Tonight on TV: Green Book, Keuringsdienst van Waarde and Chucky | show

Cookies and other goodies, you can’t start early enough – if it’s up to thecookie bakers. And that’s why there are now cookies on the shelf of thesupermarket that you can enjoy as early as six months old. What exactly makesthose cookies suitable for our babies? They are packed with vitamin B if thepackaging is to be believed, but who needs that anyway? And what else are theychock-full of?

The Baby Cookies episode of the program ‘Value inspection service’. © KRO-NCRV

The Helm – last episode

Marijn and Maurice do not feel at home in a society where everything revolvesaround money, ambition, work, status and outward appearance. And so they leavefor Portugal with their son, where they temporarily take up residence in aborrowed quinta. But once in Portugal, the duo finds out that money doesn’tfall from the sky there either and that they have to roll up their sleeves tobe able to build a future at all.

Marijn and Maurice in 'Het RoerOm'.Marijn and Maurice in ‘Het Roer Om’. © SBS6


Veronica Superguide Score: ★★★★

No matter how much the differences between the raw white bouncer Tony Lip(Viggo Mortensen) and the cultured black pianist Don Shirley (Mahershala Ali)are emphasized, you immediately realize that the two are going to get big.Because they are taking a road trip through the south of the US and becausethe actors have an excellent chemistry that many a loving couple can stillenvy. Their chatter and bickering adds humor without diminishing theseriousness of the matter. There were Oscars for Mahershala Ali, the film andthe screenplay.

Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali in a scene from 'GreenBook'.Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali in a scene from ‘Green Book’. ©AP/Universal Pictures

Chucky – start season 2

After his diabolical plans were foiled in the first season, the possessedhorror doll Chucky wants revenge on those he holds responsible: Jake, Devon,Lexy, and his ex Tiffany. The teenagers have since been transferred to aCatholic boarding school, where they have to atone for their sins. But thedoll and his retinue are never far away…

Zackary Arthur as Jake Wheeler in the first season ofChucky.Zackary Arthur as Jake Wheeler in the first season of Chucky. © SteveWilkie/USA Network

Candy: A Skater ‘s Mind

Skating is everything in Candy Jacobs’ life. The best female skateboarder inEurope can only be herself on her board. She is addicted to the four-wheeledboard, but that addiction has a destructive downside. Because what happens toher if she can’t skate because of a serious knee injury? On the way to eternalfame, during the Olympic Games in Tokyo, fate strikes mercilessly.

Qatar 2022: Thomas Hitzlsperger: “Este Mundial hace que no quieras verlo” | Mundial Qatar 2022

Respuesta. Que todo lo que ha sucedido desde que se lo asignaron a Qatarha sido bastante espantoso. Este Mundial hace que, en realidad, no quierasverlo. Yo me he planteado muchas cuestiones a título personal y la conclusióna la que llego es que no permitiré que mates mi pasión por el fútbol. Amo eljuego y pase lo que pase quiero ver fútbol del máximo nivel. No me paga laFIFA ni me paga Qatar. Tengo un contrato con una cadena alemana de televisiónasí es que me siento legitimado para comentar el Mundial.

P. ¿Por qué viajó a Nepal ya Doha?

R . La intención fue aproximarme desde distintos ángulos y hablar contanta gente como fuera posible para determinar por qué se jugaba un Mundial enQatar. Desafortunadamente, no pude hablar con los organizadores ni con losdirigentes de la FIFA porque no quisieron. Pero fui a Nepal para intentarexplicar por qué tantos nepalíes se veían forzados a ir a Qatar para ganardinero para sus familias [según The Journal of Cardiology, 200 nepalíespudieron morir construyendo estadios hasta 2019]. Hablé con una viuda que mecontó cómo recibió a su marido en un ataúd, y hablé con nepalíes queregresaron de Doha sin cobrar por su trabajo.

P. ¿Se ha determinado el número de obreros que murieron en la construcciónde los estadios?

R . Human Rights Watch es muy prudente a la hora de publicar cifras. Solopuedo asegurar que no fueron tres, como dijo Gianni Infantino [el presidentede la FIFA].

P. ¿Cómo experimentó la confrontación de sus prejuicios con la realidad delo que encontró luego en Qatar?

R . Lamentablemente me encontré lo que esperaba. Me pareció justo ir alpaís y saber como era. Yo no podria soportarlo. Fui a un estadio y la obra mepareció fascinante. Pero luego descubres que no hay tantos cataríesinteresados ​​en el fútbol. Entonces, ¿para qué necesitan estadios así? ¿Sololos usarán cuatro semanas? Me relacioné with cataries. Muy hospitalarios. Peroen el momento en que mencioné la posibilidad de violaciones de derechoshumanos lo negaron diciendo que eso eran fake news.

Los obreros se derrumbaban por golpes de calor, los metían en una habitación> para que se enfriaran durante una hora y los volvían a llevar a la obra.> Muchos morian mientras dormian

P. ¿Cuál ha sido la causa más frecuente de muerte en las obras?

R . **** Los obreros que entrevisté me contaron que los mataba el calor.Se derrumbaban por golpes de calor, los metían en una habitación para que seenfriaran durante una hora y los volvían a llevar a la obra para continuar conel trabajo. Muchos morian mientras dormian. Oficialmente, morían durmiendo,pero la causa de la muerte era el calor extremo y la falta de tiempo paradescansar.

