Heleen van Royen and Johan Derksen argue Today Inside

Heleen van Royen and Johan Derksen appeared last night Today Inside notexactly unanimous. On the contrary, Van Royen could count on a number ofsneers from Derksen. But VI viewers thought the author had a point.

The table discussion arises when the World Cup in Qatar is discussed. It waspreviously announced that at least 6,500 people were killed during thepreparations for the football spectacle. Johan Derksen has regularly spokenout about this, because according to ‘the mustache’ the Dutch government isnot taking the right role in this. Derksen believes that prominent Dutchfigures such as the king, queen or ministers should not travel to Qatarbecause of the human rights that are being violated there.

Johan Derksen about Qatar World Cup in Today Inside

But the World Cup in Qatar also has interests for the Netherlands. because_VI_ guest Chris Woerts says that the Netherlands owes the Arab countrybecause of the evacuation of Afghan interpreters. Qatar helped the Netherlandsat the time. And presenter Wilfred Genee emphasizes that the liquid gas fromQatar, which the Netherlands wants, also weighs heavily.

But Derksen sticks to his position and believes that there should be moreprotest from the Dutch government. Genee also asks Van Royen for her opinionand apparently she thinks differently than her 73-year-old table companion.“We are always pointing fingers. I always find it very difficult when you aregoing to tell someone else what to do or not to do.” According to her, aMáxima or Willem-Alexander should ask themselves whether the case does notgnaw at their conscience. “But I don’t understand why someone else is going tosay: ‘You can’t go there, because I think it’s a shame what happened there’.”

Heleen van Royen: ‘Are you going to watch the World Cup, Johan?’

Mr Derksen already looks somewhat dubious at the words of Van Royen and then astern “Dear Heleen” sounds, after which he starts a plea. “They arerepresentatives of the people and the king also represents the people. And 75percent of the people don’t want them to go. Is that finger pointing? Verymassive finger pointing, they can’t ignore that.” After which Derksenemphasizes that the principles of the royal family are hard to find. “Soapparently they have no principles, it’s just ordinary about money.”

“But Johan, are you going to watch those matches?” Van Royen picks up againwhen Derksen has finished his speech. “You really shouldn’t do that.” Andthat’s where Van Royen misses the mark, according to Derksen. “No, now youkeep saying stupid things,” he responds.

Johan Derksen: ‘You are talking shit’

Van Royen raises her voice at the Today Inside -table. “Yes, hello,principles. If you say I think it’s disgusting, we shouldn’t do that and weshouldn’t go there. So you actually think we shouldn’t have played footballthere.” But according to Derksen, we cannot avoid that. “We can get out ofeverything, why not?” asks Van Royen. After which Derksen explains that withsuch a decision, the Netherlands will be expelled from FIFA and blow up theentire Dutch football. “Refreshing”, Van Royen responds.

Van Royen mentions once again that we should not point too much at someoneelse. After which she emphasizes that wrong things are also happening in theNetherlands, such as a subsidy affair or gas extraction in Groningen. ButDerksen quickly draws her attention to the fact that 6500 deaths cannot becompared with that. “From now on, we no longer point to countries, we are notcritical and we think everything is beautiful,” says Derksen sarcastically.”You’re talking from your neck,” he says towards the dinner guest. “No, I’mnot talking from my neck,” Van Royen reacts fiercely.

VI viewers understand Van Royen

After that, the discussion moves to another topic, namely the Hazesdocumentary. Van Royen watched the documentary because she was curious. “TheHazes family is one of the most famous families in our country.” After whichDerksen cynically “well” grumbles through her. “Johan thinks I’m alreadysweating my ass, even though I haven’t said anything yet.” The two don’treally align. Incidentally, it appears from the responses of the VI viewersthat some can follow Van Royen’s point of view.

