The whole of Holland Bakt scores a scoop, but there is also a ‘crime scene’

Bake, bake, bake and bake (or cook) some more. This is probably how manypeople have felt in recent days, in preparation for the many Christmasdinners. How nice is it to watch other people baking after dinner, with a fullbelly of course? And then also completely in the Christmas spirit. That’sexactly what viewers got All of Holland bakes yesterday, where they were notonly served a scoop, but also had to swallow ‘a crime scene’.

Many viewers on social media also note that because of that big Christmasdinner, they didn’t feel like the baking they saw on their television. It’sthe first time in ten seasons All of Holland bakes that there will be anepisode on Christmas Day. If you want to take a little trip in time: Subway_recently spoke Sarina, who is the third season of _All of Holland bakes won.That was in 2015, she owes a lot to her title ever since.

Scoop for Christmas episode Heel Holland Bakt

As said, last night was the very first episode of All of Holland bakes whichcoincided with Christmas Day. And that also means that there is a Christmasmaster baker for the first time. Viewers of the popular baking program inwhich ‘normal bakers’ compete with each other for who is the best baker sawZineb being crowned Christmas master baker yesterday. Jury member Janny vander Heijden praised the ‘balance’ in her baking, Robèrt van Beckhoven had fewwords enough: “Really great”.

The first Christmas master baker in ten years> #HHB!>>> — Heel Holland Bakes (@heelhollandbakt) December 25,> 2022

‘Crime scene’ of a baking

The assignment, which Zineb eventually won, was to make a wreath cake. ‘Wreathshit?’, I hear you think. No, kransekake, a nut tree with rings. Simpleenough, you would think. But it turns out to be more difficult for the bakersthan expected. According to viewers, Ingrid even creates a crime scene.Another goes for the term ‘pure horror’. But that doesn’t matter, as long asit’s tasty, right? Van der Heijden went for the words “quite funny” and “veryyou”. Whether the latter is a compliment, given viewer comments, is open tointerpretation.

“I taste black pudding,” jokes André van Duin when he tastes a piece. Robèrt:”In terms of presentation, it seems like you thought ‘I’m done with it’, butwhat I do think is great is the taste.” For him, the combination of cinnamonwith berries and a salty pistachio nut especially stands out. “Not so pretty,but very tasty,” he emphasizes.

No matter how ‘terrifying’ Ingrid’s baking was, she can stay in the tent foranother week. Unfortunately, Sander has to close the oven and say goodbye.According to Janny, he takes risks, but he can also go too far. That hasn’tworked out well for him this week.

Below are some comments from viewers:

Ingrid’s cake is a crime> scene….#heelhollandbakt> #HHB>>> — Dreamer (@MCnotHamm3r) December 25,> 2022

Pure horror bee> #hhb 😄>>> — Gerrit Wermink (@gerritwermink) December 25,> 2022

Oh what a pity that Sander has to leave … would have liked to see him> longer.>> Rightly so that Zineb got the pin!>> Who’s leaving next week? What do you> think?#HHB> #heelhollandbakt>> — Anders Lundgren (@TotallyAnders) December 25,> 2022

So many people have eaten that I don’t feel like eating cake during Heel> Holland Bakt.> #hhb> #heelhollandbakt>> — Doret (@hetiswa) December 25,> 2022

The> #top2000> we interrupt, because> #HHB on TV.> You have to prioritize.>> — Ron van Leeuwen (@Ronlionking) December 25,> 2022

You can watch all of Holland Bakt again via NPO Start.