Marcel Fisser: ‘Always the guitarist: but I am much more than that’

‘I’m going to quit.” He had spoken the words after the performance, during adinner with the band. Even before the meal, as he had planned. Add a glass ofwine, it was hard enough.

There was a silence. And then the questions. “And we?” “What now?” “We are onetogether, aren’t we?”

About this series

We live, as good and as bad as we can. But what makes it worth it? No one cangive the definitive answer, but many have ideas or even strong feelings aboutit. In this series we ask artists, painters, poets, musicians and scientists.

They’ve known each other for so long. Gathered as the musical setting of RuthJacott twenty-five years ago, then fused. Permanent backing band of Nick &Simon, Jan Smit, the TV program Dear Singers. Played with all major artistsin the Netherlands and Flanders, at least five days a week on the roadtogether. Three, four tours at once. Pop, rock, jazz, classical, country,latin, life song, metal: everything flawless. Rehearsing? Not necessary. Whenone starts, the other knows what to do. The bass player, steady. The drummer,very tight. The backing vocals, color makers. The keyboardist, gluer. Theblazers, confident.

And so he, Marcel Fisser, the modest guitarist who oversees it all, alsoleader of the Marcel Fisserband, the most famous backing band in the country.

Fisser tried to explain it to his fellow band members that evening. That hehas discovered that he is more than his instrument. That he only now knows whohe is and what he finds important, as a person, and that a role even more inthe background suits him better.

Now, three quarters of a year later, he hasn’t stopped yet. And it won’t, fornow. Fisser is going to play less, and the band will continue to exist. Buthis intention is certain: a new way.

But you know how it can go into retirement: suddenly you’re dead

“Ah, here I have it.” Marcel Fisser rummages through the stuff in his son’sdrum room and pulls one out. An Otwin Harmony from the fifties. “Look, hisname is on it: NF Diets. That was my grandfather Nappie.”

He turns the tuners for a moment and strikes some chords, sitting on an officechair in his home studio, which can be reached via the utility room. “Thisguitar was the first I ever heard.”

When Fisser came to visit with his parents as a little boy at the flat inAmersfoort, Grandpa Nappie was always playing on the couch. A little bit ofhumming. Jazzy, country-like. And it wasn’t even his notes that touchedFisser, but the way in which. The feeling his grandfather put into it.

In hindsight, he thinks, in that tone was his grandfather’s life history.Indonesia. The Japanese camp. The Netherlands. New start. To adjust. Not standout. Never talk about it. “In his songs there was sadness, hope, melancholy.Maybe that’s what I heard or felt then.”

Is music about hearing or feeling?

“When I am really touched, I feel it. Goosebumps. Tears in my eyes.”

Do you ever have that?

“Yes very often.”


“Usually live, when something intense happens on stage. That’s the magic isn’tit. That’s what we try to achieve as a band. We have a good energy together sosometimes it happens. But you never know when. And sometimes it doesn’thappen, even though you’re playing the exact same thing. Then it just doesn’tlock. Or one band member says ‘fantastic!’ and the other ‘terrible!’”

While you both hear the same thing, right?

“Yes, but you don’t feel the same. That is the difference.”

And what exactly is that magic?

“Well, I do not know. I don’t really want to know either. Because then…”

A longing, that was also in the guitar tone of his grandfather Nappie. Once inthe Netherlands, like many Indo-Dutch people, he had opted for security. Agovernment job until his retirement, then back to Indonesia. That was hisdream. “But you know how it can go into retirement: suddenly you are dead.”

It was a moment in Marcel Fisser’s life when he realized: don’t wait forlater, life is now. Another such moment: the early death of his father, aged42. Fisser, nine years old, hardly remembers anything about that time, butaccording to his mother he was only behind the guitar after that. All days inhis room, playing the Eagles LP, country music cassettes, playing along.

Play, play, play, that was all Fisser wanted in his life. He had nothing to dowith school, took eight years on the mavo, then another attempt at havo – hismother’s wish – and then the conservatory. And play wherever he could.Initially at weddings and parties and later, through Willeke Alberti, into’the circuit’. Always say yes to everything because everything was always fun.Getting as much out of life as possible, that was also behind it. Because hethought he was going to die early, just like his father – “you get somethinglike that in your head, don’t you?”

When was your playing style formed?

“At the conservatory I was trained as a guitarist-guitarist. There I learnedto play very technically and I was guitar-player at my best. But only then doyou develop your own style and become a musician.”

An instrument, is that an extension of the person?


And you are…

“No screamer. You have people who like to be in the foreground in everydaylife. They do that on their guitar too. Long solos, lots of notes. But I’m notinto it. I don’t necessarily have to play a solo either, not at all. I’mactually not much of a talker, not even on the guitar.”

And when you talk…

“Then it must be hit. Over the years I’ve started to leave out more and more.Only play the notes that matter. They try to get to the core.”

Modesty, is that a requirement in a backing band?

“In a band you need different characters, which is good. Our drummer is acrowd pleaser, our horn players are too. They stand. Never doubt in theirtone. But the most important thing is: we can all play in the service of theartist we accompany. We can completely efface ourselves, empathize withsomeone else’s music.”

Empathic ability.

“Yes, musically. And we can do that immediately, the first time we play withan artist. How does he want to sound, what does he want to hear, how do we getrid of everything superfluous to get to the core?”

What is the lack of redundancy?

“Well, you miss the message. That as a listener you can hear the singersinging, but get distracted by the pianist, the guitarist, the drummer. Thatthere is way too much going on in music.”

It’s about the core.

“Yes, it’s about the core.”

And does that also work in your daily life?

Smile: “Getting better.”

The Netherlands doesn’t have that many backing bands at such a high level, sowho is good is often asked. Marcel Fisser has been receiving daily requests inhis mailbox for years – Toertje? Performance? master class? Play in? – and healways said ‘yes’ to just about everything. Morning, afternoon, evening:always music. And when he became a father—two kids—he may have stepped it up anotch. Because which musician has a livelihood? He invariably picked up thechildren from school at lunchtime, but otherwise the agreement was: he lefthis career, his wife – with whom he has been together for 38 years – at home.

It has provided him with a bungalow in Leusden that is large enough toorganize garden concerts. Alain Clark, Ruth Jacott, Tim Akkerman; in thecorona summers they all came by. And in his studio, the walls are covered withgold records. Songs he has contributed to, all kinds of national hits, fromGerard Joling – 10,000 sold singles – to Davina Michelle – 60,000,000 streams.