Totally agree with Helen van Royen. If you really want to be principled, you> don’t make TV broadcasts every day during the World Cup. Just pointing at> others is so easy.>> Many people (myself included) are too much of a football fan to boycott the> World> Cup.#todayinside>> — Finbar van der Veen (@FinbarvdVeen) October 20,> 2022

#todayinside > Helen van Royen is right. We always talk about other countries and are much> more hypocritical ourselves. That starts with the cabinet.>> — Robert (@bertusdebeste) October 20,> 2022

#todayinside>> Completely justified question from Heleen v Royen…”Are you going to watch> the matches?”>> — Antonie Niessen (@AntonieNiessen) October 20,> 2022

Helen is right!> #todayinside> everyone just measure up. We are no better as a country ourselves> #bananarepublic>> — pcb (@pcb1970pcb) October 20,> 2022

what a bad one> #todayinside> tonight and it wasn’t Heleen’s fault, good that she went against Johan’s> hypocrisy, only he blew her off like he has been doing a lot with guests> lately.#Done with> it>> — Light (@AccountVanLamp) October 20,> 2022

how hypocritical are those Genee and Derksen, soon they will be back in> VIOranje> #todayinside> to fill their pockets, laughable>> — Jan Rozema (@rozema_jan) October 20,> 2022

You can watch Today Inside via KIJK.

New on Netflix: these films and series appeared this week | Movies & Series

Every week, Netflix further expands its offer with many new series and movies.With this week, among other things, the love drama From Scratch the newDutch movie costa!! and The School for Good and Evil.


Unsolved Mysteries (season 3)

In this documentary series, cold cases are put under a magnifying glass.Relatives, those involved and suspects are interviewed in order to list theevents of disappearances, murder cases and other mysterious cases. Eachepisode tells a different story.

Notre Dame, la part du feu (season 1)

This drama series is about the French firefighters who do everything on 15April 2019 to save Notre Dame. We see the real story of the fire in the iconicFrench cathedral and the impact the incident had on several Parisians.

Vatican Girl: The Disappearance of Emanuela Orlandic (season 1)

On June 23, 1983, Italian teenager Emanuela Orlandi disappeared. She didn’tcome back from a flute lesson in Rome. In the aftermath, she has been seen inmany places – even in the Vatican – but none of the witnesses are traceable.This documentary series puts all the facts together from start to finish.

This German historical drama tells the story of a Roman legion occupying partof ancient Germania (now Germany). The local Germanic tribes work together toshow the occupier the door, but that is not without a struggle.

American student Amy Wheeler (Zoë Saldana) studies in Italy where she falls inlove with Sicilian chef Lino (Eugenio Mastrandrea). In time, Amy has to returnto the United States again. Lino decides to go with her. He struggles withAmerican culture and at the same time struggles with health problems, whichbrings the two even closer together.


More than twenty years later, the Dutch film classic Costa! a second part. Aseries followed shortly after the 2001 film. Now a new generation of actorsgets the chance to shine in the sunny south. Bibi (Stephanie van Eer) and Anna(Abbey Hoes) move to the Spanish Costa where they try to breathe new life intoAnna’s father’s nightclub.

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The School for Good and Evil (2022)

Best friends Sophie (Sophia Anne Caruso) and Agatha (Sofia Wylie) face eachother when they end up at an enchanted school. Here villains and heroes aretrained to protect the balance between good and evil.

Do you ever watch First Dates?

First Dates is — you can feel it coming — a dating show. Runs in more than20 countries and is a hot topic on the Internet. That success is not alwaysreflected in the couples that arise, but it does provide a lot of beautiful,fun, vulnerable, funny moments. And you can find some of it here!

1. Dating (and what not, except for driving) is better with a beer.

First Dates: a beer hatch> pic.twitter.com/9ivA4t2LF5>> — Nick (@nickhoekman) Apr 13,> 2022

2. The program is simply wonderful.

First dates are looking for background eaters….that’s for me he uwv?>> — Eagle Marinade (@ArendMarinade) February 13,> 2022

3. With a little discomfort every now and then.

When your First Dates opponent says ‘I’m not quite sure if there is a> romantic click yet, but I think it would be nice to meet again’> pic.twitter.com/kUp7UiLlWc>> — Kakhiel (@Kakhiel) February 6,> 2022

4. And there’s always something to be said about that bartender.

First Dates. > My dad: ‘That woman looks more at the waiter than at her date’ > Always said they should put a less handsome bartender there>> — Caro (@studio_caro) January 31,> 2022

5. Truly beautiful things also come out of it.

You know what I still love?>> At the end of June 2021 I signed up for First Dates Teens, my best friend> did the same. We made following deal; if neither of us is chosen for the> program, we go on a date together.>> Next week we will be together for 6 months.>> — eline :3 (@PatatMetPootjes) March 6,> 2022

6. People are vulnerable. ♥️

Piece of first dates… 🙁> #sametonsame> pic.twitter.com/b0QZLt0Jib>> — Rich Hofman (@RijkRainMan) December 14,> 2021

7. It really does something to the viewer.

Former ‘Deal or No Deal’ colleague responds to Meghan Markle: “The show gave us so many opportunities” | showbiz

RoyaltyIn the most recent episode of her podcast ‘Archetypes’, Meghan Markle(41) talks candidly about her time in the series ‘Deal or No Deal’. She makessome remarkable statements about this. For example, she felt ‘reduced to abimbo’. However, her former colleague Claudia Jordan (49) absolutely does notagree with this. She responds on Instagram and gives the Duchess of Sussexlick for piece. “The show has never treated us like bimbos,” it soundsresolute.

