The international class of OG3NE captivates the audience during ‘Samen uit, Samen huis!’

**Region – Lisa, Amy and Shelley Vol together form the very successful trioOG3NE. They are still young but already have an impressive track record inmusic. They won the junior Song Contest in 2007, gloriously won The Voice ofHolland in 2014, took part in the Eurosong Contest in 2017 and releasednumerous popular songs, their studio albums were also well received. **

By: Martin Reitsma

Their theater shows are a hot bath of international class. Top classentertainment and above are just a few highlights from their rich musicaloeuvre. You read it with admiration everywhere, but very rightly so. How niceit would be if the public in our municipality of Pijnacker-Nootdorp could alsoenjoy the beautiful sounds of OG3NE in their own place in the future. CulturA& Zo could be the ideal place for a great performance. There are also quite afew fans and admirers of these top vocalists in our municipality.

On Monday evening the ladies sang the most beautiful Dutch songs in their ownOG3NE style in the Oude Luxor theater in Rotterdam. There was already anenthusiastic pattern of expectations in the foyer for what was to come. Theaudience is diverse; from young to baby boomer with one common passion, theyall embrace the singing and performances of OGENE. It will be a thrilling evening with the theme ‘Out together, home together’.The energy and fun radiate from the stage. Perfect vocal three parts. From thefirst notes it is clear this will be an unforgettable musical evening. Thevocals are formidable, the white clothing of the ladies is stunning, girlpower pur sang. The interaction with their audience is magical. The triothanks the audience for the massive turnout, in expensive times like thiscertainly not a matter of course. ** Evergreens, ballads and uptempo songs Attractive evergreens and classics pass by. Nostalgia and melancholy competefor precedence. ‘Hou Me Vast’ is penetrating and beautiful with a text to letit sink in. ‘Het Dorp’, made famous by Wim Sonneveld, is a true classic andthe performance of the ladies rivals the original. ‘When I Saw You’ is a truetribute to Anthonie Kamerling. ‘Ocean’ by Racoon remains beautiful to hide in,’It’s over’ in a strong performance about passion, love and blazing fire. Thestrong single ‘Handwritten Kiss’ is about the love for a sister with a letterthat brings them back together. ‘Banger Hart’ lasts with a fitting trip to St.Elmo’s Fire. The audience stands, sings, swings and claps. The thunderousapplause must have been heard as far as the ports of Rotterdam. ** ‘ Aside’ brings ecstasy in the room ‘Away’ by Herman van Veen is a wonderful experience that starts with the threeladies sitting on the edge of the stage near the enthusiastic audience. Thefirst notes sound through the hall but Amy misses the presence of her bandmembers and always puts the song ‘on hold’ and then asks the drummer,guitarist, keyboardist etc. to join in. The scene is playful and touching.When the formation is reunited, a strong performance of this song follows.That Ben You’ and ‘Love Letter’ from I Want Your Song follow. ‘Reunie’ bySnelle is a wonderfully tightly sung up tempo song, the audience goes crazy.

‘Tell Me That It’s Not So Is’ by Frank Boeijen is touching, the audience issilent and enjoys intensely, the lyrics and vocals give you goosebumps. Hissong Zwart Wit (Black White) is still topical in 2022 and is sung along wordfor word by the audience. The accompanying band is a strong collective ofmusicians. Well played with a perfect interaction with the ladies. ‘Your NameIn The Stars’ by Jan Smit is quietly beautiful and makes a tear well up. Theseare just a few songs on a beautiful evening in the Old Luxor. The ladies ofOG3NE have the gift to give every song something special of themselves, theyare musical gems. The presentation, show and vocal range are unparalleled.

Older musical colleagues such as singers Hilde Marchal, Bea Willemstein,Johnny Manuhutu from Massada and Rudy van den Berg-Bennett from The Motionsunanimously praise their vocals, songs and shows. It is not without reasonthat the ladies of OG3NE are in high demand on radio and television and are anenrichment in the theater and on the many pop stages.

You read the superlatives too much, but rightly so. The trio is at a very highmusical level in the Netherlands and would also belong to the top abroad. Thistheater tour Samen uit, Samen huis is an absolute must with the best that theDutch music scene has to offer and can be seen in full in the country in thecoming period, for more info see

OG3NE will perform next Sunday in the concert hall of Kasteel de Wittenburgin Wassenaar On Sunday October 16, OG3NE will give a completely different performance, butat least as beautiful and in the concert hall of the stately castle deWittenburg in Wassenaar. You can then enjoy a number of beautiful songs fromtheir rich repertoire, where this performance will include a culinary 4-coursedinner, drinks package and a glass of champagne on reception. You can alsoenjoy a variety of entertainment throughout the evening, provided by WentinkForno & Partners. More information at