‘I now know exactly what it is’

Maarten van Rossem who has liked something since he was a child? It exists.No, we are not talking about a fun family game and celebrating carnival. VanRossem loves dinosaurs. He will now show that on Videoland with Gijs Rademaker_Maarten and Gijs on a Dino hunt_.

Maarten van Rossem is of course very busy as a member of the Subway panel.Last week, the professor and historian spoke out about whether King Willem-Alexander should apologize on behalf of the Netherlands for our slavery past.And then he is also a one-headed jury member of TV hit The smartest person ,which begins its trillionth season on Boxing Day. Still, Van Rossem found away to travel to North America with Gijs Rademaker. They went looking for…dinosaurs.

Maarten van Rossem on Videoland

Maarten and Gijs on a Dino hunt can be streamed on Videoland from today. Allfour episodes are available immediately. Subway already got a dino tip ofthe veil. With our opinion canon Maarten van Rossem within the ranks, we areof course curious about it Look at the Tube. In this Subway section, ErikJonk discusses new and striking programs from regular broadcasters andstreaming services. Last week we followed Jesus, this time Maarten van Rossem.An essential difference, although Van Rossem will gladly put that intoperspective or contradict it (you can almost hear him say: “I read an obviousmistake here”).

The reporter of Look at the Tube sometimes wakes up wondering who the hellcame up with trampling on a dark brown bean, pouring hot water over it andthinking ‘ha, coffee!’. Or even worse: reading that the universe is infiniteand then wondering what is behind that ‘infinite’. Everyone’s thing. Forexample, Maarten van Rossem and Gijs Rademaker have been fascinated bydinosaurs since childhood. Or dinosaurs, as we always say these days. Dinofans, the two even call themselves.

Gijs Rademaker’s first RTL job

Nice job for pollster and TV presenter Gijs Rademaker. In September heannounced that he would switch from regular broadcasting to commercial RTL /Videoland. His employment officially started on December 1. Not a bad start totravel to the United States with Maarten van Rossem to see if you can stillfind some dinosaurs from millions of years ago. “66 million years ago the lastdied out,” they say. The two met when Rademaker was a participant of Thesmartest person used to be. “We became dinosaur friends there.”



Maarten van Rossem and Gijs Rademaker also have a podcast: Dinocast. In it,the two give ‘a new image of dinosaurs’. Every week, as they call it, newdinosaurs are excavated and more quickly becomes known about these animals. In_Dinocast_ Maarten and Gijs visit the largest dinosaur museums and dinosaurexperts in the Netherlands and Belgium and ask them all the questions they canthink of.

Maarten van Rossem thinks Schiphol is ‘insane’

Gijs Rademaker speaks Maarten and Gijs on a Dino hunt an interestingsentence. “No human has ever seen a dinosaur.” As logical as a contraryopinion of Maarten van Rossem of course, but it is something you honestlynever think about. All those drawings of dinosaurs, all those photos: we’vealways had to make do with those bones from the ground. Or those very, very,very big and long bones of course. Van Rossem and Rademaker are thereforelooking for those remains, although our professor must first defy Schiphol todo so: “What an insane institution. That this is accepted in a prosperouscountry like the Netherlands.”

Fortunately, Maarten van Rossem, who travels with five clean underpants andbusiness class (Gijs not), has a lot of great things to look forward to. Hisbeloved America, dinosaurs, beautiful car rides with a cap on the head andcake for the road. Lots of cake. That the TV duo start in Hollywood becausethe dino movie Jurassic Park by Steven Spielberg and the necessarysuccessors such as Jurassic World Dominion have been made, he will acceptthat. Although he calls the well-known tourist things “poor”. However, thefirst night is only real horror. Maarten van Rossem sleeps in a bed in whichJames Dean also lain. But: “This room is dangerous for the elderly.”

Dino hunt Maarten van RossemVideoland

Rattlesnakes, grumbling and enjoying

No, he would much rather look forward to the final destination of the roadtrip Maarten and Gijs on a Dino hunt: walk with the team that is busy withthe excavation a real long-necked dino. That happens in the barren wastelandof the state of Wyoming. On this journey, the greatest dino experts show theirlatest discoveries and treasure hunters take the duo into the wilderness tofind and excavate dino bones. The fact that Maarten and Gijs rarely agree onanything and that there are also rattlesnakes does not always make their tripeasy. “And oh yes”, Maarten asks, “is there still a nice stroopwafel?”

This series is educational, but above all a lot of fun. For Gijs Rademakereven a boyhood dream: “I am very grateful that I can experience it withMaarten van Rossem.” Van Rossem himself has a conclusion that only he canpronounce after four parts: “I have learned a lot from this journey. I nowknow exactly what it is about those dinosaurs.” Well great. Countlessscientists have been doing this for years…

A question suddenly pops up in the head of the reporter: did dinosaursactually walk in the Netherlands? Quick googling. Those questions about whocame up with coffee and how on earth the universe can be infinite, I can’tfigure it out.

Number of cans: 3.5 out of 5