Blood Origin gives Netflix a new low

Controversy surrounding Henry Cavill’s departure or not: the new prequel of_The Witcher_ has been slammed by fans and critics alike. _Blood Origin_scores an all-time low for Netflix’s franchise.

On Christmas Day you were probably busy preparing Christmas dinner, or out andabout with family and/or friends. You could also have used Netflix, becausesince December 25, that streaming service has been on The Witcher: BloodOrigin to stream. However, Rotten Tomatoes shows that you might as well havestayed in the kitchen.

The Witcher: Blood Origin

It is the first of several announced live-action spin-offs. Last year we werealready treated to an animated spin-off, in the form of the film Nightmare ofthe Wolf. A well rated adventure. Not Oscars material, but very entertainingfor the fans.

Unfortunately we cannot conclude the same about it Blood Origin. The prequelis not doing too well, both with fans and critics. Set 1200 years before theadventures of Geraly, Yennefer and Ciri, the series tells the story of thevery first Witcher. Not an irrelevant side adventure. Many fans were thereforelooking forward to the spin-off.

Critics go wild on Rotten Tomatoes

Until the first reviews came along in recent weeks. Critics were anything butenthusiastic about it The Witcher: Blood Origin. Variety makes a painfullyapt comparison to the video games: “ Blood Origin is to the TV show whatwould be shoddy and flabby DLC to the hugely popular video games. Onlyrelevant to completionist.”

In other words, players who want to see/play everything, regardless of thequality. Bradley Russell of Total Film is also tough: “In a year full of greatfantasy – including House of the Dragon and The Rings of Power – this showends up at the very bottom.”

It often happens that critics slam a new film or series, but that the fans arewildly enthusiastic. For example, sometimes an action movie is wonderfullymindless entertainment, whether the story and acting are good or not.Unfortunately, even the fans are ruthless when it comes to it The Witcher:Blood Origin goes.

Fans bring rock bottom

On Rotten Tomatoes, a website that collects reviews from both critics and thepublic, Netflix’s series scores extremely lousy on both fronts. After 24critic reviews Blood Origin a moderate score of 38 percent. 1630 consumerreviews yield an even meager score: 9 percent. In other words: hardly anyreviewer gives the show a pass.

The audience’s score will no doubt be lower because of the Henry Cavillcontroversy. It is still not exactly clear why the protagonist from theregular The Witcher series has stepped out, and fans are anything but happyabout that news.

His replacement, Thor’s brother, is also laughed at rather than applauded.Lauren S. Hissrich in particular is having a hard time online: the showrunnerbehind The Witcher is often seen on forums as the one who personally controlsthe shows.

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Better luck next time, Netflix

But let’s be honest: critics won’t be massively bothered by those coloredglasses. And their score after dozens of reviews is also telling. Sometimesyou just have to conclude that a long-awaited series turns out lousy.Unfortunately, that also seems to be the case The Witcher: Blood Origin.Better luck next time, Netflix.

Fortunately, we have some alternative viewing tips for the Christmas holidays.For example, Disney + has a surprising show ready for fans of Squid game andthere are sixty movies you can stream on Netflix for the last time this week.