Anne Heche’s son Homer promotes her posthumous memoir, ‘Call Me Anne’

Anne Heche’s son Homer Laffoon is speaking out ahead of the posthumous releaseof her memoir.

Homer, who was named the general administrator of her estate after a courtbattle with her ex James Tupper, used his mother’s Instagram to share amessage to her fans about Call Me Ann , which will be published Jan. 24.

“Homer here,” the 20-year-old began. “Never imagined I’d find myselfresponsible for mom’s IG account, but here we are.”

He first thanked fans for “the amount of love, care and support” they’ve shownsince Heche died after a fiery car crash in Los Angeles in August. He saidit’s been overwhelming and blessedly received. One day at a time is workingfor me as I’m sure the healing journey will be a long one. Your good thoughtsand well wishes will continue to comfort me on my path.

Homer, the son of Heche and her ex-husband Coley Laffoon, went on to say hehas a responsibility to share with his mom’s community that the manuscript forher second book was completed at the time of her death and it will bepublished in just in two weeks. There will be a special launch event at Barnes& Noble at the Grove in LA, with Heche’s podcast co-host Heather Duffy, theday the book goes on sale.

“The book is the product of mom’s further efforts to share her story and tohelp others where she could,” he wrote. ” Call Me Ann is the result and Iknow she was excited to share with the world. So, mom, here I am sharing itwith the community you created, may it flourish and take on a life of it’sown, as you would have wanted.”

Homer said he doesn’t plan on using Heche’s Instagram “too often” in thefuture, “but know she loved her fans, loved writing (she wrote endlessly) andit would not feel right not to reach out at a time like this. “

He signed off his post like his mother used to, writing, “Peace and love,Homer.”

Story continues

Call Me Ann is a sequel to Heche’s 2001 memoir, Call Me Crazy and is abouther rise to fame — with personal anecdotes about her _Six Days, Seven Nights_co-star Harrison Ford becoming her mentor, plus her headline-making romancewith Ellen DeGeneres and encounter with Harvey Weinstein — as well as aboutthe sexual abuse she endured as a child. It’s described as “part memoir andpart self-acceptance workbook,” with the stories “interwoven with poems,prompts, and exercises that got Anne through tough times.”

Homer fought his mom’s ex and Men in Trees star Tupper for legal control ofher estate after Heche died without a will in August.

He was granted permission by the court to “take possession of all the personalproperty of the estate of the decedent and preserve it from damage, waste, andinjury.” He was also granted the power to protect the interests of Heche in”the publication agreement” of her book. He’ll also be responsible fordefending lawsuits and other legal proceedings against Heche, including theone filed by the woman whose home was destroyed in the car crash that killedthe Emmy winner.

Tupper, who shared 13-year-old son Atlas with Heche, objected to Homeroverseeing the estate. He claimed Heche asked him to be the executor more thana decade earlier and prior to their 2018 breakup. In court, Tupper claimedHomer was not capable of managing his late mother’s affairs, listing a varietyof reasons. He also claimed Homer was acting “in a hostile manner” toward hishalf-brother Atlas and refusing “to communicate with him or hisrepresentatives at all.” However, Homer prevailed in November.

Heche died after being involved in a car crash on Aug. 5, when her Mini Cooperslammed into a house and caught on fire, leaving her trapped in the vehiclefor 30 minutes. Heche was comatose for days before the state of Californiadeclared that she was legally dead on Aug. 12. On Aug. 14, she was taken offlife support. She died primarily from smoke inhalation and thermal injuries,according to the medical examiner.

Despite initial reports, Heche wasn’t drunk or high when she crashed her car.A toxicology report based on blood and urine samples showed evidence that shehad previously used cocaine and cannabis, but not at the time of the accident.The fentanyl found in Heche’s urine was administered by the hospital for pain