As controversies pile up and irk fans, James Gunn defends his choices as new DC boss

James Gunn is well aware of the backlash to the early creative decisions hehas made as the new co-head of DC Studios. But he’s not backing down.

In a statement shared Monday on social media, Gunn addressed the”disrespectful outcry” about his and co-chairman Peter Safran’s vision for theDC Extended Universe. The “Suicide Squad” filmmakers, who were appointed tolead DC Studios in October, have been heavily criticized in recent weeks formaking major changes to some of the production company’s most popularsuperhero franchises.

“One of the things Peter & I were aware of when we took the job as heads of DCStudios was a certain minority of people online that could be, well,uproarious & unkind, to say the least,” Gunn wrote in his statement.

“Our choices for the DCU are based upon what we believe is best for the story& best for the DC characters who have been around for nearly 85 years. Perhapsthese choices are great, perhaps not, but they are made with sincere hearts &integrity & always with the story in mind.”

Gunn and Safran came under fire this month after reports surfaced that WarnerBros. Discovery had decided to scrap DC’s “Wonder Woman 3,” starring Gal Gadotand directed by Patty Jenkins. The scoop from the Hollywood Reporter notedthat the new DC bosses were among the executives who made the controversialcall to shelve the project.

Internet scrutiny of Gunn and Safran later intensified after Henry Cavillrevealed that the duo had fired him as Superman — despite the actor recentlyannouncing his return to the role at the studio’s behest before Gunn andSafran took over.

“No one loves to be harassed or called names — but, to be frank, we’ve beenthrough significantly worse,” Gunn continued Monday in his statement.

“Disrespectful outcry will never, ever affect our actions. We were aware therewould be a period of turbulence when we took this gig, & we knew we wouldsometimes have to make difficult & not-so-obvious choices, especially in thewake of the fractious nature of what came before us. But this means little tous in comparison to our jobs as artists & custodians in helping to create awide & wonderful future for DC.”

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A number of entertainment figures with ties to Warner Bros. Discovery —including Henry Golding (“Crazy Rich Asians”), Michael B. Jordan (“Creed”) andZachary Levi (“Shazam!”) — supported Gunn in the comments section.

“The man in the Arena,” Golding posted along with a heart and punching emoji.

“Amen,” Levi wrote.

Elsewhere in the comments section, Gunn disagreed with a fan who accused thestudio heads of making “the move to boot” Gadot from the “Wonder Woman”franchise.

“I’m not sure where you’re getting that we ‘booted’ Gal,” Gunn said.

Last week, Jenkins — who also helmed the first two “Wonder Woman” movies —released a statement setting the record straight about the demise of the thirdinstallment.

“I never walked away,” she wrote. “I was open to considering anything asked ofme. It was my understanding there was nothing I could do to move anythingforward at this time.”

Both Jenkins and Cavill acknowledged in their remarks that the studio is goingthrough a period of transition as a result of the recent Warner Bros.Discovery merger, and neither had anything negative to say about Gunn orSafran.

Wonder Woman “is an incredible character,” Jenkins said. “Living in and aroundher values ​​makes one a better person every day. I wish her and her legacy anamazing future ahead, with or without me.”

“Superman is still around,” Cavill said. “Everything he stands for stillexists, and the examples he sets for us are still there! My turn to wear thecape has passed, but what Superman stands for never will. It’s been a fun ridewith you all, onwards and upwards.”