True war film with Marvel star is coming to the Netherlands

After Top Gun: Maverick and a Chinese Top Gun copy, fighter aircraftenthusiasts have one more movie to look forward to. meet devotion a brandnew war film from Sony Pictures that is also coming to Dutch cinemas.

The film is set in 1950, during the Korean War. Tom Hudner and Jesse Brownreally found each other during their tough military training. Brown, played byJonathan Majors ( Loki ), has to continuously prove himself by his skincolor.

Devotion: True War Movie

Ultimately, both soldiers are selected for the air force. Jesse makes historyby becoming the first African American to fly for the Air Force, but the warwill test their strong friendship.

Jonathan Majors plays the leading role in devotion. Most fans will know the33-year-old actor as the main villain for the upcoming series of Marvelmovies. The new Thanos, you could say without exaggeration. His comrade, TomHudner, is played by Glen Powell, who we know from Top Gun: Maverick.

The war film is based on Devotion: An Epic Story of Heroism, Friendship andSacrifice , a book by American historian and author Adam Makos. In his bookhe tells the true and underexposed story, which Sony Pictures now eagerlyuses.

Directed by Justin Dillard, a young talent with only a few films on hisresume. His personal origin story makes it extremely suitable for _devotion_to adapt. He was raised as a so-called ‘ _navy brat ‘, _son of a naval flightofficer, also the second African-American pilot to fly for the Blue Angels, aUnited States Navy flight demonstration team.

Well, back to devotion. Sony Pictures has released a brand new trailer forthe war movie. With Erik Messerschmidt on board as cinematographer, you knowthat a film is going to look good, but the first images still make animpression. The best man won an Oscar last year for his work for limp , afilm by David Fincher. He often collaborates with the filmmaker. Also theNetflix series mindhunter is on his resume, for example.

Dutch cinemas and first reviews

We are immediately catapulted into the action, with bullets flying around anda quick introduction to the main characters. Fortunately, we don’t have towait long for a more extensive acquaintance: the war film will be shown inDutch cinemas from 1 December.

devotion has already premiered at the Toronto Film Festival. After 25reviews from critics, Rotten Tomatoes has a very decent score of 84 percent.“Devotion succeeds because it combines powerful acting with stunning visuals,not just relying on one or the other,” concludes Britany Murphy of DiscussingFilm.

All in all, it seems that Sony has one hell of a war film in its hands.Fortunately, we will be able to judge for ourselves in a few weeks. In themeantime, check out the top 10 best war films that you can now stream on Pathé

ATP Finals 2022: Nadal cae ante Aliassime y queda al borde del precipicio | deportes

Ya sea en Shanghái, Londres o Turín, la suerte maestra se le resiste a RafaelNadal, que replica como puede, con lo que tiene, pero en cualquier caso conuna propuesta insuficiente. Hoy por hoy, es lo que hay. Demasiadasdificultades en los ultimos tiempos. Felix Auger-Aliassime redondeaestupendamente (6-3 y 6-4, and 1h 57m) y sitúa al español ante el precipicio,ya con dos derrotas en la phase de grupos y expuesto a la eliminación: siCasper Ruud se anota un solo set esta noche contra Taylor Fritz (21.00,Movistar), su crédito se habría agotado; todo lo que no sea un 2-0 favorableal estadounidense le condena. Y, en el caso de que encuentre respaldo, solo lequedaría vencer el jueves a Ruud sin ningún borrón y hacer cuentas. Malasunto, negocio poco recomendable and el espinoso terreno del masters.

Transcurre la accion entre finísimos equilibrios, en un desarrollo muy parejoque se desequilibra cuando Nadal pierde una pizca de lucidez y resbala. Es alseptimo juego, cuando con 40-0 a su favor, comete dos dobles faltas y dibujauna derecha larga; hasta ahí, su propuesta prevalece por un dedo sobre la deAliassime, obligado a apagar un par de fuegos, dos 15-40 and contra; sinembargo, el canadiense (22 años y sexto mejor del mundo hoy día) corretea comouna gacela, pega duro y sabe aprovechar el lapsus del rival para firmar el_break_ y, and consecuencia, el primer demarraje.