I loved it, in the evening on the couch with my family. Netflix!

Making music has never felt like work, still not. And Fisser has also passedthis on to his children: if you think something is too crazy, go for it. Howoften does he see people around him who have obtained a diploma and who do notyet know what to do? Grumpy to work every day. His son Micky, “who alsothought school was terrible”, is now a drummer in Dré Hazes’ band. Hisdaughter Jennifer runs a nail salon. “They went for it.”

Photo Andreas Terlaak

But in the corona time, when Fisser stopped in one go – switched back from”playing five, six nights a week” to zero – he also got to know other sides ofhimself. “I loved it, in the evening on the couch with my family. Netflix! Ihad never genetflixed, ever. I didn’t know what happened to me… At home, withmy wife, and with Jennifer, because her nail studio was closed too. We playedsports together in front of the TV. Cooking every day. I had always been justthe guitarist, the musician. But then I found out: I am much more than that. Iam also a father, I am husband, neighbor, friend of some people. I became veryaware of that then. And I don’t want to lose those sides of myself.”

When everything opened up again last year between two lockdowns, the bandmembers were happy to be able to play again, except for Marcel Fisser. “Theperformers continued where they left off – same jokes, same repertoire – as ifnothing had happened. But I had changed. I didn’t like it. The sound was bad,the musicians out of shape – myself included. And I couldn’t imagine that… Ijust didn’t like it.”

When did you first say no to an assignment?

“That already happened with small requests. But a big assignment with someoneI really don’t like? I used to take it, but I don’t do it anymore.”

What can make an artist unpleasant?

“We band members are behind it, on stage, that’s a different perspective. Wealso see the transience. Artists come and go. A lot of money is earned veryquickly, but that also affects people.”

You see artists…

“Slide away, sometimes. Walk next to their shoes. Suddenly four managers arestanding around to give them a drink. Then I think: act normal. And socialmedia doesn’t help. They disappear into it, get distracted by it because theythink they need it for their career. Likes, likes, likes.”

And what happens to characters?

“Then we lose our core. Because everything around it gets too big, literally.”

The core, that’s what it’s all about. And yes, he still loves the band, thegoosebumps when they play together have not disappeared, and there must alsobe bread on the table. But a little less bread, he realizes, is fine too.

Marcel Fisser has chosen something that makes him happy now. His family, theproduction of major music shows behind the scenes, such as Dear Singers.And… Nashville, cradle of country, the music of his grandfather Nappie. “I’venever been there, but all the music I love comes from there.”

He’s going there next month, for two weeks. His publishing house has arrangedeverything. Meetings with artists, with whom he can write songs, and a bigcar. He also liked Klein, but status is important to them in the US. “I wasintroduced there as the man with the gold records in the Netherlands.”

Which guitar are you taking?

“This…” Fisser pulls one from the rack, an acoustic one. “This is a SantaCruz, handmade in California. My favorite guitar. Small, compact. Because I amonly a little man.” He puts his arm around it and starts to moan. Smile: “Itjust looks good on me.”

Can you peak too early in your career? | To undertake

Take quick steps and push through to the top; that is music to the ears ofreal career tigers. But what if you achieved all your goals before yourthirties? Is there such a thing as peaking too early?

In an ideal career, you climb one step higher and you improve your position,both in terms of function and income. But if you hit your ceiling at a veryyoung age, there’s nothing left to gain. Best example: the top athletes whofall into a black hole at a young age.

Especially when athletes have just shined at a major tournament and have topick up their daily lives again, existence can look empty. Athlete DafneSchippers spoke of severe crying spells after the 2016 Games in Rio. The medalwinner just sat staring straight ahead on the couch.

(Sports) psychologist Yara van Gendt often sees athletes and millennials whowant to do very well, work hard and cross their own boundaries. “As a result,they often make a lot of progress in a relatively short time and experience alot of frustration when they get to the point where they no longer make suchbig steps.”

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According to Van Gendt, people can handle a lot of load for a certain periodof time. But when they do not take good (enough) care of themselves, theirload capacity decreases and they reach a ceiling. “Continuing to do what youdid often no longer works. Many people then tend to work even harder, but thatoften backfires. They may feel that they are being overtaken by others who maybe making more stable progress more slowly.”

The (sports) psychologist, together with clients who encounter such an earlypeak, examines what their load consists of and what factors influence theircapacity. “Together we will work to bring it more into balance. We lower theload and increase the carrying capacity.”

Different ways to peak

Nicole Edelenbos already held positions of ultimate responsibility at a youngage. She was a lawyer, director and director of companies in various sectors.She became nationally known as director of various football clubs, includingFeyenoord, NAC and NEC. She is also co-founder of the Eredivisie NV (now CV).”I have gained leadership experience at a very young age and learned a lotthrough trial and error. I have always found that a great advantage.”

Edelenbos does not believe in a single career peak. “I have made severaltransitions in my career and fulfilled different functions, so you could saythat you can peak in different ways.” In 2015 she started Future FemaleLeaders, a program for young talented women who have the ambition andpotential to achieve leadership positions at the top of organizations.

A peak can also mean: a position where you have influence and are listened> to.

Nicole Edelenbos, founder of Future Female Leaders

“In general, I hear that it could be a bit faster; young ambitious women inparticular often want to go faster than the possibilities offered. I thinkemployers should look carefully when someone can take the next step. signaledor even ignored. I see that happening more with women than with men.”

For the women who do reach the top early, there is a threat of an’interrupted’ career when they have children. But according to Edelenbos, thatdoesn’t have to mean a black hole either. “If you go back to work after apregnancy, then that peak, or the next peak, will come naturally.”

Reaching the top of an organization does not have to be the only goal,according to Edelenbos. “A peak can also mean: a position where you haveinfluence, are listened to, you feel you are making an important contribution,are appreciated and are visible.”

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Couple on Texel steals hearts from viewers Million Hunt

You have winners and winners. The couple who received the home prize ofMiljoenenjacht last night, they were people of whom everyone says: ‘That moneyis well spent, it has been awarded to them.’ That is what happened on Twitter.The winning couple from Texel provided beautiful TV.

Linda de Mol scored last night on her final episode of Postcode LotteryMillion Hunt like a fool. More than 1.5 million viewers tuned in to SBS6 andthe viewership number became the highest of the day, on the Journal from 8p.m. and Eredivisie football after. Great news for De Mol, who has returned toTV, but all the more poignant for her is the viewing figure of Five Live tobe. For the series in which Linda de Mol has the lead role, more than 900,000people – who Million dollar hunt followed – hard.

