**A few years ago, things were not going well for Tim Knol. The musician fromNorth Holland ate poorly, drank too much and was very overweight. When thedoctor told him he wouldn ‘t grow old that way, Tim changed course. Now he iskilos lighter and feels fitter than ever. There is a new album and anextensive tour. Ron Flens of Culture Club spoke to Tim before the concert atstage Victorie in Alkmaar. **
Tim Knol is back – NH News
For the interview we walk along a green strip behind pop stage Victorie inAlkmaar. Tim Knol in a lumberjack shirt, body warmer and hiking boots. “Tolose weight, you have to go through more vigorously than the roaming we donow,” jokes Tim. “I prefer to walk in the North Holland dune area. I didn’tknow it was so beautiful there. I really discovered that.”
By walking a lot, eating healthier and drinking less, Tim lost 40 kilos inrecent years. He wrote the album Lightyears better about the turn in his life.
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Fan with Tim Knol is Vet t-shirt in 2011
When I filmed Tim Knol ten years ago in his breakthrough year when he won anEdison and played at Lowlands, there were fans walking around with “Tim Knolis Vet” on their t-shirts. “I was really fat then. For a long time I feltpretty good about that,” says Tim. But over the years he gained weight due tobad food and a lot of alcohol. “I was a midnight snacker. I could drink well,a lot of Guinness and whiskey, but at some point I had to put something in.That was shoarma and that kind of junk,” says Tim. At one point he weighed 120kilos.
Outage in hands
Tim started to feel worse and worse. He became depressed, was out of shape andlost his hands while playing the guitar. “The latter was a bit of the laststraw, then I went to the doctor,” says Tim. The doctor said that if he wantedto grow old, he would have to drastically change his life. “And I want to growold!”
Tim then started walking, eating healthier and drinking less. He has alsomoved from Amsterdam to Wormerveer with his girlfriend, where the temptationsto go out are much less. “My girlfriend has also helped me a lot to live ahealthier life. I am very grateful to her for that”.
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Tim Knol in Victory in Alkmaar
That evening Tim and his band the Wandering hearts will be performing in thesmall hall of Victorie in Alkmaar. It is one of a series of concerts that Timwill perform solo and with his band in the coming months. Isn’t he afraid offalling into old habits now that he’s back on the road? “No, not at all. I nolonger need that. I feel good that way. And there is now a Guinness 0.0 in thefridge in the dressing room and I’m already looking forward to it”, laughsTim.
Tips from Tim
Tim Knol not only makes music himself, he is also a great connoisseur of thehistory of pop music and a lover of country, soul, bluegrass and pop. Here arethree tips of records that you should have listened to according to Tim:
Actually, a lot of Neil Young is good. He can play small and play big, solovery subdued and rock with a band. In that way he is also a source ofinspiration.
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That woman could sing so beautifully and that record is really insane.
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The last album by John Prine who passed away in 2020. “But actually everythingis good about this man.” For Tim, Prine is on the same level as Bob, Neil,Townes and Guy. Surnames can be omitted from that list. “What’s so good abouthim is that everything comes together with him: soul, country and folk.”
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