P. ¿Qué opina de la carta que envió la FIFA a todas las federacionespidiendo a las delegaciones que solo hablen de fútbol y no entren enreivindicaciones políticas?

R . Solo demuestra lo hartos que están en la FIFA de que los critiquen, ylo mucho que subestimaron la reacción que desencadenaría la elección de Qatar.Quizás deberíamos discutir el papel de la FIFA y el papel de las personas quecogieron dinero para que el Mundial se organizara allí. Qatar ofreció muchodinero a federaciones, clubes e individuos. Comencemos un debate que señale aestas personas. Porque si nadie hubiera recibido dinero esto no habríaocurrido. No puedes estar a sueldo de la FIFA o de Qatar y al mismo tiempoejercer de comentarista crítico.

P. En su documental menciona a muchas compañías occidentales que comerciancon Qatar. ¿Es justo pedir que sean los futbolistas quienes se manifiestencuando la financiación la proporcionan las grandes empresas?

R . Fue muy complicado trazar una línea. Muchas compañías alemanas hacennegocios con Qatar. Para mantener el bienestar de nuestras sociedades esnecesario hacer comercio. Así funciona el mundo. Menos acceptable es queaparezcan individuos como David Beckham cobrando por decir que Qatar esgenial. Eso solo le ayuda a él, pero es una burla para los trabajadores.

P. ¿Cree que Neymar, Mbappé o Messi deberían pronunciarse en defensa delos derechos humanos?

R . Los jugadores pueden cambiar el modo en que la FIFA actúa. Pero tienensu propia agenda, diseñada por las compañías que les pagan y asesoran. Estostres futbolistas juegan para el Paris Saint-Germain. Es increíble que el PSGle pague a un jugador 210 millones de euros por año. Pero en este puntoparticular no culpo a los cataríes por ello. ¿Cómo es posible que la UEFAconsienta que Qatar Investment Authority [propietario del PSG] page estascantidades?

P. ¿Cómo valora la iniciativa de la federación de Holanda, que propone quelos jugadores lleven un brazalete con un corazón y el lema Un Solo Love parareivindicar los derechos de la comunidad LGTBI?

R . Hablé con el presidente de la federación alemana, Bernd Neuendorf, yla idea inicial fue unir a todas las federaciones europeas para que elaboraranun mensaje común. Probablemente, el brazalete signifique mucho, pero noexaspera a nadie. Es genérico, pero, ¿qué significa? Sabemos que el arcoirisirrita a mucha gente. Todos sabemos lo que significa. Lo sabe la FIFA y loscataries. Y no les gusta. El impacto de este brazalete del corazón no es tanrelevant, impacta menos.

P. ¿Por qué cree que la federación española se ha negado a que susjugadores porten el brazalete de Un Solo Love? El presidente Luis Rubialesdice que hay muchas causas nobles por las que luchar,además del colectivoLGTBI, que es minoritario.

R . Bueno, si hay otras causas nobles, Rubiales debería demostrar cuálesson y permitir que sus jugadores se manifiesten por ellas. No veo cual es elproblema. Otra cosa sería que la federación española esté condicionada porquetenga contratos con Arabia Saudí La cuestión es, ¿por qué las federaciones noboicotean el Mundial? It’s impossible. En el fútbol parece imposible encontrarun punto de acuerdo en cosas mucho menos complejas.

P. Usted salió del armario en 2014. ¿Qué ha cambiado desde entonces?

R . Hay más atletas, incluso algún futbolista, no muchos, que han salidodel armario. Eso está bien. Pero lo más importante ha sido el incremento degestos simbólicos. Vemos muchas banderas arcoiris. La mayoría de losorganismos y los clubes entiden que no puedes ir contra la comunidad gay.Desafortunadamente, no vemos muchos futbolistas que sean suficientementevalientes para hacerlo. Los futbolistas llevan una buena vida, ¿por quécambiarla? Existen riesgos. Puedes incomodar al vestuario. Generas muchaatencion. Es algo muy personal. Pero noto que el ambiente está mejorandoconstantmente. Aun así creo que aún se habla muy poco de los efectos positivosde salir del armario.

And Alemania hemos convertido el fútbol en un juego de entrenadores. Hay> demasiados técnicos esforzándose por expresarse ellos sin atender a la> realidad de los jóvenes que dirigen

P. Usted jugó la final de la Eurocopa de 2008 contra España. ¿Quérecuerda?

R . No nos podíamos ni acercar a la pelota. Esa rivalidad cambió lamentalidad de Jogi Low. Él se había formado en la cultura italiana de ladefensa y la organización sin balón con 4-4-2 como base del juego. AndAlemania nos concentramos durante demasiado tiempo en qué hacer cuandoperdíamos la pelota porque resultaba muy complicado encontrar solucionescuando la recuperábamos. And eso Guardiola cambió todo porque muchosentrenadores comenzaron a copiarlo a él.

P. ¿Hacia donde se dirige el fútbol alemán?

R . España descubrió el modo de dominarnos futbolísticamente. España,tanto la selección como el Barcelona, ​​se convirtió en el modelo que siguióAlemania cuando completó el cambio cultural que comenzó en 2004. Comenzamos adesarrollar el talento juvenil basándonos en ideas futbolísticas y dejamos dehacer hincapié en la mentalidad alemana, como si la mentalidad nosguarantizaraser competitivos en los grandes torneos solo porque éramos alemanes.Combinamos el fútbol de contragolpe que tanto se ve en Alemania, con laelaboración pausada de los españoles. Después de 2014 nos costó mucho mantenereso. Ahora veo un buen número de buenos centrocampistas jóvenes, como Musiala,que me encanta, pero no hemos producido un delantero de clase mundial. Notenemos un Mbappé, ni un Lewandowski, ni un Kane. Nos falta calidad en lapunta del ataque y en la línea de zagueros, quizás porque durante muchos añosnos concentramos en instruir a los jóvenes en la administración de la pelota yeso precipitó la aparición de muchos volantes a costa de empobrecer las otraslíneas.