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La punzada marca un evidente punto de giro y escuece al español, que hasta eseinstante venía haciendo las cosas bien, corregido y mejorado respecto al feodesenlace del estreno contra Fritz. Pero igualmente se rehace el canadiense,un tenista que gana poso y se asienta poco a poco entre los más fuertes, cadavez más sustancioso y menos quebradizo. Espléndido al servicio y consistentand loose intercambios. No cede ante la doble arremetida de Nadal ycontragolpea con arrestos, pues lo mismo fabrica un ace solo dos segundos derecibir un warning por la demora, que no tiembla a la hora de cerrar el set.Brazo firm.

Cuando alza la bola para servir, la megafonia dispara el musicón y le obliga adetener la maniobra. A pesar del desliz tecnico, inoportuno a más no poder, elnorteamericano sigue entero y repite el gesto para anotarse la primera mangacon aplomo. Rema Aliassime sin temor y sí con mucha decisión, mientras Nadalmaquina sin parar and busca de una solución que no termina de llegar. Noencuentra la llave, pero al menos no se deja llevar, como le sucediera andBercy hace dos semanas ni el domingo contra Fritz. Se resiste, pelea, serebela. Pero no le Alcanza. Definitivamente, el mallorquín ha llegado vacio aesta ultima recta. La segunda rotura resuelve en su contra.

Mundial de Guadalajara: Andoni Cintado, plata en el Mundial de taekwondo and -80kg: “No quería despertarme por si todo era un sueño” | deportes

Apenas le queda un hilo de voz a Jon Andoni Cintado tras haber conseguido laplata en -80kg en el Mundial de taekwondo que empezó este lunes enGuadalajara, México. Suficiente para pedir que prefiere que se le llame Andoniy para charlar 15 minutes con este periódico. And Guadalajara son read 7:30 dela manana. Lleva un rato despierto y confiesa que apenas ha podido dormir. “Noquería acostarme, no quería que sonara la alarma del móvil porque tenía miedode despertarme y que todo hubiese sido un sueño. Es tan fugaz todo en estedeporte…”. No fue un sueno. And la madrugada del lunes al martes, estebilbaíno de 23 años, que lleva apenas un año en el CAR (Centro de AltoRendimiento) de Madrid, se colgó la plata en su primera gran competicióninternacional. Se deshizo por el camino del subcampeón olímpico SalehElsharabaty, del bronce olímpico Seif Eissa, y tambien del subcampeón delmundo Apóstolos Telikostoglu. Perdio en la final contra el coreano Park Woo-Hyeok.

¿Como lo ha celebrado? Al final not tenía tampoco con quien compartirlo, mifamilia y los míos están en España. Iba a subirme a la terraza del hotel, aestar tranquilo, pero ni eso porque estaba cerrada. No tuve más remedio que ira la habitación, pero allí estaba Raul [Martínez] que competia hoy. Así que,calladito me puse a ver una serie”, cuenta. Y dice que seguía sin creerselo enel control anti-doping. “Tenia a Dani Del Rio [el fisio] que me decia:creetelo porque es real, es de verdad, has ganado la plata”. Hasta la platamundial, solo había conseguido un bronce en los europeos sub21 de 2019.

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Andoni es licenciado en ingeniería de diseño industrial. Dejó Bilbao -dondeempezó a hacer taekwondo en el club The Masters en Basauri-tras terminarbachillerato y se instaló en Valencia. Así lo cuenta. “Queria estudiar fuera yvivir otras experiencias fuera de casa. Me coincidia que mi carrera estaba enValencia y que había hecho contacto con un club de taekwondo de alto nivel queme iba a venir genial para seguir creciendo, el Deportivo Olimpo”. Allí estuvocompaginando estudios y entrenamientos. En septiembre entregó el trabajo defin de grado. “Y fíjese en las cosas de la vida… Como es diseño industrial ydesarrollo del producto, había que desarrollar uno y decidí desarrollar unaszapatillas de taekwondo. Saqué un nueve y medio”, relata. En el equipo todosdestacan de él la cabeza tan bien amueblada que tiene.