Yvonne earns a lot from Millions Hunt

The last participant in Linda de Mol’s studio was Yvonne from Eindhoven. Inthe end she opted for a ‘bank offer’ of 107,000 euros, a wonderful amount forher. There was still a bit of play going on for the form. In the end she wouldhave had a 50 percent chance at 20 cents and 50 percent at half a million.Yvonne would have gone home with 500,000 euros, but was also more thansatisfied with the large barrel. “I didn’t want to take the risk anymore.” Allin all a nice amount, if you compare it, for example, with ‘the low price’ ofa few weeks ago.

The consequence of her choice: Winston Gerschtanowitz was allowed to take theboat to Texel with the same 107,000 euros to make a home winner happy. “I’m inthe middle of nowhere”, he was the first to report, while a kind of horrorscenario unfolded on TV of a pitch black evening and Gerschtanowitz’s face ina vague blue light. “People often say ‘you won’t come to the Wadden Islands’.Well, the proof is there. And we have already been to Ameland.”

Will Winston go to the mainland by helicopter? Or can we wave to him> tomorrow at the first ferry? #millions> hunt>> — Geert van Duin (@geertvduin) October 16,> 2022

How would Winston have gone home? With the water taxi or will it sleep on> that farm #millions> hunt> #texel>> — Jens Fox 🇺🇦 (@jens217) October 16,> 2022

‘I already saw you on television!’

The TV man knocked on the door of a picturesque farmhouse near Den Burg with aflashlight. Back, of course, as it is in the countryside. It took a while, butthen “I saw you on television!” called. That must be a strange sensation whensuddenly your own house appears on the screen. But it really does happen. „Ialready said: that know nothing else,” said the aged man once in thedoorway. Gerschtanowitz: “I have fantastic news for you.” The islanderadmitted that he “needs to regulate his heartbeat.”

It turned out to be Mr. Sijtsma. He showed a house full of rubbish. Thepresenter gave it a nice twist: “I always say ‘I save’.” In front of thetelevision, Mrs. Sijtsma also appeared to be sitting in a comfortable chair.From then on, the enthusiasm fence was off the dam. “How glad I am to seeyou!” cried the cheerful and surprised lady. She couldn’t get up to shakeGerschtanowitz’s hand, because she’s quite infirm.

Couple wanted to quit lottery

“Does the television have to be turned off?”, asked Mr. Sijtsma verythoughtfully. “Yes,” replied Gerschtanowitz, “otherwise we hear ourselves allthe time.” The couple could hardly believe that they had high visitors. “Guysguys guys,” the woman exclaimed. “This is great,” said her husband. The twohave been playing in the Postcode Lottery for years. ‘s husband Milliondollar hunt again: “You probably thought: they never come here.” Mr. Sijtsma:„Yes, and to think that we would actually stop. With all that energy and thoseexpenses.” “I’m so glad you didn’t stop,” Gerschtanowitz could only say. Thehome winner: “You can come by more often.”

The couple is originally from Friesland, but decided to live on Texel. He:”That was in 1974.” His wife: “Can I call my daughter?” The television man hadto put a stop to that, of course, because the live broadcast had to go on.“She can watch this back or see it on TV now. Otherwise, one and a halfmillion people will see that you are calling your daughter.”

Another prize from Million Hunt

They watch those two Texel residents every Sunday evening. And now it happenedin their own living room: golden festive scraps and Gerschtanowitz with aprice of 107,000 euros. “It’s really really great,” said the winner. His wife:”And then we also received three bakery vouchers this week.” Also from thefamous lottery, of course.

But hey, wait. To top it all off, the Sijtsma couple turned out to be the onlyones with their own zip code to play the lottery. Because another 107,000euros would be distributed, that entire amount went to the already so happycouple. In short, 214,000 euros will go to Texel. Then the two fell silent fora moment. After which Mrs. Sijtsma asked: “Do you have to go all the way backnow?”

Many viewers of Million dollar hunt loved Gerschtanowitz’s visit to thewinning couple, according to comments on social media. In any case, the couplehas stolen the hearts of Twitter users. “Give those two their own program”,they quickly say. And so it happened. Below you can read some nice reactionsto the Sijtsma family.

I want a real life series with those people> #Texel> #Million> Hunt>> — Suzanne Unck (@suzanneunck) October 16,> 2022

The best thing was that the home winners were also very happy with their> bakery vouchers #small> happiness> #millions> hunt>> — Geert van Duin (@geertvduin) October 16,> 2022

214k to fill the house with odds and ends.>> Beautiful.#millions> hunt>> — Paul. (@Paul858520671) October 16,> 2022

#millions> hunt> and then no other participants in that zip code! 2x 107,000 heartily> awarded!>> — ☀️René van den Berg☀️ (@rene_vdberg) October 16,> 2022

ENJOY the home winners on Texel #Million> Hunt>> — Iris Kroes (@iriskroes) October 16,> 2022

Beautiful people, those home winners #millions> hunt>> — Patricia Foort🌈🧑🏾‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏻🫅🏾🎤🎶 (@PatriciaFoort) October 16,> 2022

Really had to take a tear away, she was already so happy with her baker’s> vouchers and now they get 214.000 😭 #millions> hunt>> — ▪︎ Ch⩜⃝nti ▪︎ lf moots (@hott_eok) October 16,> 2022

“Do you have to go back now?” #millions> hunt> #texel>> — Joost Maiburg (@joostmaiburg) October 16,> 2022

I’m disappointed that Winston didn’t come to me :-). But it’s nice that it> came to these people. Genuine joy! #millions> hunt>>> — Berthold Wennink (@BertholdWennink) October 16,> 2022

For those who want to watch Miljoenenjacht: you can find the broadcast here.

On the radio, in the pub and on TV: we can no longer ignore Mart Hoogkamer | Music

The name Mart Hoogkamer said almost no one a few years ago. Now everyone issinging I am going to swim loudly. Within a short period of time, the24-year-old from Leiden has grown into one of the most famous singers in theNetherlands. How did he manage that so quickly?

By Danja Koeleman

“It may sound arrogant, but I always thought that the Netherlands would knowme one day,” Hoogkamer said in an interview with de Volkskrant.

