The weekend of ‘Safety First’ actor Bruno Vanden Broucke (48): “The clichés, with full dedication!” | Good weekend

“I feel blessed that I found the job of my life. Although it sometimes fallson the weekend.” As a result, actor and dad of three, Bruno Vanden Broecke(48), has less time for his family than he would like. So he prefers to spendhis weekends with them in simplicity: walking, with a visit to the bakery.“The Christmas holidays are sacred. We then do a pajama or onesie day or put’When Harry Met Sally’ on repeat.”

How and where does the famous Fleming spend his ideal weekend? With thatquestion, NINA goes out with a BV to his or her favorite spot. Because, nomatter how you fill in the end of the week, everyone has to blow out. Read allthe inspiring stories here.

“As an actor, my weekend is atypical. My heart is with theater and for that Igo to the extremes of Flanders on Saturday afternoon. When I get home, myfamily is asleep and I watch TV to let the adrenaline of play flow out of mybody. I go to sleep late, but get up early for family time. On Sunday, the keyword is ‘together’, whatever we do. And it must be soothing: we play gooseboard or go to the bakery together. Sometimes my youngest son and I get upearly to spot a deer in the Peerdsbos.”

Quote >>> That I enjoy walking so much sounds boring, but it keeps my feet on the> ground.>> Bruno Vandenbroecke

“The older I get, the more peace walking gives me. There is not much greeneryin Antwerp, outside the Rivierenhof, where I know every blade of grass andfour-leaf clover by heart. So I take the car to the Peerdsbos to run or walkfor an hour. I stop about fifteen times to look at trees and mushrooms. A treeis the most beautiful thing there is.”

“The fact that I enjoy walking so much sounds boring, but it keeps my feet onthe ground. As a child I had fields in Waasmunster, and I long for them again.Only my guests love the city and you can’t get them out. The compromise is awalk here.”

“Those moments together are becoming scarcer, especially now that the boys aregetting older and drifting away from home. Now I want to enjoy them, becauseit goes fast. I don’t feel fear that they will ever leave the nest, rathersadness: that’s how things go. Sometimes I don’t have enough time for them.When a premiere approaches, I’m not home enough for my liking for three weeks.I keep the Christmas holidays free, it is sacred. We’ll do a pajama or onesieday, brunch, or put ‘When Harry Met Sally’ on repeat. The clichés, with fulldedication!”

RebeccaFertinel©Rebecca Fertinel

“I sometimes miss dinners with friends, even though we call a lot. Withfriendships it is ebb and flow, everyone has their life. They are luxuryproblems and you won’t hear me complain. I feel blessed that I found the jobof my life. Although it sometimes falls on the weekend.”