Lo dice, entre todos, Miguel Ángel Herranz, el responsable de la selecciónmasculina, que reclutó a Andoni el año pasado como sparring para ayudar alos olímpicos en la preparación de los Juegos y que, finalmente, se lo llevóal CAR de Madrid, donde entró con 22 años. Muy tarde comparado con la media dedeportistas que suele entrar con 16-17. Lo explica Herranz: “Tenía ya su vidaencaminada en Valencia y aceptó dejarlo todo para venir a vivir y entrenar enuna residencia, y eso para mi lo dice todo sobre su entrega. Supe en esemomento que había acertado. Sus cualidades fisicas son un portento, es muyfuerte y valiente. Sabia que iba a aportar grandes cosas al equipo y que iba aconseguir parte de los sueños que tuviera y por los que abandonó todo”.

Andoni cuenta que ese proceso no fue facil. Primero porque ya había empezado atrabajar ya cursar un master en administración de negocios. Segundo porquetuvo que volver a pedirle dinero a sus padres como cuando era más crío. Ytercero porque adaptarse a los ritmos de trabajo de un centro de altorendimiento nunca es fácil y menos cuando vienes de entrenar en el club dondetodo es familiar y tú eres la estrella.

“Estaba bastante metido en las prácticas de empresa, en dos empresas deValencia, formalizando mi situación laboral. Mi philosophia siempre ha sido:disfrutar, disfrutar, disfrutar. Pero llegó un punto en que ya no podía ir ami jefe cada dos semanas y decirle: necesito cinco días porque tengo el Opende Bulgaria…”. Paralelamente, se daba cuenta de que para estar al nivel de suscompañeros del CAR tenía que entrenarse mucho más. Y eso le generó ciertaansiedad and las primeras sesiones. “Y luego estaba el tema economico, quepeso mucho. Yo tenia becas universitarias y mis trabajos y no tenia excesivosgastos. Y claro, de repente pasas de eso a tener que volver a pedirle dinero atus padres… Madrid, Además, se me hacía un poco grande. Fue un cumulo de cosasque hizo que al principio la experiencia fuera un poco dura”. Pero, dice, leayudó estar en un grupo como el que capitanea Raúl Martínez.

Y ver que al final siempre llega la recompensa. “Si me pregunta hace dos díasle digo que no siempre el que trabaja bien y mucho tiene su recompensa… Perohoy lo celebro y disfruto de estos momentos. He quedado subcampeón del mundo,pero este deporte es tan fugaz que el año que viene te sale en España unaAdriana Cerezo en masculino que pese 80 kilos y te quita el puesto. Y esotienes que asumirlo con toda la naturalidad del mundo”.

BV 24/7. Ruth Beeckmans commemorates her husband and the ‘Blind Married’ participants look back on their adventure | BV

BV The show must go on , because the showbiz world never stands still. Findout what your favorite BVs have been up to in the last 24 hours here in ournews stream.

Countdown for the fans of Metejor. Wednesday he launches with HannahMae a new single.

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It’s over for the Blind Married candidates. Dziubi at least it left ahusband and a lot of friends.

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In front of Jana and Christian Unfortunately, ‘Blindly Married’ didnot turn into a fairy tale. “A journey of ups and downs, of which I will onlytake the positive memories with me into the future. I am so glad that I wasallowed to go through life as ‘Mrs Graulus’ for a few months”, writes Jana.

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When Ruth Beeckmans emptied her late husband’s closet, she discovered aphoto of him in the refectory. “You will not be forgotten anywhere and byanyone, my dearest.”

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No baby news from Leen Dendievel the announcement of a new book. ‘Don’tlet fear rule, Asem’ will be available in all bookstores from November 22.

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Natalia and her boyfriend continue their sporting adventure in the desert.“One more stage to go and then we are there”, it sounds.

