Teresa Giudice on Hitting a ‘Wow Factor’ in 2022, from Her Fairy Tale Wedding to Finding Acceptance

The Real Housewives of New Jersey star, 50, is preparing to usher in the newyear with a new husband, a larger blended family and a busy career — and shecouldn’t be more excited.

“I just want peace, love, happiness and health, and I’m leaving toxicity[behind],” Teresa tells PEOPLE beside her husband, Luis “Louie” Ruelas, asthey exclusively share their family’s New Year’s photo shoot.

“Life is short, it’s very valuable, so you have to value the time that youhave on this Earth and surround yourself with good people, good vibes, peoplethat are happy for you. It’s really important, and especially for my children,I want them to see that also,” she continues. “I just want to have a greattime.”

Teresa Giudice and LouieRuelasTeresaGiudice and LouieRuelas

Teresa Giudice and Louie Ruelas

_Jenna Russo, Silent Capture Photography & Videography, @silentcapturephoto _Teresa Giudice and Louie Ruelas

RELATED: Teresa Giudice Shouts Out ‘Chosen Family’ in Speech at HerWedding That Joe and Melissa Gorga Skipped

Teresa knows a thing or two about memorable moments, as 2022 saw her and Louiethrow their fairy tale wedding on Aug. 6 in front of 220 guests at the ParkChateau Estate & Gardens in East Brunswick, New Jersey. Bravo cameras filmedthe wedding event, which will be featured on a special expected to air afterthe conclusion of RHONJ ‘s upcoming 13th season, premiering Feb. 7.

“Everyone’s going to see how much fun I had at my wedding. It was the besttime that I ever had on TV,” Teresa says. “I can’t wait to relive it ’cause Iknow I missed some things because we were taking pictures.”

“This time around, our wedding, everything we did was for us. Usually [youhave to] think about other people, or your families get involved, and try toget in, meddle … but I didn’t think about everybody else,” she adds.

That strategy also applied to Teresa’s wedding hairstyle, which became amoment of its own this past year, from fans and costars going wild on socialmedia to stars like Kelly Ripa recreating the ‘do for Halloween.

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“I thought Kelly Ripa looked amazing. Oh my god, she looked so beautiful,”says Teresa. “But I never thought that was going to happen. … I love dramatic.That’s my whole thing. I like to be different, and unique, and something tostand out in anything I do. I like a wow factor.”

Teresa Giudice and LouieRuelasTeresaGiudice and LouieRuelas

Teresa Giudice and Louie Ruelas

_Jenna Russo, Silent Capture Photography & Videography, @silentcapturephoto _Teresa Guidice

RELATED: Teresa Giudice Reveals Favorite Memory from New Jersey Weddingto Luis Ruelas: ‘It Was Surreal’

On the home front this year, Teresa and Louie have been thrilled with the waytheir families have come together since they started dating in 2020.

Prior to meeting, Teresa had four daughters — Gia, 21, Gabriella, 18; Milania,16, and Audriana, 13 — with ex-husband Joe Giudice, and Louie had two sons —Louie Jr., 19, and Nicholas, 21 (who was sick and unable to attend the familyphoto shoot) — from a previous relationship .

“We all came into our lives with our own stories … so it was like, ‘How are wegoing to be in these roles?'” says Louie. “[Teresa and I] started looking ateach other like, ‘Look, we got this right, so let’s get this right. Let’s givethese kids the best days and mornings that they could have.'”

Adds Teresa, “Everything was perfect. I love his family so much…. What I havewith him is what I have always wanted and more. … I love the way he is with mydaughters, the man he is, the father he is to his sons. Just everything.”

“The girls embrace Louie, and it’s beautiful,” she notes. “Little Louie hangsout with the girls all the time. They go out together … and of course,Nicholas, too. When I see my girls, how they are with Nicholas, they embracehim so much.”

Teresa Giudice and LouieRuelasTeresaGiudice and LouieRuelas

Teresa Giudice and Louie Ruelas

_Jenna Russo, Silent Capture Photography & Videography, @silentcapturephoto _Teresa Giudice, Louie Ruelas and their kids

RELATED: Luis Ruelas Calls Teresa Giudice ‘s Brother Joe Gorga ‘a GoodHuman,’ Says They Got ‘Vulnerable’ Before Feud

When it comes to Louie, Teresa is beyond thankful for the impact he’s made inher life, especially following some tumultuous moments in her life.

“He keeps me very grounded … it’s crazy, I found my soul mate at 48,” shesays. “When I started the show, I didn’t know people come after you ’causethey want to make a name for themselves or they want to try to trigger you.Unfortunately I always took the bait, and as years went by, I’ m learning.”

“He came into my life at a perfect time, it was really meant to be, and he’shelping me with that, keeps me grounded, keeps me zen, keeps me very calm,”she continues. “I love this feeling, it’s such a good thing.”

“Sometimes you don’t know why things happen in life. And even with Louie, it’slike, now I’m accepting. At first, I was so upset that I went to jail becauseit is something people judge you [for] … I know in my heart I’m not acriminal, but people think you’re a criminal because you went to jail,” sheadds. “So now I’m accepting that and I’m like, ‘You know what? Now I get it.’I had to go through all that in order to meet the love of my life…. So it wasall worth it.”

Teresa Giudice and LouieRuelasTeresaGiudice and LouieRuelas

Teresa Giudice and Louie Ruelas

_Jenna Russo, Silent Capture Photography & Videography, @silentcapturephoto _Teresa Giudice and Louie Ruelas

Continuing to lean into that positive perspective, Teresa has her sights seton the future.

“I want to do more movies. Now that I’ve got my feet wet with FuhgeddaboutChristmas … and I want to do more commercials. Because I had so much fundoing that commercial with Dak Prescott,” she says. “[I have my PodcastOne]podcast, Namaste, B$tches with my co-host Melissa Pfeister — I would love totake that to the next level.”

“Rihanna would be my dream guest. I love Rihanna, I love Alicia Keys … andCher. Oh my God. My idol,” she adds. “I love powerful women. I’m all aboutlifting everyone up. And I feel like when you put good out there, you get goodback. I’m all about that … so I can’t wait to see what 2023 brings.”

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Season 13 or The Real Housewives of New Jersey premieres Feb. 7 at 9 p.m. ET