‘It’s clever how they deal with setbacks’

“What a beautiful family,” someone writes lyrically on Twitter. “A real unit.”And this is not the only viewer who is enthusiastic about the Jansen familyfrom the first I leave episode of 2023.

The Jansen family I leave

An emigration and a renovation are things that will not leave anyone in thecold. Especially if that renovation is the transformation of an enormouslydilapidated chateau in Marcigny with only 110,000 euros and five children haveto emigrate with it.

The viewers watch the adventure of the Jansen family in amazement. On Twitter,viewers are making themselves heard: they feel sorry for the five daughters ofthe Jansen family, who all have to leave their friends in the Netherlandsbehind for the move to France. And they are also very concerned about therenovation. How can the family raise a ruin with such a small budget?

Setbacks during the renovation

It’s not long before a brand new boiler comes loose from the wall, the autumnrain pours into the house through the walls and ceilings, the bats keep thefamily awake at night, a fire starts in the chimney and the youngest daughtersare in tears. The budget is rapidly shrinking. How does the family get throughthis emigration?

Pure positivity

Believe it or not, the Jansens do so with nothing but positivity. Despite thesetbacks, father Ray and mother Margriet remain loving and patient, alsotowards each other. After all the hassle, they are still smiling together,changing the beds and looking back on a turbulent time. They also look forwardwith enthusiasm to the period in which they will have more time for eachother.

Super proud of their daughters

Ray and Margriet talk lovingly about their daughters. The daughters who missthe big city and their friends, who have trouble making friends in France,because they still largely communicate with hands and feet, but who still keepsmiling and help their parents with all the chores around the house without acomplaint. “I really think it’s very clever of them,” says father Raylovingly. “I am super proud of them!” adds Margaret.

Viewers rave

The positivity of the Jansen family comes across to the viewers. Where theywere mainly critical of the family’s emigration and renovation plans at thebeginning of the episode, they only become more positive as the episodeprogresses. Share on Twitter I leave viewers en masse how much respect theyhave for the Jansen family and especially for the daughters.