P. ¿Cree que el régimen de las academias mata la improvisación de losfutbolistas?

R . He trabajado en la academia del Stuttgart y la impresión que he tenidoes que hemos convertido el fútbol en un juego de entrenadores. Hay demasiadostécnicos esforzándose por expresarse ellos sin atender a la realidad de losjóvenes que entrenan. Están obsesionados con promocionarse ganando partidos, yesto lo persiguen simplificando el juego con contragolpes, siendo sólidos endefensa y rápidos en la transición. No se enfocan en los jugadores, como enEspaña. Preocupados por tapar los defectos de los jóvenes, no cultivan su

Lawyer: ‘Danny de Munk will not be prosecuted for rape due to insufficient evidence’ | show

The investigation into the report of rape against Danny de Munk has beenterminated early due to insufficient evidence. Royce de Vries, lawyer for the52-year-old singer, reports this in a press release. De Munk: ‘I don’t feelhappy, especially because this false accusation has destroyed so much in myprivate and business life.’

The vice squad has informed lawyers Royce de Vries and Annemiek van Spanjethat the investigation into the report of rape against Danny de Munk has endedprematurely. There is insufficient evidence. De Munk is therefore no longerregarded as a suspect and will not be questioned by the police or prosecutedby the Public Prosecution Service.

In June it came out that a woman had reported rape against De Munk. The victimis said to have worked closely with him about fifteen years ago on the musicalCiske de Rat. De Munk has always denied the woman’s accusations.

De Munk responds in a statement: ,,It is the confirmation of something Ialready knew. I have said from the outset that I was not guilty of a sexcrime. I therefore feel no joy, especially since this false accusation hasdestroyed so much privately and professionally. I have experienced theaccusations in the media as a great injustice, but I would also like toexpress my gratitude for the support I have received from all over the countryin recent times.”

De Munk previously stated in court that the media attention since theaccusation is ‘an attack on his family and career’. “My wife and children getthe most horrible curses at their heads. That’s why I choose the flightforward and I’m not going to watch my family and my career be destroyed.”

Read more under Royce de Vries ‘ tweet.

Royce de Vries > @Roycedevries01 >

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De Munk still wants to have the declarant heard under oath

Lawyers Royce de Vries and Annemiek van Spanje add in the press release thatthe case that De Munk brought about the public hearing of the alleged victimin order to prove his innocence will be continued. “The court has previouslybeen requested to hear the declarant under oath in order to get to the bottomof the matter. This wish of De Munk remains undiminished.” The court inAmsterdam will rule on this on December 1.

De Munk has indicated that he does not want to give interviews for the timebeing. In the coming period he will mainly focus on his family, his personalrecovery and that of his career.

La Copa del Mundo no le pertenece a Qatar | Mundial Qatar 2022

Segun Forbes , el Mundial costará al menos 150,000 millones de dólares, esdecir, unas 10 veces más que el Mundial de Rusia, el más caro hasta la fecha.En un país del tamaño de Kosovo y con menos habitantes que Berlín, hay ochoestadios ultramodernos con aire acondicionado. No existe una cultura de la queel aficionado pueda beneficiarse y apenas mil espectadores de media acuden alos partidos de la Liga profesional. El futbol no es un deporte amateur andQatar, y prácticamente no hay oportunidades para que las mujeres compitan. Untorneo de fútbol en un lugar así no es sostenible.

Sin embargo, el planteamiento de celebrar un Mundial en una nueva región es elcorrecto. And 2010 se celebró por primera vez en África. Antes de eso, yohabía viajado a Sudáfrica, siendo aún jugador en ese momento, para conocer elpaís anfitrión y las circunstancias en las que se iba a jugar. Un Mundialtambién podría haber contribuido positivamente a la cultura del fútbol enOriente Medio, porque allí también hay países con tradición futbolística.

Animadores a sueldo

O quizá se podía haber llevado la fiesta al mundo de habla árabe: Marruecos yArgelia. Alemania se enfrentó a Marruecos en el Mundial de 1970, perdimoscontra Argelia en el Mundial de 1982, y antes de ganar el título en 2014,tuvimos que ir a la prórroga también contra Argelia en los octavos de final.Aquel partido en Porto Alegre parecía un partido fuera de casa, porque muchosaficionados argelinos habían viajado hasta allí. Qatar nunca se ha clasificadopara un Mundial, pero su candidatura ganó en el primer intento. Ahora,aficionados de todo el mundo tendrán que hacer escala en los países vecinospara viajar a los partidos.

En los estadios habrá animadores a sueldo con el fin de generar ambiente ypromocionar el evento en las redes sociales. Un ambiente que no me interesacomo aficionado al fútbol. Sólo habría volado a Qatar si mi trabajo comodirector del torneo lo exigiera. Como no es el caso, me quedo en casa.

