3FM DJ Rámon Verkoeijen happy with new direction of channel: ‘No longer everyone calls out points of view on channel’ | show

After fourteen years as a funny sidekick, Rámon Verkoeijen (36) has a soloprogram on 3FM from next weekend. Incidentally, he and Jan Versteegh – thanksto their podcast – are also a TikTok sensation. “I am very happy that 3FM isabout music again.”

Twelve years ago, Rámon Verkoeijen also experienced it. People approached himon the street. That had everything to do with The Handymen the TV program hemade together with Sander Lantinga and even earned him a nomination for theTelevizier Talent Award in 2011.

Now passers-by on the street address him again, but only about culinarymatters. That has everything to do with the podcast The best taste in theNetherlands, which the cheerful radio DJ makes on the Podimo platform with TVpresenter Jan Versteegh . The conversations about snacks are in great demandon social media. “After a few episodes, we heard that we were on TikTok andthat a video had been viewed a million times. We thought it was a joke. Itreally feels like that Handymen period again. Only now they ask for winetips.”

Read on under one of the TikTok video that has been viewed more than amillion times.

Verkoeijen’s radio career also takes a new turn. From next weekend he can beheard solo on Saturday and Sunday between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. For the pastfourteen years he always sat next to Timur Perlin or Mark van der Molen. Theidea came about last summer. Because his radio buddy Van der Molen filled infor the morning show with Mai Verbij (from January they are even a permanentcouple), he ended up alone in the weekend. “Make sure I don’t go off, I toldmy producer.”

Great successes and deep valleys

But soon there were positive reactions from colleagues in the field and fromthe management of 3FM, who asked Verkoeijen if he had ever thought about goingsolo. “I had actually put that aside for a bit. I was comfortable in my rolenext to someone. But Mark had had a good time with Mai and space opened up.Everything suddenly fell into place.”

Quote >>> New people like Barend van Deelen arrived. And then you doubt. Will it still> be 3FM enough?>> Ramon Verkoeijen

That space was created because quite a few DJs left 3FM, which comes from adifficult period. In the past fourteen years, Verkoeijen experienced greatsuccesses, but also the deep downturns from 2016, the period after successfulDJs such as Gerard Ekdom, Giel Beelen and Coen Swijnenberg and SanderLantinga. He likes the new course that the channel embarked on this year,which led to a slight increase in listening figures over the past threemonths. “I gained a lot of confidence from the conversations with channel bossMenno de Boer (who started in May 2022, ed.) About his plans with the channel.Everything revolves around the basics again and that is radio. It no longerfeels like a political party with all kinds of views that we have to shout onthe channel. It’s another station you listen to to hear great music. It ismuch more accessible, positive and cheerful. That is why I turn on the radiomyself.”

Verkoeijen is even a bit in love with his own channel again. “New people likeBarend van Deelen arrived. And then you doubt. Will it still be 3FM enough?But honestly it’s more 3FM than ever before. The afternoon show Bernard andBenner has really become my afternoon show, although that might be crazy tosay about your own channel. I have been here for about fifteen years now andit is super special to have this feeling.”

Quote >>> I’ve always thought we should do what’s best for the channel>> Ramon Verkoeijen

‘Personality hit radio’

He did not fear for his own place. “People with a big ego always say they areimportant to the channel. I do not have that. I’ve always thought we should dowhat’s best for the channel. If it’s at my expense, so be it. But I quicklygained the trust of the new boss.”

And so he can be heard solo on 3FM from this weekend. With a program that hehimself calls ‘personality hit radio’. The music is the most important, butVerkoeijen’s jokes and jokes remain. He just wants to talk less on the radio,so everything has to go faster. He takes one item with him. “De Sloomste Mens,we slow down people from the news. Then you have to guess who we’re lookingfor. And then you win a bag of prawn crackers.” With a nod to his successfulpodcast: “The circle is round again in terms of food.”