Christmas with the Meiland family causes negative reactions from viewers

While the Meiland family could do nothing wrong for a while, the tide seems tohave turned in recent weeks. Martien’s ‘wat góóééd’ or ‘wines, wines, wines’was printed on mugs, diaries, wine glasses, you name it. But to the family’sChristmas special ( Christmas with the Meiland family ), which was shown onTV last night, was remarkably few people watching. Especially if you compareit to the heyday, in which around a million people often tuned in ChateauMeiland.

Yesterday’s Christmas special, Christmas with the Meiland family , attractedsome 627,000 viewers. For comparison: the All You Need Is Love Christmasspecial (which showed a lot of love, but viewers were also somewhatdisappointed), attracted 2 million viewers.

Christmas with the Meiland family

The Meiland family leaves our country for the Christmas special. It is thefourth edition of the special and the now 7-member family opted for a cruisethrough the Mediterranean. But when that trip was on TV yesterday, one thingviewers noticed anyway: the ship was quite empty. Normally a cruise ship iscompletely crammed with holidaying Dutch people, Germans, Americans, you nameit. But now it almost seemed as if the Meilandjes were alone.

Below you can see a piece of the Christmas special:

On the boat we see the fam busy, for example in a restaurant. The cook cooksin front of them and occasionally throws snacks into Martien’s mouth. Thatdoesn’t go very well, after which screams and loud laughter follow. They alsooccasionally leave the ship at various destinations, and a jeep safari hasbeen arranged for them, for example. And guess what? Especially a lot ofscreaming.

But there are of course also plenty of Christmas markets in the area aroundthe Mediterranean Sea, so they are also visited. And relaxing a bit, that’swhat the Meiland family is ready for. The past year was quite busy (andemotional), for example with relocations, a wedding (viewers were amazed atMartien’s outfit) and the death of grandmother Jenny.

Viewers about Christmas special: ‘On their return’

Despite the fact that the Meilandjes do their best to give viewers a niceChristmas special, they cannot really charm them. You can often find negativereactions on social media – although there are of course always the loyalMeiland fans who love everything they do. But after this special, peoplemainly express their irritations. The family would be too loud, too spoiledand ‘on their way’.

What viewers thought:

Turn on just after the commercial, wow that’s super boring, watch those> jeeps! I was always a fan but now I’m going to zap!> #christmaswiththefamilymeiland> #meiland>> — Loes 🌱 (@loesje60) December 24,> 2022

Christmas with the Meiland fam… Just watched 5 minutes… what stupid> television and actually… what an anti-social family that is!!! Not worth> watching!>> — Willem (@willemtjk) December 24,> 2022

Watched a bit yesterday> #meiland> what a scripted act that was. And chief Martien, he really can’t act normal> for a second. Everything has to be exaggerated with its irritating> mannerisms. This was one of the first times I’ve looked at it, and also the> last time.>> — Just Jack (@again) December 25,> 2022

The Meiland family really is one of those people that really annoys me in a> restaurant. So terribly present with that shouting and screaming.> #ChateauMeiland>> — M (@nondeju) December 24,> 2022

‘Christmas at home, with games’

This Christmas special was of course not live, but recorded much earlier, youunderstand that. With the ‘real Christmas’, now, the Meilandjes are mainly athome. That is what Erica and Martien Meiland say to the press agency AP.They have invited friends and family to their home in Noordwijk.

Erica and Martien are not going to be in the kitchen themselves during theholidays. “We did that last year and the year before. So we are doing thatagain this year.” Martien “doesn’t really care” about what’s on the menu. “Aslong as it’s fun.”

You can look back at Christmas with the Meiland family via KIJK.