En algunos países se ha pedido a los equipos que boicoteen el torneo. Eso esalgo que cada uno debe decidir por sí mismo. Me parece correcto que Alemaniaparticipe, y también me alegraria que nos convirtiéramos en campeones delmundo. Qatar es un socio económico y proveedor de energía de Occidente,Alemania mantiene relaciones diplomáticas con Qatar, y la decisión se remontaa 12 años atrás.

Cada uno debe responder por sí mismo si ve los partidos por televisión. Yo loharé, la selection alemana es importante. La Eurocopa 2024 de Alemania dependede su rendimiento. Para que el torneo sea un éxito, el equipo tiene que rendirmejor en Qatar que en los dos torneos anteriores.

And principio, un Mundial es un gran acontecimiento. Deportivamente, un torneode selecciones es imprevisible y hay más equipos con posibilidades de ganar eltítulo que en la Liga de Campeones. Las condiciones de Qatar, en particular,podrían favorecer las sorpresas. El ritmo es diferente, el Mundial se celebraen medio de la temporada y los equipos casi no tens preparación. Es posibleque Sudamérica reaparezca. Tal vez un país africano gane a una gran naciónfutbolística, o un pequeño país europeo llegue a la final, como hizo Croaciaen 2018. Y Lionel Messi y Cristiano Ronaldo se retirarán de la escena mundial.O puede que nazca una nueva estrella.

No tiene por qué ser una contradicción encontrar cuestionable el trasfondopolítico del Mundial y seguir celebrando la fiesta que supone para el fútbol.No es una traición a nuestros valores quedar con los amigos para tomar unacerveza y hablar sin parar de fútbol. Otro tema es si este Mundial será el másgrande, porque es invierno y los derechos humanos no son innegociables para elpaís anfitrión.

España en el Mundial: La tienda de galletitas de Luis Enrique | Mundial Qatar 2022

Lo hace con una selección que maduró de golpe en la Eurocopa, cuando pocos laesperaban, y cuya joven sala de máquinas tiene un año y medio más deexperiencia en la élite. Tiene a su favor la calidad, las piernas y el hambre;tiene en su contra, a priori, la ausencia de cancheros, de tipos con los quejugarse el partido en dos o tres minutos que dependen de desquiciar al rival,de jugadores bregados en los bajos fondos del campo, cuando se desnivelan lospartidos en las prorrogas o en los descuentos. Jugadores de esos que, cuandollegan 0-0 en el minuto 88, sonríen como tiburones. De eso, en principio, nohay o hay poco, pero un Mundial es una oportunidad para que se destape alguno:en el fútbol la experiencia no la dan los años sino las jugadas, los momentosen los que a uno nadie le espera y de repent brota. Por eso la Copa es eltorneo de todos los torneos, distinto a cualquiera, sensible al minimo aire;la guerra por otros medios celebrada en una dictadura religiosa. Si paraasaltar un banco allí hay que vender antes galletitas en los partidos másduros, qué menos que estén envenenadas.

Team behind ‘Thuis’ sees paid lunch breaks and free internet disappear, but there is more that is difficult for them

The VRT wants Home to an independent production house, but the employees ofFlanders’ most popular soap do not like that. With work interruptions, apetition and even a march on Monday on the cabinet of media minister Dalle(CD&V), they make their dissatisfaction clear. There are some obvious reasonswhy the Home team absolutely wants to stay with the VRT.

Peter DumontNovember 17, 202203:00

It rumbles on the set of Home. But this time it is not yet another familydrama, divorce or attempted murder that causes a stir. The unrest is caused bythe savings plans of the VRT. The public broadcaster must realize a saving of25 million euros by 2025 and therefore wants to Home and place the seventyemployees on the payroll for that program with an external production house.

But that is not to the liking of the employees of the soap. As the end dateapproaches – January 1, the Home team at their new employer – their protestis getting fiercer. But what is the conflict actually about?

The first and most important stumbling block is the work schedules that theemployees would be presented with from next year. After all, they lookdifferent at the VRT than in the private sector. For example, the lunch breakof 45 minutes is now counted as working time. The 15-minute break in themorning and in the afternoon is also recorded as working time. When theemployees transfer to a private production house, that kite no longer applies.

In addition, the official place of employment of the Home team to be theBrussels Reyerslaan. And that while the studios where most of the shootingtakes place are in Leuven. This means that employees – even if they livecloser – not only receive a kilometer allowance for the distance betweenBrussels and Leuven, but that this travel time also counts as time worked.

Add everything together and you arrive at about two hours a day that now endup in the accounts as ‘work’, but which will no longer be the case from 1January. So more work will have to be done for the same wages.

Money worries

The cast and crew are also concerned about that wage. After all, as VRTemployees they are entitled to a number of premiums that threaten to disappearin the private sector. For example, their internet subscription is reimbursed.Good for just over 50 euros per month.

When no catering is provided on the set, they also receive a meal allowance,which is quite good at 16.36 euros per day. The latter compensation would becompensated with meal vouchers after the takeover, although it has not yetbeen determined whether this will cover the full amount.

Several actors and employees of ‘Thuis’ went on strike on May 31 after theannouncement that the soap would no longer be made by the VRT.Image Tim Dirven

And then there is the supplementary pension. This is much higher in the publicsector than in the private sector. Also at their new employer there will befor the Home employees have a pension plan ready, the VRT managementpromises. But what exactly that will look like and how big the difference willbe with the current system is not yet clear.

Which brings us directly to the third pain point: the uncertainty. Sevenmonths ago, VRT CEO Frederik Delaplace announced his intention to stop theproduction of Home known to outsource. At that time, discussions werealready underway with various interested candidates, but who those candidatesare remains a closely guarded secret.