JOVS 19-10-22, 15:30

Latest update: 19-10-22, 15:44 Source: The Daily Mail, Podcast Archetypes, Instagram

Sixteen years ago, Meghan Markle made her debut in the ‘Deal or No Deal’series. In a new episode of her podcast ‘Archetypes’ she talks about thisperiod to Paris Hilton (41). They’re talking about beauty and brains , butMeghan feels she was mostly judged on the former. “I quit that show because Iwas so much more than how I was portrayed. I hated that it was only focused onmy appearance,” she says. “My character had little substance. I felt like Iwas being reduced to a bimbo.” Her statements have caused quite a stir, withformer ‘Deal or No Deal’ co-star Claudia Jordan feeling inclined to respondand stand up for host Howie Mandel.

(Read more below the photo)

Meghan as suitcase girl in ‘Deal Or No Deal’ © GSN

Claudia’s reaction

Claudia responds to Meghan’s statements on Instagram. “Just to be clear, yes,getting a modeling appearance on a game show isn’t necessarily about yourintellect. But in each show, the executive producers picked out five modelswith the most outgoing and fun personalities to give them microphones. Theyknew they were the ones who would get along well with the participants.” Shecontinues: “And ‘Deal or No Deal’ has never treated us like bimbos. That showgave us so many opportunities. I enjoyed this experience very much. It was astep up the ladder that I have climbed for 25 years, which has paid all mybills and which has led me to appear in many shows, campaigns and magazines.”Jordan even appeared as a co-host in the Miss Universe pageant in 2009. “Notbad for ‘a bimbo’.”

Jordan does not see her public statement as a direct attack on the Duchess,quite the contrary. “I want to emphasize that I am not attacking Meghan. TheLord knows that I have defended this woman in the media for years and willcontinue to do so. But I don’t want any misunderstandings about the workingconditions on the set of ‘Deal or No Deal’. I especially want to protect hostHowie Mandel, who was nothing but kind and respectful to all of us.”

Claudia Jordan in her Instagramstory.Claudia Jordan in her Instagram story. © Instagram Claudia Jordan@claudiajordan

Claudia Jordan in her Instagramstory.Claudia Jordan in her Instagram story. © Instagram Claudia Jordan@claudiajordan

Claudia Jordan in her Instagramstory.Claudia Jordan in her Instagram story. © Instagram Claudia Jordan@claudiajordan

Claudia Jordan in her Instagramstory.Claudia Jordan in her Instagram story. © Instagram Claudia Jordan@claudiajordan

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This is what Meghan Markle said to a teenager at Windsor Castle:

Also read:

Meghan Markle on the downside of her acting career: “I was reduced to a bimbo”

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Superhero movies usually have little to offer in terms of narrative, but ‘Black Adam’ is a low point

One day the universe will collapse, but rest assured: that day is stillbillions of years away. The DC Extended Universe, on the other hand, seems tous already in its death throes.

Erik StockmanThursday 20 October 202209:13

‘Wonder Woman 1984’ walked on crutches, ‘The Suicide Squad’ was a commercialflop, Adil & Bilalli s ‘Batgirl’ was coolly relegated to the forgottenpit, and now lead actor Ezra Miller no longer seems to have them all inone place, it is highly uncertain whether ‘The Flash’ will ever be releasedagain. And ‘Black Adam’, the umpteenth attempt by DC to keep up with the asyet smoothly running Marvel Cinematic Universe, is a super debacle in allrespects in our opinion.

The film opens with one of those typical headache-inducing mythologicalintroductions that not even Peter Parker could manage: a voice tells us aboutthe city of Kahndaq, about the Crown of Sabbaq that harbors the power of sixdemons, about one Akh-Ton , about the Council of Wizards, about a Hero whowill one day rise and free the people from their chains, and about the magicalore that can only be mined in Kahndaq: Eternium, that’s the name of that blueglowing stuff (in superhero movies, magical minerals light up usually blueon). Six minutes away, and we already wanted to exchange that Akh-Ton for aBeer-Ton, but oh well.