This year his dream has come true. I am going to swim has since beenstreamed 39 million times. Walk into any party bar and the song blares out ofthe speakers. But even outside the cafe you can hardly ignore Hoogkamer. Hewill be in the theater from Tuesday, will make his debut as a presenter atAVROTROS next week and can also be seen in I Want Your Song on SBS6.

It starts in 2016 when the then eighteen-year-old Hoogkamer participates in_Holland ‘s Got Talent_. He ends up in the final and comes in second, whichearns him a contract with Sony Music. His first singles are released,including a duet with Willeke Alberti. Hoogkamer is now growing into a well-known name in the folk singer circuit, but a real monster hit is notforthcoming.

He attracts the attention of documentary maker Arjen Sinninghe Damsté. “I cameacross an audition at a talent show where he broke halfway through andcontinued singing with a lump in his throat,” says the director. “That thesong made him so emotional was an indication to me of someone who understandsthe song of life, or at least someone who takes music very seriously.”

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Lange Frans co-wrote hit

In August 2020, the Hoogkamer hype is on the eve when his manager shares anonline video of the singer. In the video, the performer on the beach,accompanied by karaoke music, sings a cover of the Elvis Presley hit_Unchained Melody_.

In no time, the video is viewed millions of times. Hoogkamer’s cover alsostands out outside the Dutch borders. For example, positive reactions aregiven from Brazil and the United States, among others. As a follow-up to thissuccess, a single version is being released. It ends up in first place in theiTunes Top 100.

At that time I am going to swim already written. Hoogkamer has planned awriting session at the beginning of 2020 together with some other artists,including Lange Frans. The singer is looking for a real party song, à la_live_ by André Hazes. “I hear in the background I ‘m serious by AndréHazes,” says Hoogkamer in de Volkskrant. “The refrigerator is open and I seea half-empty bottle of Bacardi Lemon from the night before. The producer makesa melody and I sing to him, ‘I’m going for a swim, in Bacardi Lemon.'”

The resident of Leiden smells a hit and writes the text in half an hour.Ultimately, the single will be released in the summer of 2021 and ends up infirst place. The song also flies through the charts in Belgium. Hoogkamer’sagenda is filling up: everyone wants to book the singer.

Hoogkamer scored the big hit Bieber van de Kroeg with rapper Donnie.

Photo: BrunoPress

He prefers to be at home

Success also has a bitter side. All the attention and appearances lead tooverstrain. Hoogkamer gets double pneumonia and has to take a rest. “I feelall the time that people expect a lot from me, which is actually because ofthe success I have,” the singer says in conversation with New Revue.”Because I perform so well, others think I can perform even better.”

After the forced short break, Hoogkamer’s agenda is now overcrowded again. Hewill be in theaters with his tour until the end of this year. And from nextweek, the singer will also have his own television program. In it he tries towrite an après-ski hit with well-known colleagues.

a test drive with ‘The Car’ by Arctic Monkeys

Strings, jet skis and a mysterious man named Mr Schwartz: a track by track ofthe new Arctic Monkeys.

1. There’d Better Be a Mirrorball

Let’s get straight to the point: The Car is not new Tranquility Base Hotel& Casino_the album with which Arctic Monkeys released the arena rock ofpredecessor and chef d’oeuvre four years ago _AM (2013) turned his back onradically. Tranquility Base was Arctic Monkeys in space, a concept album asa Stanley Kubrick soundtrack. The Car is just as cinematographic, but a lotwider, lighter and – yes – more accessible. Or as Alex Turner put it in theBritish street newspaper The Big Issue said, ‘The sci-fi is off the table,we’re back on Earth.’

The proof is immediately delivered in opener and forward single There ‘dBetter Be a Mirrorball. No disco, but a break-up song packaged like a Bondnumber from the sixties. ‘Do you wanna walk me to the car?’ Turner wonders.Walking to the car with your loved one will never be the same.

The sci-fi is off the table, we’re back on Earth.>> Alex Turner

2. I Ain’t Quite Where I Think I Am

Turner once again wrote the picket fences of the new Arctic Monkeys recordsolo, from behind his Steinway & Sons. It was only later that the rest of thegroup was brought in. More specifically during the European FootballChampionship of 2021, where they watched with the entire band between therecordings. (Turner gave his comeback interview earlier this year to theFrench sports newspaper for a reason L ‘Equipe.)

‘In the summer of the European Championship we spent two or three weeks withthe boys as a band in the English countryside’, says Turner. “I then steppedaway from the piano for a while and enjoyed playing wahwah guitar again.” It’sthat wahwah guitar you hear in I Ain ‘t Quite Where I Think I Am, a songthat might as well have been from Turner’s side project The Last ShadowPuppets. Of everything you put in the trunk of The Car you will find, thisis by far the most funky and catchy.

3. Sculptures of Anything Goes

Dark, cumbersome but fat: with some good will you can Sculptures of AnythingGoes like distant relatives Humbug (2009), the third of the Monkeysproduced by Josh Homme. Although the deep bass and pulsating electronic drumsare actually unreleased Arctic Monkeys, and in that respect the song is morereminiscent of that rare time that Nick Cave – in Rings of Saturn from_Skeleton Tree_ – suddenly started flirting with electronics.

More than anywhere else on the record, Alex Turner’s on-again, off-againrelationship with rock music is highlighted here. ‘I wanted the rock bandbit turn it on and off,” he declared The Guardian. ‘On sculptures therock band slide is opened here and there for a measure or two, only to bepushed back again.’

© National

4. Jet Skis on the Moat

Summer 2014. A Canadian journalist speaks with Alex Turner and drummer MattHelders in front of a concert hall in Toronto, on the shores of Lake Ontario,but sees his interview cut short when suddenly two men on a jet ski pass byand start calling for the Monkeys. (Things like, “Which band is playingtonight? The Arctic Monkeys? Is that you?” To which Alex Turner: “You bet!”)Turner was apparently having so much fun doing that. Jet Skis on the Moat –there are the wahwahgi cakes again! — could be based on that particularinterview from eight years ago. At least, that’s what some Arctic Monkeys fanson the internet claim. Or they just have too much time.

5. Body Paint

The second forward single, and according to many fans ‘the best Arctic Monkeyssince AM has made it heard,” the British newspaper polled The Independent.Anyway is body paint the most versatile song on the entire album, half arock opera in which Turner, like the Bowie of the mid-seventies, croons overkeys, guitars and strings. Lots of strings.