A necessary evil, according to the VRT. Only by keeping the would-be buyers inthe dark about their opponents can they get the most out of the negotiations.But that leads to employee frustration.

“On January 1, we should start working for a new employer, but to this day westill don’t know who that is,” says Krist’l Leskens, who works as an imagemixer at Home works. “Isn’t that a total lack of respect?”

Leah Thys (Marianne).  Image ©VRT

Leah Thys (Marianne).Image © VRT

The trade unions are also disturbed by this working method. They believe thatthe VRT management is monopolizing the negotiations with the potential buyer.“Such a takeover normally takes place while maintaining the current employmentsystems,” the ACOD said. “After which the transferee can then harmonize thevarious systems in consultation with the social partners. What the VRTmanagement in the case of Home does is unseen.”

The latter claim, however, turns out to be incorrect. “It often happens thatemployment conditions are negotiated before the actual takeover,” says JanVanthournout, senior legal manager at SD Worx. At the VRT they also point outthat the management received a mandate from the potential buyers to negotiatewith the unions. In recent months, both parties regularly sat around thetable, but that was not enough to dispel the mistrust.

Ideological view

The last reason why it Home -staff don’t like a move, is the most emotionaland therefore perhaps the most important. Regardless of the conditions underwhich this happens, a large proportion of employees simply do not want toleave the public broadcaster.

Sometimes for practical reasons, for example, many of the employees also workfor other programs and love that variety that you only find at a large companysuch as the VRT. But just as often for ideological views.

“I started working here thirty years ago because I believe in the function ofa public broadcaster and because I wanted to contribute to it,” says Leskens.”And now I’m being coldly kicked out here.”

Qatar 2022: Un mundial doblemente a contrapelo | Mundial Qatar 2022

Vuelvo a las fechas. Sólo a los dos años se fue cayendo en que en los meseshabituales del Mundial de Qatar se alcanza con facilidad los 45 grados. Alempezar el runrún, allí se extrañaron. En mi primera visita a Doha meentrevistaron en televisión y vi a mi interlocutor molesto cuando me manifestépartidario de cambiar las fechas. Me aseguró que los estadios serefrigerarían, como se ha hecho, pero sobre todo defendió un argumento quecondensaba su lógica: se acaba de jugar el Mundial de Sudáfrica en plenoinvierno austral con temperaturas de 0º. Para él, perteneciente a un puebloque nace, crece, se reproduce y muere en el clima de Qatar, lo inconcebibleera soportar cero grados y se quejaba de que tras esa concesión a Sudáfricaseñaláramos a su tierra como un lugar inhabitable.

Quiénes son los Dohabibis, los ‘influencers’ que grabaron un vídeo ante los aficionados españoles ‘fake’ del Mundial de Qatar | Technology


“Hay mucha disinformación con este vídeo”, explica Mike por teléfono. “Laspersonas del vídeo son grupos de nacionalidad india que viven aquí desde antesde que yo naciera. La mayoría de expatriados en Qatar son de esa zona: India,Pakistan, Bangladesh. Siendo una población tan grande, es normal que quieranmostrar su afecto por el fútbol. Llevaban tiempo escribiéndonos porque queríanhacer algo y organizaron este desfile por la corniche [paseo marítimo], nosdijeron que les haría ilusión que fuéramos con ellos porque saben que somosseguidores y fans de la selección española. Fuimos y nos lo pasamos genius.Tienen una energía y una marcha increíbles”, añade.

Cada selección clasificada tiene un grupo de fans, como una especie de peñaindia/pakistaní españolista de Qatar, en el caso de la selección de LuisEnrique. Hace unos días organizaron este desfile. En el vídeo de España se vea un grupo de “argentinos”. “Estaban todas las selecciones en la calle”, diceMaría. “Habia more influencers. El contenido es muy libre. No nos dijeron quedebíamos ir allí a hacer este vídeo. Solo fue porque el grupo de seguidores deEspaña llevaba tiempo escribiéndonos. Estamos deseando que lleguen losaficionados españoles al Mundial”, añade. En este vídeo se ve a todos los“aficionados” de cada país en ese desfile:

María y Mike no se conocían antes de Qatar. Entraron en contacto gracias a ungrupo de Facebook de “Españoles en Qatar”. Al cabo de unos meses, en abril de2021 decidieron abrir una cuenta de Instagram para “explicar nuestro estilo devida” y poco después otra en YouTube. Es un formato de influencers muyvinculado a los viajes ya las ofertas turísticas. “Empezó como un hobby. Ahorava bastante bien, pero no es nuestro sustento”, dice Mike.

Las fotos de Instagram, donde tens 13,000 seguidores, son paisajes de laciudad, hoteles o posados ​​(María y Mike se han casado en estos dos años ymedio en Qatar). And YouTube ofrecen el contenido en español que noencontraron antes de mudarse: playas, precios, comida, vida cotidiana.“¿Cuánto cuesta vivir en Qatar?”, “Nuestro experimento de ayuno en Ramadán”,“Hayya Card: Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el Mundial 2022″ o “semanacalurosa en Qatar + staycation en Ritz Carlton Doha”.

