Questions about relationship with Maan frustrate Goldband singer: ‘Suddenly little is about music’ | show

Karel Gerlach finds the questions about his relationship with Maan deSteenwinkel understandable but also tiring. The singer of the popular Goldbandhas recently become a couple with the Utrecht woman, after rumors about thetwo have been buzzing for a long time. “It’s suddenly not about the musicanymore.”

Maan and Karel single-handedly put an end to all rumors when the singersuddenly appeared in the Goldband show at Lowlands this summer. The couple inlove sang while staring at each other ‘from here to the moon and back’, infront of thousands of spectators.

Since then, the two seem to have completely found each other. This is howGoldband and Maan went into the studio together for their new hit _Secretly_and after a busy festival summer they both came to rest under the sun ofCuraçao.

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On the Caribbean island, Gerlach’s first photo appeared on Maan’s Instagrampage. Since then, the Goldband singer has been frequently asked questionsabout his relationship with Maan. “It’s all of a sudden less about the music,”he says Fidelity. ,,I do understand it. But it is also tiring. I understandthat it can be interesting for people, but at some point it will be finished.”

Quote >>> The media are constantly trying to find brackets in interviews to ask> something about Karel and Maan>> Boaz Kok, Goldband

Gerlach receives support from his fellow singer Boaz Kok. “The media areconstantly trying to find brackets in interviews to ask something about Kareland Maan.” One of the main characters is also disturbed by this. “I find thata bit sad,” says Karel Gerlach in the aforementioned newspaper.

Spark in the studio

The spark between Maan and him skipped in the studio, the singer told theradio program at the beginning of last month The 538 Afternoon with Frank.The singer once suggested to the band to go into the studio together and seewhat would come out.

“I was working on an album and wanted them on it,” she said on the radioprogram of radio DJ Frank Dane. Once in the studio, the song was born. “And alittle more”, Maan laughed in the broadcast. Then she preferred not to say toomuch about her relationship with Gerlach. “These kinds of things are alsoprivate and up to you to find out and discover.”

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Karel Gerlach, singer of Goldband and Maan de Steenwinkel ©ANP/BrunoPress/Photomontage AD

Their new hit is about two people who long for each other. But, said Maan atthe afternoon show: “Not necessarily about us.” Gerlach already confirmed inAugust that they are dating. “I’m in love,” he said after the show atLowlands, where Maan suddenly appeared.

At the top of the top lists

In the field of music, Goldband is doing well. With their joint hit Secretly_they have been at the top of the top charts for weeks and also their number_Emergency has been flattened in the Netherlands since Lowlands. Last month,the formation from The Hague won the MTV EMA for Best Dutch Act, beatingAntoon, Frenna, RONDÉ and Yade Lauren.

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Boaz Kok, Karel Gerlach (middle) and Milo Driessen as Best Dutch Act atthe MTV Europe Music Awards 2022 inDusseldorf.Boaz Kok, Karel Gerlach (middle) and Milo Driessen as Best Dutch Act at theMTV Europe Music Awards 2022 in Dusseldorf. ©Getty Images for MTV

Goldband is currently busy with their completely sold-out tour through Belgiumand the Netherlands. With their autumn tour – where Maan also frequently takesthe stage for their song together – they started on November 3 in Brussels andsince then the formation from The Hague has already performed in Dordrecht,Zwolle, Leiden, Haarlem, Enschede, Antwerp and last Thursday in their ‘ ownThe Hague.

Affordable Romance

This month, Goldband will complete four more editions of their ‘AffordableRomance’ tour. On Thursday 8 December they will be in the Oosterpoort inGroningen, a day later at Podium Victorie in Alkmaar. This is followed byperformances in Amsterdam’s Melkweg (December 16) and Eindhoven’s Effenaar(December 23).

To give their success a suitable follow-up, five more sold-out shows arescheduled for March next year. On March 10 and 11, the Lotto Arena in Antwerpbelongs to the singing plasterers, to then provide the same performance inAFAS Live for the Dutch public on March 17, 18 and 19.

After storming the charts with the hit ‘Secretly’, Maan can also call herselfthe most successful Dutch-speaking singer in the entire history of the Top 40,as she was told by Q-music last month.