Koke: “Las individualidades ganan partidos, los equipos ganan torneos, y nosotros somos un equipo” | Qatar 2022

La selección española parte este martes rumbo a Jordania para disputar suúnico partido de preparación de cara al Mundial. El combinado de Luis Enriquese probará ante Jordania este jueves (17.00, TVE) y se estrenará and Qatar elmiércoles de la semana que viene ante Costa Rica. Antes de hacer las maletas,Koke, uno de los capitanes, y Hugo Guillamón, una de las grandes novedades enla lista del seleccionador, han explicado en la Ciudad del Fútbol de LasRozas, donde la selección está concentrada desde el lunes, las caracterís thefirst group que carece de cracks mundiales pero cuya fuerza reside en elequipo: “Nuestra fortaleza siempre ha sido el grupo, el colectivo. Tenemosjugadores de grandisimo nivel, con muchisimas ganas, pero nuestra fuerzasiempre ha sido el grupo. The hecho, en este ultimo tiempo se ha visto quejugamos como un equipo y eso es fundamental. Al final, obviamente que haypartidos que los pueden ganar en las individualidades. Pero al final yo creoque los campeonatos largos lo ganan los equipos y nosotros lo que somos es ungrupo”, ha destacado Koke.

De los 26 jugadores que integran la lista de Luis Enrique, solo seis hanparticipado antes en una Copa del Mundo (Busquets tres, Azpilicueta, JordiAlba y Koke dos, y Asensio, Carvajal una). Los veteranos han perdido peso enfavor de una jovencísima generación al alza, pero su importancia sigue siendocapital. “Va a haber momentos muy difíciles y los veteranos tendremos quetirar del carro. Creo que es una de las formas en las que podemos ayudar,porque en este tipo de torneos hay siempre curvas y debemos estar apoyando alos compañeros”, ha destacado el capitán del Atlético de Madrid. Guillamón esuno de esos novatos que se estrenará en Mundial y para él, esta mezclageneracional impulsa el potencial del equipo. “Los jóvenes como yo podemosaportar vitalidad, ambición, y esas ganas de comerse el mundo. Creo que elgrupo esta muy compensado. La experiencia de los más veteranos nos viene delujo y nos va a ayudar mucho”, ha señalado el central del Valencia de 22 años,que alternará los partidos con los estudios universitarios durante el Mundial,ya que a la vuelta le esperan los exámeno la carrera. “Ahora todo se lleva unpoco fácil más gracias a Internet y no tengo que estar cargando con todos loslibros”.

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En la phase de grupos, España se medirá a Costa Rica, Alemania y Japón antesde saltar a las eliminatorias, donde podrían enfrentarse en cuartos a Brasilsi ambas quedan primeras de su grupo. Sin embargo, los jugadores no miran alos rivales y se centra en sí mismos. “La mentalidad es salir todos lospartidos con la idea de hacer un buen fútbol y ganar todos los partidos. Nopensamos en ser primeros o segundos de grupo”, ha señalado el capitán delAtlético, que ha reconocido que tuvo miedo de no recuperarse a tiempo de sulesión: “Estuve entrenando todos los días con dobles y triples sesiones. Porsuerte estamos aqui”.

Mientras los favoritismos en el torneo apuntan a grandes combinados comoBrasil, Argentina o Francia, España apuesta por la prudencia. “Las seleccionesque piensen que son favoritas o que pueden estar a un nivel por encima de lasdemás creo que se equivocan porque al final es un torneo largo y creo que hayque ir paso a paso”, ha reflexionado Guillamón.

A las puertas de la Ciudad del Futbol de Las Rozas, un grupo de escolares haacudido a presenciar el último entrenamiento de la selección, and el que hanparticipado todos los jugadores menos Morata, Marcos Llorente y Guillamón. Andlas caras de los estudiantes (y de sus profesores) no hay dudas, solo unaamplía sonrisa, mientras comentan sobre sus jugadores favoritos y lasexpectativas para el Mundial. Su illusion es la misma que la de los jugadores.“Tenemos el sueño de ser campeones y cuanto más unidos estemos, más posibleserá ese sueño”, ha admitido Koke.

After Gijs de Lange say goodbye, cast members leave the Klokhuis office: ‘If one of us falls over, we all go’ | show

updateViewers of The core have another emotional episode of The Klokhuisoffice been presented. After the departure of Ben last week due to the deathof Gijs de Lange, the other three employees left the office last night. Theactors have been playing together for fifteen years.

Wouter (Rogier in ‘t Hout), Timo (Sergio IJssel) and Leonoor (Anniek Pheifer)are going on a world trip, as became clear in the episode. Their successorsare already ready. “We left for Het Noorderlicht with the northern sun. TheKlokhuis does not belong to us, but to everyone with a Klokhuis heart,” thethree of them stated in their last episode.