In present-day Kahndaq, three figures have been searching for some time forthe above-mentioned Crown of Sabbaq, which according to legend has been buriedsomewhere in the interior of a mountain for 5000 years. Why those figures arelooking for the Crown of Sabbaq? In an unintentionally hilarious scene, one ofthem, a tough lady, provides the answer to that question herself: ‘To be ableto bury the Crown somewhere else’. Excuse me? As if she herself realizes thatthe answer sounds somewhat absurd, the lady gives some extra text andexplanation three scenes later: ‘No one may use the Crown! If we ever findhim, we’ll dig him up and bury him again!’ Twelve minutes away, and the ‘Duh!’quality of ‘Black Adam’ had already reached unseen heights.

The demigod who then rises from the mountain, called Teth-Adam – a name which,like the pectorals of Dwayne Johnson begging for a brassiere – we thoughtit was a boring piece of shit: it’s just a superhero who, like hundreds ofother superheroes, soars aloft, shoots lightning, bounces bullets, and pluckssurface-to-air missiles from the sky as if they were maple seeds. yawn. We’realso sorry to report that Johnson is slightly disappointed in the role he’sbeen hoping to play since 2008: it’s laughable when Dwayne pulverizes anopponent during the first action sequence and makes the remaining spine snaplike a twig, but in the In most other scenes, Johnson seems hopelessly tornbetween bone-dry seriousness and self-relativistic fancy. The villain on duty,on the other hand, is a particularly dull horned brush that deserves to besent to oblivion by Thanos at the flick of a finger.

It’s common knowledge that superhero movies usually have little to offer innarrative terms, but ‘Black Adam’ must be a low point: for two hours you sitwatching masked figures who cleave through the sky and who, now above a cityand then again above a mountain, firing all kinds of bolts and beams at eachother in an accumulation of weak CGI. Come back, Zack Snyder all isforgiven and forgotten!

A kind of creative desperation even winds through the images; and concretelywe are talking about the desperation-smelling way in which DC tries to imitatethe MCU in ‘Black Adam’. As if the makers also sensed that Johnson would notbe able to carry the film on his own, after 20 minutes they put on a team offour other superheroes: the Justice Society. Hawkman is Iron Man with realwings instead of a suit, Atom can make himself as colossal as Ant-Man, Cyclonecould be the niece of Storm from the ‘X-Men’ franchise, and with Doctor Fate (Pierce Brosnan!) they stage a wizard who can peek into the future. Rings abell, doesn’t it? Now those in the know will rightly argue that Doctor Fateentered the comic book world much earlier than Dr. Strange, and that Dr.Strange is actually a decoction of Doctor Fate, but that doesn’t really matterhere: the oversupply of providential doctor-wizards in the superhero genrecontinues to point to a lack of ideas.

Question: Could the DC Extended Universe, and by extension the entiresuperhero genre, be in a creative stalemate? Or will ‘Black Panther: WakandaForever’, out on November 9, restore our faith in the genre?

‘ Black Adam’ is now in theaters.

‘Since I became a celebrity, everyone wants to know everything about me’

‘Haha! Puccini. Immediately. His music always hits me right away. I’m really afan of late romanticism, especially those verismo operas, with fairly simplestories full of misery, and then that very emotional, cinematic music. I likeentertainment, and Puccini is very good at that, which is why there are alsomusic lovers who look down on him, they think it is too flat. I also likeVerdi, because he knows how to outline the atmosphere so well and knowsexactly what singers can do. If Verdi is the NPO, then Puccini is RTL.’

The Hague or Nootdorp?

‘I was born in The Hague, but grew up in Wassenaar, so in a village. Thatsuits me, you get to know people faster. But there is more to experience inthe city, I find it difficult to choose. Ever since I became a celebrity,everyone wants to know everything about me and come into my house. My wife hasnot chosen that, she is a teacher and just wants to live peacefully.

‘I am a house sparrow. In the Dutch opera world it works that you are onlytaken seriously if you have made a career abroad. I tried it once, working inan opera house in Osnabrück for a month, but I couldn’t stand the loneliness.Terrible.

