Internet, mobile and TV for 50 euros per month and no start-up costs: you have to be with this telecom provider for that | MyGuide

MytelcoMost consumers now know that it is worthwhile to compare yoursubscription for mobile phones, internet and TV from time to time, andpossibly switch to another provider. The prices vary from time to time, soyour current subscription may no longer be the cheapest. Sturdy temporarypromotions also pop up regularly. helps you on your way.

Many consumers still don’t compare enough, even though that is child’s playthese days, just like switching. We list the cheapest formulas of the moment.

Switch to a new mobile phone provider, with number portability : you cando that in these 3 simple steps.


For the most interesting internet offer, we look for a basic formula:unlimited internet and a speed of 100 Mbps. Based on these criteria, Telenet’sEasy Internet subscription comes first. Cost price: 31.41 euros per month. Asmall side note is that the start-up costs are 135 euros.

By way of comparison: the same subscription (Internet Maxi) will cost you EUR51.99 per month at Proximus, although the start-up costs there aresignificantly lower at EUR 59. At the moment, Proximus also offers a freeinstallation, as well as a 12 euro discount during the first 6 months.

If you are looking for higher speeds, Mobile Vikings presents itself as aprice breaker. An internet subscription with fiber, good for speeds of up to 1Gbps, costs 55 euros per month. The start-up costs are normally 149 euros. Atthe moment, however, the start-up is completely free.

Tip: You can also find an internet subscription for 25 euros per month.View the cheapest formulas on the market here.


The mobile phone subscription market is more competitive than ever. We’relooking for a standard plan that fits most user profiles: unlimited calls andtexts, and at least 5 GB of mobile data.

For 10 euros per month (now with a 25 percent discount during the first 6months) it is clear that Youfone is the strongest in this. If you payparticular attention to data volumes, then edpnet is the price breaker. For 11euros per month you get 10 GB of mobile data and 400 calling minutes. For 15euros per month you will find the same at Mobile Vikings, but with unlimitedcalling minutes.

The perfect formula largely depends on your consumption : compare mobilesubscriptions for small, average and large consumers here.

A bundle with internet and mobile phone

When we bundle services together, things change. If you are looking for thecheapest subscription for internet and mobile telephony today, using the samecriteria as before, you will soon end up at edpnet. A VDSL XL subscription,good for internet speeds of up to 100 Mbps, unlimited calls and 10 GB ofmobile data, will cost you EUR 50.95 a month (with a EUR 4 discount during thefirst 12 months). The start-up costs amount to 149 euros.

By way of comparison: a Flex XS subscription with Proximus costs EUR 63.99 for100 Mbps, unlimited calls and 5 GB of mobile data. Attention: at the momentyou get a 4 euro discount on this subscription during the first three monthsand there are no start-up costs.

For higher internet speeds, the Fiber XL subscription (500 Mbps download,unlimited calling and 10 GB mobile data) from edpnet is by far the mostattractive formula. You pay 45.95 euros per month for this. You currentlyreceive a 102.85 euro discount on the start-up costs (fiber networkconnection).

Compare subscriptions with internet and mobile (including temporarypromotions) : you do that here.

A bundle with internet and TV

As stated earlier, the market for mobile phone subscriptions is verycompetitive today. Small players with competitive prices are coming up strong.That is why it is not unwise to take out a separate mobile phone subscription,in addition to a bundle for internet and television. Here too we look for thecheapest formula for internet at a minimum speed of 100 Mbps.

Today we find the cheapest subscription for internet and TV at Orange. HomeInternet (150 Mbps) and Orange TV Lite (a limited number of channels via theapp) together cost you 50.50 euros per month (with 59 euros start-up costs).But even if you want to watch all channels via a decoder, Orange appears to bethe price breaker here. For a monthly fee of 59 euros you receive HomeInternet and Orange TV at your home (again with 59 euros start-up costs).

A Flex S subscription with Proximus will cost you 63.99 per month for the sameservices. Proximus currently offers free installation, as well as a 4 eurodiscount during the first 3 months. ** The cheapest subscriptions for internet and TV (including temporarypromotions)?** The comparator offers an overview.

An all-in bundle

But it can also be done more easily, of course, by taking out a subscriptionthat includes internet, TV and mobile telephony: an all-in formula. We againuse the same criteria for our search, and guess what? While Proximus wasalways relatively expensive for the separate bundles, the provider is thestrongest for the all-in bundles.

At the top is the Flex XS bundle, which offers you internet at a speed of upto 100 Mbps, unlimited telephony with 5 GB of mobile data and limited TVviewing via the app. Cost price: 72.99 euros per month, now with freeinstallation and 4 euros discount during the first 3 months.

A side note: when slower internet speeds aren’t a problem, or when telephonydoesn’t need to be unlimited, things change quickly. The absolute leader isScarlet, the low-cost subsidiary of Proximus. Trio Mobile will cost you 50euros per month, now with free start-up costs. This allows you to watch TV viaa decoder to a limited number of channels and you receive internet at a speedof 50 Mbps. Your corresponding mobile subscription includes 600 callingminutes and 6 GB of mobile data.

Compare all-in subscriptions (including temporary promotions) : you do