Last week, the makers of the NTR youth program The core a final salute totheir colleague Gijs de Lange, who passed away in May at the age of 65. Thebroadcast showed how his character Ben Kokkelman, the chef of The Klokhuisoffice has suddenly left, much to the chagrin of the other characters.

Broadcaster NTR announced today that the cast members found it ‘too difficult’to continue after De Lange’s death. It means the end of an era: they playedtogether for fifteen years in The core. “They’ve always said to each other,’If one of us falls over, we’ll all leave.’ And that’s what happened,” aspokesperson said.

Time, Leonoor and Wouter. © NTR

Because the illness was so short, the makers of Het Klokhuis De Lange couldnot have written from the series in a nice way after his death. ,,We wanted todo that, because he was a well-known figure to so many viewers. But that hasnot been possible anymore,” said Jurrian van Dongen after his death in May.

The scenes in the The Klokhuis office will continue with a new cast. MariaKraakman plays Heleen – the new chef – Sarah Janneh is Peggy, editortechnology and science, and Rop Verheijen takes on the role of Luuk, editorpeople and animals. From next Monday, Sidar Toksöz can also be seen as Rodîn,who will work as an editor for things and factories.

Nederlands Kamerkoor sings at a digital winding sea with motifs by Van Gogh and Klimt

A modern Gesamtkunstwerk or an ‘immersive concert experience’ in whichchoral music and painting merge. That’s the promise of the program Van Goghin Me by the Nederlands Kamerkoor and the Italian studio fuse*. Music byDebussy, Mahler, Schönberg is combined with digitally distorted paintings bycontemporaries Vincent van Gogh and Gustav Klimt. The performance was allowedto participate in the state visit of King Willem-Alexander to Austria thissummer, where it had its world premiere in the Vienna Konzerthaus. The reasonis the Gustav Klimt exhibition, now on display in the Amsterdam Van GoghMuseum and later in the Vienna Belvedere: that exhibition is also about makingartistic connections.

Also read the review of the exhibition in the Van Gogh Museum: How ‘GoldenBoy’ Gustav Klimt surfed the artistic waves of his time

What do you hear and why?

Rahul Gandolahage: „The Chamber Choir sings a cappella music by Saint-Saëns,Debussy, Satie, Alma and Gustav Mahler, Richard Strauss and Schönberg. Much ofit was originally not choral music, but instrumental music to which German andFrench poetry was later set. The ‘Adagietto’ from Mahlers Fifth Symphony forexample, has been arranged for chorus by Clytus Gottwald. He chose the poem_Im Abendrot_ by Joseph von Eichendorff as text. So it’s kind of a remix. Thelyrics are not in the program booklet. That would also be pointless, becauseit is dark in the room. But the lyrics are also not projected anywhere. So youhave no idea what you’re hearing. The music felt quite anonymous and distantas a result.”

Thomas van Huut: „I had studied the program in advance, but the reason behindthe musical choices was not clear to me. In his Paris period, Van Gogh was afan of Wagner, Klimt made the famous Beethoven Frieze. We don’t hear Wagnerand Beethoven. But why Satie and Saint-Saëns?”

What is there to see?

TvH: „On a large screen above the choir you see an endless amount of hair-fine, colored lines that flow and wave across the screen. Famous paintings byVan Gogh and Klimt loom up in the abstract patterns that arise as a result.For example, you recognize almond blossom and Wheatfield with crows by VanGogh, and the blistering gold of Klimts The kiss and Water hoses II. TheItalian multimedia studio fuse* collects live data during the concert: dataabout the sound, movements of the conductor and some choir members, in orderto let the ’emotion of the music’ drive the digital effects. So the paintingsare actually ‘remixed’ live.”

Thedigital version of Van Gogh ‘s Sunflowers. Photo Melle MeivogelTheNederlands Kamerkoor and the Italian studio fuse in Van Gogh in me.Photo Julia WeselyTheNederlands Kamerkoor and the Italian studio fuse in Van Gogh in me.Photo Julia Wesely TheNederlands Kamerkoor and the Italian studio fuse in Van Gogh in me*.Photo Julia Wesely

Is there synergy?