‘Through my TV appearances people in the opera world know how to place mebetter. They always thought I was a good singer, but I was too stubborn, notto be kneaded, not highbrow. Now I can be an ambassador for the opera. Sincethe TV, I’ve also been asked more for roles, then those companies are veryhappy that they have Francis in the house. They are now more often smallroles, because I am no longer of the age that I can play the young soprano.Sometimes audience members are disappointed when I don’t have so much tosing.’

Have a drink with opera or musical people?

‘Musical people. 100 percent. They are much better at that in the musical.This is also due to the set-up: in an opera you never play the sameperformance for eight consecutive months – no, then there are eightperformances. From The Sound of Music if I have done 120, then you build acompletely different relationship with your colleagues. There is tremendousdiscipline. Every day there is a joint call like: we’re going for it again.

‘In the opera everyone is more on their own island, you are busy with your ownvoice. You also have to put in a bigger performance, vocally, so you can’t bebubbling much either. Although: when I Jenůfa sang at Dutch National Opera,if I had such a nice opponent, an Englishman, I would gladly go to the cafeacross the street to drink those delicious Belgian beers.’

A leading role at Dutch National Opera or in The Sound of Music?

‘There is one thing I still really want, and that is to sing Tosca fromPuccini. That is not even necessary at Dutch National Opera. It’s my one andonly dream, with such a real Scarpia (the villain who wants to conquer Tosca,red. ), a set full of statues of the Virgin Mary, and that you then have tojump down like that (Tosca commits suicide by throwing himself from thetranses of the Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome, red. ).

‘It depends a bit on whether I will do musicals more often. Suppose they comewith Beauty and the Beast , then I would like to sing that old Mrs. Teapot,there is very beautiful music in it. But Hema the musical – it seems toexist –, I’m not waiting for that. Anatevka , Fiddler on the Roof : I alsothink they are all very beautiful. But you commit yourself for such a longperiod of time, that’s very intense.

‘I don’t feel like I’ve been looked at differently since I did that musical,because everyone thinks I’m unique. I hear that from all sides. In the musicalworld I am the opera singer, and in the opera they say: she does The Sound ofMusic no one can do that better than her.’

Francis van Broekhuizen Statue FrankRuiter

Francis van BroekhuizenStatue Frank Ruiter

Carlo & Irene or Philip & Maarten?

‘Difficult weather. With Carlo Boszhard I performed in The TV canteen Iplayed Queen Elizabeth in it. But I choose Philip Freriks and Maarten vanRossem. Because I’m always in bed with Maarten. With his podcast, with hislectures. Philip is very nice, a sweet, cultured man. And Maarten is so goodat putting things into perspective because he knows so much about history, Ifind that soothing.

‘My TV career started with Maestro (competition in which celebrities have toconduct an orchestra, red. ) in 2017. I was allowed to sing there, it wasvery well received and I was always asked back. Not the last time, then theywanted to change tack and Laetitia Gerards did it, also a very nice chick. Incorona time I finally had time to participate in The smartest person.Apparently I made such an impression there that people still think I won.Well, I just couldn’t walk the streets anymore.

‘During the lockdown, the TV was a godsend to still be able to perform.Television is easier than stage, you don’t have to be able to do anything forit. At least, not me, I’m just me and people seem to like that a lot, haha.’

Pope Francis or John Paul II?

“Francis, for sure. Because he tries to welcome everyone, even the gays amongus. He is good for the poor, for the refugees: he really lives up to his nameand tries to fill his pontificate in the spirit of Saint Francis. He is justnot helped by the curia, which is conservative as the plague.

‘Recently I was at a funeral, in my own parish church. There is such a Spanishpriest. He just plainly says that only people who live a devout, RomanCatholic life may go to communion. Well, then almost the entire church is notallowed. I can only ask for the blessing, because because I live with a woman,I am too sinful. I felt totally discriminated against, in my own country. Whois such a man in a chasuble to determine if I am Catholic? I don’t feel likesubmitting to it.

‘You also have priests who say: we do the Lord’s Supper here and everyone canparticipate, I think that is a much better starting point. I don’t like goingto church anymore because they only have mission priests from Latin America.That’s why I get alienated. I am a culture catholic: I like the music and therituals. I am critical, yes. But because of Pope Francis, I stick with it.”

Singing your solo performance in a sold-out Beatrix Theater or singing at thePride?