En octubre de 2020, el Comité Supremo de Qatar 2022, que organiza el Mundialjunto a la Fifa, les contactó para que hicieran contenido para sus redes decara al Mundial. Uno de estos vídeos es el viral que salió este lunes. No erani mucho menos el primero. María y Mike han visto varios partidos de la ArabCup y otros acontecimientos. And sus historias de Instagram hay docenas deejemplos. “Nosotros creamos videos y ellos los manejan y los suben. Andnuestros stories repostamos esos videos para darles más alcance”, dice mike.La cuenta principal donde les publican es@roadto2022es. Hay otras dos en inglés yárabe. También, explican, hay otros influencers internacionales haciendo estetrabajo para el Comité Supremo.

What do famous families say about industry equity?

In Hollywood, it all runs in the family.

With the emergence of stars like “Euphoria’s” Maude Apatow and “The GildedAge” actress Louisa Jacobson, conversation surrounding “nepo babies” hasbecome trendy on social media as fans uncover that their favorite breakoutstars have celebrity lineages.

“Nepo babies,” short for nepotism or the practice of favoring friends andfamily for jobs, has gained traction among social media users as they’ve usedthe term with both fascination and repulsion after learning up-and-comingstars might’ve had a helping hand in entering show business.

Apatow, 24, said in a Porter interview published in September that at first,she found the “nepo baby” label “sad” because people were judging her outsideof her talent.

“I try not to let it get to me because I obviously understand that I’m in sucha lucky position. A lot of people (in a similar position) have proventhemselves over the years, so I’ve got to keep going and make good work,” shesaid. “It’s so early in my career, I don’t have much to show yet, buthopefully one day I’ll be really proud of the stuff I’ve done by myself.”

She also shared her father Judd Apatow “always reads what I write, but I haveto be at a certain point. I’ll wait until I’m almost done and then get notesfrom him. I get annoyed because he’ll come up with a better idea, but he’ssuper-helpful. So is my mom.”

Maude Apatow as a young actor in her father Judd Apatow's movie

Maude Apatow as a young actor in her father Judd Apatow’s movie

Getting advice from an Emmy-winning director is an advantage of being a childof Hollywood parents. Just as it seems like the luck of the draw for anactress like Jacobson, the daughter of Oscar-winning actress Meryl Streep, toland her first major IMDb credit in an HBO series starring alongside Tony-nominated actress Denée Benton and bona fide TV stars including ChristineBaranski (“The Good Wife”) and Cynthia Nixon (“Sex and the City”).

Louisa Jacobson landed her first major role on HBO'sLouisaJacobson landed her first major role on HBO's

Louisa Jacobson landed her first major role on HBO’s

But according to industry insiders, it’s not rare at all.

“It’s so common in the industry,” says casting director Danielle Demchick, whois also vice president of advocacy for the Casting Society of America. “Itdoesn’t even resonate (to me) as a trend.”

Story continues

Maude Apatow in HBOsMaudeApatow in HBOs

Maude Apatow in HBOs

Is stardom genetic? Or an opportunity pipeline?

Lindsay Fulton, genealogist and vice president of research for the New EnglandHistoric Genealogical Society, says sometimes actors can come by talenthonestly.

“There’s definitely a lot of anecdotal evidence that shows that someoneusually has an aptitude for a talent that their parents or grandparent had,”Fulton says, who’s been featured on PBS’ “Finding Your Roots” web seriesspinoff “Finding Your Roots: The seedlings.”

What’s also “at stake,” Fulton adds, is that celebrity children have theopportunity to be connected with the right training and have access to gettheir auditions in the right hands.

“I think a lot of kids in this business are really good actors, and that’s whythey’re booking things. … They also do have the opportunity to be in the rightplace at the right time. And that’s a huge part of it, ” Demchick agrees.

“Maude discovered how to act this time,” Apatow’s actress mother Leslie Manntold USA TODAY in 2012 when the then 14-year-old starred alongside her mom indad Apatow’s movie “This is 40.” “It was really fun watching her do that. Itwas amazing. I cried.”

Gwyneth Paltrow, who is the child of “St. Elsewhere” producer Bruce Paltrowand Emmy-winning actress Blythe Danner, agreed that children of famous parentshave “access other people don’t have” during an episode of Hailey Bieber’s”Who’s in my Bathroom” YouTube series. However, she said there’s also a burdenthat comes with a famous family.

“I really do feel that once your foot is in the door, which you unfairly gotin, then you almost have to work twice as hard and be twice as good,” Paltrowsaid. “Because people are ready to pull **** you down and say ‘You don’tbelong there’ or ‘You are only there because of your dad or your mom.'”

But Leah Daniels-Butler, who has been a casting director for decades andworked on films including “2 Fast 2 Furious” (2003) and “The Butler” (2013),says sometimes talent doesn’t always pass to the next generation.

“There are instances where you have some actors who fall into their family’sor their parent’s footsteps and they’re very good,” Daniels-Butler says. “Andthen you have some that … Listen, everybody has talent. Some people just haveto work a little harder.”

Hiding in plain ‘fake baby’ sight

The list of “nepo babies” who have parents with household names is long andspans for many generations.

Oscar-nominated actress Kate Hudson is the daughter of Oscar-winning actressGoldie Hawn. **** For a triple-generation example, you have Tippi Hedren, whoearned a Golden Globe for “The Birds” and birthed “Working Girl” Golden Globewinner Melanie Griffith, who is the mother of “Fifty Shades” actress DakotaJohnson and actress and model Stella Banderas (whose father is AntonioBanderas).

“The Batman” actress Zoë Kravitz has “The Cosby Show” alum Lisa Bonet for amom (plus actor Jason Momoa for a stepdad) and musician Lenny Kravitz for adad. The “Are You Gonna Go My Way” singer had TV actress Roxie Roker and TVproducer Sy Kravitz for parents.