Turner wrote a large part of the string arrangements for this album himselfand had them edited by Bridget Samuels, the artistic director of the LondonOrchestrate who previously produced soundtracks for films such as Under theSkin (with Scarlett Johansson), Jackie (with Natalie Portman) and_Midsommar_ (with Florence Pugh) supervised. Do you immediately know how it is_The Car_ sounds so cinematic and grand.

6. The Car

From big to small: title song The Car is one of the quietest on the record.Acoustic guitars predominate. The ‘sleepy amigos’ about whom Turner sings hereonly reinforce the mariachi feeling.

Incidentally, the album title came after Alex Turner saw a photo of patentedhobby photographer Matt Helders with a car on the roof of an abandoned parkinggarage. “I immediately got the impression that that had to be the next cover,”says Turner. And if you get the chance to record an album The Car you haveto grab it with both hands.’

If you get the chance to call an album The Car, grab it with both hands.>> Alex Turner

7. Big Ideas

Or as Turner calls it in the text itself: ‘The ballad of what could havebeen’. The Arctic Monkeys frontman imagines himself to be a brilliant composerwho, on his mandolin and with the backing of an orchestra, devised the themesong for a film about twins received by mass hysteria. Or something.

Big Ideas received a modest live premiere last week during the ArcticMonkeys showcase at Studio Brussel, but you can expect an even dreamier studioversion.

8. Hello You

Next I Ain ‘t Quite Where I Think I Am _the one and only uptempo song from_The Car. The Arctic Monkeys from the time of RU Mine? will never return,as Matt Helders pointed out in an interview this spring, but the guitar riffof hello you very reminiscent of that one Knee Socks one of those othercrowd favorites from AM.

hello you by the way, it houses one of the funniest lines of text AlexTurner has written for The Car from his pen: ‘I could pass for seventeen ifI just get a shave and catch some Zzz.’

9. Mr. Schwartz

Brian from Brianstorm. Arabella from Arabella. Receptionist Mark fromTranquility Base Hotel & Casino. Alex Turner has featured many characters inhis songs over the years. Mr Schwartz’s turn is on The Car. From the firsttime Arctic Monkeys played the song glued together by fingerpicking guitarslive last summer, the identity of Mr. Schwartz has been conjectured. The mostplausible guess came from a Reddit user who stumbled upon an Arctic Monkeys-linked Spotify playlist titled “Del Schwartz”—again: Monkeys fans obviouslyhave a lot of time—and googled Delmore Schwartz, the late American poet. andshort story writer who taught Lou Reed. Turner spoke to 3FM about ‘a hugecoincidence’ and claimed that he had simply seen the name Del Schwartz ‘on theback of a nineties Alfa Romeo’.

© National

10. Perfect Sense

Favorite Sausage Nightmare (2007) had 505 , AM had I Wanna Be Yours_and _Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino _had _The Ultracheese. Well-aimedclosing songs are a thing at Arctic Monkeys. Also Perfect Sense is such adead-end closing, one where you can see the credits roll across the screen.And one in which Alex Turner repeatedly wishes you good night against thebackground of a battery – there they are again – strings.

Of all songs on The Car this would be most suitable for performing with astring ensemble. Although it must be said right away: that will not happen.The Monkeys skillfully rejected an offer for a TV special with an orchestra.”Too predictable.”

However accessible Arctic Monkeys in 2022 may sound, the spirit of theobstinate rock band is still there.

The Car

Out on 21/10 at Domino/V2.

Arctic Monkeys

Questlove talks webseries ‘Quest for Craft,’ explains why pandemic was ‘one of the scariest times in my life’

To say Questlove is prolific would still somehow be absurdly underestimatinghis output in recent years.

The famed drummer for The Roots, né Ahmir Thompson, is by extension bandleaderon The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon five episodes a week, tours with TheRoots crew, writes books, hosts a weekly podcast (Questlove Supreme), DJshigh-level events like the Oscars, lent his voice to Pixar’s Oscar-winning_soul_ won his own Oscar for directing the documentary Summer of Soul_produces this year’s Oscar contender _Descendant is working on directing anew doc about Sly & The Family Stone, and still finds time to be the Hip HopRex Chapman onTwitter.

there’s also Quest for Craft his Balvenie-sponsored digital series in whichthe music guru sits down with fellow cultural and artistic creators likeMichael Che, Jimmy Jam, Patti Smith, Malcolm Gladwell for in-depth chats aboutwhat they do and how they do it.

“You know, it’s weird. I’ll say before, probably before 2019, I was justoverdosing on curiosity,” Thompson admits to us in a recent interviewpromoting Season 2 of Quest for Craft , which kicks off this week onYouTube. “You know, ‘I’m gonna write a book. I’m gonna do food activism. I’mgonna score this movie. I’m gonna work on this Broadway play. Yeah, I’ll DJyour party. Oh, it’s the Tonight Show? Become. I’ll develop this televisionshow.’ I was just constantly [working]and then the pandemic happened and allthat went away.

“And it’s one of the scariest times in my life because it’s like, ‘Uh, well, Ihave nothing to do. What do I do?’ And suddenly I didn’t realize how much,like for the first time in my adult life, 2020 marked the first time in myadult life since the age of 6, that I’ve not been on a stage in some sort ofperformance capacity . Like at least once every seven days, not a week isgoing by where I wasn’t [performing], be it playing drums in church or actingin a school play, or helping my dad show out, to my own shows. For the firsttime in my life, I’m like, ‘Wow, did a month go by, and I haven’t been on astage performing?'”

Story continues

It was ultimately a reset for Thompson.

“This was the first time in my adult life in which I just stopped and didnothing. And there wasn’t a price to pay for it. You know what I mean? Causeoftentimes, staff will be like, ‘All right, you gotta take three days out justto clear your mind.’ But taking three days off, you feel so guilty ’cause it’slike, ‘There’s so much work to do.’ Like everything I used to laugh about andmake fun of, I became that guy. So now it’s a weird place because of course,Summer of Soul opened up so many doors… To utilize the word ‘no I can’t’ issuch a hard thing [for me]. But, you know, now I’m, I’m, I’m in the happymedium of still cherry-picking my passions. But still taking time out forsilence and to enjoy it all.”

Quest for Craft is clearly one of those passions. Thompson speaks with> palpable excitement when previewing each of Season 2’s guests and the> episode’s themes.

There’s super-producer Mark Ronson: “It’s about basically adapting to a newenvironment. Like how do you go from being a DJ to making beats to being anengineer, to songwriting, to co-producing, to producing, to conceptualizing?”