‘Yeah, that Pride was a kick. But I would really like to have that BeatrixTheater full now. For the last time I play my program When in doubt singloud with Gregor Bak. If we sell a thousand tickets, we’re good. But stillprefer the Pride, that’s about something. It’s great to be in such a purpledress on Dam Square Climb Every Mountain sing and everyone goes crazy. Inthe end, we gays are blamed for everything, see Putin with his attack on theWest corrupted by the LGBTI movement. It is important that as a gay person youhave examples that say: it is good that you are here.’

Early or late Callas?

“I’m a huge Maria Callas fan, although I’m a very different type from her. Shewas the diva, I prefer to come to rehearsals in sweatpants. After taking thequiz The Connection (Van Broekhuizen won and took full control, red. ),Matthijs van Nieuwkerk asked me to make a lecture on Callas. He likes peoplewho are obsessed with something and so am I. I’m very know-it-all, which iswhy I’m so good at quizzes.

‘But early or late Callas: it just depends on what you mean by that. For belcanto the early Callas, for verismo the late. Her Tosca from 1964 is muchbetter than the one from the fifties. She then found her own Scarpia inAristotle Onassis (the wealthy Greek shipowner who would later marry JackieKennedy, red. ). It seems like you feel that. That’s my interpretation,isn’t it? When you see her singing, you see that she has so much baggage. Thescandals, the toil, always having to be the best, being the most photographedwoman of her time: all that frustration comes out.’

Queen of ‘easter eggs’: Taylor Swift lets fans puzzle along with her music | Music

The average artist throws out a press release when announcing a new record,but Taylor Swift does it a little differently. She has been warming her fansfor her music for years with mysterious messages. It is now a sport to unravelthe puzzles devised by Swift. Also around her new album midnights whichcomes out Friday, are the easter eggs countless.

By Danja Koeleman

“Nothing this woman does is a coincidence,” one person wrote about TaylorSwift on the Reddit forum. “In 2009 the show was stolen from her, now she isstealing the show back.”

Many people can still remember the images: thirteen years ago, Swift receivesan award at the MTV Awards, but on stage rapper Ye interrupts her and shoutsthat the award should have gone to Beyoncé. In 2022, Swift wins the awardagain, announcing that she is coming up with new music.

Exactly thirteen years after the first incident. And thirteen is the luckynumber of the artist. No coincidence, according to her fans (also called’Swifties’).

It is not without reason that the fans have suspicions of intent: in the musicworld, Swift is the queen of the easter eggs (Easter eggs or hiddenriddles). Since the beginning of her career, she has been putting secretmessages in her music, clips and everything related to it. A cryptic messagein the CD booklet, a visual hint in a video: Swift challenges her fans to findout exactly what she means by it.

“I want to encourage them to read my lyrics well,” Swift says in conversationwith Jimmy Fallon. “Because I am more proud of nothing than my lyrics.”

There are hundreds of videos on YouTube in which fans analyze Swift’s videoclips.

Photo: Taylor Swift

Hint about cheating ex

In the CD booklet of fearless (2008) the lyrics are printed in lowercase.But whoever puts the single capital letters one after the other will see amessage emerge. They tell you something about the number. This is how thecapital letters in the lyrics of fearless the message ‘I cried whilerecording this’. A subtle way to tell her fans that this song has greatsentimental value.

Or in Should ‘ve Said No, a song about a love that cheats: in it the capitalletters ‘Sam’ form. With which Swift tells between nose and lips that her exSam Armstrong (with whom she had a relationship in high school) was riding acrooked skate.

From her album reputation the singer stops posting secret messages in herprinted lyrics. Swift is completely fed up with all the gossip that arisesfrom this, she says later. The easter eggs she then stops in her videoclips. This is how her fans in the clip of Me! discover the titles of hernew single and her next album – if they pay attention, of course.

A striking and recent easter egg is to mention one William Bowery, author ofsome of the songs on the albums folklore and evermore. Fanatic fansimmediately start a Google search, but can’t find a songwriter with this name.

They soon share the suspicion that it is Swift’s friend Joe Alwyn. His great-grandfather’s name is William and the singer and actor were first seentogether at The Bowery Hotel. The discovery is later confirmed by Swifthimself. (text continues below the video)

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Taylor hints further on TikTok

With each album, the Swifties’ quest seems to get even more intense. “As longas they like it, I’ll keep doing it,” the singer says in 2019 to_Entertainment Weekly_.