“It’s completely normal for people to be in the family business,” Zoë Kravitzsaid of being considered a “nepo baby” in a November interview with GQ. “It’sliterally where last names came from.”

‘ We’re one big family’: Lenny Kravitz talks new memoir, relationship withex Lisa Bonet

Drew Barrymore, who starred in “ET” when she was 7, comes from a long line ofactors on her dad’s side. Drew’s father John Drew Barrymore starred in moviesand TV throughout the 1950s and ’60s. And his dad? John Barrymore, an actor inthe early 20th century.

Many stars get their first credit while working alongside their parents, likeJohn David Washington, who was just a kid with dad Denzel Washington on screenin Spike Lee’s “Malcolm X” (1992) and “Devil in a Blue Dress” (1995).

John David Washington was the star of Spike Lee'sJohnDavid Washington was the star of Spike Lee's

John David Washington was the star of Spike Lee’s

Fast forward to 2018 Spike Lee leaned on the younger Washington to lead hismovie “BlacKkKlansman.” **** Before his career took off, Washington had a hardtime embracing his legacy and said “people changed” when they discovered hewas the son of Denzel Washington.

“I used to lie, saying he was a construction worker or in jail, just to havesome sense of normalcy. I felt like there was no way people would take meseriously, even if I was good,” Washington said in an August 2020 mr. Portinterview.

Nicolas Cage’s grandfather Carmine Coppola was an Oscar-winning composer forthe score of “The Godfather” movies. Cage’s uncle Francis Ford Coppola is theOscar-winning “Godfather” director and his aunt Talia Shire starred in thefilm.

Nicolas Cage is a descendant of the famous movie-making Coppola family.  Thestar changed his last name to create a sense of individuality for hiscareer.NicolasCage is a descendant of the famous movie-making Coppola family.  The starchanged his last name to create a sense of individuality for hiscareer.

Nicolas Cage is a descendant of the famous movie-making Coppola family. Thestar changed his last name to create a sense of individuality for his career.

Cage was born Nicolas Kim Coppola, but he opted out of the family name anddecided to go by Cage after being inspired by Marvel superhero Luke Cage andcomposer John Cage. Cage said in his GQ April cover story the change was toprove “that I had something, and it wasn’t simply because I was born into aCoppola family. It was because I thought I had a unique way of feeling thingsand looking at things.”

More: Nicolas Cage joined ‘Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent’ ‘becauseit scared the crap out of me’

Daniels-Butler, whose brother is the film and TV maker Lee Daniels, says she’snever had to fight against nepotism claims. In fact, she feels like havingfamily in the industry motivates her “show up with 110%.”

“I’m going to work harder than anyone,” says Daniels-Butler, who cast rolesfor her brother’s films “Precious” and “The United States vs. Billie Holiday.””I have to prove myself, especially if I’m working with my brother.”

More: Andra Day taps into legendary jazz singer’s ‘trauma’ in ‘UnitedStates vs. Billie Holiday’

Lily-Rose Depp, daughter of Johnny Depp and singer Vanessa Paradis, is makingher TV debut on HBO’s “Idol.” She said in a November interview with Elle thatthe public has “preconceived ideas” about how children of celebrities landjobs.

“I can definitely say that nothing is going to get you the part except forbeing right for the part,” Depp said. “The internet cares a lot more about whoyour family is than the people who are casting you into things.” ****

On Twitter, star watchers consider the “best nepobabies” to be those who lead successful careers while keeping knowledgeof their notable relatives at bay, noting how Tracee Ellis Ross has a famousacting career independent of her mother Diana Ross’ singing career.

There are even some “nepo baby” models who have been part of the TwitterconversationincludingBella and Gigi Hadid who are the daughters of former model Yolanda Hadid andreal estate developer Mohamed Hadid.

‘ I was the uglier sister’: Bella Hadid admits she got a nose job, opensup about insecurities

Demchick says a celebrity’s choice to embrace or distance their Hollywoodconnections is “case by case.”

Elizabeth Olsen of Marvel hero fame says she grappled with the concept ofnepotism when she was a kid watching her twin sisters Mary-Kate and AshleyOlsen shine in Hollywood.

“I guess I understood what nepotism was like inherently as a 10-year-old. Idon’t know if I knew the word, but there is some sort of association of notearning something that I think bothered me,” Olsen told Glamor in April 2021.”I don’t know how much I processed, but I did think, ‘I’m going to beElizabeth Chase (her middle name) when I become an actress.” “

2021 Emmys: Elizabeth Olsen wears a dress designed by sisters Mary-Kate,Ashley Olsen

“Elizabeth Olsen didn’t just magically end up in a casting room, she obviouslyhad family connections,” Demchick says. “But I think we can all look at hercareer and say, she is a great actor, and should be working.”

Daniels-Butler says nepotism hires exist, and if they happen “that personshould be qualified.”

How can Hollywood level the playing field?

Before an actor is selected for a role there are many layers of approval, *which consist of submitting audition tapes and impressing * castingdirectors, producers, directors and studio executives.

Something Demchick says could balance the perceived nepotism in Hollywood isto better diversify the decision makers in the industry.

Daniels-Butler says she’s “experienced more” Black and brown people instorytelling and filmmaking seats since beginning her career in the ’90s, butthere’s still improvement to be made.

