MEDIA WATCHERS. “Aster is the talent of 2022, but Stef is the absolute number one” | Showbiz

ShowbizAccording to the Mediawatchers, Frank Deboosere is the timeless TVfigure of 2022. “He is too good to say goodbye to the screen next year, butVRT will have to make him”. Aster Nzeyimana is the discovery of 2022. “Hisfootball commentary, his presence, he has it all and in 2023 he will onlygrow.” With these statements, De Mediawatchers have named their highlights andslips in the last podcast of this year. It is the first part of a TV annualreview. Mark Coenegracht and Desna Lespinoy of HLN discuss 2022 together withRobin Visseraekens and give their opinion.

The Mediawatchers discuss these categories further:

03:45 The best TV moment of the year:

Christiaan and Jana from Blind Married when they say ‘no’. “A lot of peoplesympathized with them and didn’t understand.”

The big warm tears of Bart Peeters in ‘James De Musical’ when he sees his matefrom 30 years ago back on stage.

06:30 The biggest flop of the year:

“The final of ‘De Mol’ was a big disappointment by organizing it in Paleis12.”

Mark doesn’t like ‘just as good friends’. “The flop of the year on televisionwas ‘Even good friends’. Only the discovery of Jens and Julie was arevelation, but otherwise the format rattled on all sides and you better fastforward it.”

Desna thinks ‘Come Dance With Me’ is the flop of 2022. “There was no line andyou weren’t fascinated to follow the characters. Boring and completely wrongpresentation duo.”

09:45 The TV Personality of the Year:

For both Desna and Mark: Aster Nzeyimana. “He’s completely blossomed, adocumentary series, appearance in ‘The Masked Singer’, football commentary. Heis a very versatile figure.”

Also a nice mention for James. “James Cooke has been around for a long time,but under the wings of dad Gert Verhulst for a long time. He has completelybroken loose this year.”

Camille is Desna’s TV Personality of the Year. “She couldn’t be beaten awayfrom TV and stage.”

Danira Boukhriss Terkessidis for Mark because she won ‘De Allerslimste Mens’.“Next year she will be at the front. I put my money on Danira.”

13:15 The best news anchor:

Mark is immediately sharp: “The Late Evening News annoys me, it’s too forced.The news should ensure that you can take some distance and not from a seatwith one foot under the other leg. All those who present there have no chanceof winning this title.”

Stef Wauters is by far the very best according to Mark. “ The good old SteveWauters is the number one of Flanders. Smartly dressed, nothing tocriticize, flawless Dutch, now and then with a touch of humor at the end ofthe news.”

Dany Verstraeten is preferred by Desna. “He exudes class, a geniality and withsharp questions to the politicians.”

“Bart Schols is always tight and sharp questions where necessary. Don’t lethis guests sell a show.”

16:00 The nicest duo of 2022:

Gloria Monserez and Aaron Blommaert as presentation duo in ‘The Voice’ is theduo of ’22 for Desna.

The grandma and Albert from ‘Family’ who can and can celebrate 30 years ofFamily in the Lotto Arena. They are the nicest duo for Mark. “I would like todesignate the two oldest actors in the world as duo of the year, both 96 yearsold and starring in ‘Familie’ as Anna and Albert.”

19:00 The timeless TV figure of 2022:

Frank Deboosere, who will retire in 2023, is by far the timeless TV figure ofthe year. “He is the weatherman who shows up everywhere as a weatherman onradio and TV and as the sponsor of Kom op tegen Kanker.” “Painful moment isthat he has to retire next year and there will be no follow-up to his weatherstory. He has to leave Reyerslaan. He could have continued his role part-time,but that will not happen.”

“How will things go on without him, Sabine alone or Bram too? He’s too goodand looks too young to say goodbye to the small screen.”

22:00 The best TV show of 2022:

‘Out of Office’ is the surprise of the year. “It brought something verydifficult in a good way. Fantastically well done.” “Taboe” was also anincredibly good program.”