Aaron Carter’s family reveals where his ashes will be scattered

The plan for Aaron Carter’s cremated remains has been revealed by his family.

The late singer’s mother, Jane Carter, said the family will gather this springto scatter his ashes in the waters off the Florida Keys in his home state ofFlorida. She told TMZ that Aaron’s remains will be mixed with those of hissister Leslie, who died in 2012. Angel Carter Conrad — Aaron’s twin sister —was given Aaron’s remains after he was cremated following his Nov. 5 dead.

Jane, also mom to Backstreet Boys singer Nick Carter, went on to reveal thatsome of the ashes from both Aaron and Leslie will also be kept and buried withher when she eventually dies.

As for the ash scattering ceremony, Jane said that Aaron’s on-again, off-againfiancée Melanie Martin —with whom he shared a 1-year-old son, Prince — willnot be invited to participate. She also revealed that singer Lance Bass, whohas said he viewed Aaron as a “little brother,” extended an offer to theCarter family to hold a memorial for Aaron at his LA home. However, the familypaused immediate plans for a memorial because they’ve been getting deaththreats since Aaron’s death.

Aaron, who struggled with addiction and mental illness, had an up and downrelationship with his family — who starred in the reality show House ofCarters. In recent years, he was estranged from both Nick and Angel, whosought restraining orders against Aaron in 2019. As for Jane — who was namedas the informant of Aaron’s death certificate — she told the outlet she andAaron texted in the days before he died. She said one text from him asked howthe family was doing in Florida.

Carter was found dead, reportedly in his bathtub, on Nov. 5. While YahooEntertainment confirmed then that the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Departmentfound the singer’s body at his home in Lancaster, Calif., his cause of deathhas yet to be determined pending toxicology tests.

Despite that, the Los Angeles Times and TMZ reported in the days after the34-year-old died, that police had discovered evidence of compressed aircanisters and medications used in the bedroom and bathroom Carter. The”Aaron’s Party” singer had been open about having struggled huffing during histroubled life.

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Last week, Aaron’s manager Taylor Helgeson responded to criticism that hedidn’t do enough for Aaron amid his addictions to drugs and alcohol in aninterview with Yahoo.

“It seems like people are more upset that we didn’t publicly expose him. Whywould you do that? To somebody you care about? If you really want to helpthem, you talk in private,” Helgeson said. “Aaron had real friends, realfamily. We talked much in private. We did a lot of work.”

He said that Aaron’s team was trying to help him behind the scenes, includingtaking him to rehab in 2017.

“We know what we tried. We know what we did. I sleep easy at night knowing Itried my best for my friend until he died,” Helgeson said. “And if it was acartoon and we could have tied him to the ground and dragged him to thetreatment center, then we would’ve done that. But it’s not, it’s real life.And there’s a helplessness that comes with watching somebody go throughaddiction.”

After Aaron’s death, Nick sobbed during a tribute to him during a BackstreetBoys concert in London. On social media, he wrote, “I will miss my brothermore than anyone will ever know.”

Angel wrote that she loved her twin “beyond measure… I have so many memoriesof you and I, and I promise to cherish them. I know you’re at peace now.”

Martin, who wasn’t with Aaron when he died, said her “heart is completelybroken … I knew he was struggling, and I tried everything to help him. He hasa very independent and strong personality, and I couldn’t help him in the wayI felt he needed it.” The couple had lost custody of their baby boy amid theirturbulent relationship, and the child was being raised by Martin’s mother.