Hilarity in heavy conversation: baby of seriously ill couple lets wind and burps in news show | show

With videoA much-discussed British ‘miracle baby’ has caused hilarity during aheavy conversation by farting and burping live on TV on a BBC news show. Thepresenters of the usually prudish program only found it heartwarming. “We talkabout cancer and we laugh.”

James Jefferson-Loveday from the town of Evesham was diagnosed a year ago withHodgkin’s disease, a fairly rare form of lymph node cancer. The treatmentcould affect his fertility, so he and his wife Bethany decided to try for achild. Bethany was “overjoyed” when she got pregnant, but the pink cloud wasshort-lived.

After 21 weeks, she was found to have non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a slightlydifferent form of cancer in the lymphatic system. “The combination of beingpregnant and severe non-Hodgkin’s is extremely rare,” said treating physicianSalim Shafeek in a press release. “Bethany is the first case I’ve seen in my25 years as a hematologist,” said the man, who specializes in disorders aroundthe lymph nodes.

“I’ll never forget the moment I got my diagnosis,” Bethany said. “I rememberwondering how this could be because my husband was also being treated.” Thedoctors mentioned abortion as an option, and although Bethany had little hopethat the pregnancy would go well, she chose not to. The lovers both underwentchemotherapy during pregnancy, six grueling rounds in Bethany’s case.

Bethany and James both shaved their hair during treatment for lymphoma. ©Private photo, via NHS

A heavier treatment was not possible and neither was delay. Without chemo,Bethany would not survive, but the treatment had to be completed after 35weeks in order to recover in time for the delivery. A stroke of luck in anaccident: Husband James knew exactly what she was going through. When she losther hair, he also shaved. “Just like I did for him earlier in the year.”

After a caesarean section, baby Heidi was born perfectly healthy. “James and Iagree that her birthday is the best day of our lives,” said Bethany. “I havenever felt so happy. The doctor called Heidi a miracle. Looking back on thepast year, he is absolutely right.”

Doctor Salim Shafeek and Bethany with babyHeidi.Doctor Salim Shafeek and Bethany with baby Heidi. © Private photo, via NHS

Both parents are now cancer-free and told their story on Thursday _Breakfast_on BBC One, the most famous morning program on British TV. During the show,which is known for being extremely neat, little Heidi first farted and thenburped. ,,Did she fart?” asked presenter Naga Munchetty. “She farted. I amtelling a very emotional story here. Please Heidi, let me finish this,” shejoked.

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“It’s perfect, it’s going to be a recurring interruption in thisconversation,” said host Charlie Stayt. Munchetty concluded: ,,We talk aboutcancer and we laugh. Let’s keep going.”