These lies are indispensable for every hardstyle lover || Hard News

Everyone knows it: in the run-up to a party, the first lies already come.“Not sure if I ‘ll go” _or _ “I’m going to take it easy from now on.”Anyone who walks around a festival (every round is different) hears oneexcuse after another. Those phrases you already know: that will neverhappen.

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1. “I’ll be right back, wait here!”

When you have just settled in at an internship and the DJ is playing hishardest records, your mate suddenly comes to you: _ “I’m away for a while,wait here for me.” _You only half hear it and see him leave so now youunderstand what he has said. You just carry on with what you were doing andthink you’ll see him again. But on his way to the toilet, bar or whatever hemeets ‘a few acquaintances’. Two groups of friends, 10 kilometers and 3 hourslater he comes back to you. Of course he has been through a lot and is notafraid to tell you all about it.

2. “I already know EXACTLY which DJs I’m going to”

Especially at big events it is sometimes hell to choose between certain sets.Some real planners make their own timetable in advance with the DJs where theywant to go. _“I ‘m really going to stick to my own timetable, because I wantto go to these DJs.” _Once you’ve arrived at the festival, you might stick tothe first few sets, but after a set or three, that entire timetable can go inthe trash. You’re just going to stay with an internship, because it’s muchcooler there than where you would go in the first place.

3. “We still have the whole weekend, so take it easy on Friday”

When entering a weekend festival, you naturally still have a whole weekendahead of you. You have already held a consultation with your friends inadvance and come to the conclusion that you should take it easy on Friday,because ‘you still have the whole weekend’. As soon as your tent is set up,the music is turned on and you are completely in the mood, that appointment isforgotten again. Saturday morning you just wake up broke just like any otherday on the weekend.

4. “I’m NOT going to afteren”

The festival is over and it’s time to go home again, or an after. With thelast set the speculation about the location of the after starts: _” At yourplace?” _Sometimes you keep yourself strong and say you’re not going, becauseafter all you’ve had it all day. Once you’ve left the festival, you’ve alreadyreconsidered that decision and you’re standing in the party’s parking lot oran hour later having dinner at a buddy’s house.

5. “Everything about this party sucks: but I’ll be there next yearanyway”

You know them: the biggest festival critics who always know better. They’rejust short of clipboards across the dance floor, as their extensive researchshows that “the lineup was much better last year” and that the party they’reattending “really isn’t what it used to be.” You could almost say that thisgrumbler chooses eggs for his money, but guess what.. Like a jack of alltrades, you come across this rave researcher jumping for happiness at thepreviously much-criticized party: “This really is the best festival ever!”

6. “Poh, that was another party for me… Now that’s enough for a while”

When that after is finally over and you come together again the next day andexchange all the stories, there is always that one person: _” That was anotherintense party, now I’m not going for a while.” _A large part of the group hasto laugh again, because that is really not going to happen. In no time at allyou and the entire festival group will be going completely crazy at a party.

Festival and excuses, they go hand in hand. What lie is still missing fromthis list? Let us know in the comments!