Ballet sensation Misty Copeland: “She comes from a level of creativity whereperfection is expected as a ballerina. But for musicians like me, mistakes areeverything.”

Famed author Fran Lebowitz: “She talks about why New York City defines her.Like, in other words, if I were to put Fran Lebowitz in like Wyoming orAtlanta or anywhere else but New York City, would she be the same person?”

And Saturday Night Live mainstay Kenan Thompson: “Kenan is part of a machinethat turns out superstars… You’re supposed to do this show for three to fouryears, and then you leave and you do movies and you become a megastar. So Iactually like the fact that Keenan feels comfortable and knows that he’s bestas an ensemble comedian, which is why he’s been there for 25 years.”

Thompson laughs when told Quest for Craft reminds us of Anthony Bourdain’s> long-running foodie travel show No Reservations but for those with a taste> for artistic and cultural delicacies.

“That was my guy, man,” he says of the famed chef-turned-TV host who died bysuicide in 2018. “Some of my best musical arguments were with him. He hatedyacht rock so much. Even when he passed away, I had the last laugh ’cause Imade a playlist in his honor and it was all the music he hated.

“But no, he was, for me, one of the best examples of how to use your platform.To teach a lesson and express passion. So I guess in my mind, I’m trying torelease my inner-Bourdain.”

Quest for Craft is currently streaming.

Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis Deny ‘Scurrilous’ Claims from Nanny About Harry Styles Relationship

Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis are shutting down claims from their formernanny about the details surrounding the pair’s split and the beginnings ofWilde’s relationship with Harry Styles.

After the actors’ former nanny alleged several new details about Wilde andSudeikis’ breakup in an interview with the Daily Mail Wilde and Sudeikis arecalling the accusations “false and scurrilous” in a joint statement sharedwith PEOPLE.

“As parents, it is incredibly upsetting to learn that a former nanny of ourtwo young children would choose to make such false and scurrilous accusationsabout us publicly,” the former couple said. “Her now 18 month long campaign ofharassing us, as well as loved ones, close friends and colleagues, has reachedits unfortunate apex.”

“We will continue to focus on raising and protecting our children with thesincere hope that she will now choose to leave our family alone.”

The nanny for Sudeikis and Wilde’s two kids, daughter Daisy, 5, and son Otis,8, alleged in the interview that Sudeikis was blindsided and “brokenhearted”by Wilde’s new relationship, sharing that there was “a lot of crying” afterlearning of the romance.

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Olivia Wilde (L) and actor Jason Sudeikis arrive at the 2016 Vanity FairOscar Party Hosted By Graydon Carter at Wallis Annenberg Center for thePerforming Arts on February 28, 2016 in Beverly Hills,CaliforniaOliviaWilde (L) and actor Jason Sudeikis arrive at the 2016 Vanity Fair OscarParty Hosted By Graydon Carter at Wallis Annenberg Center for the PerformingArts on February 28, 2016 in Beverly Hills,California

Olivia Wilde (L) and actor Jason Sudeikis arrive at the 2016 Vanity Fair OscarParty Hosted By Graydon Carter at Wallis Annenberg Center for the PerformingArts on February 28, 2016 in Beverly Hills, California

John Shearer/Getty

RELATED: Olivia Wilde on ‘Reshaping’ Her Family Following Jason SudeikisSplit: ‘It’s Tricky’

“On the Monday morning [of] Nov. 9, when I came back from a weekend off,[Jason] was crying a lot, crying and crying. I didn’t know what had happenedat all,” the nanny claimed. “After I’d got the kids ready, Jason came upstairsand was having some coffee. He was crying and a mess, saying, ‘She left us.She left us!’ “

Story continues

On one occasion, the nanny, whose name was not revealed, said Sudeikis, 47,”went outside and lay under her car so she wouldn’t leave.”

“She went back into the house and he went in, it was back and forth. He saidhe was doing it on purpose to make her late going to see Harry,” added thenanny.

According to the nanny, Sudeikis was upset after seeing Wilde prepare a salad,allegedly for Styles, with her “special dressing” in the family’s kitchen.

While Wilde, 38, has maintained that her relationship with Sudeikis “was overlong before I met Harry,” she told Vanity Fair in October, the nanny claimedthat the Ted Lasso actor discovered details of Wilde’s relationship withStyles on an Apple Watch she left behind while filming _Don ‘t Worry Darling_that contained messages between the pair.

Director and actress Olivia Wilde attends Warner Bros.  Pictures "The BigPicture"  presentation at Caesars Palace during CinemaCon 2022, the officialconvention of the National Association of Theater Owners, on April 26, 2022 inLas Vegas, Nevada.  (Photo by Gabe Ginsberg/WireImage; Jason Sudeikis, winnerof Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series for 'Ted Lasso', poses in thepress room during the 73rd Primetime Emmy Awards at LA LIVE on September 19,2021 in Los Angeles, California (Photo by Rich Fury/GettyImages)Directorand actress Olivia Wilde attends Warner Bros.  Pictures "The Big Picture"presentation at Caesars Palace during CinemaCon 2022, the official conventionof the National Association of Theater Owners, on April 26, 2022 in Las Vegas,Nevada.  (Photo by Gabe Ginsberg/WireImage; Jason Sudeikis, winner ofOutstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series for 'Ted Lasso', poses in the pressroom during the 73rd Primetime Emmy Awards at LA LIVE on September 19, 2021 inLos Angeles, California (Photo by Rich Fury/GettyImages)

Director and actress Olivia Wilde attends Warner Bros. Pictures “The BigPicture” presentation at Caesars Palace during CinemaCon 2022, the officialconvention of the National Association of Theater Owners, on April 26, 2022 inLas Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Gabe Ginsberg/WireImage; Jason Sudeikis, winnerof Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series for ‘Ted Lasso’, poses in thepress room during the 73rd Primetime Emmy Awards at LA LIVE on September 19,2021 in Los Angeles, California (Photo by Rich Fury/Getty Images)

Gabe Ginsberg/WireImage; Rich Fury/Getty Olivia Wilde (L); Jason Sudeikis

The nanny further claimed that Sudeikis banned them from playing any ofStyles’ music.

Wilde and Sudeikis began dating in 2011 and were engaged for several years,before PEOPLE reported in November 2020 that the couple had called it quits ontheir relationship.

After news of their split broke in November 2020, a source told PEOPLE thatthe pair’s children were their main concern. “It’s been amicable and they’vetransitioned into a great co-parenting routine. The children are the priorityand the heart of the family’s relationship,” the source explained.