According to UCLA’s “Hollywood Diversity Report 2021: Pandemic in Progress,”people of color and female writers and directors remain underrepresented byabout two-to-one compared to their presence in the population.

“I know that people are only looking at who’s on camera. But in order tochange the industry we need to be changing that we have more directors of allidentities and walks of life,” she says. “We (need to) have more writers,costume designers, hair and makeup artists. … It’s a full ecosystem.”

Contributing: David Oliver

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Nepotism babies: Famousfamilies and their impact on Hollywood equity

Four days Le Guess Who is a musical world tour interspersed with pure wonders

On Friday evening, a magical musical moment will arise in the beautifulJacobikerk that the visitor will never forget – it will turn out to be one ofmany. The Japanese singer and keyboardist Hinako Omori plays heavenly melodieshere and lets a choir of chirping birds sing along far in the background. Sheherself lays sonorous, unintelligible vocal lines over her calming soundworld, from which all unrest or excitement is banned.

And what a visual spectacle is now emerging in the church. Soft green dropspass against the columns and groin vaults high above the audience, to calm themood even further. And behind Omori, five dark blue beams of light pierce thenave of the church. Where the six halls of TivoliVredenburg in Utrecht formthe hectic heart of the festival, you slowly fall into a trance here, farremoved from it.

Mimi Parker

This year, the American band Low would not only perform but also be a curatorat Le Guess Who. But a few weeks ago they had to cancel; drummer Mimi Parkerwas seriously ill. She passed away from cancer last Sunday; a great loss forthe festival and for rock music in general. The band Divide and Dissolvededicated their show to her on Thursday.

And a day later it hits again, with two breathtakingly beautiful Spanishconcerts in the same church. Singer Lole Montoya, a seventies flamenco singerwith undiluted hippie ideals, sings fragile but moving next to a searching andprofound guitar. Montoya’s voice still has that youthful innocence, especiallywhen it comes to her old flamenco hit Todo es de Color sings with a chanson-like melancholy.

After her, the great Estrella Morente takes the stage, with the AmsterdamAndalusian Orchestra. The singer, in the company of two guitarists and threefemale singers, lets her plaintive flamenco be performed next to swirlingviolins, the ud and the spiritual Arabic vocals of the orchestra leader AhmedEl Maai. Goosebumps up to the ears, especially when Morente strides slowly andsinging out of the church after a thunderous ovation on the arm of El Maai.The audience follows in a procession and is almost moved to tears – a miraclehas taken place in the Jacobikerk.

Dry Cleaning.  Figurine Jelmer deHaas

Dry cleaning.Figurine Jelmer de Haas

The Utrecht based Le Guess Who has grown in recent years into one of the mostinnovative festivals in the world and is therefore also visited by a veryinternational audience. The four-day festival no longer wants major headlinersin the program to sell tickets. And it no longer wants to program by genre inorder to attract an unambiguous audience. Le Guess Who wants to be more of aquest and lets artists from all corners of the world come together toexperience a kind of joint music journey. The public knows and appreciates it:Le Guess Who was sold out this year.

Although there are also new bands that can also be seen at regular festivals.On Friday, the Ronda in TivoliVredenburg, with a capacity of two thousandvisitors, the largest room at the festival, will be full for the British post-punk band Dry Cleaning. The band with the beautifully hypothermic monotonevoice of Florence Shaw and icy guitar lines exorcises for an hour that part ofthe audience that also wants to hear a more familiar sound. And then theAmerican trio Clipping explodes the same room with an insanely beautiful hip-hop show, and the very sharp raps of Daveed Diggs.

Le Guess Who likes to excite by presenting the most extreme sounds. But nomatter how deafening the Norwegian trio Supersilent was on Sunday: the rootsof their hard music, with a striking role for Arve Henriksen’s piercingtrumpet, lie in the avant-garde and jazz. An eye for tradition, makingconnections between old and new music by programming folk and other folk musicfrom all over the world: that is what makes the festival unique.

Idris Ackamoor & The Pyramids Figurine Jelmer deHaas

Idris Ackamoor & The PyramidsFigurine Jelmer de Haas

The audience understands that and is completely silent to experience theTurkish folk of Derya Yildirim in Ekko. To then end up in the Grote Zaal withan entertaining show by the American orchestra leader and saxophonist IdrisAckamoor. Ackamoor, who is celebrating the 50th anniversary of his orchestraThe Pyramids, does not set the bar too high in the packed Great Hall. Fromafrobeat to free jazz via a piece of R&B à la Sun Ra: assisted by two extrahorn players and a string quartet, it goes off smoothly. Nice to watch, butgreat moments of elevation are missing.

There are plenty of them in the half hour that the American gospel familyBrown will perform in the Janskerk on Friday. The Browns began fifty years agoas The Staples Jr. Singers, out of respect for The Staple Singers. The voicesof Edward and Anna and the guitar of brother ARC almost make you rise fromyour chair with euphoria. Before you know it, wave and sing along. Ecstasy ina church, that’s gospel, and that’s it here.

The Staples Jr.  Singers Figurine Jelmer deHaas

The Staples Jr. SingersFigurine Jelmer de Haas

The contrast could not be greater with another highlight, the solo performanceon Sunday by the South African pianist Abdullah Ibrahim (88). He stringstogether the most beautiful pieces of improvisation, motifs and melodies foran hour without interruption. And after the applause he sings two more hymnswhile standing and you walk out of the hall for the umpteenth time thisfestival with the feeling that you have experienced something incomparable.