A Knives Out Mystery You Missed

Chances are you are Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery already seen. Butwhether you have also noticed these genius details in the Netflix hit, we dareto doubt. From obscure references to a popular video game that reveals thestory right from the start. Spoiler alert!

Does the sequel surpass the original? At least, according to the numbers.Glass Onions currently ranks 10th most viewed Netflix movies in the month ofrelease. The excellent chemistry between all the stars of the cast must havesomething to do with that. The sequel to Knives Out is therefore a storyabout false friends, made by real mates.

And the passion project of Star Wars director Rian Johnson can still make upa lot of places. After a short round in the cinema, the film did not appear onthe streaming platform until December 23. But on to the order of the day.

Ingenious details in Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery

In Glass Onions hides a treasure chest of genius details. We have listed themost interesting facts and facts about the Netflix film for you. Starting withthe title.

Glass Onion takes its name from The Beatles

Glass Onions is a reference to the song of the same name by The Beatles, oneof Rian Johnson’s favorite bands. According to the director, the solution ofthe murder mystery is visible from the beginning in different layers of thestory. As if the plot were an onion of glass whose translucent layers give aglimpse of the core of truth.

Moreover, the Beatles song itself is an enigmatic explanation of the band’smythical origins. Still, Johnson came upon it by chance.

“I will be very honest. I literally grabbed my iPhone and searched my musiclibrary with the word glass. Surely there must be good songs about glass. Iwas like, is it a glass fortress? Is it a glass castle? Is it a glass man? Thefirst thing that came to mind, being a huge Beatles fan, was Glass Onions “,he told Netflix about it.

The title of the first film also comes from the musical world. Knives Out isalso the name of a record, namely by Radiohead.

Another James Bond colleague of Daniel Craig

Daniel Craig has taken on the role of Benoit Blanc for the second time in arow. And for the second time in a row he shares the screen with a colleague hestill knows from his days as James Bond. In Knives Out he plays like a charmwith Ana De Armas, the Spanish beauty who was also a Bond girl in No Time ToDie. And in Glass Onions should he just like in Specter deal with DaveBautista.

Hopefully he didn’t bust the professional wrestler’s nose this time.

Hidden art references

There are a lot of nice art references to be found in Glass Onions.

Mark Rothko

First and foremost, a painting by Mark Rothko, which often appears in thecenter of the screen, but is hung upside down to indicate how littlebillionaire Miles Bron actually knows about art.

God I love a Rothko reference. Miles is DUMB dumb.> #GlassOnionAKnivesOutMystery> #GlassOnion> pic.twitter.com/tnfGEKu27L>> — ⛸️Nate (@nathanOkoopa) December 24,> 2022

Fight Club

And did you see this lick of paint hanging?

glass onion,netflix(Image: Netflix) (Image: Netflix)

In Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery billionaire Miles Bron is played byEdward Norton, who formed the star duo for Fight Club. In the paintingabove, Norton’s face has been glued to Pitt’s body as a clear nod to the cultfilm (which you don’t stream on Netflix, but on Disney+).

Michael Basquiat

Also hanging in the same room is the same Michel Basquiat painting that, notcoincidentally, was recently sold for a fortune to an anonymous buyer(alluding to Miles Bron).

MichaelBasquiatSpot the Michel Basquiat (Image: Netflix)

Jacques Louis David

One more to unlearn. When the main character of Glass Onion: A Knives OutMystery Benoit Blanc, soaking in a bathtub with his laptop, the wide shot ofthe bathroom shows the same composition as Jacques Louis-David’s “The Death ofMarat” from 1793. In this painting, Jean-Paul Marat, a French revolutionaryand philosopher, depicted murdered in his bathtub, with his arm draped overthe side of the tub.

glass onion,netflix

Marat is holding a note from his killer, a woman who cheated on him afterasking for his help in uncovering a conspiracy. This reference is anintentional deception; as it suggests that Blanc may be a target or a victimof the person who gives him the invitation (which later turns out to be Helen,who is completely innocent).

Among Us

In that same bathtub, Blanc plays the popular lockdown game Among Us inwhich players have to decide among themselves who is the ‘ imposter ‘ is.Ironically, the Netflix detective doesn’t make much of it and his friendsimmediately guess that he is the imposter. But later in the story, he managesto help Helen posing as her sister. So an ‘imposter’.

Daniel Craig’s multiplayer buddies also include Hollywood composer andscreenwriter Steven Sondheim and actress Angela Lansbury. Lansbury was thestar of the old but golden detective series Murder, She Wrote and Sondheimhas The Last of Sheila conceived, a film about a group of friends who areinvited by a billionaire to solve a fictional mystery. Recognizable?

Glass from the Maltese Falcon (1941)

One of the exhibits in Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery is a glass (orcrystal) version of the falcon figurine from the classic The Maltese Falcon(1941), a genre-defining one film noir with Humphrey Bogart as detective.

Glass Onion A Knives Out Mystery, maltese falcon,detailsA piece of film history for theadvanced (Image: Netflix)

Very expensive yacht piloted by a real captain (and for rent)

The yacht, real name Aquarius, is piloted in the film by the actual captainand can be rented for $228,000 a week.

yacht, aquarius, glass onion,details(Image: Ocean Independence)

Also check out the nine brilliant details in hit series Wednesday which youmissed anyway.