Woman filed a complaint with NPO in ‘intimidating looks’ Özcan Akyol

Many well-known media faces nowadays have to ask themselves whether they wereguilty of transgressive behaviour. VI face and presenter Özcan Akyol nowsays that there is also a complaint about him. And that is why Akyol no longerdares to do everything these days.

Many familiar faces in the media are now associated with terms such astransgressive or intimidating behaviour. And, among other things, things weresharpened at the public broadcaster by the accusations against former _DWDD_presenter Matthijs van Nieuwkerk.

Özcan Akyol doesn’t dare say everything anymore

Akyol, who is a good acquaintance of Van Nieuwkerk and also an NPO presenter,has regularly responded to all the fuss about transgressive behaviour. Lastnight he grabbed the table The Orange Winter the chance to talk aboutthemselves. A complaint was also filed against him and he says that nowadayshe no longer dares to say everything. “If an editor delivers shitty work, I nolonger dare to say: ‘This is shitty work’.” He emphasizes that he is not infavor of swearing, but that nowadays correcting someone is already a reason togo to a confidential adviser. “Then they complain, then they are hurt, that isreally true.”

VI -face Johan Derksen, with whom Akyol sat at the table, thinks it is allexaggerated, an opinion that he has been expressing aloud for some time now.For example, he and René van der Gijp had a discussion about this earlier.

Intimidating looks

But Akyol is also facing allegations, it now appears. The NPO presenter saysthat he was called about a complaint. “I was called two weeks ago by abroadcaster for which I also work.” A lady apparently complained about him,something Akyol didn’t expect. “I generally behave very well, preciselybecause of all the developments that are happening now. Before that, I didindeed lead more directively and maybe be angry with someone.”

The woman who filed a complaint about Akyol was intimidated by Akyol’s looksduring their collaboration, four to five years ago. “That lady had gone to aconfidential doctor three times because she wanted to talk about the way I hadlooked at her.” The NPO presenter emphasizes that it was not sexual, butintimidating according to the woman. So she felt unsafe because of that. Shewas scared. I said, ‘Then what should I do? Do I have to come to the studiowith sunglasses? How should I behave then? Explain.'”

Don’t shake hands anymore

He continues and says that at the NPO he also works with young editors aroundthe age of twenty. “I don’t know how they are brought up and what they thinkis normal, but I find it very difficult. I no longer shake hands with women.Before you know it you have another charge or something.”

Akyol works at the NPO for three different broadcasters. BNNVARA ( The CutGuest ), NTR ( The Cousins ​​of Eus ) and Broadcasting MAX ( Stars on theCanvas ).

You can watch Akyol ‘s plea in De Oranjewinter via KIJK.