Fatshaming hasn’t disappeared from movies yet, but things are slowly changing | Movies & Series

For a long time, Hollywood’s overweight people were only just good enough fora bit-part comedy. That has changed in recent years. Director Carlota Peredaalso contributes with her new, deadly serious horror film. In Piggy focuseson the struggles of an overweight woman. For a change, the main character isnot put away as a joke.

Fatshaming is een vorm van pesten, zegt de Spaanse regisseur Pereda tegenNU.nl. Als mensen belachelijk worden gemaakt om hun lichaam, gewicht ofeetgewoonten, worden ze gefatshamed.

Filmmakers die zich wagen aan die vorm van pesten, krijgen tegenwoordig veelkritiek. Maar dat is niet altijd zo geweest. Dertig jaar geleden wasfatshaming nog lachmateriaal. Een bekend voorbeeld is The Nutty Professor(1996). Sherman (Eddie Murphy in een fat suit ) ligt in een droom op eenoperatietafel. Hij blijft maar opzwellen. “Hij wordt dikker. We kunnen hetniet stoppen”, reageren de dokters in paniek.

Sherman vlucht het ziekenhuis uit en rent door de stad. Daar wordt hijuitgemaakt voor ‘Fatzilla’ en ‘King Kong met tieten’. “Hij gaat ontploffen”,roept een omstander. Vervolgens laat Sherman een scheet die de halve stadwegvaagt.

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‘The film industry only sees us as an object’

Pereda is clear: Piggy is not about fat shaming. The story revolves aroundSara (Laura Galán), who is complicit in the kidnapping and murder of herbullies. The film shows what happens when someone doesn’t feel seen or heardbecause of her weight. “Actually, it’s a superhero movie,” the directorexplains. “It’s about the resurrection of the innocent Sara. It’s a coming-of-age story.”

Fat shaming is a touchy subject. This is also apparent when NU.nl approachesvarious Dutch actresses to talk about their experiences. Although theseactresses have been candid in previous interviews, they regret that thediscussion is still about weight. And so they do not want to speak to NU.nl.

“Fat actresses don’t get hired because producers want famous names,” ShannonPurser previously told E! News. According to the Stranger Things actress,there are few well-known overweight actors, because they simply don’t get achance. “Because the movie industry just sees us as an object.” The 25-year-old actress became lonely because she did not feel understood and saw fewexamples.

In Piggy, a butcher’s daughter is ridiculed for her body.

Photo: Film depot

Surrender if you don’t fit into a handsome straitjacket

Hollywood’s dearth of overweight people is no coincidence. “It’s just aboutprofit in the film world,” says Pereda. ‘Attractive’ people bring in money.And if you don’t fit into that slim, handsome straitjacket, it’s suffering.Especially for women, says the director.

A good example is the story of Kate Winslet. Her road to success was not easy.At the beginning of her career, she almost snagged the role of Rose Titanic(1997) because she feared criticism of her appearance. The actress was bullieda lot in high school. Her peers said she would never make it in Hollywoodbecause she was “too fat”.

After the release of Titanic Winslet was painfully reminded of this; gossipmagazines talked about her body and even gambled how much she weighed.Comedian Joan Rivers made a joke about the famous scene where Rose and Jack(Leonardo DiCaprio) don’t fit together on the floating door and Jack drowns.”If Kate would lose some weight, he would have just fit in.”

According to director Pereda, the film industry is in its 30s since Titanic_changed, but not enough. Movies like _The Nutty Professor see them beingmade. “Only the conversations within mainstream television are now more aboutpeople, instead of money. But that’s not enough.”

Pereda doesn’t want to hear words, but see actions. That’s why she doesn’tlook at someone’s size during castings for her films. “It just has to be aboutsomeone’s talent, right?”

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