Juice Channel Unveils The New James Bond (And The Match Is Perfect)

According to a popular juice channel and the British tabloid The Sun, the newJames Bond has already been chosen. None other than Aaron Taylor-Johnson willreportedly take over from Daniel Craig.

Betting offices have been busy for years with a very important life question:who will be the next James Bond? Initially it was expected that Daniel Craigalready after Specter would retire from the iconic movie role. Especiallyconsidering the torture that the shooting of that film was for him.

Who will be the next James Bond?

Yet he remained aboard the lucrative ship. Craig said he signed on for anothermovie because of the story of No Time to Die : the Bond movie neatly tiedthe ends of its saga together. A worthy ending. Partly due to the pandemic,however, Craig’s farewell was postponed several times.

Now it is finally time to look ahead. No Time to Die is already over, andthe betting shops and self-proclaimed experts are tumbling over each other topredict the next James Bond. From Idris Elba, who has already signed himselfout, to Tom Hiddleston. Most recently Downton Abbey star Dan Stevens the bigfavourite.

Aaron Taylor Johnson JamesBondAaronTaylor-Johnson (right) in Bullet Train (Image: Sony Pictures)

Juice channel reveals successor

However, you can ignore all that speculation, if we are to believe the popularjuice channel Deuxmoi on Instagram. The huge channel claims based on anonymoussources that the new James Bond has already been chosen.

According to Deuxmoi, Aaron Taylor-Johnson is Daniel Craig’s successor. Youcan know the 32-year-old actor from, among other things Kick Ass, Avengers:Age of Ultron and the more recent Bullet Train. Not the least name, then,and the umpteenth Marvel star associated with James Bond. But then again, whatgreat actor has not had a role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in themeantime?

The juice channel states that “Aaron Taylor-Johnson will be the next Bond,”and that a “mini trailer of him doing the famous Bond shot will be released inMarch/April 2023 to announce him as the new actor.”

The British The Sun is also convinced, although they call the actor a leader,not the winner. According to the tabloid, an insider said: “Aaron did a screentest to be the next Bond in September and producers and Barbara thought he wasfantastic. He is now one of the front runners.”

Aaron Taylor Johnson

Take this news with a healthy grain of salt. We’re talking about a juicechannel that shares anonymously submitted news, not deep investigativejournalism. On the other hand, Deuxmoi is not the least Instagram account, andbig news has often been thrown into the world for the first time through theirstories.

There is also no denying that Aaron Taylor-Johnson is extremely suitable forthe role. Franchise co-producer Michael G. Wilson indicated earlier this yearthat the next Bond would probably be in his thirties. Taylor-Johnson is 32,old enough to be credible as an experienced spy, and young enough to doseveral more 007 films.

In addition, the Marvel actor is British, not unimportant, and has a lot ofexperience with action films. From stunts in Christopher Nolans Tenet to thespectacular fight scenes Kick Ass and The King ‘s Man. In fact: The King’s Man is partly an ode to Roger Moore’s Bond films.

Aaron Taylor Johnson JamesBondAaron Taylor-Johnson as Wanda’s little brother (Image: Marvel Studios)

Notes and rumours

The big question is whether Aaron Taylor-Johnson isn’t too well known. Nextyear, he’s getting his own big Spider-Man movie in the form of Kraven , inwhich he plays the Marvel villain of the same name. He has also played aprominent role in many blockbusters. Can the general public still see him asJames Bond? A contender such as James Norton is not yet well known to thegeneral public, and can therefore really ‘become’ James Bond.

Well, for now it’s just rumours. The Sun therefore claims that the news iscorrect, but then we are still talking about a British tabloid with notexactly the best reputation. In addition, producer Barbara Broccoli toldDeadline in June that the next Bond film will be released in two years at theearliest, and that “no one is in the running yet” when it comes to casting. Onthe other hand: we are almost six months further, and it is obvious that theyare looking hard. Our tip? Buy some extra salt and wait for more officialnews. Until then, everything remains speculation and rumour.