West Frisian giveaway cabinets looted and destroyed: “Angry and disappointed”


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They are frustrated, angry and disappointed. Krista from Wognum and’colleague’ Simone from Hoogkarspel, who both manage a giveaway box. Thecabinets were looted this week by the same group of people and damage was evencaused to Simone and a cabinet in Enkhuizen. “This is not what you do it for.”

Gift boxes looted – NH News

Krista Leussink and Simone Oudt actively support people who are strugglingfinancially. With well-stocked giveaway cupboards in the garden, from whichpeople can grab a few items at a time. Think of food and personal careproducts. They receive these goods through donations. “I think 10 to 12 peoplecome here every day,” says Simone, who also has a mini-library. “Some comelate at night or at night, probably out of embarrassment.”

On New Year’s Eve, the group of 6 or 7 people came into the picture for thefirst time. With Krista Leussink in Wognum, who was not at home at the time.”I received a notification on my phone from my camera that there was movementat the giveaway cabinets. I saw them pack a lot of stuff and they also stayedin my garden for a long time, about 10 minutes.”

Empty cupboards

When she came home, she found empty cupboards. “The shelf with the careproducts on it was almost empty. A lot of products were missing from thecupboard with food. It is very clear what the rules are. That a maximum of 4products can be taken at a time. And also that there are cameras .”Previously, Krista had successfully approached a couple about their ‘buyingbehaviour’. “They said that they also brought things for others. But itdoesn’t work that way.”

After a call on Facebook, a large part of the goods are returned the next day.”Apologetics were also offered, they said they did not understand Dutch. So Ithought that was the end of it,” says Krista.

Simone Oudt from Hoogkarspel – NH News / Michiel Baas

Until she receives a message from ‘colleague’ Simone, with whom she has goodcontact. Half an hour after the apology in Wognum, she had a group at herneighborhood cupboard De Anemoon. “They first rang the doorbell and asked whatthe rules were, simply in Dutch.”

When she went to look a little later, the result was: a lot of stuff gone,broken pots of vegetables on the floor and a destroyed cupboard. When seeingKrista’s images, the two know enough: they are dealing with the same ‘shoppingpublic’.

They know that a similar box has also died in Enkhuizen. It is not knownwhether this was also done by the same group.

“Someone could have eaten those broken jars of vegetables again”>> Simone Oudt, Neighborhood cabinet ‘De Anemone’

Simone takes a deep breath as she refills the closet. “I am frustrated, angryand very disappointed in this group of people. I really hope they don’t comehere anymore. I think those broken jars of vegetables are perhaps the worst.Someone else could have eaten them again.”

“You don’t do it for this. Let’s hope this was the last time,” Krista saysdisappointed. “But I’m not one to give up easily,” says Simone. “So we willcontinue, for the people who do appreciate it. I have decided to buy cameras.Too bad it has to be like this.”

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