Though things appeared amicable between the pair for some time after theirsplit, the co-parents made headlines in April when Sudeikis served Wilde withlegal documents regarding their children while onstage at CinemaCon in LasVegas.

the booksmart director touched on her co-parenting relationship withSudeikis during her cover interview with Vanity Fair. “When they are withtheir father, I trust him to be a great parent. So when they’re not with me, Icontinue to live my life,” she said in response to the judgment she’s facedwhen she’s photographed without her kids.

Despite the speculation, Wilde reiterated that Otis and Daisy are her mainfocus. “There’s nothing that is more important to me,” she said. “I lovedriving to school every morning. I love making pancakes. I love putting themto bed every night. They’re my best friends.”

Jaime King’s estranged husband Kyle Newman claims she’s 9 months behind in support payments

Jaime King’s estranged husband, Kyle Newman, claims she’s not paying hercourt-mandated child and spousal support leaving him “in dire straits.”

In court documents obtained by Yahoo Entertainment, the Fanboys directorsays his actress and model ex, from whom he split in May 2020, is nine monthsbehind in support. Per their agreement established earlier this year, King isto pay at least $429 in child support and $1,000 in spousal support eachmonth. She hasn’t and Newman, who shares sons James, 9, and Leo, 7 with King,claims he’s broke as a result.

“Jaime has historically been the breadwinner of this family while Kyle’scareer as a writer and director was put on hold so that Kyle could be thestay-at-home parent,” the declaration says, citing King’s many roles on TV (Heart of Dixie ) and in movie ( Sin City, Pearl Harbor ). “They lived anupper-class lifestyle, living in and remodeling their former family residencein the Trousdale Estates section of Beverly Hills, they drove luxury cars,traveled to exotic destinations and also regularly employed several full-timenannies to help care for their children .”

Newman — who welcomed another child with girlfriend Cynthia Nabozny in 2021 —claims King “has refused to pay … child or spousal support at all, leavingKyle and their children in dire straits. While Jaime still has several nannieshelp her care for the children Kyle has not been able to afford childcare …and has fallen deeply into debt, including having to withdraw funds from hisretirement account just to meet his monthly expenses. **** also hasconsiderable credit card debt and owes money to family members.”

Their current support schedule — which also includes 26 percent of King’ssalary if she earns over $175,344 per year (under the Ostler/Smith order) —was implemented in April and he’s still not been paid, he claims. Further, healleges that King “completely drained” retirement accounts they shared of over$500,000. She also listed the family home for sale for $2.8 million withoutNewman’s knowledge or consent, and the proceeds of approximately $1.5 millionare now frozen in escrow.

Story continues

While Newman has resumed working as a director and is trying to re-establishhis career, he can’t afford his $6,000 rent or cover child care costs. Also,his legal fees continue to grow — and claims that is due to King “engaging inbad faith custody litigation,” including frequently changing her lawyers andfiling “baseless” court motions. He also claimed King originally tried to selltheir family home and receive only $75,000 from the sales in an effort to keepNewman from getting money.

He alleges that King is refusing to disclose her income earnings, so he has noidea how much she is actually making. However, he notes her lead role andproducer title in Netflix’s Black Summer in 2021 resulted in a $616,000paycheck alone. That year, her movie Out of Death with Bruce Willis and_Code Name Banshee_ with Antonio Banderas have been released.

While this is all being sorted out, Newman wants $700,000 from the house saleto pay for his legal fees. Also, he wants King to be sanctioned in the amountof $50,000.

King and Newman were married for 12 years when King filed for divorce in May2020. She also filed a domestic violence prevention petition and an emergencymotion related to child custody and visitation, as well as a temporaryrestraining order. Newman filed for sole custody of their sons in November ofthat year. They have since been battling over the support as well as custodyand visitation.

A rep for King has not yet responded to Yahoo’s request for comment.

Jiri and Florence are having a hard time: “I feel like it’s a foregone conclusion” | MARRIED BLIND

TVThunderclouds over Florence and Jiri. The couple is unable to build a strongbond and that led to a clash over affection and incomprehension at thebreakfast table. With Christiaan and Jana it is very different: they playedthe first tongue kiss of the season and even dropped the word ‘sex’. Theslightly desperate Joren and Lien then call in their mothers as a last resort.

As two adolescents in love, Jana and Christiaan sat on the couch ofrelationship therapist Wim Slabbinck. On the program: a conversation aboutintimacy. Red-faced and giggling, Jana told them they haven’t done ‘it’ yet.No problem, Slabbinck thought, but what’s wrong with trying? And so hesuggested to Christiaan to simply ask the question to his wife. Nervoushilarity. “Would you be okay with it?”, Christiaan finally asked. “Yes”, Janashuffled back and forth on the couch.

Also watch: “Christiaan, you can ask Jana the question”

Or how an intention to act can simply be forced. Slabbinck was pleased,because he also confided to the couple that their ‘sexual curiosity’ is onereason why the kindergarten teacher and the emergency nurse were matched.Again hilarity from the two. “Now we are going to expect each other to be sexgods”, Christiaan laughed nervously. Earlier, Jana also said that “it is justwaiting for the right moment.” The two already seem entwined. More about thatbelow.

Quiet breakfast

Entwined is just about everything Florence and Jiri are not. The traffic copand the emergency nurse had their first collision. That went – outside thecameras – as follows. When she left for work, she gave him a hug. Nice,thought Jiri, who has been polling for some form of affection for sixepisodes. And so he texted her to say so. She panicked completely. Florence:“He sent: ‘I enjoy every touch with you’. That black and white reading was toomuch. The fact that I afterwards said with a laugh that I would not hold himagain, he took the wrong way. “I feel like it’s already a foregoneconclusion,” he said. The result was a quiet duo at breakfast. A spark in theright direction seems very far away at the moment.

Jiri and Florence: “There’s a good chance it won’t work out”

Jiri, Florence visiting therapist Sarah Hertens. © VTM

Three things Florence asks her husband Jiri to give their relationship anotherchance. Time, time and time. Poor Jiri, on the other hand, is completelyconfused with his feelings. “I want to go for it, but is held back by herdoubts,” he tells a friend. Moments later, he admits his true feelings.“There’s a good chance it won’t work out,” he confesses honestly.