TvH: „I thought so at the visually more abstract moments: where the patternsswell with the vocals, it is indeed as if they are painting with their voices.Blue flecks looked pretty like puffs of breath in icy air. Sometimes I couldalso enjoy the colors with the music: beautiful blue and bright orange.”

RG: „A concert has always been a ‘living’ performance. The extra layer here isthat the paintings are also ‘performed’, but that didn’t do much for me. Ifound myself closing my eyes after just a few ‘paintings’ to be able to listento the music. And when I opened my eyes again, I saw nothing that surprisedme. The distortions became predictable.”

TvH: “When the original paintings loomed up from the abstract digitalmeandering seas, it sometimes almost hurt me: their rendering was so distortedthat you couldn’t see the nuances of the original paintings. Then it becomes apuzzle: guess your picture, which painting was distorted here? And because youcouldn’t read the sung lyrics, I found it difficult to make a substantiveconnection with the music.”

RG: “The distraction also lies in how the paintings were deformed. Inportraits, the facial skin seemed to run off like wet makeup. One face seemedsmeared with bird droppings. But there were beautiful moments. Then withMahler’s ‘Adagietto’ __from afar The kiss van Klimt emerged, in a kind ofdark forest of fiery orange trees, I thought that was a nice effect.Especially because the ‘Adagietto’ was a love letter for Alma Mahler. But youshould just know that, you couldn’t read it.”

Would this formula have worked better with abstract paintings?

TVH: “I don’t think so. A painting is finished, a painter is already workingwith colors that shimmer or wave. There is no need for an extra layer ofmovement. What you see now is a glorified visualizer from Windows Media Playercombined with a slideshow of famous paintings.”

Was it, as promised, an ‘immersive experience’?

RG: “Live music has always been an immersive experience.”

TvH: “Moving the image confused me most. After all, the ‘immersive’ power ofart is in your own imagination.”

RG: “And it will be filled in here for you.”

So this show doesn’t work?

RG: “Not as a Gesamtkunstwerk, but as a crowd puller. The audience wasrelatively young, younger than at most classical concerts. Carré was almostcompletely full. She drew the name Van Gogh into the hall, but I had thefeeling that the applause was ultimately mainly for the singers. So in thatrespect: successful.”

Classical/ Video Art

Van Gogh in Me by the Nederlands Kamerkoor and the Italian studio fuse*.

Heard and seen: 14/11 Carré, Amsterdam. Tour until 3/12.



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A version of this article also appeared in the newspaper of November 15, 2022

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Don’t let a little smart teenager watch Timmylandalone

After Gijs de Lange say goodbye, cast members leave the Klokhuis office: ‘Ifone of us falls over, we all go’ |show

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Don’t let a little smart teenager watch Timmyland alone

And once again Canvas shows that it has a nose for good French documentaries:the Belgian channel broadcast on Sunday _Un president, l ‘Europe et la guerre_which follows President Macron during the six-month French presidency of theEuropean Union this year. On day 55 of Macron’s Europe service, Russia invadedUkraine. Filmmaker Guy Lagache got to witness a historic period of politicaldiplomacy behind the scenes.

Intelligent minds, brains that work overtime, permanent stress: an atmospherelike in the sizzling hit series The West Wing. But then really.

Because of its unprecedented openness, the documentary will keep you on theedge of your seat. As a viewer, you can even listen in to a telephoneconversation between Macron and Putin just before the invasion, in which theFrench president addresses his Russian colleague as a strict friend.”Vladimir, I don’t know where your lawyer went to school,” he snaps, arguingwith Putin about the interpretation of a treaty text. When Macron tries tomake him promise to talk to Biden, Putin reports that he is almost good-natured in the sports hall for a game of ice hockey and cannot say anythingconcrete about a date.

“He always lies,” the French chief diplomat, Emmanuel Bonne, who listens in,summarizes it bitterly.

Image from the documentary ‘Un president, l’Europe et la guerre’.Image Stillfrom TV

You’ll also hear Macron talking to Boris Johnson, Mario Draghi and Olaf Scholzabout what Putin is doing. And with Volodimir Zelenski, where both mensometimes speak English and you can feel the atmosphere. Chilling is themoment when Zelensky reports on the first bloody acts of war, and Macron seemsto want to say: we are coming now to help you.

