stands or falls with the guests and this seasonstarts very strongly with a special main guest. Namely none other thanJamaican sprint legend Usain Bolt! He won a gold medal at three consecutiveOlympics. After an impressive sports career, during which he even made anattempt to become a football player, he is now committed to underprivilegedyoung people worldwide. Under the leadership of presenter Twan Huys, thestudents are allowed to ask the iconic sportsman anything. Read here who theother guests are this season.

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