It just doesn’t seem to come to Florence. Three times this episode shementions that she has “no attraction” for her husband. When relationshiptherapist Sarah Hertens urges her to actively work with intimacy, she almostshuffles off the consultation chair from discomfort. And when the word ‘sex’is mentioned, she just doesn’t turn purple. “Sex? Oh no!” she almost shakesher head from her frail shoulders. “Sometimes Jiri gives me a big wink and Ithink: ‘too early’”, says Florence.

Although there are also some hopeful elements. Florence mentions to her sisterthat she does occasionally feel a spark for her husband. And what certainlyargues in favor of the West Flemish is the fact that she does not shy awayfrom the difficulties she has with her own feelings. She names them, meaningshe wants to work on them and hasn’t given up on the experiment yet. Patienceis – still – the code word for Jiri.

Also watch: “We had a lesser moment this week”

Jana and Christiaan: “Thanks to him, distance no longer matters”

Netflix and - not yet - chill with Jana andChristiaan.Netflix and – not yet – chill with Jana and Christiaan. © VTM

Three cheers and applause on all benches, because the first tongue kiss of theseason is a fact. During an evening Netflix in the couch with a blanket, anunmanned camera registered the intimate moment between Jana and Christiaan.During the honeymoon, the two had a moment of crisis when she admitted thatshe did not find the appearance of her trained nurse very attractive, but thatshortcoming seems to have disappeared. Even the distance – he lives in Geel,she lives in Lokeren – no longer seems to be a problem. “I looked forward tohaving to move every day from work in Lokeren to our apartment in Kontich, butif I know he’s there, I don’t mind,” said Jana. We note that as a first-classdeclaration of love.

Joren and Lien: “Wall up instead of down”

Lien and Joren enlist the help of theirmothers.Lien and Joren enlist the help of their mothers. © VTM

The buffet of good intentions is still richly filled at Joren and Lien. “I’mgoing to throw myself until the last day,” said a combative Joren. “I need toopen up more,” said Lien, who admits that “her wall has gone up instead ofdown”. But a blind person can see that their situation is fairly hopeless. Anuneasy hug at a reunion, a distant tap on his knee when she leaves for work.And also with relationship therapist Sarah Hertens, Lien admits for the firsttime that there was no click when she first saw Joren. What do you do in sucha hopeless situation? Right. Call your mother. And so the two mommies showedup at Lien’s coffee bar. “They are always surrounded by others, then you cannever get to know each other,” said Lien’s mom. “If it doesn’t work out, youhave committed yourself”, concluded Joren’s mother. If even the moms can’t seea way out, we don’t see it at all.

Also watch: What do the mothers of Lien and Joren think of theirmarriage?

Brecht and Dziubi: “How compatible we are is not normal”

Brecht and Dziubi have dinner with Brecht'sfamily.Brecht and Dziubi have dinner with Brecht’s family. © VTM

Last week, the camera recorded some awkward moments between Brecht and Dziubi.The two seemed to have a different view of the future, with Brecht clearlygoing a bit faster than his Limburg husband. But the Brecht and Dziubi trainnow seems to be moving at a brisk pace again. They were only briefly discussedthis episode, but when they came into the picture it was again hozanna. “Howcompatible we are is not normal, where does this end?”, asks Brecht, who alsotook his husband to his parents. There Dziubi already became ‘our Dziubi’.Still not a speck in the air.

can Dwayne Johnson save DC?

Running from October 18th Black Adam in Dutch cinemas. A superhero film thatDwayne Johnson worked on for over fifteen years. Does that also make for agood DC movie? The first reactions from reviewers are pouring in.

Dwayne Johnson, you can’t ignore him.

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson

The cheerful actor sometimes seems to dominate half of the cinema agenda,partly because he seems to continuously play the same role.

As Twitter has also pointed out:

There are two rock genres. Dwayne Johnson in the Jungle and Dwayne Johnson> in a destroyed city.>> — Bat Lippiello (@LimeTH) February 27,> 2018

Highest earning actor

Fortunately, it often makes for extremely entertaining films. Pure popcornmaterial: no high-flyers who have a chance at the Oscars, but who consistentlymanage to put a smile on your face. And that’s exactly the best way to makemoney in Hollywood.

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is the world’s highest paid actor for a reason.According to Forbes, the 50-year-old actor earns about $270 million a year.His total estimated wealth is even creeping towards 1 billion.

In the meantime, the actor is busy reinventing himself. He is coming todominate another film genre on October 18: superhero films. Yes, it’s hard toimagine, but the biggest genre of the last ten years has a big The Rock-shapedhole.

New war series from Peaky Blinders creator is coming

DC presents Black Adam

Soon that will change with Black Adam. A superhero movie starring DwayneJohnson as the supervillain. DC has been working on the film for over tenyears. Black Adam was actually supposed to be the great villain of _Shazam!_was going to be, but eventually the studio decided to give him its own spin-off.

The Rock plays a thousands of years old man who once got his magical powersfrom the wizard Shazam. Unfortunately, Adam chose not to use those powers as asuperhero, but for evil purposes. He was imprisoned. Now, thousands of yearslater, he is finally released, with all the consequences that entails.

Adam is not exactly satisfied with the modern world he finds. Or, as thesuperhero movie’s tagline sums it up aptly: “The world needed a hero. It gotBlack Adam.” He will have to be stopped by the Justice Society, a superheroteam from DC, which includes Pierce Brosnan as superhero Doctor Fate.

Black Adam first reactions to superhero film DC DwayneJohnsonDwayneJohnson as Black Adam (Image: Warner Bros.)

First reactions from reviewers

Anyway, Dwayne Johnson says he has been working on getting the film made forfifteen years, and that has now been achieved. The film will be released inDutch cinemas on October 18. The trailers promise a lot, but is _Black Adam_actually a good movie?

Sort of, if we are to believe the initial reactions. Full reviews have not yetsurfaced online, but critics have already seen the DC film and shared theirinitial reactions on Twitter in recent days.

They are positive, but anything but unanimously positive. Free mixed._Reviewers praise the spectacular action and DC _lore in the blockbuster, butalso point out that the writing and the pace of the film are quite mediocre.

Born for the role

They all agree that Dwayne Johnson was born to play Black Adam. The actor _is_Adam. Now that is true for most of the roles he plays, but this time heembraces his character in a way that works out very convincingly. At least, ifwe are to believe the first reactions.

We have listed them for you below. Starting tomorrow night, reviewers willalso be able to post their full reviews, so keep an eye on IMDb and RottenTomatoes for more definitive conclusions and average scores from then on.