And so is the release of midnights , which appears on Friday, againsurrounded by puzzle pieces. For example, the title will be revealed by Swiftin May between nose and lips. And the atmosphere of the album would resemble_Foliage_ from 2019. According to the singer, that CD almost had _daylight_called.

All these hints are discussed in detail on TikTok. Under the hashtag #SwiftTok(which has already been viewed more than 10 billion times), her fans siftthrough every message, interview and song from the singer. Swift is playfullyresponding to this again, in the run-up to the release of midnights post aTikTok every weekday. In it, she reveals the titles of her new songs.

Watch trailers: the cinema releases of week 42 / News

There’s another superhero in the cinema. Or an antihero, actually. But fearnot; there is also a dutch romcom! Not good either? There are stillinteresting international releases and documentaries to watch from this week,as well as the film that will be the Dutch entry for the upcoming AcademyAwards.

Black Adam

Nearly 5,000 years ago, Teth “Black” Adam received the extraordinary powers ofthe ancient gods, after which he was soon imprisoned in a tomb. Now he is freeagain and ready to unleash his own form of justice on the modern world.


A close-knit family is disrupted when the father fails to resurface during aprofessional dive. No funeral, no goodbye, just a house full of memories.Burdened by the elusive loss, Merel evades her husband’s death and everythingrelated to it. Her young children become entangled in their search foranswers, eventually bringing the family to a hard stand. Merel has no choicebut to face the loss in her own unique way, to start a new life together.

Matter of Patience

Chef Monica has put a big stop to her childhood in the Limburg village ofNoorbeek. She has severed all ties and is now making waves with her dishes ina hotspot in Amsterdam. When she wants to open a new restaurant with herboyfriend, she is forced to go back to her roots to cut the last ties. In theLimburg village she soon comes face to face with her childhood sweetheart. Alot has changed over the years, but it turns out to be a lot more familiarthan she expected. Monica has to choose again: is her future really in the bigcity?

Las Bestias

Antoine and his wife Olga run an organic farm in a village in Galicia, thenorthwestern region of Spain. Although the French couple tries their best tointegrate into the community, the locals continue to see them as intruders.Their opposition to a wind farm strains relations, especially with brothersXan and Lorenzo, who are only too eager to scare the couple away with theirbullying. However, Antoine and Olga hold their ground, after which thesituation threatens to get completely out of hand.

mrs. Harris Goes to Paris

mrs. Harris Goes to Paris is the enchanting story of a seemingly ordinaryBritish housekeeper whose dream of owning a Christian Dior couture dress takesher on an extraordinary adventure to Paris.

Tori et Lokita

Of Tori et Lokita two-time Golden Palm winners Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardennehold up a mirror to the viewer. Their heartbreaking observations about thesociety we live in confront us with what we don’t want to see. Two teenagersfled Africa and ended up in Belgium. The harsh reality of refugee life bringsTori (Pablo Schils) and Lokita (Joely Mbundu) together. Together they try tobuild a life as brother and sister. A residence permit proves difficult toobtain, which means that they are cornered from various sides. Tori and Lokitaseem invisible to the world around them, but luckily they have each other

Wild Port of Europe

Hedgehogs, polecats, lesser black-backed gulls, a kestrel, rabbits and evenseals and exotic mitten crabs. Wild Port of Europe takes you into theunexpected story of these and other animals that live in the largest andbusiest port area in Europe. In a landscape where people are constantlychanging everything, they seize their opportunities and often make remarkable

This is what presenter Sophie Hilbrand looked like at the beginning of her career

In 2003 the program started on SBS 6 6pack. It was a series in which youngprogram makers made high-profile television and competed against dullness. Inthe following years, Sophie certainly did not continue to do boring work. In2004 she joined broadcaster BNN. There she started the program a year later_Squirt and Swallow_ , together with Filemon Wesselink, among others. She wasalso seen in Try Before You Die.

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Climate Police

A high-profile performance by Sophie was the interruption of the weatherforecast in the NOS Journaal. Together with Nicolette Kluijver she came onbehalf of the BNN program The Climate Police asked weatherman GerritHiemstra to pay more attention to the climate. However, the action was notvery popular with the editor-in-chief of the NOS Journaal, who had notforeseen the visit of the two ladies.

