Support for Roxeanne Hazes who takes mother to court

There is much uncertainty in life, but one thing is certain: it is neverboring with the Hazes family. The latest chapter in the saga is that RoxeanneHazes takes her mother, Rachel Hazes, to court. And of course one findssomething about that.

Roxeanne and Rachel have been at odds for some time. In _The Best Singers_Roxeanne opened another book about her traumatic childhood and the wounds hermother left with her.

Roxeanne Hazes institutes summary proceedings against Rachel Hazes

RTL Boulevard announced the news in a big way last night: Roxeanne has fileda lawsuit against Rachel. The case has to do with the legacy of André Hazessenior. Roxeannes spokesman Bernard Tomlow has previously questioned Rachel’sheirship. According to him, only the children were heirs.

Few details are known about the case, but the singer’s spokesperson said RTLBoulevard say: ‘Behind the scenes, outside the media and without procedures,efforts have been made for months to get clarification on a number of relevantmatters. Unfortunately, given the investigations that have been carried out,there is nothing left but for the judge to take the plunge, no matter how mucheffort has been made to prevent this.”

The case was not only brought by Roxeanne, but also by the person who was thewill administrator after the death of Hazes senior in 2004. According to theshowbiz program, the summary proceedings will be held in court in Utrecht onFebruary 9.

Reactions: ‘Roxeanne is right’

Roxeanne is often praised as the nicest of the Hazes litter and can count onacclaim again. “And she’s right. Ras was even on the verge of divorcing Andréwhen, due to a twist of fate, that fell through,” someone writes, for example,on Twitter. Another: “Sad for her. That she should take her own mother tocourt.” There is little sympathy for Rachel. Among other things, she is calleda “narcissist at its best” and an “ordinary money-grubber”.

That Rachel is just an ordinary money grab. She really didn’t marry André> out of love to become famous herself…. 🧐Roxeanne takes mother Rachel to> court for inheritance’ through> @Telegraph>> — Johan (@Johan55961986) January 5,> 2023

and she is right!! > 👍👊>> Roxeanne Hazes takes mother to court for Hazes senior inheritance via> @Telegraph>>> — EddeSah (@EddeSah) January 5,> 2023

Rachel Hazes, the narcissist at its best. For her, 1 was, is and will be the> most important thing in her life…Rachel herself🤮🤮🤬🤬>> — Gianni (@Gianni5nov1972) January 6,> 2023

You cannot disinherit your child. They are always entitled to the child’s> portion or part thereof. Roxeanne Hazes takes mother Rachel to court for> inheritance>> — Emma2028 (@Emma20282) January 5,> 2023

Yet there is also a few who do not support Roxeanne’s decision. “A little girlrejects the inheritance. That’s cool,” says someone, for example. And ofcourse there are also a lot of people who are fed up with the media attentionfor the family. “The year starts well for the Tokkie family….pardon Hazes.” Itis also joked about: “I slept very badly because of that hassle between Racheland Roxanne Hazes. I don’t mind that subconsciously.” People also wonder whatHazes senior would have thought of it all.

Roxeanne Hazes takes mother Rachel to court for inheritance>>> What a strange family!!>> — Diny strouken (@DStrouken) January 5,> 2023

Will this slinging of mud in this Tokkie family ever stop? Who is waiting> for this reading material? Stop giving them a platform> @NUnl#Hazes> #paupernews>> Roxeanne Hazes takes mother Rachel to court over André Hazes’ inheritance> through> @NUnl>> — Goeloise (@doggeltje) January 5,> 2023

Roxeanne Hazes takes mother Rachel to court for inheritance. That family is> rotten through and through>> — Terence (@tessi58) January 6,> 2023

Still a close-knit family.>> Roxeanne Hazes takes mother Rachel to court over André Hazes’ inheritance>>> — Max Moos fuck off facists. Fuck Trump and Putin. (@MaxMoos9) January 6,> 2023

Guido den Aantractor is astonishing

Story boss Guido den Aantractor took it last night Show news up for LaHazes, who is a good friend of his. “I have always said and I will continue tosay that Rachel is a very good mother, who would rather amputate her lower legthan put both of her children at a financial disadvantage.” There is anoutraged reaction on Twitter to the fact that Van Aantrekker is standing upfor mother Hazes. “Very good mother? Go away Guido!”, says, among other