Daredevil is an MI6 spy in a gritty new thriller

While Charlie Cox is busy preparing for his own Daredevil series on Disney +,the British actor can also be seen in a heart-pounding espionage thriller onNetflix. meet Treason.

You probably immediately think of Charlie Cox Daredevil. The show showed acompletely different side of Marvel on Netflix at the time.

Charlie Cox is Daredevil

The series offered a grittier and more mature story and tone than the MarvelCinematic Universe films. A little less American popcorn, a little more DC-esque realism. As far as you can say that of a superhero story.

Charlie Cox portrayed a rock-solid Daredevil, the alter-ego of blind lawyerMatt Murdock. Fans were also served their beck and call with the best villainMarvel has produced in the past decade: Wilson Fisk, played by an excellentVincent D’Onofrio.

All the more painful was the fact that the Marvel series on Netflix weremisfits within the MCU. They especially had to stay away from the cinemafilms. When Disney announced its own streaming service, Daredevil and theother Netflix series quickly died to make way for brand new, even more _canon_MCU Series for Disney+.

New chance at Disney+

However, those Disney + Originals cannot match Daredevil for the time being.Fortunately, Charlie Cox has made his comeback as the blind superhero in SheHulk and Wilson Fisk returned in Hawkeye , but both versions of the belovedcharacters are, for now, a pale imitation of what we saw on Netflix. Morepopcorn-like versions, more in line with the movies.

Hopefully Charlie Cox can bring back the gritty side of the MCU in his ownseries. Then we’re talking about Daredevil: Born Again , a brand new Marvelseries coming to Disney+ in 2024. You can read more about that here.

Netflix presents Treason

In the meantime, fans of the actor can also get their Charlie Cox fix inanother way. In fact, Cox has gone after Daniel Craig to play a secret agentin a brand new Netflix series from the writers of the rock-solid spy movie.Bridge of Spies. Then we’re talking about Treason , a spy series that youcan stream on Netflix from now on. After The Recruit it is the second seriesin a short time that is heavily inspired by the James Bond franchise.

In Treason we see how the big boss of the MI6 barely manages to survive apoisoning. While he recovers, Adam, a secret agent played by Charlie Cox, willhave to take control. However, one thing is clear: no one can be trusted. Tomake matters worse, the spy behind the assassination attempt also turns out tobe an acquaintance of Adam.

Spy thriller rated on Rotten Tomatoes

For the rest we will not reveal anything, because this is a typical thrillerthat mainly relies on its twists. Critics are certainly pleased with theNetflix Original for the time being. On Rotten Tomatoes, the miniseries, whichconsists of five episodes, has a rock-solid score of 83 percent after sixreviews.

The general public is slightly less enthusiastic after 36 reviews, and remainsstuck at 64 percent. We see that same gap on IMDb, where the audience_Treason_ rewarded with an average of 6.1, after 935 votes.

So it looks very similar to that Treason cannot measure up to Daredevil ,but fans of the better espionage work and British thrillers can certainlyenjoy a great series starring Charlie Cox. A great sop while we wait for BornAgain! You can download all five episodes Treason now streaming on Netflix.