The one who didn’t know anything was Putin

Accompanying texts show that most European leaders were aware that Macron wasbeing filmed and authorized the clips in which they themselves appear. The onewho knew nothing about it was Putin. The Russian news agency Ria Novostitherefore tweeted angrily that the French no longer respect the diplomaticrules of negotiations. Macron and his associates have no doubt reasoned thatnot respecting the sovereign rights of a democratic neighbor is a much biggerfaux pas.

You must have a strong stomach if you end up on the world stage as a diplomator politician and realize that your approach can determine whether or not DeBom will fall. But I also thought: there are probably more parallels with howa power struggle is fought in, for example, the pigeon fanciers’ associationthan you think. It is the universal set of instruments, talking, massaging,conferring, making alliances, threatening, being strict and hoping that no onereally throws the bat in the henhouse.

I was pleased to see in this film how well the diplomatic leaders of Germanyand France get along.

The intense documentary contrasted sharply with the first episode of thelight-hearted youth series Timmyland that same Sunday, in which Tim denBesten pretends to become a dictator, in order to show how important democracyis. Please let a little smart teenager go too Un president, l ‘Europe et laguerre look, about what happens when someone is a real dictator.

_Renate van der Bas and Maaike Bos write columns about television five times a

Qatar 2022: El Mundial más coherent con el tiempo que vivimos | Qatar 2022

En su versión contemporánea, el Mundial de fútbol es un fabulosoacontecimiento comercial y politico sostenido por las emociones que procuranlos futbolistas desde hace un siglo. Uruguay, un pequeño país de 176,000kilómetros cuadrados, 3.4 millones de habitantes y una ardiente pasión por elfútbol, ​​organizó and 1930 la primera Copa del Mundo. Qatar, una nación de11,500 kilómetros cuadrados, 15 veces más pequeña que Uruguay, con unapoblación de tres millones habitantes y sin ningún interés por el fútbol hastahace muy poco, será la sede de esta edición. No es difícil pronosticar queUruguay nunca más albergará and solitario el Mundial de fútbol. Más fácil essuponer que en algún momento, no sabemos cuándo y en qué circunstancias, otroQatar oficiará el torneo.

Un juego que nació a mediados del siglo XIX no deja de fascinar a unaaudiencia multiplicada exponencialmente por los avances que permiten disfrutardel fútbol sin mover del sofá. And lo basico no ha cambiado. Como en susinicios, el secreto del futbol está en los futbolistas. Sin ellos, noencuentra sentido nada del gigantesco mundo que les rodea.

Hasta cierto punto, la posición de los jugadores no se ha modificado en losultimos 100 años. Sobre las estrellas de entonces, caso de los uruguayosScarone y Andrade o de los argentinos Ferreira, Stabile y Luisito Monti, y dela rivalidad de sus selecciones se construyó el relato que todavía preside elfútbol, ​​de figoturasémbres: Messiah de figoturasémbres: , Neymar, Kane,Cristiano Ronaldo o Modric. Se les valorara con los mismos criterios queentonces. Unos deslumbrarán, otros decepcionarán y algunos no dejarán huella

Christina Applegate leans on TV mom Katey Sagal at Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony 1 year after MS diagnosis

Christina Applegate was honored for talent and bravery as she collected herstar on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

the Dead to Me star, making her first public appearance since her multiplesclerosis diagnosis last year, debuted her walking stick at Monday’s event,but leaned on her Married … With Children TV mom Katey Sagal, who helpedApplegate to the podium and physically supported her during her speech. Sheattended the event sans shoes to be more comfortable.

“I can’t stand for too long so I’m going to thank the people I really need tothank,” Applegate, 50, said at the start. As for Sagal’s presence, Applegatesaid Sagal was “just gonna be here” holding her steady, joking it was”so Kateyto steal [my] thunder.”

