What you need to know before launching Kaleidoscope on Netflix

Netflix treated subscribers on January 1 with an entire season of a brand newseries. Brand new concept, we might say. Kaleidoscope is not structuredchronologically. So if you watch it with someone from a distance, they willsee completely different episodes than you. Here’s everything you need to knowbefore turning on Netflix and getting started with Kaleidoscope.

That it has a wonderful heist set-up

Do you like The Money Heist and Ocean’s Eleven? Then you’re in the right placewith Kaleidoscope. It’s a series in which a team of thieves unite to steal $7billion in bonds during a hurricane. A typical heist show where each characterhas their own skill, but also throws their own personality on the table. Whocan be trusted and who can’t? Always fun to help solve the puzzle, besides ofcourse that feeling when the heist really succeeds: you almost feel a bit richyourself. But, will that heist succeed in Kaleidoscope?

That Netflix wants to do things differently with its non-linear narration

The streaming service has decided to opt for a non-linear narration, but notonly that: it is not a narration that is the same for everyone. You can turnit on on Netflix and start with the blue episode, while someone else startswith the purple episode. This is completely random (unless you choose itmanually) and is very fascinating. Each episode has a color and takes place anx ​​number of hours prior to the heist. So you may be jumping in time here andthere. You will probably understand that the series has a slightly differentset-up than you are used to; what you can normally do in a narrative, youcan’t always do in such a non-linear narrative. And yes, that meansKaleidoscope doesn’t always work ideally, but we’ll gladly forgive the Flixfor that: we’ve never seen a concept like this before.

That it is recognizable

The advantage of this frenzy of episodes that play ‘sequentially’ is thatheist series always have certain pillars on which they are built: first a teamis put together, a plan is made, of course there is day that it all has tohappen, something goes wrong and then there is always that tension of trustand distrust. Plus: that reward, or maybe not. Knowing that that always occursin a heist story ensures that Kaleidoscope does not become chaotic.

That Giancarlo Esposito is cool

We may not need to tell you this, especially if you’ve seen Breaking Bad, butGiancarlo Esposito is a really cool actor. He plays the lead role of Leo Pap,the leader of the rabble. He is very convinced of the plan and wants tocontinue it at all times. That’s all it takes: just watch and enjoy Giancarlo.

How ‘people’ think you should watch it

Do you want to watch the chronological order despite the fact that this seriesis deliberately random? Okay, okay, that’s a choice. Well, here it comes:

  • “Violet: 24 Years Before the Heist” * “Green: 7 Years Before the Heist” * “Yellow: 6 Weeks Before The Heist” * “Orange: 3 Weeks Before the Heist” * “Blue: 5 Days Before the Heist” * “Red: The Morning After the Heist” * “Pink: 6 Months After” * “White: The Heist” the series finale

However you look at it is up to you: as long as you look at it. Lots of fun!