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talk shows

In the meantime, Hilbrand has created and presented many more programs. Shewas also a regular table guest The world goes on. In 2020, Sophie came backinto the picture with the general public because she joined the talk show On1 connected. There she presented together with Hugo Logtenberg. More than ayear later she stopped and returned with Khalid Kasem with their own talk showin the eve called Khalid & Sophie.

Private life

In the autumn of 2006 Hilbrand got into a relationship with actor WaldemarTorenstra. Together they had daughter Robin (13) and son Ravi (10). Sophie wasproposed to by Waldemar five years ago, but there is still no question of awedding. In the sixteen years that Sophie and Waldemar have been together,there has never been a moment when they have doubted their relationship. “Theysay you shouldn’t take love for granted,” Sophie told Story in 2020. ‘Butthat’s how it feels with Waldemar and me. Our love doesn’t feel special. Iteven seems to get easier over the years. We know so well what we have incommon. There is also a lot of mutual contact. We really focus on our family.’

What’s in the barrel…

The Op1 presenter once indicated that she only wanted to get married whentheir children are big enough. But a date has still not been set. ‘I proposedto Sophie, full of conviction,’ Waldemar told de Volkskrant at the time. “Ilike to say ‘my fiancé’ and look forward to getting married someday. I’mdefinitely going to, if only because Sophie likes it so much. Don’t get mewrong: I think it’s a romantic idea that you love each other so much that youwant to stay together for the rest of your life.’ Sophie does not yet knowwhen they will get married. “What’s in the barrel doesn’t sour,” she toldStory. “It’s just a lot of hassle to get married, but it will definitelyhappen one day.”

Sophie Hilbrand – 6 pack 2003

Sophie Hilbrand – 6 pack 2003

Sophie Hilbrand – 6 pack 2003

Sophie Hilbrand – summer presentation BNN 2004

Sophie Hilbrand – Try Before You Die 2005

Sophie Hilbrand – Try Before You Die 2006

Sophie Hilbrand – Try Before You Die 2007

Sophie Hilbrand with partner Waldemar Torenstra – 2017

Sophie Hilbrand with children – 2019

Sophie Hilbrand – Khalid & Sophie 2021

Has the presenter changed much? Or do you still recognize her?

Image: ANP, Peter Smulders

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Tonight on TV: Inspection Service of Value and Error but Gold | show

More than 1.4 billion people live in China and the country has overcrowdedcities where residents live crammed together. It is also a country withimpressive nature and countless special animals. A project has been started inthe country to protect the flora and fauna. Ten locations have been designatedas protected areas and this documentary series shows how beautiful nature isin these national parks.

Inspection Service of Value

Inspection Service of Value each time, let’s think about what we’re actuallyputting in our mouths. This time, the program makers are investigating sun-dried tomatoes. We throw them in salads and on pizzas, but are they reallysun-dried, as the name implies, or do they just come from the factory? And arethey actually tomatoes? The program previously focused on shrimp: ‘If we cutoff the eye of a shrimp, they can reproduce every week’.

Inspectorate van Waarde about sun-dried tomatoes. © KRO-NCRV

At Ons Op Het Kamp – start season 3

The Netherlands has approximately 35,000 people who live in a caravan, spreadover more than 1,100 camps. In the third season of the reality series Withus At The Camp the focus is again on a number of caravan dwellers, who giveus a glimpse into their lives. To this day, those camps are often viewed witha skewed eye. Because who are those strangers behind those great walls andfences of the camp? And what do those people do there all day? ‘People seecaravan dwellers as different people. We are often labeled criminal’, saysBappie Tetteroo, who was followed for the program.

Wrong But Gold

Chantal Janzen’s latest game show is coming to an end and the question iswhether there will be a new season. Viewers were in fact quite critical of theprogram that TV hits such as The Masked Singer and I love Holland tried tocopy, with a mystery guest and two panels that had to answer light-heartedquestions. The first episode of Fout maar Goud attracted 815,000 viewers inAugust.

Wrong but Gold with Gerard Joling, Chantal Janzen and MariekeElsinga.Wrong but Gold with Gerard Joling, Chantal Janzen and Marieke Elsinga. ©William Rutten

Louis Theroux ‘s Forbidden America

Louis Theroux returns to America to investigate the influence of the interneton various subcultures, such as the hip-hop scene. The British journalisttravels to Florida and sees up close how rappers become stars on social media,but struggle to leave their violent lives behind. They make music about theircrimes and argue with other rappers. The mutual rivalry regularly leads toshootings, prison terms and deaths.

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