Lisette received a golden buzzer after her sixth audition on Holland’s Got Talent, but dropped out in the semifinals: ‘I am a go-getter’

Why do you so often participate in a talent show like Holland’s Got Talent?

“I love being on stage in front of such a large audience. The audience lovesthat I’m there, and I in turn love that the audience likes my act. I also lovethe tension: you never know what’s going to happen, but in the end it’s alsoabout my dream to become famous.”

You’ve been rejected by the jury five times. Isn’t it ready then?

“Before planes actually flew, a lot of planes also crashed. I’m a go-getter.If it doesn’t work, I just do it again, until I succeed.”

And then isn’t it bad if you always have a grumpy jury in front of you withunkind comments about, for example, your weight?

“I love the fuss that something like this creates. That’s what I do it for.Partly I also bring it on me. The last audition I came on stage with a biggolden curtain around me, to prevent judges from already on the stage. redbutton before they saw me.”

People sometimes wonder when they see me: ‘does she have a mental disorder?’

Lisette Brillemans

“I like that fight. For example, if you walk off such a stage after rejectionand then secretly shout: ‘Culture barbarians!’ That’s just beautiful.”

Did you believe it was still possible?

“Yes. I’ve always been dead serious about my auditions. People sometimeswonder when they see me: ‘Does she have a mental disorder?’ No, I am onehundred percent healthy. I know what I’m doing. My goal is to win. That hasnot always worked out, also because the jury did not always treat me properly.But I certainly continued to believe in it.”

Does the fact that the golden buzzer came from the presenters and not thejudges detract from your success?

“I think it’s extra special! That happens much less often. I had a butterflyfeeling in my stomach and was stunned. I couldn’t believe that I, LisetteBrillemans, would get the golden buzzer. Why me? And that’s what I mean me ina positive way.”

Lisette during her fifthaudition.

Lisette during her fifth audition. © Private

What did you consider to be your most successful audition?

“I see my fifth audition as my best audition ever. Then I played AmsterdamCanals by Wim Sonneveld. Flawless. And I also made an arrangement on theverse, which I played flawlessly. But the jury disagreed. That was hard. Ithought it was the very best ever.”

How do you look back on the semi-final, in which you performed in a largegolden dress with white boa and golden piano?

“It was a unique experience. Who does something like that?”

Are you upset that you didn’t pass?

“Of course. I would have loved to have been in the final. On the other hand: Iget so many reactions on the street. Yesterday I was in the Albert Heijnaround the corner from me in Rotterdam. Everyone wanted to take a picture withme, very much. cool. They say: for me you are the winner. You also see allpositive messages on TikTok and Twitter. That’s nice. Although I could alsouse the 50 thousand euros that the winner gets.”

‘If Chopin were still alive, I’m sure it would have been fine with me and> love’

Lisette Brillemans

What does playing the piano mean to you?

“A great distraction from everyday worries. For example, I love Chopin verymuch. I also feel all the torments and intense problems he went through. Ihear longing, love, but also soldiers marching in his music. That’s in metoo.” Lisette gets emotional while talking about this.

Who are you besides a pianist, do you have a hard life that you recognize inChopin?

“Everyone has their things. Life is not always smooth sailing. I grew up inDordrecht, which I do not want to go into too much detail. I have programmedcomputers in my working life, but at the moment I have no work.”

“And in the search for love we have not yet managed to find that one true one.Chopin is no longer among the living. If he were alive, I would have been finein love.”

Have you achieved your success and was this your last audition on Holland’s