REALITY CHECK. Achieving good intentions with ‘Love Island’ contestant Lotte and love reigns supreme at ‘Temptation Island’ | REALITY CHECK

Showbiz’Temptation’, ‘Ex On The Beach’ or ‘Love Island’: these are pleasuresthat we don’t feel guilty about at all. And because we suspect you of thesame, we will keep you informed every Friday about the ins and outs of thereality world. New loves, quarrels or other antics of (former) TV characters:you will find out all about it here.

We were (not) waiting for that?

‘Ex on the Beach: Double Dutch’ contestant Hugo. © MTV

Last season – with 19 springs – he was the youngest participant in ‘Ex on theBeach: Double Dutch’, but that did not prevent Hugo from making an impression.He washed up as Lesley’s ex, and immediately enjoyed the attention he receivedin the reality series.

The Dutchman wants to continue surfing on that momentum, so he released asingle. His – ahem – gem is called ‘Onderweg Voor Jou’, and can be listened tofrom now on. Whether you should do that too? Let’s just say it’s at your ownrisk…

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Have a healthy start to the new year thanks to Lotte

'Love Island' contestantLotte.‘Love Island’ contestant Lotte. © SBS

She was featured in the first year of ‘Love Island’, and since then Lotte hasnever missed an opportunity to highlight sportsmanship. The Dutch formertennis player has recently also developed a passion for running, which shealso wants to share with others. If she recently released the e-book ‘Walkingwith Lott’, she now has a sequel ready, which will be released on 2 January.To make it not too difficult, she titled her piece ‘Walking with Lott 2’.

“Is running a half marathon in 2023 your good intention?”, it sounds in theaccompanying promotional speech. “Or has it always been a dream of yours, butyou have no idea how to train for it? Then ‘Walking with Lott 2’ willdefinitely help you! By means of useful information, tips and accompanyingtraining schedules, you will be optimally prepared for the start of your firsthalf marathon within 15 weeks, and you will be able to finish it properlywithout interruption.”

Fair? If Lotte can achieve that, we will immediately order ten copies …

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Jill knows what she wants!

Jill was one of the singles in the first season of 'Temptation Island2.0'.Jill was one of the singles in the first season of ‘Temptation Island 2.0’. ©SBS

“I’m Jill and I always get what I want.” The quote that introduced Flanders tothe red-haired seductress from ‘Temptation Island 2016’ is still etched in thecollective memory. And even afterwards, Jill was still regularly speaking. Forexample, she fought a public quarrel with Dutchman Regilio (Jill claimed thathe had touched her breasts – which he denied, ed.), and posed naked for acalendar of porn king Dennis Black Magic.

That period is now – fortunately – behind her. For example, Jill is stillactive as a beautician in Piu Bella (her own salon in Laakdal, ed.), and shealso teaches yoga. And things have also changed in the field of love: Jillhonked for years that she did not want to commit, then that changed a whileago. After all, the reality star lost her heart to Flor Bartholomeus, who runshis own company that specializes in gardening.

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Saartje has found her prince…

Saartje became known when she participated in 'Temptation Island' as aseductress.Saartje became known when she participated in ‘Temptation Island’ as aseductress. © SBS

Not only Jill is happy in love these days. Her colleague Saartje – who turnedHerbert’s head a year later – is also no longer single. On Instagram, theBelgian beauty – who works as an animator in Mallorca for a large part of theyear – says that Cupido hit the mark. Saartje’s conquest goes by the name ofMiguel, and he’s clearly just as delighted with his partner as the realitystar. “I feel so happy,” he captioned the photo below. “My dear, we havefinally found each other.”

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… And Laetitia too (for a while)

Laetitia was seen in 2018 as a temptress in 'TemptationIsland'.Laetitia was seen in 2018 as a temptress in ‘Temptation Island’. © JohanMartens

Someone who – without us knowing, shame on us – has been off the street fortwo years: Laetitia, who took part in ‘the ultimate relationship test’ in 2018as a temptress. The DJ shared a series of snaps with her boyfriend, Yones, onher Instagram page. He is also active as a record player and has his own radioprogram on Q Downtown.

Married and mom

Bo was one of the temptresses in 'Temptation Island', in2017.Bo was one of the temptresses in ‘Temptation Island’, in 2017. © SBS

Not only Saartje has found love since her passage on ‘Temptation Island 2017’.Her fellow seductress Bo is also no longer one single lady. The Belgianbeauty got married on July 30 with a certain Steven Depaepe, with whom shealso shares son Alex (1).

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A girl for Kelly

Reality star Kelly MiLi.Reality star Kelly Mi Li. © Getty Images for MTV/ViacomCBS

We conclude this week with entrepreneur Kelly Mi Li, known for her passage inthe Netflix series ‘Bling Empire’. She told me a month ago that she ispregnant with her first child, and now also revealed the gender of her futureUK – a daughter – in a video on Instagram.