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - NOVEMBER 14: (L-R) David Faustino, Katey Sagal,and Christina Applegate pose with Christina Applegate's star during herHollywood Walk of Fame Ceremony at Hollywood Walk Of Fame on November 14, 2022in Los Angeles, California.  (Photo by Phillip Faraone/GettyImages)LOS ANGELES,CALIFORNIA - NOVEMBER 14: (L-R) David Faustino, Katey Sagal, and ChristinaApplegate pose with Christina Applegate's star during her Hollywood Walk ofFame Ceremony at Hollywood Walk Of Fame on November 14, 2022 in Los Angeles,California.  (Photo by Phillip Faraone/GettyImages)

David Faustino and Katey Sagal pose with former co-star Christina Applegateduring their Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony. (Photo: Phillip Faraone/GettyImages)

Applegate — also known for the Anchorman movies and TVs jesse and Up AllNight, to name a few— cracked jokes during her speech and did not directlymention the disease of the central nervous system. However, she alluded to thediagnosis she received in the summer of 2021, referring to herself at onepoint as “the disabled lady.” Later, while thanking “the most important personin the world,” her daughter, Sadie, with her musician husband, Martyn LeNoble(who were both there), she said, “Thank you for standing beside me during allthis.” Then, to the audience, she added, “Oh, by the way I have a disease. Didyou not notice? I’m not even wearing shoes Anyhoo, You’re supposed to laugh atthis.”

Applegate also suggested, as she’s hinted previously, that she’s done withacting as she navigates her health challenges. While thanking the stars whospoke on her behalf, she said, “I like that I started with you two — referringto Married … With Children‘s Sagal and David Faustino — “and ended with youtwo” — pointing to Dead to Me co-star Linda Cardellini and showrunner LizFeldman — _ “_and I thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. You are mypeople.” (Applegate has previously said she’d like to continue producing, butshe can’t do long days on the set.)

Story continues

Actor Christina Applegate poses during her star unveiling ceremony on theHollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles, US, November 14, 2022. REUTERS/MarioAnzuoniActor ChristinaApplegate poses during her star unveiling ceremony on the Hollywood Walk ofFame in Los Angeles, US, November 14, 2022. REUTERS/MarioAnzuoni

Christina Applegate poses during her star unveiling ceremony on the HollywoodWalk of Fame in Los Angeles. (Photo: REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni)

Applegate said that growing up in LA, and getting her showbiz start as a younggirl, she always “effing” wanted her own star. Feldman praised her as a “comicgenius and and one of the greatest actors of her generation.”

Sagal, whom Applegate still calls “Mommy,” it was revealed, spoke ofApplegate’s grace and bravery overcoming her challenges, also including abreast cancer diagnosis in 2008.

“You know, sweetheart, some of us come into this life requiring broadshoulders because what’s coming at us needs support to bear it,” Sagal said.”Broad enough to hold what shows up. I’ve seen you — the high highs, the loveand enormous success, coupled with extreme challenges. But you came in withthose shoulders, and you bear the weight and you bend and you don’ t break. Icontinue to love you, laugh with you and to learn from you. … You are notalone. We’re all here. We love you.”

Applegate was seated by her star — which is adjacent to those of Sagal and_married_ dad Ed O’Neill, who was unable to attend — as it was unveiled,playfully doing a little seated dance with her new cane that she shared asneak peek of on Twitter last month. She later got down onto the ground forphotos — solo shots as well as photos with her co-stars, past and present, andhusband and daughter.

Applegate expressed nervousness ahead of attending the event, which wassupposed to take place in 2020 but was delayed by the pandemic.

“Now my life is a different story,” the actress told variety __ earlier thismonth. “People are going to see me for the first time as a disabled person,and it’s very difficult. So, for me, two years ago would have been so muchbetter!” She’s spoken about her 40-pound weight gain to the _New York Times,_saying, “I want people to know that I am very aware of all of that.”

Applegate also spoke about her health, saying production shut down on Dead toMe for five months last year after re-diagnosis. When she returned to theset, she needed a wheelchair to get to set. She had to be physically proppedup for scenes. She napped during the day to get through it, but she wasdetermined to finish the final season of dead to me, which premieres Nov. 17on Netflix, and bring closure to fans of the show as well as to the cast.

As for the MS, Applegate told the New York Times she is “never going toaccept” her diagnosis, adding, “I’m pissed.”